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Review This Story || Author: Leones

On the Riviera

Part 8

On the Riviera-8

Jade arched an eyebrow.

"Well, the Riviera is a very romantic setting and it's easy to get
caught in the moment, no matter how well intended you are." "I hate to
say it but your girl could have been swept off her feet by some
casanova." "Who knows?, she might be bundled up in some cozy love nook
as we speak."

The black girl forced back her smile and remained serious and concerned.
By the time Jade had finished, Johnny was fully convinced that Brandi
was shacked up with some european stud who was fucking her brains out.

Jade unlocked the door to room 1501, reached in and turned on the light
switch. She placed one hand gently to the side of Johnny's face, kissing
him fully on the lips while her other hand cupped his manhood. She could
feel his penis moving and stirring in her grasp until it formed a hard,
giant bulge in the front of his pants.

"That's what I like Johnny, a man ready for action." 

Jade pointed towards the front bedroom.

"Alright lover boy, it won't be long now, go in the bedroom and make
yourself comfortable while I attend to a few things, there's a wet bar,
so help yourself."

Jade entered the rear bedroom. The cute little blonde with the big tits
was right where she had left her, only she was fully conscious and
mumbling incoherently into her gag.

"Well, well, I see that my little cunt licker is back among the living."

The black girl continued speaking while she inspected Brandi's bonds and

"Do you still love me Brandi?" "Would you like to use your tongue to
make me cum again?"

She tightened the young blonde's gag.

"For now, I'm afraid your going to have to get by with chewing on my
panties." "Tell me Brandi, is Johnny boy as good at sucking pussy as you
are?" "Never mind, I'm about to find out first hand, he's in the other
bedroom waiting for me right now." 
Brandi renewed her mewing and struggling, then squealed like a pig when
the needle, once again, not so gently, penetrated the sun- kissed skin
of her right nether globe, right next to her other puncture wound. Using
a handful of blonde hair, Jade lifted Brandi's head up, her eyes were
glassy and welled with tears in the corners, Jade let her head drop face
first into the mattress and then left to take care of Brandi's lover.

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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