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A deathly quite prevailed among the assembled members of the Summit after the Supreme Commander revealed the shocking nature of the proposal that was going to be placed before them. They sat in stunned shock as each woman looked within herself trying to come to grips with the unbelievable reality of what she had just heard. Most had been aware that the food situation would pose a serious problem requiring difficult decisions, but none, in their wildness dreams, had considered the possibility that they would be confronted with anything as drastic and profound as this.
The Supreme Commander was well aware of the inner turmoil that her last remarks had caused, and she waited patiently in order to give them time to digest the reality of what was going to be asked of them. Several minutes elapsed before she once again began to speak in a manner that, remarkably, maintained the same, calm, business-like tone as before. "Ladies, before I place this proposal on the floor, I want you to understand the full magnitude that will be required. I call your attention to my informing you that the male population numbers more than two billion and outnumbers our own by over eight to one. It was first hoped that, with such a large disparity, only a portion would be needed to fulfill our needs. Unfortunately, such did not prove to be the case. A careful study has been conducted which reveals that, even with strict rationing, it will require eliminating the entire male population to enable us to survive until we can become self-sufficient."
A gasp swept through the assembly causing the Supreme Commander to pause before continuing. "I share the trauma that I know this announcement has caused. We will, of course, put off taking the young for as long as possible in hopes that recovery might come sooner than expected. But, if present projections hold true not even youngest of them can be allowed to live who, when the time comes, will be no older than eighteen."
"I will make no attempt to hide the fact that this proposal calls for sacrificing the entire male population while the female population remains unharmed. At first glance, this could appear to be a callous move on our part in saying it is better for all men to die so that far fewer women might live. It could be argued that we are taking advantage having control over a captive male population and selfishly choosing to sacrifice male over female. We could respond to such accusations by pointing out that almost all of the female population has already been annihilated during a war that was none of our doing. One could be reminded of the untold horrors we have been forced to endure at the hands of men, and it could be said that we have been forced to sacrifice and suffer enough. One might also point that it is men alone who are solely responsible for this impending disaster."
"There is no denying the truth of what I have just said, and they alone could be viewed as being legitimate and justifiable reasons for our taking such action. But, none of these factors were discussed by the Central Committee during our deliberations. Our attention was focused on far more pressing issues that greatly outweighed deciding who should be held accountable or deciding who was more deserving. The Central Committee's judgment was guided solely on the realization of what will surely take place if the recommended course of action is not implemented. It was this issue, and this issue alone, that convinced each and every member of the committee that they had no choice but to recommend the adoption of this proposal - regardless of the horrendous sacrifice in male life that it will entail."
"Allow me to describe the events that will transpire if this proposal is not carried out and, in this case, a crystal ball is not needed to predict what would occur. Worldwide starvation will soon descend upon us, and it will have the same devastating effect on men as on ourselves. It would be impossible for us to be able to continue keeping them in confinement since they would surely revolt when we could no longer provide them with food. Once men gained their freedom they would discover for themselves the desperate shortage of food, and, knowing the male mentality, it takes little imagination to visualize what would follow. The more violent and ruthless would begin using force to take what little food remained, and others would be forced to fight back in trying to keep whatever they had.”
“It would not be long before practically all food would be exhausted and men would find themselves faced with the same two options that confront us. They could do nothing and die of starvation, or they could turn to the only source of nourishment that would still be available in adequate quantity to sustain life - the flesh of human bodies. There is no doubt as to which option they would choose, and it would not be long before men would be killing each other for this sole purpose. The strong would at first prey upon those that were weaker, and it would be folly to think that countless women would not be numbered among the victims - and, for many, after being used first to satisfy other depraved desires."
"Everything we have managed to achieve would be lost. After stronger men had eliminated the weaker they would then begin to prey upon each other. The world would soon disintegrate into total chaos where nothing but terror and barbaric anarchy would reign. In the end, the male population will wind up being almost completely annihilated with the only difference being that it would have come by their hand rather than ours. Only the most ruthless would manage to survive, and I can only shudder when I think of the fate that would befall the few women that might be allowed to live for the pleasures their bodies were able to offer. And, although this would result in propagation, the number would be so small that the human race would be on the verge of becoming extinct or, at best, revert backward in time to where only a few primitive tribes would roam the earth."
"There can be no doubt the horrors I have described will take place unless we take the desperate course of action I have stated as being our only hope for survival. Granted, it will not save the male population, but it will spare them the agony, hardship, and terror they would suffer otherwise. They will be able to live their remaining days in comfort and without fear since they will be unaware of the fate awaiting them. And..., of primary importance, the female population will be able to survive and continue working toward building a better world. Instead of anarchy, there will be an organized form of government that adheres to the noble principles we have established. Instead of extinction, the human race will continue and live in a civilized society in which future generations, both male and female, will benefit from what we will have done."
"Ladies, I am well aware of the tremendous burden that I am about to place upon you, and I deeply regret having to call upon you to make such a profound and difficult decision. I know that every fiber within you rebels against having to call for such action, regardless of the compelling circumstances, and that it will take every ounce of courage you possess to vote for its adoption. In making your decision, I only ask you to search your heart and let it be your guide. I now officially place this proposal before you and open the floor for debate."
It might have been expected that there would have been an immediate clamor of protest and demands for additional information but, instead, total silence prevailed. Each woman in the audience found her mind frantically searching for some inspiration that might lead to a possible alternative that had missed being considered. They all experienced a sick feeling of despair in knowing, deep inside, that they were only grasping for straws and that no alternative existed. The skilled and convincing manner in which the Supreme Commander had made her presentation had been overpowering in which no part could be challenged. The members of the assembly knew that to debate the issue would only add to their despair and postpone the inevitable. For this reason, the room continued to remain silent. The Supreme Commander waited a reasonable length of time and then quietly called for a vote. It was taken in a subdued atmosphere, and the clerk read the results. The proposal received unanimous approval. It was in this subdued manner that a plan of action was adopted that would, by far, have the greatest impact on history that had ever been known and would result in creating a world that none of those present could have possibly imagined.
The Supreme Commander called a short recess to allow the numb and distressed members of the assembly a chance to collect themselves. Some of the women wandered about aimlessly and others remained in their seats. They did not talk to one another due to each being lost in her thoughts. All of them felt a deep pain and had become acutely aware of just how demanding the burden of leadership could prove to be. Most had tears flowing down their faces, and there had not been a single woman present that had little doubt that she would carry this horrendous burden for the remainder of her life.
When the assembly reconvened the subdued atmosphere continued. Most of the women had managed to regain some degree of composure, but they remained in a state of deep depression. The Supreme Commander, on the other hand, appeared to have undergone a remarkable transformation. The grave expression on her face was no longer evident and had been replaced by the same look of self-confidence she had displayed at the start of the proceedings. When she began to speak her tone was forceful and businesslike - giving every appearance of discussing nothing but routine matters. "Ladies, now that this proposal has been adopted it will be necessary for you to decide upon the guidelines in which it will be implemented. The Central Committee has discussed this matter at length and has developed a series of recommendations which I will now present."
"Before I continue, however, I must stress it being imperative that everything we discuss be kept in the strictest confidence. It must not even be revealed to your closest associates and advisors except for those whose assistance will be required. We can take no chance of any part of this plan becoming known until proper steps can be taken. If women in the general public were to prematurely became aware of the crisis and what we are about to undertake it would surely create a wave of mass hysteria. It is imperative that they be adequately prepared before being informed so they will be able to accept the need for it being implemented. And, even if this were not the case, it would be foolhardy to allow the impending action becoming common knowledge among the female population until we have established safeguards to ensure that males remain ignorant of the fate awaiting them."
"I am quite sure you remain acutely aware of my informing you that it will require eliminating the entire male population just to meet minimum needs. Even this can not be achieved without careful planning, and it will require putting forth a maximum effort and accomplishing a great deal within a short period of time. A careful study has been conducted comparing demand vs. supply, and the demand that presently exists greatly exceeds the available supply. The greatest demand, at first, will be that which will be needed to feed members of the male population during the period of time they remain alive. However, to put it bluntly – if they’re dead they don’t need to be fed."
"In keeping this in mind, The quantity needed to feed males will diminish as their numbers decrease, but the necessity to feed those that remain until also eliminated still creates a significant demand. This demand is of such magnitude that, unless decisive steps are taken, it will be impossible to meet the needs of the female population during the five year period that it will take to become self sufficient."
"The only solution is to eliminate the male population as rapidly as possible and freeze the bodies in mass storage for later use. Unfortunately, almost all cold storage facilities have been destroyed to the extent that practically none exist. It is for this reason that it will be necessary to revise the construction priorities which you gave final approval only yesterday. We must immediately implement a crash program for constructing numerous processing facilities and mammoth cold storage warehouses that will facilitate men being killed in large numbers and freezing the bodies not needed for immediate use. It is only in this manner that we will be able to rapidly reduce the size of the male population at a rate greatly exceeding that needed to meet current demands and thereby enable stockpiling sufficient quantity to meet future needs."
"In this regard, we are extremely fortunate that, by some unexplainable miracle, a large number of manufacturing plants that are able to produce refrigeration equipment have somehow been spared much of the massive destruction that has befallen almost all other forms of industry. Most of these factories have remained idle for a long time, but it will take little effort to put them back into operation. It is a remarkable coincidence that one the few types of equipment for which the capability remains to be manufactured in large quantity is the very type that we most desperately need in searching for a way to insure our very survival."
"The task that lies before us will in no way be easy. It has been projected that within the next twelve months we must construct enough facilities to give us the capacity for killing and processing over three million males a day. This is a staggering statistic and one that will take a supreme effort to achieve. But, it will enable us to eliminate the entire population in less than three years with sufficient number being frozen to satisfy future needs. It will require building numerous facilities in every city, and, they will have to be in continuous operation around the clock."
"The average facility will be capable of handling six thousand men a day which will make it necessary for large groups to be rapidly killed at a time. We have neither the time nor the resources to try and be creative in developing new and ingenious methods as to how this might be accomplished. One thing that the war has left us in abundance is an almost unlimited supply of automatic weapons and ammunition. We will take advantage of these weapons and use a method that men themselves have utilized on numerous occasions in the past for conducting mass executions. It might appear to be somewhat crude, but it has proven to be quite effective. The men will be lined up and shot with automatic weapons. The bodies needed to meet ongoing demand will be processed immediately afterward, and the remainder will be frozen for future use. To save time, this latter group will only be disemboweled before being placed in cold storage."
"The mention of "meeting ongoing demand" brings me to a convenient place to touch on the subject of food distribution. We will continue the policy of providing food free of charge. If there is anything we are in complete agreement it is that the thought of any woman going hungry is unthinkable. I have mentioned that it will be necessary to maintain a strict rationing policy, but we will treat each and every woman on an equal basis so everyone receives an equal allotment. There can be no exception to this rule regardless of position or influence - and this includes us."
"Ration books be issued that will have allotments ranging from ground meat to the choicest cuts. It needs to be stressed that coupons for genitals will be the most closely regulated of all. This action is necessary to ensure that women of prominence do not yield to temptation and attempt to use influence to gain an unequal share of this highly desired part of the male body. This can not be allowed under any circumstances. The suffering that women have been forced to endure during the war has bonded us together in a manner that has never existed before. It is essential that this spirit of kinship continue and, for this reason, we can not allow any policy that does not insure equal treatment for all. As I have stated, this is also true for us. It is up to us to set an example for others to follow and, for this reason, we will receive the same allotment as every one else."
The Supreme Commander paused to take a sip of water. She gazed at the women seated before her and was gratified to note that the looks of tension had noticeably drained from their faces. The casual, confident, businesslike, manner she had been using to discuss such a profound course of action, as though it were just another routine item on the agenda, had worked like a tonic to help calm the shattered nerves of this group of women that had just voted to put over two billion men to death. They were, of course, a long way from being recovered, but they had at least been able to gain enough composure to once again be able to think in a logical manner.
The image being projected by the Supreme Commander had been so convincing that the women were unaware that she had deliberately chosen this manner in hope that it would have just such an effect. It was a true testament of her skill as a leader that she was able to maintain this appearance while concealing a deep sadness that remained in her heart and an inner-turmoil that continued to rage within.
She put the glass down with a steady hand and continued in the same businesslike tone as before. "You are aware that we are fortunate to have several world renowned psychiatrists as members of the Central Committee. During the discussions on what we are about to undertake, these highly qualified women expressed grave concerns as to the long-term psychological effect this drastic course of action would have on the female population. We are all aware of the extreme difficulty women had in overcoming the trauma of being forced to eat flesh taken from soldiers that were victims of the war and, therefore, were already dead. It was only through time that they were able ease troubled minds and accept that taking such action was the only possible means for survival. But now, it will be entirely different. Each time women sit down at their tables they will be acutely aware that the meat upon it came from the body of a human male that had been killed solely for that purpose."
"They will, of course, be aware of the desperate conditions that require such action being taken and will have no choice but to accept it as being unavoidable - just as you have done today. But, they can not keep from being women and having the feelings of women, and, even though they will be forced to accept this action, they will be aware that massive numbers of men will be dying each day for no other purpose than to enable them to live. The psychiatrists are deeply concerned that unless we take decisive action many women will become ridden with guilt and remorse to the point that it will have a serious emotional effect on them for the rest of their lives. It is for this reason that it is imperative for us to do everything within our power to prepare them in advance so that they will be mentally and emotionally able to accept what is going to be done without being forced to carry this immense burden."
"The psychiatrists have recommended a plan they feel will not only enable women to accept what we are about to undertake without feeling guilt and remorse, but it will actually cause them to experience pleasure and excitement in knowing that men are being slain on their behalf. I know that you are thinking that such a reaction in women would be impossible, and at any other time in history, you would be correct. But this is not any other time in history, and, due to a combination of unique and unusual circumstances, the experts feel that just such a reaction can indeed be created. They have put a great effort in developing a plan they think will accomplish this seemingly impossible feat. The plan has received the unanimous backing of the Central Committee, and I add my personal endorsement as well. It is somewhat complex, and, since I am a layman in such matters, I hope I will be able to describe it in a manner that you will be able to understand."
"The first step will be to conduct a highly publicized televised campaign in which it will be stressed as being extremely important for all women to watch. We are fortunate in this regard that one of our first priorities was placed on restoring public communication systems and have been successful in rebuilding these facilities and placing television in all homes. The purpose for this was because it was deemed vital to keep women informed at all times what was taking place and what would be needed from them. Little did we dream, at the time, the role that this would play."
"The campaign will be highly dramatic in nature. One of the main themes will be aimed at convincing women that it is healthy, both physically and mentally, to openly accept natural desires and emotions that dwell within. We will emphasize that many of these inner feelings are hidden in the subconscious and need to be brought out in the open so they can be recognized and accepted for what they are."
"The campaign will be conducted in a manner that we feel confident will capture both women's attention and imagination. There are two things in particular that will receive special emphasis. The first is that it is only normal for women to have feelings of fascination when observing human death if it occurs under certain circumstances. The second is that almost all women contain suppressed sexual desires that are far greater than they consciously realize."
"It was a combination of these factors that was the reason women found themselves experiencing strange feelings of fascination and sexual arousal when they striped the clothing from a man's lifeless body, examined his nakedness, and then proceeded to butcher him for food. Needless to say, these emotions were also the cause for the heightened excitement women felt when they started cutting off and eating male sex organs. We know that, at first, most kept these feelings to themselves and worried that they were becoming mentally unbalanced. It was only gradually that they learned others were experiencing the same emotions and having the same feelings of guilt."
"The reason that will be given for placing an emphasis on these particular emotions is a desire to relieve any lingering anxieties that might still remain by letting it be known that such reactions are natural, and it would have been almost impossible to have responded in any other manner. I think most of you are aware we were going to conduct a campaign along these lines for this very reason – but, that effort would not have been anywhere near the intensity of what is planned now. The primary importance for emphasizing these emotions is because it is imperative that women come to understand and accept them before they can be capable of reacting in the manner I have described. Certainly, it will require a great deal more than this alone, but it is a key upon which any hope for ultimate success will hinge. We will find ourselves defeated before we even begin if we are not successful in enabling women to openly recognize and understand these inner emotions."
"The most difficult issue to overcome will be to convince women to accept that it is normal to become fascinated when witnessing death if such action is considered to not be of any importance or concern. It will be pointed out that the capacity to experience such fascination has existed in humans, both male and female, since our earliest beginnings. It will also be pointed out that, unlike many men, women do not become obsessed with this emotion and that, even though it exists within us, it has never been known to have had a detrimental effect."
"There have been numerous occasions in which women of past times have been enthusiastic spectators at public executions, but such reactions occurred only when the victims were considered to be either deserving of their fate or individuals that were looked upon as being unimportant and, therefore, not worthy of concern. There has never been a recorded case in history, however, that attributes women advocating the execution of others simply to satisfy a desire to witness it taking place. This fact clearly demonstrates that while the presence of this fascination does indeed exist in women, it is quite harmless. We might look upon it as being somewhat primitive, but there is no reason for it to be of concern."
"It will be stressed that it is much better to openly accept this fascination for what is than to look upon it as being wrong and then feel guilt whenever it has been awakened. It will also be stressed that its presence within women does nothing to interfere with our basic nature of feeling compassion for undeserving victims and to abhor needless death. But, this compassion does not prevent conditions being present that can awaken this primitive emotion and make its presence known – even to the extent of causing enjoyment and excitement. It is our intent to create an atmosphere in which such conditions will indeed exist and will cause just such a reaction. Certainly, all of us would agree that feelings of enjoyment and excitement are greatly preferred over those of guilt and remorse."
"The second issue to overcome should not be as difficult, but it will still require a major effort. As I have stated, this will involve persuading women to recognize and accept their innermost sexual emotions and desires. In many past cultures, women have been taught, from an early age, that it was not proper for them to openly display sexual feelings and, as a result, have been forced to suppress natural sexual urges. This, however, has not been the case for the vast majority of the present female population since they know very little in matters regarding sex. This ignorance will be remedied by the subject being extensively discussed and explained."
"We will also explain that even though women do not become obsessed with sex to the point that it controls their actions - as is the case with males - they still possess strong inborn desires that are capable of even exceeding those found in men. We will reveal studies which show that suppressing sexual emotions can cause woman to experience anxieties and frustrations that are the result of nothing other than their bodies not being allowed to satisfy subconscious longings. It will be stressed that it serves no purpose for women to suppress inner feelings that nature fully intended them to enjoy. We will strongly encourage openly accepting and pursuing sexual pleasure."
"As I have stated, it is imperative that we reach both of these goals if we are to have any hope for success in what we will be striving to achieve. There are, however, other important issues that must be addressed which will also play a key role in bringing on such a reaction. One of these is the obvious necessity to create an atmosphere that will enable them to willingly accept large numbers of men being slain on a daily basis."
"I mentioned that there are two conditions which, in past times, have enabled women to enthusiastically accept humans being put to death. The first is when the victims are looked upon as being deserving of their fate, and the second is if they are regarded as being unimportant and not worthy of concern. There have been many occasions, throughout history, where this has been demonstrated. One example is large numbers of French women within crowds uttering enthusiastic cheers each time the blade of a guillotine dropped to decapitate some hapless victim. Another is women in ancient Rome laughing in merriment as they watch innocent victims being slaughtered mercilessly on the floor of the Coliseum."
"Please bear in mind that these reactions did not come from women living in primitive societies. Both of the cultures were considered to have been in the forefront of civilized advancement for their time. I could give many other examples, but I think the point has been made. In past times, it has been shown that only one of the conditions needed to be present to enable women to react in such a manner, but, due to the magnitude of what we are about to undertake, we will strive to create an atmosphere in which a human male will be looked upon by as being both unimportant and deserving of death."
"Our first effort will be to try and make women feel that men will truly deserve everything that will be happening to them. This will be a major part of the televised campaign and, hopefully, will have been successful when the time comes to reveal what we are about to undertake. If things go according to plan, the second condition of men being looked upon as unimportant will come as a result of the method used in slaying and processing them for food. If we are successful, it will result in women coming to look upon the life of a human male as being of less and less value."
"Before I attempt to explain how we plan to accomplish all of these things I would again like to call your attention to the fact that the vast majority of the female population consists of young women that are under the age of twenty five. You will recall my stating that this would have a significant bearing upon things to come, and I will try to explain why this is considered to be such an important factor. It does not require a great deal of thought to realize that the female population of today is totally unique in many ways from any that has ever existed before.”
“It is this uniqueness that will enable us to accomplish things that would have been impossible at any time in the past. These young women have not lived in a society where males were an integral part of their lives. It goes without saying that they have never had the opportunity to know what it means to, boyfriends, lovers, or husbands and for the few that might recall fathers, they were of such young age that any recollections are, at best, only hazy images. The result is that they have no knowledge of having an association with a male that could create feelings of affection. The only association they have had has been with cruel individuals forcing them to obey harsh and unmerciful demands while working in plants and factories, and the only sexual encounters any have experienced have come from acts of brutal rape. The result is a female population that has no feelings of compassion or concern for any member of the opposite sex."
"The women of today are fully aware that it is men who are responsible for the tragic loss of mothers, sisters, friends, and countless other innocent women. They are also aware that it is men who are responsible for the tremendous suffering, pain, and hardship they have been forced to endure for as long as most can remember. At the same time, however, they know that the primary blame for the atrocities rest with only a few individuals, and that the majority of men have only been following orders that they had no option but to obey. It is for this reason that most women do not contain feelings of extreme hatred for the male population as a whole. But, the pain and suffering they have been forced to endure also makes it impossible for them to not have at least some degree of resentment toward any male if only by association."
"It is also only natural that their ignorance of members of the male sex makes today's women somewhat apprehensive about the thought of men returning to society. It is out intention to turn the feelings of resentment into those of open hostility toward all males, and the feelings of apprehension into an extreme fear for their safety. This endeavor will be an important part of the televised campaign, and, if successful, will result in a female population that regards all males as being deserving of whatever fate that might befall them."
"It will not be necessary to exaggerate the dangers that would exist if a large portion of the male population were in fact to be released. This very thing, more than anything else, caused the most concern among members of the Central Committee when we were still under the impression that we would soon have to start releasing men into society. The dangers that women would face if men were to be set free are so real that there will be little need to exaggerate. Women will find themselves being afraid at the thought of males being released among their ranks. Their fear will be so great that they will be unable to keep from experiencing relief when they become aware that the threat will not take place. The instinct of self survival is very strong. It is especially powerful among the surviving female population since this, more than anything else, provided the fortitude to withstand the enormity of what, for years, we have been forced to endure. When this instinct is combined with feelings of open hostility women will find that the relief will remain even after being made aware of the enormity of what will be taking place."
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