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Review This Story || Author: Bobbi Jo

GWU Alumni Part 1 - A Slut is Born

Chapter Three Maria: All By Myself

Part 1 - Chapter Three

Maria: All By Myself

Maria held out her cup for fresh coffee. As soon as Darlene filled it, she took
a sip and started her story.

"After I was dropped off at home, I made plans, you know? I wanted to be on my
own, so I needed a job. But I wanted to go to college, too. Well, I'm the
oldest. I have nine younger brothers and sisters," she said, looking at
Jennifer. "My mom and dad can't afford to pay to send me to college. I don't
know how they manage to always have enough food for everybody but they do. They
both work really hard."

"Well, I went looking for jobs. Know what kind of a job you can get when you're
nineteen and a high school graduate? Unless you know somebody, not much. You can
flip burgers or something, but you have to be over 21 and have experience and
education for most good jobs. I thought about joining the Army, but that wasn't
me, you know? I took a job at Roy Rogers and worked hard like I was taught. You
know, do the best job you can. I get paid OK but it isn't enough for me to live
on with my own place and stuff. I wanted to get out of my house, for me, for my
sisters so they'd have more room, all that. Anyway, I was at the college, you
know, in Annandale, and I saw a card on the bulletin board about this girl
looking for a roommate. Well, I called and she needed somebody to move in right
away, so I did."

"We are _totally_ incompatible," Maria laughed. "But we get along great.
Brenda's this upper crust kid who just wanted to get away from her parents.
They're rich and would have put her through college, even a private one, but she
ran off. The police came to check on her because her parents reported her
missing. They told her parents that she's an adult and they can't tell her what
to do any more."

"So I moved in and pay half the rent. Brenda doesn't cook. She never learned
how. Anyway, we talk when we get together. I work breakfast at Roy's so I have
to be at work at five-thirty in the morning. She works at Bath and Beauty in the
mall from two until closing at nine. Then she has to close the register and
stuff so she gets home about ten. We don't see a lot of each other except when
we wake each other up, which is pretty often but sometimes we get the same day
off and then we talk a lot. I talked her into going to GWU when they open back
up after President's Day next year. She'll go bonkers."

"What about you?" Darlene interrupted.

"Well, that's the best part," Maria giggled. "I had lots of time to think
because I can't afford to go out and stuff, so I stay home and I read a lot.
Anyway, this little voice inside me kept telling me, 'Maria, do this,' and
'Maria, do that.' I call that little voice my mental mistress and I'd say, 'Yes,
Mental Mistress.' If I said no, then I had to be punished but sometimes the
punishment wasn't as bad as what Mental Mistress told me to do." Maria smiled,
took a deep breath, and let it out in a long sigh. "I'm into self-bondage."

"Sounds interesting," Darlene chuckled, a little surprised but not shocked.

"Oh, yes," Maria laughed. "At first I'd just handcuff myself while I was in the
apartment. Mental Mistress would tell me when I could turn myself loose, but she
kept making it harder. I got scared and let myself loose too early. As
punishment, I had to go jogging with no bra. When I wouldn't do it again, she
made me cut off the bottom of my tank top and go jogging again. You should have
seen the looks I got." She looked at her friends. "I must sound totally nuts."

"Sounds insane to me," Dwayne teased, grinning back at her.

"Pretty much," Maria smiled back. "Did Dar' tell you about me? My Catholic guilt
thing? Well, I had nobody telling me what to do and I need that to get off so I
went a little insane, OK? A little voice inside my head took over my life. The
third day, Mental Mistress ordered me to put in my butt plug and go jogging
after I cut off another inch of the tank top. You could almost see the bottom of
my boobs."

"Just the bottom wouldn't be nearly enough for me," Dwayne said.

Then Jennifer laughed, reminding him that his daughter was there.

"I told you how visual men are," Maria laughed with the younger teenager.

"Donnie's _not_ a man," Jennifer grumbled.

"He is male. It's natural for him to want to peek at cute boobies. Just make him
pay." Maria and Jennifer grinned.

"I think I missed something," Dwayne said.

"You sure did," Maria laughed. "Donald's almost twelve and he's growing up. I
bet he pumps his pecker a dozen times every day and he's looking at girlie
pictures and beating off to them, too. What bugs Jen is that he tries to peek at
her, so she's going to confront him next time. She'll show him her boobs if he
does her chores and shows her his pecker. No touching. Just show and tell."

"I don't know," Darlene said slowly.

"No harm. They just need to set things straight, right Jen?"

"I guess."

"You need to have a talk with him, too, Mr. Dwayne."

"Yes, Mistress Maria," he answered, laughing.

"I'm serious."

"So am I," Dwayne told the youngsters. "I remember what it was like to be
twelve. I spent hours pumping my pud in the bathroom. I'm just lucky our family
wasn't big."

"I never heard 'pud' but you mean penis. Has Jen ever seen yours hard?" Maria

"I certainly hope not."

"Why not?"

"I don't really want to," Jennifer said shyly.

"OK," Maria said, turning back to the younger teenager. "But when you're ready,
ask your dad for a look. Maybe even touching. But no incest."

"I think I'll go on to bed," Jennifer told them.

"If you do, you'll miss the good parts," Maria snickered. "Or do you want
privacy to masturbate?"

"I don't know if I want to do it," the girl blushed.

"I do. You can peek. You've got to learn sometime."

"I want to hear more about your mental mistress," Dwayne cut in. "What did
mental mistress make you do next?"

Maria laughed. "Dirty old man. Well, mental mistress is telling me to tell you
all about it, so here goes. Remember our class on self-bondage where they talked
about freezing a key inside a jug?"

"No," Darlene answered.

"That's right. That was after you graduated early. Didn't you have to do
something like that for Dwayne?"

"Yeah." It wasn't a big thing. She called Dwayne and told him to come right home
because there was an emergency. Then she tied her ankles to the coffee table,
cuffed her hands over her head, and waited. He came in, saw his wife bound and
gagged with a red ball gag, and ran to turn her loose. 'You're supposed to be
turned on and fuck me,' she whined once the gag was removed. His answer was that
she didn't need to be tied down for that. So much for her experience in

"I froze my handcuff key in the middle of a five quart ice cream tub," she told
her audience. "I told Brenda that it made the freezer work more efficiently. It
does, but I did it to make my bondage real where I couldn't get loose until...
well, for a while. I'd be really trapped. I did it. Mental Mistress made me do
this whole trip as punishment."

"I tied a piece of twine to the light over the tub to hold the handle from the
ice cream tub. Then I got myself ready. I put in my gag, put on my highest
heels, and tied them on my feet. You remember how to do that. Then I got the tub
of ice, cut the bottom out, and tied the handle to the string that was hanging
down. I put in my butt plug and then I tied my legs together while I was
standing in the tub. Then I put on the handcuffs behind my back. I was stuck
there until the ice melted and the key fell. Until then, I had to stand under
the drips and wait."

"Were you naked?" Jennifer asked in a whisper.

"Completely," Maria giggled. "The danger of Brenda coming home early or getting
caught by somebody else made it _so_ exciting."

No one said anything for a few minutes. Then Jennifer spoke up to ask, "Why?
Why'd you handcuff yourself?"

"Lots of reasons," Maria told her. "Mostly it's because I'm nuts. But really,
for me, I had trouble enjoying sex, even playing with myself. When I was with
your mom, they'd spank us if we didn't do what we were told..."

"Mom? Got spankings?"

"They were pretty sexy, too," Maria laughed. "Especially for me because when
somebody else made me play with myself, I could climax easy. I could tell myself
it wasn't my fault, that I wasn't sinning... OK, I'm Catholic, see? Catholics
think that sex is a sin if you don't to it for procreation. That's making
babies. But Catholics are only allowed to try to make babies after we're married
so single people can't do sex. It's this whole trip called Catholic guilt. But I
didn't feel guilty if I _had_ to do it, you know, make myself have a climax.
Does that make sense?"

"Sort of. I guess," Jennifer answered.

"Jen', everybody's different. Your mom never has trouble like me. Maybe you will
or maybe you won't, but it'll be you, and probably different from your mom, me,
your sisters, whoever. But when I had nobody to tell me what to do and threaten
to punish me if I didn't do it, I got all horny because I couldn't climax. So
Mental Mistress came along. It works for me."

"Anyway, so there I am, standing in the tub with ice water dripping on me, and
guess what happens?" She looked at Jennifer, then at the girl's parents. "I
didn't think. Since I cut the bottom out of the tub, the whole chunk of ice fell
on my head. I was lucky it was only a couple inches above me or I might have
been knocked out."

Laughing at herself, she continued, "I still had to stand there and wait for the
ice to melt before I could get the key, and once the ice melted, I had to get
down to get the key. I'm tied up, remember? My nipples were hard from the cold.
I was cold all over and through and through and that little voice from my mental
mistress ordered me to masturbate and have a climax to warm myself up. I did. It
was great.

"So now, whenever I know I need to do something, Mental Mistress makes me do it.
She's great. She makes me keep the apartment clean. If I don't, then I get
punished. And sometimes she makes me tie myself up... Until Brenda caught me."

"I thought maybe that was coming," Dwayne laughed.

"Yeah," Maria blushed. "I was about to come," she laughed. "I was vacuuming the
carpet, naked, and well, I was dressed kind of kinky. Have you experimented at
all, Dar'?"

"A little."

"Well, let me tell you about my discoveries," she said, blushing with a
combination of pride and humiliation. "I found out some neat things to use for,
ah, dildos and plugs. See, Jen', I can't afford sex toys that are made as sex
toys, so I had to come up with ideas. The small soy sauce bottle and the little
Tabasco sauce bottles are perfect size for insertion into, you know, my holes. I
tie twine tight around the neck of the bottles where the caps go on. Then I fill
them about half full of water and put the caps on to keep the water in and to
make sure the string doesn't slip off. Then I wrap the string around my cotton
rope to hold the bottles a couple inches apart. Ta da. Double dildo plugs."

Maria laughed at herself before she went on. "I slimed up both of the bottles
with some Vaseline and put them in, the Tabasco bottle in my bottom and the soy
sauce bottle in my puss. It's kind of a trick getting them in wide part first,
but they have to go in together because they're tied onto the rope. I couldn't
wrap and tie the strings onto the rope with the bottles in me. Having them half
full of water makes 'em slosh when I move and it feels weird but nice.

"Anyway, when Brenda came home, I was punishing myself. My bottles were inside
me and I'd tied my vibrator onto the crotch rope so it vibrated the knots
against my clit'. Mental Mistress made me wear my high heels all day, too, so I
had them tied to my feet with only a foot of rope between my ankles to hobble
me. I felt really submissive that day so I'd put in my ball gag and buckled it
tight. I had binder clips on my nipples and hair thingies looped through them
and attached to my dog collar to pull up on my nipples until I could get loose.
To top it all off, I handcuffed my wrists with the chain under the front of the
crotch rope so I had to undo the handcuffs first.

"I was in submissive heaven," she sighed, grinning. "Mental Mistress told me I
had to finish cleaning the whole house before I could start getting the key.
Don't look at me like that, Dar'. It was completely safe. I could have gotten
out of the apartment just like I was if there was a fire or something, and I
could have cut the ropes with scissors or a knife from the kitchen if I needed
to. But my key was outside in our back yard, frozen inside a plastic milk jug.
It was freezing out there and I had to go out to get it just like I was and then
get back inside."

"I planned it that way," Maria grinned. "The neighbors on each side can see into
our little patch of back yard from their upstairs windows, so I had to wait
until after dark. If I turned off all the lights, it would probably be dark
enough that nobody could see me, and I hoped they'd either be asleep or not

"I never made it. Brenda came home when I was running the vacuum. I didn't hear
her because of the noise. The stereo playing and my dancing might have had
something to do with not hearing her, too. Or maybe it was that I was climaxing
at the time. I had the handle of the vacuum against my crotch rope and the
bullet vibrator. I was dancing against the handle with my eyes closed and

Maria rolled her eyes up and smiled, remembering the pleasure of that orgasm.
"Have you ever climaxed when you're standing up? When you can't sit or lie down?
Isn't it intense? So I'm standing there, groaning and cumming. I finally turn
off the vacuum and open my eyes and there's Brenda, watching me. She just looked
at me and said, 'That was quite a show. You did this to yourself, didn't you?'
As if I would have been vacuuming if some rapist had come in and tied me up.
Geez, it was _SO_ obvious.

"Well, I almost died of embarrassment. At least she didn't bring anybody home
with her. To make a long story short, now she's my mistress. Kind of, anyway. We
got into tying each other up and even spanking once in a while, but we haven't
even kissed, if that's what you're thinking."

"That was exactly what I was thinking," Dwayne chuckled.

"Men," Darlene laughed. "All the same. Come here and let's give him a show."

"Watch, Jen'," Maria smiled. "Kissing a girl won't make you gay." She embraced
Darlene and tilted her head so they could tongue kiss. Both of them stroked
their fingers through the others' hair as they smooched for several minutes.
When the kiss ended, Maria turned to Jen', saying, "Come on. Time for us to have
some fun."

"And parents," Darlene added, taking Dwayne's hand.

"Let's clean up first," Maria said, picking up coffee cups. Jennifer helped
rinse the cups, then they headed to Jennifer's newly created private room in the
basement of the old home. "I usually sleep in the buff. How about you?"

"I have two brothers," Jennifer answered without further comment.

"I had five so I know what you mean," Maria smiled. "You have a robe?"


"Stick with that," Maria suggested. "It'll drive Donnie nuts waiting for the
belt to come undone. And if you feel like it, you can always whip it open and
say, 'Is this what you wanted to see, pervert?' Giving brothers a hard time is
part of what being a sister is all about, right?"

"You still love your brothers, don't you?"

"Of course. Just wait. In a few years, he'll come to you for advice on how to
pick up girls," Maria told Jennifer. "He'll quit trying to sneak peeks at you
and start trying to get his hands into some pretty girl's pants. My brothers
call me for advice all the time. But tonight's for you, not your brothers or me.
Ready to get naked?"

"I'm scared."

"Scared is OK," Maria told her young friend. "Actually, it's good. I stay
scared. If I wasn't scared, I might have gone wild and not used common sense. I
might be pregnant or I might have AIDS. I've finally got to where I think
logically. Thinking's better then just feeling. But right now, I feel horny. Do
you know what that means?"

"That you feel sexy?"      [Image] "More than that," Maria snickered. "Horny
means that I feel like having sex and doing something about it. But you're just
feeling scared, not sexy or horny, right?"

"I don't know," Jennifer sighed. "I feel different. I get all... I don't know,
just weird. Teenage guys are different, too."

Maria laughed. "When you were a little kid, it was OK to sleep with a guy who
was also a little kid. Now you're a woman. A young woman, but still a woman. You
need privacy. You need modesty. I went through it, too. One of the reasons I had
to get out on my own was my little sisters and brothers. At home, there was no
way for me to get any privacy. It's nice that your dad fixed you up a room in
the basement."

"Kind of a room."

"I think it's neat," Maria said, looking around. The walls were covered with
sheet rock and painted plain white. The outside of the walls were still bare 2x4
studs with cables running to the boxes for the outlets Dwayne had put in. "At
least you have privacy. Do you do stuff like get naked and play with your
clitoris so you can climax? Have you ever had one, an orgasm?"

"I don't know," Jennifer squeaked. "I don't think so."

"Then you haven't. I sure knew when _I_ had my first one. That was just last
summer, too."

"When you were at the retreat with mom?"

"Yes," Maria smiled. So 'retreat' was how Darlene explained her absence to her
kids. Maria waited for another question. When Jennifer didn't speak, Maria asked
her, "Do you know where your clitoris is?"

"I think so."

"Do you ever touch it so it feels good?"

"No." Her answer came out as a tiny squeak.

"When I was your age, I didn't either," Maria laughed. "No privacy and besides,
I thought it was a sin."

"Yeah," Jennifer softly acknowledged. "At Sunday school, they said that sex
before marriage is wrong."

"Sex with a guy, going all the way. Intercourse is the term. Do you know what
that is?"

"Oh, yes," Jennifer answered, rolling her eyes around. "The man inserts his
penis..." She repeated what she had learned in school Sex Ed with no

"Good. So, will a man's penis fit in you?"

"I guess," Jennifer shrugged.

"Well, a baby can come out of there," Maria chuckled. "So smaller things can fit
in. I like the feel of things inside me. I'm going to love fucking when I'm
married. What? What's wrong?"

"The f-word. I'm not supposed to say it."

"Me neither. But it's easier to say then intercourse or other technical names.
It's like saying pussy instead of vagina or pussy lips instead of labia. It's OK
between us girls. Are you ready to get naked now?"

"I'm kind of tired."

"And a little chicken," Maria said, smiling at the fourteen- year-old next to
her. "Can I get naked and play with myself? I get a special kick if somebody
watches me. It makes my climax more powerful. Would that be OK?"

"I guess," Jennifer blushed.

"Thank you," Maria told the youngster seriously. "I was afraid you might be so
scared that I'd have to hide in the bathroom to get off. I can climax two or
three times. Do you say climax, orgasm, or cum or what?"

"The girls at school say big-O," Jennifer giggled, blushing again. "They talk
about it. Some of them have been with guys."

"I feel sorry for them," Maria said. "It's better to wait. I'm glad I waited.
But I do wish I'd learned to make myself have a big-O sooner. It feels good and
helps me get to sleep. And when a guy is nice but I'm not ready to screw with
him, I can come home and relieve my sexual tension. Like this."

Maria peeled off her sweatshirt and reached back to unhook her bra. She spent a
moment scratching around the bottom of her breasts before she got up off the bed
to remove her jeans, taking her panties down with them. "I told you I was
weird," Maria laughed. "Last summer I tried shaving and got ingrown hairs that
itched like crazy. The ladies said I should try a depilatory cream like Nair.
Nair's expensive but I found some that's less expensive and I tried it. I like
it. I don't get ingrown hairs, and it's supposed to keep the hair from growing
back in so thick, and what does come back is supposed to be lighter and thinner
then if I shaved or just left it. I'm experimenting, see?"

Jennifer put her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. Maria's pubic patch was
thin and light on one side, dark and curly on the other and one spot was
completely bare.

"I do my bikini line every spring because my hair's so thick and dark. Next
spring I'm going to make my bikini line my whole crotch. Now," she said, putting
her left hand on her mons and using her fingers to separate her outer labia, "A
woman's clitoris--I usually just say clit--is right here where the inner pussy
lips meet, see? Mine's small like the eraser on the end of a pencil. I saw
everyone else's last summer and most are kind of small like mine. I've heard of
a clit as big as a thumb. Your mom has the biggest one I've ever actually seen
myself. Can I see yours?"

When Jennifer just blushed and looked down at her hands folded in her lap, Maria
said, "It's OK. I wouldn't have shown my pussy when I was your age, either. But
I am very, very horny. I get off lots of ways. If I use my fingers, it's slow
and nice. When I want it quick, I use my vibrator. With a vibrator, it's easy to
get off without working at it. Do you have some baby oil or something?"

Jennifer went to her dresser, picked up a tube of hand lotion, and brought it
back to the bed. "Is this OK?"

"Fine," Maria smiled, squeezing a dab onto the fingers of her right hand. She
used the left to open her labia again, then spread the cream with her fingers
and began to rub. "I like to put one finger on each side of my clit and go up
and down until I'm about to pop. I can't stand to touch my clit when I start
out. It's too sensitive even when my little hood covers it, see?"

"That's OK," Jennifer said after a quick glance.

"Yes, it's OK," Maria sighed. "Very OK. It feels so good." Mental Mistress was
making her masturbate in front of a teenager that she really wanted to ravish
with pussy licking and fingers. But mental mistress wouldn't let her touch the
girl, reminding Maria of how she would have felt in the same circumstances at
the same age.

Maria laid back, bent her knees, and pulled her legs up. She squeezed more
lotion onto her fingers, then divided it between her hands. Wedging her elbows
behind her knees, she stuck her left index finger in her anus and her thumb in
her pussy. "That feels so good," she moaned as the fingers of her right hand
began to work on her clit more forcefully.

Before long, Maria was moaning continuously. She used her thumb to pull the hood
back from her clit and began strumming her love button with her fingertips like
a flamenco guitarist. That sent her over the top. She tried to keep her cries
quiet. Mental Mistress told her that she was gagged so she wouldn't wake the
rest of the family. Then all the tension in her body abandoned her and she
collapsed. "Wow," Maria sighed. "I needed that."

When Maria didn't move for some minutes, Jennifer asked, "Are you all right?"

"Wonderful," Maria smiled, opening her eyes. "That was nice but I want to come
again." She opened the athletic bag that she brought and dug around inside until
she found the battery powered vibrators hidden in the bottom. "A nice, easy,
quick one helps me get to sleep. Want to try one?" Maria held out a bullet

"Not right now."

"Want to practice French kissing?"

"Not right now."

"Chicken. Hey, you're still dressed. Get naked, girl," Maria teased.

"I usually sleep in pajamas. I don't think I could sleep naked," Jennifer said.

"I sleep naked," Maria smiled. "So get into your PJs."

"I've got to go to the bathroom," Jennifer said, quickly grabbing her
nightclothes and running out. Maria heard the basement stairs creak, then the
rattle of the old pipes when the toilet flushed. She twisted the bottom of her
medium size vibrator and slid it between her labia to rest beside her clit. When
Jennifer got back, Maria was slowly stroking with her right hand while her left
hand held the vibrator in place.

"Don't you put it in you?" Jennifer whispered.

"I have, but they're awful hard and not very comfortable," Maria replied. "If I
want something inside me, I prefer soft but firm unless it's for punishment.
I've used lots of stuff, but a dildo that's made for it works best. Would you
get my dildo, please?"

"OK," Jennifer answered. Her uncertain tone was obvious.

"And a couple of rubbers," Maria added. "It's easier to put a rubber on sex toys
than it is to clean them."

Jennifer found three rubber objects in Maria's bag. "Which one?" she asked.

"All of them."

Jennifer laid all three on the bed.

"Rubbers?" Maria prompted.

"Latex condoms," Jennifer smiled, tossing the strip of foil packages beside the
dildo. "We learned about them in school."

"They told you that they're not fool proof, too, didn't they?"

"Yes. 'Abstinence is the only sure way to prevent disease transmission or
pregnancy'," Jennifer said in a poor imitation of her teacher's voice.

"Have you ever filled one up with water?"


"Come on." They both ran up the creaky basement stairs to the kitchen. Maria
pulled out the spray hose, put one of the condoms on the nozzle, and pressed the
button. The pair giggled and poked at the ballooning latex as it filled the sink
and still hadn't burst. "I guess we better stop before we make a big mess,"
Maria said.

"Let's pop it," Jennifer giggled, grabbing a meat fork from the holder by the
stove. She poked a hole in the side and was surprised to see a tiny stream of
water squirt out rather then a sudden burst.

"It's not a balloon," Maria grinned, turning the stream toward Jennifer.
Jennifer threatened with the fork. Then they both burst into giggles. "Sshhh.
We'll wake everybody up."

"And they'll see you naked," Jennifer snickered.

"Well, I'm going to take a job stripping so I guess I might as well get used to

"Mom, too." Jennifer was suddenly serious. "My worst nightmare is getting to
school and finding out that I forgot to get dressed."

"I had the same nightmare," Maria laughed. "It's different when you're older. I
used to hate my body. Now I like it. Do you like your body?"

"Yick." They finally emptied the rubber and threw it in the kitchen trash.
Jennifer made sure it was covered up. Then they went back down to Jen's room and
talked about body image and the changes she should expect. They spent most of
their time talking about hair and pimples and clothes rather than boobs or sex.
They kept talking until Jennifer yawned.

"I guess it's time for sleep," Maria said. Then she yawned, too.

"But I need a good climax. I've gotten used to making myself come before I go to
sleep. I have trouble nodding off if I don't. Put a rubber on the dildo for me,

"This one?" Jennifer asked, pointing.

"I'm sorry," Maria said, trying to sound sincere. She was pretty sure that her
young friend had never seen sex toys before. "Yes, that's a dildo. Go ahead. I
intend to teach you how to use a rubber, so you know how when it comes time to
use one for real. Now this one is a sleeve. It goes over the small vibrator like
this, see? That smooth one is my butt plug. I like having things in my bottom
sometimes. Would you put a rubber on it, too?"

"I guess." The girl tore the foil package and looked closely at what she found
inside. She touched the lubricant and checked the reservoir on the end, then
rolled it onto the dildo.

"Not bad. Are you sure you've never used a rubber before?"

"I saw one before, but this is the first time I ever touched one except for the
water rubber," she giggled as she opened another package and rolled the condom
onto the butt plug. "Doesn't it hurt?"

"Not if you're used to it. They make one that's even smaller, just the size of a
finger, but it isn't wide enough to stay where it belongs."

"Here," Jennifer said, handing the butt plug to her friend.

Maria laid back and pulled her knees to her chest to reach her bottom hole. The
lubricated condom let the plug slide right in. With the dildo in one hand and
the sheathed vibrator in the other, Maria went to work. She swiped the dildo up
and down her slit a couple of times, then worked it into her vagina. Once it was
in, she started slowly pumping the dildo. She turned the base of the vibrator
with her teeth and slid it back and forth until her pussy lips separated.

"I love my... vibrators," Maria grimaced. "I got... good ones... that really...
go to... town... so... Geez, oh, gosh, oh fuck... Oh, I'm sorry...Oooo." After
she collapsed on the bed, the dildo slowly slithered out. As soon as Maria
caught her breath, she asked again, "Sure you don't want to try?"

"Not right now. I'm tired."

"I want my kiss," Maria teased. "With tongue."

Jennifer blushed. Maria put her arms around the girl and hugged her, then moved
her mouth over the youngster's. A little gentle prying was needed to coax the
girl to open her mouth. Before long, they were having tongue battles. Maria
broke the kiss, saying, "Now get to sleep." She quickly snapped off the lamp and
slid under the covers. Jennifer wasn't sleeping. "Feeling a little queer because
you liked kissing a girl, huh?"


"Wait 'til you try it with a guy."

"I love you," Jennifer burst out, hugging her friend again.

"It's not love," Maria teased. "Just sex."

"That's not what I mean," Jennifer snapped.

"But it sure was a sexy kiss."

"You," Jennifer snapped again, clubbing Maria with a pillow. Maria retaliated
with her pillow and then Jennifer started tickling. "No fair!" Maria squealed.


"Did either of you get any sleep?" Darlene asked the bleary eyed teenagers when
they finally came upstairs at ten.

"Not much," Jennifer said quickly, running past her mother toward the bathroom.

"How'd it go?" Darlene asked.

"Teenage modesty overcame curiosity," Maria chuckled. "She never took off her

"I bet you did," Darlene laughed, grabbing her friend and tongue kissing her. "I
just wish Dwayne was home to see us."

"Some other time. I really need to get home."

"I'll drop you off." When Maria came back up, dressed and carrying the bag over
her shoulder, Darlene called to her daughter to watch the younger kids. "I'll be
back in an hour."

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