I wake to the feeling of a tongue licking my cock. Looking down, I see gem's head under the covers and sigh. While I always want her to give me a blowjob in the morning, she is not allowed on the bed without permission. So I swat her ass and yell “Bad girl. Off the bed!” She jumps up; the covers still over her head and tries to get out of them. I have to fight to keep from laughing, her antics are so amusing. But she manages to get off them and slides off the bed where she kneels with her head down. She knows she will be punished. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I sit up and grab her by her ponytail. Using it as a handle, I drag her over my knee and proceed to spank her bottom. I sharply spank her right cheek for her poor behavior, then her left. Alternating 10 spanks on each cheek until her bottom turns a light shade of red. It is a lovely sight and it makes me hornier than I was when I woke up. So I grab the lube from the nightstand and stand up, sending her to the floor in a heap. I squirt the lube onto my hand and get my cock nicely coated. Once again, I use her ponytail as a handle and pull her up from the floor to lie half on the bed, half off; her red ass ready for my use. She is quietly sobbing from her punishment, but that just makes me even hornier. So I plunge into her ass with one massive stroke. I keep thrusting in and out until I cum deep in her bowels.
Sated, my initial burst of energy gone. I lay down on the bed and pull her over to me. As I lay there, I stroke her body idly while contemplating the day. I will have to drive out to my friends place in the country for her pony training. All the time I am thinking about the day, my hands wander her body, petting her. Her sobs have gone away now, replaced by that peaceful look she gets when she feels totally Owned. I pet her lovely breasts, so firm with milk. My hand wanders down to the soft hair between her legs. It is funny, when she was my girlfriend and then my sub, I preferred her shaved. But now that she is my pet, I love the feeling of her downy pussy hair. Of course, I keep it trimmed just like I do my dogs' hair. As I stroke her fur, I feel her arousal. I let my fingers wander to her pussy and note how wet she is getting. But I will not let her orgasm now, she was bad this morning. While I spoil her so, I do not want her to become undisciplined.
So I push her away and get up. Grabbing a robe, I enter the bathroom and relieve myself before heading down to the kitchen. I feed the pets and start my coffee before letting them outside to do their business. While they are doing that, I wander out front and collect the newspaper. Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I open the back door and let my pets in. I call gem over and put my cup under her breast, squeezing some milk into my coffee. Knowing this will be a busy day; I scramble up some eggs and make some toast while drinking my first cup of coffee. I scoop the eggs onto a plate with the toast. I put the plate on the table and grab another cup of coffee. Once again, gem supplies the milk for my coffee. I spread the paper out on the table and proceed to read while I eat.
Finishing the paper, I place the dishes in the dishwasher before signaling for gem to get on her milking table. She bounds up, her heavy breasts swaying from their load. I start to milk her with both hands but I grow bored and move one hand to play with her pussy. The combination of being milked, her earlier punishment, and my fingers in her pussy quickly send her over the edge. Her orgasm causes her unmilked breast to start leaking rather copiously. So I pull my hand from her pussy and start to milk that breast too. Finished with that pleasant chore, I wander back up to my room to get ready for the day.
I shave before jumping into the shower. After toweling myself dry, I enter my bedroom to find gem sitting up on the floor. Her hands up at breast level, but wrists bent down, her begging position. She has her favorite ball in her mouth and obviously wants to play. I pull the ball from her mouth and toss it across the room. She scrambles off on all fours to get it, the other two pets scampering for it too. But gem is fastest and brings me the ball. I pet her head as I take it from her mouth. I toss it one more time before turning to get dressed. This time luke gets the ball and races off with it, candy right behind him.
Dressed, I head down to the basement where I keep her tack. I grab a halter, training bit, lunge line, and blinders. There is a whip already out at the farm where I conduct my training. I leave it out there but bring the rest of the equipment back here for cleaning. It is important to keep the tack clean especially the bits. She is my property and I take care of the things I own.
Taking the tack upstairs, I enter the garage and put it in the back of the van. My pets are scampering around as they know I am going somewhere and hope I will take them too. With a gesture, they all hop in the van and I shut the door on them. I get in and hit the garage door opener. As the door slides up, I start the van and pull forward. It will take about 30 minutes to get to my friends farm where I can conduct gem's training. My friends Samantha is also into ponygirls. In fact she has one now. This one is her 3 rd , she sold the last two when they proved incapable of winning a show. Samantha is very competitive. For me, showing gem is more of a hobby and, while I want to win, it will not be the end of gem. I expect to always keep gem, even if I get married someday. When gem was human, she made a conscious decision to turn herself over to me for conversion into a pet. I took the responsibility to always care for her, something I take very seriously.
Soon the dirt road to Samantha's farm is in sight. The road is fairly long; she has 100 acres of forest and meadows, giving her considerable privacy from snoopy neighbors. She has built some nice trails so she can take long cart rides without attracting attention. In fact, I have promised to help her clear a new one today. We will use the pony girls to pull the debris as we clear it. It will be good exercise for them and will help them get used to working in tandem. We are considering whether to race them as a team in the upcoming cart races. So this will be useful in more than one respect.
As I pull up Samantha comes out of the barn. She is a fairly tall woman with short blonde hair and a somewhat masculine build. In some ways she is a stereotypical dyke, something I tease her about. As I get out of the van, she comes up with her hand stretched out. Shaking her hand, I can feel the strength she has built up doing farm chores. She doesn't have a farm hand as she doesn't trust many people with her private life.
“Samantha. Great to see you again. I was glad you were going to be here today to see gem's first training exercise.”
“It's about time I got to see this pet of yours! It's been what, 10 months since you got her and you haven't shown her to me yet?”
“You know she wasn't a pet until a few months ago. You're the first person to see my new pet.”
With that, I open the door of the van to let my pets out. Luke and candy jump out. But gem stays inside. It must have just occurred to her that her pet status will now be shown to someone other than me. Realizing that this will be a big step for her, I coax her out gently by murmuring her name and holding a small piece of chocolate in my hand for her to take when she gets out.
She climbs down from the van and tries to hide behind me. But I take her collar firmly and guide her to stand beside me. Reaching down I offer her the chocolate but she is too anxious to eat it. So I put it away and just let her get used to another human seeing her. Samantha, being an experience pet owner, just stands there quietly. After a minute of my stroking her head, gem nuzzles my leg with her nose indicating she wants her chocolate. I get it out and hold it so she can take it from the palm of my hand.
Hooking her leash on, I have her stand on her hind legs so Samantha can inspect her. Samantha slowly walks up and reaches a hand out to cradle gem's left breast. “You told me she was a milk cow, but even so, I am surprised at how big her breasts are. We are going to have to support them during ponyplay or they will get too sore.” She drops the breast and walks around gem to fondle her ass. “Nice muscles here. The legs look strong too. Despite her breasts, she has good pony potential. I think I have a corset that will provide support for her breasts but keep them visible. Follow me”
With that, Samantha strode off to the barn. I follow along, signaling to the dogs to follow. Of course, gem has no choice being on a leash. As we enter the barn, I notice a ponygirl tied outside a stall. It looks as though Samantha was grooming her when I drove up. A curry brush is lying on the table beside the pony and her ass length hair is gleaming from the attention.
“Steve, if we are going to have these two hooked in tandem, we need to have their hair the same length.”
“Well, I'm partial to long hair on my pets. So I'll just let hers grow out. Might be a little difficult when she is on all fours. Maybe you can show me how to fix it so it won't drag?”
“Yeah, guess you wouldn't have any idea about fixing hair.” She grins as she says that. I am fairly bald and shave the rest of my head to complete the look. So I just grin back.
“So, do you want to try lunge line training today?”
“I thought I would. Since it is her first lesson, I need to work on her gait.”
“Use the paddock out that door.” She says as she points toward the back of the barn.
I tie gem up to a convenient hook and head back to the van to get her tack. When I get back Samantha is standing near gem with a corset in her hands.
“Let me show you how to put her gear on. It's pretty straightforward, so you should be able to do it from now on.”
So we put the tack on gem as well as her new corset. I don't make the corset too tight. It is to support her breasts rather than make her figure better. Besides she will be working hard today and will need to be able to breathe easily.
Now that she is ready for her lesson, I lead gem out the back. God, she looks so sexy in her gear. Spying a handy set of hay bales, I detour over to them and push gem over them. Her sexy little ass sticking up. Dropping my pants I start to fuck her. Luke comes up and noses her pussy when I pull back to thrust in again.
“Back, luke. Damn dog. I'll give you a turn in a minute.” I've been thinking about this a little since his first time fucking gem yesterday. I will only let him do it outside. Last thing I want is to get sloppy seconds after my dog. Since gem is always on a leash outside, it should be easy enough to control when luke uses her.
As I am fucking her, Samantha comes out to observe the training. “Oh, taking a little before you get started?”
I don't bother to answer and keep fucking my little pet. After I have cum, I move aside and signal luke that it is his turn. He quickly mounts her and goes at it with all the enthusiasm of a horny dog in his prime. His cock is deep in her pussy where he sent it in one massive push.
“Good idea, really drives home her pet status.” She smiles at her little joke.
After luke is done, I hook a lunge line to gem's halter and lead her into the paddock. Samantha follows me in and hands me a long whip so I can encourage gem as she moves at the other end of the lunge line.
I take the whip and flick in on her ass to get her moving. Once she understands that she is supposed to move in a circle, I begin to flick it on the back of her knees. I want her to use a pony-step; raising her knees to crotch height when walking. Later I will teach her the high pony step, which is simply raising a the leg to waist height. That will be for shows. I work her for a while, getting her nice and lathered up with sweat.
While I was working her, I thought a little about what her show outfit would look like. Obviously, she will wear a corset. But what kind of head gear do I want? Maybe a plume? Since I am going to grow her hair out, I will need to buy a tail that matches. Then there are the boots which resemble horse hooves. Lots of decisions, but I have time.
It is time to stop this lesson for now. I can tell that even with the corset, her breasts are aching from the movement. I look at my watch and realize it is an hour past her normal milking time. No wonder it hurts.
So I let her walk a little to cool down before taking her into the barn. Once in there, I tire her up before grabbing a pail of water and a sponge. Walking back to her, I remove her tack and hang it up before taking the sponge and washing her off. I take care to wash under her breasts and between her legs. Her breasts are quite heavy as I lift them to wash under them. Looks like we will have lots of milk with our lunch today. I know Samantha will want some. She has asked if she can buy some when I start selling gems extra production.
After her milking and lunch for all of us, we will do a little training to get her to respond to rein commands. I'm going to blindfold her for this part. By wearing a blindfold, she can't use her human instincts to move in a particular direction. Her movements will be totally controlled by me using rein commands through the bit in her mouth.
But first I needed to milk her. Unhooking the lunge line and putting on her normal leash, I take her back into the barn. The other ponygirl looks at us from her stall and neighs quietly at gem. The two share a look, contentment obvious in their faces.
A couple of bales of hay serve as a convenient milking table. So I have gem jump on them. I had brought her milking pail with me when I brought the tack out of the van earlier. So I grabbed it and placed it under her heavy breasts. Just as I was starting to milk her, Samantha walked in. “Oh, can I try?”
Normally, I prefer to be gems only milker. But Samantha was a good friend and potential customer. So I just moved aside and gestured for her to try.
I could tell from the look on gem's face that she was nervous about this, but like a good pet, she knew not to protest a decision I had made. “Are your hands clean? Cleanliness is important with milk cows.”
“I know. Remember, I am the farm girl.” With that Samantha proceeded to expertly milk gem. “We had cows on the farm where I grew up. Of course, they weren't human cows but the milking process is the same.”
The no ontime milking finished, I put gem in a stall with some feed and water. Before leaving, I bound her hands behind her lest she forget her status. As I did so, I noticed how wet she was and so I put two fingers in her pussy. She came quickly from the stimulation. I had read that the experience of being trained as a ponygirl could be very erotic to some. The halter, whip, and obvious control her Master has over her make a natural ponygirl incredibly horny. I guess gem is a natural because she came very hard.
Then we wandered into the house for lunch. My other two pets following along hoping for a treat. After a nice lunch topped off with fresh milk I head out to give gem a little b ridle and bit training . It would help later when we use the ponygirls to clear the debris from the trail we will work on this afternoon.
Getting her used to a bridle and bit will take time. The mouth is a sensitive area and I don't want to injure her. On Samantha's advice, I am using a regular metal horse bit wrapped in Sealtex. This will prevent injury to her teeth. I haven't found a dentist that is discrete enough to work on a pet's mouth. But using a real horse bit and bridle adds to her dehumanization and helps her to get into a deeper into her pony persona.
I don't see gem standing in her stall as I enter the barn. Walking over to her stall, I see her laying nestled in the straw fast asleep. It had been an emotionally and physically stimulating morning for her. She is really cute laying there in a ball but there is work to be done. Opening the stall door, I walk up to her and push her gently with my foot to wake her. She stirs and tries to rub her face with her hands but stops when she realizes they are bound behind her.
Helping her up, I put her leash on and lead her out of the stall. I put her tack back on, including the corset. But this time I put a bit on the halter as well as reins. As I pinch gem's mouth to get it to open for the bit, I comment to Samantha “I've been thinking about removing her back molars so she can accommodate the bit better. What do you think?”
“I usually do that but you might want to wait until you are really sure you want her as full ponygirl. You have to modify their diet a little if you take out those teeth.”
“Hmmm. Hadn't thought about that. No rush.”
I lead gem back out to the paddock and we begin her training. Before starting, I put her blindfold on so she can't see at all and totally dependent on my guidance. Standing behind her with the reins in my hands, I begin her training. She responds well to my guidance and the next hour goes well. She even remembers her gait training from this morning. Looks like I may have a winner for the upcoming ponygirl show.
After her training, I take her back in the barn to cool off. I remove all her tack and give her another wash down. I make sure she drinks enough water out her bucket and get myself some water from the tap. Luckily it is not a hot day.
At this time, Samantha comes up leading her ponygirl. She looks about 25 or so. Perhaps 5 foot 6 inches, long blondish hair, smallish breasts and wide hips. “This is velvet. I bought her a couple of months ago. Her owner was getting too old to keep a filly as energetic as this one. So far, she seems to have real aptitude as a ponygirl. I may keep this one. Be nice to use the brand I had made a couple of years ago. She's young enough to give me years of service as a ponygirl before getting put out to pasture.” All this time, Samantha is petting her ponygirl, running her hands over her breasts and down between her legs. It is clear that being a ponygirl is not the only thing Samantha likes about this one. She was always partial to having a woman lick her pussy. Just then, velvet's tongue flicks out of her mouth. It is very long and mobile. Oh yes, definitely Samantha has other uses for this one.
“The tandem harness is right behind you. Let's get them hooked up.”
After some fumbling with the harness (neither of us had used it before), we got the ponies hooked up. Samantha grabbed some tools and handed me the whip. Then, with me leading the ponies, we set off for a little trail work. My dogs trotted along beside us, running off into the woods every few feet to chase a squirrel.
When we got to the place where a tree had fallen across the trail, I tied the ponies to a convenient bush and grabbed the ax from Samantha. Between the two of us, we had that tree cut into convenient lengths in no time. Now it was time to hook the ponies to the pieces to be pulled out of the way.
Hooking them to the pieces went well enough but the ponies had some problems working in tandem. But with a little whip work, they got into a rhythm and the logs were quickly hauled away. All in all, it took about 2 hours to get everything cleaned up.
Time to call it a day. Tomorrow was Monday and I wanted to get home for dinner. So I led the ponies back to the barn where we unhooked them and washed them down again.
“I'll be back out next Saturday for a little more training, for sure. Hopefully I can get some time in an evening this week too. Just wish there was more I could do at home but there just isn't enough room.”
“You are always welcome to use my place.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
With that, I loaded my pets in the van and set off for home. All three pets curled up on the floor. It had been an exciting day for everyone.
When we got home, I quickly fed the pets and milked gem. I was tired. So I fixed myself a sandwich and grabbed a beer before heading upstairs to shower. After my shower, I settled on the couch to watch some TV. I called gem to lay on the couch with me. She curled up in my lap and I started to idly pet her pussy. She started to purr quietly before falling asleep. After an hour, I decided it was time for bed. So I woke her up and we all went upstairs.
She quickly curled up on her bed as I climbed under my covers. It had been a good weekend. We had made lots of progress in her dehumanization and training. I thought about the weeks and months ahead as I drifted off to sleep. It was going to be interesting to have her as mindless as smart dog. I sometimes wondered what she thought about the whole thing, but then dismissed it. She was just a pet and what she thought about it was of no concern.
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