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The hands on the clock beside the Supreme Commander's bed moved past midnight. Most of those within the city were asleep and unaware that the most eventful day in history had taken place - those of the female population as to the profound events they would soon see unfold, and the male as to the fate that had been sealed for what now awaited them. But, to the Supreme Commander, sleep would not come. For a second night she lay in the seclusion of her bedroom and gazed unseeingly at the ceiling. The previous night's restlessness had been caused by worries that overshadowed the great sadness she had felt. At that time, she had been concerned that she would lack the ability to meet the tremendous challenge that would be required in the Summit meeting. The thought of the consequences that failure would bring had filled her with apprehension going beyond any she had ever known. Her fears had proven groundless. She had concealed her inner pain and used her extraordinary skill and courage to the utmost and, in so doing, had achieved an outstanding success far surpassing anything she imagined would be possible. She had anticipated a session full of turmoil and demands to find compromise solutions. Instead, every proposal had not only been adopted with little of no discussion, but each received unanimous approval.
The remarkable achievement could only be viewed as a ringing testament not only to her outstanding abilities as a leader but also for the enormous respect with which she was regarded by her peers. Yet, she felt no pride and did not view her achievement as being a victory even though she sincerely believed it was the only possible action that could be taken. She was, of course, greatly relieved that success had been achieved, but this did not overcome the continued sadness and pain she felt within. It was this which was responsible for keeping her awake for a second night.
The Supreme Commander's grief was caused by thinking of the enormous sacrifice in human life that lay ahead. At the Summit, she had made it a point to stress that the lives would be lost regardless of what might or might not be done, and the proposed action would at least spare the victims suffering agony, hardship, and pain. She knew this to be true, but it did not ease the turmoil she felt. She had no remorse for the men condemned to death whose atrocities against humanity made them deserving of the fate. It was difficult, but she even found herself being able to accept as being unavoidable that older men be sacrificed even though most had done nothing but follow orders. Being older - for some reason - somehow seemed to make a difference.
Not for the first time she found herself silently saying - "If only it could stop there". But it could not, and it was the fate that awaited the millions upon millions of young men and that was the primary reason for her deep sadness. It mattered little that every effort on their behalf had been made and that they would be spared for as long as possible. Regardless of the circumstances, she could only look upon it as an immense tragedy, and it was for these young lives she felt profound sadness. The vast majority was innocent of any wrongdoing and deserved to have everything to live for – but, in three years they would be dead.
She had tried every means in the planning secessions with the Central Committee to find some way for at least the youngest to be spared, but she had failed. The cold statistics had always remained the same - they also must die. Not only had she failed in her efforts to find some means to save them, but - in the end - it had been she that stood before the assembly and called for these innocent young men to be included with the rest - to be killed and butchered as though they were nothing but livestock. But, they were not livestock. The last would be youths no older than eighteen, whom at the present were only fifteen. They numbered in the millions, and the extensive studies made to determine the full extent of what would be needed for the female population to survive left little doubt that each and every one of these youths must also be slain.
A deep sob erupted from her throat, and tears welled within her eyes. She immediately shook her head to rid it of the misty images of innocent young faces that had appeared. She realized she was on the verge of loosing control as she had done immediately following the Summit. She knew that if she allowed the sorrow and grief to continue to this extent it would consume her to the point of no longer being able to function. This could not be allowed to happen. There was little doubt that the monumental success she had just achieved was due to her ability to maintain composure and self-control. She felt sure that if those present had been aware of her inner turmoil the outcome would have been entirely different.
But, it was far from over, and it was imperative that she remain strong. She knew it would be impossible to put an end to her sadness - it had been a constant companion from the start - but she could not let it get the best of her. Much had been achieved, but the most crucial time of all still lay ahead. Everything depended upon how the members of the female population would react when suddenly confronted with the reality of what was going to be done. Women, throughout the world, would be looking toward her for strength, wisdom, and guidance. If they were to see her falter it would be inviting total and catastrophic failure.
The Supreme Commander's thoughts turned to what lay ahead and a cold chill passed trough her. It was not the thought of long hours of work, and the heavy demands required to perform endless duties that caused this reaction. She had lived under such pressure and been forced to carry a tremendous burden for so long she could scarcely remember it being any other way. Even the fact that the massive preparations which must be made over the next two weeks would make these demands even heavier did not bother her. There was far too much at stake, and she knew she would find the strength to fulfill her duties - regardless of the physical demands and mental strain. It was the thought of the day that the female population around the world would learn of the impending crisis and what would be required that was responsible for the foreboding reaction.
The task of informing the women of the general population of what lay ahead would be difficult and painful but even this was not the cause of her distress. In reality, much of it would be nothing more than a repeat performance of what she had just accomplished, and she knew it was within her to meet this challenge. But, there would be more to come - much more. This would be the day when the solution to the crisis would be dramatically demonstrated by herself and the other leaders. This would be the day when she would stand before an innocent young man and slay him with her own hand. And, if that were not enough, she would then proceed to humiliate and ridicule his nakedness and then butcher his body while practically every woman throughout the world would be watching. It was the thought of performing these horrific deeds that caused the cold chill.
Most of the Supreme Commander's thoughts during the past few days had been taken up by the heavy demands of chairing the Central Committee and guiding the distraught members into coming to grips with the depths of the crisis they faced, the cold reality of what must be done to solve it, and then in developing the details of the complex plan to deal with it. Afterward, her primary concerns had centered on what would be required to convincingly describe the magnitude of the crisis to what would surely be a shocked and stunned assembly of women and convince them to accept and approve the desperate course of action.
She had, of course, been troubled by the thought of taking a human life, but the enormity of the demands being placed on her had left little opportunity for it to be dwelled upon. At the time, she had looked upon it as being but one more painful and difficult obstacle to overcome. In fact, her primary concern had been in feeling sympathy for her colleagues who would be required to perform with her on this crucial day. It was she that would call upon them to take an active part and, in so doing, be forced to suffer the pain and trauma that such action would surely bring.
As their leader, she felt it her duty to demand more of herself that than she would ask of them - such had always been her way. To accomplish this, she had decided upon a way that would make her part far more difficult than for the others. Like them, she would stand before a young man and take his life, but, for her, he would be one that she would personally chose from the group as being the least deserving to die. And, unlike those for the others, he would not be a stranger. He would be someone that she would have become acquainted, and, in all likelihood, someone for whom she would be feeling deep compassion.
The young men destined for the first "harvesting" had already been selected and brought to a compound in the city. Each had been carefully chosen as possessing the highest character that could be found. The Supreme Commander had already screened the reports and selected ten that she considered to have the most outstanding traits. In the morning, she would go to the compound and interview these ten and get to know each one. Afterward, she would choose the one she admired the most and felt least deserved to die. This would be the one she would stand before and kill in cold-blood as women throughout the world watched. It would be in this manner that she would make her task the far more difficult.
She had not told the members of the assembly of her intentions for she knew that many would insist on doing the same. Such were the kind of women they were, and she had no intention of making their ordeal any more painful than it would already be. She was doing this solely to satisfy the inner demands she placed upon of herself – not to impress or influence others. It was something she would have difficulty explaining - even to herself. All she knew was that it was something she was convinced she must do.
She would not be alone in taking a life that day. Every woman that had sat before her would follow and do the same. She knew these women and was well aware that the undertaking would be extremely painful and difficult for each and every one. But, she also knew the depth of their dedication in putting the welfare of those they served above themselves. They would not fail - of this she was confident. She felt a great compassion for these women and for what she was asking of them. And, it was for this reason that she felt an obligation to insure her role being the most difficult. It did not matter that others would never know. She would know and, to her, that was all that mattered.
The intense pressure on the Supreme Commander had been so great that she had given little thought toward what effect the added pressure would have upon her ability to perform. She had made her decision in an almost analytical manner where her thoughts were directed primarily at finding a way to fulfill an obligation she considered to be her duty. Even the act of reading the reports on all of the young men and selecting the ten she would interview had had an abstract quality about it. Now, in the stillness of her bedroom, with the successful outcome of the Summit no longer being an issue, the Supreme Commander found herself being able to reflect solely on what lay ahead.
The cold reality of what she was about to undertake flooded over her, and for the first time, she began to have doubts. She was going to stand before a young man that would be bound and helpless and take his life. Two weeks ago, she would have thought it ludicrous to even suggest being capable of performing such a deed. It would, by far, be he most, painful and traumatic ordeal she had ever attempted, but she knew it was something she had no choice but to carry out. There was far too much at stake to do otherwise.
For the same reason, she would force herself to openly ridicule the sex organs of her slain victim regardless of the profound embarrassment it would surely cause. She would also have to butcher his body but this, at least, was something that would not be a totally new experience. Like all women of her time, she had cut-up male bodies for food, but it was something she had not done for a long time and then only a small number. The heavy demands of leadership had soon forced her to allow others to obtain food on her behalf. But, what she would now have to do would be far different from her limited experiences where the bodies had been those of unknown soldiers that were dead when found – not that of a young man that she had come to know and whose life she had just taken.
She knew her sense of duty would demand forcing herself to perform these deeds - regardless of the magnitude of the difficulty and inner turmoil she would feel. But, would it be within her to perform them in the convincing manner that would be required? It would involve much more than simply forcing herself to carry out the physical acts. She must do these things not only in a manner that showed no hesitation or reluctance, but it would be necessary to display an attitude of appearing to be enjoying it with enthusiasm and amusement. Now, in the stillness of the night, she found it hard to imagine being able to disguise her true feelings and act in a manner that would appear genuine. Maybe, with a maximum effort, she might manage to fake it enough to at least get by if the young man were a total stranger. But this would be someone that she would have come to know, and would, in all likelihood, feel a great deal of compassion.
The Supreme Commander seldom second-guessed a decision once it had been made, but she found herself doing so now. Was she asking more of herself than she would be capable of doing? Was she risking failure just to satisfy some inner conviction that she must always ask more of herself than of others? What was the logic in making a task that would already be exceeding difficult even more at a time that would be the most critical of all? Would it not be wise to cancel meeting with the young men she had selected to interview? She had read the reports on each and studied their pictures. This had already given her an insight into the type of individuals they were and made her feel that, in a way, she had already come to know them.
Was it really necessary to visit them and suffer the pain of looking into their faces with the knowledge that, in a few days, all would be dead - and then select from this group the one to die by her hand? There was already one in the group that appeared to stand out from the rest. Why not simply choose him and not pursue the matter any further? After all, she had already begun to feel admiration for this young man just from reading about him and looking at the youthful innocence he projected in his picture. This in itself would make taking his life far more personal than if she knew nothing about him. Would not this be enough?
The Supreme Commander knew, deep down, that she was still going to go through with her original plan even while she asked herself these questions. The realization that she would not change her mind made her feel a sudden surge of anger. Was she taking these steps to really fulfill a sense of duty or was the actual reason merely to satisfy some inner ego? To what extent did duty require asking more of yourself than being asked of others? After all, the mere fact that she would be going first and acting alone would make her part more difficult than for the others who not only would be following what she had started but would be acting in groups. Did she really owe more than this by making her part even more difficult?
Her thoughts turned to the women who would be with her on that fateful day and of what she had asked of them. Her anger subsided and she knew the answer was yes. These women would be doing something that would cause them to experience a trauma that would, in all likelihood, remain for the rest of their lives. They would do this because they felt it their duty but, it had been she that had requested it of them. To ask others to suffer without requiring herself to suffer more was something she simply could not do. It was something within her that would not change. She would go through with her plans regardless of the risk. Somehow, when the time came, she would simply have to reach deep inside and find the means to hide her true feelings and give the outward appearance that would be necessary - regardless of the difficulty. After all, she had done much the same only a few hours before.
An image came into the Supreme Commander's mind. She saw herself standing on the brightly lit floor of a crowded arena and laughing as she playfully flipped the limp penis of a naked young man that lay lifeless on his back. The image quickly faded as a feeling of chagrin passed through her, and she shook her head in dismay. "Good grief!" She said to herself. "If I can't even think about it without getting embarrassed how can I possibly hope to be able to actually do it when practically every woman in the world will be watching?"
The Supreme Commander thought of something that caused a wave of self disgust to pass through her. "Hell!" She said to herself. "If I can't follow my own damn advice, why should I expect it of others?" She was thinking of the remarks she had made just prior to adjourning the Summit. She had told the women to watch the upcoming televised campaign and cast out any preconceived ideas that, as prominent leaders, they should think themselves being above reacting in the same manner as women of the general public. She had stressed that they could not ask those that they served to openly accept and believe what was being said unless they were willing to accept and believe it themselves."
"She had told them to remember they were first and foremost a woman, like any other, and if they would only allow natural feelings to come through they would find themselves experiencing the same excitement and enjoyment. She had also said that the degree to which they must go in setting an example would go far beyond anything they could hope to merely pretend. Yet, putting up a false front was exactly what she was planning for herself. It wasn't that she didn't want to believe what she had said, but up to now - try as she might - she simply could not bring herself to see how she could ever reach a point of becoming excited and enjoying watching innocent men being killed - to say nothing of having such emotions from actually doing it herself.
She had discussed her doubts to her close friend that was the most prominent psychiatrist on the Central Committee. Her friend had told her that she was feeling this way because of knowing in advance what was going to take place before having the opportunity to experience the influences that would be needed to enable these emotions to break free. Her friend had stated with confidence that if the Supreme Commander would not close her mind and accept such feelings being possible that, in time, she could indeed find herself reacting in the same manner as what was anticipated for others.
The Supreme Commander thought of the advice given by her friend and - for more times than she could remember - found herself wondering if it might really be possible. Could she actually find herself of becoming so indifferent toward men that she would truly become amused to the point of laughing while watching them die? She tried to imagine herself reacting in such a manner, but, try as she might, was unable to do so. It was not long before the lingering doubts returned, and her mind again told her that, regardless of what had been advised, such feelings within her could never happen. But, what would happen? What effect would all that was going to take place have on her afterward? Would the agony and grief she was presently experiencing continue, or would they begin to diminish when the slayings became widespread?
She knew from experience that, as a protective measure, a person confronted by prolonged anguish could put up a shield to block out feelings and thereby prevent being overcome. Such a reaction had already taken place within her on numerous occasions - as it had with all women - from being forced to witness countless horrors and atrocities during the war. She had never reached the point where she did not care or not feel remorse, but it was something that was more on the surface and did not dwell deep within. She asked herself that since she already knew herself capable of experiencing such feelings why did she think that this time it would be different?
It was a question that she instinctively knew the reason and did not need the help of a psychiatrist to answer. What had happened before had been caused by others. But, she had played the major role in what was now going to take place. It was she that had worked tirelessly and used all of her resourcefulness and influence to guide the distraught members of the Central Committee into developing the plan of action that now lay ahead. And it was she that stood before the assembled women that were the leaders of their nations and argued convincingly that they had no choice but to approve the plan and, in so doing, authorize annihilating the entire male population. It did not matter that she had not brought on the crisis that made this drastic action necessary.
It did not even matter that the lives that would be taken would still be lost if nothing were done and, for most, under far more horrendous conditions. It did not matter that other women had helped in planning what lay ahead. It had been she had played the key role and the one that stood before the Summit and called for over two billion men to be killed. And, it was because of this role that she could not escape feeling that, regardless of the circumstances, it was she that bared the burden of being responsible. Her psychiatrist friend had told her that these feelings could change if she would only be willing to accept such being possible, and if she could do this she could indeed find herself reacting as other women - feeling excitement and pleasure instead of pain and grief.
For the life of her, try as she might, the Supreme Commander couldn't see how such feelings within her could ever take place. After all, other women wouldn't carry the heavy burden of responsibility that weighed so heavily on her conscience. But, what effect would it have on her when the point was reached where men would be slaughtered by the millions on a daily basis? Would something this enormous be of such magnitude that it would override other feelings and allow protective instincts to once again bring on a numbing effect as it had in the past? Would the life that she would take by her own hand someday merge into being just another of untold millions and, in so doing, cease to haunt her? Would, in time, even the fate that awaited the young men in their late teens become dulled and no longer bring almost unbearable agony? But, even if this happened, she still could not see herself not feeling at least sadness. Surely, it wouldn't be excitement, but maybe she would at least be able to function. If not, it would only be a matter of time before she found herself unable to endure it any longer and loose her sanity.
The Supreme Commander shook her head in disgust. She was doing it again. She must get a grip upon herself and quit letting such thoughts continue to consume her. If the part she played in what was to unfold caused her to someday have a nervous breakdown there would be nothing she could do about it. But, that was not important. All that mattered was for her to be able to force herself to hold on long enough to at least make it past these next few critical months. Once the major problems had been overcome and the plan successfully implemented her role would no longer be essential. If, after that, the pressure became too great she could resign and fade into obscurity, and if she later suffered a breakdown it would have no bearing on the outcome. Until such time, however, she had no choice but to reach within and find the strength to continue. And, of primary importance, regardless of her present doubts she must find it within her to convincingly carry out what would be required in the “demonstration harvest". She must rely on the ability she had shown in the past to somehow find a means to be successful even when she contained many doubts.
This past day was a prime example of this ability when she had grave concerns of being capable to do what would be needed – and they proved to be groundless. She was well aware that nothing she had done in the past - not even the remarkable success she had just achieved - would compare to what lay ahead and that it would, by far, be the most difficult and painful challenge she had ever attempted. But, regardless of how hard it would be she must not allow herself to falter. She could not afford to be concerned about the mental or emotional effects that she might be forced to endure afterward. The only thing that mattered was the welfare of the surviving female population and the future of the world. Beyond these things, anything that happened to her was meaningless. A spirit of renewed determination surged through her, and she made a silent vow that she would not fail.
In an attempt to keep her improved mood from fading the Supreme Commander turned her thoughts to the one glimmer of hope that might someday justify a sacrifice even as horrendous as this - a world of the future in which men and women lived together in peace and harmony. A world that would never experience the horrors of war. She pictured such a world in her mind and saw happy, carefree faces and peaceful surroundings.
It was not long, however, before the thought of future generations caused her to wonder how they would look back upon what was about to take place. Would people who knew only of peace be able to comprehend the desperate circumstances that made such drastic action necessary? Would they be able to understand and accept it for what it truly was - the only means of saving the human race and thereby enabling their very existence - or would they condemn it as being the barbaric action of a female population that held hatred toward all males as a result of what had taken place during the war? Would they be accused of fabricating an excuse of being faced with a desperate crisis to disguise something that was nothing more than a burning desire to seek vengeance?
If such an outlook occurred, it would only be strengthened by the manner in which the activities were going to be conducted. It might well be asked - if the true motive was only to obtain meat for survival then what purpose did it serve to turn the slayings into outlandish spectator events for women audiences to view? How could the valid reasons for conducting the events in such manner be explained to future generations in a way that would be understood - to say nothing of going to the extreme of making trophies from male victims for women to display in homes?
A sudden thought struck the Supreme Commander. If future generations find themselves condemning what would take place they would more likely find it easier to place the blame on an individual rather than an entire female population – an individual that was demented and had managed to manipulate others into doing her fiendish bidding. That individual would be the one who had been in command. That individual would be herself. If this happened she would be branded the most brutal and vicious tyrant of all time whose lust for blood and hatred of males resulted in the deaths of over two billion men. She would be judged guilty of the wanton slaughter of, by far, the greatest number of innocent victims than had been caused by any other tyrant in history.
Up to this point, the Supreme Commander had given little thought to whether she might or might not become a historical figure. She had always looked upon such things as being petty and unimportant. But she now found the thought of being branded a ruthless, bloodthirsty, tyrant disturbing. Her true person would never be known along with her deep compassion for others and the immense agony and grief she was feeling. It would not be known that she would have given her own life if, in so doing, it could have prevented even a small part of what would take place.
Another wave of depression was beginning to come over her, but she caught herself in time to stop it. She rolled her eyes to the ceiling with a look of mock despair. "Here I go again!" She thought. "I just can't let up. Now I'm getting upset over how I might be remembered in history. I have enough to be concerned about without being bothered by something as trivial as this. Surely, some of the truth will be known, but, if not, what difference will it make after I'm long gone? Big deal!"
The Supreme Commander glanced at the clock on her night stand to see how late it was getting. In so doing, she found herself gazing at the framed picture of a man holding a young girl in his arms. The individuals were her late husband and daughter who had been killed in one of the first bombing raids that struck their city at the beginning of the war. She had gone shopping on what had started out to be a routine Saturday and returned to find nothing but a huge crater where their house had been. The devastation had been so massive that no trace of her husband or daughter could be found. The picture had been at her office and, except for memories, was the only thing she had to show they had ever existed.
For years afterward she had been unable to look at it and it had lain in the bottom of a drawer. Her grief during that time had been almost unbearable, but she knew that it, more than anything else, was responsible for molding her into the woman she had become. She looked into the face of the man that had been such a kind, gentle, loving, husband and father. She remembered how happy she had been before that terrible day when it had all been taken away. Her eyes became moist as a deep feeling of loneliness swept over her. She felt a desperate longing to feel the loving warmth of his arms around her, bringing reassurance and comfort, as they had done so often in the past. Suddenly, she was struck by the irony of her thoughts. She was wishing that her husband was still alive to offer comfort and understanding for what she was being forced to do – be the driving force in what would result in annihilating the entire male population - a population in which he would be included.
A strange feeling went through the Supreme Commander at the realization that if her husband, the man for which she still felt a deep love, were indeed alive that he would face the same fate that now awaited all other men - to be taken out and slaughtered so that his body could be used for food. Then, another thought came to her. What if her husband had suddenly turned up by some remarkable turn of fate? No trace of either his or her daughter's bodies had been found, and, for a long time, she had held onto a slim hope that somehow, someway, they had managed to survive.
She had given up this hope long ago, but, what if by some miracle her husband had indeed survived and she had only a few days ago found it out. After all of these years, such an event would be impossible, but she found herself intrigued by wondering how it might have affected her actions. Would she have done anything different in the influential role she had played in developing the events that were going to take place? Would it have changed the dynamic and convincing manner she had presented the plan to the members of the Summit and passionately pleaded for it to be adopted? Almost immediately she knew the answer would be "no". It would certainly have affected her inner-emotions and turmoil, but the enormity of the crisis was far too great to allow personal feelings, even for someone she deeply loved, to influence her judgment.
But what would she do in regard to the fate of her husband? As Supreme Commander, it would be simple to find a way for him to be discretely spared. Would she be tempted to take such action? Certainly, her heart would cry out on his behalf, and she searched deep within in contemplating what she would do. It did not take long to know what it would be. It simply was not within her to use her position in a manner that would betray the trust placed in her - not even to save the life of her husband. Her dedication and loyalty to the courageous and long suffering survivors the female population outweighed even the deep love she still held for him. She would have no choice but to allow him to be killed in public while naked in the identical manner as any other.
A strange calm came over her as a deeper understanding came of what her actions would be if her husband had indeed been found to still be alive. Not only would he not be spared, but he would be the first to die - it would be he that she would face when the day came for the “demonstration harvest". Nothing she could do would more clearly show the full extent of her commitment, but this would not be the true reason - she would be doing it for him. It would be the one thing she would use her influence to do on his behalf. It die he must by a woman's hand then she would at least owe it to him for that woman to be herself rather than a stranger. If his death could not be avoided then it would be far better for it to be caused by the woman who cared for him deeply. As strange as it might seem, it would be an expression of the depth of her love.
A feeling of confidence came over her. There was no doubt in her mind that, if the situation had indeed existed, not only would she take this action but she would even find it within her to be able to perform in the manner required. She would stand before the man she loved and, without hesitation, take his life and do all that would follow while giving an outward appearance of excitement and merriment. She would be able to do this even though, inwardly, she would be valuing the life she was taking far more than her own.
The Supreme Commander's mind began to picture a scene in which she was moments away from killing her husband. A strange feeling came over her as she found herself beginning to experience a trance like vision that became so real it seemed to actually be taking place. She was standing before her bound husband on the floor of a crowded arena holding a drawn bow with the arrow pointing at his left breast. He was naked, but she felt no concern that that of him which was most private was being viewed by not only a large, female audience but was being seen on television by practically every woman in the world. In fact, she found that it caused a thrill of unexplainable excitement and pride to surge through her to think of him standing naked before the eyes of over two hundred and fifty million women with every intimate secret revealed save one. And even this she would not have minded being observed. In fact, her excitement was such that she would have preferred even this final unknown being unveiled and that he was rigid to the fullest extent possible. It was almost with regret that she knew that in his confused state of mind such a reaction was only wishful thinking.
Her vision continued. She gazed into her husband's face and saw that it was flushed with extreme embarrassment and displaying a look of fear and bewilderment. He had been so baffled, frightened, and disconcerted at being naked and seeing a woman holding an ominous looking bow and arrow that, at first, he had not taken notice of her identity. Then, he suddenly recognized her and stared in shocked disbelief that it was his wife, the woman he loved, standing before him and not only appearing amused at his nakedness in front of countless of women, but showing every intention of taking his life.
She also found that not only did observing the distraught emotions her husband was displaying did nothing to dampen the excitement but that, instead, they actually increased her exhilaration. She looked at him, and the realization came that, in moments, all of the embarrassment, fear, and bewilderment he was showing would suddenly cease, and he would lay lifeless at her feet – aware of nothing. And it would be she that would be the cause. It would be she that, in the blink of an eye, would forever put an end to everything that is within him. It would be she that would cause all of the intricate functions taking place in his complex human body to suddenly cease. No longer will he be able to see, hear, or feel. No longer will he be able to experience fear, love, hate, embarrassment, bewilderment, joy, sorrow, compassion, or any of the other countless emotions unique within a human. No longer will he have the ability of logical thought or complex reasoning. All of these things, and much more, in a single instant will be gone. This knowledge made the excitement within her surge to even greater heights, and a strange, tingling, sensation of fascination came over her as she wondered what the experience will be like in not only causing it and but seeing it take place.
The excitement, enthusiasm, and anticipation that the Supreme
Commander found herself experiencing did not, however, keep her from being aware that she was also about to suffer a great loss. Nothing that was taking place had changed the strong love she still felt for her husband, but, instead of causing sorrow, it made her feel a surge of pride in knowing she was going to willingly offer a personal sacrifice of this magnitude so that a greater need of others could be fulfilled - others for which she felt an immense degree of loyalty whose welfare overshadowed even the deep compassion she felt for the man before her.
Her trance like state had increased to the point that it was as though what was taking place in her mind was actually happening, and it continued in startling clarity. ”What's going on?” Her husband stammers. "How can you be doing this?" It would have been pointless to attempt to explain. Even if time permitted he surely could not be expected to understand his death being necessary for no other reason than because he was male. And, it certainly would be beyond his comprehension to accept that she was acting on his behalf by being the one to bring it about. She merely looked at him and said softly - "Because I love you".
They were the last words he would ever hear and, even then, had no time to register. She released the bow immediately after they were spoken, and her exhilaration seemed to explode as she saw the arrow plunge deep into his left breast, heard him utter a cry of agony, stagger, and then fall. She watched mesmerized as his body began to jerk in violent spasms causing his exposed manhood to flop frantically in a highly undignified and humiliating manner. She heard laughter coming from women in the audience and found herself heartily joining in. The genuineness of her amusement only served to enhance the intensity of other emotions that surged within.
When the Supreme Commander's husband had been alive he had possessed a calm and confident nature that displayed a great deal of inner-strength and composure. But he had also been shy and hesitant to do anything he thought might not appear to be proper. The Supreme Commander, caught up in the vivid realism of her trance-like illusion, knew the extent to which he would have been mortified at the thought of his body, even in death, reacting in such a degrading manner and, in knowing his sensitive nature, it seemed almost unbelievable to see him laying naked and jerking and flopping about like some type of fish. Yet, not only was he doing this very thing, but he was doing it before a large audience of laughing women. To see it happening before her magnified the enormity of what had occurred, and the knowledge that it was her hand that had brought it about caused an added thrill to pass through her. It was she that had reduced his calm strength and self-assured manner to this. In one swift act she had not only ended his life, but had done it with such suddenness that it had caused the death throes that were forcing his naked body to humiliate itself while practically every woman in the world watched. A body that took only the briefest glance to know was male.
She stared, almost transfixed, at the two prominent, oval shaped, bulges moving in every direction beneath the loose skin of his jouncing scrotum, and his limp penis flopping wildly back and fourth. She became so engrossed in watching the activity that even though the movements were frantic they almost seemed to be taking place in slow-motion - enabling her to take in distinct details and, in particular, those of the cone shaped head with its flared ridge and pouting slash of the closed hole. She became so engrossed that she forgot the lifeless body jerking before her was that of her husband and was only aware of observing the exposed sex organs of a male being forced to humiliate themselves while countless women watched and laughed. And, it had been she that had been the cause. A feeling of conquest and supremacy surged through her. She became acutely aware of being a woman and, as such, found herself experiencing an exhilarating sense of pride and excitement that was almost utopian.
The Supreme Commander's pelvis suddenly arched upward, and she let out the unmistakable cry of a woman whose body had just exploded in an intense organism. It jerked and quivered for several moments before gradually subsiding. For a short while, she lay bewildered - unsure of what had happened. She then became aware that her right hand was between her legs and her fingers were wet and slippery as was her swollen vulva. In addition, her other hand lay on her left breast and was gently squeezing the nipple that was strutted to the fullest extent possible. She had been so caught up in the realism of her thoughts that she had been completely unaware of her actions. This only served to increase her bewilderment. She had not masturbated since adolescent, and the last organism she had experienced had been years ago when still married.
She was totally baffled but there could be but only one explanation as to the cause. The event she had envisioned might have been only in her imagination, but it had been so vivid and seemed so real that there had been nothing imaginary about the emotions it had caused within her. These had been very, very, real to such an extent that tingling feelings still remained. Certainly, there had been nothing imaginary about the organism. It had been as intense as any she could remember, and she now lay in the calm serenity and contentment that followed having received total sexual fulfillment. It was quite obvious that the imagined experience had awakened and aroused strong sexual desires within her, but with the intensity of the excitement caused by other emotions she had experienced at the same time, she had not recognized them for what they were. Her subconscious had obviously recognized them, however, and had acted accordingly. She could only wonder at the extent of the magnitude it must have been to have caused her to masturbate and reach an organism without even being aware of it taking place.
The Supreme Commander's usual reaction to something unexpected and unexplainable taking place was to immediately try and analyze it in hopes of finding a logical explanation. But she found she had no desire to interfere with the calm contentment that still lingered within. All of the turmoil and agony that had plagued her for days had vanished, and she felt a strange inner-peace she had never known before. She only wanted to lie there, let it surround her, and do nothing that might cause it to go away. She found that not only did it not seem to bother her that the intense emotions and sexual excitement had been brought on from thinking about killing her husband, a man that she dearly loved, but that she did not even care to wonder why.
In the morning, it would probably be different, but, for now, she only wanted to relax, enjoy the tingling sensations that remained, and let the serenity and contentment continue to surround her. It was almost as if she were floating on a cloud. She closed her eyes and let the feelings flow through - unaware of her right hand gently massaging her still swollen clitoris and the left lightly stroking her breast. A fleeting image of her playfully batting her husband's limp penis and laughing at the amusing way it flopped back and forth on his lifeless body flashed through her mind as she fell into a deep and much needed sleep.
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