By C
The events that unfolded following implementation of the desperate course of action undertaken to avoid worldwide starvation and barbaric annihilation of the human species proved, without a doubt, to be totally unlike anything that had ever transpired. The impact resulted in changing the course of history in a way so profound that it would have been totally beyond the ability for anyone of the past to have even begun to contemplate.
The public "harvestings" in temporary facilities continued unabated during the months that followed and played an important part in setting the stage, but the major cause that would lead to this profound change came when large processing facilities started being placed in operation. When this occurred, the members of the female population found themselves so inundated at watching men being slain and butchered for food in such massive numbers that women did indeed come to look upon the practice as being an everyday and commonplace occurrence - an outlook that was only solidified as more and more facilities came on line.
Becoming commonplace, however, did nothing to dampen the excitement and enthusiasm that had been generated from the very start. If anything, the drama of observing up to a hundred naked members of the opposite sex being machine-gunned in-mass, watching gleefully as the lifeless bodies tumbled helter-skelter down a steep embankment before coming to rest in a tangled heap at the bottom, laying sprawled in almost every degrading position imaginable - looking through windows into large processing rooms and being greeted by the sight of human bodies, bodies that were obviously male due to that which most vividly identified them as such remaining until the very last, hanging upside-down from moving conveyers and being butchered in an industrial, assembly-line atmosphere - and, when going to another area, observing yet more naked human bodies, numbering in the thousands and also obviously male, that had been disemboweled and hanging by their feet in mammoth cold storage rooms only served to increase women's fascination and excitement. They flocked to the facilities with wild abandon at every opportunity.
Taking trips to processing facilities, however, was by no means the only manner by which women found themselves being inundated by sights of the massive drama taking place about them. Television provided extensive coverage showing edited segments of every type of activity in which close-up views, slow motion, and stop-action with shots between the legs received a high priority were used to enhance the pleasure, excitement, and amusement of the viewers while also bringing forth feelings of immense feminine pride.
Another feature that played an important role were framed photographs of such content in ever increasing number being displayed in public places, work locations, and in homes. The Supreme Commander's prediction that pictures taken inside of enormous cold storage rooms, filled to capacity, would become some of the more impressive and popular proved to be correct. In her trying to visualize the effect that gazing upon such a scene would create, it took little forethought on her part to reach this conclusion. But now, women were seeing it in actually which proved to be far more impressive than any of the visual images the Supreme Commander may have had. How could it have been otherwise in vivid pictures showing thousands of gutted human male carcasses, with open unseeing eyes, hanging by their feet in row after row of such lengths that they became smaller and smaller until fading into obscurity? How could such indeed have failed to be so highly impressive that it staggered the imagination – especially for women when also observing thousands of frost covered penises and scrotums dangling upside-down in patches of pubic hair that also became smaller and smaller until fading into obscurity? Of even more importance, however, were impressions being deeply ingrained that human male carcasses being hung in rooms such as this not only made it readily apparent of being done to store meat, but made it obvious, beyond all doubt, that going to such mammoth extreme clearly showed there being a desperate need of extremely critical importance and, in so doing, serve to make open acceptance that much greater.
There was also something else being displayed in homes that had one of the most profound effects of all in causing the female population coming to regard the life of members of the opposite sex in a totally different manner than their own and, thereby, further enhance open acceptance. By the time large processing facilities started coming on-line, every single able-bodied woman, throughout the world, had been given a plaque containing the mounted head and sex organs of a male she had "harvested" with her own hand. Many hours were spent gazing, with immense pride, at trophies totally unlike any that had ever existed in the past and, in so doing, resulted in the owners once again reliving the exhilarating excitement of achieving a triumphant victory for which there was such vivid and undeniable proof. It was not at all unusual for these occasions to end with moans and outcries that accompanied the reaching of intense sexual climax brought forth by hands massaging wet and swolen vulvas.
The primary motive that lay behind going to such extremes was to indeed create open acceptance by the female population for all that was being done – a crucial goal the Supreme Commander had gone to great lengths to describe on that eventful day of the Summit. This crucial goal was achieved with remarkable success going beyond anything thought to be possible. Women, the world over, were indeed able to sit down to their tables without experiencing any feelings whatsoever of guilt or remorse over the fact that human males were being slain daily, in massive number, for the sole purpose of providing the meat that lay before them. In fact, the exact opposite proved to be true. Being acutely aware of the dramatic manner in which it was being made available created pleasure and excitement greatly exceeding any such emotions they may have felt during the war. It became of such extent that eating a meat that, during that horrific time, they had been consuming for years became an entirely different experience - an experience made even more pleasing and exciting by having fully furnished kitchens instead of cooking over an open fire which, in so doing, allowed grater versatility in finding ways to prepare and enhance the delicious flavor of a meat whose quality was unmatched – especially that whose quality was, by far, the most unmatched of all.
Enjoying exciting and delicious meals, however, was not the only way that the male body was being used to bring pleasure and excitement. It was seldom indeed that a woman found herself passing up an opportunity of going to a nearby compound to take advantage of facilities being provided to enable sexual desires to be fulfilled and satisfied in an exhilarating manner that could be found in any other manner - sexual desires that were openly accepted and pursued to an extent that had never been known to female populations in the past. Very few women, however, had any awareness that, in so doing, they were themselves providing the one physical pleasure to males that was, by far, the most desired by them and, in so doing, would play a vital role in keeping men from becoming discontent at continuing to be held in captivity. The preventing of becoming discontent was also being greatly aided by the fact that the ground meat they were being fed was extremely delicious. The remark women of past times had often laughingly made that “men only thought with their dicks and stomachs” proved to be far more noteworthy than merely being an amusing saying.
The promiscuous policy being used to keep the male population from objecting at not being set free, along with delicious meals being provided, proved to be an outstanding success but, of equal importance, was the need to keep them from realizing that their ranks were being dramatically reduced. The latter was accomplished by continually transferring groups from one compound to another. Being taken to new locations became so commonplace that there was no reason to suspect that some of the busloads were headed for destinations far different - destinations from which there would be no return.
The constant reshuffling made it possible to vacate and close an ever increasing number of compounds while keeping those that remained occupied at full capacity. The male captives found themselves having no reason to suspect that their numbers were dwindling daily at an almost unbelievable rate, and that it would be only be a matter of time before each and every one would become a part of this growing statistic. Such was the manner in which an unwitting male population meekly allowed itself to be systematically annihilated.
Remarkable success, however, was not achieved in all endeavors. There were also failures, and the one that was the most difficult to accept was the attempt to find a cause for the violent nature that had existed among the ranks of human males since the beginning of time. A massive effort was put forth in this regard which resulted in breakthroughs being made in unraveling many mysteries of genetic science. The knowledge would lead to putting an end to birth defects, major illnesses, and countless other benefits but, at the time, it only served to determine that whatever might lay behind the cause for senseless male violence, it was not the result of a genetic flaw or imbalance. The baffling mystery remained unsolved, and the bright hope of finding a way that would lead to a world forevermore living in peace faded into again being nothing more than a wishful dream.
Another area where failure occurred was in the effort to increase food production. Widespread droughts continued to severely limit crop yields, and stubborn diseases in livestock lingered to hamper rebuilding decimated herds. In light of this setback, it proved to be of immeasurable value that the large processing facilities had been completed ahead of schedule which enabled the male population to be eliminated at a rate well ahead of what had originally been planed. This served not only to reduce the quantity that otherwise would have been needed to feed them if remaining alive, but enabled a larger number of bodies than had been anticipated to be frozen in cold storage and, in so doing, greatly increase the stockpiled quantity that would be needed to bridge the gap until self-sufficiency could eventually be achieved.
The demands being placed on the female population during this period were by no means easy. The task of rebuilding the widespread destruction that existed at the end of the war was enormous requiring long hours of physical and mentally draining work. The opportunity to get away from the strain for a short while by taking exhilarating yet relaxing trips to processing facilities resulted in being every bit as therapeutic in value as had been envisioned.
The exciting interludes, however, proved to afford valuable benefits that went beyond providing much needed reprieves from long hours of physical and mental toil. The witnessing of the devastating fate being dealt to those of their species that had the misfortune of being born with a penis served to make the female population identify with each other in a way that had never existed at any other time in history. The awareness of being a woman became very acute and brought forth feelings of fierce pride that resulted in the spirit of unity and comradeship which had bonded them together during the war, not only being solidified, but becoming even stronger.
The open acceptance of what was being done to their male counterparts was also aided, in no small part, by the fact that it was enabling the vast majority of women to experience what it was like to live in a world that was without fear. Sadly, this was not true for a small number. It had been found that remnants of military units in isolated locations, deserters, and small terrorist groups had not been taken captive at the end of the war. As a result, scattered acts of brutal rape and murder still occurred. But, it was from committing these vile deeds that led to the systematic capture of the perpetrators since, by so doing, they not only made their existence known, but also revealed the general location of hiding places where highly skilled strike forces would converge to search the countryside until discovery was made.
It goes without saying that there was a high degree of hostility toward the men captured in these searches. It was felt that they should be made to answer for their barbaric deeds in a manner that was more befitting than to simply be "harvested" as though being just another male. Their numbers were too small to make a noticeable contribution to the food supply, and it was decided that they could be better used to serve a more useful purpose by being dealt with in a manner that the female populous would not only find to be highly satisfying and exciting, but would also keep feelings of resentment toward males at a fever pitch.
The manner in which the war criminals had been made to pay for their evil ways had proven to be highly successful in this regard, and it was for this reason that women continued to find themselves being given the opportunity to enjoy the fascinating and exhilarating spectacle of witnessing despised members of the opposite sex, fleeing naked and in terror from charging lionesses, being struck down, ripped apart, and devoured with a savagery that was truly deserved.
The start of the third year saw the last of these isolated groups being hunted down, and their capture and executions put a final end to a fear that women had been forced to live with since the beginning of time. The deaths also put an end to the existence of fully mature males since, by this time, there were none left in compounds older than their upper teens. The young ages, however, made no difference to the fate that awaited them or the rapid pace at which it was being carried out. The "harvestings" continued unabated.
An almost unimaginable stockpile consisting of over a billion frozen bodies had be amassed at this point, but, even though it greatly exceeded what had once been though possible, it was the only thing that stood between survival and starvation, and, with uncertainty still remaining as to when self-sufficiency could be reached, there were serious concerns, regardless of the frozen quantity, that it might not be sufficient. The only course of action that could be taken was to make the stockpile last as long as possible by reducing usage to the barest minimum needed to sustain life and “hope for the best”.
It was in this manner that the day arrived that the last males being held were “harvested” and, in so doing, for all practical purpose, the human male became extinct. In a period of slightly less than three years, a population that had numbered over two billion had been annihilated. On the entire face of the earth the only males that remained were a scattered few living in rugged and remote areas in colonies that had cut themselves off completely from outside contact. These colonies had been established years earlier by women who had fled with their young children, both sons and daughters, in a desperate attempt to escape the war and had managed to defy the fate that befell the vast majority taking such action by learning how to survive in harsh wilderness conditions.
The rest of the world was not even aware that such colonies even existed, and, in any regard, males living in them were of such small size and number that the combined total would qualify as being more of a novelty rather than representing the existence of a species. Even though this was the case, however, these few surviving males had reached maturity as had the girls among their ranks. It was inevitable that romance had blossomed which was leading to their numbers starting to expand.
These colonies had gone for years without having any way of knowing what was taking place in the outside world with only occasional glimpses of thin streams of contrails from high flying bombers telling them that the war continued. It was only when a few months passed in which no such sightings were made that speculation began to take place in wondering if maybe the war had finally ended. These groups were widespread and not even aware of even each others existence, but they almost all took the same action. They waited several more months, and, when the skies remained empty, decided to risk sending out scouts in hopes of finding out if it would be safe to return to civilization.
It was only logical that these scouts were older women since not only were they the only ones knowledgeable in the ways of the outside world but also, if the war was still going on, any male that was not part of a military unit would be challenged on sight. It can only be imagined at the depth of the profound shock that these women received upon reaching populated areas and discovered the shocking activity that was taking place – a shocking activity that was being conducted with such openness that the magnitude was clearly apparent.
The "how" and "why" something so totally impossible could actually have come into existence was beyond all comprehension, but, impossible or not, the facts could not be denied which were reinforced by graphic photographs of every aspect of the activities taking place being in plentiful supply. It was only by returning with such undisputable evidence that the outrageous verbal accounts being given could have possibly been believed.
The stunned and bewildered women in the colonies found themselves realizing that any hope of returning to the outside world had come to an end. It appeared that it might be safe for themselves and their daughters to do this, but the same surely could not be said for anyone that was male. The primary reason they had fled years ago was to keep tyrannical governments from taking their sons, and they weren't about to allow them to now be slaughtered by a female population in a world that, in their viewpoint, had truly gone insane. They had no choice but to remain in hiding and strive to continue improving the primitive conditions under which they lived.
In regard to the outside world, it was considered a strange coincidence by the members of what had become an all female population that the widespread droughts, which had plagued the world for years, came to an end within weeks of slaying the last of the males. The sudden turnaround was followed by ideal conditions in which crops, being fed a plentiful supply of bone-rich fertilizers, began to flourish with a bounty almost beyond belief. It was also during this same period that the health of stricken livestock herds began to rapidly improve which made it possible for their severely depleted ranks to finally begin to multiply.
The extent of the food crisis had been of such magnitude that it would still take considerable time to reach self-sufficiency, but the massive stockpile of frozen bodies hanging in countless cold storage facilities would be more that adequate to last until it became reality. In fact, the quantity was sufficient to enable strict restrictions on distribution to be greatly relaxed so that it was no longer necessary to eat only the minimum needed for survival.
If the recovery had started a few months sooner, it would have been possible to spare at least some of the eighteen year old youths, but this realization was merely shrugged off as not being worthy of either concern or regret - such was the outlook of the value that a female population had come to place on the life of any member of the opposite sex - regardless of age.
It would be no understatement to say that the period of prosperity which followed was enjoyed to the fullest. Not only was there a plentiful supply of food, but most of the destruction left from the war had finally been rebuilt which put an end to the need of having to work long hours of fatiguing mental and physical toil. The most enjoyable feature of all, however, was in discovering what it was like to live in a world that was totally at peace. For the first time since the earliest beginnings of the human race, women found themselves going out at night by themselves without having any fear of the darkness.
In spite of the extent of the enjoyment, however, the members of the all female population found themselves unable to keep from regretting that some things had come to an end. They missed the drama and excitement of going to "harvestings", and they missed no longer being able to satisfy what had become openly accepted sexual desires in a manner that only a living male body could provide. But, the thing that women found themselves regretting the most was in knowing that that, although there still remained a large quantity of stockpiled bodies upon which to dine, the day was coming in the not so distant future when it would be depleted and bring an end to eating a delicious meat of a quality that could not be found from any other source – to say nothing of savoring that which was, by far, the most delicious of all which, like the meat, had been enjoyed for so many years that it had almost become a way of life.
The start of the fourth year brought an end to the terms of office for the elected officials whose ranks had been comprised primarily of older women. Before and after the war, these women had struggled for years under a burden of immense pressure and, with the world now a safe place to live in which no major problems existed, most decided that it was time to step down and turn leadership over to members of the younger generation. The Supreme Commander also chose to take this action and retired to enjoy a life of relaxation with her adopted daughter – a life that a gracious public considered to be justly deserved.
(The relaxation would not last for long, however. Both she and Lisa would soon take part in helping to bring forth a new female generation by becoming pregnant at almost the same time, and when each gave birth to a healthy baby girl, things got more hectic - but in a manner that brought extreme joy. Lisa had been successful in conceiving by using Tom's frozen semen which added a very special meaning to her becoming a mother. She had long ago lost having any reservations when looking at his mounted head and sex organs which, after the Supreme Commander’s retirement, were hung above the mantel of a large fireplace in their living room. Lisa found herself often pausing to gaze at his face - at least for a short while until her attention shifted to studying, with growing excitement, his strutted, fully erect penis and bulging scrotum mounted below. She still felt tenderness toward him, but there was no longer sadness. Not only had the noble cause for which he had been sacrificed overshadowed everything else, but after all, he had been male. Yes, such had become Lisa’s attitude as well.)
When the new leaders were elected it had been anticipated that their primary duties would be to oversee the carrying out of policies that had already been established. But, with the impulsive nature that came with youth, such turned out not to be the case. These young women retained fond memories of the excitement, pride, and enjoyment that had caught them up with an extreme fervor from the dramatic manner in which they had witnessed the male population being annihilated - a male population who they not only had come to feel deep contempt and resentment, but one whose lives had come to be regarded as having no value worthy of any concern. This viewpoint was greatly strengthened by the fact that, with the absence of males, they were discovering the unmatched joy of living in a world totally at peace, a world without fear.
The young leaders had come to feel a strong kinship toward all womankind and, as a result, felt a passionate desire that those of future generations should know this same joy. It was for this reason that in talking among themselves they found a unified reluctance to accept being told that when it became necessary to once again bring males into the world, there would be no choice but to allow them to become part of society - an action which, in time, would surely lead to a return of violence, rape, and war.
They held a profound respect for their predecessors who had been the driving force that had not only brought an end to the war, but had then taken such bold and decisive action to solve the desperate food crisis that they had found themselves being confronted with. And yet, in spite of this deep respect, they found it somewhat mystifying that women who had demonstrated such profound wisdom, courage, and foresight had failed to see that holding males in captivity and slaying them to obtain food had revealed a way of how the world could indeed continue to live peace.
They considered the answer to be so obvious that it gave the appearance of even being what nature intended to the point of only needing an opportunity arising that would lead to it being recognized. In their viewpoint, the opportunity had indeed arisen when women, the world over, found themselves not only being forced to eat the flesh of males but, in so doing, not only finding it to be so extremely delicious that it far surpassed any other type of meat they had ever eaten, but would be done for such a long length of time that consuming the delicious flesh of males would become commonplace. But, of far more significance, after this had occurred and women brought an end to the war, they took the bold and decisive action to hold all males captive and, although not being the initial reason for taking such action, finding themselves being confronted with dire circumstances of a magnitude that left no choice but to continue holding males in captivity, and slay them in entirety to fulfill the same vital need that had existed before which, in so doing, resulted in the practice becoming even more commonplace.
Even though survival of the human race was the only motive for such drastic measures being taken, it was in this remarkable way that women found themselves taking a course of action that would lead to something which had never existed before - a world entirely at peace. If all of this had indeed been intended, then it seemed only logical that it was equally intended for this peace to continue.
It was clear to them that there could be only one way that would indeed enable peace to continue. Males of future generations could not be allowed to interfere, and the only way this could be accomplished was for every single one to be held in captivity as had been so recently and effectively demonstrated. Being able to hold them captive while young would be a simple matter, but such would not be the case upon reaching maturity when their increased violent nature and physical strength would make them extremely dangerous and highly likely of revolt. But a solution for this had also been effectively demonstrated. If they were slain when reaching maturity and the need for their existence had been fulfilled, the threat would never occur.
In their point of view, there was strong evidence to support that taking such action was indeed what nature intended. If it was meant for males to roam free, then why were they not created as were women and capable of living with one another in peace? If it was not meant for the flesh of males to be eaten, then why was it made of such unmatched quality while that of the female was not? And, if the flesh of males was intended to be eaten, it required them being slain for this purpose, and who else could it be other than women that would be the ones intended to eat this flesh, and therefore, the ones intended to do the slaying?
It all came together with such remarkable clarity that it even gave the appearance of being some ingenious and carefully orchestrated plan. It was against the basic nature of women to slay any type of creature unless there was a legitimate reason. Now, however, they find themselves being provided with a legitimacy that not only gave every appearance of being intended, but one that had been the most valid since the beginning of time - slaying for the purpose of obtaining food.
This line of reasoning clearly helped to strengthen the resolve of the new leaders, but, deep inside, they knew that it really didn't matter if they were being influenced by past occurrences revealing something intended by nature, or merely the result of a remarkable set of coincidences. They had been given the fantastic opportunity to experience the joy of living in a world totally at peace, and it had proven to be far too precious a commodity not to be pursued with every fiber that was within them. The fate that this would mean to males was not worthy of even being considered an issue. The extent to which the life of males was regarded as being unimportant had reached the point that those of the past or those of future generations were looked upon with the same indifference. Males had clearly shown themselves to be undeserving of concern and, therefore, their welfare did not matter. The welfare of women was the only thing that mattered.
Everything appeared to be so obvious that it was looked upon as being a mystery why the previous leaders had not seen this. The extensive scientific research that had been conducted in trying to find a curable genetic cause for senseless male violence clearly showed the depth of these women’s strong desire to find a way for lasting peace. But, when this effort failed, they seemed to give up hope when a much simpler and far more effective solution had been right in front of them the entire time. Maybe it was the simplicity that was the problem. The past leaders had been under almost unbearable pressure for many years in searching to find difficult solutions to what often seemed to be almost insurmountable problems, and maybe the stress had made them assume that a solution to something that had plagued the world since the beginning of mankind surely would have to be something extremely complex.
Well, whatever the reason might be for the past leaders failing to see the obvious and take action, the new leaders were determined that they would not do the same. It would require changing some of the policies that had been enacted, but they had the authority to initiate the procedure needed for having this accomplished. In this regard, there was one thing that was obvious. The action they were contemplating was surely not something to be passed into law and then put on a shelf to wait years before being implemented. This was something that needed to be implemented as soon as possible, but the existing plan called for first rebuilding the female population and to not even begin producing males until over two decades had passed.
The importance of placing a high priority on increasing the size of a greatly depleted female population could not be denied, but this did not mean that the rate could not be altered to allow producing at least enough males to enable the policy to be implemented at a sufficient magnitude to insure it being continued.
Insuring continuation was the main reason for desiring to take quick action, but it could not be denied that implementing the policy as soon as possible would also result in other things that, when being truthful, were also desired to the point of having a strong influence. The thought of being able to experience the excitement of once again watching males being "harvested" and being able to savor the delicious flavor of male flesh, especially the sex organs, when such had not only been thought would be lost forever, but had a tantalizing appeal of a magnitude that could not be denied.
There was also another feature that could not be denied as desiring to once again experience being enjoyed. If males were going to be held it would be foolish not to take advantage of the physical pleasures their bodies would be able to provide when reaching sufficient maturity.
Establishing such a major policy would take a great deal of planning in working out details of how best to proceed. There was one area in particular that would require considerable thought. There was little doubt in the minds of the new leaders that the present female population would embrace the policy with open enthusiasm, but ensuring continuation would require a female population that was not yet born being embellished with this same degree of eagerness. Clearly, there could be nothing more important than to develop a plan addressing how this vital goal would be achieved.
When the new leaders realized that there was a unified consensus of agreement among their ranks, they found themselves being anxious to develop a policy that would become reality. A policy of such magnitude, however, would require extensive planning and official sanction and, therefore, procedures would have to be followed. The first order of business would be to appoint a committee that would be tasked to work out details and come up with a recommended plan. When this was accomplished, a Summit could be convened in which the plan would be presented to be voted upon and become law.
It should be noted that, although the new leaders possessed many notable leadership qualities, they were still extremely young and, therefore, could not help having the impulsive passions that come with youth. It was for this reason that getting caught up by an exciting idea which, on the surface, showed such great promise that it did not occur to them to take time to pause to see if there might be possible obstacles that had been overlooked.
When the committee was appointed, the members were comprised almost entirely of women that were also young, and, although highly skilled in their respective fields, possessed the same youthful impulsiveness of letting passion stand in the way of pausing to give matters logical thought. If it had not been for two older women also being appointed to the group, there is little doubt that a plan would have been developed recommending a policy that called for taking exactly the type of action that the new leaders had envisioned. If this had occurred, the policy would have been doomed to failure almost from the start, and, in time, the world would have become as before.
One of the older women on the committee was a physician named Dr. Morgan. Dr. Morgan had played a prominent role in the genetic research that had been conducted. It was not this qualification, however, that was the reason for her selection, but, instead, was based on the fact that she had been a highly respected pediatrician prior to the war. It had been anticipated that her role in the proceedings would be limited to making recommendations on the raising of male youths in captivity.
The second older woman was Dr. Carson who was the renown psychiatrist and close friend of the recently retired Supreme Commander. She had played a key role in developing many of the policies that had proven to be so remarkable successful in leading to a female population finding itself enthusiastically accepting the slaying of over two billion members of the opposite sex. In this regard, there was no doubt whatsoever as to the reason for Dr. Carson being selected to serve on the committee. It was widely known that she had no equal in understanding the complexities of human nature and emotions, and, therefore, there could be none more qualified to develop a plan of how to ensure creating similar enthusiasm in future female generations - an enthusiasm that would be crucial if the policy was indeed going to succeed.
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