Chapter 2
Lisa heads to the bathroom, as she does to shower, and shave her legs. She makes sure that every inch is clean on her body, and notices that her pussy hair needs trimming. Yes, it has been a few weeks since her last date. She is a dirty blonde, and she likes her pussy trimmed neat. This takes her five minutes, as she likes to do it very slowly. She then showers again, this time shampooing just her pussy. When everything is to her approval, she dries off.
She then goes to the bedroom with just her towel on. She needs to decide just what she should wear. She needs a bra for her 36-DD’s, and that will be as skimpy as she dares. She will wear her denim skirt that comes to mid-thigh. She will omit the panties today, as she hopes to get Jim’s cock. She put on a top that is button down, and then changes into one with a zipper. She will be able to adjust this to let Jim see ample cleavage.
Lisa then wonders if Jim likes breasts or ass. She has just a fair ass, as her tits are what stand out. Sara always beats her for the ass men. That is one reason the last administrator liked her, for he did not like girls being gay. Lisa wonders if Sara got his cock in her ass. She laughs at this, knowing that it probably did not happen.
Realizing that Jim is new to the city, when she calls him, Lisa explains that she can drive and show him around the town. He quickly agrees, as Lisa makes a good offer. She agrees to pick him up in thirty minutes after she learns where he lives. She then double-checks herself, and proceeds to the car. The ride does not take her as long as she thought, and she waits around for five minutes to give him able time to get ready.
After talking, they go to a nice place at a mall a short ways away. Lisa does notice that he appears to be looking at her tits. After someone seats them, someone comes by to take their drink order. They both select a glass a wine. They decide to both have fish, and Lisa knows she is going to be happy. The conversation is interesting, and somehow the zipper works down more than Lisa would like. The waiter comments on this and Jim tells him to mind his own business.
They soon depart the place, and walk around the mall for a bit. Lisa does make herself look better, zipping up enough not to draw attention. She also does not do anything that will make her look bad to anyone. She does ask Jim if he would like a nightcap, when they are near to where she parked the car. Jim smiles, and says that he has a bottle of wine in his place, although he doe not have much furniture. Lisa just smiles, and says that will do her just fine.
Once at Jim’s apartment, he is able to find a bottle of wine. Lisa unzips her top a bit more, allowing Jim to see her bra and some tit flesh. They talk for a bit, and then he cuddles on the sofa with her. Their hands begin to wonder, and he gets the zipper all the way down. She on the other hand is beginning to work his fly.
The cock pops out before he can manage to get her breasts exposed, and she decides to kiss the cock. It is big, maybe ten inches long. The cock also appears to be a bit thicker than she has had in quite a long time. She does decide to blow this cock, try to manage what is going on. Her tits are out, and Jim is tweaking the nipples.
Jim likes the size of her nipples, as they are in proportion to the orbs. He does unzip her skirt, and discovers that she is not wearing panties. Her bush appears to be groomed, and he decides to eat her out. They both slit to the floor, and soon they are sixty-nining. Jim finds her sweet, and does a good job getting her off quickly.
At this time, Jim decides that he wants his cock inside her. She has no objections, and he pets the pussy lips prior to ramming the cock inside her. Jim fucks the girl for all he is worth, and he tires quickly. The girl earlier in the day took a lot out of him. Lisa also tires from the pounding, and after another round, they both have a glass of wine before falling asleep.
Lisa does wake up about five in the morning, for she needs to use the bathroom. After returning, she sees Jim’s cock. She looks around the room, and decides that she can take a few pictures of Jim and his cock. She finds her purse and the digital camera inside.
She takes a few pictures of Jim, and decides that she wants the cock larger. She blows him, and the cock does grow. She then proceeds to take a few more pictures, and Jim wakes up at this time. He wants to know what is going on, and when he becomes more awake, he does realize what is happening.
Jim is upset, and grabs her hand with the camera. He does take it from her, and says that she needs to be punished for what she has done. She looks at him, not understanding what he is saying. He puts her over his knees and begins smacking her ass. She does not like this, but she cannot move.
He then puts a hand on her pussy, finding that she is wet. He finger fucks this babe, and she explodes in his hand. He then takes her camera, and takes pictures of her. The ass is red, and it does show up good in the pictures. He then has her blow him again, getting pictures of this sex act.
In the morning, Lisa’s ass is still sore. She complains, but Jim tells her that it is what she needed for begin bad. She just looks at him for a shot time. She then tells him that he gets off by doing these things to women. He laughs, saying that he wants the pictures off her camera, all of them. She just looks at him, not knowing what is actually on the camera.
She does allow him to hook it up to his computer, and he does transfer everything on the camera. They then look over what he now has, and discovers that Lisa took a few candid shots of both males and females. He does want details of who everyone is, and finds that some of the males are students at the school. There are also several pictures of the three other girls in the office.
Lisa tells Jim that the students were in compromising positions with other students. The three staff members were over at one of her parties, and it became an orgy of sorts. Her computer at home is no longer working, and she has no place to transfer the pictures to keep for her memories. Jim tells her that he can burn her a disk, but she will have to help him get the school up to better standings.
Lisa does not know what to say, and Jim tells her that she can play around with her camera. He needs to see everything that she takes a picture of, and he may use punishment as a way to show that the students need to respect them.
On Monday morning, Jim is to work early to see who comes in on time. Debbie and Sara stroll in about fifteen minutes late, and he calls them into his office. They do not really care about being on time, saying nothing ever is done early. Jim does not say much, but he sizes up the two females. Sara does have a bubble butt, and her tits are not bad either. Debbie on the other hand has nice tits, but she also carries a little more weight than she should. He tells them both that they will need to be on time, of consequences will have to be paid. The girls just look at him, and then they leave his office.
Sometime after lunch, Jim takes Connie to give him a tour of the facility. He learns that she and her husband are trying to have a family, and she appears very happy. She does have a smaller body, being just five foot tall.
They get to the physical education end of the building, and Connie says that nothing should be going on. They both hear something coming from one of the room, and this surprise Connie. They look through the window on the door, and see someone naked on one of the large tables.
On entering the room, they find a girl tide to the table. She is naked, gagged and blindfolded. There is a mechanical dildo fucking her shaved pussy. Her body is covered with sweat. They also see a movie camera filming what is going on. Jim finds the switch and turns off the machine. Connie takes the blind fold off, and then the gag. It takes a little while to unbind her from the table, and remove the dildo. The girl is shaking at this time, and does not say anything.
Connie finds her clothing, and she does put on her top. Then she looks at Jim, and goes over and grabs at his cock. The girl is very horny, and she works the cock out of his pants before they can do anything. It is in her mouth in seconds. Connie looks at her, and then Jim’s cock. She just smiles.
In no time at all, the girl has Jim’s cock inside her wet pussy. He pumps her good, and plays with her tits to send her off. He pulls out before he cums, allowing it to spread over her stomach. Connie then helps the girl get her clothing on, saving her panties back, as she will give them to Jim personally. Connie does want to fuck with this new cock.
They then all go down to the office, and make out a report. Connie looked over the video at the two were having fun. She has seen the other two girls on the tape. The girl, whose name happens to be Sue, does not wish to press charges at this time. She does ask if she can have the camera, and Jim looks at it. Connie takes the tape out and memory card before giving it to Sue. She makes a face, but knows they will not give her the tape. She can depart, and they can see that she is having troubles walking.
Lisa comes into the office, and wants to know what has taken place. Connie says that they have a tape of Sue on a fucking machine. Connie says that they will watch the tape and figure out who did this to the girl. They may all have fun with these two girls.
Lisa gets the impression that Connie has seen the tape, but Jim is not saying anything. Connie knows that Lisa wants to know more, and she hands the panties of Sue to Jim. Lisa then knows what is going on, and Connie tells her that she is going to have some fun before anyone else gets a crack at Jim’s cock. Lisa just smiles, and Jim tells Connie that he can have first dibs at him later. He tells everyone that he needs some time to think, and has the girls leave his office.
Connie and Lisa head to the bathroom, and they discuss Jim and his cock. Connie wants him, and hopes that Lisa understands. Lisa tells her that if she gets lucky, he can probably get Connie pregnant. Connie smiles at this, knowing that later in the week she will be very fertile. Connie tells Lisa to keep quiet, and not tell her husband. Lisa tells her that is fine, as long as she get to have some fun also. The two then head back to the office.
After lunch, Jim gets his assistants into his office to discuss what they are going to do with those who were behind what took place this morning. This is news to both Sara and Debbie, who want to know more. Jim takes this opportunity to let everyone view parts of the video. Debbie explains that she knows both girls involved, and she gets their files. Sure enough, they are dropouts from the some high school. She also finds out that they both have some run ins with the law, but nothing is on their permanent records.
Lisa says that they need to do something, and make it stick in their minds. Debbie says that they seem to enjoy sex, as the toy this morning was something else. The others realize that Debbie would like to use this machine, and she actually blushes. Debbie explains that Martha and Lea seem to enjoy sex, as they have both been caught giving blowjobs. There is also some record of them wearing skirts with nothing under them.
Sara brings up that she would love to use a strap-on and fuck the shit out of both of these girls. Connie just looks at her, and Jim tells her that can be arranged, if she can provide the equipment. Sara says that she has the equipment in the car, as she had sex with a girlfriend this weekend. Everyone looks at her, and she explains that she was horny, and after fucking her friend, they sixty-nined each other.
Lisa looks up where the two girls are this afternoon, and finds that they are in math class. Jim tells Sara to get her equipment and he would get at least one of the girls down to the fitness room. Before anyone leaves, he hands Lisa a camera, and tells her to follow him. He wants good pictures of everything that takes place.
He looks in the room, and sees that two girls that he is looking for. One has a skirt on, and does not have a bra on. She has at least DD tits, and the nipples are showing. He has Lisa take a picture, and then he just enters the room. The instructor stops, and asks what is going on.
Jim looks at the class, and sees the girl with the tits. Her skirt is short, and he does see her bush. Lisa also sees what he is looking at, and takes a few pictures. Jim looks to the instructor, and ask him if this girl is a distraction. He tells him yes, but their in nothing that he can do. Jim asks the girl her name, and she just says Martha. He tells her to get her things and follow him. She does, smiling back to the other students.
They go down the hallway, and Jim asks Martha what she wishes to get out of life. Martha thinks that this is a strange question, and she says that she wants to enjoy life as much as she can. With this, Jim reaches into his pocket, and pulls out handcuffs. Martha just shakes her head, saying that she is not in that kind of trouble. Jim tells her that she has to do whatever they tell her, and she will be free to go by the end of the day. Lisa shows her that they have pictures of her pussy in the classroom, and explains that they can charge her for nudity in public.
Martha goes with the two, as they head toward the fitness rooms. Martha has seen Sara, so she knows that someone got her free. Martha sees someone standing by one of the rooms, and they proceed into the room. Connie gives both Jim and Lisa a kiss, and says she will be in the office.
The man tells Martha to take off all her clothing, and she looks around the room. She does not know what to do, as she is feeling very vulnerable. Jim tells her again, and then says that he can call the police and explain the situation. She does comply, but she does take her time.
Sara tells her that with her size of breasts, they will begin to sag without support. Martha just shrugs her shoulders, as she does not care. They all see that her pussy has a little hair above it, but the pussy itself is shaved bare. She also has a little more around the middle. Jim takes the cuffs, and puts them around her wrists, behind her back. This sticks her tits out a bit, and she cannot hide anything with her hands.
Sara then opens her bag of tricks, and everyone gets to see what she has. She pulls out a gag, and tosses it to Lisa. Lisa looks at it, and puts it into Martha mouth before she can complain. Sara then pulls out a large dildo, and tells everyone that this is for fun.
Sara has them put Martha on a bench, spreading her legs so that she has access to her pussy. Sara whispers something to Jim, who goes away for several minutes. He returns with several ropes, and Sara nods her head. They rearrange Martha do that her back has support, and ties her in this position. Her legs are free and she closes her legs.
Sara tells her to open her legs or she will do something else. Martha shakes her head, as she does not want the large dildo inside her. Jim and Lisa then tie a rope to each ankle Sara takes this time to strip naked. She also puts on a harness to hold the large dildo.
Martha shakes her head when she sees what is coming, but she cannot do anything. Sara tells them to pull her legs up and apart. Martha is then spread, and her sex and asshole are very open to Sara and his strap on cock. Sara has 34-D’s, and the nipples are very erect. She likes what she knows she is going to do to this girl.
Sara slaps Martha’s tits, leaving them red from the sting. Martha does not want anymore, but her nipples become very hard. Sara fingers the girl, finding her getting wet. She then aims the dildo into her pussy, and shoves it all the way in. The ten in dildo goes in with no troubles, and then Sara pumps the girl. Someone is taking pictures of all of this.
Sara then pulls the dildo out, and puts it against her asshole. Martha shakes her head, as this is virgin territory to her. Sara asks her friends if she should do it, and Jim tells her that can be left until the next time Martha does not wear the correct clothing. Sara moves the dildo away from the hole, and fingers Martha’s pussy. Then she smacks the pussy, telling her to remember what has taken place.
They then take the ropes and gag away, letting Martha relax. She goes to get her clothing, but Jim tells her that there is something else. She just looks at him, not knowing what is going to happen. The others also do not know, as this is the first time they do anything.
Jim sits on the bench, and tells her to come over to him. Martha is not sure, but complies with what is being asked. He has her bend over his knees, and he rests his hands on her back. Jim is going to have some fun and spank this girl. She realizes what is going to happen, but she cannot go anywhere. He smacks her ass with his bare hand, and she cries out. He spanks each ass check ten times, and sees that they are both getting red.
Lisa comes over at this time, and tells Martha to spread her legs. Martha looks at who is talking, and decides that she needs to do as requested. Lisa fingers the girl, finding her pussy very wet. Lisa goes to Sara’s bag, and looks to see what she can find. She pulls out a dildo, and sticks it in the victim’s pussy, and Martha finds that it is a vibrator on high. It begins to send her off, and then she feels something at her ass. Lisa has a small dildo, and Lisa is working it in and out of the ass.
Martha then feels something at her tits, and before she knows it, a clamp is placed on both nipples. The dildos are both removed, and Martha is told to stand. A third clamp goes onto her pussy, and she is told to get dressed. The chain and clips are visible through her clothing, and Jim says it is to remain that way until the take them off later. Sara then tells her to bend over, and she inserts an ass plug. She checks to see if it will fall out, and tells Martha that she will take it out later. If something needs to come out that end, she is t report to the office.
Martha is told to go back to class and not talk about this. They see that she is having trouble walking, but they do not care. They get their stuff and head to the office. Connie is eager to see some of the pictures when they arrive, and the day continues as normal as possible.
Martha comes into the office about two, saying that she needs to use the bathroom. Sara takes her to the bathroom, and Lisa follows with the camera. They have the girl strip, and they remove the chains and clips. Then they have her sit on the toilet, and Sara reaches to remove the plug. When it comes free, shit flows out of the ass. Both Sara and Lisa laugh, as it is a mess. They tell Martha to clean everything up, and then she is allowed to dress. They remind her to wear proper underwear and clothes for the rest of the week, and they then leave her.
Nothing much happens the rest of the week, although they do check out Martha several times in between. She is a good girl, and the rest of the school knows something has taken place and they need to be good. Nobody wants anything to happen to him or her.
Friday afternoon, Connie approaches Jim. She explains that her husband is out of town with family, and she does not want to stay alone. Jim looks at her, knowing that she appears to have a nice body. He also knows that she wants to get pregnant, and believes her husband is also looking to father a child. He says that he can come over, and she says that she would prefer to be out of the house. He tells her that she can come over to his place, and wants to know when she will arrive. She explains that her bags are in the car, and she can leave from work. They decide to eat on the way home.
Once they get to Jim’s place, he offers her a drink. Connie is more interested in Jim’s body, although she does take a glass of wine. Connie soon has his cock out, and it goes directly into her mouth. She does get him hard, and then she sits on his cock. She is wearing a dress, and does not have any panties on. She rides the cock for all she is worth, and does not stop until she feels his cum inside her. At this time, she collapses onto Jim, not caring about anything else.
It is Jim’s turn to find out about Connie’s body. He gets out from under her, and removes her dress. She does have a nice blonde bush, and he sees cum on the hairs. He does get her bra off, and finds that it is a 36-B. The nipples are still rock hard, and he sucks on them. This gets a purr out of her, and he proceeds to enjoy the small breasts.
Needless to say, his cock gets hard again. He decides to fuck her again, not wanting the hard cock to be wasted. She is not ready for it yet, but her pussy kindly accepts the entire length. She is actually surprised he is hard already, but she really loves the feel of more cum inside her. At this time, they are both tired and they decide to rest.
Connie is the first up, as she needs something to drink. Jim kindly accepts a refill on his wine. They talk, and watch a little television. Jim does find a camera, and gets a few very candid pictures of Connie. She is not sure, but Jim says that nobody will ever see pictures of his lovers. Connie wants to see some of his work, as she is interested in naked people pictures. Jim is not sure, and Connie talks him into seeing some of his pictures.
At this time, Jim goes into an older directory. He finds a set of pictures from his college day, and shows these to Connie. Jim then realizes that he has both males and females, but it will show Connie some of his work. They set up a slide show and the cuddle on the couch as the pictures go by.
In no time, Connie is horny again. She sucks on Jim’s cock, but if does not get super hard. He finger fucks her pussy, and with sucking on her tits, she cums hard. The pictures give Connie a variety of cock to fantasize over. When the show is over, they both go to bed.
They cuddle all night, sleeping like babies. By nine, Connie gets a hold of his cock. It does respond to her touch, and soon she finds the cock very large. Jim comments that she can have morning cock, and he flips above her, and slides the cock inside. She is not ready, and has a little trouble with his size. He pumps her for a good twenty minutes before his cum flows. She has lost count of her orgasms, and she is very happy it is finally over.
They rest a short time before getting up for a shower. Connie is loving this weekend, and showers with Jim. They wash each other, and soon they are both excited. She gives him a blowjob as he washes her hair. It gives them both an interesting feeling.
Connie does go home on Saturday evening, as her husband called to say that he is on his way home. Connie thanks Jim for the great weekend, and gives him and his cock a nice kiss before she leaves. This gets Jim horny again, but Connie is out the door. He knows that he will be seeing her again, if nothing else, at work on Monday.
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