Election '04 and Related Tales
The Election
It all began the day that John Kerry finally realized that he had no chance of defeating Bush in the upcoming election. At a national press conference he announced his intention to step down form the presidential race and raised the cry for a candidate to step forward who could achieve the single common goal that all non republicans share, the removal of Bush from office.
With just one month left, the democratic national party was set into complete disarray. They knew that even if they managed to find a suitable replacement candidate to back, there wouldn't be enough time to build up a suitable image in the public's mind, so all hope of winning was lost.
Even though there was a general feeling of defeat running through the party, potential candidates poured out of the woodwork. All the former large name contenders returned to try to take the new lead, but no single person could overshadow all the others. Polls showed that there was no clear support for any one candidate, and it looked like election day was just going to be a big mess with the liberal vote spread all over the board.
With just two weeks left, and the situation none the better, the leaders of the DNP decided to call this election a failure and move on to strategizing for the House elections instead. The GOP was rejoicing, thinking that they would actually win the first ever unanimous election.
However, no one counted on a relatively unknown Billionaire from Georgia named Trevor Morison. With only two weeks to go, Trevor decided it was time to throw his hat into the ring, and he was prepared to spend the dollars to get noticed.
As if overnight, Trevor's face started appearing everywhere. The good looking and charismatic candidate suddenly became the hot topic of discussion on every single news program, talk show, radio program and newspaper in the country. You couldn't walk down a block without hearing Trevor's name mentioned in at least 3 different conversations.
Since there were only 2 weeks, the GOP didn't have time to find all the dirty secrets of Trevor's past to exploit, so their usual tactic of tearing down the competition before the race even gets going wasn't going to work. Head strategists were scrambling to find a way to put the incumbent back into the limelight, but were thwarted at every attempt. Trevor's strong statements about the quality of American life and his idealistic view of the future resonated with the public, inducing a frenzy of Trevor supporting fever to sweep through the nation.
Within just a few days the polls had shifted back to a 50-50 split, and every single passing day after that the numbers grew in Trevor's favor. Trevor's passionate speeches about national defense, and his brave statements about foreign policy won the hearts of the voting public so completely, that come election day, there was no question as to the turnout. It was a massive landslide victory, with Bush only managing to carry Texas by the narrowest of margins. The United States of America had elected a new president, that they had only known for 2 weeks, and they were almost completely united behind him.
The support for Trevor was so widespread and ran so deep that he merely had to make a single endorsement statement for a candidate in congressional elections to ensure their victory. As a result, in a few short years, Trevor received a comfortable 3/4 majority in both houses. 7 of the 9 supreme court Justices trusted Trevor so completely that they all retired just 1 week after his induction, allowing him to fill the bench with whoever would support his every whim.
After he had gained thorough control over all three branches of government, Trevor proposed a new amendment to the constitution. The still starry eyed public didn't even bother to take the time to understand what the amendment would do, rather they just screamed and shouted for it to pass. His vast majority in both legislative bodies allowed for the comfortable passing of his new amendment, with hardly any deliberation.
On February 14th 2005, Valentine's day, The United States Congress enacted Amendment 28, and the two non executive branches of government were disbanded, giving all of their powers to the executive branch alone. Furthermore, The president would serve for life, and name his own successor.
Trevor had turned the United States into a dictatorship within 2 months of becoming president. Those who questioned their leader were harshly silenced by his own supporters, and became societal pariahs, never to be accepted back into the fold again.
Soon after Trevor assumed total control of the nation, new policies and laws began to rain down from above.
All formerly illicit drugs were now completely legal, and would be grown or developed right here in the US.
Salary caps, as used in professional sports, were now instituted in every walk of life. Gone were the days where the CEO would make 400 times the amount of his employees.
Welfare programs were eliminated, and taxes lowered dramatically. This did raise a general outcry from the public, but they were quickly assuaged by Trevor's dulcet tones and reassuring explanations. Those who were incapable of supporting themselves were no longer going to be society's burden. The impoverished would either find a new way to survive, or they would die. Given enough time, the problem would work itself out, he told the people. He implored them to just be strong in the meantime.
Assuming that the lack of welfare would raise the crime levels in impoverished neighborhoods, he retracted the army from Iraq, and set up stations on every corner of every major city, and told his soldiers to kill anyone caught stealing or harming others in anyway. With the newfound nationwide security setting in, Trevor called an amnesty for all criminals currently serving sentences, and every single prisoner was released.
He also created hundreds of thousands of new jobs in the large cities, funded by the money that used to go to welfare programs and running prisons. Legions of street cleaners and public enforcement officials were hired. No longer would poor neighborhoods be bastions of filth and crime. When previously unpunished petty criminals started rapidly dying off, potential would-be criminals were successfully deterred, and the crime rates dropped to an all time low.
Each new law and program Trevor enacted sent the quality of life for the average citizen skyrocketing. The gap between the richest and the poorest was reduced to a fraction of it what it previously was. Crime had all but disappeared with Trevor's new extreme policies for crime deterrence. Drug lords were put out of business, and all petty dealers found themselves out of a job, as prices were undercut dramatically, and availability went up. Drug related crimes fell to near 0 as a combination of law enforcement and legalization.
After a few years, the country settled into its new way of life. The minimum wage jumped 5 times as a result of the salary cap, so getting any sort of job became a much more desirable option for the previously welfare dependent. CEO's experienced the most dramatic shift in income, but quickly realized that even with the new salary cap, they still had enough money to live a similarly lavish lifestyle, and had little room for complaint. In short, America was rapidly becoming better for nearly every inhabitant, and support for Trevor was only growing.
Finally, after two years of allowing things to settle down, Trevor decided it was time to start making some more changes. Changes that he wanted enacted more for personal reasons rather than the good of the country. But he felt that he had enough public support to do anything he wanted at this point.
First Trevor made it illegal for all women to hold jobs. He made an impassioned speech about the needs of children, and the responsibility of a mother, which helped to smooth things over with the public.
Then he proceeded to enact a series of laws removing various rights for women, one at a time. Each time he introduced a new right-stripping law, he followed it with many placating speeches and sensational events to divert the country's attention.
Before long, women had virtually no rights at all. Any man could stop any unmarried woman on the street and legally demand sexual satisfaction. If the woman refused or was somehow found to be less than pleasing, the man was legally allowed to administer punishment right then on the spot.
Marriage did nothing to improve the station of women either. If a man wanted to marry a woman, she was legally required to oblige, and once said marriage took place, the woman became the legal property of the man, relinquishing what few rights she used to possess. Marriage also required that the woman's ass be branded to let men on the street know that she was no longer available for their use.
Women were no longer allowed to attend regular school. Instead, at the age of 10, all females were sent to a federal boarding school where they were indoctrinated with Trevor's personal philosophies on women's duties. They were also kept on strict diets and exercise regimens to ensure they would reach their maximum potential beauty. At age 14 they began their sexual training, consisting of a large variety of tips and techniques to bring a man to orgasm. They went through obedience training, and were taught to be sexually aroused from even the most degrading submission. After years of coaching, each and every United States female was fully capable of reaching orgasm from just about any sort of stimulation. At age 18, women received the only diploma they were legally allowed to obtain and sent back into the world.
Of course, by the time the first women graduated from the new Federal Women's Training Institute, Trevor Morison was into the middle of the 12th year of his presidency, and in that time he had transformed the landscape of the American population from the violent, fearful and angry hate filled people they used to be, into the most peaceful, productive and happy people on earth. He also transformed the American woman from the most self sufficient and independent women on the planet, into the most subservient sexual slaves to ever exist. Needless to say, Trevor still had full support from every male in the country. But more surprisingly, a great number of younger generation women also thoroughly supported their leader as well.
It seems that Trevor managed to tap into the deepest psychology of millions of women and brought out what had been suppressed by decades of fighting for equality. Trevor revealed that all women's greatest pleasure lies in pleasing men and raising children, not to mention the mind blowing orgasms they learned to achieve at school.
At the end of his presidency, Trevor named a successor who would continue to lead in the same fashion, to ensure that the new American dream would live on for hundreds of years after his death.
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