By C
The following years saw the worldwide exclusively female population settling happily into a life that could be called almost utopian and, although the same could not be said for their captive counterparts, males were not mistreated and lived with the ignorant contentment of livestock – something they had truly become.
Older women found that the ignorance took away some of the excitement they had experienced when participating in previous "harvestings". On those earlier occasions, there had been an added thrill and enjoyment in seeing looks of embarrassment fade into panic and then terror as drawn bows were raised. But now, the encounters were met with blank stares in which embarrassment had no meaning as well as fear being absent from being unable to comprehend the facing of impending doom when even seeing deadly arrows being raised. But, nevertheless, these women found that the eerie fascination brought on from having an awareness of being on the verge of both causing and witnessing death coming to naked members of the opposite sex remained strong, and when the arrows struck home, the suddenly lifeless bodies fell and started jerking in the same humiliating manner as before and, in so doing, the surging pride, amusement, and excitement of old returned. The members of the younger generation, upon reaching eighteen, had no such prior experiences to remember and, for them, nothing was lacking. Any previous concerns that these young women, when actually taking human life, might not find themselves being caught up with exhilarating emotions equal to those of the prior generation proved to have no merit.
The intense effort that had been put forth to influence girls, starting at an early age, in such a manner that they found themselves regarding members of the opposite sex as being greatly inferior whose lives were unimportant and deserving of such treatment, had proven to be highly successful and carried forth into this ultimate fate being accepted with enthusiastic approval. This attitude had been aided greatly by the suspenseful curiosity that came from wondering for years what the experience would be like to actually witness males being "harvested" in the flesh instead of watching past events on television which, as expected, proved to be far more fascinating and exciting. And, of equal importance, they were now enjoying the outstanding taste and quality of a meat far superior to any other they had bee served and, in so doing, became convinced that surely nothing could be this delicious unless it was clearly intended to be eaten.
There was, however, one feature among members of the younger generation that, at times, resulted in a vague stirring of curiosity that became more frequent upon becoming older. Part of their education, upon becoming teenagers, included being told about reproduction. The primary emphasis was placed on describing the function of an egg, but it could not be avoided to discuss, at least to some extent, the part that a male's sperm contributed. But, in this matter, it was pointed out that a sperm was minuscule in size compared to that which it joined. Nothing was told beyond the performing of this basic function which led to the assumption that something so tiny could not possibly do anything more than merely act as a triggering mechanism. It was, after all, the much larger egg produced within the body of a woman that would then begin the process of dividing and undergo the miracle of creating new life and taking human form. But, the mere fact that a male played any role whatsoever in their creation would cause girls to sometimes wonder what the male in their particular case had looked like. Nothing could be done to satisfy this curiosity since all males had been slain and consumed years before the offspring of their frozen semen had even been conceived.
Such, however, would not be the case for girls born of later generations. Males were once again in existence, and, from then on, instead of having to rely on artificial insemination, women could become pregnant in the manner that nature not only intended but emotions instilled in their subconscious strongly desired. In order to ensure that intercourse would result in only females being conceived, a contraceptive was developed that had no effect on female producing sperm but was fatal to their weaker counterparts. Knowing that they had been conceived in a natural manner would result in girls of future generations looking upon their creation as having a great deal of meaning, but it would also make the role of the male far more personal and, in so doing, arouse even more curiosity.
This would not be of any great significance during childhood but, if allowed to continue upon becoming an adult, would be dwelled upon more and more. It could even become such an extent that women would find themselves beginning to question the very concept that males were truly as inferior as they had been led to believe. The chance of such doubts being created must be prevented if at all possible and, even though it would be years before this potential distraction could arise, a plan was developed that, hopefully, would prevent it from occurring.
Dr. Carson, as she had done on countless other occasions, was responsible for developing the details of this plan also. It called for rather drastic measures being taken, but, in her opinion, such measures could not be avoided. Males selected for female reproduction would be kept alive, and a girl, upon reaching eighteen, would be allowed to face the male whose body had been used to bring forth her conception. But, this encounter would go far beyond merely observing to satisfy a curiosity of seeing what he looked like. This would be the male she would "harvest" in the special ceremony of becoming a "woman".
The “special harvesting", however, would include more than taking a male's life and butchering his body. This would be a "harvesting" in which the very girl that his semen had helped bring forth into the world would show how minor this role had been. In this endeavor, she would prove herself far superior in a way that would clearly demonstrate that not only him, but all males by association, were truly unimportant and unworthy of any concern whatsoever.
It would start with the male being brought out and tied in a standing, spread-eagled, position to the floor and an overhead bar. He would, of course, be naked as he had been his entire life. The girl would enter, dressed in what would become a traditional outfit that both revealed and enhanced her femininity, to stand before and gaze upon him for the first time. His face and physical appearance would, of course, be of interest, but her primary attention would soon become focused on that which had played a role in bringing forth her very existence. For this reason, this part of him would have far more meaning than any of the countless number she would have observed in the past.
The added reality that this of him was destine to become her personal trophy would only serve to make the meaning that much greater. It would also be the first she would touch that was attached to a living body, and, upon reaching out to do this very thing, her excitement would surge in not only discovering a limp softness that was hard to believe, but, also, discovering how exceedingly vulnerable the oval objects which hung below were to pain of such extent that little effort would be needed to bring outcries of distress.
The excitement would soon be joined by growing amusement at the comical manner in which that which showed him for what he was could be played with and taunted with remarkable ease. But the meek manner in which it submitted itself to humiliating and amusing manipulation would also create feelings of disdainful triumph which would be exemplified by driving a knee between widespread legs with such force that the male's knees would buckle while uttering a sudden gasp followed by a loud scream of agony. The ease of bringing such an extreme reaction would cause the disdain to increase even more, and the male would be lashed unmercifully with a whip until his back was crisscrossed with bleeding gashes and his struggles and outcries diminishing until hanging limp with head bowed in submission.
But, this would not be the end of his torment. The defeat would go far beyond. When he had been given sufficient time to recover he would be given an injection that would cause an erection to occur, and, in seeing it in the state in which it had entered her mother years earlier, the girl's interest would be renewed. She would again begin to examine and, with increasing excitement, discover that in becoming rigid it not only allowed itself to be ridiculed to a much greater extent, but that it resulted in it also becoming extremely vulnerable to pain. The intensity of being enthusiastically, slapped, bent, and twisted would bring outcries and struggles that would grow in magnitude until no more could be endured and the male would once again hang limp in which not only his head would this time be bowed in defeat, but that which had been the object of attack and, in so doing, loosing much of its stiffness.
As decisive as this defeat would be, however, it would not match what was still to come. Another injection would be given that would be of a concentration to not only cause another erection to occur, but one that would be strutted to the fullest extent possible giving the flared head with its gaping hole the appearance of having become enraged from being treated in such a degrading and humiliating manner. But, as was the case in so many other ways, outward appearance is all that it would be. It would be helpless to prevent once again submitting to being lifted and turned in different directions as a renewed interest in seeing it in such an extreme state brought forth yet another curious examination.
And, when meekly allowing the curiosity to be satisfied, it could do nothing when the girl moved behind and reached between spread legs but permit itself to be grasped firmly by delicate, feminine hands and be pulled sharply downward. At this point, it would finally try to resist, but it would be unable to keep from gradually starting to yield when the girl intensified her effort and started pulling it toward her with all her strength until the swollen head was pointing its inverted gaping hole backward and directly toward her triumphant face. It would have also be unable to keep from putting forth an excruciating pain that would cause its owner, even in his still dazed condition, to cry out in extreme agony far exceeding any uttered previously. And, when it had been pulled back to the fullest extent possible, it would be unable to keep from being twisted sideways with such force that it would bring a pain exceeding the limits of endurance and, in so doing, cause a final shriek of agony eclipsing all others and resulting in the male body to which it was attached to slump into unconsciousness.
It would be in this way that a girl would achieve an exciting an triumphant victory by bringing total defeat to that of the male which had brought forth her very creation. Everything she would do to him would play an important role, but it would be this final act, using nothing but the strength of her hands that, by far, would show this part of him for what it was and, in so doing, demonstrate submitting to a superiority of such magnitude that it could not be denied.
The male would be allowed to regain sufficient consciousness to be able to stand. He would then be released from the restraints, and to prevent trying to flee from fear of being subjected to additional pain, his feet would be bound and his hands tied behind his back. But, there would be no additional pain, and any throbbing that might still linger would vanish as an arrow plunged through his heart.
The lightheaded exhilaration that, in performing this act, the now recognized “woman” would still be feeling from the physical conquest she had achieved would surge as she experienced the fascination and excitement of achieving the most ultimate and degrading conquest of all. Her mind would be even more in a daze when she would later stand back to look at the results of her handiwork and gaze with ecstatic pride at two halves of a skinned, inert carcass bearing little resemblance to what a short while earlier had been a the body of a living male withering in pain and crying out in agony.
In her lifetime, she would experience the thrill of "harvesting" hundreds of males, but none would be as meaningful or exciting even though much of the first experience would later seem to have occurred in a dream. But, the mounted head of "her male” and that of him which she had defeated so decisively mounted beneath, standing erect one again, and in so doing, being subjected to further humiliation would serve as a permanent and vivid reminder that it had indeed not been a dream. The stretched hide of a human torso in which curly hair and small nipples clearly showed it to have come from a male - bearing numerous scars and a hole in the left breast – would only serve to emphasize this fact.
Whenever being gazed upon, feelings of immense pride would come forth, and she would find herself reliving the excitement and again experiencing the countless exhilarating emotions that had been created on the eventful day she had become a "woman" and, in so doing, had proven herself to be a far superior being. She would gaze at the vacant look on the face and remember how simple it had been to make it grimace in agony and cry out in pain. She would look at the stretched hide and remember how it had jerked and struggled in a fruitless attempt to avoid lashes that left the vivid scars which still showed.
Her attention, however, would soon become focused on that which had played a role in bringing forth her very existence and remember the manner it had proven to be greatly inferior by meekly allowing itself to be manipulated, humiliated, and defeated by her hand with such remarkable ease - both in life - and in death. Vivid images would flash in her mind and, in so doing, create once again the immense, exhilarating pride and fascination she had experienced in proving such high superiority over that which was the very essence of identifying him for what he was.
She would also remember the excitement, pride, and emotions she had experienced in the final and most decisive way of all in which she had proven herself superior to this part which not only showed him for what he was, but had brought forth her own creation - that of cooking and eating his penis and testicles and, in so doing, cause their ultimate destiny being consumed and transformed into becoming flesh of a female body whose very life they had begun - a body that was her own. The fact that she would be discovering, for the first time, how unbelievably delicious this part of a male body actually was would only serve to enhance her excitement.
She would remember saving the flared head for last and looking intently at its strutted features while holding it on the end of a fork - her final attention being focused on the gaping hole from which juices would still trickle and finding herself picturing thick streams of white liquid squirting from it deep within her mother's vagina in the same manner she had forced it to do when squeezing the internal glands that had stored this uniquely male fluid within his body - then, closing her eyes and putting that which had proven to be the most exciting of all in her mouth, tasting the juices flooding forth as she began to chew, and, in so doing, experiencing the thrill of savoring what was truly the most fantastically delicious delicacy that could possibly be imagined. A small segment of each testicle and the root would have been given to her mother since they had played a role, even if very minor, in both of their lives.
In the weeks that followed a great deal more of the male would be destined to become part of not only her body, but also that of her mother as the two of them shared the remainder of him until nothing would be left except for what was proudly displayed on the living room wall.
It would be in this manner that girls born in future generations would become a "woman" upon reaching eighteen and, in the process, would not only be able to satisfy the natural curiosity of wondering what the male that had played a role in her creation had looked like, but would eliminate any concerns that might have otherwise lingered in their subconscious. Dr. Carson had felt confident that what she had devised would prove to be highly successful even though it would require causing a great deal of pain being inflicted - something the went against the basic nature of everything it meant to be a woman.
The members of future generations would retain all that went with being a woman in spite of the enormity that would be taking place around them. Their basic nature would not be lost even for males since, regardless of how unimportant males might come to be looked upon, they would be viewed as being living creatures and, as such, not deserving of needless cruelty. But, although what was being planed would indeed be cruelty, it would not be viewed as being needless.
This would be cruelty that would serve a valid cause and, if an exciting atmosphere was created at the same time - could actually be enjoyed. Finding a means that would enable young women to gain an understanding of their inner-selves and, in so doing, experience a richer and fuller life would surely provide heartfelt justification, and the method devised would create an atmosphere that would bring forth enthusiastic excitement for all in attendance - with the exception of the male - of course.
Girls would not be told of the special manner in which they would become a "woman" until reaching sixteen. At this age they would be mature enough to not only grasp the reason behind the inner unrest they had been experiencing, but gain an understanding of how what they were going to do would enable these feelings to be brought out in the open in a manner that would rid them forever. In addition, knowing the details of the exciting way in which they would become a "woman" would create a great deal of anticipation that would grow in intensity.
When the eventful day finally arrived, they would be so caught up with enthusiasm that hearing the first utterances of pain being caused by their hand would act an elixir and make their excitement surge to unbounded heights. The resulting enthusiasm would lead to achieving a humiliating conquest so total and devastating that, in having succumbed to it with such ease, the defeated male would be viewed as surely being of no significance - regardless of whatever minor role he might have played in bringing forth the conception of that which had, in such a decisive manner, proven to be vastly superior.
The “special harvestings" would not be attended by girls since many would lack the maturity to fully comprehend the reasons for action being taken that was so contrary to a female’s basic nature being taken and, therefore, could be influenced the wrong way. But, women would understand. It would be looked upon as fulfilling a valid need and, in so doing, view it as something that could be enjoyed with excitement and enthusiasm. Such emotions would be especially strong for the mother and close friends who would be feeling a special warmth and joy toward the girl that would be in the process of becoming a “woman”.
The policy would require holding the males in captivity until reaching middle-age, but their numbers would be sufficiently small to enable being isolated in secure facilities. Their semen would be "milked" daily in the same manner as other males to prevent becoming restless, but, after fulfilling the purpose for which they had been selected, they would never again be used sexually. The pain they would be forced to endure at the end would be severe, but it would also be brief. Dr. Carson considered this fate a small price to pay for being allowed to live far longer than the vast majority of other members of the male sex.
When the new processing plants began operation, the policy of using members of the general population to conduct the activities resulted in women getting the opportunity to slay a male and butcher his body on a regular basis. In the course of a lifetime, this would amount to hundreds, and such a large number made it impractical to mount the head and sex organs of each one as a personal trophy. It was still desired, however, to retain something that would serve as a permanent reminder, and this was done by taking the pubic hair of all subsequent males to be put on the wall next to the trophy of the one that had been the first and most memorable. The growing number of triangular bushy haired pelts not only added a great deal of pride and excitement to the display, but enabled keeping a tally of the number of personal triumphs that had been achieved.
Displays, however, were not limited to only those that were personal in nature. In addition to the female population observing males being raised as livestock on ranches and experiencing the excitement of seeing the manner in which this livestock was being "harvested” for food, the female population would find themselves being so surrounded and inundated with graphic evidence of the way in which members of the opposite sex were being treated that it would be viewed as nothing more that a routine way of life.
This was accomplished, in part, by using what had already proven to be highly successful by making a abundance of framed photographs available and having television channels specifically designated to provide exciting coverage that could be viewed at any time. But, it did not stop at this point. The primary goal was to use every means to find exciting ways to degrade and humiliate males to the fullest extent possible while, at the same, showing them to be of far different from their female counterparts in terms of value. In striving to reach this goal, the most effective method was to make exhibits out of stuffed bodies being put on public display in a casual manner as though they were nothing more than everyday decor.
This was how the enormous magnitude and variety of what a stunned and bewildered John would find himself being confronted with got its beginning although, compared to the enormity he would observe, it started off being greatly limited in scope. "Processing plants" were designed for butchering and packaging meat to be taken directly to markets and had no means for handling bodies in a manner that would enable exhibits being made. The latter required a different type of facility entirely, and, although the flesh could still be used for food, the process was a great deal more involved and time consuming.
The huge burden of raising males, the cattle and other types of food needed to feed them, and all else that needed to be done fell on the shoulders of the adult female population which, at this time, was relatively small. The demand resulted in resources being stretched to the limit, but getting started at least to some extent was considered to be a high priority, and, as had been the case for so much else, a means was found to construct and operate a limited number of the special facilities.
Since the output of these facilities would be small it was important that the exhibits being produced be of a type that would not only have the greatest impact but, at the same time, would be the most enjoyable and exciting to look at. It did not require a great deal of thought to decide how this would be done – bodies would be stuffed in their entirety with penises fully erect.
The method for slaying males to be used for this purpose, however, required a great deal of thought. Since they were going to be stuffed whole in manner that would make them look natural it was desirable that the bodies not have any visible wounds. Various means such as lethal injection, poison gas, suffocating, or drowning would achieve this result, but all were ruled out. Like any other activity, the facilities would be open to the public, and, since it included males being slain, it was important that it be done in a humiliating manner caused by the direct act of a woman's hand. The restrictions proved to cause a dilemma until a method was devised that would not only fulfill the requirements but would be extremely amusing and enjoyable to watch.
The procedure involved lining up a row of males facing a waist high bar where their feet were tied on one side and ropes put around their hands that were then pulled down on the opposite side forcing the males to bend over until they were left dangling with buttocks pointing upward. As soon as they were in this humiliating position, several women started moving from opposite directions down the line while pausing at each victim to reach back and pick up a long, thin bladed sword from a rack that was behind them. Then, using two hands, the sword was raised and, after inserting the sharp point into the conveniently offered anus at an angle pointing toward the heart, the hands were thrust down with full force bringing instant death.
The women would proceed in this manner and, with each procedure requiring only a few seconds, they would soon meet leaving a row of lifeless but jerking bodies hanging over the bar. The handles of swords protruding from upraised buttocks added a great deal of enjoyment and amusement to what was indeed a humiliating spectacle.
When all motion ceased the swords were withdrawn, and, after being released from the restraints, the limp bodies were hoisted by the feet to hang upside-down from an overhead conveyor that carried them into the processing facility. Once inside, they were lowered on tables where skilled taxidermists proceeded to remove the hides in their entirety after making only a single incision down the back of the neck and spine.
It was in this way that the stuffed bodies of naked males in varying poses began appearing in ever increasing numbers in public places until they became a common sight. Observing members of the opposite sex being put on display in such a degrading yet casual manner served to provide the desired effect of enhancing the viewpoint that males were indeed truly inferior whose lives were vastly different to the point of being regarded as having no sanctity whatsoever. The penises being in a rigid state also brought forth other reactions that were desired by serving the dual purpose of being smugly viewed with laughing amusement while, at the same time, arousing deep seated feminine instincts and excitement.
The strain on available resources began to ease dramatically when older members of the new female generation started entering the work force at such a rate that it not only soon doubled in size, but continued to swell at a rapid rate. The growth meant no longer having to postpone undertaking countless projects that, although not critical, were desired to make life more comfortable and enjoyable ranging from constructing new industry and commercial enterprises to building parks and recreational facilities.
Of even greater importance, however, the increased work force enabled constructing and staffing additional "hatcheries" and "ranches" so that a much greater number of males could be produced and raised to not only meet the future demands of a female population that would continue to grow, but to increase quantity of meat per capita so that it could become an abundance reaching the point of no longer needing to be regulated. The one exception would be the sex organs which were destined to always be controlled due to it being the only way of insuring that all women would receive an equal share of this unmatched and most desired delicacy.
Years passed into decades, and the manner in which males were being treated as livestock to be slain for food not only was indeed increasingly viewed as a normal way of life, but one that was truly intended. This outlook became even stronger among members of later female generations that were not only born in such an environment but exposed to it at such a degree that the influence was not only ingrained deep within their subconscious, but the only way of life they had ever known. For them, members of the opposite sex were truly regarded as being merely a subspecies whose sole purpose was to be used in providing for the needs and enjoyment of their vastly superior female counterparts.
The spirit of kinship and fierce pride of being female also continued unabated. Petty bickering and jealousies that had been distracting features among female populations from bygone eras never returned. There was also an absence of greed, dishonesty, or crime which served to prove that such misdeeds committed by women in earlier times had been caused from negative influences of a world controlled by males that was, in fact, contrary to their basic nature.
When the world-wide female population reached five billion it was stabilized, and, from that point on, women started having only one daughter to keep the number at this size. The male population, however, continued to expand until it exceeded what could be used for food. The purpose of the excess, however, was not to "harvest" the bodies but to "harvest" only that which hung between the legs. Such was the extent of the desire to enjoy this supreme delicacy far more often, and such was also the manner in which males had come to be looked upon with such little value that being slain solely so that this of them could be taken caused no concern whatsoever. And besides, it wasn't as if the excess flesh would go to waste. Pets became extremely popular causing a high demand for meat to feed dogs and cats, and the remainder was simply chopped up and mixed with beef to be fed raw to males on “ranches".
The continued growth in the male population resulted in changes being made in the more secure ranches where males showing violent tendencies were being placed. It had been observed that the degree of aggressiveness varied in which it seldom occurred in some while others were repeat offenders and more difficult to control. This resulted in further separation with males in the latter group being placed in ranches where security was increased according to the degree needed. Males committing bodily harm to others were placed in maximum security facilities that where staffed with enough trained women to ensure maintaining order.
When the point was reached where the size of the male population exceeded the number whose bodies were needed for food, many of the women in authority advocated that simply slaying males who committing excessive violence would be more expedient than maintaining the maximum security facilities. Such a policy was almost implemented until it was suggested that being “fed to lions” would be a far more deserving fate. Taped replays of such events that had occurred years before had remained exceedingly popular, and, in realizing that it would be far more exciting to see it taking place live, the suggestion was quickly adopted.
It was in this manner that female audiences being given the opportunity to observe males falling victim to enraged lionesses in large outdoor arenas was revived. The mere fact that the males were guilty of committing acts of violence, even if only to other males, was all that was needed for the policy to be eagerly accepted. Since it would be far more entertaining and exciting to watch males that were physically mature receiving this fate, those committing acts of excessive violence were kept in the maximum security facilities until reaching the age of eighteen.
When the events were resumed, it was gleefully noted that being ignorant to the point of falling to recognize impending danger from a drawn bow and arrow was far from being the case when being confronted by large, savage looking beast. The males would instinctively start running in panic, and female audiences once again found themselves experiencing exhilarating excitement and amusement at the sight of naked males fleeing in terror and being struck down with fearsome, and often comical, savagery. The excitement and amusement were only enhanced by observing the wild and humiliating antics taking place in thick, triangular shaped patches of hair – both before and after death.
Greatly increasing the size of the male population also provided a steadily growing number whose bodies could be used for not only making more and more displays of numerous types, but for making an increasing variety of other items. The growth in the ranks of the female work force made resources available to construct and operate numerous additional facilities to be used for this purpose. And, used they were in numerous ways that, in time, would led to the enormity that John would encounter - an enormity of such magnitude that everyplace he went he found himself being confronted with countless displays and items made from the bodies of human males in general, and sex organs in particular, in every possible manner that could be conceived.
It was this enormity that proved to have the final impact that resulted in an all female world coming to view males in the manner that Dr. Carson had envisioned and, in so doing, living in a happy and carefree society going beyond even her wildest hopes of being reality. With such an enormity, however, it would have been almost impossible for them to have done otherwise. They were born in a environment where members of the opposite sex were not only raised as livestock to be openly slain for food, but for also using hides in almost infinite ways ranging from being stuffed for making elaborate public displays, such as the fountains he had observed, being stuffed in countless other ways either in entirety of in part, to being used to make clothing and everyday commonly used household items and ornaments - even to the extent of using the flared heads of penises as knobs on cabinets and drawers. The using of live males to excitedly fulfill sexual desires only served as a highly enjoyable enhancement.
In women's minds, surely, such would not be taking place unless it was fully intended as being a way of life. Surely, such would not be taking place unless there was an inferiority so vast that any comparison of value was not even worthy of thought. This attitude was only solidified by that which came to be viewed as the most inferior of all being that which was the most different of all and vividly showed males to be what they truly were - the penis. It was the penis that proved to be a succulent delicacy almost beyond imagination. It was the penis that seemed almost eager to allow itself, both in life and in death, to be taunted, manipulated, and ridiculed in countless ways that were both comical and enjoyable to observe. It was the penis that was made in a manner that women found not only exciting to look at and to touch, but to be used for bringing exhilarating physical pleasures to the female in a way that it was clearly intended to provide. And, because of all of these things, it was the penis that, more than anything else, was used for being displayed and making countless items in such magnitude that they were a common sight wherever one went.
The passage of time saw males undergoing changes in physical appearance in a manner that only served to enhance the viewpoint that their primary function was to be used for providing food. Shoulders, chest, buttocks, and thighs became increasingly meatier and, of even more importance, a marked improvement in the endowment of that which was, by far, the most desired. It did not hurt in the least that such features added a great deal of subconscious appeal which not only made males more exciting to both look at and enjoy physically, but added to the pride and exhilarating fascination of seeing them falling hapless victims to fellow women that were much smaller in statue and then being subjected to degrading humiliation.
The changes in physical appearance was a direct result of the selective breeding practices that had been undertaken in which expansion of the female population enabled the practice to be used to the fullest possible advantage. The growth resulted in such a large supply of eggs being collected that it enabled being highly selective in using only those containing desired genetic characteristics. These were put in solutions causing them to divide hundreds of times and then fertilized by sperm that had been screened for having equally desired characteristics. In addition, some of the divided eggs from each lot were frozen so that the process could be repeated over and over by simply continuing to freeze yet more freshly divided eggs each time.
It was in this manner that a stockpile of frozen eggs was amassed of such magnitude that it could be used for producing males indefinitely from that point on. The purpose of creating the stockpile was not done for convenience even though it amounted to such. It was done so that women of future generations would have no personal connection whatsoever in producing members of the opposite sex and, in so doing, eliminate any last obstacle that could stand in the way of being able to view males as vastly different from themselves - especially in terms of having human value.
The passage of time also resulted in physical changes taking place among the members of the female population as well. The practice of using only males with desirable genetic characteristics for breeding resulted in developing female populations that were not only void of birth defects and serious illnesses, but other undesirable features that effected health such as obesity or being to thin.
The vast majority of the female population was not even aware that this was being done. The selections were made by women involved medical and scientific fields who were the only ones aware that a sperm did far more than merely activate an egg. It goes without saying that these scientific women knew the immense value of remaining silent.
The criteria for the selections, however, went even farther. It was considered folly not to take advantage of the vast knowledge gained in genetic science and refine the choosing of males used for female reproduction to those possessing traits conducive to developing the female form ranging from bone structure and complexion to full breast and soft, feminine curves. There was, however, nothing vain in the motive for going to such lengths that would lead to creating outstanding beauty among members of future female generations. Being highly attractive not only enhanced feeling good about one's self, but it served to emphasize even more the proud awareness of being a “woman”.
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