By C
The news that a method had been discovered by which males could be bred in an artificial environment was enthusiastically received, and steps were quickly taken to implement a crash program to construct large facilities throughout the world capable of producing a magnitude that would truly be in great abundance. The facilities were simply referred to as "hatcheries" which was a term destined to last from that time on.
When the "hatcheries" reached completion, the segment of the female population that was not pregnant at the time responded in volunteering to have their eggs collected during ovulation with the same enthusiasm as when earlier donating cells being taken from uteruses that had been used in laboratories to grow the vitally needed reproductive membranes unique to a female body. The eggs were placed in the enzyme solution developed by Dr. Morgan causing them to divide multiple times to the extent that the number enabled the vast majority being frozen that would last a long time before needing to be replenished.
The decision made years earlier that, just to be on the safe side, it would be prudent to collect and freeze a quantity of semen far exceeding the amount considered needed proved to be of immeasurable benefit. The excess was of such magnitude that, by taking advantage of being able to fertilize hundreds of eggs at the same time by being immersed in a single ejaculation from which female producing sperm had been extracted, there would be enough semen available to continue full scale production until the first "crop" reached an age to be able to produce a new supply of sufficient quantity to prevent any shortage from ever occurring. This would insure that when the time arrived to once again begin "harvesting", there would be an abundance of subsequent "crops" reaching maturity so that it could continue unabated from that time on.
The day in which the first "crop" was "planted" in "hatcheries" around the world was celebrated with great fanfare, but the celebration was even grater nine months later when the crop was "picked". It would be years before it could be "harvested", but the mere fact that an abundant of males once again existed that were destined to meet this fate made the wait far easier to accept.
A great deal of planning went into developing the policy of how males would be raised. This policy followed the guidelines that Dr. Carson had described in the committee meeting which, with her guidance, were expanded and refined. To begin with, they would, at no time, be shown any dignity by being referred to in human terms. Words such as "men" or "boys" would pass from existence. Infants would be called "cubs", toddlers to the age of puberty as "yearlings" and, after this, simply as "males".
They would remain naked during their entire life from the moment of being "picked" until death. They would be raised in rural areas on "ranches" where they would be kept in open pens and fields in which they would sleep on the ground with large sheds being the only thing provided for protection against the elements. Food would be dumped raw, including meat, in troughs to be eaten by using only hands and tearing with teeth.
Extreme care would be taken by women that worked on the "ranches" to never carry on conversations within hearing distance of their charges so that the only utterances males would hear would be a few sharp commands needed for making them obey. Every effort would be taken to keep them from having any type of human awareness so that both their actions and intelligence would indeed be closely aligned to that of animals.
Strict obedience would be demanded at all times, and even a slight hesitation in responding to a command would be dealt with by a slap to the genitals for the young and a knee to the groin when becoming older. The method not only eliminated the need for using less desirable means, at least to women, such as whips, but it was deemed highly appropriate that the very part which so prominently identified males was that which was most vulnerable to enabling them to be easily controlled.
Violence among males in any form would not be tolerated. Even playful tussling would bring immediate punishment as described above, and violence of a more serious nature would be dealt with by being immediately taken to specially designated “ranches” that were not only more secure but contained additional personnel capable of maintaining stricter control. This policy would not only serve to quickly put potentially dangerous troublemakers in a secure environment, but would keep others from being influenced by observing such behavior if allowed to go unchecked.
The planning, however, went far beyond developing a policy on the manner of how males would be raised. When the time came to once again start "harvesting" them for food, the female population would include a new generation over eight times larger. It would be vital that this new generation be properly prepared. Starting at an early age, no effort would be spared in using every means possible to create emotions and influences that would lead to the members of this new generation being filled with an excitement and anticipation equal to that of their mothers.
The countless number of graphic photographs depicting all that had previously occurred would remain on display, and replays of past "harvestings" would be shown on television and on large screens in movie theaters. The trophies would also remain, and the fact that mothers would be able to give their daughters exciting, first-hand descriptions of a thrilling conquest over a male for which there was such vivid proof would surely make the influence all the more meaningful. Many moments would surely be spent by the daughters wondering and fantasizing about what it would be like when they would also be able to "harvest" a male by their own hand.
It would be in this way that the young and impressionable members of the new female generation would be able to become accustomed to seeing such action taking place long before the time arrived for it to actually begin. The result of all of this being done would serve to instill the attitude that the value of a male’s life was totally different from their own and unimportant to the point of not being worthy of concern.
But, there would be more. Daughters would be taken on frequent outings to "ranches" to observe the animal-like behavior of males being raised in a manner that was remarkable similar to that of cattle. Such trips would enable witnessing that the difference between themselves and members of the opposite sex went far beyond mere physical appearance. It would be a difference that showed such vast inferiority that being treated in such a manner would be no more that the way it was meant to be.
Daughters would be made aware that males had once roamed free, but no mention would be made of anything that would be positive in nature. They would be told only of the brutality and suffering that not only their own mothers had been forced to endure, but by women since the earliest beginnings and, in so doing, create a lasting impression that males had always been barbaric creatures who would not only be receiving what they justly deserved, but what nature clearly intended to be done in a manner that was long overdue. This outlook would be reinforced by the parallel argument that a male's flesh would not have been made of such outstanding quality unless it was obviously meant for it to be eaten by those whose own flesh was so remarkably different to the point of clearly not being intended for human consumption.
In the years that followed, a success was achieved that not only fulfilled, but exceeded all expatiations. The new female generation found themselves living in a world filled with excitement in which members of the opposite sex were increasingly viewed with indifference and scorn. Many hours were spent listening to mothers proudly describing the exhilaration that was experienced when obtaining trophies hanging on living room walls - watching television with spellbinding excitement of males being "harvested" in earlier times - looking at countless framed photographs showing graphic detail of all that had occurred – and going to ranches and seeing large numbers of naked males roaming in fields in much the same manner as did cattle in similar types of ranches located nearby.
It was in this manner that daughters not only came to look upon members of the opposite sex as being vastly inferior, but to regard that which so prominently identified males, more than anything else, as being the very symbol of this inferiority. They came to feel a fierce pride that their own bodies lacked such demeaning objects.
A great deal of enthusiasm was felt throughout the female population when the first "crop" of “yearlings” reached puberty and became “males”. Years still remained before it would be "harvested", but the mere fact of being able to observe noticeable changes of actually starting the process of reaching maturity was considered to be a major milestone. But, it also brought forth the problem of males showing signs of becoming restlessness along with an increased tendency toward violence that accompanied this transformation.
It was known that much of the influence on the undesirable aspects was caused by the male hormone being produced with semen, and the most effective way to hold its influence to a minimum was to "milk" males on a daily basis to keep testosterone levels at a minimum. In accomplishing this task, however, it was imperative that they never be allowed to experience the pleasure and excitement of having an organism since having such an awareness would undoubtedly lead to control becoming more difficult.
A great deal of effort went into developing a method by which males could be "milked" without them having any knowledge of it taking place. The scientific knowledge gained in the genetic studies enabled making a substance that would bring unconsciousness while, at the same time, causing the penis to become erect and highly sensitive so that stimulation would cause a maximum ejaculation to occur. The chemical could be injected as a liquid but could also be inhaled as a gas which was the desirable method since this means was far more efficient for dealing with large numbers.
Several hundred males at a time would be herded in rows into large "milking rooms" and given an order that they had been taught meant to lay on their backs. The rooms were then filled with gas which was expelled after taking effect. The apparatus used for extracting semen was similar to automatic milking machines used for cattle. Pulsating cups attached to flexible vacuum lines were lowered from the ceiling and quickly shoved on the rigid and conveniently uplifted shafts by women walking down the rows. The combined massaging and suction action provided the stimulation needed and thick streams of semen would soon be flowing into stainless steel containers.
By its very nature, being collected in large quantity made semen a valuable commodity. The need for this male fluid to provide a substance for keeping sperm alive require it containing a high concentration of nutrients, and the need to also be capable of eventual disposal by being absorbed either back into the body of a male or by a woman's reproductive organs required it to be also be easily digestible. These unique qualities made it a highly nutritious beverage for which a taste was quickly developed to the extent of being considered quite delicious. In time, this fluid unique to being produced by males would be collected in such quantity that it would completely replace milk, and, in so doing, was viewed as being yet even more conclusive evidence that a male's only purpose for existing was to provide for the needs and pleasure for a highly superior opposite sex.
Semen, of course, was also required to replenish supplies needed to keep "hatcheries" operating. Since males were being raised as livestock, it was only logical that the long proven practice of "selective breeding" be used to improve quality. Males containing desirable genetic traits were tagged and, on occasions, were separated from others and herded as a group into a "milking room". When the gas had taken effect, small portable units were used to extract individual ejaculations which were then frozen and sent to sperm banks. None of the males being held in the more secure facilities, however, were used for this purpose – regardless of desirable genetic traits. There was no scientific data that supported there being any benefit from taking such action, but it just seemed like the sensible thing to do. It was in this way that any male who committed an act of violence would not be used for reproduction from that time on.
Being "milked" a daily basis to prevent high levels of testosterone from accumulating proved to have a moderating effect on the majority of males. But, as anticipated, the reaching of puberty still brought a sharp increase in the number needing to be separated for showing violent tendencies. This increase, however, was within acceptable limits that did not overload the higher security “ranches” to the point of becoming unmanageable.
The approaching of physical maturity resulted in bringing forth of an excitement and enjoyment of an entirely different type than being eagerly anticipated for when “harvesting” would begin - at least for the adult women. When the first crop of males reached eighteen the ones that had the most impressive physiques and endowment were taken to special facilities where they were used to satisfy sexual pleasures. The method by which this was accomplished was similar to what had been done in compounds years earlier except that instead of being tied, blindfolded, and gagged, the males were injected with a chemical similar to that used for "milking". The only difference was that, instead of causing an immediate erection after becoming unconscious, the penis remained flaccid and required being fondled before responding.
Sexual activity with males, however, was limited only to women. Older girls, now in their mid-teens, were sufficiently mature to engage in intercourse, but even though they were extremely anxious and curious to discover what the experience would be like, it was not allowed. Dr. Carson, as had been the case for so much else, was responsible for establishing this policy. It had been her opinion that becoming a "woman" in an all female society should be a milestone meriting a highly regarded status. Achieving it should be something that included special privileges being granted which would create a fierce pride and, in so doing, forge a lasting bond of unity going beyond even that which had already been formed. It would not be something that simply came with age, but would be done with great celebration in a manner that girls would look forward with eager anticipation.
The day of becoming a "woman" would be the day of turning eighteen. Prior to this age, girls would be allowed to watch but not participate in "harvesting" males. In addition to this restriction and also not being allowed to engage in sexual activity with males, they would not be permitted to have even a small sample the delicacy that was, by far, the most desired. Girls of all ages would be able to feast on all parts of the male body except the genitals which would be exclusively reserved for “women”. On a girl's eighteenth birthday, however, this would change - on this day she would "harvest" her first male. It would be done in a special ceremony with her mother and invited guests being in attendance. The moment that a released arrow found its mark to bring instant death would be viewed as the moment of becoming a "woman". A festive reception would be held afterward with a severed head and genitals being prominently displayed on a silver platter providing vivid evidence of the status that had been achieved.
At the conclusion of the reception, the newly recognized "woman" would be taken to a nearby facility where, for the first time, she would experience the sexual pleasure and excitement that only the naked body of a living male is capable of providing. Later that evening, she would cook the penis and testicles that had been "harvested" by her hand, and then, after having to wait an entire lifetime that had been filled with impatient curiosity, finally be able to savor this unmatched delicacy. From that day forward, she would be afforded all the privileges that came with being a "woman", and the mounted head and sex organs of her first conquest would serve as a permanent and exciting reminder of the way in which she had achieved this esteem status.
When the first "crop" of males reached nineteen, the long wait finally came to an end - the time to begin "harvesting" had arrived. For the majority of males receiving this fate, it would be met by a return to what had been done years earlier with women of the general public slaying them with a bow and arrow and then proceeding to butcher the still warm body of their victim - all before an audience of enthusiastic female spectators. But, it would now be done with far greater efficiency in facilities specifically designed to make the experience highly enjoyable and exciting for both the participants and viewing public while, at the same time, enabling ample production to be achieved.
It was in this manner that "processing plants" came into existence of the type that a stunned John would discover in the distant future - "processing plants" that bore no resemblance to any that had carried such a name in the past. Years of study had gone into designing these facilities in which every feature was carefully planned to create a desired effect. The building exteriors were architectural masterpieces that gave an outward impression of being a museum or an important cultural center. All were located on spacious, well kept, grounds of rolling lawns, large trees, and winding walks leading to formal yet peaceful gardens containing brightly colored flowers.
The reason of going to such lengths was not for the purpose of trying to disguise the fact that death would be taking place within, but to convey the subconscious impression that this death would be far different from that associated with other forms. This would be death occurring in peaceful, tranquil surroundings void of any depressing atmosphere. This would be death that did not require strong feelings of resentment to be accepted. This would be death that was unimportant. This would be death that had official sanction. This would be death that would fulfill a valid need that was clearly intended. This would be death that could be enjoyed.
A great deal of effort had also been put forth in designing the interiors to insure that the death taking place within would indeed be enjoyed. Every aspect of what would take place was aimed at creating specific emotions in a carefully planned sequence. The beautiful and peaceful exterior surroundings would create a relaxing atmosphere to put arriving visitors at ease and bring forth comfortable feelings of belonging. It would be in this frame of mind that they would enter a spacious lobby and then proceed into a wide corridor to be greeted by the sight of a long row of naked, bleeding, freshly slain males hanging upside-down from a slow moving and jerking conveyor.
The first reactions would be those of amusement primarily caused from watching limp sex organs humiliate themselves to the fullest extent possible by constantly jiggling, flipping, and jouncing before the eyes of members of the opposite sex. But, other emotions would also begin to stir in which the strongest would be growing feelings of pride and sexual arousal that would become more intense when proceeding to yet another location and watching the sex organs of other freshly slain males being taunted and humiliated and the bodies then being butchered by fellow women in a room well equipped to serve this purpose.
They would then continue and view the resulting meat being cut and packaged for distribution before entering a spacious, brightly lit, arena and join a large female audience sitting in comfort. The awakened emotions of feminine pride and sexual arousal would surge to ultimate heights while being joined by the eerie fascination of witnessing human death occur as naked males were led meekly forth, one after another, to be dramatically slain and humiliated by yet other fellow women dressed in outfits that emphasized their femininity. The exhilarating excitement would be joined by feelings of immense satisfaction at watching what had become limp and lifeless bodies leaving trails of blood while being drug away in and unceremonious manner.
The carefully planed manner in which all of these various operations would be accomplished would not only create extreme enjoyment and excitement for both the viewers and the participates but, of primary importance, would serve to devalue the life of a human male to the fullest extent possible by being subjected to the humility of being slain while naked by the hand of a member of the opposite sex while thousands of others watched, and, after this had had occurred, by having the bodies being shown no dignity whatsoever as they were drug away by the feet and hung upside-down from a jerking conveyor to begin the humiliating journey to their final destination.
From beginning to end, the slaying, transporting, butchering, and packaging the flesh of human males for food would be conducted in an atmosphere approaching that of a spectator sport that was clearly intended to be enjoyed to the fullest. But, throughout it all, there would be two underlying themes present. The first was that, in spite of the atmosphere, the primary function was that of obtaining meat to be placed on tables. The second theme was to mock, taunt, ridicule and make fun of that which, more than any other, so vividly showed the source of this meat for what it was - showed it to be male.
It was a day of great celebration when the "harvestings" began. It started with a ceremonial event in which the Supreme Commander was given the honor of releasing the first arrow as she had done years ago. The event was televised live and shown on large screens in crowed theaters and in packed arenas of countless processing plants which were waiting in readiness. The Supreme Commander was now in her sixties, but her aim was steady and found its mark - bringing forth both instant death and a great cheer that could truly be said was heard around the world. Dr. Carson and Dr. Morgan followed as tribute was paid to the invaluable contributions they had provided in making this day possible.
When the formalities were concluded, full scale "harvesting" began in all of the processing plants – “harvestings” that were destined to continue unabated from that day forward. It was in this way that a new world came into being - a world that would know nothing but prosperity - a world that would be filled with joy - a world in which there would be no fear - a world that would forevermore live in peace.
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