Naughty Boy Danny, chapter 4
Danny is an obnoxious 18 year old, who is learning to regret his misbehavior due to the painful and humiliating attentions of his 25 year old step-mother, Debra. Debra also keeps Danny's father James in line. It just so happens that when Debra spanked Danny publicly in the mall, he was wearing her panties, and all his friends saw them. It also just so happens that Debra is a substitute teacher at Danny's high school.
Chapter 4:
Danny awoke Monday morning sore and confused. His ass hurt and something seemed to be obstructing his cock. Suddenly he remembered the day before, being spanked and humiliated by his step-mother, and then locked in a cock-cage. He fumbled ineffectively with the cock cage, and then stumbled to his feet. Deeply humiliated, he walked to his father and step-mother's bedroom to ask Debra to remove the cage. He knocked on the door, and heard Debra's voice sweetly call, “Come in!”
He entered the room, glad to see his father was nowhere around. It would have been beyond humiliating to see his father after he had heard Debra fuck his father up the ass the night before. Danny walked up to the side of the bed where Debra lay stretched out on her side, looking so sexy. His cock tried to grow but couldn't inside the cage. Swallowing hard, Danny spoke, “Um, Debra, um, I can't wear this thing on my cock to school and um.. you need to take it off me.”
Debra looked at her step-son with hard, cold eyes. “You just made several mistakes there, missy. First of all, what do you call me?”
Danny looked at his step-mother with wide eyes. “I.. I thought.. I mean, you can't mean... I...”
Debra slapped Danny's face sharply. “I didn't ask you to babble like a stupid person. I asked you what you are supposed to call me, cunt.”
Danny rocked at the slap and gasped. He guessed that only by playing along would his cruel step-mother take this thing off him before he went to school. Taking a deep breath, he replied, “I'm sorry, Mommy. I'm supposed to call you Mommy.”
“That's right. And what is that thing you have between your legs?” Debra asked coolly, trailing one long finger nail down Danny's inner thigh, making him twitch unknowingly.
“M.. M.. My clit, Mommy,” Danny whispered, deeply ashamed. He didn't want to say these humiliating things. But he couldn't go to school with this thing on his dick either!
“And your third mistake was trying to tell me what I need to do, cunt. Now, maybe, just maybe, if you get on your pretty little knees and beg really really nicely, I'll take the cage off your nasty clitty.” Debra was laughing inside, watching her plans for Danny fall into place.
Danny looked around himself helplessly and dropped to his knees. “Please, please, oh, please, please, Mommy, take this horrible thing off my nasty clitty. Please, Mommy, I don't want to go to school like this.”
Smiling, Debra sat up in the bed. She reached down into the cleavage of her sheer pink teddy and produced a key. She unlocked the padlock that was keeping him captive and removed the “clit” cage. As Danny sighed with relief, she took his arm and tugged him rapidly down over her lap. “I was hoping I wouldn't have to punish you again so soon, little girl, but it seems you don't learn easily!” Debra began to spank Danny's bare bottom sharply and steadily with her strong hand.
“Ouch! De-- Mommy, stopppp! Ouch! Ouch! Stopppp! I'm sorry, Mommy! I'm sorry! I'll be a good bo-- girl! Ouch! Mommy! Mommy, please, stop!” Danny wriggled and twisted, trying to escape the firm spanks that were landing on his bottom. The bruises from last night's spanking flared with the renewal of the fire to his backside. Debra did not let up, merely pausing to reach her thick hairbrush and then bringing that down on his bottom instead of her hand. Crack! Splat! Smack! Over and over, the heavy brush found its target, and soon Danny was crying and sobbing uncontrollably. As he wailed, Debra smiled to herself. Then, she let him up from her lap.
“Let's get you dressed, or you'll be late for school, and you don't want to be in trouble for being late to school,” she directed. She led her still-sobbing step-son to her closet as he rubbed his bottom. She pulled a ruffly lavender skirt and sheer lavender blouse from the closet, then led her step-son to the dresser, where she selected a black satin bra and a lacey black thong. “Get dressed,” she ordered.
Danny stared at the clothes, uncomprehendingly. He looked up at his step-mother, then at the brush in her hand. Trembling, he reached for the panties and pulled them up over his legs. He looked at his step-mother again and then struggled into the bra. He fumbled for a moment, then Debra helped him with the hooks on the back of the bra. He smiled a bit to himself. He liked the feeling of the panties and bra. But he couldn't imagine going to school in a skirt and blouse! One more glance at that brush, though, and he was buttoning up the blouse and then pulling on the skirt. His backside felt extremely exposed because the panties were a thong and didn't cover him a bit. A stiff breeze would show everyone in school his very well-spanked tush. He blushed at the thought, then realized he was getting hard again. What was wrong with him?
“Now, then, little miss Danielle, I expect you to go straight to school and come straight home after school. Now lolly-gagging, do I make myself clear?” Debra asked sternly. Danny nodded dumbly. The next thing he knew, he was out the door and walking to school.
Chapter 5:
As he walked to his high school, he passed a group of junior high school boys. They were mini-jocks, already into football and basketball and wrestling. They laughed when they saw him. One of them was his friend Steve's little brother, Chris.
“Hey, guys! That's my brother's pansy friend! Steve says this pansy wears panties, and I guess he was right! Hey, pansy, you wanna suck my cock?” taunted the 13 year old.
Another boy joined in. “Hey, FAG! Chris is talkin' to you! What's the matter, cocksucker, already drank enough cum for breakfast and you aren't thirsty anymore?”
The younger boys laughed as Danny tried to think of something to say. “Shut up!” he yelled, finally. “It's not my idea, ya know! Mommy – I mean, my stupid step-mother is making me dress like this!”
“Oooo, the pansy's Mommy helps him dress. I hear she spanks your ittle tushy if you're a naughty little boy, too, pansy! Did she spank your ittle tushy last night wif her great big hairbrush, baby pansy?” Chris continued taunting.
Danny's face turned very red and he reached down and picked up a rock. “Shut up or I'll make you shut up, brat!”
“Ooo, I'm so scared of you, queer!” laughed one of the other boys. In a fury, Danny chucked the rock at the boy. It fell harmlessly to one side, and then Danny heard something that turned his blood cold. He heard Debra calling out his feminized name.
“Danielle! What in the world are you doing, picking on those poor little boys?”
The younger boys laughed, nudging one another. “This should be good,” one whispered, and the others nodded.
Debra ran up to Danny, who was staring at her in a panic. Without hesitation, Debra had one leg out in front of her, bent at the knee, and Danny was thrust over it. She flipped up his skirt and began to spank his exposed butt right there in the street in front of the junior high boys. They could clearly see the marks on his bottom from his previous spankings. As they watched, laughing, Debra rapidly spanked Danny's bottom bright red, again. Danny was howling and crying almost immediately, his bottom still sore from his previous spanking. “Mommyyyy stop! It hurtssss! You're embarrassing me! Mommyyy! Stopppp!” The younger boys began to mock him.
“Mommyyyy! Mommyyyy! Owwwieeee!” they cried out in baby voices. They laughed harder and harder. Finally, Debra uprighted her naughty step-son.
“Go on to school, boys, you don't want to be late,” she told the youngsters, and they headed off to school, laughing the whole way. “As for you, you can't even get to school without getting into trouble! Well, I'll just have to walk you there myself!” And with that, Debra took Danny's hand as though her were a small child of 5 or 6. She walked him all the way to school and into his first period class that way. Then, she stage-whispered to him to behave or else, and was out the door.
Chapter 6:
Danny was mocked, humiliated, taunted, teased, and worst of all, pinched and groped all day long by his classmates, male and female. Everyone had heard about his spanking at the mall, and somehow, word got out about his spanking on the way to school, as well. In the halls between each class, someone would yank up his skirt to get a good look at the marks on his backside. By the time between 5th and 6th period, every time his skirt was yanked up, someone would smack his exposed bottom. Everyone laughed, and for some reason, the teachers seemed uninterested in doing anything about it. Of course, Danny had smarted off to every single authority figure in the building at some time or another, so maybe that wasn't quite such a mystery.
The worst part of Danny's day was final period. He walked into the classroom, and stopped dead in his tracks. There at the teacher's desk sat Debra. She was substituting for his regular English teacher! Danny felt like he might throw up. He came in and took his seat. All the other students started giggling and whispering to one another, pointing to Debra and Danny. To Danny astonishment, he found himself getting hard again. Actually, he had been semi-hard most of the day, and he wasn't even sure why.
“Well, class, shall we begin? I-- Class, what is all this noise about? Quiet!” Debra began. The class did not quiet, but tittered and giggled and whispered more. Debra smiled to herself and spoke again. “I said quiet! What is causing all this disturbance and distraction in my classroom?”
A cute girl who Danny had had a crush on for years (and therefore had whistled at in the hallways, pinched on the tush during an assembly, and called derogatory names often) raised her hand. “The distraction is Danny, ma'am.” The other students giggled in agreement.
“I see. Danielle, stand up, please, and go to the front of the room.” Danny stood slowly, already embarrassed, and walked to the front of the room. “Now, I want you to write on the board, 'I will not distract my classmates.' I want you to write that a hundred times. You may begin.”
Danny was fuming inside. This wasn't his fault, it was hers! Still, what would happen if he refused to obey? He didn't think he wanted to find out, so he began to write on the chalk board. He had to write above several sentences that Debra had already written on the board for the class lesson, so he had to stretch to reach higher on the board. As he stretched, his skirt exposed the tops of his thighs and the spanking markings there. The class began to laugh even harder.
“Danielle! Are you still distracting my class? That will be detention after school for you!” Debra chided. “Now, keep writing.”
Furious, turning redder and redder, Danny kept writing the stupid sentence over and over. His classmates laughed even harder, and when one threw a spitball at him, Danny turned around and threw an eraser back. For the second time that day, Danny's temper was his undoing.
Quick as a flash, Debra was at the front of the room with a chair. She sat on the chair and tugged Danny over her lap. Up went the skirt, and Debra explained to the class, “School policy is that a student may be spanked if conventional methods of discipline have failed and there is permission from the students' parent or guardian. Since I am this child's parent, there is certainly permission granted.” With that, she brought her teacher's yardstick down across Danny's exposed tush. Crack! Snap! Whack! Snap! Crack! The yardstick fell across Danny's bottom and thighs repeatedly. His classmates were laughing harder than ever, cat-calling and taunting as Danny got his third spanking of the day from his step-mother. He wept and sobbed and begged “Mommy” to stop and let him be. Crack! Snap! Smack! On and on went the spanking, until the yardstick itself snapped. Then, Danny was put in the corner for the remainder of the period.
After class, Danny was kept behind by Debra for his detention. He finished writing the stupid sentence one hundred times. After Debra finished making her notes to the teacher she was substituting for, she took Danny by the hand. “Time to go home, Danny.”
Chapter 7:
Danny thought that surely things would get better once he got home. But he was still learning about the inherent unfairness of his step-mother's cruel system. As soon as they entered the house, Debra turned to him.
“I believe I told you to be home right after school, Danielle! And you are late!”
“But.. but.. you gave me a detention, Mommy,” Danny replied, mumbling the last word of the sentence. Smack! He felt her hand strike his bottom.
“Do not make excuses, young lady. I told you to be home, and you weren't home. Now, you will have to be punished again! Now, go upstairs and bring me your father's belt!”
Completely aghast, Danny stumbled up the stairs to his parents' room. He took his father's belt from its hook and stared at it. It had thick, metal studs in three rows all up and down the thick leather. He couldn't believe she wanted to spank him with that. Spank him? Hell, this would be a real beating. And wasn't that against the law or something? Yes, he was pretty sure it was. He stood there a long time, holding the belt. Eventually, he heard Debra walking up behind him.
“I was thinking, Debra.” he said deliberately. “It's illegal for you to beat me. You'd go to jail.”
Debra stepped in front of him and moved her hand dismissively. “If you live under my roof, you'll obey my rules and submit to my punishments, Danielle. If you don't choose to do that, go ahead and live on the streets. But you'll take nothing with you... but the clothes on your back. Do you want to raped by a pimp and then forced to turn tricks for him?”
Danny blanched. He hadn't thought things through, apparently. He had no where to go. None of his friends were his friends anymore, and he would end up on the street. And dressed like this, he probably would be forced into a life as a whore. Hanging his head submissively, Danny handed the belt over to Danielle.
Debra took the belt and bent her step-son over the bed. She made him hold up his own skirt and proceeded to land 40 strokes with the belt on his backside and thighs, all the way down to his knees. He howled and jumped and begged and cried, but Debra knew no mercy. After he had been thoroughly punished for being home late from school, Debra announced he would be punished for failing to call her Mommy again.
“You just can't get yourself into the proper frame of mind, cunt. Strip entirely, then lay down on the bed on your back,” she commanded. His ass on fire, Danny didn't dare disobey, and lay down as instructed. Debra slid an adult diaper under his tush and proceeded to powder his “clit” and his backside before pulling the diaper up between his legs and fastening it. Danny was wearing a diaper.
“Now then, until you properly learn to call me Mommy, you will be wearing these diapers. And you will not be allowed to use the potty without permission from either your father or I. At school, you'll just have to wait it out.”
School? She expected him to wear Pampers to school? Was she crazy? Well, obviously she was crazy, but this was ridiculous. He opened his mouth to say all this, but then wondered what else she would do to him, and remained silent. No way would Dad let her get away this. No way... right?
At that moment, James arrived home from work. He walked into his bedroom and saw his son sitting on the bed in a diaper, his face wet with tears. James looked at his gorgeous wife, then at his son again. Then, he looked at Debra again.
“James, Danny has been very very very naughty, all day long. He has received no fewer than 4 spankings, and now he is in a diaper until he can learn to properly respect me and my authority over him. What did I tell you would happen if Danny was naughty?”
James turned pale, then looked at his son with a great deal of fury in his eyes. “You said I would be punished, Ma'am,” James said softly, but clearly. He looked like he would like to give his son a licking as well. Danny didn't know whether to be more ashamed or somewhat amused.
“That's right, James. Now you have 4 punishments coming tonight. Strip.” Debra ordered her former-Marine husband. James looked at Danny. “Danny, you may go do your homework, but remember, no potty without permission from your father or me.” Debra continued without looking at Danny. Wordlessly, Danny left the room and went to watch TV, because, as usual, he hadn't brought any homework home with him.
James stripped out of his suit and tie from work, and out of the frilly pink panties that Debra made him wear under his clothes. He bent over at her command, and she thrust a slightly lubed, medium-sized plug into his ass. She started it vibrating, while James squirmed uncomfortably. He did not enjoy anything going up his ass, not even a little bit. He remained bent over, whimpering quietly. Without a word, Debra began to cane his filled ass with a bamboo cane. Swish, snap, swish, snap. James bolted upright and screamed after the first two very quick strokes caught him in the tender spot where his thighs began. He bounced back down into position even as the next stroke caught him across the meatiest part of his backside. Howling with pain, he withstood a dozen lashes with the cane before Debra allowed him to stand. As she did, she turned up the speed on the vibrating plug in his ass.
“That, you filthy cunt, was just one punishment. You have four to go. And I believe I hear the television set on, which means your pathetic excuse for a son isn't doing as I told him, and you will have to have yet another punishment. You stupid, ugly little toad. Why couldn't you teach that sissy some basic manners and decency? Is it because you have none? All that yes sir, no sir, in the Marines, and your own son is a backtalking, sex-crazed BRAT.” Debra lectured her husband, knowing that he would sweat with fear, wondering what she had in store for him next. Debra loved this, having two men to abuse, humiliate, punish, and dominate. It was all her fondest wishes and craziest fantasies fulfilled.
She made James stand in the center of the bedroom, and then put alligator clips on his nipples, the underside of his dick, and on his balls. Then she connected the clamps with a chain, which she pulled on. James screamed, and she laughed. She took her time, pulling on the chain, flicking the individual clips with her fingers and then with a small penis whip, then pulling some more. After 45 minutes, she grew bored and released James from the alligator clamps. He howled as the blood flowed back into his sore nipples, cock, and balls. She laughed, and turned the vibrating plug up even higher. Just as she was moving on to James' next punishment, there was a knock on the door.
A red-faced Danny stood at the door. “Um.. Mommy.. Dad... can I go potty please?” He was dancing, clearly having put this moment off as long as he could. He had heard his father's howls, screams, and pleading and hadn't wanted to interrupt. When he heard quiet, he took his chance to knock on the door. He did not look at his father.
Debra smiled sweetly and looked at James. “James, should we let Danny use the big boy potty? Or should he potty in his diaper?”
James looked at his son, the reason he had 3 punishments to go himself, standing there in a ridiculous diaper. Angry and humiliated, he snapped, “Let the brat piss himself, shit himself I don't care.”
“You heard your father, Danny. You'll just have to wee-wee in your diaper. Go ahead, right here, right now. Potty in your diaper, little Danny.”
Danny didn't want to, but he could barely hold it in any longer. With a look to his father of utter betrayal, he let go a stream of urine in his diaper. He began to cry like a wet baby as he soiled himself shamefully.
“Danny, have you done your homework?” Debra asked sweetly, as he sobbed with shame. Danny shook his head no.
“I didn't bring any home,” he mumbled. Suddenly, he knew he was about to be punished again.
“Well, you naughty little boy. Then you can stay in that filthy diaper until morning, when I might change you, if you can behave that long. And you will not have permission to use the potty all night, either.” Debra chuckled out loud at the look on Danny's face. Then she sent him away.
“Four punishments left now, James, but since you actually punished your son, we'll bring it down to 3 left,” she cooed to her husband.
“Oh, thank you, thank you, Miss Debra, for your generosity and kindness! Oh, thank you, Ma'am,” James said, with utmost sincerity. “Thank you, Ma'am, thank you, thank you, thank you...”
Debra continued punishing James, late into the night, beating him with his thick leather belt on his ass, thighs, shoulders, cock, and balls for a long time. After that, she stretched his balls with weights for a while. And finally, she took the plug out of his ass and made him beg her to fuck him with her largest, meanest strap-on. She made him get down on all fours and plead with her to fuck him harder than he'd even been fucked by her to make up for his awful parenting. He sobbed as he begged, because he hated to be fucked, hated it with all his heart, but he had no choice but to beg her to do the thing he hated more than anything else she did to him. Finally, she was satisfied with his begging and fucked the hell out of him, calling him a worthless faggot and a queer and a horny little bitchboy. All the while he cried, forced to beg her to fuck him harder, faster. She fucked him hard and fast, and forced him all the way to the ground where she ground him against the floor painfully.
And as she fucked her helpless husband's “pansy pussy,” Danny was laying in bed in the next room over, hearing everything, and unable to prevent himself from shamefully reaching into his diaper to play with himself as he lay in his own old (and newer) piss.
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