By, BZ
Danielle had been going to Dr. John Svenson for slightly over a year now. She had started seeing him because of a weight problem that had developed after the death of her best friend Missy a little over two years ago . Missy had been Danielle's twelve-year-old smoky grey Weimaraner. Being married to her career, and not having much time for a social life the death of her pet had left a void in her life, and she had been filling that void with food.
She had managed to gain over seventy pounds before finally deciding to do something about it. Years earlier when she had decided to quit smoking, her family doctor had been able to help her through the use of hypnosis. So, it made perfect sense to her that since hypno-therapy had worked for her once before; it should work again and provide the solution to her weight problem. And since she was now half a continent away from her old family doctor she sought out the services of Dr. Svenson.
Dr. Svenson's program had worked wonders on Danielle's weight loss problem; with his help she had been able to stick to the diet and exercise regimen he had set up for her. She had tried on several occasions to work out a diet and exercise program she could stick to on her own. But, each time she had failed and would gain the weight back she had lost plus some.
Under Dr. Svenson's guidance she had steadily made the transformation from a plump butterball with a pretty face to an alluring and svelte twenty-nine year old and, although her wardrobe consisted entirely of pant suits, the men in her office were starting to take notice as well.
Dr. Svenson himself, found that he was not immune to Danielle's growing allure, her beautiful face had garnered his attention from her very first visit, and as the pounds ebbed away he could discern a very attractive female hiding under all those business suits she insisted upon wearing.
He decided to ask her if she would consider seeing him on a non-professional basis. To this he had been politely, but definitively rebuffed. Danielle said that she would prefer to maintain a purely professional relationship. She enjoyed looking and feeling good, but her career would always come first, and she didn't want to have to find another doctor.
Dr. Svenson did not take the rebuff well however, he was unaccustomed to rejection from the fairer sex. And so he made up his mind to read his notes on patient Danielle Dawson once again. Soon the seed of an idea began to form in his mind.
By the time Danielle had arrived for her next appointment Dr. Svenson had prepared his revenge. He would later admit to himself that it had been a cheap parlor trick and very sophomoric on his part, but unfortunately for Danielle that did not prevent him from proceeding at that moment.
He placed his subject in her usual trance; he reinforced the commands that had helped keep Danielle on track with her diet. But instead being wakened as usual, he deepened her trance instead.
“Danielle when I snap my fingers you will open your eyes, but you will not awaken.”
Dr. Svenson snapped his fingers and Danielle's eyes popped open. Danielle did not move, she continued to lay on the couch her eyes open but staring off into space. He removed a Zippo lighter from his pocket; he spun the flint wheel igniting a frame. He held the lighter in front of Danielle's eyes then proceeded.
“Danielle do you see the flame?”
“Yes doctor.”
“Good, now watch the flame as it flickers. As the flame dances before your eyes you will be drawn deeper and deeper into it. You will not be able to look away from the flame you will look deeper and deeper into the flame, and as you peer deeper and deeper into the flame it will consume you as you fall deeper and deeper asleep.”
He continued the monotone until he thought that he had achieved the proper depth to the trance, but he needed to test the depth of her trance. “Danielle hold up your hand,” he then took a hypodermic needle and plunged it straight through the palm of her hand, she did not flinch or make a sound. To himself he thought, “You are one excellent subject Danielle.”
“Now close your eyes and sleep, you are now in a very deep trance, while you sleep you will feel like you are floating and you will be aware of only one thing, the sound of my voice. Now drift and sleep, sleep, sleep.”
“You are doing very well, now I will snap my fingers twice and you will open your eyes, you will be able to move and talk as if you were awake but you will still be asleep. Then I will ask you a few questions, very simple questions but when you try to answer you will be unable to speak, instead you will bark like a dog.”
Dr. Svenson went to his desk and removed his digital camera. Then, so that he would not have to use a flash, (the sudden flashes might inadvertently wake his subject) he opened the drapes and blinds flooding the darkened room with natural light. When he was sure that everything was ready he snapped his fingers twice.
Danielle's eyes flickered open and she started rise from the couch thinking the session was over.
“Before you leave Danielle, I need to ask you a few questions. How much weight do you think you have lost so far?”
Danielle thought for a moment then said: “Arf, Arf, Arf.” She looked puzzled then tried to respond again. “Arf, Arf, Arf, Arf.”
“Really Danielle try to take this seriously, lets try a different question. What High School did you attend?”
Danielle did not need to think about this, she quickly blurted out. “Arf, Arf, Arf, Arf.”
She covered her mouth hoping to keep the barking contained.
“Well my girl if you insist upon speaking like a dog, then you probably should get down on all fours and act like a dog as well.”
Danielle dropped down to her hands and knees, and with a baffled look upon her face still tried to talk. “Arf, Arf, Arf.”
“Good doggy, now come here.”
Danielle crawled across the floor to the doctor's desk. Dr. Svenson clicked away photographing each step.
“Good doggy, now sit pretty if you want a treat.”
Danielle sat back on her heels, pulled her arms in with her wrists limp and her tongue hanging out. She actually resembled a dog begging its' master for a scrap of food. Dr. Svenson patted Danielle on the head and gave her a small piece of biscuit then said, “good doggy.”
Then placing a collar around Danielle's neck, he attached a leash and said, “Come doggie let go for walksies.”
For an entire hour Dr. Svenson walked Danielle around on a leash, he had her sitting and begging for treats, and he even had her doing rollovers. All the while he snapped picture after picture with his camera.
Finally he returned her to couch and gave her the command to sleep. Danielle returned to her deep trance state.
“That had been fun,” he thought to himself. But then getting serious again he intoned. “Danielle now you will return to a natural trance. I still have a question or two for you and you will answer normally. When your dog Missy died did you keep anything of hers?”
“Yes doctor, I kept her collar.”
“Excellent Danielle, I want you to bring that collar with you on your next visit.”
“Yes doctor.”
“You are an excellent subject, now sleep. In a moment I will snap my fingers and say, “Wake.” You will awaken feeling better than after a good nights' sleep. You will feel relaxed and rejuvenated. You will remember only your dietary instructions but absolutely nothing else. Is that clear Danielle?”
“Yes Doctor.”
Dr. Svenson put away his camera, closed the blinds and drew the curtains shut. Then he went to the couch snapped his fingers and said. “Wake.”
Danielle's eyes fluttered opened, she yawned and stretched then rose from the couch. “You know Dr. Svenson I feel so good it's almost criminal.”
Dr. Svenson had been a little surprised at her choice of words but smiled professionally and said; “You have reached the hardest part of your program, you are almost at your goal, and those last few pounds can be the hardest. Then again maintaining your weight can be even harder. So I'm going to have you come once a week for a while, I'll see you next Thursday. Okay Danielle?”
“Okay, next Thursday.”
The following Thursday after Dr. Svenson had spent the week fantasizing over his pictures of Danielle. The reality of how reckless he had been finally sank in. Danielle, after all, was not just a patient she was a lawyer; if she discovered what he had done she could and would ruin him. His original thought had been to show her the pictures and coerce her into an affair. Her parting remark, though, had made him unsure. He wondered how the courts would view this sophomoric prank of his. He wondered could she have some idea of what he had done or had the criminal reference been a mere coincidence?
Danielle, in fact had thoughts of just two things, the case she was working on and the success she was having with her diet. She had no clue about anything else.
In fact, she had been finishing up at work and preparing to leave for her appointment with the good doc. Then as she went through her handbag looking for her car keys she found something odd. She pulled the collar from her bag and wondered to herself. “Now how did Missy's old collar find it's way into my purse.” She dismissed it thinking to herself. “Oh well, I'll figure it later, right now I'm late.” She jammed the collar back in her purse and hurried off to her appointment with Dr. Svenson, she really hated to be late.
She arrived at the doctor's office with minutes to spare as usual. And her session went as usual, but when the time came to wake her and send her own her way Dr. Svenson faced a dilemma, what to do, what to do. He was confident that she had been in a deep trance, but still the seed of doubt had been planted. His curiosity had been peeked and he wanted to see if she had actually brought the collar as directed. But, could she be setting him up?
Finally, curiosity had won out, he decided to take the risk. And instead of waking her as should have, he again ordered her to open her eyes and had her stare into the flame provided by his trusty Zippo. She would be in a deep trance within seconds.
He decided to test her again. But this time he plunged a hypodermic needle very slowly through the center of her open palm. He watched her face closely as the needle journeyed through her hand, but once again she showed no reaction as the needle projected through to the other side of her hand.
He removed the needle from her hand then asked, “Danielle, did you bring Missy's collar with you?”
“Yes Doctor.”
“Where is it Danielle?”
“In my purse.”
Retrieving her purse he opened it quickly, and found the collar jammed down inside.
Dr. Svenson's confidence had been fully restored.
He fondled the collar for a moment, it was a wide red leather Victorian style collar with faux gems garnishing it and a tag that read Missy on one side and had Danielle's address and phone number on the other.
“My God, she is the perfect subject.” He thought again.
“Danielle stand up,” she rose from the couch, “when I snap my fingers you will open your eyes, but you will remain asleep.”
He snapped his fingers; her eyes popped open and she stood staring vacantly ahead.
“Now Danielle do you see what I am holding?”
“Yes Doctor.”
“What is it?”
“It is Missy's collar.”
“That's right very good Danielle. From now on Danielle, when you see Missy's collar in my hand like this you will return to the same trance state you are in now, you will be in a deep deep trance and you will only be aware of my voice, do you understand Danielle?”
“Yes Doctor.”
“Now Danielle, when I place the collar around your neck you will become a dog,” a wry smile appeared on his lips, “you will become Missy. And you will remain Missy for as long as the collar is around your neck, do you understand Danielle?”
“Yes Doctor.”
Then he fastened the collar around Danielle's neck.
“Missy, sit.”
Danielle immediately dropped to her knees, sat back on her heels and spoke, “Arf, Arf, Arf.”
Dr. Svenson thought, “Incredible she really is the perfect subject.”
Dr. Svenson enjoyed another hour of fun, leading Danielle around on a leash, making her sit up to beg for treats and playing roll over. He woke her, again told her she would remember nothing but her diet regimen, and then sent her home.
Danielle drove home confused as to why she was running an hour late. She also had some vague memory of finding something in her purse that should not have been there, but whatever that thing had been it wasn't there now. She shrugged her shoulders and drove on.
Dr. Svenson spent his week thinking about what he could do next with his perfect subject.
Danielle beamed with excitement, she had lost another two pounds and now she was only two pounds away from her ultimate goal.
As their next regular session closed Dr. Svenson told Danielle to open her eyes.
This time as she opened her eyes she saw Dr. Svenson holding Missy's collar in his hand, Danielle saw the collar and continued to stare blankly into space, but of course he had to make sure that she was in the deep trance he had desired. And so he again applied the hypo test to the palm of her hand, once again there was no reaction from his subject.
Reassured, he fastened the collar around her neck and Danielle rolled off the couch landing on all fours and playfully started barking. “Arf, Arf, Arf, Arf.”
The doc had another fun hour of playing with Missy, but before sending her home he was going to try and experiment. During the week that passed between visits he had determined that he should try to invoke some desperately needed changes in his favorite patient.
Once again he returned Danielle to the couch, and he told her to sleep.
Dr. Svenson removed the right shoe from his sleeping victim. “Okay, Danielle open your eyes and tell me what you see.”
“That is my shoe doctor.”
“That's right Danielle, but this is a very ugly shoe Danielle. On your way home I want you to stop at the very first shoe store you come to and buy a pair of shoes. Shoes with at least a three-inch heel. And when you get home I want you to go through your closet and throw out all of the shoes you own that look anything like this ugly shoe and replace them all with new shoes like the ones you are going to purchase on your way home tonight. Do you understand Danielle?”
“Yes Doctor.”
“Good girl, now close your eyes and sleep. When I snap my fingers and say “wake” you will wake-up feeling refreshed, you will remember nothing except your diet instructions. Do you understand Danielle?”
“Yes Doctor.”
Dr. Svenson snapped his fingers and said; “wake.” Danielle's eyes fluttered open, with a yawn and a stretch she got to her feet. While rising she happened to catch a glimpse of her shoes.
“How did I ever manage to leave the house wearing these hideous things?” She muttered to herself.
Dr. Svenson smiled sardonically.
The next week Danielle showed up for her appointment still wearing her typical business pantsuit, but her flat conservative pumps had been replaced with the slinkiest looking black patent- leather sandals with 3 1/2" stiletto heels.
Dr. Svenson grinned smugly; he was very pleased with himself. And so, he slowly went about changing Danielle's entire wardrobe one item at a time.
Two months later the young woman who kept her Thursday appoint with Dr. Svenson would hardly be confused for the fat girl with the beautiful face that had first come to see him about loosing some weight.
Danielle had become a beautiful and confident woman. Her auburn hair no longer confined to the neat and prim little bun, now flowed about her shoulders. Gone were the pantyhose, white cotton briefs, conservative low-heeled pumps and most notably the gray flannel business pantsuits.
Now she strode confidently into Dr. Svenson's office her tired old business pantsuit was now replaced by a little black dress of smooth, fluid jersey that had just the right amount of cling. And under her dress in place of her conservative white cotton under garments she wore a sexy little satin thong with matching bra and garter belt all in an flirty pink, with black dotted mesh overlay and trimmed with velvet bows and ruffled lace edges. The garter belt held up a pair of sheer and sexy stockings in a silky nude hue with a smooth finish, which had replaced her pantyhose. And in place of her conservative low black pumps she was now perched upon a pair of black T-strap pumps with four-inch heels.
Their session proceeded as usual and at the end of reinforcing her dietary program he held out Missy's collar. Danielle stared blankly ahead, as he fastened the collar around her neck. Dr. Svenson no longer felt any need to use the hypo test on his perfect subject.
He called, “Here Missy.”
Danielle rolled off the couch landing on her hands and knees and crawled over to Dr. Svenson's desk.
“Missy, sit pretty.”
Missy sat back on her heels, arms pulled in, wrists limp and tongue panting. “Arf, Arf, Arf.”
Dr. Svenson took a ball from his desk; the ball wasn't a tennis ball or an old baseball. The ball had been fashioned by taking a pair of Danielle's old white cotton panties and a pair of her old pantyhose and rolling them up into a ball. Using the panties as the core he then folded the pantyhose in half length-wise placed the wadded up panties at the toe then he rolled up the pantyhose when he reached the end he rolled the tops back on themselves. Just like the Army had taught him to do with his socks when he was back in basic training.
He threw the ball across the room. “Missy, go fetch.”
Missy eagerly retrieved the ball, returning with the drool-covered ball. She dropped it at Dr. Svenson's feet. Dr. Svenson had to chuckle, Danielle made quite a sight crawling around on her hands and knees in her slinky black dress, high heels and silky hose.
“Good girl Missy.” He scratched her behind the ear as she panted, then he threw the ball again. They continued to play for the usual hour, and then he woke her and sent her on her way home as usual.
Danielle drove home always feeling great after her sessions with Dr. Svenson. She did, however, wonder from time to time, how she managed to get so many runners in the knees of her stockings. But she had grown to accept the changes she experienced as her own conscious thought, and she persuaded herself that the unexpected occurrences, like the lost hours and runners in her stockings, were just happenstance.
Dr. Svenson's game played on for nearly two years by giving Danielle post-hypnotic suggestions that kept her coming back week after week. Then Danielle suddenly announced that her next visit would be her last. She planned to move back to Nebraska and set up her own practice.
John panicked he was beside himself. He knew that if she sought out another hypnotist sometime in the future that she might actually remember all the things he had done to her over the past couple of years.
And besides that, he loved playing with Missy it was often the bright spot in an otherwise dull week. And so, at the end of this session instead of playing doggy with Missy he pumped Danielle for information. And she told him every detail of her planned departure.
Dr. Svenson spent the week planning and contriving, until he had a working plan.
Danielle showed up for what should have been her last session with Dr. Svenson. The session went as usual and when Dr. Svenson held up the collar Danielle continued to stare blankly off into space. But now there was no time for fun and games, he did not place the collar around her neck.
“Danielle do you know what this is?”
“Yes Doctor, it is Missy's collar.”
“Danielle do you know what happens when I fasten this collar around your neck?”
Danielle thought for a moment, and then responded. “Yes Doctor, I become Missy.”
“Yes Danielle that is right, Missy's collar has a very magical effect on you. Doesn't it Danielle?”
“Yes doctor.”
“Danielle, the next time you see Missy's collar you will be fully awake. And you will feel an overwhelming compulsion to kiss this collar. Because you will be fully awake you may consciously try to fight the power of the collar, but the magic of this collar is very strong, and ultimately you will not be able to resist it. Then when you inevitably press your lips to the leather of this collar the magic of the collar will flow into you. And then once the collar is fastened around your neck you will become Missy again, but only for as long as the collar remains fastened around your neck.”
Dr. Svenson repeated the mantra of the collar over and over until he felt sure it had been etched into Danielle's mind. Then he woke her and sent her home as usual.
Danielle did not see Dr. Svenson again until the day of her departure. She was at the airport and had just finished checking her baggage in when she saw him. He waved to her and she nodded in recognition. He then motioned her to come over.
“Dr. Svenson, what are you doing here?”
“Danielle you don't know how much I shall miss you, you've become my favorite patient. I just have a little gift here for you. Can you come and join me for a cup of coffee, once you go through that gate I'll probably never see you again.”
She knew she had over an hour before the flight, so she figured why not. “Okay doctor, but it'll have to quick they should be calling my flight soon.”
He guided her to a small overlooked coffee shop tucked away in the corner of the airports concourse. John had done his homework well. They sat in a booth in a secluded corner of the shop, and he ordered two coffees.
After the waitress served them their coffee he placed a gift-wrapped box on the table in front of Danielle. “Open it, it's a going away present.”
Danielle loved presents so she opened the box eagerly. But as she opened the lid she saw Missy's collar. Suddenly the smile disappeared from her face.
“It's Missy's collar. How did you get Missy's collar?”
Danielle's face suddenly flushed red with anger; she felt somehow she had been betrayed.
Then slowly her expression changed to one of confusion, for some reason she felt compelled to kiss the collar. She fought desperately with herself. She felt as though she had to kiss the collar, but then she would ask herself, “Why on earth would anyone kiss a dog's collar? It makes no sense.”
Dr. Svenson sat there quietly watching Danielle's internal struggle. Finally after what seemed like hours (but had been really only a few minutes), Danielle could resist no longer and pressed her lusciously full lips to the red leather of Missy's collar.
Danielle sat motionless in the booth unable to move of speak.
Dr. Svenson said, “Danielle be a good girl and finish your coffee.”
Danielle chugged it down as if it were a mug of cold beer instead of a mug of scalding hot coffee, her expression never changed.
John smiled sardonically as he left the waitress a small but appropriate tip, and then guided the expressionless Danielle out of the shop.
Once out in the concourse he led her to remote corner. First he removed a silk scarf from his pocket and tied it over her head, and then he placed a pair of large framed dark glasses over her eyes, finally to complete her disguise he removed his overcoat and placed it around her shoulders.
Meanwhile, Danielle had been trying to figure out what had just happened to her. She had kissed that stupid collar. “But why, why it doesn't make sense. Who in their right mind kisses some stupid fucking dog collar?” And now she felt as though she were paralyzed. She could hear Dr. Svenson talking very clearly to her, but that was all she seemed able to hear, she wasn't able to move or speak unless he told her to.
“Time to leave Danielle, come on you'll miss your plane.”
As Danielle rose stiffly from the booth Dr. Svenson grabbed her by the arm and led her from the coffee shop. She hoped, as he had said he was taking her to the departure gate to catch her plane. But no, he led her to a corner and trapped her there instead.
Danielle fought to understand. “Why is he covering my head with a scarf and the sunglasses, what's with the sunglasses? Why is he placing his overcoat over my shoulders? No, no the planes are the other way.” Her remained silently in her head as Dr. Svenson led her out of the terminal.
Now he guided her out to the taxi stand and hailed a cab.
Dr. Svenson gave the driver directions to the warehouse district down by the wharves; Danielle sat motionless and speechless next to him in the cab.
She sat silently as her mind screamed, “Please Dr. Svenson let me out, take me back to airport, I'll miss my plane.”
The driver dropped them off near the wharves. John watched him pull away before he walked Danielle another six blocks to the warehouse he'd had to rent for a month although he needed it only for today.
Inside the warehouse stood a dog cage and a van.
Danielle thought, “Now what on earth does he need a dog cage for.”
Dr. Svenson removed the scarf and sunglasses from her face then retrieved his overcoat from her shoulders.
“Now Danielle you may undress, you will have no further need of clothing.”
“What the hell are you talking about doc, no need of clothing, I'll do no such thing. You'll have to tear this dress from my back. I dare you.”
All the while she was protesting in her mind, she had been in perfectly silent compliance to John's command, without out uttering a word she went about removing her dress, her bra, her garter belt and stockings and her frilly little thong.
When she stood completely naked Dr. Svenson gathered up her discarded clothing and placed them in the van, now he approached her with Missy's collar in his hand.
“Well Missy, it's time. If you haven't remembered the magical powers of this collar you soon shall.” And then he fastened the collar around her neck.
Danielle in the mean time was not accepting of it, “Wait a minute did he just call me Missy. No, No, No, I'm not Missy I'm Danielle. Missy had been my dog and I am not …” She did not finish the thought.
As the clasp of the collar had been drawn closed around her neck a flood of memories suddenly rushed into her head.
Danielle suddenly remembered everything, “The collar, it puts me into a deep trance, and, and when he fastens it around my neck I, I become Missy, NO, NO, NO he can't.” Then she heard it for the first time and it rang in her ears and incredibly it was coming from her own mouth, “Arf, Arf, Arf, Arf.”
John saw the look on Danielle's face just before she had dropped to her hands and knees. That look had told John that Danielle knew everything. There would be no turning back now. Then with only the slightest twinge of remorse he removed a padlock from his pocket and locked it closed through the clasp. To Missy he said, “Stay girl.” Then John walked out onto the wharf and threw the padlock's key into the river. This change would be permanent.
Danielle still fought to be Danielle. But there she sat obediently waiting for her master to return.
Still in her mind Danielle battled, “He said I would be Missy only as long as the collar remained on my neck. He has to take it off some time, or maybe I can get it off. No wait, what's that in his hand a padlock what's he going to do with… NO, NO, NO, you can't. ‘Stay, stay', who is he telling to stay what does he mean stay, where is he going, why don't I follow him. He, he's throwing something in the river. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, he can't.” The she sobbed silently to herself as she watched him return.
“Well Missy that takes care of that, want to go for a ride?”
Missy sat up pretty begging yes.
Danielle protested, “Hell no, I don't want to go for a ride. Turn me back into Danielle you bastard.”
“Good Missy, get in your cage and we'll be off, it's time you met my other pet.”
Missy crawled into her cage, and then John locked the cage door and loaded the Missy laden cage into the van.
“I'll good Missy him, let me out of this fucking cage. Wait, wait did he say he has another pet; you mean I'm not the first woman he's done this to. That fucking bastard.”
Dr. Svenson pulled the van into his garage then unloaded Missy's cage.
“We're home Missy.”
He opened her cage door and let her out. Leaving the cage in the garage he opened the kitchen door.
“Come on in Missy there is someone I want you to meet.”
Missy slowly crawled cautiously sniffing and looking around, entering the kitchen and saw a smoky grey Weimaraner wagging its' tail and barking a greeting to his master. After jumping up on Dr. Svenson and giving him a big wet welcome home. He turned his attention to the new arrival, Missy. He sniffed her from head to toe, decided she must be okay and licked her on the face, and then he went back to his master.
Danielle was awe struck, “It's, it's, it's Missy, but, but, but that can't be.” Then she got a better look at the Weimaraner, “Oh no, that is definitely not Missy. OH MY GOD NO.”
“Well Missy say hello to Max. I've had him since he was a puppy some five years ago.”
When John got home Max knew it was time to eat so the first thing on his mind after greeting his master was food. John didn't believe in canned food, so he cooked meat for the dog in a crock-pot while he was at work. Now Max had positioned himself right in front of the crock-pot looking up desiring its' contents.
“Come on Max you know the rules, you eat when I eat. Yours' may be ready, but mine isn't. Go get acquainted with Missy while I fix my dinner.”
He prepared himself a steak, a salad and some rice pilaf. When the preparations were done he set his food on the table, and then he filled Max's bowl with the stew that had been cooking all day. He didn't have a regular bowl for Missy so he grabbed a soup bowl ladled it up with stew and set it down beside Max's.
Danielle thought, “This is really too much now he expects me to eat from a bowl on the floor with the dog.”
“There you go girl, that will have to do for now I'll get you proper bowl tomorrow.”
Max was already devouring his bowl of stew. Missy sniffed at it a few times before doing the same.
John opened a bottle of Cabernet and settled down to his steak.
Danielle was not ready to accept being John's pet dog. She could not believe how easily her Missy persona had adapted, and then suddenly she realized her Missy persona was just being Missy, the way that Danielle had remembered Missy. And that as Missy she was quite accustomed to being John's pet
John cleared the table and filled the dishwasher.
“Okay Max now let me fix you up with Missy. I know she doesn't smell like a dog yet, but she will before long. Missy, come here girl.”
Missy padded her way over to John.
“Good girl,” he patted her head. “Turn around girl.”
Missy turned so that she faced away from John.
“Good girl,” he patted her rump.
Then he did something he had never done when he played with her in his office, he stuck his hand in her cunt working it in and out.
Danielle protested. “NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO you can't do this to me. I'll, I'll …”
Missy didn't seem to mind at all, in fact her ass started to sway a bit as if she were wagging her tail. Then John started probing until he found her clit. He toyed with her clit until he could feel his fingers getting wet.
Danielle's, “NO, NO, NO's.” Soon became, “OH, OH, OH, OH, OH, OH's.”
Dr. Svenson removed his hand from Missy's cunt; he took a sniff of his dripping wet fingers and then called Max.
“Max, here boy. Here you go boy.” He held his fingers up to the dogs nose.
Max sniffed a few times then greedily licked his masters' fingers clean.
“Good boy Max. Now, try this.” John slapped Missy on the rump.
Max sniffed at Missy's ass and soon discovered the same smell permeating from a slightly lower position and started licking Missy's wet cunt, his long tongue swept over her pubic hair and cunt lips and managed to tickled her clit.
Danielle protested again, “Oh no. You can't do this, no, no; you can't allow your dog to fuck me. NO, NO, please don't.” She silently sobbed to herself, “no, no, please don't.”
As the dog continued to lick Missy started to cum in a very big way. At that point Max didn't need any further coaching, He mounted Missy from behind, and it did not take him long to imbed his prick into her juicy cunt. When the knot of his prick expanded to its' full size they were locked together until he was finished with his task.
But just as Danielle's protests of NO turned to OH as John fingered her clit her NO's again evaporated into OH's as Max humped away until finally Danielle's voice seemed to simply disappear from Missy's mind altogether. And she experienced the most fantastic climax she had ever experienced, or for that matter ever dreamt of experiencing. Missy panted in ecstasy for the first time in her life.
Days later John read in his morning paper about a missing lawyer named Danielle Dawson who had vanished from the airport. It seemed Ms. Dawson's luggage had arrived in Omaha Nebraska on the fight she should have been on but no one remembered her being on the fight. The officials checked the flight records, finding that she had never boarded the plane.
They searched the entire airport for the missing women and found nothing to go on. They interviewed a waitress who remembered a woman who could have been Ms. Dawson and yes she was with a man. But what had really stuck in the waitress' mind was the fact that the woman in question had chugged a mug of scalding hot coffee. John smiled, and thought he should have left a larger tip.
The paper told of the police interviewing nearly everyone who had known the woman and anyone that had been anywhere near the airport that day. But aside from the clerk who checked her luggage, and the taxi driver who had dropped her off at the airport, no one could positively identify her.
John was glad he had taken the precautions he had.
The police eventually got around to questioning him as well; after all, he had been her doctor for over two years. But, he explained that he'd had no contact with the woman outside the office. And, the authorities could find no evidence that he had. Indeed, except for their brief encounter at the airport they'd had none.
The authorities were baffled it seemed, the woman had vanished into thin air. At least she had not left a trail of any kind for them to follow.
Finally because they could find no evidence of foul play and considering the fact that she was an adult over the age of thirty. The police had to drop their investigation and list her as a missing person.
Meanwhile, John had required only a couple of weeks to train Missy to suck his cock. Her cunt would be Max's exclusive property, and her mouth would be the sole possession of her master, John.
Life was great; Max had a new bitch that seemed to always be in heat. John still had a favorite pet that loved to play fetch with a wadded up pair of panties tucked inside a rolled up pair of pantyhose, and he now he had a warm mouth to use whenever he felt the need. Missy got to play with John and Max, she enjoyed sucking on John's dick and Max was the dog of her dreams fucking her wet cunt day and night. As for Danielle, well John thought, “Would the world really miss one more lawyer?”
Missy would undergo a few other minor changes over the next few months. When Max kept getting pubic hair stuck in his teeth John decided to depilate Missy's cunt. Max even seemed to like her pussy better that way. Another change was that John had pierced her clit and a gold ring with a gold tag now dangling from it. The tag read Missy on one side and on the other side bore the inscription: Property of Max, the address, 523 Oak Lane, and the phone number 555-5555. It was the same as the tag that now hung from her collar, but of course that tag read Property of Dr. John Svenson, and the collar, well that would remain forever locked around her pretty little neck.
The End
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