This is a TRUE story. This is NOT a TRUE story that someone made up in his momma’s bedroom or basement or by someone whose only “true stories” comes from masturbating to pictures of financially destitute teens who let fat/bald men push needles into their nipples for a few dollars. This is actually a TRUE story, that’s the best part of it and it just happened last Saturday night, today is Monday morning, and I’m going to write this down before I forget any of the “juicy” details.
The Prologue’s Prologue
Right now, I’m
working in
Also, I have a
severe lesbian fetish, more specifically, a lesbian S&M/B&D fetish. Growing
up in the
My girlfriend/sub, we’ll call her A, has been very amicable toward my newest fetish. She has bought me a few black girl porn magazines and mailed them. She even found and bought me a few DVD’s, one interracial lesbian, Lesbian Swirlfest #6, one all black lesbian B&D Smack ‘dat Ass, and one pretty good interracial lesbian S&M movie, Den of Submission #2.
Well, our S&M phone sex has been including A getting dominated by another woman, more specifically, a black woman. And to her credit, she has played along quiet well. As she is beating on her own clamped tits, she has been doing things like pretending a black dominatrix was doing it, injecting phrases like, “OH NO! Please stop, Mam. This white slut can’t take any more! Please Mam! I’ll be a good white slut! Sir, she’s beating on my pink nipples, they are hot and red. She is taking her dark fingers and pulling my nipples. Oh, she is …………”.
Probably the best one was when she took the nipple chain, wrapped it around the cell phone, pulled it as hard as she could and I got to listen to her get pulled around her trailer by her nipples as she gasped and moaned, and then shouted at herself, “Bitch! Fucking white slut! Move your fat white ass!” And even louder, “AAAhhhhh! Move your white ass bitch! AAAAAahhhhhhhhhh! Faster cunt!! AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!” Goddamn!
But I think we did it one too many times. The last time we talked and did some phone S&M, and it was time for the black girl, Ebony (our made up name) to beat on her and call her “White trash whore”, A got a little upset. Oh, not over the “White trash whore” thing, she likes that, but she started to complain, “Do we have to do that again? Aren’t I enough for you? I’m beating myself for you, over and over. What? Do you want to fuck black girls now instead of me?” And it totally ruined the phone call, and got us both pissed off.
We didn’t talk for a few days. I thought she was pissed off at me. I was a little upset and kind of worried I pissed her off too much and ruined a good thing, and kind of upset that I was really focusing on the interracial thing and not so much on her. So I was going to wait a few days to call again. Maybe try to get her off a few times without the “other woman” fetish.
So I gave her a Sunday night phone call, which is her Sunday morning. Sometimes her daughter is away in the morning, and we can have some kinky conversations. However, nothing could have prepared me for what she told me. I have never heard her so upset, pissed off, and frustrated before. And it was all my fault, she told me. “Well,” she said, “I hope you are happy. I’m so stupid. I got tired of hearing you talking about me and a black girl so much. And I thought, what the hell, if that is what you want to see, and it means so much to you, then maybe if I do something then you won’t talk about it anymore. Shit! I’m so confused.”
Then she told me what happened Saturday night.
What I’m going to do is try, as closely as possible, to write down exactly what A told me happened Saturday night. I’ll try to use her exact words, and not embellish on the events, well, like, I really don’t have to embellish anything on this one. And I’ll try to present it verbatim, humiliating word by arousing word, until I get to the point where we are today.
(*NOTE* I really have mixed feelings about this whole thing. On one hand, it is the single most arousing and kinky thing my sub has ever done, and certainly the most humiliating. I would kiss her, if I was back in the states, and pin a purple heart through her nipple for bravery for this one. However, on the other hand, I’m rather angry about it and ashamed about my initial arousal. Part of me says, “I should start to sweat and shake from resignation over what happened, and how my sub was taken advantage of and “abused”. The other part of me is says, “I should start to sweat and shake from arousal at what happened, and how my sub was taken advantage of and abused.” But it is making my cock swell right now just thinking about it. And it is one of the singularly most sexy heart-hammering-in-my-chest experiences that I would gladly pay a large sum of money to see/watch. If there was a DVD release of my subs Saturday night, then I would buy it, at almost any price.)
This is what my kinky, white, big-assed sub A told me happened to her last Saturday night.
“I don’t know where to start. I am pissed off at you. And me. Well, this was my fault but it’s yours too. Don’t make me think it is all my fault. Oh shit. I may have to move. I don’t know what to do now. I’m in so much trouble right now. Tell me it’s your fault too.”
(I had no idea what she was talking about, but I assured her it was my fault too, whatever it was.)
“I’m so embarrassed. I’ve been trying not to think about it, but, I ……….it’s just that I………(sniff)……….I let………(sniff)………”
(And she started to sob. Not cry, but sob. And I felt really bad. I don’t know what she did, but whatever it was it involved something kinky and I had some intuition that it involved a black girl, but that was too much to hope for. Maybe she was crying because of something else?)
“Well, I got pissed off last week at you. I know I’m not the best looking woman in the world. And you know how I’m embarrassed about my weight and my big ass. And I’m trying to get slimmer. And you are so good to me and you’ve treated me better than anyone in my life. I’d be so lost without you. And I try to keep you interested in me. And I do everything that I can for you, you know that. And if I had a killer body like those girls in those movies, your ass wouldn’t ever leave this bedroom, let alone this country.
But I just felt kind of bad, like I let you down. You are so far away, and I’ll do what I can to keep you thinking about me and keep your mind off those skinny little Asian girls. So I made up my mind to give you what you want. You are my man. I am your bitch, Sir M. And if my sir wants to see me with a black girl, then I guess that I have to do it.”
(From feeling guilty to a rock hard cock in seconds.)
(What? What happened? You didn’t do something with a black girl? Did you? No way!)
“Do you remember my friend from work, Chantel. (Yeah.) And you remember that a few months ago she was the one that went to the sex toy party with me. (Yeah.) Remember, that is where I got the heat-up lotion and the sex-dice? (Yeah.) Well, I told you that she moved into the trailer, not next to me, but two trailers away. (Uh.)
We’ve sort of become friends. Sometimes she rides to work with me. And sometimes we talk about sex, you know girls. (Like what?) She likes it from behind and she even told me that she was spanked one night by a guy. (White guy or black) Black. But that is about all.
Well, I was pissed off at you and pissed off at me. (I’m sorry about that …I wanted to …) I mean it is just us playing on the phone, right?, I’m really not getting beat by black girls, so why was I so upset? Kelly (her daughter) was out for the night, I was feeling lonely and I just decided to get a good drunk on.
The more I drank,
you know, Kaluha and vodka, the madder I got. But not mad at you, mad at me. I
was so pissed off and lonely I was just going to sit there and have a good cry.
Then there was a knock at the door. I looked at my watch. It wasn’t 12 yet,
You would like her, she is a pretty black girl, and she comes from mixed parents, her mother was white I think. Anyway, she comes over (What was she wearing), she was wearing the usual, a bra-less tank top and cut-off jean shorts and flip flops. Like I said, you would like her. (What did she want?) She came over to bring me back some DVD’s I loaned her. She apologized for coming over at night, and just wanted to bring them back and she wanted to borrow a few more.
(Did you let her in?) Yeah, she came in. (Did you change clothes?) No. I was already feeling a little tipsy, and she has come over before and I was wearing my house robe. (Really?) Yeah. Anyway, we started to talk a little. And I was feeling a little lonely, and well, I thought it was a good idea to have some company, so I asked her if she wanted a drink. (No!) Yeah. And she said yes. She was feeling a little lonely too. She broken up with her boyfriend a week or two before and she was still recovering from it. (Was she the black girl, down the street, who was pissed at the white girl next door for “stealing her man”?) Yep, that’s her. (Do you still talk to the white one?) Yeah. Sometimes, but we’re not really good friends. I keep seeing all kinds of cars at her house. She really might be turning tricks. (Great.) Yeah, just what the neighborhood needs. And she’s not that pretty. Anyway, …
So I mixed us both two good strong drinks. She likes to drink, but she wasn’t used to that combination and she started to get drunk. (Drunk?) Well, not drunk, but feeling really good. So we had another and another. You know me on vodka. I started to get a little loud, and brave and then we started to talk about sex. (No way!) Yeah, by then the movie I was watching was over, so we turned on the radio. (What station?) She wanted to hear WILD 106.5, rap and hip hop. (oh-oh)
I still can’t believe I did this. But, I started to get a little braver and braver. And we were talking about sex and I mentioned about what we do. (What!) Well, not everything, but some things. Like the long sex nights, and spankings and ….. (And?)…..and some S&M stuff. (No way!) Yeah, I told you I was getting drunk and you know me. (Yeah.) And she ….. (Wait. You told her about S&M stuff, like what?) Like about the box of toys and some of the things in it. (No way!) Yeah. I did. She was kind of surprised, not shocked, we talked at work and stuff, but kind of surprised and curious. (Curious?) Yeah, she has heard about things like that but never seen things like that before. And she started to ask me questions about it. (Like what?) Like, so you like it? What’s it like? How long have you been doing it? Does your boyfriend like it? And I told her about you. Yeah, it’s fun and it really gets you off. And I told her that I wasn’t into it before I met you and on our first date we had sex and you spanked me. (Really?) Yeah. (Wait a second. You didn’t take out the box did you?) Just wait. We were getting drunk, and then, I don’t know why, but my tongue was loose and I just let it slip about what we do on the phone. (Our calls?) Yeah, I told her about those and how you make me do things to myself and you like to hear me and then ……(There is more?)…..yeah, then I told her about some of the pics you had me send to you. And I don’t know why! Yes I do. I was still pissed off and drinking vodka. And I told her about your white and black lesbian thing. (No!) Yeah. (You didn’t tell her about the Ebony thing?) Yes I did.
I was getting really brave and still pissed, and I told her that you get turned on by hearing me pretend to be a sub to a black girl. She was shocked. (I’m shocked.) She said, “Girl. You is so crazy!” And we talked about it a little more. And I told her about the clamps and the “oh no mam, no more, please” things. (What?) She laughed and thought we were both crazy. (The foot licking?) Oh no, but some of the bondage stuff and leaning over the couch, while your favorite movie is playing (Which one?), oh you know, the black girl beating on the two white girls and …(Woah.)…and turning up the volume on the TV and beating my ass and ….(Baby, wait a second. Stop for a moment. My heart is beating too fast. Let me catch my breath a…shit…my hands are shaking.) Oh you ain’t heard anything yet. (Wait…*deep breath*..OK…)
And then I told her how I was pissed off at you and me. And we didn’t speak for a week, and how I’m going to send you some kinky pics, and use my cell phone to make them. We were both laughing, and by then we were drunk and we were both starting to slur our words a little. “I ain’t never heard of no’thin like that befo’”, she said. And we both laughed harder.
I don’t know what possessed me, I got my purse and I took out the cell phone and showed her how I have to hold it to take the pics. Then we laughed even harder. I would show her different angles, and the harder the angle the more we would laugh. And I told her how I was going to get drunk and take a few more for you. And I was drunk, and the music was loud and I said, “Hey, keep it a secret but could you take some pics for me?” (No fucking way!) Yes I did. I was drunk. (What did she say?) She was shocked at first and didn’t know what to say. Then she said, no. (Really?) Yeah. But then we started to talk about it a little more. I told her I was going to put on your favorite movie…(Which one?)….you know, the one with the black girl beating on the white girl….(Oh, that one)….in the background, and take a few pics. I was going to change clothes, put on something sexy, and take them. (What did she say?) She said that I was a “crazy girl” but she thought it was great that we could play those kind of games. And I asked her again if she would take some of the pics, and she acted really reluctant, but then she took a drink, looked at me and said, “OK. But don’t do anything weird. But I’ll take a few for you.”
(Holy shit! No way!) Yes, way. We laughed about it and I went back into my bedroom to change clothes. I was feeling so brave until I stripped and put on my black lingerie and took out the box of toys and started to walk out of my bedroom. I just froze in the hall. Oh my God! What am I doing? But I’m doing it for my man, so I took a deep breath and ……(Were you nervous? Were your nipples hard?)…oh yes, they were hard and my heart was beating and I was really nervous. And between my nerves, and the liquor I was starting to sweat. I opened the door and started to walk into the front room and I saw her sitting on the couch. She saw me in my lingerie and I just backed up into the bedroom.
“Girl, what you doing back there! Come on befo’ I go back to da’ crib! Let’s take some pics for yo’ man.” And I just thought, what the hell, now or never, and so I walked out, carrying the box in my arms. It was ratteling with chains and stuff, “Girl, yo’ is looking wild. What’s in the box?” So I sat on the couch next to her and put the box down between us. It’s our box of toys, I said. “Girl, open it up.” And I did.
(No!) Yes. I let her look through our box. She freaked out on most of the stuff. (Like what?) Like everything, the paddle, crop, and clothespins. “Girl, what do you do with these?” She asked me. He puts those on my nipples. “No, girl, you is bad!” And then she started to play with the nipple clamps on the chain, the ones with the bells and weights. “Girl, what about these?” Yes, he makes me wear those too, and crawl around the floor. “Girl, you really is crazy!” And we were both laughing about it.
(Baby, no.) Yes. She tried a few of the clamps on her fingers, and let out a holler, “There is no way these ah’ going on my tits.” She said. But I told her how good it feels, and how good it feels to be pulled around by them, and how good it feels when you are fucking me and I have to wear them for hours. (Did it turn her on?) I don’t know but she did ask me a lot of questions. Actually, I was kind of drunk, and I sort-of liked telling her things and watching her freak out.
So I gave her my cell phone and showed her how to use the camera. Then, feeling really stupid and scared, I went over to the TV and did a few poses. (Like what?) Oh the things you like. (Like what?) Like standing with my hands over my head, or behind my back. (Uh, uh.) Yeah. And then I started to get a little braver. And I leaned over the table and stuck my ass out. (Was she taking pictures?) Yes. But she really wasn’t into it.
Then I told her that you would want to see me being dominated but she wouldn’t get into the pics too. I thought if I had a picture of me on all fours with her standing in the pic too, I could send it to you and keep you happy for a long time. But she wouldn’t do it. (Get her to drink some more!) Well, I did. We had another drink and then I got her to take a few more, but this time with her arm and hand in the pic. (Cool!) She said she would at least do that for me. (What! You and her in a pic!) Yeah, me and her in a few pics, but just her hand or arm….(A dark hand and arm in the pics with you?)….yeah, that’s what you want to see, I told her.
Then I tried to get her to take some pics of me with some clothespins. (What!) That’s one of your favorite things. And I was getting really drunk by then. And I told her about the fetch game we play. (I don’t believe you.) Well believe me, I told her. I told her I was going to do this once and if that wasn’t enough for you then you had better find another way to get your kicks.
(You did some tit bondage? With her there watching?) Yes. I…I don’t know what the hell I was thinking…but I started to crawl around the floor, having her take the pics and I threw a few clothespins on the floor. Then I crawled over to one, picked it up with my mouth and carried it back to her. (Where was she?) She was sitting on the couch. And I asked her if she would put it on my tit and take a pic of her doing it. (What! Naked?) No. I was wearing my black lingerie. I wanted her to put the clothespin on my tit, but over the lingerie. But she said no. So I had to do it.
(You put a clothespin on your tit in front of a black girl?) Yep. And I put a few on, and she took the pics but it just looked strange, kind of funny to see them sticking out over the lingerie. I looked at the pics and I knew that they were not good enough for you. You would want more. So I asked Chantel if she would mind if I took off my shirt for a few pics. (What!) She freaked out. She stuttered and stammered that all she wanted to do was return and borrow some movies. The drunk was nice and she was having fun, but it was time for her to go home. She was looking at me kind of…..(What?)…kind of like I was crazy.
Oh, come on, just a few pics for him. I can’t do it by myself. And he would really get off on them. Just hold a clothespin, put your arm in the pic, that is all. I’ll put them on. Just to prove to him that you were here. (What did she say?) She thought about it for a little while, had another drink, then said, “What the hell! Let’s do it. But ‘den I got’ta go.” I thanked her, and we both had another drink.
(You didn’t take your lingerie off, in front of her, no way!) Yes way. I turned my back to her…(Why?)…I don’t know, shy, I’ve never been naked, or half naked, in front of another woman before. (Not even in high school, girl’s locker room for PE?) Nope, not even that. I would change my clothes in the stall. But I was drunk and still pissed off at myself. So I did it.
(NO!) Yes. She said, “I’m trippin’ on you girl. You is so wild!” But she really tried not to look at me. (She didn’t want to check out your tits? Has she ever seen white titties before?) I didn’t ask her. But….(Did you show them off to her?)…she said I was really brave and that she could never do it, unless “your boyfriend” has “the dick”. Yes, he does, I confessed. “Girl!”
(So what did you do?) I made a few more poses. Like before, but I didn’t have a top. (Just panties?) Yeah, and you know how much I hate to wear them, but I wasn’t about to be naked in front of her. (Did you play the fetch game?) Yes. (No!) Yes. (Wait a second. You took off your top and then crawled around?) Yes. (And picked up clothespins with your mouth?) Yes. (And she was taking pics?) Yes. And then she held one out, and took a pic, so it looked like she was putting them on me. (I’m going to cum right now!) Wait. I put them on myself, every one, and I put a few on, about five on each one, I told her how much you like that.
(What about your nipples?) I saved those for last. And I got her to put them on for me. (SHIT!) Did you hear me? (Yes. I said, SHIT!) Isn’t that what you want to see? Isn’t that what you want? I hope you’re happy. I have two pics of her putting on the last two clothespins on my nipples. (I…)
Then I crawled around a little more, and the alcohol kicked in real good. I was sweating and panting, and getting dizzy and crawling around, and she would take a pic or two. (I…sweating…) Oh hell yeah, I was hot by then. Then I told her about the foot licking thing, you know …(SHIT!)…and I told her she could wear one of my boots, if she would take a pic of me crawling up to them and kissing them. (Oh fuck baby…….oh fuck) She put them on, and I stuck my tongue out and I licked them and she got some pics of it.
Oh shit, I told her, I forgot something. I got out the red lipstick and wrote WHITE over my right tit and SLUT over my left tit. You should have seen her expression. Hey, you still there. You sound kind of silent. What’s wrong? (Nothing is wrong at all….I just….I…I’m….) Surprised? (Yeah) Didn’t think you would hear this, huh? (I…) Yeah, that’s what I thought.
But by then I had to pee real bad. So I took them off and put my top back on, and thanked her again. She asked if I could mix one last drink, she was feeling “funny about it”, but she had fun and commented over and over how brave I was and asked again and again about you. What you look like. (What?) How tall you were? Are you muscular? Did you have a big dick? (Cock.) She called it a dick. How long did you fuck me? Did you like black girls? Had you ever fucked a black girl? And by then I was feeling “funny about it”. And then I told her about your blue-grey eyes and showed her some of our pics. “Goddamn girl, he’s a fine man.”
She was talking about you just a little too much. And you know me and vodka, and you know who I am when I get drunk, and you know who jealous I am. And she started to ask about your cock, “What does it look like? How long is it?” Then she said something like, “So, how long can he fuck you?” And I told her our quickies were about 20 to thirty minutes, but when it’s a good night, we can make it through a CD or two. And then she said something like, “Oh girl, that’s what I need right now. You got some more picturez of him? Got any naked ones?” Well, she just started to piss me off a little, talking about you too much. And I said something like, so you like my white man, and something about Derek. I don’t even remember what it was. And she turned her head and looked at me, and the look in her eyes was one to kill. It kind of scared me. Then she said, “What did you say, bitch?” And then I was shocked, but I kind of felt bad about mentioning Derek, so I didn’t cuss her back, all I said was, “Oh I’m sorry. I meant that……well…….maybe you were still a little mad…and….well……hey, I’m really sorry for mentioning his name……I’m just drunk and I don’t know what I was saying……sorry…..” She just looked at me, then the lethal stare relaxed and she said, “Don’t worry girl. It’s all over between us. I’m not mad at him. It’s just ‘dat fucking white ‘hoe next door!” And the fire came back in her eye.
Well, I went back to the bathroom. And when I came back out, she was looking through the stuff in the box and she was looking at the DVD. “Let’s take a few more pics for yo’ man. And why don’t you put this on too.” I was shocked again and kind of relieved that she wasn’t still mad at me. OK, I said. And then I went back and mixed us two more drinks.
But things seemed kind of strange the second time. She wasn’t laughing with me any more. She was giving me orders. “Why don’t you take that top off girl! Come on!” But I was drunk and this was all for you and if we took a few pics already, then a few more wouldn’t hurt.
“Yeah, that’s it, Are you going to crawl around again? Let me get the boots back on. OK. Now lick them again. And she was taking all kind of pics. And I did it.
Then she gave me the lipstick and told me to write a few more words. So I did. I wrote WHITE TRASH on the left side of my ass and WHORE on the right side. Then she took more pics. Then I wrote WHITE WHORE on my belly and drew an arrow down to my pussy. (Did you take off your panties?) Hell no, and she took more pics.
Then I put the clothespins back on but this time she told me to put on the nipple clamps with the chain and weights. (My favorites?) Yeah, and you know how much they hurt. I even let her put them on. So you are still there? (Yeah, I’m just….) Well, she was taking more pics and my nipples were hurting so bad, and stretching out so long. Then I had to crawl around more. (What do you mean, had to crawl around more?) She told me to crawl around more, and pose next to the TV. And about that time the black girl in the movie started to whip on the second white girl. And she was watching it and asking me questions over the sound of the music, “Girl, you like ‘dis shit, huh! Girl, yo’ is a nasty bitch!”
Then she was looking at the movie, and I knew what was about to happen. So I said something about, let’s take a few more, could you spank my ass a little with one of those. And I pointed to the box.
(Baby, is this real…this is…) You should see me ass today. I can’t sit, it’s all purple and welted, I don’t know what I’ll do at work tomorrow. (No…I…did she really…I…) And it still stings when I walk. I think it was all the vodka, and I couldn’t feel what happened next.
So I got over the couch, put my arms on it, let the chain hand down, oh did that hurt, the clamps were pulling my nipples down, and swinging around and I put my ass in the air. And she was taunting me, over and over, “Is this what yo’ man does to you? You like this shit? What does he call you? Huh?” And she kept it up, but she wasn’t hitting me very hard at all. I knew there wouldn’t be any marks, so I, I don’t know what I was thinking, I shook my ass a little, and said something like, you can hit me harder than that, make a mark. So she hit me a little harder but it was still not enough.
And then I mumbled, under my breath so she could hear it, something like, what are you afraid of a white girl, or something. “What did yo’ say?” And she really cracked it over my ass, hard. That would leave a mark. One or two more and we’ll be done. So I said, nothing, just are you afraid of spanking me? “No, that’s now wha’ yo’s said, wha’ did yo’ say?” So I got brave and said it even louder, it was the vodka talking, I said are you afraid of a white girl? And I shook my ass at her.
The paddle came down hard. Ouch that stung. “I ain’t afraid of no white girl. Especially yo’ crazy ass!” And she kept on smacking my ass with the paddle. “Is that enough fo’ yo?” She asked. And I said, oh no, that was nothing, my man beats me harder than that every time he fucks me. And she went a little wild, she hit me over and over. And I knew my ass would be a nice red color and how you would get off on it. So I tempted her more, shaking it, then I said, BITCH! YOU CAN’T DO MORE THAN THAT! And she really started to smack my ass.
Then she said, “So, is ‘dis wha’ yo’ white ‘hoes like, huh?” And I said yes, we love it. And then I said it, I said, yeah, even Candy likes it. (Candy?) Yeah, the whore next door who stole her man. (Oh shit) Oh yeah, and she went crazy on my ass. She was hitting it harder and cussing at me, “’Dat fucking ‘hoe. She yo’ friend, huh, all yo’ white ‘hoes are friends!” And I said, yes, she’s my friend.
Oh was she pissed off. And I couldn’t believe what I was doing, and all I kept thinking was how hot you would get from the pics and maybe if they were hot enough you just might want to come back home sooner.
She was hitting my ass harder, but I couldn’t feel it. And I kept it up, saying things like, she’s me friend. We love it. This is what my man likes. This is how my man treats me. This is what my man likes. And I tried to say “my man” as many times as I could because it would piss her off more. Oh, I’m my man’s dirty whore, only for him. And the words just kept spilling out of my mouth. And she got more and more pissed off. She changed from the paddle to the big paddle. (No) Yeah, the big one with SLUT carved in it. Shit, did that hurt.
(I ….) And she was cussing at me, and the movie was playing, and I was starting to scream a little, and the girl in the movie was screaming and she was yelling at me, and all I could think about was how proud you would be of me and how hard you would cum when you got the pics. So I kept it up, for you……just for you. I don’t know what I was thinking, yes I do, I want to keep you interested and out of those bars with all those little skinny Asian girls.
And I knew that I would never ever do something like this again. And I said, oh, show me what you would do to Candy! Would you beat Candy’s ass hard! Show me! And then I said it, I’m Candy!
She was quiet for a moment, then she screamed, “Fucking bitch! Fucking ‘hoe! How dare yo’ say ‘dat to me! I thought we……are you……bitch…..I….” And I shook my ass at her, spank Candy’s ass, I said. And I shook it more. And she started to beat on my ass like you beat on my ass. Shit it hurt this time. I could feel the heat.
“Tell me ‘yo sorry!” She shouted at me. NO! I answered. And she beat my ass harder. “Tell me ‘yo sorry!” She screamed at me. “’Yo crazy white girl! Say ‘yo sorry!” And I said, NO! And she started to slap it on my legs, my back, and over and over on my ass. “Tell me ‘yo sorry!” She screamed. And finally, I said, I’m sorry. “Wha’, I didn’t hear yo’ crazy ass!” And I had to say it again, I’m sorry. “What! I still can’t hear yo’!” And this time I had to scream it, I’M SORRY! And she stopped.
(Baby, I …) My ass hurt. My tits hurt. My nipples hurt. I reached down and took off the nipple clamps and let out a scream. And then I laid there, face down on the couch, panting, crying, moaning, sweating, and for all I did, all I could think about was how hot you would get when you saw the pics. Hell, you might just come right home. I was so drunk.
Then she leaned down on the couch. “Yo, Miss A****. See this. This is my cell phone. Do you know what ‘dat means? Huh? Do yo’?” And I looked up for the first time and saw her standing over me and I have never been so embarrasses in my whole life. “’Dis is my phone. I got picturez of yo’ crazy white ass! What do yo’ think of ‘dat, huh! I got the picturez of yo’!” I know what she was saying, but I didn’t understand it yet. “And I’m gonna’ keep ‘em. If yo’ man wantz ‘dem, when he comes back, yo’ get him to come over and get ‘em.” I looked up at her. The words were starting to sink in. My eyes started to bulge and I looked at her hand, and it was her cell phone. I’m so embarrassed. “And yo’ best be extra nice to me. Or I just might show these picturez to a few of your friends. How would yo’ like ‘dat, huh?” I tried to say something, but all I could do was cry and stammer words, no, I, oh please, and stuff. “Wha’ if I show ‘em to Rhonda and the girlz?” Oh god, no, please no, I started to beg her, trying to fight back tears, not the tears form the ass beating but ….(Baby, I …)…and I tried to stand up to stop her from leaving but my legs wouldn’t work. She just laughed at me, waved her cell phone around my head, teasing me. “Wha’ yo’ problem? Yo’ scared of these picturez? Huh! Yo’ scared?” And all I could say was, yes. “Well, yo’ should have thought o’ ‘dat befo’, huh!” I tried to speak but all I could was just stammer and blubber and make her laugh more.
“We ‘jus ma’ght have some fun wit’ yo’ ass some befoe’ yo’ man comes back home, huh?” And I tried to beg her no, I tried to tell her that I only did it for you and that I’m not into it, just for you……only for you…..(Baby, I …)….and she said, “We’ll see jus’ how good yo’ can be. Now I’m drunk, tired, and I’m going to borrow these movies, bye. I’ll see yo’ later.” And she grabbed the movies and she opened the door (with you on the couch, half naked…)…yeah, and I tried to hide and crawl away from the open door, and she just laughed, opened it wider and said, “So, should I close the dow’, huh?” And is said yes. And she said, “Wha’, I didn’t hear dat’!” And I said, yes, please close the door. “’Dat sounds better.” And she slammed the door and left me laying there on the floor.
My reaction, our following conversation, and Chantel’s visit the next day.
When we
spoke, Chantel still hadn’t come over yet. And because of the time differences,
when she did come over it was in the afternoon there in the states, but it was
in the early morning hours here in
And I’m freaking out with anticipation. When I go home tonight, I’ll give her a call and find out. I can’t wait and it is difficult to focus on work with images of her crawling around in front of a photograph taking black girl and getting her nipples clamped and her ass beaten is just too much for me.
I’ve spent all of my morning writing this, and I tried to keep it as accurate to the conversation as possible, even to the point of NOT adding details to it that were not in the original conversation. I don’t need to make up things. That is the beauty of it all.
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