I fell in love with him at
first glance. He was so handsome and perfect and when I looked at him my heart
pounded and I desperately wanted him. I met him in a pub, he was at a table
near the bar having a drink with some friends. They were all the same age, all
in their early twenties and not one of them was unattractive, but he stood out.
He had a lovely smile and beautiful sky blue eyes that sparkled when he
laughed. I was getting a drink when I noticed him and I just stood there and
stared, I had to I couldn't help it, he was everything I had ever dreamed of in
a man but when he saw me looking he looked back and his smile faded. He was
actually staring me out.
"Do you want
something?"He demanded. And two of the men sitting with him looked around
and suddenly I had them looking at me too. I felt my face going red.
This wasn't fair, I hadn't felt this shy since I was at school, and that had
been ten years ago! Part of me wanted to tell him where to go, I would have if
he hadn't been so attractive and I hadn't felt something stirring inside me. I
noticed there were several empty pint glasses on the table and the one in his
hand was almost gone too. His eyes were slightly glazed. He wasn't drunk but he
was on the verge of getting there.
"I'm Kirsty." I
said, "And I wasn't staring at you I just wanted to ask - "
He leaned forward in his
chair, glass in his hand and he was still staring at me.
"I was on my way home
late on a saturday night."He stated, "This bloke jumps me for my
wallet. I put up a fight. The fucker had a gun. That's why...now can you leave
me alone?" He was glaring at me
like I'd insulted him. And the insult really stung. He had no right to assume
"I wasn't - "
"I said, fuck off.."He
That did it. Now I was angry.
"No,"I replied,
"You fuck off! I was looking at you because I think you're
attractive I wasn't staring at you..."
And I turned and walked
away and stood by the fruit machine, first I sipped my drink and then I stuck
money in the fruit machine even though I'd heard it pay out half an hour ago.
They were talking. He glanced over at me then looked back to his friends and I
could tell by the tone of the conversation that they were talking about me.
"Thats out of order,
Darren.."Someone said, and I thought, ok, his name is Darren.. then
someone else said: "No, you should apologise to her.."
"What for? I saw her
looking - "
"No, she
was.."And the conversation lowered. Now I felt really uncomfortable and my
money had just run out so I couldn't pretend to be playing the machine anymore.
He was coming over. I turned and faced him. He wasn't glaring at me now, he was
looking a little apologetic. And again I thought how attractive he was. He was
wearing a white shirt, the sleeves were short and I noticed how firm his arms
looked. His black jeans left nothing to the imagination I could see the shape
of it and that told me two things; he dressed to the left and he had been at
the front of the queue when God gave out the penises. My gaze hovered briefly
on his black leather belt, I pictured myself sliding the leather out of the
buckle, popping the button on his jeans and pulling down the zip...I was
surprised really that he was in such good shape. But it hadn't bothered me
at all anyway, it made no difference to me that he was in a wheelchair.
"I'm sorry Kirsty, I
apologise...it's me..I've got a bit of a complex about myself..I'm not used to
being in this thing...it's only been three months.. "
And I looked at him and
thought, he was so gorgeous. He had a handsome face and short dark hair and the
gold chain around his neck really stood out against his sun tan. He would be
perfect if he lost his attitude problem...
"Would you like to
sit down and have a drink?"He asked me.
I smiled.
"Yes I'd like
that."I replied.
When I sat down, his
friends moved over to make room for me, I was sitting on the end of the long
seat and Darren had wheeled his chair up beside me. We had a couple of drinks,
as the conversation flowed I got to know him better. He was twenty six, a
roofer by trade before the shooting. The bullet had actually gone in his right
side, but had lodged so close to his spine that nerves had been damaged. He
said he managed with crutches just about usually but after a few beers he fell over
which he laughed about, and said that was why he used the chair. From the way
the conversation went I gathered that he had been through quite an ordeal.
Emergency surgery, two weeks in intensive care, weeks in hospital afterwards.
He hadn't been out of hospital very long. No one could say if he would ever
walk unaided again. And the way his friends acted towards him, I could tell
they loved him and they were still protective as much as he tried to brush off
their affections. While his friends were chatting I watched him. His eyes lit
up when he smiled and he seemed so glad to be alive. He was so brave and so
gorgeous he had no idea how much I wanted to fuck him. I moved my hand under
the table, rested it on his knee and started to slide it upwards.
His hand closed over mine.
I felt a tingle shoot through my cunt.
And he gently pushed my
hand away. I thought, okay, maybe
hes secretly shy. Or his confidence had suffered because of what had happened.
I tried again. He pushed
me away again.
I looked at him.
He leaned closer,
whispered in my ear:
"Kirsty, don't,
And one of his mates
said:"Darrens pulled.."
He looked back at his mate
and laughed. Then he glanced at me and I saw apprehension in his eyes. I
understood, he wanted to say something but quietly.
As the conversation
drifted on to other things I saw a window of opportunity and tried again. This
time I closed my hand over his under the table.
"What's wrong? Don't
you fancy me?"
He looked at me as if I'd
just said the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard.
"Of course I
do..you're lovely..but I can't..you know..I can't fu - " He
rephrased himself, "I can't make love."
I heard the hurt in his
voice as he said that, I saw it in his eyes. Anger and frustration. He didn't
know me. At this stage, I knew I had to be careful. He had been through a
terrible ordeal and it broke my heart to think of how he had suffered. But
setting the reality aside, there was a side to me that found his story
electrifying. I had a big thing for nursing and hearing these kinds of stories
made me want to strip his clothes off and spread his legs and do everything
conceivable to make his cock hard, he was my gorgeous wounded hero and I wanted
him. But I didn't know how he would react to this. I had played games in the
past when lucky enough to find someone who was willing but I always said, keep
it fictional, just so no bad memories came into it. This was a tricky
situation. I was feeling bolder because of the wine, I was now on my fourth
glass. I decided there was nothing to lose by trying. I leaned closer to his
"You can. I can help
you. I fancy you so much and to be honest with you I'm turned on..you can be my
wounded hero."
He looked sharply at me,
and as he processed what I said I wondered if he was going to tell me to fuck
off again. But he didn't. Instead, he carried on talking with his friends and
for a confusing twenty minutes I wondered if I'd screwed up, he was ignoring
me. Then I finished my drink and stood up to leave. Darren grabbed my arm and
pulled me onto his lap, I wasn't expecting that and he gave me a hard kiss as
his mates cheered him on. He squeezed me and his hand slid up my skirt, but
stopped short of my inner thigh.
"She only wants me
for my wheelchair.."
That gave me a jolt. I
stared at him. Then I saw his eyes light up and he laughed.
"I think you're
lovely." He said to me, "I'll give it a go if you want.." And he
lowered his voice so that no one else heard, adding:"But don't expect
much..you know the score."
Yes, I knew the score. And
he was going to exceed his own expectations, I was sure of that. I gave him my
phone number.Things moved quickly.
He called me the next day,
asked me what I was up to. Nothing, I told him. And he gave me his address. We
arranged to meet that evening.
At six o'clock I rang him
and said I was bringing my black bag with me, just in case he needed some
special attention. He laughed and said I could give him all the special
attention I wanted to. Then he added:
"But please remember
what I said, I can't satisfy you properly..I want to, but I can't..I will make
you come, though..I'll go down on you.."
And his words made me ache
and made me even wetter than I already was.
I put on my shortest skirt and my highest heels and a lycra top that
plunged all the way down into my cleavage. I was wearing no underwear, my
shaved cunt felt the coolness for the evening as a light breeze blew up my
skirt and made the wetness leaking out feel chilly. Darren lived by himself in
a ground floor flat that was a
conversion, it was a big old victorian house that had been split into four
flats and it was just off the main road and not too far, it turned out, from
where I lived.I rang the bell and waited. He answered the door and he was
leaning on his crutches but as he stepped back I noticed he handled them quite
well, he was fit and strong enough to cope, the fact that he lived on his own
told me that. And he looked gorgeous as ever, in blue jeans and a dark shirt
and as I looked at him I could only think of taking his clothes off. I was
expecting him to feel a bit sensitive about his scarring (no doubt there was a
fair bit), but I was confident my bedside manner could lay that to rest...but
not too quickly. I liked to give out tender loving care. He had no idea how
painfully I was aching for penetration.
"Do you want a
drink?"He asked me.
And I smiled at him.
"If I wanted a drink
I would have gone to the pub."I told him, "I want to...take care
of you right now..."
Darren laughed.
"I get it...come on,
then, but don't expect much, I did say that.."
And he led me through to
his bedroom. The whole flat was well decorated, all recent, too, and the
bedroom was no exception. There was a big, comfortable double bed and a row of
mirrored wardrobes. The window was high and wide with sheer nets that infused
the sunlight and the carpet was deep and soft and looked brand new. He didn't
have any kind of mobility aids except for his chair, which was folded up in the
corner and leaning against the wall.
He sat down on the bed and
leaned his crutches against the wall. I couldn't let him struggle so I helped
him lie down. When he was laying back with his head on the pillow I sat beside
him, leaned over him and gave him a kiss, plunging my tongue deeply into his
mouth. He reached up and embraced me, kissing me harder. Then I drew back a
little. I could tell he was getting a bit aroused, not as much as he wanted to,
nerves were holding him back. I understood what a big deal this was for him,
after all he had been through I knew he needed me to build his confidence up
again, and I was certainly going to do that.
"You," I told
him, "are fucking gorgeous..you have no idea how attractive you are."
And I laid down beside him, kissed him softly and stroked his face. I could see
desire in his eyes, it was painful for him to hold it back but he knew - at least he thought - that he would let me
"So what did you mean
when you said I can be your wounded hero.."And he laughed softly.
"Do I turn you on
like this?"
"Yes,"I said
honestly, "You do..I'm just sorry that its real and you're not just making
it up for me.."
"So you like to hear
about how it happened as well?"
Laying there beside him it
was hard to lie but I had to be careful. I could tell by his attitude when we
met that the mental scars were still fresh.
I opened the buttons on
his shirt and slid my hand inside, ran it over his chest.
"I'll tell you about
it if you want me to."
That surprised me. He
reached inside my skirt, ran his hand up my thigh and I gave a gasp of pleasure
as he pushed two fingers inside me. I was so swollen up my cunt seemed to wrap
itself around his fingers, I felt the juices running out onto his hand.
"Fuck me you are
wet.."he murmured, and kissed me again. Then he slid his fingers deeper.
Lying together, we were so close we were almost kissing. But he knew how to
turn me on now.
"I was in surgery for
five hours.."He said, and I saw a flash of apprehension in his eyes. Then
he moved his fingers around in my cunt and all of a sudden a wicked confidence
began to grow in him.
"I nearly died..Ive
got a really bad scar..I'll let you see it in a minute...I was on a life
support machine for two weeks...I had tubes in me, needles, I was so ill,
Kirsty.." And he slid his fingers in and out of me, teasing my clitoris as he started to rub me.
I gave a gasp of pleasure and he gave a soft and playful laugh as he carried on
playing with me. I'd intended to be the dominant one, but this part of the game
was all his and he was loving every moment of it and I was helpless with his
hand between my legs, sliding around in the warm, wet flesh. I was so close to
orgasm but I needed to wait I needed him to tell me more.
"Let me make it all
better for you.."
"I don't know that
you can,"He told me, "I was so ill no one thought I was going to
live..but I did, because I can come back from anything...all I need is you to
kiss it all away for me..." And he pressed harder on my cunt, kissing me
full on the mouth as I thrust my hips upwards and a shockwave of pleasure
ripped through my body. He kept his hand there as he felt the walls of my
vagina throbbing and more wetness spilled out of me. He kissed me again. I was
breathless and slowly coming back to earth.
"Told you I can make
you come."He said to me.
It took me a while to
regain my composure. I laid in his arms and kissed him.
"You didn't have to
tell me the truth, you could have made something up...I realise what that must
have cost you.."
"Actually it did hurt
a bit...but I wanted to make you happy...I feel so useless, Kirsty.. that's the
truth, I do...I'm never going to walk again, I'm like this for life..and its so
hard for me to get an erection...." There was pain in his voice now.
"I honestly don't
think you can help me with that.."
Now I felt guilty. I'd known
all my life that my dodgy little kink would offend someone sooner or later.
"No,"I said,
"I can help you. I will..."
And I sat up and slid his
shirt open. I was surprised to see his
body was unmarked. He took his shirt off and cast it aside.
"It's lower
As I unbuttoned his jeans
I felt a little apprehensive, I hadn't expected it to play out this way, I'd
been so carried away with my fetish that I'd got aroused and broken my own rule
about not using real life. Okay, he had instigated that, but moving the goal
posts was something that had thrown me off course a little. It made me wonder
if I was the one who was really in control here. As I slid his jeans down he moved a little
and shifted his weight so I could take them off.
"It's not very nice.."He
warned me.
I guessed he had an
over-sensitive view of himself; the scar was surprisingly small, a single surgical inscision just above his groin that
had faded very well.
"It looks just
fine.."I promised him, and dived down and kissed it gently, moving quickly
into his dark pubic hair before sucking
on his cock, which was a good size and surprisingly hard.
He seemed to be loving the
way I was sucking him, but then he said, "I don't think Im going to come,
Kirsty..I can't feel it properly.."
He seemed to be doing okay
from where I was, but he had said he had nerve damage. He laughed again.
"So what you got in
that little black bag for me?"
I picked the bag up and
opened it.
I showed him the contents.
"I think that might
be a good idea, nurse."He replied.
I needed no further
encouragement. I turned him on his side and spread the cheeks of his arse,
gently stroking the lubricant on and then rubbing it in, each time going deeper
until his arse was taking my finger.
"Is that
alright?"I asked him.
lovely.."He told me.
I carried on fingering
"I'm going to make
you better..make you come for me.."
I took my finger out and
turned him on his back and spread his legs, but he couldn't raise them properly.
"I can't hold them
open Kirsty,"He said, "Maybe you should tie them open..I'm alright
with that.."
"Are you sure?"I
asked him.
He nodded. "I just
want to come..with that thing in your bag right up my arse.."
I needed no more words of
encouragement. I grabbed a couple of ties from his wardrobe and tied them
together, then tied one end to the bed post. I took two more ties and did the
same with the other leg and because it was tight it seemed to do the trick and
enable him to lay with his knees raised. I had a lovely view of his arsehole it
was still shiny with the lubricant . I sat astride him with my back to him,
lowered myself onto his cock and it filled me up and felt like heaven. I pushed the vibrator
in to him slowly, he gave a moan of satisfaction and as I switched it on and
moved it gently in and out he started to thrust into me, very gently, then
BITCH!" He shouted out, ramming his cock into me with brutal force. Semen
pumped into me warm and fast and I buried the sex toy as deep as I could
without losing it. As he stopped throbbing I slowly drew it out. He was laying
there exhausted and breathless. I got off him and as I leaned forward and kissed him I felt his
come running down my thigh.
He smiled.
"Thank you so much
for that you kinky girl.."
"I told you I could
make you come, didn't I?"
"And you certainly
have..can you untie me.."
I carefully untied him,
then I laid in his arms and he held me and kissed me.
"You don't know what
you've done for me."He said, "We should do this again.."
And he gave a weary sigh.
"I hate being like
this, everything's such a struggle.. I'm starving and I'll have to get up
and - "
I stroked his hair.
"I'll cook for
you."I told him, "Let me take care of you..I want to.."
And I did,I got dressed, I
made his dinner, we ate together, then he said he needed a shower so I switched
it on for him and helped him up. He was able to walk without the crutches by leaning on my arm. I took my clothes off
and joined him in the shower, soaping his body for him as he held onto me. As
the water washed the soap away I got onto my knees and took his cock in my
mouth and gave it a gentle suck. He switched the water off and pulled away.
"I need a
piss."He said, "Right now..I have a bit of trouble holding my water
And a stream of urine spurted from his cock , I still had it in my
hand and I didn't let go. It was warm, it ran over my throat and down my chest.
He looked down at me.
"Sorry about that, I
just had to go,"He said, and switched the shower back on to wash us both
clean again. I helped him out of the shower, I dried him with a towel and
helped him back into the bedroom. I laid down beside him and he looked into my
"You have made such a
difference to me, Kirsty,"He said, "A few weeks ago I was thinking my
life was over and now you've come along...you don't know what you've done for
me..I feel different..like a man again..."
He was fully erect again.
"Suck me off and do it
good."He said, "I think I can manage it now.. but put your finger in
my arse just to make sure..that did wonders for me..its turned me back
I didn't bother with the
lubricant, I licked my finger and eased it inside him, then took his cock in my
mouth. I guessed all the anal stimulation had woken his sex drive up, because
he was solid in my mouth and as I sucked him he murmured words of
"I like that, that's
so good..sorry I pissed on you..did you mind me pissing on you.."
"No, it's okay.."
I said briefly, and took his length in my mouth again. He shoved it in hard and
I had to suck and swallow fast to catch every last drop. Then he laid there
satisfied. I kissed him again.
He seemed different now,
more sure of himself, happier. It made me glow to think I had made such a
difference to him, that I'd been able to indulge in my kink to do it was even
more rewarding. He looked into my eyes.
"Thank you."He
said to me.
He promised he would call
me in a while, and a week passed and he did call me. He invited me down the pub
where we had met. I had spent all week rubbing my wet cunt and think about my
brave and handsome hero. So many images had flashed to mind it was hard to know
which one to concentrate on for an orgasm. He was everything I'd ever wanted
and the fact that he brought out my bedside manner made it all the more
perfect. I dressed up for him, in high heels and a tight black dress that clung
to my body like a second skin.
When I walked in the pub I
saw his friends glance over at me, but Darren was nowhere to be seen. I walked
over to the table.
Darren?"I said.
One of his mates gestured
behind me.
"He's at the
I turned around and stared
at him.
And Darren came walking
over to me with the agility of a dancer.
"Hello Kirsty."He
said, and gave me a wink.
Then he started to laugh.
I felt my face going red.
"That was a quick
"I was only in the
wheelchair because I fell off a ladder..hurt my back.."
"And the scar?"
He couldn't hide his
"Appendix operation
when I was twelve.."
I heard a ripple of
laughter behind me and I thought, Oh no..he's told his mates too..but
there was no malice in his eyes, just playfulness.
He lowered his voice as he
leaned closer.
"I saw the way you
looked and I put two and two together..it was good, wasn't it.."
Now I found I was smiling
too. That would teach me to indulge in my perversions so openly! It didn't make
me angry, I liked him too much. And I knew he could give me what I wanted, too.
"Still want to see
me?"He asked me.
I nodded.
"As long as you make
it up to me later.."
"Oh I'll do
that,"he promised me, "You know I will.."
"What,"I said,
"All about how you've made such a good recovery?"
"Oh Ive been through
hell.."He whispered in my ear, and he laughed, "But I'm going to make
you wait till tonight before I tell you about it.."
And I felt my juices
flowing again.
"I'd like
that,"I told him, "And make it real..every last detail.."
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