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Review This Story || Author: Leones

On the Riviera

Part 1

On the Riviera-1

The poolside at the Sheraton-Riviera was a hub of activity. Jet-setters
from all corners of the globe congregating, each one with his or her own
agenda. As usual, the weather in the south of France was mild, most of
the players wearing skimpy but fashionable swimwear, their golden tanned
bodies glistening in the shimmering sunlight, their eyes hidden and
shielded by sun glasses of all shapes and colors.

If one would look up from the poolside to the private balcony of room
1501, the two figures standing on the balcony would appear very much the
size of ants. The fifty-ish looking man exuded wealth, smartly attired
in an expensive suit and tie, the speckled gray in his hair adding a
distinguished air to his demeanor.

The black girl standing next to him was maybe twenty years his junior.
She was exquisite, her tawny skin, the color of milk chocolate was
flawless, her silky hair, coal-black and straight, hung nearly to her
waist. She wore matching white shorts and halter top with sandals on her

The man held a pair of binoculars, focused on a young blonde at
poolside. She was relaxing in a lounge chair, her back at about a
forty-five degree angle and her shapely legs fully extended, her eyes
were protected by a pair of designer sunglasses. She was petite at about
five foot two and a hundred pounds, of which twenty pounds appeared to
be tits. The rays had blended her skin perfectly, contrasting
beautifully with her near platinum hair. The yellow bikini she wore did
little to hide her delectable charms. 

The impeccably dressed man was furious.

"That's the little bitch." You've done well Jade, tracking her all the
way from the states."

The black girl smiled.

"Like I said, Mr. Devroe, I always get my man, in this case, woman."

A sardonic smiled crossed the man's face.

"But you are right in both cases, her swindling boyfriend will no doubt
be close by and then we will deal with the both of them."

Jade hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

"If you don't mind me asking Mr. Devroe, how did a highly intelligent,
successful businessman, such as yourself, get hoodwinked into handing a
million dollars worth of negotiable securities over to a blonde bimbo
like Brandi?"

Devroe was somewhat taken back by the direct and embarrassing question.

"Well, my only defense is to say, just take a look at that gorgeous
body." "It was that body and her boyfriends, actually brilliant scheme
that pulled it off." I'd rather not discuss it any further." 

The black girl knew to let the obviously, still painful subject drop.

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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