Pussy Whipped Sissy Slut - Chapter 5
Until such time as the goddess deigned to reveal her name to me, the lowest slave on the island, in my worthless world she would be known as the sea spirit. This first halting step in my progress toward my true nature and place in the world made this pussy whipped sissy slut happy for the briefest of moments. The sea spirit seemed to understand the faint smile that I allowed to cross my features. She beckoned and turned to go, this unworthy slave stumbling to stay in her wake.
I followed her into the bathroom, a room that seemed out of place as part of this modest dwelling. It was large enough to hold a half dozen people quite easily, had a huge porcelain tub with dragon claws, but no apparent shower until I spotted it off to the side. I had never seen a toilet quite like the one that seemed to dominate this tiled temple dedicated to cleanliness. My sea spirit caught me gawking at this porcelain creation and informed me it was custom built for her in Japan and shipped here by freighter, a gift from an admirer.
There were two huge basins that seemed to flow seamlessly from the walls. They were so large and deep one could easily bathe a baby in one without any difficulty. Two large mirrors complemented them, and called attention to the fact that there were no other mirrors, strange for a room with this function. The tile work was exquisite, done with an eye for color and texture.
The floor tiles were a checker board of gold and ebony, while the walls and ceiling were basically white with a hint of rose swirling just beneath the surface, giving them a warm, muted effect. I was enchanted to the point I almost went to my knees. However when she waved her hand to turn on the lighting, I was overwhelmed. I felt as if I was a child exposed to something that was so beyond anything I'd ever seen that I had no words to use to describe it.
Everything in the room took on a different character. The shower that was so inobtrusive that I almost overlooked it, stepped forward in a dynamic and rather off-putting way. The two huge basins had a more sinister meaning as if they were focal points for some unknown or unknowable function. I felt a degree of nausea when my eyes focused on the tub that appeared capable of holding more than just water. It was that strangely designed toilet that now was the dominant piece in this large room and I could no longer discern its true function. How odd, I thought.
"My, my, you do bring some degree of sensitivity to my home. I am very pleased. It is rare that my daughter can differentiate between gold and dross. Perhaps you are just a lucky stab in the dark on her part. We shall quickly see." Her words were all too much for me to bear and so I fainted dead away.
Something wet and warm awoke me from the trance into which I had fallen. I opened my eyes and quickly shut them tight. In that brief moment I was confronted by an angry red gash of flesh that was the source of both sensations. My face was being bathed in pee; from whom was not known at this time. When I was ordered to open my mouth and swallow every golden drop I realized it was the sea spirit who was dousing me. In parallel I recalled my new surroundings, stark, sterile, mechanical, all came into mind. Somehow I had been transported from that strangely beautiful and at the same time frightening room to this new place. I obeyed my watery goddess and began ingesting her offering which proved to be salty yet contained no trace of acridness.
"Yes, you aren't in Kansas anymore. My daughter assisted me in moving you to this place where you shall remain for a time to do my bidding. My little surprise overwhelmed you to the point that you had a fainting spell, an odd thing for a person of your somewhat limited sensitivity and understanding to display. Perhaps there is more, much more to you than what was displayed to my daughter and her friends."
"I know them well! Each, including my daughter, has her own little set of dark secrets that they think no one else knows but them. Taken in total they are not a bad lot, but much remains for them to be taught before they can aspire to full womanhood and power. It appears you have been smitten by the young one, who is admittedly a budding beauty and comes from good stock. Be advised that neither of you have what the other needs. Do not despair, your fate may encompass many things that are not easily attained by most of your kind."
Although I was still cuffed, that bothersome weight that was attached to my scrotum had been removed while I was senseless. I gave thanks for small favors and concentrated on capturing each and every spurt of that golden nectar that flowed from the sea spirit's bladder. The amount that was stored in her bordered on the impossible. I had drunk my fill as evidenced by the bulging belly I had developed, but still it flowed unchecked from between her thick lips. "Had enough for now?" she asked, increasing the flow as she spoke. I let her pee fill my mouth and she laughed at my signal of surrender. Abruptly the flow stopped and although it was a challenge, I managed to gulp down the last of her generous offering without spilling a drop.
"I see from the marks that you have been caned recently, I'd guess less than a day ago." I nodded as she touched the raised weals with her fingertips, still enough to make me wince on occasion. The sea spirit sighed and continued, idly teasing my wounds, and in doing so arousing me, almost against my will.
"I don't know how many canes I broke over my sissy slut's bare ass in the five years he spent with me. There were so many welts in various stages of healing that his bottom, back and thighs looked twenty-five years older than the rest of his body. His penis could remain erect under the most violent of beatings and there were many, administered by myself and some of my close friends who gathered around me in my hour of need. I was continually amazed at his phenomenal ability to endure under the strictest of disciplinings. Based on the marks I've seen, plus what I've heard about you from other sources, you remind me a bit of him. Don't ever tell my daughter, but he sired her. She was too young to remember much about him, being only two when he took his leave. Thanks to the untruths I have fed her she is not curious about his existence."
At this revelation I was stunned into silence.How could this be? Why would a goddess such as herself want to associate with a sissy slut? As a race we are nothing but veneer, and of poor quality and workmanship. My mind was in turmoil, but there was much more to her story and as she resumed her tale, my attention was once more riveted on every word she spoke.
"In the begining he was so utterly and absolutely beautiful that I became determined to change what could not be changed. That was due to my lack of maturity and infatuation with this seemingly marvelous creature. At first I applied brute force, beating him by the hour as he hung by his wrists, naked and totally vulnerable. I started with a leather strap, then in time graduated to a riding crop, then a tawse, the last step before the whip, a blacksnake that could be wrapped around almost any portion of his body."
"I took to hanging weights from his testicles once his legs were spread to the point that the tendons appeared ready to burst from the strain. I played a game with my whip, seeing how many times in a row I could make it wrap it around his swollen scrotum. His screams and bellowing were music to my ears in those days. I truly thought my efforts were making progress. How naive of me!"
"One day it dawned on me that his erect penis was the only constant. It was always available when I wished for it, day or night. Even after the worst imaginable whipping, one that left him looking like a piece of shredded meat, he was still erect and able to pleasure me if I wished, and I often wished. Now I was fixated on that penis and determined to bring it under my control, so while I was disciplining him, it would be limp as befits its state until I wished otherwise. This was my undoing, for as I focused on destroying what was his best feature, I was also bringing harm to my own psyche as well."
"Now his beatings were in two parts, first the whip to his bottom, the insides of his thighs, finishing across his back, as many strokes as I could deliver. Then I'd take a brief rest for my arm to regain its strength. His penis was well above average in size, especially length. I'd take the head in one hand and bend it from his body until he gasped from the pain. That was my signal to begin using my trusty rubber truncheon, purchased from the UK, a country that does things like this correctly. I'd drub his penis from root to tip and back again for as long as my arm could sustain its strength. He never once failed to vomit from this terrible treatment, and I'd enjoy leaving him suspended, covered in his own bile while I took a shower and freshened up."
"To my great shame I exposed my weakness to other members of my sex and soon there were almost daily visitations from dominant, powerful women with their own ideas on how to break him to their will. I would not tolerate any thoughts of emasculation, that would be an admission of defeat and ruin both of us. I likewise eschewed multilation and drugs as reasonable avenues to taming him. So it became more of the same, the only difference being an increase in the amount of time that was spent beating him senseless and the type of implements used. I could not stomach the use of the loaded cane that one of my dear friends utilized during a session. He was left with deep cuts and bruises over most of his body that made even simple things like breathing an exercise in agony. I realized that this direct method of disciplining was not working."
"Now the door was thrown wide for other ideas and many were put forward. He was given massive doses of female hormones that softened his skin and made his breasts grow significantly. This was intended to shame him, but he ignored that aspect of things. It even had a minimal effect on his penis, which now required oral and manual stimulation in order to create a useful erection. For a time I reveled in this minor victory, but finally had to admit that it was a violation of my own ground rules concerning the use of drugs."
"One of my close friends taught science in the local school, definitely a rara avis. She would spend her time attaching wires to various portions of his anatomy and sending electricity between them, varying the amount of voltage and current to suit the region she was "stimulating". The first time I witnessed the effect of that invisible force on his penis was a memory I shall never forget. His entire body grew stiff, then his shaft twitched just before a copious ejaculation was induced. For the better part of two days she visited me to see if there was an ideal set of parameters that could cause his penis to become flaccid for up to three or perhaps four hours, then return to its normal state. Unfortunately his ability to recover within thirty minutes was little affected by the amount of power that was transmitted through that unruly organ. Secretly I was not unhappy over that conclusion."
"For nearly a week another of my dear friends forced him to drink huge quantities of water, many gallons a day, until his belly appeared to be on the verge of bursting. Then his bloated stomach would be caned, forcing the water from his mouth and nostrils, often causing him to become unconscious from his inability to get enough air into his lungs that were now competing with his gigantic stomach for space in his body. The rationale, if one existed outside of humiliating and causing him great pain, for this approach was to make him more aware and appreciate what a woman endured during her pregnancy. It was hoped that as a side effect, he would get permanent stretch marks similar to what many pregnant women experienced. However what did occur was an imbalance in his blood's electrolytic balance creating some very serious problems that forced an end to this approach."
"My friends remained focused on the objective of taming him. One, who was a nurse, devised an approach that did what the water treatment could not do, expand his stomach to enormous dimensions and keep it that way for hours on end without any fear of causing any type of chemical imbalance within his body. She carefully inserted a thick walled balloon partially filled with water down his throat and into his stomach. The balloon was sealed at the end to a thin hose that would not interfere with his breathing. The hose in turn was attached to a small pump that first removed the water from the balloon, and then was reversed so that it forced air into the balloon, causing it to expand tremendously. After a few trials his stomach could be expanded by eight to ten inches in girth and held in that state for many hours. He certainly attracted a lot of attention from my friends who visited often just to watch him struggle to breathe."
"He was kept filled like some miniature blimp for up to sixteen hours a day. Intercourse was out of the question due to the size of his belly, but that did not prevent me from regularly manipulating his penis to induce some rather impressive discharges that caused him a great deal of discomfort. The sex after his stomach was allowed to return to its original size was colossal! I was a happy woman, for a time."
"Then he took sick and it was touch and go, with no one knowing what the malady was that slowly squeezed the life from him. It was then that a very dear friend who lived in Japan heard of my trouble and offered to take in my sissy slut and nurse him back to health. I had a great deal of faith in her and since he was wasting away before my eyes, I did as she suggested. That was over fifteen years ago, and he still lives, but his health will never fully return. To this day I am tormented by the fact that it was my overarching arrogance that led to this less than desirable conclusion to our lives."
"I am consoled somewhat by the fact that he is able to have sex on a regular basis with various women from my dear friend's extended family, including of course, my dear friend who claims his penis is the only portion of his body that has returned to full strength. She does admit that a steady diet of her hot-holed, chubby-legged nieces with tight, warm, wet pussies that wrap around his stiff cock like snakes consuming their prey do wear him out on occasion."
"Now my pussy whipped sissy slut, it's time to earn your keep before I have to turn you over to the not so tender mercies of my petulant daughter. Be advised that there is little I can do to protect you from her wonts which can be at times quite bizarre. She is willful, arrogant, demanding and a bit of a misanthrope. Be very careful of what you say around her, and above all be your subservient self at all times."
( To be continued - rolf palsy )
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