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Review This Story || Author: Splyf

Fast Money!

Part 3 Hill's Meat

Part 3 - Hill's Meat

"Hmm, what now?" asked Trine as they got dressed again in the same room they
stripped in  just an hour ago.

"More shopping!" laughed Ellen and waved her check in the air.

"I'll go with you down and have a look at that Hill's Meat!" smiled Christina
and looked at Trine. "Who says I want to go?" asked Trine, but Christina just
looked again and laughed. They both  knew that the other was too curious to let
it go.

"I'll go too!" giggled Laura. Ellen, however, was not interested. She had her
eyes on a particular  dress they had seen this morning and she wanted to get it
now, with her hard earned money.  The girls agreed to meet again in two hours
here in front of the lingerie shop window.

"I think we must be getting closer!" commented Laura as they walked slowly down
the Mall in  the direction the lady had indicated. In front of them, in the
midst of the crowd, walked three  young girls, butt naked and shaved. They
giggled and made jokes like any other group of  teenage girls on a shopping
trip, as if nothing was out of place.

"This is really weird!" laughed Trine as they followed the three nude girls.
More naked girls and  women came into view. They were all standing in a line in
front of a meat shop. Hill's meat. The  three naked girls joined the line as the
last of perhaps twenty or thirty.

"This is just as I remember it from Florida!" shuddered Christina. The girls
passed the line of  naked women and went to have a look at the meat cuts
presented behind the glass windows  under the counter. None of them spoke for a
few minutes. They all just glared at the breasts,  cunt steaks, rump roasts,
thigh cuts and all the other meat displayed. They took it in with a mix  of
horror and curious interest. To her surprise, Trine found herself prickling with
excitement and  arousement. They watched as the butchers sold and packed cuts to
customers, while other men  in white aprons bought the fresh girls over the
counter from fathers and husbands. Each girl in  the long line was weighed and
examined before money was exchanged. They were then led out  through a doorway
behind the counter.

"Yes, can I help you girls?"

They were all three startled by the loud voice of one of the butchers behind the
counter. "Eh, well, we heard that you were looking for some casual employees!"
answered Trine, almost  surprised of her own words. The man's face lit up.

"Did Belinda send you? From the Intimate Wear?" he asked.

"Yes, she did mention you!" said Christina, trying to maintain the balance in
her voice. "Okay, well, come on in and I'll explain to you what to do!" He
opened a side-table up and  waved them in behind the counter. Trine gulped
again, but they all did as he asked. Once  inside, he looked up and down their

"Here's the deal! You get $350 for one hours work on the Mall floor, and your
registration free  on top of that! You will distribute publicity material, just
like you did for Belinda. Are you in or  out?"

"Uh, eh, I'm in!" smiled Trine. Again, she wasn't sure why she said that. But
$350 was a lot of  money. Her body was shaking all over. The other two just
nodded. They looked equally besides  themselves.

"Fine, strip then and get your cute little asses through that same door that
they take the meat!"  he smiled and showed them a cardboard box to put their
clothes and purses in. The girls  hesitated a moment but then did as told. Even
after what they had just been through at the  Intimate Wear shop, it felt very
strange to take of all your clothes behind a meat counter, with all  the
customers being able to look at them. Once they were all naked, Christina shut
the lid on  the cardboard box and looked at the butcher. He was busy packing two
breasts for a customer. "Come on, we'll just go in where he said!" smiled Laura
and led the way behind the working  butchers towards the doorway. It was one of
those doorways often found in meat shops, with no  real door in it, but just
plastic bands hanging down from the upper beam to prevent flies from  entering.
The three girls went through it immediately after a mother and daughter who had
just  been sold by the girl's father. As Trine felt the cold plastic strips
slide over her breasts on her  way through the doorway, she felt a new surge of
electricity through her loins.

The other side wasn't as shocking as they had expected. It wasn't where the meat
was  butchered. Rather, this was the grading room. The mother and teenage
daughter in front of  them were asked to step forward by a man in blue overalls
who tied their wrists together behind  their backs with steel wire. They were
then asked to go and stand in a new line behind him.  Altogether, some fifty
girls and women stood there and chatted while waiting to be graded. "You three,
get over here, please!" yelled the man at the three girls.

"No, we are not ... eh ... meat!" explained Trine "We are here to do an hour of
PR for the shop!" "Oh, yeah, Carl said you were coming though!" smiled the man
"But you still need to be graded  first, so please...!" he took out a new cord
of metal wire and pointed at Trine.

"Yes, well, he did say that!" sighed Trine and walked forward. The others
followed her hesitantly  and soon after they all had their hands tied up.

"We'll grade you first so we can get you back out in the Mall!" said the man and
led the girls past  all the other meat and down the front end of the line. Down
there, two other guys in similar  overalls were feeling the meat up, one body at
a time, while making notes in a folder. "Jim, process these three now and get
them out again!" commanded the first man "They are our  new PR workers!"

"Nooo problemo!" laughed the man he had called Jim. He went straight over to
Trine and felt  her arms, breasts, ribs, buttocks and legs for meatiness and
even squeezed her cunt lips  together to feel their thickness. Trine was deeply
humiliated and somewhat angry, but also  increasingly excited.

"Grade A!" he smiled and looked at her face for the first time. Trine looked
away. Just then a  sharp pain followed the crisp CLICK from a piercing gun.
Trine winched, but said nothing.  Without warning, Jim had pierced her cunt lip
with cheap-looking plastic strip, like the ones used  to attach price tags to
clothes in stores. She looked down and saw a red plastic label attached  to the
strip. It bore a large letter A and something written with a typo too small for
her to read  from there. Jim roughly shoved her aside.

"Wait here while I grade your friends!" he smiled and continued on to examine
Christina. A few  minutes later, all three of them were walking out to the shop
again. They didn't speak. They  simply didn't know what to say.

"Ah, all grade A!" smiled Carl as he greeted the girls again. He went straight
over and tugged  unashamedly at Trine's cunt tag. Trine didn't move away, but
tried to smile back. Carl grabbed a  pair of steel cutters and quickly removed
the wire that kept the girls' hands together behind their  backs "I knew you
three were prime quality! You girls will make great recruiters!"

"So, what do we have to do?" asked Christina while rubbing her sore wrists with
her hands. "Just get out there and give these away!" he smiled and gave them
each a stack of colourful  brochures. Laura leafed through one and smiled at the
absurdity. Pictures with cuts of girl meat,  price offers, bonus offers to
sellers of sisters or mother/daughter teams. Even catering services  offering to
bring out whole roasters or to roast selected girls on-site. She couldn't help
thinking  how un-loyal to her own sex it would be to advocate this. On the other
hand, the girls they had  just seen in the grading room didn't look too unhappy.
Somehow, she had been almost sorry to  have to leave the room again.

"Okay, see you in an hour!" smiled Trine and led the way for the others. They
stayed relatively  close together at first, and didn't move far away from the
line of other naked girls and women  who waited to be sold. However, Carl saw
this and whistled at them, indicating for them to go  out and about with his
pointing hand.

"oh <sigh> I guess we better earn the money!" said Laura and gave away yet
another brochure  to a passing housewife.

Review This Story || Author: Splyf
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