By C
The Supreme Commander again called a brief recess, but this time the atmosphere was remarkably different than previously when the members of the assembly sat numbly in their seats or wandered around in aimlessly despair. This time, they stood in groups and discussed various aspects of what their approval meant would actually be taking place. There were even occasional ripples of laughter as some of the amusing aspects of events to come were mentioned. It would have been incorrect, however, to say all tension had been relieved. Much of the humor was brought on by the natural human reaction of trying to relieve despair by attempting to make light of things. But, all the same, the women were remarkably composed for individuals that had not only approved slaughtering the entire male population but for it to be done in a manner so astounding that it staggered the imagination.
A great deal of the composure could be attributed to the manner in which the Supreme Commander had conducted the proceedings. She had remained calm and business-like as though discussing nothing more than routine matters. Her tone had had such a calming effect that those present would look back later and marvel at the way they had listened to their leader calmly describe methods in which naked men would be publicly killed, humiliated, and butchered. Even when she had discussed male sex organs her businesslike composure had remained unchanged. It had all been done in such a convincing and spellbinding manner that many of the women found themselves picturing activities being described to the extent they subconsciously begun to tingle with anticipation and excitement. She had been so convincing that none present had any hint of the deep anguish that remained beneath the calm and self-assured manner.
When the assembly reconvened, the Supreme Commander continued in the same businesslike tone as before and gave no indication of inner turmoil still raging within. Silence once again prevailed as she began to speak. "Ladies, you will recall my stating that the first phase of the activities is scheduled to begin in slightly more than two weeks. Since men are going to be taken for the purpose of being used for food we will refer to them as being "harvested" rather than "killed" or "slain". Not only is this term less harsh, but it will help emphasize the legitimate need for such action being taken. Needless to say, we can not send out notices requesting women to come and watch men being publicly "harvested" for food. We will introduce the female population to what is about to take place by first conducting a “demonstration harvest” to dramatically reveal what must be done. This event will be televised live throughout the world so that it can be viewed simultaneously by women everywhere. It will be promoted in such a dynamic manner that the entire female population will almost assuredly be watching."
"The event will begin with me making a statement that discloses the desperate crises and the catastrophe that will overwhelm the world if drastic action is not taken immediately. In addition, I will strive to inflame emotions and urge women to heed all they had learned from the televised campaign. At the conclusion of these remarks we will proceed with conducting the demonstration in which we, the members of this assembly, will be the women using the bows and arrows."
A combined gasp swept through the audience, and the members looked at each other with expressions of disbelief and dismay. The Supreme Commander paused only long enough for the noise to subside sufficiently for her to be heard before continuing. She knew that she was at a critical point and that it was important to maintain the positive atmosphere that had been achieved. "I realize this comes as a shock, but it is imperative for each of us be seen as active and willing participants. The suddenness which this drastic course of action is going to be revealed requires doing everything within our power to assist it being accepted. There is little doubt that women will be far more receptive if they see that we, their chosen leaders, are performing the acts. There is nothing we can do that will more clearly and dramatically show our full and total support."
The Supreme Commander’s remarks struck home, and the looks of apprehension changed into those of reluctant understanding. Silence once again prevailed, and the women listened intently as their leader continued. "The first life will be taken by my hand. I will then proceed to humiliate, skin, and butcher the body in a manner that has been carefully planned to hopefully create a desired effect. This will allow me - in the role of Supreme Commander - to clearly demonstrate my personal support for such action being necessary. When I have finished, I will make a few more remarks and then you will commence to perform in groups of five at a time."
"It is crucial, from the outset, that women fully realize the full magnitude of what will be required – annihilation of the entire male population. For this reason, the males to be "harvested" in this first event will consist entirely of young men in their early twenties that will be chosen for being innocent of any wrongdoing. I realize this will make it far more difficult for us, but it can not be avoided. Not only will this serve to dramatically emphasize just how desperate the impending crisis must be if it requires young men such as this being slain, but it will further serve to emphasize the true depth of our support by making what we will be doing as personally difficult as possible. We will, of course, need to be trained in archery, and arrangements have been made for each of us to receive adequate instruction."
The news that the victims were going to be innocent young men had been an agonizing disclosure, but the reasons given for it being necessary had been made clear and, in any case, the Supreme Commander did not pause long enough to allow it to be unduly dwelled upon. "Ladies, now that you are aware of the manner in which women will learn what is going to be done, I would like to return to the order of business I earlier postponed bringing before you. I speak of the method for executing the war criminals that you have voted to be put to death. When I reveal the details of this method I think you will see why it was necessary to delay this matter until after voting on the profound issues that have now been officially adopted."
"I have described how the upcoming televised campaign will play a key role in mentally and emotionally preparing women for what lays ahead. It is doubtful, however, that any amount of preparation done solely by this means would prepare them to openly accept being suddenly confronted with the sight young men being slain and butchered. If this is to be accomplished, it will require them already experiencing feelings of wild enthusiasm when the “demonstration harvest" takes place. The method that has been proposed for creating this enthusiasm is to simultaneously conduct a series of events the day before. These events will not disclose what will be done the next day, but they will be of such bizarre nature they will thrill and numb women's senses to the extent of not being overly surprised at anything that might follow. The emotions that will be generated will be of such magnitude that women will later find themselves not only capable of accepting being suddenly confronted with the sight of innocent, young men being brought forth to be killed and butchered, but that the excitement that had been previously generated will continue and, hopefully, even grow in intensity."
"I suspect many of you have guessed that the bizarre events to which I refer will be the manner in which the upcoming executions will be carried out. This is indeed the case. It is our extreme good fortune that the men in question are individuals that each and every woman has just cause to despise with intense passion. During the next two weeks we will strive to inflame this hatred to a degree that women will find themselves loathing these men to the point of being capable of openly enjoying any type of punishment they receive - regardless of how shocking or bizarre it might be."
The executions will be conducted in public and will take place in outdoor stadiums capable of accommodating large audiences. In addition, they will be televised live so that women unable to attend will be able to watch. These events, in the same way that will be used for the “demonstration harvesting" that will be conducted the next day, will be promoted in a dynamic manner that will arouse immense curiosity to the extent of assuring an intense desire to watch. It will be these executions that will introduce women to seeing men being killed in public. But, as I have stated, these will be men which they will hold immense hatred. It will be of such a degree that they should readily accept whatever form of punishment being given - regardless of how sudden it might be thrust upon them or how shocking or bizarre it might be. I can assure you that I have not used the term "bizarre" in an off-handed manner. If predictions prove to be correct, however, it will create enthusiasm of such magnitude that unbounded excitement will carry over, unabated, into the following day. In addition, as I have stated, it will so shocking and unexpected that women will find themselves not being unduly surprised by anything witnessed the following day."
The Supreme Commander proceeded to describe the details of the "bizarre" method that had been developed for carrying out the executions. At first, even after her advance warning and the enormity of what had already been discussed, many within the audience were shocked and found it hard to comprehend such action being conducted by a civilized society. It was only when the reasons were explained that they began to nod in understanding. When the Supreme Commander reached the conclusion of her description, most of the women were smiling and their eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation. The proposed method for carrying out the executions was placed on the floor, and when a motion was made for it to be accepted by acclamation it was met with such a resounding cheer that little doubt was left that all were in full agreement.
The Supreme Commander waited for the room to once again become quite and casually glanced at her notes as though nothing but a routine matter had been disposed of. Her tone displayed the same casualness as she continued. "The next issue on the agenda does not require your official sanction, but you need to be aware of everything that will be taking place. There is a major obstacle to overcome if we are going to be successful, and that is to find a way to continue keeping men in confinement without them becoming impatient to the point of causing discontent and, in time, open rebellion."
"I have already stated that troublemakers and those considered dangerous will be taken first. The next will be men showing an ability to become leaders or organizers. In addition, we will closely monitor activities to enable eliminating any showing signs of becoming restless. The next order of priority will be to take men that are the oldest since, in general, they are the ones more likely to become suspicious of something being amiss at the length of the continued confinement."
"The procedure of first eliminating those that pose the most danger will go a long way in helping to maintain control, but this in itself would not prevent discontent from developing during the extended time that will be required. It will be necessary for us to do something that will keep men satisfied in such a way that the vast majority will actually find themselves having no strong desire to be released. I am sure you are curious as to how such a universal mood among them can be achieved. I think all of us are aware of what desire is first and foremost in men's minds. It is this desire that will create the greatest unrest if it continues to go unfulfilled, but it will also make it possible for them to willingly remain confined if a means is provided for it to be satisfied - and that is exactly what we intend to do. I am speaking of the pleasures that only a woman's body can provide.”
“Plans are already underway to construct small rooms within the compounds that will facilitate this undertaking. It will, of course, require the willing cooperation of the women within our society for this to become reality. Here again, it will be important for the members of this assembly to set and example, and, in so doing, we must not only take an active part in this endeavor but give every appearance of being anxious to do so."
A surprised mummer once again passed through the room. The Supreme Commander paused and looked around while displaying a mischievous smile. Her voice took on a tone of lighthearted merriment when she resumed speaking. "There is no reason why we should not find this to be both enjoyable and exciting. You recall of my stating that one of our primary goals will be to encourage women to understand and respond to their feminine sexuality. At the time, you might have wondered the purpose for placing such emphasis on this subject. One of the reasons, I'm sure, became obvious when you realized that it will result in women finding themselves experiencing sexual excitement when witnessing the upcoming events and, thereby, greatly enhance the pleasure and enjoyment of other emotions that will also be created. The importance of this can not be denied, but there is a far more critical issue that makes it imperative for women to strongly desire pursuing fulfillment of sexual pleasure."
"There can be no escaping the cold reality that the only way we will be able to successfully hold a massive number of men in captivity for the length of time needed is to provide them with the one thing they desire most. We do not, however, want women in the general population to realize that this is the primary motive for taking such a course of action. It would be difficult for them to come to look upon men as being vastly inferior if, at the same time, they were told it was necessary for them to make themselves sexually available because we would be unable to control men otherwise. It is imperative that women look upon this activity only in terms of the pleasure it provides for them."
"It will be widely publicized that, while the opportunity exists, a means will be made available to give women the opportunity to discover the sexual excitement that a male body can provide. This will be one of the few times we will not be telling the full truth, but, at the same time, we will not be telling a falsehood either. If women openly accept inner desires and take advantage of this opportunity they will indeed experience excitement and pleasure. The benefits, both physical and emotional, that I have discussed in regard to understanding, accepting, and perusing sexual desires are very, very, real."
"You might doubt that any amount of preparation could cause women to boldly go into compounds for the sole purpose of having intercourse with an unknown man. Please bear in mind that the majority of the women in our society have never had a sexual encounter and have little or no understanding of sexual desires. The upcoming televised campaign will remedy this, and when they gain an awareness of their sexuality it will be only normal for them to be curious as to what such an experience would be like. This will become even greater when they hear it stressed that there will be a limited amount of time to find out before the opportunity will no longer exist. If any reluctance remains, it should be overcome when women are told that they will be able to do whatever they desire with a male who will be restrained and completely helpless the entire time." "Men will, of course, be getting a great deal of excitement and pleasure, but they will be unable to make this readily apparent - either through physical or vocal means. They will be gagged, blindfolded, and tied spread-eagled to a bed before a woman enters the room and will remain so until after she has left. As a result, she will be in control at all times and have the freedom to do as much touching and exploring as desired. Since she will be on top during intercourse she will control all movement in whatever manner she finds to be the most enjoyable. If women openly accept their sexual feelings to the extent we expect there will be little doubt they will find the experience to be both fascinating and exciting."
"There is another factor of an entirely different nature that should also result in women finding themselves being eager to precipitate. This will be the part of the televised campaign that will inform them of the selfish and arrogant manner in which men have used women throughout history. I think this knowledge will result in women finding themselves highly intrigued at the opportunity to turn the tables in which they, as a woman, will be using men for a change."
"I have explained why we think women will eagerly respond to this opportunity, but you are probably wondering how we will get men to willingly accept the highly restrictive conditions they will be subjected to. I seriously doubt this will prove to be a problem. They will be told that difficulties being encountered in trying to establish an orderly system require it being necessary to continue their "temporary" confinement for a while longer. We will also tell them that we understand male needs and that many women had volunteered to try and make the continued stay as pleasant as possible. The male ego is such that most will smugly dismiss this explanation and arrogantly consider the true reason to be that of women unable to contain their desire for a male body."
"The strict conditions will be explained as being necessary to overcome the natural embarrassment and shyness that women will feel from being sexually intimate with a man they do not know. The explanation should be accepted on face value since such would certainly be true for women of past times and, to some extent, will still be the case. If men could have a choice they would undoubtedly choose to play the dominant role, but, at the same time, I think it will be few indeed that will not find themselves being intrigued at the thought of being blindfolded, gagged and tied to a bed while an unseen woman openly fondles and explores every intimate detail and then engages in intercourse. I will be greatly surprised if we find many that will not be eager volunteers."
This last remark brought a ripple of laughter, and the lighthearted reaction caused the Supreme Commander to feel a sense of relief on their behalf. She waited for it to subside and then continued. "I am sure that all of us are aware that, throughout the ages, men have looked upon themselves as being the dominant sex and, in so doing, have regarded women's bodies as being made to be yielding and submissive to that of the male. They have considered this viewpoint to be undeniable proof that they were intended to be superior, and, unfortunately, many women in the past have allowed themselves to be influenced by this belief. But this outlook is fallacy, and we will strive for women to look upon it in an entirely different light."
"I ask you, in regard to sexual differences between male and female whose body truly proves to be superior? Is it not the female that consumes that of the male in its entirety, milks it of its substance, and, in so doing, reduces it into becoming the one that is yielding and submissive? And, with this achieved, which body showed itself to be dominant? Which is the one that made the conquest? Is it the one reduced to passive submission, unable to continue, or is the one that not only caused the submission but remains capable of consuming others in a like manner and render them the same – one after another? The answer, I think, is obvious, and women will come to know it as such. This outlook will serve to reinforce women indeed reaching a point where they will regard males as truly being inferior whose bodies can not only be used to provide extremely delicious meat but also, to provide exciting physical pleasure as well."
The Supreme Commander took a sip of water and glanced at the faces before her. Many continued to wear amused looks which, on some, were mixed with expressions that she had not seen previously – looks of unmistakable pride. It was a marked contrast from the expressions of despair that had been present only a short while before. She again experienced a feeling of relief at noting the positive signs of recovery. It had taken a extreme effort to project an image she felt would help relieve the anguish that had been caused. It was obvious she had been remarkable successful in this effort even though it had done nothing to relieve her own inner turmoil which remained unchanged. But, she knew she could not falter and must continued projecting a calm, businesslike, image. In so doing, she again consulted her notes in what appeared to be a casual manner before resuming. "The next item on the agenda deals with a matter that I am quite sure has crossed your minds. It is certainly something of critical importance, and I thank you for the indulgence you have shown in not interrupting and raising the issue. I refer to the subject of propagation."
"You have no doubt wondered how this will be done with the entire male population being annihilated in less than three years. On the surface, it would appear this undertaking will lead to the human race becoming extinct. Such would indeed be the case in we simply stood by and did nothing. But, what is option? We could, of course, use the upcoming sexual activities to also serve for reproduction purposes, but due to the extreme physical demands that will be required of the female population to construct and operate numerous processing and cold storage facilities in addition to the mammoth task of rebuilding the massive devastation we can ill afford to have women becoming pregnant. If fact, We are going to require strict birth control measures being used to prevent impregnation from occurring."
"The subject of propagation was given a great deal of thought, and a plan has been developed that will ensure the human race will not only continue to survive but will be able to significantly increase during our lifetime. It is extremely fortunate that the vast majority of the female population is comprised of young women that have many child bearing years ahead. It is also fortunate that, unlike ourselves, it is not necessary for males to be alive for reproduction to take place. All that is required of them is their semen which, when frozen, remains potent for an indefinite period of time. It therefore will only require collecting a sufficient quantity of semen while abundant numbers of males remain and store it in sperm banks for later use. We will, of course, take advantage of the opportunity to extract their semen after being slain, but this will provide only a small portion of the amount needed for what has been planned. The majority to be collected will be taken while men are still alive. We can not do this openly, however, since it would surely arouse curiosity if they became aware that we were collecting large quantities of their semen."
"A plan has been developed that will enable collecting as much semen as desired and, at the same time, keep men unaware of it having happened. It will be the implementation of the sexual encounters that will provide the opportunity. When these start taking place, men will be in such a heightened state of excitement that there will certainly be many times when women engrossed in foreplay will cause an ejaculation. These occurrences will be looked upon by men for what they will truly be - something that just happens. Some of these occasions, however, will be the result of a carefully planed operation. It will be carried out by trained teams consisting of three women each. Two will enter a room after a man has been tied to a bed, and, since he will be blindfolded, he will be unaware of more than one woman being present."
"One of the women will fondle and engage in foreplay in a manner that increases in intensity as though being carried away in excitement from playing with his erection. This will continue until an ejaculation occurs which she will catch in a sterile container while the other woman simultaneously squirts a warm liquid of thick consistency on his abdomen. The timing will not be difficult since testicles draw up just prior to organism and, thereby, give clear indication of an ejaculation being imminent. The man will have no reason to suspect the wetness on him is not the real thing, and this impression will be reinforced when the woman that conducted the foreplay begins to moan as though the sight has made her loose all control. The impression will be reinforced when she starts hungrily sucking out semen that remains in the penis and then laps up the substitute liquid from his abdomen. This will, of course, serve to excite the man to even greater heights, but the true purpose will be to remove all evidenced of a switch being made. The women will then silently depart to repeat the procedure elsewhere."
"We certainly can't afford to have the man wondering why a woman in such an aroused state would suddenly leave at this point, and, to prevent this from happening, the third woman of the team will enter as the others leave and begin fondling in a manner that gives an impression of being desperate for him to once again become erect. If this proves to be successful, she will proceed with intercourse, and he will have no reason to suspect not being with the same woman the entire time. He will, in all likelihood, be smugly convinced that the sight of his aroused manhood had succeeded in driving her up a wall."
"Occurrences similar to what I have described will surely be taking place on their own accord, but it should be pointed out that the women in the teams will be trained in techniques of how excite and sexually arouse men to the fullest extent possible in order to produce a maximum ejaculation. But, as an added benefit, men will find they will have had an exhilarating experience which will stand out from others, and they will find themselves longing for something of similar magnitude to be repeated. This desire will be fulfilled for many since we plan to periodically milk each of them for as long as they remain alive."
"The procedure will enable extracting huge quantities of semen without the donors having any suspicion of it ever having occurred. We intend to collect far more than what is projected to be needed since it will be impossible to replenish the supply once the only source of production has been totally annihilated. The amount to be stored will be of such magnitude that only a small portion will be used by the present female population with most being saved for women of the next generation - women who will not even have been conceived until after all males throughout the world have met their fate."
"I mention the next generation of women because it will be they who will start producing a new male population. As I have stated, it is not necessary for men to be alive in order for reproduction to take place as long as semen is available. This, of course, is not the case for women. Giving birth requires a living female body, and we are all aware of the pitifully small size of our present number. The most immediate need that faces us is to greatly increase the size of the female population. The magnitude of this task will place a tremendous burden upon the women in our present society to the extent that it would be cruel to ask any more of them. The creation of a new male population will simply have to wait."
"You might be wondering how a population comprised solely of females can be produced. In past times, determination of sex was left to chance, but this is no longer the case. A laboratory technique discovered shortly before the war makes it possible to separate male and female producing sperm. This technique will enable insuring that only female infants will be born until it is desired to once again start producing males. Until this time comes there will be no males in the entire world - only their frozen semen will remain."
"Ladies, this brings me to a point where I can share some hopeful news with you for a change. There is an excellent possibility that the world will reap a tremendous benefit from delaying reestablishment of a male population. I am not exaggerating in stating that if this benefit becomes reality it will bring forth the most profound change the world has ever known. It is of such magnitude that it might even be said to justify all that will be done. I call your attention to the failed attempt to find a possible genetic defect that could be the cause for male behavior which leads to senseless violence and war. You will recall my mentioning that the women conducting the research considered this failure due to the newness of genetic studies and insufficient time available to gain the knowledge and skills needed to solve this highly complex scientific puzzle. These women have stated, on numerous occasions, that if they could only be given adequate time they were confident of being successful in unraveling this baffling mystery."
"We can now give them the time they need. What at one time had, at best, been nothing more than a remote chance of discovering something that would forever benefit all humanity can now be said to be a distinct possibility. They will now be given the time to continue research without being faced with an unrealistic deadline. It will be over two decades before we begin producing a new male population. Surely, during this length of time we should be able to unravel and understand the mysteries of genetic science and find the elusive answer for which we search. Once this is done it should then be possible to find the means to correct the defect so that it will never exist again. If this can be accomplished it will be almost as if a new breed of male has been created. A breed of male that will never desire violence or war."
"Surely, the slaying of over two billion men is of such magnitude that it would be difficult to find ourselves looking upon it as being a blessing in disguise. But, if ever a cause could exist in which such a massive sacrifice of human life could one day prove have truly been of great benefit it is the prospect of a world that will forevermore know only lasting peace and prosperity. I would like to leave you with this thought."
"Before closing these proceedings, however, There is one final matter that I consider to be of utmost importance. This matter is in regard to ourselves - the members of this assembly. I have already mentioned the need for it being necessary that, as leaders, we take an active part in all that will be taking place. Not only will this provide an effective means to demonstrate our full support, but it will enable us to set an example for others to follow. But, of equal importance, we must do more than merely take part - we must do so in a manner that displays enthusiasm and excitement going far beyond what could be pretended. In other words, this enthusiasm and excitement must be genuine. You will recall my stating there is no reason why our visits to compounds to engage in sexual activity should not prove to be highly enjoyable. I can assure you this statement was not made in jest. The fact that each of us is a high level leader should never cause us to lose sight of the fact that we are also women and, as such, our bodies contain the same emotions, needs, and desires as any other. If any of us should look upon our esteemed position as putting us above those we serve we would be violating the very trust that they have placed in us. This is something we must never do. We must, at all times, be fully aware that we are - first and foremost - a woman."
"The message of the upcoming televised campaign will be as true for us as it is for any other - as well the benefits to be derived. We must readily acknowledge that we are no different from other women and, in so doing, allow ourselves to experience all of the emotions I have discussed. We must even strive to find ourselves experiencing fascination, excitement, and yes, even amusement while watching naked men being killed, their sex organs humiliated, and their bodies butchered."
"I know you are harboring serious doubt that you could ever reach a point to where you find yourself being excited by the sight of innocent men, naked or not, being put to death - to say nothing of being able to laugh in genuine merriment. At first, I had the same doubt, but the experts in this field have made a strong argument that this can indeed be the case. They have stated that our reactions should be no different from other woman if we are willing to let go and allow natural feelings and emotions to surface. We have no choice but to accept their advice and strive to cast out all doubt."
"We certainly can not ask women to believe something unless we are willing to believe it ourselves. As I have said, is imperative for us openly display these emotions to an extent that they could never be convincingly pretended - they must be real and come from within. Even if it was not necessary for us to set an example, it would be beneficial to allow such feelings to come through. In this regard, I would like to remind you of the numerous benefits I have stated being possible to achieve. These benefits are very, very, real, and their importance can not be understated. We, in this assembly, stand to gain as much from them as anyone. I have mentioned the possible therapeutic value that women can gain from finding themselves being so caught up in excitement that it provides much needed relief from strenuous demands being placed on them. Surely, we in this room for which demands will be greatest stand to gain a tremendous benefit even if it offers nothing more than a brief reprieve."
"Ladies, this concludes the business at hand. I know it has been a long, exhausting, and traumatic day, and I offer you my deepest respect for the profound courage you have displayed in making what, without a doubt, has to be the most painful and difficult decisions that could possibly be contemplated. You have acted with your heart and have let wisdom and dedication to duty dictate your actions at a cost of extreme distress. Truly, each of you has proven yourself to be a great leader, and I can only marvel at the wisdom that the women of your respective nations have shown in selecting individuals such as you. Once again, I would like to state that I consider it to be a great honor and privilege to serve with women such as yourselves. I can only pray that it is within my ability to live up to the faith and trust you have so graciously placed in me."
The Supreme Commander paused and then struck the podium with her gavel. "Ladies, this assembly stands adjourned." She then turned and left the stage as the walls of the room reverberated from the defending sound of a standing ovation. The applause continued unabated with everyone present being determined to show the full extent of the profound respect they felt for this remarkable woman. They could only marvel at the tremendous strength and wisdom she had so clearly shown. They had no knowledge that the one to which they were paying this tribute had hurriedly entered a small room, flung herself face down on a sofa, and, at that very moment, was sobbing in almost unbearable sadness and agony. The assembly room had been long vacant before the intensity of this despair finally started to subside.
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