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Review This Story || Author: Leones

On the Riviera

Part 23

On the Riviera-23

The line of takers continued throughout the day, male and female alike,
Brandi was used like a punchboard, none of her orifices were ignored or
overlooked, her rear passageway was seriously violated, her sphincter
muscles ruptured and bleeding, she even reamed out one of the women's
poop shoot and as fate would have it, she spent the night between good
old Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, even sucking Beatrice to a climax. Thankfully,
Brandi was allowed to recuperate most of the next day

That evening the two homosexuals preened and polished Brandi, her
platinum blonde hair was straight, as usual, but brushed and combed to a
shinny luster, her makeup immaculate. The simple, black cotton dress she
wore was strapless, leaving her shoulders bare but completely hiding her
breasts beneath the thin fabric, the hem line was well above her knees,
showcasing her trim, shapely legs in fine fashion, it hugged her body
like a glove, leaving no guess work that she wore no panties or bra
underneath. She sported a smart pearl necklace around her neck and
white, patent leather pumps on her feet.

They escorted her to Jason Devroe's quarters where he and two arab
appearing people were eating dinner. The man was attired in the
traditional middle east dress, while the much younger girl wore jeans
and a tee shirt. What caught Brandi's attention most was Johnny, who
hung by his wrists in the corner, naked and gagged, his mouth sucking on
a large, black, rubber penis.

Brandi was left standing in this unusual scenario while the trio
continued with dinner, the two men paying her no mind, while the girl
was much more interested, glancing repeatedly in her direction.

Jason conversed with the other gentleman.

"So Mr. Tahi, this is your daughter's eighteenth birthday coming up?

The man took in a breath and sighed.

"Yes, I'm afraid so, Kyra is so spoiled and out of control, just look
how she's dressed, blue jeans, her grandmother would die all over again
if she saw her dressed like that." "Of course on the streets of our
country, she dresses traditionally but in the palace and other countries
outside of the middle east, she dresses as she pleases."

Amused, Jason smiled and Tahi went on about his unusual daughter.

"Kyra has everything under the sun, but now she wants a pair of slaves
for her birthday, we have many slaves in our palace, Africans and
europeans but no, she wants Americans, she really hates Americans.

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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