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Review This Story || Author: Leones

On the Riviera

Part 13

On the Riviera-13

"Now that we have you somewhat comfortable, I'd like to explain the
agenda for at least the next couple of hours." "As you might have
surmised by now, if you are bright enough, I am, or as you put it so
kindly, was a dominatrix." "Admittably, It has been sometime since I've
had a morsel as delicious as you at my mercy, and believe me, you are at
my mercy." "Due to your arrogance, my first choice would be hurt you,
hurt you badly but I'm feeling kindly today and I will offer you my
second choice which is playing some harmless cum games, probably
involving my husband at some point." Of course, my days of orgasms are
behind me, it was you my dear that I was referring to, I would like to
make you cum, and who knows, you might even enjoy it." "It's actually
been awhile for my husband too, but I'd like to at least give him a
crack at you, he might even be ablr get it up once he gets a load of
your knockers." "So, what will it be sweetie, do I get my first choice
or do want me to get you off?'

Brandi's mind was frozen on the distasteful image of this old hag
playing games with her clit, and what vile act she would have to perform
for her husband. It was too much for her to comprehend.

"No way, You stay away from me you old fart."

Wilson just shook her head.

"Looks like I over estimated your learning abilities."

Without speaking another word, Wilson went to a cabinet and returned
with a riding crop and two alligator clips. The old lady squeezed open
one of the clips so that the frightened blonde could clearly see the
jagged edges before she released the spring, snapping the piranha like
teeth into the tender flesh of Brandi's right nipple. The pain was so
intense that it took Brandi's breath away, then she screamed in agony,
writhing in her bonds as the angry, sharp teeth bit deeper into her
throbbing nipple.


Wilson opened the second clip, revealing the same saw like teeth. Brandi
was trying desperately to regain her breath, her voice was humble and

"Oh god, Mrs. Wilson. I want to cum, I want you to make me cum."

The young blonde sobbed, her voice now whinny.

"I want to cum, I want to cum, I want to cum."

"I thought you'd eventually see it that way sweetie, most of those
uppity starlets I used to deal with were the same way, they would gladly
suck my pussy to avoid a little punishment." "I do have sort of a
irresistible charm, don't you think?"

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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