Part II
It took three days. Eighteen fairies cried their hearts out in the pine wood. At last, on the fourth day, came proof that the hex worked. Two Warblers were dallying by the daffodils when a horrible Wheeee . . . eeee . . . eeee . . . wheeee . . . eeee . . . eeee! assailed their ears. They leapt up and dashed off. When they risked looking behind them, they saw two boy-cats standing right where they had been. The girls had never seen frustration on the face of a cat before. The alarm sounded several more times that day–and each time it gave one or more fays the chance to escape.
Amazingly, an entire week went by without a single girl having to kick. The effect on the fays was almost miraculous. Their anxiety by no means disappeared; but it no longer weighed so heavily on them. Their thoughts turned much more readily now to love–and they sated their desires in a more relaxed and leisurely way. Soon a record number of Warblers were ready to drop their eggs. Now, when you heard a girl groaning or whimpering in the garden, it was most likely the cramps that accompanied egg-laying, not the teeth of a cat, that pained.her. And everyone was confident that most of these eggs would hatch.
A month went by–and only five girls were caught–all of these while laying. The eleven who had engineered the hex decided to celebrate with an afternoon party by the brook. Basilissa invited Martina (the two had been seeing a lot of each other lately). When Martina showed up, the others were already there, seated on smooth stones by the water's edge. Basilissa embraced Martina warmly, kissed her on the lips, and introduced her to the rest of the group. They all noted with great amusement that every one of them had a swollen belly. "I think we'll all drop about the same time," said Basilissa.
They sat down and dug into a picnic of assorted blossoms. The conversation was light and full of good cheer, with many jokes at the expense of the hapless harem cats. Then the siren sounded. "Ugghhh!" said Martina, "this could get really tiresome." Though a little more sluggish then usual, they darted off at a good clip. They were approaching the petunias, when the siren sounded again. They turned and ran off in a new direction. They were about to pause by the chrysanthemums to catch their breath–when again they heard that terrible noise! Off they dashed in yet another direction. And again they heard it: Wheeee . . . eeee . . . wheee . . . eeee!
And so it went. Because they could not stop to rest, their breath grew ragged and they began to stumble and stagger. If that weren't bad enough, there seemed to be some vicious method to the sirens' madness. The girls were being herded gradually toward a big patch of ferns. What awaited them there? Soon they reached the fern-patch, only to hear the siren right behind them. It might be a trick . . . but what if it weren't? They ran in among the green stalks.
They emerged in a gully with high, rocky sides. It was choked at the other end with dirt, stones, and old branches. The only way out was back through the ferns. If they couldn't escape that way, they were trapped. And something was coming! Fern stalks rustled; a few snapped. Then something fell loudly to the ground. "Christ in freakin' sidecar!" said a strange voice. Whatever it was, it couldn't be a harem cat. Nonetheless, the girls were terrified. Their bodies trembled; their big breasts heaved; several bladders suddenly emptied. More snapping and rustling, and then something stepped into the gully. The girls screamed and hugged one another in desperate embraces. It was . . . an elderly East Asian man, dressed in jeans, workshirt, and a baseball cap! The really strange thing about him was his size: he was only a foot tall, no larger than a Warbler.
"Ha ha!" he said. "Caught with pants down–'cept you got no pants! If you had pants, would for sure be down! I making sense?"
"Not really," said Basilissa. "Who are you, you strange little man?"
"Not recognize? Now Tatsu's feelings hurt."
"You're . . . you're that dopey gardener!" said another girl, a foxy ash-blonde in blue. "Except that now, you're really small!"
"You a sharp one," said Tatsu. "Well, no one say fairy have to be rocket scientist."
"Well, what do you want?" said Martina.
"Want to clean bad apples out of garden," said Tatsu. Then he snapped a finger and something appeared in his right hand. It was a cassette tape player, miniaturized just like the man who held it. He pushed a button on the tape player, and the gulch was filled with the terrible "Wheeee . . . eeee . . . wheeee . . . eeee!" of the cat alarm.
"Y-you tricked us!" Martina shouted. "You'll pay for that! Come on girls, let's tear him apart!" And twelve wrathful females began to advance on the old gardener.
Tatsu seemed unperturbed. "I think bad girl got something more important to attend to," he said.
"What do you mean?" said Basilissa.
"Well, you all come through fern patch, right?"
"Yes," said another Warbler, an auburn beauty in aquamarine.
"Well, this morning I brush fern with special drug called Cramprin. Make fairy egg-drop time come faster. In fact, bad girl should be cramping up right . . . now."
"Oh my God, he's right!" cried a breathtaking brunette in burgundy. "Unnnhhh! They're coming . . . so hard!" And she squatted down right where she stood. Soon her cries were joined by others: "Ooooohh, it hurts!" "Oh God God God, it's tearing me apart!" "Ahhhhhh, my time, my time!" and so on. Within seconds, the girls were all crouched down, their faces white and contorted, their nails digging into their thighs, their knees knocking. They had never felt cramps like these.
Tatsu went right to work. He snapped his fingers again, and the tape player disappeared, replaced by a long coil of strong rope. He cut the rope in sections with a knife he always carried with him. Then he ran up to the squatting, groaning girls and bound each one's wrists tightly behind her back. The trauma of egg-laying incapacitates a Warbler at the best of times; and this was something far worse. Knowing that they must obey any male who bound them, the girls all cried out in bitter despair; but they could do nothing to resist.
It took several minutes of groans, moans, shrieks, and tears, but at last each Warbler dropped a clutch of eggs. Then, exhausted, they all fell trembling to their knees. "Didn't think the gardener would be a problem, did you?" hissed Martina at Basilissa. Basilissa just hung her head. Martina then looked up at Tatsu. "Well . . . you've got us . . . what do you want?"
"Want bad girl out of garden. Garden got simple rule: kitty-cat pounce; fay-girl kick, cry pretty eyes out. You break rule, you gotta go."
"Are you saying we have no right to defend ourselves?" asked Martina.
"That it exactly: you got no right to defend yourself."
"But it's our sacred duty (every Warbler's sacred duty!) to perpetuate our species and our separate lineages. Those . . . ghastly cats threatened our long-term survival. They had to be countered!"
Tatsu snorted. "Silly fairy! Use head for once! Why you lay so many dud egg? 'Cause you always worried. But it just fact of life: in Tatsu's Garden, kitty-cat bag six a day. No problem if you accept fact and relax. Think about it. When dyke-fay species like yours fuck, two get pregnant, not one. And you fuck all the time, like fuck-starved bunny. Then you drop four, five egg by end of week. And what happen when cat come by while fay laying egg? Let her lay her egg, then bite her pussy. Egg just fine. Egg sit for week or so, getting bigger and bigger; then new batch of Warbler hatch, full-grown and ready to fuck. Do math; you not gonna die out. Just take deep breath and say to self every morning: have some fun, girly-fay, be sure to fuck–'cause sooner, later, kitty-cat gonna bite pussy–and that put big crimp in party-time!"
"B-but . . . we don't want our pussies bitten!" cried one of the girls, a raven-haired minx in red.
"Yeah, and I wanna look like Chow Yun Fat. Where that get me? No, pussy-biting come with territory. Your pussies looking mighty fine right now. How about I just give them to kitty-cat?"
"No! No!" they all cried.
"Well, you got choice: get nipped by kitty; or walk to end of gully, and out of garden forever."
"If we agree to leave . . . the garden . . . our home . . . forever," said Martina, "do you promise we won't be bitten?"
"No problemo," said Tatsu. "You go out through end of gully, I guarantee: kitty-cat never nip you–not one little bit."
Martina conferred briefly with the others. Then she said: "It seems we're agreed. We'll leave now. We'll miss this beautiful place terribly, but, with the choices you've given us, it's for the best. I have one question, though. What about our eggs?"
"Those stay here," said the gardener. "Don't worry: they get same chance everyone else get."
"Very well," said Martina.
"OK," said Tatsu. "Now just get up and walk. When you get to end of gully, path will appear and let you through. From there, just keep on going." So, trembling and teary-eyed, the twelve stood up, a little unsteadily, and started to leave.
Just then, Basilissa spoke. "Will you . . . untie us at least?"
"Ah . . . no," said Tatsu. "Don't worry; everything taken care of at other end."
So off they went in a long line. When they reached what looked like an impenetrable drift of dirt and loose stones, sure enough, a narrow pass appeared out of nowhere. They filed into the pass, and then emerged onto a big, green lawn. They had barely gotten used to their new surroundings, when--ahead of them--there was a sudden flash of light–so intense, they had to shut their eyes. When they opened them again, they saw a horrid, hateful vista: a long wooden scaffolding, with twelve nooses hanging down over what appeared to be a collapsible platform. Some gasped. Some began to cry. "Oh no," said Basilissa. "Oh dear Lord, no."
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