The Amazon Queen
by RiverOtter
Warning! Adult Content!
This story contains strong sexual content and is intended for mature audiences and is not suitable for minors.
This story is copyrighted © 2007 by RiverOtter. This story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any real persons, living or dead, is unintended and purely coincidental. It may not be sold or redistributed for profit in any form. Archiving and posting online is permitted if the story is kept intact in its original form, and proper credit is given.
Sincere comments, feedback and criticism are welcome.
Characters are listed at the beginning of chapter 1.
* * *
Chapter 15: Whitehaven
On a fine summer evening in the splendid manor of Whitehaven, situated in Avalonia, a Baron named Geoffrey sat at his customary seat at the end of a long table in his dining hall. Or rather, he had managed to stuff himself into it; in his later years, he had let his once fit, muscular physique go to waste and had grown quite large, with a protruding belly and ungainly jowl that rippled whenever he spoke or ate. He stuffed himself with meat and gorged himself on wine, as was his habit nowadays, scowling at the servants who waited on him, who were lucky to eat half as much in a typical day.
Nearby, his wife ate a little and tried to hide her disdain for this evening ritual, wondering what had become of her formerly handsome husband. At least she could boast of being beautiful; neither of them had ever been particularly kind or pleasant, or loyal for that matter.
The heir to the throne, Penelope, had gotten some foolish notions about equal rights for peasants and an end to serfdom that would have reduced the nobles' power and revenues. So, the couple had insinuated themselves into the inner circle of Penelope's stepmother, Eleanor, and helped overthrow her stepdaughter, winning a more lucrative position for themselves at the royal court.
Now the husband spent much of his days indulging himself in various pleasures such as food and women; his wife would have been angry at his philandering a few years ago but was now indifferent, as she had become rather repulsed by him. Geoffrey was annoyed by her inability to produce a son; so far they only had useless teenage daughter and a niece they had tried to marry off before she had run away.
The house was surrounded only by a stone wall with an iron gate; it was not nearly as well defended as Emerald Keep, Queen's palace. That was why the Baron's supper was rudely interrupted by his chamberlain, who rushed noisily into the dining hall yelling something about invaders and women with spears. The Baron tried to hush him but he insisted on trying to warn the Baron of some impending disaster, so Geoffrey lazily pulled himself out of his chair—no small feat for one as large as himself—and told his chamberlain to muster his guards. The chamberlain responded with some story about the guards being overwhelmed and scattered; they had, in fact, been caught by surprise by a fierce band of strangely dressed female warriors who had managed to scale the castle walls. As this was being explained in hurried tones, the door to the hall abruptly burst open and several foreign women, armed and armored, walked into the dining hall.
“What's the meaning of this?” demanded Geoffrey angrily. His pasty face was pink with rage now, as he was not used to uninvited guests, especially during his precious supper time. “Do you know who I am?”
“Are you the master of this castle?” asked one of the strange women impudently, showing no deference to the man of noble rank.
“I am the Baron of these lands, Treasurer to the Queen, and--” before he could continue reciting his various titles, a short spear was thrown in his direction, catching him right in the upper chest. He gurgled blood for a moment before collapsing to the ground with an ignominious thud. The female warrior looked at the chamberlain, who was scared out of his wits.
“You are a servant?” the woman asked. When he nodded, she pointed to the body. “Clean that up,” she ordered. The chamberlain went and gathered several strong men to help him move the unmourned Baron's body.
The late Geoffrey's wife was more diplomatic. “Please,” she said, “There is no need for violence; tell me what you want and I will oblige you.” She looked uneasily at the women who all held spears and swords.
“My name is Keira,” said the woman closest to her. “I am the Matriarch's daughter, and these lands are now our property.” The noblewoman didn't know what that title meant but she did not argue. Immediately the women fanned out and secured the room before moving on to the other areas of the castle grounds. Resistance to them was disorganized at best.
“I am the Lady Isabelle,” said the noblewoman, standing and bowing gracefully.
“I know,” said another woman who entered behind Keira.
Isabelle was shocked to see Penelope, the golden haired princess, stride into the hall carrying a spear and wearing some kind of armor and leather coating.
“Why,” Isabelle stammered, “I'm so relieved to see you alive and well.”
“I doubt that,” said Penelope. “You weren't so glad when you rebelled; your lands are forfeit, now, as are your titles and property.”
“Please,” said the noblewoman, “Execute me if you wish, but spare my daughter.”
“Your daughter took special delight in tormenting me while I was in prison,” said Penelope. “She deserves at least the same as you.”
“That may be a bit harsh,” said the woman who called herself Keira. Penelope looked at her questioningly. “Could we not claim them as spoils?” the Amazon asked.
“Well...” said the princess, weighing Keira's offer with her sense of justice.
“I'll buy their lives from you,” said the Amazon. “Will that satisfy?”
“All right,” said Penelope. “I'll let them live. You can have them for free; they're not worth anything to me.”
Keira was now looking at Isabelle in an odd way. The baroness had strawberry blonde hair and an hourglass figure she was quite proud of, as she had had to work hard to maintain it after giving birth to her daughter at a young age. It was not uncommon for women then to be married in their mid teens, but the strain of childbirth for Isabelle had been such that she could not have another child. She had tried her best to look beautiful for her husband, but he had looked at her with disdain afterwards and they had both sought pleasure elsewhere. Still only in her early thirties, she was very lovely, with bright eyes, prominent cheekbones and full lips. Keira seemed to be admiring her, and Isabelle shifted uncomfortably.
“You are my property now,” said the brunette haired Amazon. “I claim you as a spoil of victory; come with me now.”
“Wait—isn't there something I can give you instead?” asked Isabelle worriedly.
“Your lands and valuables are being divided as we speak,” Keira explained. “What I want is you.”
“I have no choice, then?” asked Isabelle worriedly. Her eyes seemed to be on the verge of tears.
“She has saved your life,” said Penelope coldly. “No real harm will come to you.”
With that, Penelope and Keira took Isabelle firmly by the wrists and led her to the Baron's throne room. There, numerous Amazon warriors had gathered and were discussing strategy among themselves. Isabelle saw her daughter Helen, seated in a chair with her arms bound behind her back, looking on fearfully. The daughter took very much after her mother, and her father had intended to marry her off to some rich old lecher, much to her disdain. At least Helen would now be spared that fate, whatever else happened.
“Now,” said Penelope, “Is there any one in the family who is still loyal? I will restore the lands to them, if so; it is only just.”
The chamberlain spoke up. “Baron Geoffrey had a niece, but she has been missing for some time,” he explained.
“Perhaps we can find her,” said Penelope. “In the meantime, we need to find the old Captain of the guards; he was always loyal to me.”
* * * *
The man to whom Penelope referred was sitting in a dungeon cell, next to that of another noblewoman who was also loyal to Penelope. They had both languished there for some time, stubbornly refusing to submit to Eleanor, the usurper. When Thomas heard the solid wood cell door move, he tensed his muscles and hid behind it as it opened. Someone entered and he lunged to grab them. He was surprised to find it was a woman, who suddenly shifted her body to catch his arm and twist it behind him.
“Are you Thomas?” the woman asked politely.
“Yes, my lady,” he said, and suddenly dropped to the floor, swinging his foot out to knock her over. She fell but recovered quickly, and drew a sword to point at him.
“I am Most pleased to meet you,” she said, again with courtesy.
“Where does a woman learn to fight?” he asked.
“My mother, of course,” the woman said. In the dim light Thomas could see she was a comely woman, with pitch black hair and keen eyes. She could certainly handle herself. “Penelope would like to see you,” she added.
“Oh...why didn't you just say so?” he asked.
“I thought you were flirting with me,” said the woman. “My name is Chandra. This way, please.”
“There's a friend of mine, Anne, in the next cell.”
“I'll release her right away.”
* * * *
“These are...interesting friends you've made,” said Thomas to Penelope, happy to see his rightful Queen again. Hi face was a little haggard, and he looked underfed, but he was still in his prime and could wield a sword as well as anyone in Penelope's kingdom.
“I've done the best I could...and not badly, if I do say so myself,” said Penelope. “I remembered that there is siege equipment stored here we can use to launch our attack. If we catch Gwendolyn and Eleanor in the palace, their rebellion will be over.”
“It's not that simple,” said Thomas. “The palace is huge, with thick walls, and we are still outnumbered.”
“That's why I need you,” said Penelope. “Do you think the soldiers are still loyal to you?”
“I would bet most of them would still follow me, and you, if they had the chance,” Thomas nodded.
“Good. That will be our next task,” said Penelope.
Thomas sat up and stretched. “I need a sword...it's been too long since I held one.”
“I'll get you one,” said Chandra, standing nearby. “You can practice with me.”
Thomas thought the idea of fighting with a woman was strange, but he accepted the offer.
“Be careful,” said Penelope with an amused smile. “If you're good enough, she might want to marry you. It's their custom.”
When Chandra went to the armory, Keira got ready to train the new slaves that evening—it was always fun to break in a new one.
* * * *
Claire was cleaning her Mistress's room the next morning, as was her normal routine, when news of the Amazons' first small victory arrived. Dawn came in and Claire smiled at her, but Dawn seemed preoccupied. The teenage Amazon sat on the bed and looked at her beautiful slave thoughtfully.
“Can I do something for you, Mistress?” asked Claire.
“No...I'm just thinking,” said Dawn. “You've been good, Claire. You're an obedient slave. It'll be sad to see you go.”
Claire's face fell. “Are you sending me away? Did I do something wrong? Please, I can--”
“It's nothing you did,” explained Dawn. “You're free now. You have a castle or something, and your own lands. You have to go there.”
“But I don't want to go home,” said Claire. “I want to stay with you, Mistress.”
Dawn sighed. “We probably couldn't be together forever,” she said. “And someone has to manage your lands. It's time to go.”
Claire's eyes watered. “But isn't my family still there to run things?” she asked.
“Nope,” said Dawn. “You're the one that has to take charge, they say. Penelope wants you to come right away.”
Claire sat and let it sink in. As long as she had no property or family, she could beg the Amazons for sanctuary, and they would take her in. That was no longer the case; she could support herself now. She greeted the news of her uncle's death with utter indifference, but she was a little concerned about Isabelle and Helen, even though they had rebelled. Keira would probably sell them to another Amazon. At least they would be cared for, Claire thought; hopefully they would be kept together. The Matriarch, Sheila, often made allowance for such situations.
She made love to her young Mistress one last time, but not until after Dawn had removed her collar and cuffs. It saddened Claire to see them taken off her. She had felt secure in them; as long as she had worn Dawn's collar she knew where she belonged and that there was someone to protect her. Now she had to manage her family estate and would have no such assurances.
* * * *
Claire fidgeted in her fine new clothes; they felt unnatural and cumbersome to her. She walked in shoes again to her manor house, where she was greeted by a beautiful, well dressed woman in her mid thirties; the woman had long golden hair and pale, creamy skin. The woman carried herself with great poise and grace, like a noblewoman, but looked as though she hadn't eaten in days. Her figure was too thin to be healthy, and her rosy cheeks had sunk in just a little. She had been organizing the servants while they waited for Claire.
“My name is Anne,” said the woman. “I would like to ask you for employment here, if I may; I have no other place to go.”
“Of course,” said Claire. “You look terribly pale and thin,” she added. “You must eat something.” Claire took a quick liking to Anne. She seemed to know how to handle things, and she showed Claire around the castle grounds that the redheaded woman hadn't seen in a year.
“I was recently a guest in the dungeon,” Anne explained, with a touch of bitterness. “Penelope was able to free the prisoners who were still loyal to her, fortunately.”
Anne was fascinated by Penelope's new allies. The strange warrior women had situated themselves in the manor for the time being until they could make their next move. Some of them casually offered to share a bed with Anne, whom they found very attractive. Anne was shocked by their frankness.
“Don't be alarmed,” Keira had told her. “It's our way.”
“I see,” said Anne. “And all of you can fight?”
“Of course.”
“Hmm,” said the noblewoman. “There may be hope for us after all.”
Claire put Anne in charge of the other servants and hired hands. She was afraid of her own decision making abilities; she didn't know how to farm and manage land, collect revenues, or solve problems they way a noble was supposed to. Claire was more used to being told what to do. Penelope helped a great deal, but she could not always be around; she had to plan a way to get her kingdom back.
After a few days Anne looked much better; her admirable figure filled out again, and the color returned to her lovely face. One evening, as she served Claire tea by the fireplace, the redhead asked her where she had come from and how she knew so much about running an estate.
“I was born a noble,” said Anne. “I had a husband and a daughter. My husband, alas, was killed in battle and my daughter was taken from me when Gwendolyn took the throne. I no longer have any lands of own.”
Anne smiled sweetly and thanked her. She walked behind the velvet seat where Claire sat as she warmed herself, and began to massage Claire's shoulders. Anne's hands were skilled and soothing.
“Thank you, dear,” said Claire. Suddenly, she felt a stirring of desire for this beautiful woman. She turned her head and looked up at Anne, whose blue eyes sparkled in the firelight. Anne leaned her head down and kissed Claire on the lips.
“I'm sorry,” said the blonde woman with a blush. “Was I too forward?”
“Not at all,” said Claire with a smile. She rose and put her arms around Anne's neck. They locked their lips together passionately. Anne was not accustomed to making love to another woman; she had kept such feelings hidden when she was a noblewoman in her own home. Claire, however, had no such reservations and felt it had been forever since she had been satisfied, though it had only been a few days. Among the Amazons her life was one of constant pleasure, and she missed it. She led Anne to her bedroom, where she sat next to her and fumbled open the front buttons of her dress, revealing her silk brassiere beneath.
“You don't waste time,” said Anne, surprised at Claire's aggressiveness.
“Do you want me to stop?” asked Claire as she reached under Anne's blouse, feeling her soft, plump bosom and their hardening nipples.
“No, not at all,” the blonde woman replied. They embraced again, and Claire savored the sensation of Anne's breasts against her own. One problem with being a free woman, Claire discovered, was all the clothing she had to wear. It seemed to take forever to remover her dress, corset and stockings. As Anne slid a hand down between Claire's legs, she felt the shaved skin of her crotch.
“My my,” she said. “You're completely bare, dear.”
“Yes,” said Claire, blushing. “It's um, the custom where I come from.”
Finally she and Anne were nude together under the sheets of her bed, making passionate love until they were too tired to continue. Anne lay her head between Claire's ample breasts, happy she was no longer lonely.
* * * *
Outside, under the starry night sky, Keira led Isabelle and her daughter to a hill that was covered with soft, springy grass. The Amazon laid out three metal stands and lit torches on them, forming a triangle around the hilltop. The light was still a little faint, and Isabelle could still see the stars overhead. The Amazon seemed satisfied with the mood she had created.
“What are you going to do with us?” asked Isabelle nervously. Keira put a finger to the former noble woman's lips and hushed her.
“You must speak only when spoken to, or ask permission,” said the reddish haired Amazon. “Next time you'll get a spanking.”
Isabelle was annoyed to be spoken to in such a manner, but kept quiet. Who knew what these fierce women were capable of? Helen, a girl of only seventeen, began to shiver, even though the night air was warm. They were both stark naked, and the Amazons had even shaved the hair between their legs! If Penelope had wanted to humiliate her as punishment for her rebellion, thought Isabelle, she had succeeded.
“Please,” said the daughter. “We didn't mean to rebel, really. There's no need to hurt us.” Keira cut her off with a quick swat on the bottom. Helen kept quiet. She was embarrassed to be out here, nude like her mother, her hands bound behind her so that she couldn't cover herself. The Amazons had put a collar around her neck that she couldn't remove, and Keira was leading her around with a leash like an animal. She wanted to cry, but Keira warned her that shame was unseemly in a slave, and she would be punished.
Keira stepped back to admire the new captives. Both had reddish gold hair and youthful, expressive faces. The mother obviously kept herself in excellent shape and the daughter was coming into her own as a noble born beauty. They would be more attractive if they didn't look so worried, she thought. She would help them overcome that, soon.
“Sit,” commanded Keira. Isabelle and Helen sat on the grass in the center of the torches. Keira unbound their hands behind them, secure in the knowledge that they couldn't get away from her if they tried. She lay Isabelle out on her back against the ground, fastening her wrist and ankle cuffs to four stakes in the ground, splaying her arms and legs out to her sides. She then took Helen and did the same with her, laying her next to her mother. The girl's lip was quivering, and Keira stroked her cheek and hair to comfort her. Next, the Amazon took a metal bowl of water and stirred something inside it. A crushed herb had been sprinkled into it, and Keira set it over one of the torch stands until the water boiled. A strange, sweet odor, unusually strong, began to emanate from the bowl. With a knowing smile, Keira set the fragrant bowl down between the helpless mother and daughter.
Isabelle felt her head spin as she inhaled the vapor. The herb was having some strange effect on her. She felt weightless, as though she were floating in the starry sky, and besides that she felt a sudden, intense arousal like she hadn't felt in years.
“Wonderful, isn't it?” asked Keira. Isabelle nodded and moaned deeply. Keira knelt next to her. She began to trace her finger around Isabelle's breasts, fingering her nipples until they hardened. Isabelle found she couldn't control herself; she suddenly yearned for this woman's touch. Keira ran her hand over Isabelle's skin, sending tingling sensations all through the older woman's body. As she inched closer and closer to Isabelle's sex, the captive's breathing intensified, and her sex moistened. She couldn't help herself. She wanted Keira to touch her there; her sex ached with desire.
“Beg me for it,” said Keira with a wicked smile.
Isabelle looked at her helplessly. What could she do? To go unsatisfied now would be an unbearable torment. She suddenly didn't care if her daughter was right next to her, she had to have release.
“Please, my lady...please, I beg you,” she said.
“Address me as 'Mistress,'” commanded Keira.
“Please, my Mistress, continue—don't stop,” begged Isabelle. She would call Keira anything she wanted, if only she would satisfy the gnawing hunger between her legs. Isabelle's breasts heaved, and her body glistened with sweat in the torchlight. Isabelle strained against her bonds but it was no use. Keira thought she looked very sexy, struggling helplessly, naked as she was.
“Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you,” said Keira. Isabelle winced; she couldn't say what she wanted in front of her daughter, could she? But Keira teased the lips of her pussy now, running a finger around the sensitive, wet skin.
Isabelle shut her eyes tightly and said “Fuck me, please,” abandoning all semblance of shame or dignity.
Keira obliged her and slid a pair of fingers into her wet sex, moving them rhythmically back and forth. It did not take long for Isabelle to achieve orgasm, with the help of the lilith plant that she continually breathed in. She cried out in a series of short, sharp gasps as her whole body quivered.
Keira turned her attention to Isabelle's daughter, bound next to her in a similar fashion. Far from feeling humiliated, the sounds of her mother next to her had only aroused the girl. Keira took Helen's young, jutting breasts in hand and kneaded them like dough, enjoying her firm, young body and soft skin. Helen sighed deeply and closed her eyes. Now that she knew she would not be hurt, she relaxed and gave herself over to Keira's attentions. Keira wanted to see the girl squirm a bit, so she slapped her breasts until she cried out. She then asked Helen what she wanted, and the girl quietly said the same thing her mother had. Her hormones were driving her wild; she had never felt anything like this before. Keira could tell the girl was a virgin when she felt the inside of her sex. Helen let out a yelp as she felt something inside her tear and bleed a little. Keira had taken her innocence from her, and wiped a cloth between the girl's legs until the blood stopped. She then bent her head between Helen's legs and found the bud of her clit with her tongue. Helen instinctively pulled at the cords binding her wrists and ankles as she arched her back, moving her hips rhythmically to the motions of Keira's tongue. She licked her lips and her face contorted sweetly as she experienced her first orgasm. As she continued to inhale the vapor of the lilith plant she found herself wanting even more.
Keira stepped back and picked something up. Isabelle recognized it as a flogger, and Helen whimpered nervously.
“Now,” said the Amazon, “Do you wish me to continue? Beg me, if you do.”
Helen and Isabelle both begged her, no longer caring how humiliating this was. All they could think about was the sexual satisfaction they craved.
“You will each count ten strokes of this flogger,” said Keira. “This is your first lesson. If you endure pain for your Mistress, you will be rewarded. The women nodded nervously. Keira brought the leather straps of the flogger down onto Helen's breasts, and slid them slowly off her, letting her savor the feel of the leather against her bare skin. Helen moaned a little and counted one, as she had been told.
“Good girl,” said Keira. She then did the same to Isabelle, who also counted. Isabelle's eyes began to water from the humiliation of being bound naked and flogged like this, but she obediently counted for fear that Keira might cause her serious pain if she didn't do as she said. Helen yelped each time the flogger hit her, but she counted clearly and distinctly, wanting to please and hoping she would stay on Keira's good side. Keira flogged their breasts, stomachs, legs, and drew an especially sharp cry from each woman as she slapped the flogger between their legs. Finally, when each woman's skin was good and reddened, they finished counting their strokes and Keira was satisfied for the time being.
She then proceeded to put the handle end of the flogger between Isabelle's legs and opened her sex with it. Isabelle eagerly spread her legs and accepted the hard leather phallus inside her, panting and moaning as Keira worked it back and forth inside her, until she cried out once again in climax. Helen looked at Keira in wonder as the Amazon stood over her, as though she wasn't certain what to make of her. She did not resist when Keira held the handle to her mouth, commanding her to suck on it and taste her mother's juices. Helen then felt the handle in her own sex and moaned softly, eyes closed, her voice growing louder and higher as the handle was thrust into her again and again. After her orgasm she relaxed contentedly, and ceased straining against her bonds.
Keira clipped a lead to each of their collars, and unbound their wrists and ankles. They rubbed their joints and sat up, and Keira fastened their collar chains to the stakes on the ground.
“Now this time,” she said. “You two will bring each other to orgasm.”
Isabelle looked up at her, aghast. “But...she's my daughter,” she pleaded.
“You are my property,” said Keira sternly, “And you will do as I command.” She snapped the flogger on the air as warning. Isabelle gulped. Helen, having just experienced her first orgasms, was more adventurous, and Keira guessed she was the more pliable of the two. The daughter gently put her hand on Isabelle's shoulder.
“It's all right,” she said gently. “I'll do it; just don't hurt us.” She raised her head up to kiss Isabelle, who did not resist her. It was awkward for them at first, but the lilith plant never failed. Soon, both women were aroused, and the shy kisses developed into a full blown passion. Helen sucked on her mother's breasts, eagerly throwing herself into this new experience. Isabelle arched her head back, eyes closed, as her daughter took her nipples between her teeth. She put a hand on Helen's sex and rubbed the girl's clit vigorously, sending shivers up the girl's spine and causing her to moan helplessly. When Keira didn't think they were going at it enthusiastically enough, she strapped them on the back with the flogger, and they did their best to please. Isabelle entwined her leg around Helen's and rubbed her pussy against her daughter's, until they both achieved orgasm together. They heaved sighs of pleasure in each other's arms and became shy again as their passions cooled.
Satisfied with their efforts, Keira led them back, leashed and bound again, to Whitehaven. She asked Claire what she wanted to do with the new slaves while they still resided at her manor. Claire was uncertain; it was hard for her to pass judgment on her relatives, treasonous though they were. She deferred to Anne instead.
“They're slaves now, so let them work in the kitchen, cleaning the pots and pans,” said Anne. “The scullery maids can spank them if they slack in their efforts.” Anne was not used to seeing to nude women walking around the house, but she knew what to do with a slave. Isabelle and Helen looked at the floor, not saying a word. Their humiliation was complete; they resigned themselves to their fate.
“May sure they share a bed at night,” said Keira. “That should help break down their inhibitions.” Claire agreed, and set the mother and daughter to work in the scullery.
* * * *
Later that night Claire summoned Anne to her own room, softly lit by candles. Anne smiled at Claire as she entered, and greeted her new lover with a sensuous kiss. She then noticed that Claire had retrieved a flogger from the dungeon, and laid it out on the bed.
“Are you going to punish one of the servants?” asked Anne. “I wasn't aware anyone had done anything wrong today.”
“It's for me,” said Claire. “I want you to whip me.”
Anne looked at her questioningly.
“I can't explain,” said Claire. “I just...I just need it. Please, indulge me.”
“Are you feeling guilty about something, dear?” Anne asked her.
“Yes—well, no, not really,” said Claire. “I just feel that I need it. I want you to do it, please.”
Anne, still unsure what was going on, picked up the flogger. “This can really hurt,” she said.
“I know. I don't want you to hold back.” Claire unbuttoned the back of her dress, baring her back to Anne, and lay face down over the edge of the bed.
“Please,” she begged.
Carefully, Anne snapped the short whips across Claire's back, not too hard.
“Is this what you want?”
Claire let out a satisfied sigh. “Yes,” she said. She closed her eyes. “Again, please.”
Anne struck her a couple more times. Claire remained motionless on the bed, her eyes still closed. “Harder,” Claire said.
Anne obliged, not knowing why her employer anted to be hit like this.
“Harder,” begged Claire. Anne whipped Claire hard enough to leave a reddish mark, and the redhead noblewoman cried out.
“I'm sorry,” said Anne.
“No, do it again,” said Claire. “If I scream, you'll know you're doing it right.”
Anne whipped Claire again and again, making her moan, worried how much she was hurting her. Finally she stopped, unable to bring herself to hurt Claire further.
“Thank you,” said Claire with a grateful smile, even though her eyes watered from the pain. “Don't tell anyone about this; it wouldn't do for them to know that the Lady of the manor is so...strange.”
“Of course not,” said Anne. “Let me get some salve for your back.”
That night, Claire practically pulled Anne into bed with her, and was more voracious than before; it was a long time before Anne could get any sleep.
* * * *
Amber and Lydia arrived by boat at Whitehaven, accompanied by a few other slave girls who were also coming to join their Amazon mistresses.
“This is my country, Avalonia,” Amber said to her fellow slave. “The Queen's palace, Emerald Keep, is further up the coast. It's quire a sight.” As they stepped off the boat, a vast green field spread before them, with Claire's manor house in the center.
“It's a beautiful country,” said Lydia. “I hope I get to see more of it.”
When they entered the manor house Keira greeted them and brought them upstairs. She wanted to show them off to her new friends. When they entered Anne's bedroom, Amber's face turned beet red and she covered her sex and breasts immediately, ignoring weeks of Keira's training, much to her Mistress's annoyance.
“Mother--!” Amber blurted in shock.
“I wanted to surprise you,” said Keira to Anne. “Put your hands down, girl,” she scolded Amber. “I want your mother to see how nicely you've developed.”
Amber was horribly embarrassed, and Keira didn't understand why. Wasn't she proud of her beauty by now?
Anne smiled happily. She went up to Amber and embraced her lovingly. Amber pressed her head against her mother's shoulder.
“I didn't want you to see me like this,” she muttered.
“It's just their custom, dear,” said Anne. “I'm happy to see you, no matter what you're wearing. Or not wearing.”
Amber looked up at her, and a tear welled in her eye. “I've done things that, well....I'm not proud of,” she said. “You must be ashamed of me.”
“Nonsense, she's a wonderful girl,” said Keira. “And a skilled lover, too. Did you know she can--”
“Um, could we please not talk about that to my mother, Mistress?” begged Amber. Lydia, behind her, suppressed a giggle.
Keira shrugged. “She should be proud of you.”
Anne laughed again. “Yes, I am proud of her, no matter what. I don't care if you've slept with everyone in Avalonia, Calledon, and Corsinia combined,” she told Amber. She then turned to Keira and said, “When I have the means, I would like to buy her freedom, of course.”
“Oh,” said Keira with some hesitation. She looked at Amber longingly, but said “Of course. I'm sure Penelope can help you.” She couldn't keep the mother and daughter apart, she supposed.
“May I go now?” asked Amber sheepishly. She still didn't like to be nude in front of her mother.
“Very well,” said Keira. She let Amber and Lydia go to her own quarters.
“If you have any embarrassing stories about Amber's childhood, please share them with us, Miss Anne,” said Lydia with a smile as she left. Amber glared at her friend with daggers in her eyes.
For the time being Anne was only working as a servant, but Amber hoped she would be able to free her soon. Penelope could arrange something. The prospect thrilled her, but she felt sad too, that she would be leaving Keira. She began to realize just how much she had come to enjoy her sessions with her Mistress; the training and discipline was something she had grown to crave. Just my luck, she thought. I finally get a chance to be free, and I don't want to.
The Amazon Matriarch, Sheila, always said it was bad for discipline for a slave to go around unleashed and unsupervised, but when Amber found herself without any chores one morning, she decided to slip off for a quick wade in a stream that ran by Whitehaven. She felt the cool water up to her knees, and soon it was up to her waist. She continued down the stream innocently, not thinking about how far she had gone.
She was being careless, of course, and had forgotten that she was no longer on the island of Lyria, where the Amazons patrolled all the roads. She heard a rustling sound in the bushes along the stream and suddenly covered her breasts. She suddenly realized the people here would not be accustomed to the sight of a nude young woman walking around in broad daylight. As she backed away towards the bank, she felt a rough pair of hands grab her from behind. She tried to struggle, but the person who held her was much stronger, and a hand over her mouth stifled her screams. She was bound and gagged, and she could not clearly make out who her captor was as she was unceremoniously slung over their shoulder and carried away.
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