Pee - School
Dear School Inspector.
It ' s been a year since I took over as headmaster at Equus Academy for Wayward Girls and as you have remarked in your report an extraordinary improvement in discipline since my processor ' s departure has occurred putting our academy on par with the finest schools in the country. On frequent occasions you have enquired on how I brought about such change. I would have liked to have replied sooner but I ' m sure as you understand have been bogged down by a heavy schedule. I have finally found time to scribble a few notes on my methods, for now I hope this will suffice.
Since my appointment I have instigated a number of changes to the school. The banning of girl ' s speaking in and outside class unless spoken to by a teacher, the abolition of breaks except 30 mins for lunch, strict daily uniform inspections, an hour of drill and exercise in the playground and canes issued to all teachers. However I feel it is some of my less conventional methods that have worked the best.
Being a school for wayward girl ' s making rules with all the best intentions in the world is no good unless you have a way of enforcing them and it ' s here I have proved particularly successful. At first when I posted the new rules I got little enthusiasm from the staff and amusement from the girls themselves that was until they found out what would happen if they broke them.
The first girl to try this was a Rachel Parker a miscreant of a girl, somewhat considered a roll model by the most troublesome girls. On my first afternoon of the new rules I made special case of singling her out. She had walked into class chatting away with her friend dismissive of the new regulations. After a few minutes for her to get settled I stormed into the class positively bellowing and blowing enough to take even the most disobedient aback. And summoned Rachel to the front. It appears even she was taken by my ferocity and came almost meekly to the front head hung down. I spun her around and pulling a length of rope out of my pocket bound the surprised girl ' s wrists behind her. When she realised what had happened to her wrists she began to pull, but by this time I was onto her elbows. Realising her arms were of no use Rachel then began to kick with her feet. Holding her so she didn ' t crash to the ground I swept her legs from beneath her with mine and lowered her gently to the ground. There I tied her ankles and knees, pulled her legs back into a tight hogtie. And left her their struggling.
The rest of the girl ' s had been watching with a mixture of fear and amazement but now this was giving way to curiosity and a touch a sadistic delight at their comrades plight. I ordered them to move their desks and clears space in the middle of the room where I dragged Rachel and lay her on her back face up. Then to hers and the other girls utter amazement I pulled my dick out and began to pee on Rachel ' s face. At first she screamed, so I made my aim into her open mouth and when she realised her mistake and closed it I carefully soaked the rest of the immobilised girl ' s facial features. Finally I turned my attention to the rest of her uniform ensuring she had a wet and uncomfortable rest of the day.
I then turned Rachel over so she was face down in the pool of pee on the floor leaving her there for a few seconds to choke and fight against her bonds. I then pulled a timer clock from my bags and started it and placed it a metre in front of Rachel. “ For every minute it takes you to lick that floor dry you will get a stroke of the cane. ” I told her sternly. There were a few gasps from the other girls and at first Rachel did nothing. When one minute passed I loudly proclaimed “ Right! That ' s one stroke girl ” . For emphasis I removed my hefty rattan cane from my bag and showed it to her. I gave her a few demonstration swishes in the air and told her “ These are hard strokes I ' m talking about girl! ” Three minutes had passed, I noticed her resolve was showing signs of cracking, two or three time she had looked down at the task at hand and up again at me wielding the cane. She looked at the clock again, it was nearing four minutes.
“ You know they say if you have more than 24 strokes at one times it scars for life ” . I goaded the unsure girl, when on the stroke of four and a half minutes her tongue came out and she started lapping. At first slowly and reluctantly with her face twisted in degust but gradually as she saw the time fly with more resolve to the task at hand. The pee had covered a wide area of the floor, one major pool, some minor ones and a lot of splashes. In her hogtie it was a great struggle to manoeuvre herself around the room to all drops on the floor but eventually she did it. Forty seven minutes showed on the clock.
I pulled two desks about two metres apart, untied Rachel ' s legs and retied them widely spread to the legs of a desk. Grabbing her I raised her unsteadily to her feet and untied her arms. I retied them above her head spread wide to the ceiling placing her in a standing ‘ x ' position. I order the rest of the girls in the class to line up against the back wall behind her and removed her tartan miniskirt that was school uniform. I then lowered her white panties and gave her the first of her 47 strokes. She screamed loud enough that most of the floor and some of the above and below floors heard her. I hit her sufficiently hard not to cut her but leave large dark blue welts for weeks to come.
When over I released the snivelling girl and had all the desks returned to place. I ordered Rachel to sit back at her desk and told the teacher to continue the lesson as normal. Rachel was not to change clothes under any circumstance.
Word quickly got around the school about the Rachel Parker incident and discipline perked up immediately. I won ' t say my new rules were obeyed to the letter, there were still minor misdemeanours, the odd word exchange when the teacher wasn ' t looking but some good ground work with had been established.
Then next incident that passed my attention was the case of Kaori Satori who was 10 minutes late for school. Usually one of the best behaved girls and had teachers wondering just why she had been sent to such and establishment. She gave the lame excuse of the bus being late.
I ordered her and her entire class, as witnesses, into a new punishment room I had constructed. On the floor lay an “ x ” shaped troth. About 20 cm deep and each of the four limbs only a few centimetres wide so they fit snugly around the arms and legs, I ordered Kaori to lay in it. The girls had seen to much of my discipline methods by now to disobey. Kaori reluctantly eased herself into the tub and lay there spread-eagled on the floor with the wall of the troth around her. I bent down and applied fitted straps at her ankles and wrists to lock her in position.
I then turned to the rest of the girls and ordered them to remove their skirts and panties, which they eventually did, and line up against the back wall. I then called a girl forward to pee on Kaori. One by one each stepped forward, peeing on Kaori ' s face, in her mouth and over her body. As the numbers increased the bath began to fill, 10 girls later it was up to halfway. After 18 girls much of Kaori ' s body was submerged only her chest and face above water. Five more girls later and only her mouth and nose stuck out, one more girl and she would be unable to breath. I told Kaori of her plight and informed her unfortunately there were 6 more girls to go and the next would be beginning in two minutes so she as that long to lower the pee level or drown. A grimace covered her face when she realised what she must do. Resigned to her predicament however she turned her head slightly sideways, open her mouth and began drinking.
I released the last 6 girls at 2 minute intervals and ordered them to dress and go back to class. Kaori I left there for an hour before releasing her. I made her stand to attention in the playground for another hour to drip dry and let her return to class.
Since I began these harsh punishments I have won much support from amongst the teachers. So much in fact several have began using my methods. None more so than Miss Parsons our English teacher. Normally newly qualified teachers are far too young and idealistic to believe in strict discipline, but Miss Parsons I ' m glad to say has proven quite the opposite and has a reputation amongst the girls for harshness equal to my own.
Miss Parsons has several favourite methods of punishing naughty girls. One such method is to hogtie a girl in a large empty room and place a dozen or so small sauce bowls over the floor. Miss Parsons then pees into a large wine glass and fills each of the bowls from it. The girls then has to struggle from bowl to bowl and lap up the contents. While she does this Miss Parsons times her and for each minute it takes her she gets a stroke of the cane. Miss Parsons also awards additional strokes for leaving drips in the bowls, splashes and woe betide if the girls accidentally knocks a bowl over. Miss Parsons then who has a particularly heavy cane ties the girls up and takes great pleasure from making sure the girl can ' t sit down for two weeks without wincing.
Mr George is another member of staff who has found new vigour as a teacher thanks to my new regime. He is our PE teacher and has a particular love for cross country running but had grown saddened by the reluctance of the girls to participate in his sport. His runs had turned into farces with girls walking, bunking off and stopping for cigarettes as soon as out of sight. Not any more, however, all this has come to a stop. I ' m proud to say since Mr George instigated his Special Motivational Training methods on girls they are trying as hard as they should.
Mr George now has a record of each girl ' s personal best time and at a training session each girl is required to show improvement and beat it. If they fail they go on to Special Motivational Training for a class. At the start of a PE class which may for example consist of the girls running around the school a dozen times. All the girls not on Special Motivational Training pee into a large plastic water container with a plastic tap. The girls on Special Motivational Training then must place their mouth beneath the tap and have them filled with pee. The girls then set off on their first lap of the school, the girls with mouths full of pee trying not to swallow.
At the end of the first lap the Special Motivational Training girls have their kneel at Mr George ' s feet and open their mouths for him to inspect inside to see how much pee is left. If he considers the pee level too low and the girl has swallowed to much the lap doesn ' t count. After the inspection the girls swallow the remainder of the pee in their mouths, go over to the tap and fill up with a fresh mouthful and embark on another lap. They continue until they complete all the designated laps without swallowing any pee.
Since starting this remarkable process I must say in favour of Mr George, the schools sporting trophy cabinet has never been so full. Then they do say the best coaches have developed their own unique methods.
I am happy to say Mr Inspector in the year since I have imposed these new methods the girls have learnt to obey the rules with unbending obedience. Not a word is now uttered by a girls from start to finish of the day, the girl ' s drill with military precision and obey absolutely any order without hesitation. However like any school we still have our rebels, Remedial Class ‘ c ' is where we ' ve lumped together the whole motley crew. No amount of punishment seems to work with them, one girl Rebecca Green for instance only this morning was caught daydreaming in class and another Trixie Cunnigham failed to stand quickly enough when the teacher entered the room.
With these girl ' s we ' ve developed a strategy of containment rather than punishment. During assembly each day every Remedial Class ‘ c ' girl is called forward and a pair of swimming goggles placed on their eyes. A large goldfish like bowl is closed around their heads and clinched with a locking waterproof seal at the neck. At the front of the bowl at mouth level is a two centimetre circular hole inserted through it a similarly sized solid tube that runs from the hole to at least an inch into the wearer ' s mouth to allow breathing. The top of the bowl has a lid.
The wearer is then made to kneel down and girls from the assembly are called up to pee in the bowl. This continues until the bowl is full and then the lid if tightly locked shut. The girl then attend her regular classes, Remedial Class ‘ c ' isn ' t a separate class more a status of a girl within a class. Though the girl ' s attend their regular classes they don ' t participate in the class work and are usually given separate tasks, such as line writing or copying pages of telephone directories. The teacher may for example order them to write the schools rules 100 times in two hours then cane then for each line short they are or each line with an error.
I hope this has enlightened you inspector on the methods I use in my school. In future I hope to write a more detailed description, perhaps a manual for other head teachers. Oh, yes and in response to your nominating me for the head teacher of the year award, I would like to say I ' m deeply honoured but feel I would be unable to attend such an event. I ' m afraid to inform you for reasons you will no doubt agree I will no-longer be able to continue as headmaster at Equus Academy for Wayward Girls, though my time was brief it was rewarding, however shortly after posting this letter I will be leaving the country.
M Brown
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