A Day in the Life of Pet Owner
Coming home from a long day at work, I enter the door and my pets, gem, candy and luke, bound up to me to greet me. I pet each one and let them know I love them. Each one gets their own special moment with their owner. Then I go upstairs to change, with my pets following me. As I change, gem keeps trying to lick my cock. But I have to take the other pets for a walk, so I push her away with a stern word. Candy and luke are excited because I will take them for a walk. But gem must stay behind since society just doesn't understand about human pets. So she pouts a little. I swat her behind gently, because I know she is disappointed. I make myself a silent promise to take her walking in the woods tomorrow morning. She loves her walks.
As I put leashes on candy and luke, gem goes to her bed and curls up, watching me as I leave. “Good girl, gem, I will be back soon.” I take the dogs for a nice long walk, watching as they explore the world at the end of their leashes. When I get back from my walk, I see gem looking out the front window and I call to her. She bounds to the door and is there to greet me once again. I take the leashes off the dogs and put gem's leash on. She gets very excited about this since she knows I am going to pay attention to her now, it is her time with her owner. But first it is time to feed the dogs, so I fasten her leash to a hook I have put there just for that purpose. Walking into the kitchen, the dogs bouncing around my legs, I see that gem has prepared their dinner. That is good, yesterday she neglected to do it and I had to discipline her. I know she was jealous of the time I spend with my other pets. But that is no excuse for ignoring my commands. Eventually, I will take away her duties as I gradually dehumanize her. But for now, she has her tasks around the house.
Once the dogs are fed, I lead gem upstairs to my bedroom and tell her to get on the bed. I take off my pants and lay down, pulling gem over by her hair and putting her face in my crotch. She eagerly starts licking my cock, quickly making me cum. While she is doing this, I start playing with her nipples. I am pleased with how quickly milk starts to flow. I stop since I don't want milk all over my sheets. Also, I don't want to waste any of her sweet milk. After I have cum and gem has cleaned me with her tongue, I lead her back downstairs for her milking. I command her to get on her milking table and stand on all fours, like the milk cow she is. I place a pan under her breasts and start to milk her. I love the feel of her nipples as I pull on them as well as the sounds of milk squirting into the pan. She is easy to milk; her nipples are a full inch long making it easy to squirt milk where I want it. She had rather small nipples when I first met her, but I she consented to having them lengthened even before we were in an M/s relationship. They were already very sensitive and lengthening has made them more so. In fact, now she regularly cums while I am milking her. It took a month of regular pulling and suctioning, but now they were the perfect length for milking.
Soon I have finished milking her. I am pleased with how much milk she has produced this time. She seems to be producing more every day since she started lactating 2 months ago. It won't be long and I will have to find a market for her milk since I cannot use as much as she is producing. I have to milk her three times a day to keep her breasts from becoming painfully full, so I have a lot of milk.
After I have finished that chore, it is time to feed her. I get her bowl and fill it with food with a special mix that I make. It makes her milk particularly flavorful and it contains extra vitamins and hormones to encourage lactation. I put her bowl down on the floor and she begins to eat. It took her a week to get used to eating without her hands, but now she does it like she has been eating that way all her life.
That is a little ironic. When I met her ten months ago, she was only into light bondage and a little spanking. I remember her saying on one of our first dates how she could never imagine being kept as a pet or even a 24/7 slave. Now she was a 24/7 pet and loves it. The change had been gradual. First getting her used to wearing a collar and obeying orders without questioning them. Getting her to accept discipline. Then some role playing and weekends as my slave and then as my pet. Next, her agreement to let me modify her body by lengthening her nipples. Finally, quitting her job and becoming my 24/7 slave. From software engineer to human pet in ten months. Amazing!
I begin to prepare my dinner but it is hard getting around in the kitchen, gem keeps getting in the way trying to lick my cock and also begging for scraps. Finally, I spank her very hard and tell her “NO!” She goes and curls up in her spot under the kitchen table, looking at me fearfully. It is her fault, she knows better than to get under foot. But she is just a pet and doesn't want to know better.
Finally, my dinner is ready. I set the table and sit down. As I eat, I realize gem is beside me and looking hungrily at my plate. I sigh, and point to my cock, “gem you may have your treat now.” She crawls under the table and begins to lick me. I spoil her so, but she is worth it. Besides, she is a good cocksucker. I cum quickly from her expert licking, so I pick up a piece of my dessert and let her take it from my fingers. It is rather sticky, so she spends a couple of minutes licking my fingers and getting them very clean. I notice the other pets are now staring at me. I don't want to play favorites since that causes problems. So I give the other dogs some scraps from my dinner. Then candy and luke start to play. But gem stays out of it; she doesn't know how to play with my other pets very well. I stroke her hair as I finish my dessert.
After dinner, I put my plate and the pans I used to cook with on the floor. All three pets get something to lick and go at them with their tongues. But gem is not as quick at cleaning her plate as the other two, while her tongue is very talented; it is not as big as my other two pets.
After I have cleaned up from dinner, I retire to my bedroom to watch tv. All
three pets follow me. I get undressed and climb into bed. I flip on the tv
and look for something to watch. Gem kneels beside the bed and begs to climb
up with me. I relent and she jumps up, lying with her head on my crotch. I
know she just wants another cum treat, but I am not ready to cum yet and don't
want to spoil her more than she already is. But I start to watch a porno movie
and quickly get hard. So I let her start to lick me. As she licks me, I stroke
her hair without really paying attention to her. But as I get excited, I push
her head down until my cock it is in her throat. She tries to pull back but
I just push her head down again. This goes on for a few minutes as she tries
to get some air. Finally, I feel myself start to cum, so I let her up a little
so I can fill her mouth with the treat she loves. Now I turn on the news and
catch up on the day's events.
Finally, it is time to go to sleep. I let gem take my cock in her mouth as she does every night. I like the warm wet feeling on my cock as I fall asleep.
When I wake up in the morning, I realize it is Saturday. I feed the pets and start my coffee before letting them outside to do their business. It took gem a while to get used to doing it outside. I have a very high fence, so no one can see her as she walks out and squats in “her” spot. While they are doing that, I wander out front and collect the newspaper. Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I open the back door and let my pets in before settling in my easy chair to read the paper. I call gem over and put my cup under her breast, squeezing some milk into my coffee. I used to drink my coffee black but have grown very fond of her milk in my coffee in the last month.
Finishing the paper, I decide to enjoy the beautiful day and take my pets for a walk in the woods. I own a large piece of land about 30 minutes away. I may build there someday, but for now it is a private place to walk. I grab a breakfast bar and wolf it down before starting toward my bedroom to get dressed.
Before I get to my room, I hear gem whimpering. I stop, realizing I have forgotten to milk her fully. So I detour into the kitchen where she bounds up on her milking table without being told. She must really be full this morning. As I put my hands around her breasts, I can feel the fullness. If she keeps up like this, I may have to start milking her four times day. That could be inconvenient. I will have to consider that. Perhaps an automatic milker for when I am at work. I have been able to make it home for her lunch milking but adding another milking could be a problem. That is a problem to be considered. Owning a milk cow is a responsibility. One that I enjoy. All this goes through my mind as I am milking her.
I finish milking her and put her milk into the refrigerator. Then go and get dressed for our outing. After I am dressed, I put together a light picnic lunch for myself with something extra for each of my pets.
Opening the garage door, I grab the leashes and signal for my pets to follow me. They bound eagerly into the garage where I open the side door on the van for them to get in. The van has tinted windows so no one can see what is inside but my pets can see out. I pull out of the garage and set off. As I pull off the road onto the little track that serves as my driveway to where I sometimes camp, the pets start getting very excited and bounce around the car. I let them do it, knowing this is a big treat for them.
I park the van and open the side door for them to get out. The dogs leap out and start rushing around checking out the smells. But gem just waits patiently for me to put her leash on. She loves her leash and much prefers being walked on a leash to be let free. To tell you the truth, I prefer it too. There are few things more erotic than a nude woman on a leash. I keep gem nude except for some special moccasins I had made for her that match her skin so she appears to be completely nude as we stroll through the woods. I don't want her to hurt her feet nor do I want them all calloused, that is why I use the moccasins.
I put on my backpack containing my lunch. Sometimes I put it on gem, but I wanted to enjoy the sight of her naked body this time. Fastening her leash to her collar, I begin to walk down the path, knowing that gem is following two paces behind, just as I have trained her to do. We walk along for about 30 minutes until we come to clearing with a little meadow with a large tree laying on its side in the middle. I walk over to the tree trunk and stop. Bending down I take one of gems nipples in my mouth and start to drink. Once I have my fill, I take another mouthful and move up to gems mouth, where I place my lips on hers and squirt the milk into her mouth. I do this a couple of times since I know she is probably thirsty. It is a glorious day! The weather is pleasantly warm and the air so fresh. As I stand there enjoying the day, I push gem down onto her knees. Knowing what I want, she opens my pants and takes my cock in her mouth. Without thinking about it, I take her head in my hands and begin to move her mouth up and down my throbbing shaft.
Soon I stop moving her head up and down, pulling her off my cock. She resists until I slap her lightly on the side of the head. She looks up to see the stern look on my face. She knows I am going to punish her; it both makes her nervous and excited. I grab her shoulders and push them to the ground, leaving her ass raised in the air. Slipping my belt from my pants, I begin to administer her punishment. Just five lashes this time. The sight of the stripes across her ass make me really horny, as she knew they would. So I plunge my cock first into her pussy to get it lubricated, then into her ass where I thrust it to the hilt. Then, my balls slapping her pussy, I piston my cock in and out of her asshole until I cum explosively deep insider her bowels. Finally sated, I pull my quickly softening cock from her ass. Then I pull her around by her hair and have her lick me clean again.
Zipping up my pants, I take her leash and begin to hike again. The dogs, who had wandered away during my little interlude, came trotting back. I greet them and they happily move down the path ahead of me hoping to surprise some unwitting squirrel.
Finally I reach my goal, a spur of rock rising above the valley floor. Pulling off my backpack, I settle down to enjoy the view. My pets array themselves around me, knowing that I will be eating lunch soon and they will get some too.
Realizing that it is milking time, I call gem over to me. Knowing what time it is, she stands on all fours in front of me. I put a small bowl under one breasts and begin to milk her. Finishing that one, I milk the second breast. I prefer to milk them both at the same time, but did not want to carry a large enough bowl on my hike. When I am finished, I tell gem to lie down again. Settling back against a convenient rock, I start to sip the warm fresh milk.
After a while, I get out my lunch as well as the treats I brought for the pets. As I eat, I throw the treats to them. At first, gem seems reluctant to eat off the ground. But a stern look from me prompts her to overcome her old human reluctance to eat off the ground. After all, she is a pet now not a human being.
After lunch, I succumb to the pleasant warmth of the afternoon sun and doze off. I awake after an hour to find my pets still slumbering. I enjoy the view of these beautiful animals for a while before noticing the dew on gems pussy. She seems to be in a constant state of arousal since becoming a 24/7 pet. I mean, she was a pretty sexual woman before being made into my pet. But now she seems constantly in heat.
These thought make me horny again. So I rouse her from her slumber and throw her over a low boulder before burying my cock in her pussy. It doesn't take me long to cum, now does it take gem long. We both cum loudly, screaming out our sexual release to the world.
Stepping back, I notice luke coming up to stick his nose in gems pussy. He is not fixed but I have never let him mount gem. Deciding this was as good a time as any to introduce gem to the next phase of her dehumanization, I let luke have his way. First he licks her pussy with his big tongue. This produced an immediate reaction from gem. She starts to rise and turn around angrily. But catching the stern look on my face which is emphasized by my pointing finger, she turns around and places herself back over the boulder, resigned to what is to happen. Luke goes back to his licking for a minute before rising up on his hind legs and planting his front paws on both sides of gem. His cock is already sticking out and he quickly plunges it into her pussy. It is not long before I can tell from the sounds gem is making, that his knot has fastened his cock into her pussy. It doesn't take him long to cum and when he cums she screams out. It is almost a primal sound of animal lust. Clearly she is cumming harder than she has ever cum before. As quickly as he entered her, he pulls out and moves off, sated. She collapses in a faint for a few minutes. I can see the mix of human and dog cum dripping from her gapping pussy.
A little later, I rouse her and put her leash back on before setting off on a different trail back to the car. She seems both lethargic and somewhat disgusted by what just happened. When I look back at her, I can see tears trickling down her cheeks. But I can also tell she is incredibly turned on by the event. The warring emotions flicker across her face before a small smug smile appears. She must be remembering how hard she just came.
As we come to a small stream, I stop and slash water over her body to clean up the cum dripping down her legs. As her owner, it is my responsibility to keep her clean. As I am washing her, the dogs come up and start playing in the water further downstream from us.
With her now clean, I once again take her leash and lead her back to the van. I don't bother to dry her off, knowing that she will dry quickly in the warm weather. When we get to the van, I open the side door and my pets all pile in for the ride home. They are all tired from the day as am I.
As we drive home, I begin to hear the unmistakable sounds of luke mounting gem again. I ponder this development. I don't mind letting luke follow me in using gems body, but I refuse to get sloppy seconds after my dog. I guess I will have to start controlling his use of gem. Not now, as we are pulling up to my house.
When we get inside, I bustle around getting dinner ready for myself and my pets. We have all worked up an appetite today.
Dinner done, I wander into my office to get a little work done. My pets all follow me in there, but lie down quietly as they know I do not want to be disturbed while I am working.
After a couple of hours, I rise and go upstairs to my bedroom. After getting undressed, I lay down on the bed and turn on the TV. Of course, gem is sitting beside the bed begging to get up. I signal that it is all right and soon I let her suck my cock. Before she gets too far though, I decide to mount her again. So I pull her off my cock and flip her around so her ass is pointing at me. I plunge into her wet pussy and pound away with energy I didn't realize I had left today until I cum deep inside her pussy. Currently she is on the pill, but I am considering whether to breed her. She would make good brood stock, but I am unsure whether I want to produce a child with a pet. Then the impact of motherhood on her training and dehumanization would be hard to predict. So I will probably just continue down the path I am taking now.
Sated, I lay down and start to drift off to sleep. Tomorrow is another day. I realize that gem has a training session then. I am training her to be a ponygirl and she needs to learn the proper gaits. There is a pony show coming up in a few months put on by the local BDSM club and I want to show her. So I am training her hard since I want to win the contest for best ponygirl. But that is another chapter.
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