Taming Billy - Chapter 22
The guest of honor was marched out to the pool area where a crude wooden frame had been set up to hold him while the ladies enjoyed his helpless naked body to their hearts' content. Roberto stood close to the teen stud muffin as his granny unlocked the cuffs so he could be properly mounted within the frame. His wrist were tied tightly and attached to a hook in the top of the frame. Then his legs were pulled wide apart, and then individually raised by a pair of women so that his ankles could be roped tightly to the corners, leaving most of his body weight supported by his arms.
He heard the sound of something heavy being dragged close to the back of the frame, then some whispering and laughter before something cold and hard made contact with his asshole. It didn't take him more than a few seconds to realize he was about to be cornholed by a dildo. Immediately he clenched his buns tight as if that was going to protect him from what was about to occur. He was concentrating so much on what was going on behind his back that he never saw the punch that Roberto landed to the pit of his stomach, bringing up everything he'd eaten in the last two days.
Principal Riggs was less than enchanted about the vomit that formed a pool in front of the frame from which Billy hung. She asked Roberto to bring Lara out so the slave could lick it up. There were a few murmurs of surprise that she would be able to perform any function after what she had suffered so far today. A few minutes later Roberto dragged the pale blonde out to the pool area by her hair. She displayed a fresh bruise to her cheek and the beginnings of a black eye. Evidently she hadn't been as responsive to Roberto's orders as he expected and the battered teacher paid a price for her disobedience.
No sooner was she on her knees sucking up the cooling vomit, then the two beefy women who had been whipping her earlier took up their positions and began stripping more skin from her back and shoulders. Lara whimpered and cried as she tried her best to vacuum up every chunk and dollop that covered the area just below where Billy was hanging. The one who had just begun to sodomize the teen went back to opening up his sphincter muscle sufficiently for her to penetrate him with the long, relatively slim dildo made of plastic with grooves cut along its sides to make any deviation from straight forward a painfu experience to the victim.
By the time Lara had gotten the area free of vomit and was polishing the concrete with her tongue, those abusing her moved their attack to her swollen, welted ass cheeks. Soon she was dripping so much blood onto the concrete before Billy that the principal ordered them to cease here, but continue her beating back inside the house in the play room. Lara began begging and screaming for mercy, her bleeding body trembling uncontrollably. For her troubles she received a brutal kick in the ribs from Roberto that silenced her immediately as she fought to gain air before she passed out from the terrible pain.
Dana made a few announcements to the group, leaving Jillian in charge of Billy's punishment, with the nurse as her assistant and the doctor available in the case of any untoward occurance. She and Roberto would be unavailable for the next hour or so as they oversaw Lara's whipping and planned the next punishment for the disobedient slave. That brought some knowing smiles from the women who were aware of her devotion to this latest macho male companion.
Despite his discomfort, Billy looked around to find the mystery lady that had accompanied him to this orgy, and he gasped at what he saw. She had removed her clothing except for a pair of leather bikinis that molded to her pubic region like a second skin. The nipples of her smallish tits were pierced with thick metal rings that appeared to be made of iron or steel. They were so heavy that they actually stretched her nipples and probably kept them permanently stiff. Despite the difficulty in which he found himself, the sight of her ringed, nearly naked body made the blood rush to his cock and a very healthy erection quickly bloomed.
He felt the hands of the woman using his asshole tighten as she held his hips steady, and then the sharp pain associated with the dildo breaching his sphincter and beginning its journey to his lower bowel. She moved her hips from side to side to gain more friction as the grooves began scraping away at the mucous membrane protecting his sensitive intestines. With the plastic probe nearly six inches deep ,she paused and began moving it up and around in hopes of making contact with his prostate. This was not the best tool to use for this purpose since it wasn't angled properly, but even the failed effort proved most painful to the teen.
A line had formed by the wooden ramp upon which the woman was standing, her hips moving smoothly as the strap-on did its job and began touching areas that Billy didn't even know were his. Some of those waiting were talking about what they intended to do to their guest of honor once they had their opportunity. Others were discussing the advantages of the dildo they intended to use to rearrange the youth's insides. A few were busy working various substances into their tools that would add to the agony when they encountered and reacted with his sensitive, raw flesh.
The doctor and nurse were deep in conversation, and it was obvious it had to do with Billy. Meanwhile Jillian had donned a pair of leather gloves covered with sharp metal bumps and was tormenting the teen's cock and balls simultaneously, one hand squeezing his swollen balls, the other slowly stripping the skin from the head of his dick so she could tease the supersensitive flesh with those metal bumps that rolled and scraped the length of his throbbing cock. Secretly Jillian was most pleased with the reaction she was causing in Billy. She was already scheming about ways to get the stud muffin in her clutches for some more serious fun and games. Tiring of this sport she signaled the nurse and her roommate to start restraining Billy from ejaculating while his asshole was slowly opened to it limit and perhaps a bit beyond if he didn't bleed too much.
The grinning nurse carried a small bag containing the various items that would be used to keep Billy from releasing the tension that would build up as his asshole and especially his prostate were stimulated to beyond all reason. Jillian yanked Billy's balls down as hard as she could, bringing a gasp of pain from the stud muffin. This in turn made the one sodomizing him add more muscle to her thrusts. The nurse looped metal wire around his stretched scrotum until it formed a solid covering that ran from the base of his throbbing cock to the top of his swollen nut sack containing his churning testes.
Jillian's eyes glittered as she watched the nurse add two weights to his bulging balls totaling well over five pounds. The teen's balls rapidly took on a crimson color and quickly swelled from the lack of blood circulation. Jillian could not resist running her gloved hand over the tight, solid ball of straining flesh that surrounded his testes. She flicked her finger against the the nut sack and he screamed himself hoarse much to the delight of the ladies who surrounded his bare body.
She leaned close to the youth and promised him pain unlike he had every experienced or even imagined in his worst nightmare. Jillian was intending to use her trusty rubber truncheon on those swollen balls that would be so sensitive that even a mosquito landing on them would cause excruciating pain. Imagine what a smartly struck blow to them with a heavy rubber hose would do to him. Billy broke down and sobbed like a baby, begging her for mercy and promising he would do anything she wanted if only he would be spared from this terrible fate. Jillian had him exactly where she wanted him.
Provided he survived this session and the next, plus the one month with his sister and her dominatrix mistress and lover, he would be putty in her hands when he returned; battered, pussy whipped and totally open to the mastery of someone such as herself. She even dared to think that she might be able to turn him into an impotent fuck toy for herself and her friends.They'd use him until he was no longer amusing and then sell him to slavers who would probably send him to Africa or Asia where he might survive in complete misery for many years until there was nothing left for anyone to do to him that hadn't already been done many times previously.
While Jillian fantasized about her and Billy, the doctor was screwing a hose clamp around the base of Billy's dick, adding more pressure to that being developed by the tightly wound wire beneath it. She knew that this would have to be monitored very carefully. Unless the pressure was relieved periodically there was a risk that the vessels providing blood to Billy's stiff cock would begin to rupture putting him in jeopardy of becoming impotent before his sweet sixteen birthday party. Satisfied that the hose clamp was doing its job properly, she then placed another smaller hose clamp just below the head of his quivering cock and watched it sink deep into the flesh of his glans as she screwed it down as tightly as she dared.
She had only one thing left to do, and it brought gasps of surprise and excitement from the group as she threaded the sound, a thin cylinder of solid metal with a ball tip on one end, into his urethra and pushed it in until only the ball protruded. Soon Billy would know a little about what hell might be like, and the ladies could hardly wait to introduce him to his worst fears, that his cock would be so terribly damaged that he'd never be able to use it for sex again.
Jillian checked on the dimensions of each dildo wielded by the line of women waiting to enhance the size of Billy's asshole. Although some grumbled, they allowed her to arrange them so that each dildo was followed by one thicker. That way the teen's butthole would be enlarged steadily as each lady took her turn. The first rotation left the youth's asshole agape, but it quickly snapped back into its original shape. That presented no problem since the group just rotated once more and this time took a little longer to work on that tight entryway. Even the doctor got into the act, using her speculum to widen Billy's anus to its limit, making him cry and beg for mercy as they jeered him for being a pussy and a sissy. To make the pain even worse the doctor tightened both hose clamps, making them almost disappear into the swollen dark flesh that now was approaching a blue-black shade. The nurse also got into the act, adding another weight to his stretched scrotum, putting more pressure on his bloated balls.
The two women who had disappeared into the house with slave Lara now put in an appearance to cheers from the ladies waiting for another turn on Billy's slowly loosening asshole. The cheers grew louder when they revealed the monster dildos they intended to use on the boy. They were by far the longest and thickest tools anyone here had in their possession. A couple of the ladies muttered that had they known about this part of the agenda, they'd have come with their heavy artillery, which would have put anything here to shame. They received some mock boos and a few raspberries for their comments.
When asked about the condition of Lara, the beefy pair merely smiled wolfishly and said they'd be surprised if she put in an appearance today after what they just dealt out to her. When pressed for the juicy details, they described binding a kneeling Lara to a low table with her tits held down on the wooden surface by straps. They took up positions on both sides and began beating those swollen bags with canes that principal Riggs had made available to them before she and Roberto headed for one of the other bedrooms for an advanced planning session.
They hit her so hard and so often that a waxy material began to leak from her nipples. The young teacher was in such pain that she started chewing on her tongue, which led them to gag her to prevent any further damage. Twice afterwards she passed out from the continued caning they gave her. Her tits grew so big that the skin began splitting in various spots, only adding to the mess her udders had become. They guessed she 'd need major plastic surgery to correct the damage that had occurred this day, but doubted if the principal was going to spring for it. More likely she'd peddle Lara's ass to the highest bidders no matter what their plans for the young woman.
While all this back and forth conversation was taking place, Billy's cock was not only turning an angry shade of purple, its skin was becoming waxy, a sign that the building pressure from the trapped blood was on the verge of causing an internal rupturing. It was Lucy who spotted the potential trouble and let the doctor know about it. She went to work immediately, and with the help of the nurse they managed to unscrew the clamps and allow the blood to recirculate for a time, even though his scrotum was still being significantly deprived of fresh blood. As they were releasing the pressure, the boy howled and then passed out, his body shaking from the terrible pain it was experiencing.
Everyone took a break while Billy remained unconscious. The ladies came round and got a good look at the condition of his cock and balls, clucking and grinning at the damage that had been caused so far. A few even took this opportunity to torture his cock further by moving the sound in and out of his piss hole, causing the senseless teen to quiver and moan from the pain they were causing. Finally the doctor gave the stud muffin a shot of some kind of stimulant that revived him. His eyes opened and then shut tightly as he saw the grinning faces of the women, most of them wearing strap-ons. Then the nurse and her roommate placed the hose clamps back on the teen's stiff, swollen cock and screwed them down until his eyes threatened to pop from their sockets.
The line reformed and the first lady carefully coated her thick, hard rubber dildo with some kind of cream for muscle aches. She made it a point to tell her companions that it was not recommended for internal usage, which brought a chorus of laughter from them. Lucy was now taking a more active role in disciplining her grandson. She pinched his nipples until they were red and swollen, then fastened small binder clips to them, bringing a howl of agony from the youth. That was nothing compared to his reaction as the fat dildo worked its way past his stretched sphincter and began plowing into his lower bowel, spreading the burning coating over the area it occupied. His body twisted and turned and thrashed against the bonds holding his naked body to the frame that now shook from his mad struggles to escape the forest fire that was burning away inside his lower intestines.
( To be continued - jethro jodhpur )
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