Alex - The Suffering Submissive
(Crushing Lesbian Domination and Absolute Submission)
by Lewis Chappelle
Content Flow
Chapter I - Background
Chapter II - Goddess and Mother Goddess
Chapter III - The Slave’s New Life
Chapter IV - Questions for the Slave
Chapter V - Questions for the Owner
Chapter VI - Snap Shots in Time
Chapter VII - Vignettes
Chapter VIII - The Future
This is a work of reality-based fiction - actually, it is a great deal more reality than fiction. It’s based on the life of real people; primarily Alex, a life-long lesbian and resolute pain slut, and others involved in her life, including her Owner Jen, also a lesbian and a full-fledged sadist, plus a few of her owner’s friends and lovers.
The story teller received the vast majority of the material reported in this work directly, and without reservation, from those involved. The names of some of the principal characters have been changed at their request. Alex’s identity has been made known in other publications.
The writer has taken some editorial liberties to fill in the gaps in the story as it was told to him. He has rephrased certain thoughts and details for clarity, and has added punctuation, and made smaller paragraphs of larger ones for the convenience of the reader. Certainly, his assessments of various motivational and psychological issues contained in the story are his own.
The story, at the start, describes some personal history of the central figure to give depth, dimension, and perspective to the very unusual turn of events in her life. The story then proceeds aggressively; perhaps in ways not imaginable. It certainly is not for the under-aged or for those who might be offended by one lesbian’s harsh treatment of another. And, it is certainly not for the faint of heart or stomach.
In net, if you proceed to read the entire story, you do so at your own risk.
Chapter I Background-
Alex -The Early Formative Years:
Alex was born in 1973. She was orphaned before she was a teenager when her parents were killed in a violent automobile crash.
She just knew her parents couldn’t be dead; she loved them so very much, and they were so young, vital, healthy, and full of life. She had no relatives that she knew of. She went into an emotional tail spin, after their deaths. She, more and more, deeply missed her parents and remembered them as brilliant, handsome, wealthy, and God-fearing members of the community.
Alex idealized her parents, especially her Mother. As a maturing youngster, she looked at their pictures and cried at night over her loss. She just knew, somehow that she was, either directly or indirectly, responsible for her parents death. She was mighty upset with God as well; after all, He took her loving parents from her.
Alex was plagued by the thought that she might have had some responsibility for causing her parents death. “Catholic guilt,” the feeling of personal responsibility for just about anything that is done, or not done, in a persons life, grew to the level of an obsession with her.
She had heard about the virtues of suffering, deprivation, and service and the torment God endured for her. She knelt in the pews at her church as a young girl and saw the depictions of the early martyrs immortalized in their sufferings.
She saw the statues of a young, holy man, humiliated, his body terribly whipped and tortured in a way so horrible that Greek citizens were never to be so cruelly treated, yet his face conveyed an expression of contentment, peace and fulfillment. These subliminal images and thoughts seem to have set the stage for a masochistic and submissive bent of personality later in her life.
By her own reckoning, Alex, at the early age of thirteen, began to have fantasies about her own compulsive need to suffer, to be submissive, and to be deferential to those who had stronger personalities than herself. She now accepts exploitation and sacrifices of her own self interests while retaining a secret sense of moral superiority in the process.
In net, she has created an alternate “self” to earn acceptance, comfort, and love, and at times is an emotional and conflicted mess.
Alex acknowledges that she seriously obsesses over past events of a personal and interpersonal nature. Every word, every gesture, every look, of the people who are important in her life are replayed in her mind - etched in her memory with impact. She can recount details of conversations and events with amazing clarity.
In her own right, as a teenager, Alex was brilliant and very attractive. She attended one of the most elite prep schools in her area. Everyone made a big fuss over her, yet she was alone in her grieving thoughts even though she was being cared for well in a series of foster homes.
Then, a loving couple, from her parent’s church, felt compassion for the troubled girl and legally adopted her quite some time after her natural parents had died. She never believed that her adoptive family totally embraced her uniqueness or fully understood her.
She tried sex with boys a few times during her high school years and hated it. She did become attracted to another girl, Bonnie, at age sixteen and enjoyed her first lesbian orgasm at that age. Their lesbian relationship lasted briefly until they went different ways to college.
Being as smart as she was, she completed high school without much intellectual effort. But, as was common, those high school years were hard years emotionally; years of change, experimentation, insecurity, and hormonal turmoil. And, hers all the more so, because she also was dealing with a sense of loss and the trauma of parental abandonment.
The College Years:
Alex graduated with a degree in Literature from a prestigious university in New York, completing a four year program in three years. It was there that she met Jill, a cute, red head. Jill was also a lesbian at the time, but who turned out to be have a bi-sexual appetite.
Jill was petite, and oh so pretty; much like Alex herself. Alex says that she needed Jill and her love at that very moment in her life. Jill made Alex feel like she belonged to someone again; that she was special, and that she was loved. Alex really did need those assurances.
Unfortunately, Jill also needed to sleep with the Lit Professor and Alex found out about it. Her standards of personal honor and propriety had been violated. She tore up all the love poetry written to her by Jill, and threw away the ring which she had given her. Alex had been abandoned again. But, she didn’t look back, or look for an alternative to help her stabilize her shaky emotional life until much later.
After getting her BA degree, with honors, Alex was accepted at Harvard University where she studied for her Juris Doctorate and a Masters of Business Administration. To be accepted in these prestigious, and joint, graduate programs required her to obtain the approval of the Deans of both the Law and Graduate Business Schools in a newly designed program for students worthy of the distinction.
She graduated magna cum laude, in the top 10%, from the Law School and the MBA program. She completed both programs in three years by the age of twenty four.
She also had completed all of her course work for a Ph.D. in Education. However, she is an “all butta,” meaning that she finished her course work but, because she has not been allowed the time necessary to complete her doctoral thesis, she didn’t get the degree, and may never finish it even though she is the consummate achiever.
Most who know her feel Alex is a genius in the most literal, and measurable, sense of that word. She claims to have a photographic memory and a highly developed memory for past conversation. These factors, along with her repeated displays of record setting academic achievements, more than suggest a compulsive bent of personality as well.
The Years of Increased Personal Turmoil:
After completing her graduate level education, before the age of twenty-four, Alex was offered a first-rate job, by a prestigious investment banking firm, with a global reach, as an investment banker based in New York City. But, shortly after that time, she also faced a very intense, and uniquely private challenge.
To cap off her unrelenting obsession to rationalize her being the natural child of brilliant and good looking parents whom she imagined she might have had a part in killing, and the usassuaged guilt that resulted from that thought, she found out, a year after her employment at the age of twenty-five, that she was the beneficiary of a huge, multi-million dollar, trust fund.
The trust fund money actually made her guilt feelings all the more intense. Everything she was, both physically and mentally, and virtually every dollar she owned, was as a result of the largess of her natural parents. She now was saddled with even more guilt as she had not only inherited the brains and beauty of her parents, but also the fortune left to her by her parents - the parents which she somehow thought she was complicit in killing. It nagged her to ask the question “Was all that money the result of some ill gotten gain?”
When her trust fund came due, she decided to divest herself of that money quickly. She reinvested the money in a hedge fund which she and a colleague managed. She was a good investor and had some well developed investment strategies which all worked with great financial success. Ultimately, she cashed in her hedge fund account and use the money to purchase an estate, overlooking Long Island Sound, within commuting of New York City.
The estate was located on a parcel of over seven acres and had a great view of the Sound. The main residence was close to 100 years old and needed quite a bit of renovation at the time she bought it. Alex directed the restoration diligently and magnificently. The house had four stories and was over 12,000 square feet in size. The property originally had a stable which had been converted to a guest house in the pre-war period,
The estate is quite private and was surrounded by mature plantings and old high, iron, gates. On the water side, the house was up a high hill with a gated stairway leading down to the beach, dock and boathouse. Also, on the grounds was an outdoor brick fire pit, a pool and a tennis court with a cabana between them.
More recently, a ‘playroom’ of considerable intricacy and erotic intent had been added.
Alex (Abigail) - Her Characteristics and Features
Alex quickly started to impress the senior partners at her new firm. She was a girl on the move. As is often the case, personal success can be more stressful than failure but Alex worked to prove herself. She worked hard and made a lot of money for her clients, her firm, and herself.
Based on her business successes, she was elected partner of the firm at the almost unheard of age of 32. She does the work of several people and juggles multiple high pressure situations at once. At work, she works to stay in control of herself and every business situation. Her gross income annually is in the seven figure range; most of which comes in the form of a bonus at the end of the year.
Alex is five foot two inches tall, between 100 and 105 pounds, on any given day, with 30 inch hips, a 21 inch waist, and a 34 inch, C cup set of natural, firm, pear shaped, tits. Her nipples are long and sensitive. Her core is tight and flat. She has well muscled legs and tight gluteal muscles. Alex is shy about her looks, but when pressed she will say that her finest physical characteristics are her face and tits.
Her skin is very white and tans easily. Her hair is naturally brunette but, it is dyed a ‘dirty blond’ and kept at chin-length. Her eyes are green.
Alex is very flexible. She can spread her legs beyond wide. She works out every day and does yoga exercises; in a word she is “fit.”
Alex wears size 0 - 2 suits depending on the designer. The hems of her skirts and dress are at least three inches above her knees. She does not wear panties or panty hose - ever - but, on special occasions she does wear hose with a garter belt. She wears a size five shoe and can, with difficulty and discomfort, walk in five inch ballet boots.
In sum, Alex is a beautiful specimen of a women; perhaps an 8.5 on the traditional beauty scale. Boys and girls in her age bracket turn their heads to get a second glance when she walks by. She has an innocence in her face that belies her wobbly emotional side and her personal and professional status.
She is quite literally a genius as confirmed by her IQ and her LSAT scores which were in the 170 point range.
She has a nipple ring, and a bar behind the ring, in each nipple. Her belly button, clit, clit hood, tongue, and septum are pierced. She has three rings in each side of her labia lips. Along with the two ear ring holes she has had for many years, she has seventeen piercings in all.
She has tattoos; the word ‘slut’ is at the base of one of her tits and the word “slave” is on the other. She has the initials “JLW” tattooed on one thigh, next to her cunt and the word, “pain” on the other. On her back, she has the words, “beat me.” Alex has several scars; one under each tit, made intentionally just to mark her, and several scars on her back and legs caused by sever whippings.
Alex claims that now that she has a clit ring, her clit is a living breathing monster which drives her crazy. When her clit is exposed, it is so pleasurable that it is almost too intense and frustrating for her to endure.
The complicated clit ring and nose ring instillation procedures were done by a cute Russian girl she knew by the name of Tatiana. This girl also did all of the electrolysis work on Alex.
Alex got her full-body electrolysis procedure shortly after she became the property of Jen, almost five years ago. The procedure covered her whole body except her head and a small patch above her cunt, which she now must keep dyed bright red. It took seven sessions over a seven month period to do it all. And even then, she had to go back several times the following year to clean up some problem areas.
At the time, she was undergoing the electrolysis procedure, she experienced sever discomfort; at times she felt like she was getting stung, over and over, by little wasps. At other times, it was like she was getting a needle or a quick sharp burn. Now that its completed, her skin just feels silky smooth and is easily maintained, which she thinks is very nice.
Her menstrual period is usually regular and lasts four or five days. But sometimes, due to stress and physical abuse, it just doesn’t come at all. If it doesn’t come regularly, she gets bad cramping and a heavier flow when it does come. She admits that the week before her period, she gets bitchy and hyper-emotional, that her tits get sore and sensitive, and that she gets very horny.
Alex has an deep-seated sense of formal religion and religious ritual established from her early years. She carries guilt from her early years and displays a highly developed set of obsessive-compulsive personality characteristics with her into full adulthood. It is clear that her desire for a sadomasochistic life had early roots which are now on exhibit her private life, however less than twenty people currently know of her unusual affinity for degradation and slavery.
She does not crave or even enjoy the pain and fear she endures from her relationship with Jen and her friends. Yet, the dread she experiences is wonderful. The anticipation of her inevitable degradation is exquisite. She will experience elation knowing she survived her torment and triumphed, and she will get a palpable sense of erotic excitement feeling her body heal and become whole again.
She does get great personal satisfaction from serving her Owner by enduring the crushing challenges her Owner sets for her. And, she knows she secretly desires all that tension and pain because they make her cunt soaking wet, proving to herself that that is what she ultimately needs.
It isn’t about the pain itself - it’s about the related emotional excitement, anticipation, triumph, exultation and satisfaction, she feels from pleasing and serving her, very real, personal Goddess.
Chapter II Goddess and Mother Goddess -
Alex Meets Jen:
Jen was another young, hot shot, beauty from a different prIcy Ivy League University who had gone on for an MBA. Jen was assigned to Alex for an intern assignment at the investment bank at which Alex was a rising star. At that time, Jen was only 23, and seven years Alex's junior.
Alex was immediately attracted to Jen because of her good looks and haughty attitude. She also was smart, funny, self assured, and sexy. There was an instant sexual spark between them; they both knew, somehow, by how they looked at each other, that the other was a lesbian.
The very beginning of their current relationship, started when they had to work late and Jen asked Alex to drive her home which was located in a rather undesirable part of New York City. As the car approached Jen's building, she pointed at a parking garage and told Alex to park her car in it until morning.
The brusqueness of the comment took Alex by surprise and she questioned the “morning” reference. Jen, still brusque, said, “Yes, I said ‘morning’ because after I fuck you, you will be in no condition to go home until then.”
Despite the fact that Jen was still only a graduate student and was talking to a women seven years her senior and her boss, Alex was virtually paralyzed. Yet she heard herself say, “okay.”
Jen held her hand as they left the car and went up to the apartment. When they were inside, she slammed Alex up against the wall and kissed her deeply. Then with one hand, she reached up Alex's blouse to maul her tits, while the other went up her skirt to her already wet and needy cunt.
Jen stripped all of Alex's clothes off and explored her body eagerly. After caressing her clit, Alex came quickly. “I knew you were a hot little number, now go, and wait on my bed, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” she said.
When she returned in a sexy chemise, she straddled Alex's face and said huskily, “Make me cum Alex!” And, she did - four times in a row.
“Now, since you were so good, I’m going to fuck you,” she said as she reached under the bed to retrieve a big, strap-on, dildo.
Alex was amazed at what was happening, unable to think of what to say next. She was so energized and yet so passive. Jen continued, “On your hands and knees, like a good puppy, darling.”
Alex meekly complied.
Jen took the chemise off over her head and put it around Alex’s neck effectively putting her on a leash while she entered Alex from behind. After six hard cums, and while being choked, Alex collapsed. When Alex started to talk in an excited way, Jen quieted her down telling her to hold her thoughts as they could talk in the morning. Alex slept fitfully that night against Jen’s shoulder.
In the early morning light the following day they talked. Jen explained that she was a highly sexed, and a full-fledged, practicing, sadist. She had two previous, but short-lived, relationships which had not panned out - the other girls would not give her what she wanted of them. But, that now she wanted Alex to take time to see if she was interested in being her submissive. They both skipped work and went to the estate.
It didn’t take long for Jen to use Alex’s religious upbringing for her own purposes, and at the same time undercut and emasculate it. She was adamant that Alex call her “Goddess.”
In a highly symbolic gesture, Alex was made to crawl naked toward Jen, who was seated in an imposing chair in the large living room of the estate. She was told to kneel with her feet to the rear, hands clasped in a prayerful pose, and offer an entreaty of her devotion to, and loyalty toward, Jen as her “Goddess.” She was, from that point forward, also to refer to Jen’s Mother as “Mother Goddess.”
Then, after Alex had offered her a sufficiently sycophantic and obsequious prayer, Jen offered Alex the ring on her right hand to kiss as a sign of her fidelity, humility, and admiration.
Five weeks after they had met, Jen “whored” Alex out - meaning, literally sex for money - to some of her select male friends and Alex was never free again. After 13 weeks of their relationship, Jen whipped Alex hard, all over her body, and left her craving for more.
Jen showed Alex a contract essentially giving Jen complete ownership of the more senior girl. Alex could declare, in times of cool, self reflection and analysis, that after she signed the contract, she was Jen's property, her toilet, her pain slut, her toy, her pet, her servant and her decoration; not a human, but a dog, an insect, a piece of meat, not worthy of her new Owner.
With those words racing through her head, her heart would pound and her cunt would become soaking wet. She seemed always to be waiting to be degraded, used, and abused.
Truth be told, Alex never really felt as though she belonged to anyone until Jen made her hers.
Alex Meets Jen's Mother:
Jen arranged for Alex to meet her Mother, who lived across the country, so Jen could present her for her Mother’s inspection. Failure to pass that inspection would mean that Jen would drop Alex like a hot rock.
Jen herself was nervous because she was concerned that Alex would be found “unacceptable” in her Mother’s estimation. Such a judgment would have the effect of voiding the contract signed earlier.
Alex had been firmly commanded to refer to Jen’s Mom as “Mother Goddess.” This woman was an experienced sadist and kept a male slave for her enjoyment. Jen warned Alex that her Mother was merciless, cruel, demanding, and strict with the likes of her.
The travelers met “Mother Goddess” at the airport. Her Mom hugged Jen and seemed friendly enough, but Alex had been warned not to speak unless spoken to, so she lagged behind as they walked the concourse to baggage claim.
Eventually, “Mother Goddess” turned and shouted, “Get the bags, and wait for us at the curb, girl.” She then turned to Jen and led her off to get some coffee. Alex retrieved the baggage and waited at the curb for over half an hour until a black Chevy Suburban, with heavily tinted windows, pulled up.
The rear passenger side door opened and Jen stepped out, and said, “Back here, pet.” Jen opened the rear door of the Suburban and Alex stowed all the bags. Jen got back in the vehicle and beckoned Alex to follow. The driver was a youthful fellow about Jen's age. Jen and her Mother were in the third row of seats. The middle row of seats had been removed leaving an open area with a flat floor.
Mother Goddess bellowed, “Inside girl, clothes off, and kneel facing me.”
Alex was mortified and humiliated, nonetheless, she stripped and knelt as ordered. Without further comment, she offered herself to Mother Goddess fully - knees spread, arched back, tits out, hands clasped in the small of her back. The van lurched forward out of the airport and Alex struggled to keep her balance.
Mother Goddess brutally stuck her rough shoes into Alex ’s cunt and began to talk about her with her daughter as though she wasn’t there.
“She’s no raving beauty, but she’s hot,” she said. “I like the way her tits stand out. Nice nipples too, and her cunt juices up real well. Nice flat belly. She takes orders well too. I like that in a whore. Is she always this obedient?” She asked.
Mother and daughter continued to discuss Alex while her face burned in embarrassment. She was ordered to clean the bottoms of their shoes with her tongue as they made small talk about various family members.
Suddenly, Mother Goddess pulled Alex by the hair. “We’re almost there, bitch,” she said. “You will crawl like a dog at our heels. When you enter my home, you will crawl backwards licking the floor so that you clean your filth from my floor. I’m going to string you up like a piece of meat and listen to you scream.
“My daughter says you are very pretty when you are tortured, and I want to see if that’s true for myself. Then you will service me and I will decide if you may stay the weekend or whether we toss you out.”
Mother Goddess slapped Alex in the face repeatedly until she cried. Then she said, “Head down on the floor bitch.” Alex stayed in position until the van had stopped. They had finally arrived.
As Alex crawled backwards out of the van, up the walk way to the townhouse, and into the building, both women taunted Alex for how slow she was moving and for how clumsy she was. Eventually, they arrived in the “playroom-dungeon” at the rear of the townhouse.
They hoisted Alex up by her wrists with her arms pulled up painfully behind her. It was of some help that Alex was very limber as she was forced to stand straight with her feet spread wide. Ankle cuffs were added and clipped to rings in the floor. A ring gag was inserted. She was raised up until her toes were just touching the floor. Her calf muscles burned like hell right from the start.
Then Mother Goddess went to work on Alex's body.
At first she used her bare hands to slap, punch and spank her. She pinched and twisted her nipples and clit until Alex was screaming at full volume. Mother Goddess punched her repeatedly in the belly and cunt until she was gasping for air.
Whips were retrieved from the well stocked torture room. Mother Goddess whipped Alex all over; several dozen strokes each, with a quirt and a dog whip, and finally, six powerful snaps with a bull whip.
Alex fell into a haze - subspace perhaps. In turmoil, she sobbed uncontrollably - gone mentally. The older sadist took a short break but, returned to cane Alex on her ass, tits, and thighs. Alex was a drooling, shivering, screaming mess of feverish flesh when she was released and left to writhe in pain, alone, and sobbing on the concrete floor.
A short time later, Alex was secured to a cold metal table with her legs tied back over her head and spread wide. Mother Goddess then reamed out her asshole with a very thick and painful strap-on dildo while again mauling her tits with her rough fingers.
Mother Goddess then straddled her face and had Alex lick her to six orgasms while she tortured Alex's cunt with her fingernails. With a final decisive act of contempt and condescension, Mother Goddess pissed down her throat.
Alex was released and placed in cold water in an old bathtub in the corner of the dungeon and given two bottles of cold water. She soaked and drifted in and out of a foggy sleep while Jen and her Mom left the room. When they returned, Mother Goddess announced, imperiously, that she was “acceptable.”
Jen handed Alex a small black box.
Inside the box were two rings. Jen calmly explained to Alex that her nipples were to be pierced by her Mother, and that she would wear the rings as long as their ownership agreement stood. Alex panicked. Jen calmed her down but made her beg Mother Goddess to insert them. The rings were installed without anesthesia. Alex howled at the top of her lungs in pain in the voice of the damned.
Alex was then carried, naked, bruised and bleeding, into a comfortable bed by John, the driver of the van. She slept for 17 hours straight.
She was used as a common fuck-toy by Mother Goddess for the rest of the weekend, but not tortured further.
Being treated as a common whore, personal toilet, and pain slut by the Mother of the woman to whom she now belonged was the height of humiliation and suffering for Alex up to that point.
The introduction to Mother Goddess had been made, and Alex had been accepted. A painful victory, of sorts, for both Alex and Jen.
Healing creams were placed on Alex's wounds for the return flight, but, as usual, no analgesic or other pain reducing medication was offered. She returned to the estate. On the long trip back across country she was in unrelenting agony.
Chapter III The Slave’s New life-
The writer takes time here to describe some of the events and people in Alex's new life as a piece of owned property.
The Contract:
After the visit to Jen’s Mother, on the first anniversary of their relationship, Alex officially signed a detailed, property transfer, slave-owner, type contract, and a power of attorney, giving Jen full control of her body, and all of her assets, present and future.
While not an exact word-for-word reproduction, the contract, in substance, read:
“I am, by my signature on this document and contract, transferring permanent ownership of my body, mind, and all of my assets, present and future, to Jen, my Goddess, and agree to be her owned property. I agree that I shall no longer own any property or assets.
“I agree to be trained in any manner my Goddess wishes and will, without resistance or hesitation, obey all of her commands immediately. I understand that my failure to obey any command will be met with severe, and perhaps even escalating levels of punishment, humiliation and degradation as my Goddess may see fit. This discipline and punishment may to include, but is not limited to:
“Punishments- whippings and strokes, delivered in any manner my Goddess chooses as well as prolonged bondage or gagging in any manner my Goddess chooses, being forced to sleep on the floor, being kept in chains or bondage as my Goddess sees fit, being denied sexual release, being confined in a closet, cage, cell or locked box, and being deprived of food or sleep, and being assigned domestic duties or punishment tasks and,
“Humiliation and Degradation- I agree to public nudity, exhibitionism and will wear, or take off, any article of clothing or instrument of bondage, at any time, at the command of my Goddess. I agree to be marked, shaved, and ringed in whatever manner, and at whatever time, my Goddess sees fit.
“I agree that the mouth, ass, tits, cunt and all other parts of the body that this slave has given to my Owner are hers to use, enjoy, punish, and modify in whatever way she chooses. I understand I will be required to participate in activities that will include sexual acts of an oral, anal and vaginal nature with men, woman and with multiple partners of both genders as well as with non-human partners as directed. I will be my Goddesses whore at her command for men and will pleasure women at her command as well.
“I will not sit, lie on or use furniture without the expressed permission of my Goddess, and will not go to the bathroom without permission from her.
“I am responsible for performing all household and gardening chores required by my Goddess and unless I have specific permission to wear protective clothing, I will perform all of these domestic chores naked and without shoes.
“I will keep myself scrupulously clean at all times. I will not eat or drink without the permission of my Goddess. I shall never embarrass her in any way. I will not engage in malicious gossip or use insulting or demeaning language towards others.
“My manner and tone will be that of a respectful and obedient slave at all times, and will always reflect deference to my Goddess.
“Without orders to guide me, I will do whatever I consider my Goddess would have me do, or refrain from doing, guided by the boundaries and direction she has previously given, and will willingly accept her corrections and subsequent consequences if she is displeased with my ensuing decisions or actions.
“I will tell the truth at all times and inform my Goddess promptly if I break any of her rules, knowing that such failure will result in sever punishment, up to and including being released. I will be specific and explicit in all my communications with my Goddess and with everyone with whom she directs me to deal. I will never act defensively when questioned by my Goddess. I will not interrupt my Goddess or others when they are speaking.
“I will maintain my weight between 100 and 105 pounds and will regularly perform advanced yoga exercises to maintain my body shape and a high level of physical fitness.
“I will not engage in sex, intimate touching, or engage in any submissive scene without the expressed permission of my Goddess. This slave girl, as owned property, has no right to a safe word.
“I understand that my Owner can, and will, engage in other relationships, sexual and otherwise, with no restriction. I agree to refrain from any other relationship, sexual or otherwise, without the expressed permission of my Goddess.
“I will always serve my Goddess using the protocols she establishes and hold any bodily position she requires of me until released by her.
“I understand that my Goddess and Owner may, at her sole discretion, modify, amend or expand the above provisions in any way she way wish, without restriction, at any and all times.
“This slave girl agrees to these articles with the hope that my Goddess and Owner will not endanger my life, expose me to STD’s, or legal consequences.”
Alex was always to refer to Jen as “Goddess” when they were together privately, and sometimes even in public.
The contract allowed for Jen to release, meaning to dismiss her, Alex from the terms of the contract at any time for any reason at her discretion. But, it set in place certain conditions for Alex's to get release on her own accord. Release steps from her slavery were very stringent - and these steps would take at least a year to complete.
Whether she was dismissed, or sought release, she would be only able to leave her former estate with one set of clothes. Alex remains truly frightened that Jen might “sell” or give her to another owner at some point in the future.
Possibly her decision to turn herself over to Jen, and sign the full-ranging contract to the extent that she did with Jen, was a part of an emotional purification effort for her. It was a “no play-time” thing nor a “for fun” document. It was a serious and well thought out document on Jen's part.
Jen would get to live very comfortably, and so would Kelly, her girl friend, because the income Alex earned would, by contract, go to pay for everything they wanted to do.
It is clear that Alex has given up all of the physical things she had in life. One may wonder, perhaps, that she felt she was not entitled, or worthy, to have all that she had after her parents had been killed; her inheritance, her house, her bed, her physical comfort, her freedom, the financial rewards that could come from her intellect.
Jen has imposed control over Alex in almost all imaginable ways by forcing her to give up her friends, and has pushed all of her buttons to add stress to the already fragile remnants of her dignity and pride. Alex, on the other hand, was using her submissiveness as a means of finding love and acceptance in Jen.
The Playroom:
While Alex is punished and tortured everywhere, indoors and out, there is a large sound proofed room in the under ground basement of her former home, set aside and outfitted for all of the extreme sufferings Jen can think of.
The room was constructed by workmen sent by Mother Goddess from across the country. The room was designed by Jen, Mother Goddess, and one of Jen's girl friends, Tara. Since the workers knew Mother Goddess, and were afraid of her, and since they didn’t know any of the local residents there would be no rumors regarding the nature and intended use of the new room.
The room has since be been used to torture Alex, and on a few occasions, one male and two female slaves as well. Alex was part of, or witnessed, their torments as part of her own slave training.
The room has a rough cement floor, and many pulleys, winches and rings in the walls and floor. It has several floor drains. It has a hanging perch type cage, and a stand-up cage in a corner. It has a vacuum bed, stocks, a cross, a wooden pony, a bench, a metal table, a beam, a pillory, and a horse on which to secure her. It contains a host of electrical torture equipment, including an electric catheter. In addition, it contains all sorts of dildos, plugs, gags, helmets, whips and restraining gear. It has an exposed tub and toilet.
The whole room and its contents terrify Alex to tears. She is most terrified of the electric catheter and the perch.
Jen's Approach:
Jen makes a distinction between punishing Alex and “crushing” her. By “crushing” she means hurting Alex so horribly and unbearably that she cracks and will literally do anything she is ordered to do in order to have Jen stop the torture.
Jen calls it “crushing” because it is intended to crush Alex's defiant spirit, her sense of self preservation and self respect, her will, and any vestiges of her assumptions of personal entitlement and personal rights.
Jen will not put up with impertinence from Alex. If Alex dares to mouth off, or gives Jen an attitude, or even glares at her or her friends, she pays the price in pain and humiliation.
Jen knows well that she can not crush Alex on any regular basis without harming her, because a ‘crushing’ event will always leave some emotional scars. In fact, if Jen says she is even thinking that such a ‘crushing’ session may be necessary, coupled with the memory of it happening the in the past, is usually enough to reduce Alex to a shaking, slobbering, sobbing, and begging puddle of naked flesh. Alex has literally peed herself when the use of the room is even mentioned.
It makes no difference to Jen if Alex “tries hard” or puts a lot of “effort” into a given task. Jen is only interested in task achievement, and offers the analogy of buying a watch. She says that a person doesn’t buy a watch expecting that it will “try hard” to keep the best time it can, but will often miss the mark. Likewise, she isn’t interested in investing her time and energy in a slave, expecting that she will “do her best” to please her but might get sullen if she doesn’t get the attention she wants.
In net, Jen holds to the very proper definition of the right of ownership - that is, property that can be used, loaned out, given away, disposed of, modified, or whatever else she might want to do with “her property.” She allows Alex no “rights.” While she might give her freedom to work professionally, she is in full control of her actions at home; no cums, communication, food, sleep, or friends without permission.
By any standard, Jen is in the running for the highly coveted award given to the most inventive, original, resourceful, diabolical, and wicked, young woman sadist going.
Miss Tara:
Tara is a friend of Jen's. She is an malicious sadist who lives in a loft in the Soho district of New York City. Tara has her own group of dominant and submissive acquaintances, and has BDSM parties to celebrate important and not-so-important occasions.
Tara scares the crap out of Alex because she loves to torture her body and fuck with her mind.
Once a month, Jen sends Alex to Tara’s apartment to clean and do laundry. Alex is also to tend to Tara’s sexual and toilet requirements. Tara never misses an opportunity to torment poor old Alex, all of which she reports to Jen when she is through with her.
Miss Kelly:
Kelly is Jen's girlfriend and has been her lover of two years. She is one year younger than Jen and lives off of Alex's earnings, as does Jen. She lives in the guest house on the estate.
Kelly is a master at mind-fucking Alex, and takes great joy in tormenting and demeaning her. She makes Alex nuts.
Kelly is especially fond of tormenting Alex by showing her love making and affection for Jen while Alex is present, knowing full well that Alex is jealous but unable to show resentment. She has always has seen Alex as a whore and a toy to be played with, never as her equal.
Alex by no means knows if Kelly is ever telling her the truth or just tormenting her. For example, Alex overheard her trying to convince Jen to require Alex to eat her shit on a regular basis. Jen has yet to require that of her, but just the threat makes Alex so disturbed that she wants to throw up.
She also has heard Kelly imploring Jen to have Alex undergo a breast augmentation up to a size DD. Alex thinks such a procedure would look absolutely ridiculous for a girl who, at best, wears a size two dress or suit.
Also, Kelly loves to explain to Alex, in graphic detail, the shopping trips she takes with the money Alex earns and the fun she and Jen have when the go dancing and to dinner. Since Alex is home-bound when not at work, all of this is very difficult for her to handle.
Alex at Work:
New in her job, Alex quickly started to impress the powers-to- be at her firm. She was a girl in control and on the move. As is often the case, personal success is in itself more stressful than failure, yet Alex was driven and confidently worked hard to prove herself. She worked so effectively that she soon was making a lot of money for the firm, her clients and herself.
She is quite literally a genius, and was voted to partner level at age 32. She is seen as a person who does the work of several people and juggles multiple high pressure situations at once.
Her gross income annually is in the seven figure range; most of which comes in bonus form at the end of the year.
Note: It is this writer’s sense that it is best to tell the rest of the Real Story of Alex, and her owner, and her owner’s pals, in their own words through a set of “Q’s and A’s.”
Questions for the Slave-
Question: Does Jen love you?
Answer: Oh, my God, yes, she loves me. If I doubted that for a second, I would be gone! Off, like a prom dress. She loves me very much. It’s just that she’s a twisted, sadistic, creative, evil genius, and she shows it by taking everything I can give her; my pride, time, effort, mind, soul, future, screams, blood… well, everything.
She loves me to terror and distraction because can destroy me.
I know she loves me because she shows it in her unique way - by possessing my body, mind, and spirit.
I know because I’m a reflector of her love. The awesome, shattering, all-encompassing love I feel for her is an echo of what she feels for me.
I know because I’ve looked into her soul. I see an angel on each shoulder - one with white wings that protects me, and one with black wings that degrades, crushes, and shatters me.
I know, really know, that she couldn’t use me as she does if she didn’t love me.
And, I know because of the way she cares for me when I’m sick or injured, or when I really come apart at the seams, all tattered and loose.
But, most of all, I know she loves me because she told me so. And, even though she can and will hurt me in so many ways, and will take advantage of me in every way she can, I know, I just know with all my heart, and I’m right about this, she wouldn’t lie to me about her love; not about that. Not then, not now, not ever. She told me so, and she does tell me again and again, all the time.
She told me so! That’s how I know!
Question: How do you understand that you will be treated now that you signed a property transfer contract?
Answer: I am just a piece of my Owners Property. I don’t really deserve anything. If she want me to be degraded, and used and abused as the worthless slave that I am, then that’s what I’ll get.
She said she wants to make everything I am required to do to be as difficult for me as possible. I am a stupid cunt, and need to be kept in line by the real fear of the pain and misery I will suffer if I displease my Owner. And truth be told, all that makes me wet and needy.
Question: Have you ever done something as a slave girl you told yourself you wouldn’t ever do?
Answer: Oh, yes, all the time. I ultimately do what my Owner wants me to do, and if I resist, she finds a painful way to force me to do it.
Question: How often does Jen torment your nipples?
Answer: As often as she can. She bites them, twists them and pulls them. She also has nipple weights which she attaches to my nipple rings.
She has a device where a board is flattened between my tits and a turn-screw which stands out from the board. This turn-screw has pinch clamps which are hooked to my nipple rings. When she turns the screw, the clamps pull away from the board which in turn pulls my nipples out painfully.
I am also sometimes forced to clip my nipples to a ring in the wall and back up so that are stretched out painfully and hold my position under threat of being caned on the back of my legs with her very nasty Kevlar cane.
Jen also makes me wear a small sports bra to work because these bras are tight and crush my tits and my nipples, and, they really press hard into my nipple rings and nipple bars and squish them into my flesh which is quite uncomfortable all day.
Question: How does the ring in your septum come into play?
Answer: I am often leashed by it or left connected by it to one of the many hooks installed in the house. Each one of the hooks is placed where it is so I can be secured there. I hate to be left to suffer alone, and be ignored that way.
The worst use of it is when I am pulled up on my toes by the ring and have to stand on my tiptoes facing up at the ceiling. This position always hurts so bad and makes me cry.
Question: How long did it take you to be able to walk like a regular woman in the five inch ballet boots?
Answer: I don’t exactly walk like a ‘regular woman’ in them. I sort of prance. It hurts my toes badly. And, it is difficult to balance, especially when my arms are restrained behind me, which they usually are. It took about a year to be even remotely stable in them.
Question: What emotions do you feel when you admit “what you are” to your Owner or her friends?
Answer: When I admit what I am, I feel a rush of emotions all mixed together: shame, fear, intense sexual desire, and lustful excitement.
I don’t really understand myself why it excites me to be broken, used, tortured, and degraded, but it does, and it’s typical that when I even think about all this that I get all wet and horny.
Question: What do your parents know the extent of your relationship with Jen?
Answer: They know I am Jen's toilet, whore, and sex toy. I can’t hide what I am from them or pretend I’m not. Jen won’t allow it. They don’t know everything but they know what counts.
Question: What does you brother know of your relationship with Jen?
Answer: Jen has told him everything about us. She even gave him privileges to fuck me in all three holes. She won’t make me beg him to fuck me. He, on the other hand, makes me beg him to fuck me. But, he has to force me to do it.
Question: Did you ever have sex with an animal?
Answer: Yes, oh God yes! Jen let a friend of hers have his trained German Shepherd lick my cunt and then, she told me to cum with my eyes wide open and she looked me right in my eyes. It was a very, very degrading experience, and it was made the more so because the guy was watching me closely too.
I really lost it when I realized that I came from sex with a dog. She never let the dog fuck me and she never let him lick me again because she knew it really screwed with my head.
Question: Do you consider yourself a pain slut?
Answer: Yes! A reluctant and very frightened pain slut. When she is inflicting pain on me I get satisfaction from the attention she gives me… the attention I crave. Kind’a weird, huh?
Question: How did you get the scars on the undersides of your tits?
Answer: I had accumulated a long list of infractions and had recorded them on the legal pad Jen makes me keep, and Jen was ready to punish me for all of them all at one time in the “playroom.” As usual, I was scared and shaking at the thought.
Kelly marched me down to the “playroom” while grabbing onto my hair. Soon my arms were encased in a single armed bondage bag which drew my elbows together and wrenched my shoulders back painfully. She took the added step of adding a strap around the bag just above my elbows and pulling it extra tight. My tits stood out like eager puppies.
They backed me up to the cross and stretched my legs wide cuffing them to the bottom beams. Then they found other leather straps and bound my legs at the thigh and my waist to the cross as well. They also snapped a neck choker to the cross and fastened my head with straps, left and right, so that I couldn’t move.
Kelly kicked me in the cunt with her knees until I cried. Then she whipped my legs and cunt, leaving hurtful welts from a heavy leather crop.
Jen decided to work on my tits and nipples. She did some job on them but they seemed to take it well and she got mad when they remained perky and upturned. She said, “Your tits have no reason to be proud. They are just ridiculous, useless, ornaments. I should just cut them off and be done with them.”
Kelly thought that was a grand plan and hustled to the cabinet where Jen stores surgical supplies. She returned with a surgical scalpel and held it before my eyes. She made a grand show of sterilizing it with alcohol. I was justifiably terrified. When I screamed, they shoved a towel in my mouth.
Jen took the knife and ran it over my entire right tit playing it directly on my nipples but not breaking the skin. Then she said, “Well, this is it. Let the surgery begin.”
She picked up my right tit and nicked the underside of it with the sharp tip of the scalpel. She reached down and sucked off the droplets of blood with her tongue and came up to show me her treasure. I knew she meant what she would do to me and I literally was terrified - I pissed right on the floor, which only made her more angry with me.
But, then she lifted up my right tit again and this time I could feel the blade make an actual incision. I’m sure I passed out because I didn’t feel her make the next incision under my left tit. When she revived me, I did feel the blood trickling down from both cuts onto my stomach.
So, actually she didn’t cut off my tits but she made it clear, if she had a mind to, that she had the power and sadistic instincts to do it. The scars healed over in a few weeks without medical attention.
Question: How does Jen whore you out?
Answer: Jen finds the guys I am to have sex with. She makes sure they are safe, sane, disease-free and discrete.
She also makes certain that they are very well-hung, sadistic, cruel, and can maintain an erection for a long time and can do it more than once in rapid succession.
She does have me serve her women friends too, but as a slave not a whore.
I am only sold to men. I detest having sex with men so she loves to do this with me.
Question: Does Jen have a sequential routine for whipping you?
Answer: Yes! Oh, yes! Jen rotates my whippings to different parts of my body so my skin doesn’t have trouble healing. She is protective of me in that way, and will care for any wounds very carefully with alcohol, antibiotics, bandages, and what ever is needed, except pain killers.
The sequence she has set for my whippings is my cunt, then, some time days later, my ass, then my thighs, then my back, and sometimes my hands and the soles of my feet.
When she whips my cunt, I have to lie on my back and push upward to offer my wide open cunt to her, and then I have to beg for each, unrestrained, stroke. It is always very painful and the swelling is bad for days afterward.
I am required to remind her which body part is next in the rotation when she asks.
Question: In what ways do you serve as Jen's toilet?
Answer: I drink her pee at her request. I wipe her ass after she empties her bowels, then I lick her asshole clean.
Sometimes she will threaten me by saying that she will have me eat her shit or Kelly’s shit, but she hasn’t gone that far just yet. The whole idea makes me tremble and gag.
Question: Where do you normally sleep at night?
Answer: Jen cleared out a walk-in closet in my former bed room, which is now used just for me. She gave me two blankets, but no pillow. She puts tape on the door jamb so she can tell if I’ve left the closet in the night or not. She makes me wait till morning to pee. I’m only allowed to leave in the early morning or when she tells me to come to her.
I sleep in that carpeted closet most nights unless, as happens from time-to-time, she makes me sleep on the brick pad outside the rear door of the kitchen with no blankets.
Question: Who does your hair the color it is?
Answer: Jen won’t let me spend money to go to a hair salon and I have to dye it myself. Tara cuts it… badly, and I think it looks cheap - kind’a whore-like, which I guess is the point.
Question: How do you keep your mind on your work, especially the high pressure work you do, while in pain from recent tortures, and with vivid expectations of pain to come?
Answer: Being at work helps me clear my head of all the “neat stuff” at home because it’s the only time I can “turn off” the voice in my head that obsesses over pleasing Jen.
I get busy and engrossed in work and find that later, my thoughts have already organized themselves. It’s similar to a hard drive running on defag.
And, I can compartmentalize very well… always could; even when I’m still in pain from a recent punishment. My work is important to me, and I find it sort’a relaxing.
Question: What techniques do you use to pleasure a cock in your mouth? Can you take a cock all the way down your throat?
Answer: Now I can take a cock all the way down my throat without gagging. That took lots of training and practice.
When I suck a cock, I use my tongue stud to pleasure the guy and push my tongue out to lick the guys balls.
I open my throat wide as it slides down and I breath through my nose. And, then I swallow repeatedly and powerfully while the cock is in me as a way to massage the cock as it pulls out, I apply suction to stimulate it.
After I was fully trained, nobody ever complained.
Question: What techniques do you use to satisfy the guys who fuck your ass or cunt?
Answer: While being fucked, I do the same as when I suck. I move to meet the thrust of the cock and welcome the cock back inside me, milking it with my ass or cunt muscles while it is inside me. Then I squeeze it while it is pulled out. It seems to work for all comers; no pun intended.
I admit it, but while I don’t like to fuck the guys, I do get wet when the guys fuck my cunt. I have managed to cum from cocks in my cunt but only on Jen's command.
I would cum in church if she gave me the command - and she has threatened me with doing it, and I do not find it amusing.
I have never cum just from sucking cock.
Question: How do you handle two cocks in you at the same time - one in your ass and one in your cunt?
Answer: Having two guys inside me at once is brutal and degrading.
The guys Jen chooses are always very well hung. Two guys at the same time is not sexy to me in the least. The guys think it makes me tighter. But, I feel like I’m just two holes to dump a load of cum in. Jen makes me lick up whatever cum doesn’t go in me. Good protein I guess.
Question: Where did you learn your sexual service skills?
Answer: I was taught by a male Dom friend of Jen's. He is very particular as to how his cock is serviced. I did not enjoy his training and have no desire to be sent back for a refresher course. Hence, my attention to detail.
Question: How much satisfaction do you get from fucking a guy? Does size count?
Answer: Jen chooses guys with the biggest cocks she can safely find for me. She loves to watch me take them. I am a cheap whore. She says that as a worthless slut, she can’t charge more that $20 a hole or $50 for all three.
Yes, size does count, but not always in a good way. A huge cock can pound me and stretch me and hit the back of my cervix. That always makes me cry and feel so humiliated and used.
Normal cocks feel better. With the big cocks, I feel like I’m being raped, at least to my way of thinking anyway - lesbian that I am.
Question: What do you do with your whore related earnings?
Answer: Jen keeps the money in a special red purse and uses the money at Starbucks for herself and Kelly. It makes me nuts when I see her and Kelly drinking from a Starbucks cup and know what I had to go through to buy them their coffee.
Questions for the Owner -
Question: Do you love Alex?
Answer - Yes, I love Alex! Not like a lover’s love or even a partners love, but as a caring, special love.
I care for her not only because she is my property, and that I want to keep my property in good order, but I love her as my slave girl.
I tend to her when she is hurt and train her when she needs to be corrected so she can become the best slave possible.
I’m strict and intolerant of her mistakes and moodiness, but I do love her dearly, and I tell her that I do. And, I mean it!
Question: Do you get your kicks from controlling Alex?
Answer: Well, I admit, I’m a manipulative control freak myself, so when we first met, I wanted so much to take “Miss Compulsive and Perfect Control-Freak” and make her crawl for me.
I just mean that she was totally in control of her life when we met, and still is at work, that I was excited to take this rich smart, very-together, lady and make her my whore. I just love to train her and make her to do everything, and I mean everything, I order her to do.
Question: Can you tell when Alex is at the end of her physical endurance; is beyond absorbing further pain?
Answer: Yes. I have a simple test. If her cunt is wet, then she is being treated as she wants to be treated, whether she will admit it or not. Certainly, if she is bleeding or on the verge of passing out, I take precautions.
I won’t let her go into sub space. When I see her drifting off , I bring her back. I want her to feel the full intensity of the pain I administer.
But, I do push her. She cries, and begs, and shakes like a leaf out of fear. Sometimes, especially when I use electricity, she pees herself or pukes because she gets so frightened. It all takes a terrible toll on her and I have to be very careful.
I just push and push her so she’s got no choice really. She’s no different that a lot of the pain sluts I’ve met.
Question: How much do you give Alex out of her earnings for spending money; an allowance?
Answer: Alex gets $50 a week. She gets the money all in one dollar bills.
She has to use that money for everything she buys. I provide her work clothes and breakfast and dinner and lunch on weekends. Literally, for anything else she has to scrimp and save.
I love to watch her do her scrimping routine while I spend tons of ‘her’ money on myself and Kelly. I absolutely love it. She walks miles around the city to avoid paying cab fare or even the subway or a bus. If she buys anything for herself, such as makeup, she has to buy the cheap, or off-brand, stuff.
Being broke, and having to buy poor quality goods, degrades her even more than being my toilet or being my whore. Well, maybe not more than being my whore. That really grinds her pride into the dust.
Now getting the money from me is another matter. To get the money each Sunday she must clip 50 clothespins on her body. Then, she can trade each pin for a dollar. Hurts her like hell. Cute huh?
Question: How do you treat Alex during her monthly period?
Answer: First off, she can’t buy tampons out of her allowance. She has to beg me for them. And, I don’t always give them to her. I find ways to ignore her or sometime just give her two place mats to drip on while she crawls around, which she then must lick clean. That galls her too.
I don’t make her drink her own flow as yet, but, I’m thinking about it.
Chapter VI Snap-Shots-in-Time
Now, through a series of short clips or “Snap-Shots-in-Time” the writer will disclose, as examples, the day-to-day actions of the main characters in this story. These actual events describe what they do, and how they think in their “real,” or perhaps “surreal” world.
The Attitude Correction:
Alex knew she had gotten on Jen’s last nerve when she looked cross-wise at Kelly one evening. She wasn’t surprised when she got a text message at work early the next day. She was told to strip as soon as she got home and to leave her clothes in the car, and “wriggle like a worm” to the kitchen porch. There she was to wait kneeling head to the floor, spread wide, ass facing the door and holding her cunt open by the rings.
When the door finally opened, her diner was tossed on the brick walkway by Kelly. It was soup, poured cold, right out of the can.
Kelly said Jen had told her to feed Alex and said that she hoped Alex liked her cooking. She added that Jen would be home soon.
Alex ate all of the soup and licked the brick clean and waited. Jen pulled up about 20 minutes later looking beautiful. She strode past Alex with a grocery bag and a bottle of wine and said, “Playroom, pet - crawl.”
Alex knew she was in for some real trouble. She crawled downstairs and waited. About 30 minutes later Jen appeared, now in her pajamas. She allowed Alex to pee and then placed her in the vacuum bed.
Being in the special, and uncomfortable bed, was maddening as always. It’s so very hot - suffocating and distressing - misery - pure misery.
Alex lost all track of time. Actually, she lost all track of everything except thoughts about how she had displeased Jen and her own helplessness and misery.
Eventually, Jen came to let her out. She was wearing only a short black silk robe and she smelled of sex; anything to rub in the fact that Alex was not her girlfriend, just her toy.
She gave Alex two bottles of water to drink, one for right then, and one for after crawling unsteadily upstairs to the master bathroom.
When Alex got to the bathroom her heart jumped in her chest as she spotted the heavy leather bag, with all its straps.
Jen bagged Alex and strapped her into a tight bundle and placed a small rolled up towel under her head.
Then, Alex heard Jen use the toilet and when she reappeared, she said, “Night, slut,” and placed a pee-soaked towel over her face, creating total darkness.
Alex could hear the sounds of Jen making love again to Kelly before eventually drifting off to sleep. She woke sore, stiff, and hurting.
Just another night in the life of a piece of property, who had been taught another painful lesson.
Face Pins: Jen took Alex to the man’s apartment after work on Friday night. “I’ve made a bet with Max that if he could put thirty clothes pins on your face that he could fuck your ass for free,” she told her. “Now, when I tell you to hold still, I mean for you to hold still, do you understand me, bitch?”
“Yes, Goddess, I sure do understand you,” Alex said shuddering at the prospect of being pinned all over her face in humiliation, then ass fucked for her troubles. And, Max was a brute, much the sadist, with thick muscles and a large cock.
“Strip, bitch, and be quick about it,” Jen said without fanfare when they were inside the apartment. Max had his pins ready as well as his cock. He wanted to make fast work of his portion of the bet.
“Hold very still, slut, while Max makes you pretty. If you move, I’ll let him whip your ass before he fucks you,” she said.
Max worked quickly and placed five pins on each of Alex's ear lobes, four on each of her eyebrows, two on her nostrils, and five each on her upper and lower lips. Alex was in sever pain. But, Max made her gaze into his mirror for a full minute, just to let her know how god awful she looked.
“Now get on your knees, and get the stupid head of yours on the floor, arch your back, and spread your ass, so Max can get a free and proper ass fucking from you, slut.”
Alex knew the night was far from over, and to make matters worse, her face would be swollen and disfigured in the morning.
The Envelope: Jen was furious. She had retrieved the mail and there was a letter in the pile for Alex. What a nerve! This estate was hers and Alex was a nobody, a non-entity, an animal. How could an animal receive mail from the U.S Postal department?
Alex had been told that any business correspondence for her would have to come to her office, and the postal service had been notified that no person named Alex resided at the estate.
Alex herself had been ordered to have any mail redirected or discontinued. Jen concluded that Alex must have violated the rule that she was not to get personal matters delivered there. She would pay the price.
It didn’t matter to Jen how the circumstance of that post had occurred. Perhaps someone had kept her name and address from years ago when the estate was indeed hers. Nonetheless, a punishment session was in order and Alex did pay a terrible price even though, in reality she had nothing, at all, to do with the offending delivery. Small things mattered a lot to Jen.
The Wall Challenge: Alex was given the challenge of holding two coins against a wall by pressure exerted only by her nipples. She was ordered to stand 18 inches away from the wall and to lean into the coins for 30 minutes. She failed, and only lasted 18 minutes.
As usual, Jen had made the challenge very difficult and had encumbered her with a posture collar, and a full breathing hood. Alex was essentially deaf and blind and had to work hard for each breath. Her arms were pulled tightly behind her in an arm binder and clipped downward to an ass hook.
The really extraordinary part was that she was forced to stand in five inch high ballet shoes bent forward against the wall. Her toes were killing her.
She had no idea that one of the coins had dropped until she Kelly dragged her to the ground and kicked her hard in the cunt several times for failing so miserably.
The hood, ass hook, and shoes were removed, but she was then put in crotch chains, with steel wool pressed between her tender cunt and the chain which was then pulled tight. She was caged until morning. The chains and the steel wool pressed into her outrageously all night.
To add to her discomfort the following day, she was only allowed toilet water to drink all the next day - no other food or other liquids were allowed. By the end of the day she was famished.
To add to her distress, Jen made Alex prepare dinner for her and Kelly; an aromatic grilled Salmon.
Alex was required to chew every morsel on Jen's plate three times, and using her tongue, shift the chewed pieces into Jen's eager mouth. Alex was sent to her closet bed early still savoring the saliva in her mouth, but feeling altogether agonizingly empty.
The Humbled Slave: Kelly is a sadist specializing at making Alex feel totally insignificant. She and Jen were going to dinner and then go dancing at one of their favorite “girl-spots.” Kelly didn’t want to carry her pocketbook. In Alex’s presence she asked Jen if she could “borrow the bitch” for the night.
Alex was made to follow behind them carrying Kelly’s bag as they walked to the train. Once in the train they made Alex stand between the cars. Then she had to follow behind them at a distance as they walked to the restaurant and wait outside on the street while they dined. This humiliation went on all night as they went from place-to-place until they were ready to go home.
The “Crushing” - An example: Jen has three tit presses which she uses to punished Alex. The least painful of the three is a smooth wooden one that hurts when the screws are tightened down hard.
Another one has ridges and bumps carved into the wood which hurts even worse than the smooth one when it presses down on her tits.
But, the absolute worst is the Plexiglas one with the six clamps to screw it shut. It crushes her tits flat so that it hurts like hell with every beat of her heart for days and days after.
To make matters worse, there are small holes drilled throughout the Plexiglas pieces that line up perfectly from the top piece to the bottom piece. Jen has long sharp needles which, when the press is in place, get shoved through the holes in the top section of the press, through Alex’s tits, and out the bottom piece of Plexiglas. Agony for Alex. Pure unadulterated agony!
When the needles go through her tits it feels like a searing, burning, pain that slices through her like a hot knife through butter. Jen torments Alex by pulling the needles in and out while Alex shrieks, and begs, and jerks like an insane puppet. When Jen is satisfied with that form of misery she snaps Alex’s nipples harshly, with a crop or a cane.
At that point, Alex is at the end of her endurance and she wailed until her throat hurts almost as much as her tits. She thrash’s around trying to jump out of her own body.
Alex’s tits don't bleed until Jen removes the needles and then the blood runs hot and sticky; much hotter then she always expects. The heat and degree of pain always shocks her.
Jen licks up Alex’s blood and feeds it to her with her tongue.
The same process follows with her tears. Jen loves to watch Alex when she cry’s; she licks her tears with a sadistic delight. She loves to see her beg and cry.
She knows that Alex’s tits will hurt for many days to follow, and that thought gives her pleasure too.
The Clit Hood Pull: When Jen decides to make Alex crazy, she attaches the ring in her clit hood to the ring in her belly button ring. The pull against the hood exposes her clit and exacerbates her sexual frustration to the point of putting her on the frustrated edge of orgasm. It also causes her clit to feel miserably used.
The Urinal: Jen takes Alex on a vacation, of sorts, every summer. She has friends in various parts of the country; friends that have a distinctive taste, so to speak.
One such friend has an old fashioned bar in Kentucky that caters to old fashioned men - the kind of men who think women should be treated like servants, sex toys, and worse.
This bar is in a small town and all the men who frequent the bar have a kinky streak. They love it when Jen comes to visit because she brings Alex; they just love beautiful and ’ol submissive Alex.
On their last visit, Jen brought Alex to the bar just about the time of day when the boys were getting off from work and wanted a drink or two before going home to their missus. Jen took Alex into the men’s room and had her undress - totally nude. She made her sit on her heels with her hands behind her head in one of the old fashioned urinals that was built to reach to the floor. Picture that… finding a beautiful, young, naked girl sitting inside the urinal you want to piss in.
Jen taped a handmade sign over the urinal that said, “Piss on me, big boy, I love it!” And, the boys couldn’t wait to tell the new patrons what was going on in that men’s room.
They would talk about Alex, and the golden showers she took from all of them, for years afterwards.
A Diapered Afternoon At The Mall: Kelly was at her best when taunting Alex. At breakfast one morning when Kelly was sharing girl-time with Jen, she told Jen about an idea she had the previous night. She made sure Alex could overhear her every word.
“I’ve got a splendid idea for Alex today, if you want to go along with it, she said. “You know those two soft vinyl ice forms in the shape of a cock that you have frozen in the fridge? Well, my plan would have us keep those forms in the ice chest in the back of your van along with Alex. When we got near the mall, I’d have Alex take the ice out of the forms and slip one in her cunt and the other in her ass.
“I’d let her wear a thong to keep the ice-cocks in place until they started to melt and run down her legs. Then I’d want her to get to a ladies rest room and discard the panties and put on a pair of “Depends” which we could give her in a paper bag. You know those dippers for incontinent adults?
“Then I have her wait for us at the far end of the mall an hour later and get in the back of the van all wet and slushy. I’m sure the water running down her legs would be noticeable and that everyone would like to see a sweet young girl pee her pants right in the mall. Great fun, Yes?”
“I love it, Kelly, but I have some more ideas. First, I’d appreciate it if you, personally, would lay out a pair of four inch heels for Alex’s trip, plus a short skirt and nice blouse. No bra. Second, I don’t want her to throw away the panties. No sense in wasting a good pair for no reason. Alex should ball them up in her hand and carry them with her till she meets us. Lastly, I don’t want water dripping on the carpet of my van. I want Alex to keep licking what remains of the cock-cicles in the back of the van until they are all gone.”
“Great! I love it all,” Kelly said, as they winked at each other behind Alex’s back.
The two girls were intentionally late meeting Alex at the rear entrance to the mall and a pool of water was visible at her feet when they finally drove up. The plan was a smashing success.
Alex could feel every eye on her legs, and on the puddle she was standing in. She just knew she had left a trail of water behind her. Her hatred for Kelly grew by the drip. She was angry, ashamed, mortified, and cold for the rest of the day.
The Tennis Net Straddle: It was a brilliant early Spring day with no rain in sight at the estate. Tara had been invited over to share some pool time with Jen. She decided to bring her young slave girl with her. The girl apparently didn’t have a name because no one called her anything but “girl.”
Jen had one of her ingenious and sadistic schemes in mind for Abby and the other girl, who was about the same height as Alex. Jen and Tara would enjoy the pool, lounge chairs, the refreshing breeze, a full glass carafe of heavily flavored Tom Collins mixers, and take pleasure in watching the two girls suffer for their enjoyment.
Alex knew she was in for a bad day when she saw the tennis net loosened from its normal stanchions so that all of it reached the artificial surface of the tennis court itself.
Jen and Tara had both slaves in single arm binders and four inch heels as they walked them naked to the pool and tennis area. “Well girls,” Jen said, “once we have you are settled into the court here, we will get a chance to watch you enjoy the new version of tennis while we relax and enjoy ourselves.”
They made each girl straddle the tennis net and slowly raised it by the wench which was there for that purpose until the tape at the top of the net came in touch with each girls cunt lips. The net was normally set at three feet above the court surface and the girls were short so the net had plenty of height to go before it ground the rough edges of the tape into their soft and delicate cunts. Jen tugged the net upwards two more notches until the girls were screaming and straining to keep their balance.
To keep the girls in place, Jen attached a large chain to one of Alex’s cunt lip rings and passed in under the net and secured it up the other side to the cunt ring of the other girl. There would be no skipping off the net now.
She inserted a thick, double donged, dildo in the mouth of each girl. Then, she attached smaller chains to the nipples of each girl; the right nipple of one to the left nipple of the other and visa versa. Then she secured a single chain around the necks of both girls and brought them tightly together.
Both girls were covered in sweat in no time. They were there on the court, straddling the thick net, for well over three hours, throbbing, panting, moaning, and in utter misery the entire time. Their feet hurt, their calf’s hurt, their assholes hurt, their cunt’s hurt, and for all practical purposes each muscle in their body’s were killing them.
The Prod: Jen found the small package containing the new gadget she intended to use on Alex plopped on the porch of the estate. Kelly was with her when the package arrived and together they schemed how they would use it when Alex got home from work that evening.
The devise was a two pronged electric prod. While it was self contained, it could send about a 2,400 volt charge. The devise was small enough to be hand held. It only took two 9 volt batteries but the detailed and intricate electronics of the device allowed it to produce a vastly greater discharge. Neither one of the dominant girls wanted to test it on themselves but were anxious to see how Alex would react.
“Into the playroom, slut girl,” demanded Jen “and, be naked and presentable by the time we get there.” Alex knew what being “presentable” meant - legs spread, arms behind her neck, elbows back, tits out, tummy in, eyes downcast. “Be ready to get the jolt of your life, slut girl,” Jen growled as she showed Abby the instrument of torture.
The device didn’t look particularly heinous, but the notion of having electricity pulse into her from the two silver prongs for the first time was absolutely terrifying to the naked and quite vulnerable slave girl.
Jen was so excited to see what impact of the devise would have that she pressed the prongs against Alex’s left tit and pressed the activation switch. The instrument buzzed, and produced a wave of pure agony into Alex. She screamed as if she had been shot, which she really had been. She lost all control over her posture and grabbed her wounded tit as if it was on fire.
“How dare you come out of your “present” position, slut. I’m not done with you yet, now resume your position and hold it until I’m damned good and ready to let you go,” Jen yelled at the top of her lungs. She held the prod against Alex’s right tit and repeated the activation process. Alex again lost her position.
“You stupid bitch, I told you to hold your position, Now look smart here, No wait! Pull your cunt rings apart, wide, with your fingers so we can see if you are wet. Electricity seems to have such a greater impact on flesh when it is wet,” she said. Alex moved slowly to obey knowing, in part, what was in store for her.
When Alex’s cunt lips were fully spread, Jen told her to stand on her toes, all the more vulnerable for what was going to happen next. “Want to check if she is wet enough? If she is, and I’m sure she will be, you can pull the trigger, Kelly.”
Kelly eagerly took the devise turned the intensity control to high, and jammed it into the soft tissue of Alex's cunt and played the specially designed insertable prongs harshly against Alex’s tender flesh. Then, with one sudden, but almost imperceptible, move she pressed the activation button.
The buzz sound crashed in her ears and the electric shock crashed into her defenseless cunt. Alex, fell to the floor in shattering and excruciation pain.
For Alex, the devise soon became one of the most dreaded items of torture in the room, along with the other electric torture units and the Kevlar cane.
Jen now uses the Prod with some caution, and then only with a ball gag to keep Alex from breaking her teeth.
The Most Severe Humiliation: A good example of the humiliation perpetrated on Alex goes back a few years when her parents were staying with them and had taken the boat out. They came back early, without warning, because her Mother got seasick.
Her father walked into the study. Alex was squatting on two cans, legs very wide with her hands cuffed behind her back and then pulled up tightly and fixed to a ring at the back of her posture collar. Her thighs were striped and the cane that had done it was in being held in her mouth and she was crying.
There were weights swinging from her cunt rings. There were tight bands round her tits. There was a leash hanging from her nose ring. The words "worthless cunt" were written on her belly with a marker. It was a nightmare for Alex.
He came in talking, stopped and gaped. He saw it all. Alex saw the “dear in the headlights” expression on his face as she actually watched his eyes rove up, and down, and then up again at what he was seeing.
She started to move, and he started to stammer and leave, but Jen said, "stay," in a sharp voice primarily directed at Alex but, they both stopped moving. She closed the door and said to him "Please don't storm off. Sit down and talk to me or this will become a bad thing between us." He sat. She sat. Alex held her position right in his line of sight - awash in monstrous humiliation.
Jen explained what was going on - specifically why she was punishing his daughter and about the rings.
He asked if this happened a lot and she said, "Honestly, yes, she needs a lot of correction." There was awkward silence.
Jen said, "Are you worried if she is ok?" He nodded.
Jen, calmly said, "Look at her pussy - no, I'm serious - look! See how aroused she is? You need to know, so you won't worry. Look! You may not understand, but she loves it - she needs it."
Her Father looked right at his daughter’s cunt and she burned in shame, open and wet.
Then he said in a low, hoarse, voice, "Ok, Jen" and he walked out and closed the door behind him.
The Body Crushers: Kevlar is a man-made substance of incredible strength. - actually five times stronger than steel in an ounce-for-ounce comparison. Jen had a strip of the synthetic substance turned into two round canes for beating Alex.
One of the canes was almost three-quarters of an inch in diameter and she called it her “bruiser.” The other one was one half inch in diameter and she called it the “little bruiser.” Each cane was cut to forty inch lengths.
Jen didn’t use these canes often but she kept then handy and visible for Alex's benefit. Jen usually kept them for punishment below the waist. She knew that without much effort she could break some bones with the canes if she wasn’t careful. Her purpose was to create a lot of pain and bruising in Alex’s thighs and ass when she swung either of the two canes and she could achieve her objective without much force at all.
Alex always knew she would be in for days of deep pain when Jen used the bruiser’s. And, of course that was the whole point.
Jen loved to see the dark bruises on her slave but made it a point to put out long pants for Alex on the work days following her use of the canes. That didn’t help Alex when she had to stand or walk for any length of time. She just hated those damn canes.
The Misery of Electric: The most painful torture for Alex is electric when she is strung up like meat and skin-adhering leads are attached to her nipples, clit and cunt lips and an ass probe is inserted in her, well… her ass. Jen turns on the juice and makes Alex dance, and scream, and suffer. All of this is much more excruciating than the prod.
The worst ever was one night when Jen had best her friend Tara over to watch her suffer. Jen made a bet with Tara that she could make Alex beg to be allowed to die just to end the pain. She won the bet.
Alex spent 3 days in Jen’s bed recovering. She apologized for going too far. It was the only time she ever did that.
The Attitude Adjustment: It should not be a surprise that Alex's attitude gets her in serious trouble with Jen from time-to-time. She swears she doesn’t play games to get attention or to get punished. She doesn’t feel she is that shallow or immature and is firm on the assertion that she does not top from the bottom. She is certain Jen would detect any manipulation on her part and would throw her out if she did.
Alex had gotten a text message at the office to the effect that Jen and Kelly were going out for dinner and would ring her once by phone to alert her that they would be home shortly.
When they arrived, she would be expected to be found kneeling nude, and wide spread, at the front door. She was to pull her cunt lips apart using her cunt rings so that they would see her fully exposed the first thing when they got home.
She was in position as ordered when they arrived, but they completely ignored her and walked right by as if she didn’t exist.
Kelly came back later and peed on the floor in front of her, and said “Lick it up, bitch and then get back in position as you were.” Alex did as she was told but could feel hostility rising within her. She would have a difficult time keeping herself under control for the rest of the night, and she knew it.
Jen's voice came out of the intercom box saying, “In my bedroom now, cunt, and be quick about it.”
As was the protocol for her, she crawled to the entrance of the bedroom and stopped. She licked the sill until she was ordered to enter. She stopped inside the door and looked at them. The bed was a mess and the bedroom smelled of girls in heat. They were both naked and had the satisfied look of just having had a great bout of wonderful sex.
Jen said, "Up on the bed and clean my lover with your tongue, bitch. Start at her toes and take your time."
Alex was jealous and crawled over with an attitude, forgot to say "Thank you," forgot to say, "Yes Jen," and she gave Kelly “a look.” Five minutes later she was bent over, palms on the floor, legs spread wide, having her ass stripped with the hurtful Kevlar cane.
She was then told that it was expected of her to demonstrate a proper mind-set and a good attitude toward Kelly all the times.
Alex spent the next fifteen minutes begging Kelly to forgive her, complimenting her intelligence, personality, talents, beauty and grace, and promising to adore and obey her at all times.
Alex was then allowed to clean Kelly’s feet, asshole, and armpits with her tongue. She was given a light sun dress to wear and Jen said, "Out of my sight, bitch. I don't want you in the house tonight. Be at the kitchen door in the morning and if your attitude has improved by then you may come in and rejoin us."
Alex knelt looking at Jen with tears running down her cheeks. She was truly remorseful for how she had acted, but even more than that, she was sorry for offending Jen.
Jen did stroke her hair and said softly, "It’ll be ok, Alex, just go and think about what you did wrong. I know you were blowing steam, but it’s not acceptable and you will suffer the consequences. Go on now!"
Alex crawled downstairs, left the house, and sat on the steps by the kitchen door and sobbed. She heard the door lock behind her and the lights in the house slowly went out one at a time.
There was nowhere she could go without money or car keys or shoes. She is not allowed in the cabana or guest house or garage without permission. There were lounges by the pool area but she was not allowed on the furniture without permission. With no other place to go, she took a blanket from her car, which was parked in the courtyard, and walked down to the beach and went to sleep.
She woke up when the sun hit, and waited by the kitchen door until it opened. Kelly came out and walking towards the guest house said, "She wants you now."
Alex crawled to her bedroom and begged and begged Jen to forgive her. Jen said that while all was forgiven she would be trained to obey and would suffer all day.
Jen dragged her by her hair to the bathroom and peed down her throat and then she used the toilet to empty herself. Alex wiped her clean and then licked her clean. Then Alex was made to kneel with her head in the toilet, her face next to Jen’s waste, for what seemed an eternity.
Jen finally came back and whispered in her ear, "Girls who can be casually ordered to wait like this, have no place being jealous of a lady like Kelly. Don't you get that, Alex?"
Humiliation washed over Alex. Jen was right, of course. Then Jen flushed the toilet but dumped breakfast, such as it was, in the toilet. Alex was forced to lap it up like a dog and to drink the toilet water. She was then allowed to clean herself up and dress.
Jen made her wear her punishment shoes with sand in them which was intended to hurt her feet all day. Worse than that, she whipped Alex’s hands with a strap before sending her off to work. The six stripes to each hand hurt; really hurt.
Alex vowed to herself to be good that night and to send Kelly a bunch of pretty flowers with another note of apology. As it turned out, she spent her whole week's allowance on those pretty flowers, and would have nothing left for herself.
The Point Was Reinforced: Alex always seemed to have a hard time handling her frustrations and jealousies. As a slave girl, she was just displaying a poor attitude.
She “wanted” and that was the problem… She wanted Jen to recognize that she wasn’t just a character in a play. She wanted Jen to demonstrate evidence that she recognized that Alex had feelings and emotions. She wanted some freedom. But, she didn’t reflect on the fact that she had abandoned any rights to “want” anything when she signed her slave contract making her simply a piece of property now owned by Jen.
To emphasize that Alex was merely a piece of property, Jen brought Alex into her bedroom, along with Kelly, and ordered her to bring five possessions of hers around the house that Alex thought would be among the "treasured objects that she owned."
Alex scurried off, confused, but came back with a locket her grandmother had given her, her university diploma, a framed photograph that she had taken in India that had won an award, a pencil drawing by Toulouse Lautrec which she bought at auction in Paris, and a Bible that had been in her family since the nineteenth century.
Alex knelt at her feet as Jen looked at the items and explained what she had in mind. She said, "Very good, darling, so I have here six treasured possessions - no difference between them. They all bring me pleasure. They are my property and I may do with each as I please. Yes?"
Alex looked up confused. Kelly was staring at Alex transfixed.
Alex finally said, "But there are only five here, Jen."
She smiled and said, "Six, counting you, girl."
Alex flushed from head to toe and said, "Yes, Goddess!"
Jen smiled and picked up the drawing and handed it to Kelly and kissed her and said, "I want you to have this. I love it but I also love you, and I want you to take it. I transfer ownership of it to you. You may do with it as you wish. If you want me to record the transfer on paper so you can insure it, please let me know."
The words "transfer ownership" hit Alex like a ton of bricks. They sounded eerily like some of the words in the contract she had signed.
Kelly thanked Jen quietly, still staring at Alex. Then Jen picked up the photograph and, with no warning, smashed the glass frame against the corner of the coffee table. Kelly and Alex both jumped and Kelly said, "Jen, don't!"
Jen said in a stern tone, "Stay out of this, love, I'm going to settle this question once for an all." She then tore the photo from the frame and ripped it into small pieces and tossed them at Alex. The pieces fluttered into her lap and all over the floor.
Alex began to cry. Her heart was pounding, and tears ran down her face. Jen looked at Alex and said calmly, "So, six treasured possessions, all alike, all mine to do with as I please. One I have given away, but could have just as easily sold. One I have destroyed. The other four, including you Alexandria, dear, are just the same. I own you girl, the same as these other things. Any questions?"
Alex couldn't speak. She just shook her head.
Jen knelt down to be on the same level as Alex and kissed her softly on the lips and said, "You know I love you, and I don’t need to repeat it. But, I'll tell you so again: I love you Alex. Now go to bed. You may sleep with me tonight, but I won't be up for a while yet. Go to sleep, darling."
The Most Painful Torture Ever: The worst torture session for Alex by far was New Years Eve, 2007. Jen had Alex at Miss Tara's loft in the Soho district of NYC for the holiday festivities.
Alex had been suspended upside down, spread wide, with her arms cuffed and secured to rings in the floor and stretched taut - right in the middle of a hard core New Years Eve party.
A "cat of nine tails" was shoved, handle first, in her cunt and the words, "Whip the bitch - make her scream in the New Year" were written on her back and belly in red marker.
All night, she as she was whipped, she had to sing out, "Happy New Year - I hope to bring my Owner much pleasure in 2007."
While most of her whip marks healed in time, she still has permanent scars on her left side on her lower back extending to her hip, and on her right leg just below her ass cheek. Both scars were the result of deep bleeding cuts, made from a harshly wielded the whip, that ultimately healed white in color.
She passed out a few times that night and had to be revived for more punishment.
Alex was such a mess afterward that Jen could not whip her again until early March. She was out of work for a full week.
The “Cum on Command” Training: Training Alex to cum only on command was a long drawn out difficult process that took years. Some masters call it ‘release training’ and some use a less ‘pain’ oriented approach, but whatever method is used the results can be very exciting for both the master and the slave. In Jen's case, her method can be explained in a few sentences.
It is brutally simple and efficient. If you studied Pavlov and his dogs in Psychology 101 then you understand how operant condition actually works.
Jen would stimulate Alex, or have others do it, and then command her to cum. If she did so upon the snap of her finger then she received a reward of praise and got to spend the night in her owners arms which was like a soothing drug to her.
If she did not, or could not, cum then she was verbally abused, kicked and dragged to the ‘playroom’ and brutally tortured.
This conditioning went on and on until such a point that Alex was fully able to cum on command when being stimulated.
Then Jen trained her to cum on command without stimulation using the same proven technique.
Then she trained Alex not to cum without the snap of her finger and the verbal order "cum whore" no matter how much or how intensely she was stimulated; that really was the difficult part.
Each of these steps used the same brutal conditioning process.
Success in using that process is atypical because it is extraordinarily rare to find a person who is so willing to allow herself to be trained in this way.
Jen has talked about training Alex to empty her bladder only on verbal command, such as, "pee, bitch," and with a clap of her hands. She would then be expected to piss herself any time, any where, even in church. The threat of such training makes Alex sick with fear.
Continuous Cumming: Quite frequently, Jen forbids Alex from cumming for thirty days at a time. But, then, she will turn the tables on Alex and, with the aid of battery operated dildos, independently operated clit flanges, and vibrating nipple clips and butt plugs, she will energize Alex's pleasure zones to the point where Alex screams to be set free from the intense and unremitting cums Jen is inducing in her. Of course, Jen is right there giving her continuous commands to cum and to cum harder.
Under those circumstances, Alex is physically incapable of preventing her body from achieving an extremely intense orgasm. Her body shakes violently, and she moans loudly. It is grand theater for Jen and her friends to see Alex in such exquisite agony.
In these circumstances, Alex begs Jen to stop the torment and let her settle down. The more she begs, however, the more Jen adds to her continuous stimulation. Jen knows that Jen will eventually experience intolerable throbbing and fear. And, she knows that the fear will stay in her very active brain for a long time.
The Vacuum Bed: Jen bought the suction producing vacuum bed to use with Alex about a year ago. Alex hates it because when all of the air is sucked out she is not able to move at all. She breathes through a single tube positioned at the top of the transparent vinyl bed which she must hold in her mouth. The tube is her only lifeline to the outside world.
With her senses effectively cut off, she has to fight her fears while she listens to her heart beat. Her thoughts are turned inward. Jen usually whips her before settling her in the bed so Alex does feel some residual pain, but really she is only able to think about her status as Jen's personal property and how she is dealing with that reality.
Alex hears Jen's words over and over in her mind. The unique quality of her ability to recall the written word is carried over to her facility to recall almost every word Jen has ever said to her. In the vacuum bed, the words and visuals get a chance to course through her brain with laser-like clarity. Alex is afraid of the sensory deprivation and Jen knows of, and feeds, this fear.
The Whore Worked It Hard: Jen met Alex at work and drove her to the apartment of a paying customer. Alex was still dressed in her business suit from work but she knew she was in for a real whoring work out.
They went into a smart condo on the West Side and met the owner of the place. He seemed nice enough, but he wasn’t making a move, so Jen ordered Alex to quote her price and to beg the guy to use her.
He was reluctant and they discussed her age and how well-used she was. He made Alex beg and beg for him to use her.
Jen told Alex that she would be "royally pissed" if she didn't convince the guy that she was worth the $50. He eventually agreed to pay $40, but wanted a dance thrown in. He put on music and she danced, like a slut, removing her clothing and fingering her cunt, clit, and nipples as she was ordered.
Then he said, "Suck me off first, whore. I want to last a long time when I pound your ass.”
He fucked her mouth and throat, pulling her hair, twisting her nipples, slapping her face, verbally degrading her, and choking her all the while. Finally, he shot his load down her throat.
She cleaned his cock and balls with her tongue and then licked his asshole until his cock stirred. She licked at his cock until it was fully hard again and then was ordered on her hands and knees on the edge of a coffee table where he fucked her ass for a very long time. He finally pulled out and shot his load on the table.
She had to clean his cock and balls again and then lick the cum from the table. Then he pissed down her throat.
He continued his assault on her by having her kneel in front of him while he slapped her tits, pulled and twisted her nipples and clit ring, and slapped her repeatedly in the face. He seemed to get his jollies again by kicking her in the cunt several times.
At this point, Alex was exhausted and losing it. Finally, the guy’s cock started to get hard again, and she was forced to lick and suck, and stroke him, and beg him again to cunt fuck her.
He sat on the couch and ordered her to ride his cock while she faced him and held her hands behind her neck. His cock was so hard and she was so exhausted she thought she would die riding him. He really was enjoying her struggles and took forever to cum.
At the end, she cleaned his cock and scooped his cum from her cunt as ordered, and ate it too. She curled up on the floor, exhausted, physically and emotionally, a sweaty mess.
Jen threw her office clothes at her and said, "Get dressed, cunt."
She dressed, smelling like a filthy, two bit, whore, and tried to fix her hair with her hands. Jen slapped them away and said, “Leave it, whore.”
The customer tossed two $20 bills at her feet which she picked up slowly and gave to her owner. Jen took her home looking disgusted. When they got home, she whipped Alex harshly, with a flogger, for not being worth the full $50.
As might have been expected, Jen had set up the whole scene up with the guy from the get go.
Chapter VII Third Person Vignettes -
The real story of this young, owned, women is at times best told in the words of the property slave, Alex, herself. The writer gives this slave girl full credit and attribution for the vignettes below which have been previously published under her own name.
Disobedient Dog : She squatted on her toes, knees wide apart, and was bent over by a cord tied taut from her tongue ring to her clit ring. Three fingers of each hand were slipped through three rings in each labia and she held her cunt open as wide knowing that her Owner would make things worse for her, far worse, if she released the pressure even a little bit, even for a moment.
She was covered in sweat and she felt her hot tears leak from her eyes onto her thighs and her warm spit drooled from her penis gagged mouth onto her soaked slave-cunt. She moaned in misery from her too-full bladder, which felt close to bursting. She had been like this for hours, how many hours, did she did not know.
She was perched on her toes on top of two large tomato juice cans and between her legs was a small stack of yellow legal pads. The legal pads were thick and filled with writing in a very neat calligraphy with a unique appearance because it had been written with an actual feather quill. Each line was neatly written in beautiful scarlet ink dipped from an ink bottle that had been mixed with her Owner’s juices, from that most sacred and beautiful jewel between her legs, and her own tears.
Each line said the same thing: “Alex is an obedient little cunt and will do as she is told.” She had written every line with her left hand, although she was right-handed, while her right-hand masturbated her sore clit and with her left hand tied taut to her nipple rings so she had to lean over and pull at her sore nipples with every stroke of the quill.
Each line had to perfect or she was to be horribly punished by her Owner for insulting her with an offering that was not perfect.
She was not allowed to cum until she had filled every line in a dozen pads and whenever she had a bit of free time she would beg to work on the pads. It had taken five weeks of misery but she had almost eight pads filled and now they were beneath her and she was straining with all of her might not to pee on them.
The only sound in the room was the turning of the pages of her Owner's magazine, which she was reading while lounging comfortably in a wing chair before the fire that warmed one side of the toy-cunt’s, whip-marked, body. She let out a moan before she realized it was coming and instantly bit her lip.
Her Owner sighed and made a “tsk, tsk” noise with her tongue and said, “I demanded silence bitch. I’m tired of your animal noises. That will cost you. Your tits will be crushed in the tit tower devise and caned after my dinner.”
She began to sob quietly and tremble uncontrollably. And, as she did, her hot pee began to flow from her onto the pads.
Her owner again made the “tsk tsk” sound again. “Such a disgusting pig you are, cunt. It may be that you turn out to be untrainable, but I will persevere. It will get harder for you though, pig.
“After you lick up your mess and toss those soiled pads in the fire, we will place a catheter in your pee-hole to help you control yourself. Then, you will call your parents and tell them we cannot come to brunch tomorrow. Tell them that you were disobedient and need to be punished. They can call me if they want to know when they can see you.”
Worthless: She was on a conference call with a client when her Owner swept into the study wearing tennis clothes and sipping a bottle of water. She looked nervously at the clock and realized she had lost track of the time. Her call had run late and was she not waiting for her Owner as she had been instructed; naked on all fours, head to the floor, ass and cunt displayed to the door and holding her cunt wide open by the rings.
She started to tell her caller that she had to go but her Owner shook her head “no” as she scribbled the words “speakerphone” and “strip” on a note pad and held it up.
Her face flushed, the girl pressed the speakerphone button and continued her call as she removed her heels, skirt and blouse - all she wore - and stood looking at her Owner. Her Owner sat down behind the desk and pointed at her feet and the girl knelt before her. She pointed at her feet again and the girl removed her Owners sneakers and sweaty socks. She licked the feet clean pausing only when she was forced to respond to the people on the phone and then her Owner pulled her head up harshly by the hair and said in a whisper, “Hump my foot, whore.”
The girl blushed crimson and began to rub her wet cunt like a dog on her Owner's smooth leg. She tried so hard not to moan but her breathing was very loud and ragged and it was only a few minutes before Perkins asked, “Alex, are you ok?”
Before she could even stammer out an answer, her Owner closed the line and said, “Crawl off and get me the cunt-whip, pet. You need to learn to keep track of time and to control that slutty hole of yours.”
Waiting: She had hung in the dungeon basement for some time. She wasn’t sure for how long but it had to have been for hours. She was suspended by her wrists from a winch that raised her just high enough to allow her to put her toes painfully on the points of two wooden pyramids fixed to the concrete floor.
Her nipple rings were attached by string to a ring in the ceiling, high and to the front of her, so that her tits and nipples were stretched painfully taut. Another string tied her clit ring tight to the floor down and to the front of her. She ached all over and was soaked in sweat. The large ribbed plug in her ass hurt like hell.
And, so she waited in the dim light from the one, small, dirty window up high on one wall waiting for her Owner to return.
In her mouth she clutched an envelope. In the instant before it was placed in her mouth, she had seen only that it was addressed to her and had come in the mail. She thought for the millionth time about the exact words her Owner had said to her.
She had been on her hands and knees in her Owner’s bathroom licking the floor, shower, Jacuzzi tub, sink, toilet, bidet and counter clean as she had every morning since she had ceased to be a human being and started her life as her Owner’s property.
Her Owner strode in and said simply, “On your belly, cunt,” and when she was in position had placed her foot on her head and said, “Hands behind your back and hold this letter. When I snap my fingers you will wriggle like the worm you are, flat on your belly, tongue to the floor, down to the basement. Do not drop the letter or look at it.” She had then snapped her finger and said, “Hurry along now; like the insect you are.”
After an uncomfortable journey through the large home that had been hers, she had arrived in the basement and was dragged to her feet by her hair, the letter placed in her mouth, and had been strung up.
Before leaving her Owner had said, “When I return, pig, you will spend a long time howling in pain like a wounded animal, and then we will discuss that letter. Be very afraid.”
And so she waited, for what, and for how long she did not know.
Whore: She was on her knees with her arms behind her in an arm binder. She was sucking the extra-large cock of an extra-large black man that she knew only as “Bull.” She knew nothing about him other then that he was extremely cruel, had incredible staying power and could roughly fuck her three holes for endless hours. He did this eagerly whenever her Owner called and offered her to him.
Bull had a tight hold on her hair with his right hand and she gagged as his cock slid past the back of her throat yet again. “Tongue out and lick my balls when I drive it home, slut, how many times I got to tell you,” he said.
He pressed a button is his left hand and her clit exploded in pain as electricity shot through the wires clipped to her clit ring. The ring gag held her mouth open and he kept fucking her throat as he looked up at the opening door. Her Owner strode through the door with a man. She saw only his feet out of the corner of her eye but knew who it was as soon as he said “Jesus, Alex.”
She tried to lift off the cock but another jolt to her clit convinced her otherwise. Bull looked at her brother and said, “You’ll have to wait your turn little bro. I paid $50 for this whore, and I'm going to ream all three holes good and hard before I fill her belly with piss and choke her unconscious. Then you can have her.”
Gardening: She was naked and on all fours. Weighted bells dangled from her nipple and cut lip rings. A thin chain from her clit ring was attached by a chain to a ring set in a smallish stone. There was four feet of slack in the chain. She had on a loathsome posture collar that was heavily boned. She hated it, and her eyes had filled with tears when she had seen her Owner holding it.
Her hands were cuffed behind her back and each one was clutching a single raw egg. The egg served no purpose other than to add to her misery. Her owner had simply said, “Drop an egg and you’ll eat nothing but, what you can scrounge from the trash all weekend - break one and you’ll be bathing in the yard using the garden hose for 30 days.”
She was chewing with a distasteful look on her face. After a few minutes she spit the contents in a small bucket and knelt her head down, and using her teeth pulled a dandelion from the ground, chewed it up and spit it too into the bucket. She repeated this process several times until she could not reach any more dandelions. Sighing heavily, she picked up the bucket in her teeth and moaning quietly dragged the stone block a few feet to another group of dandelions.
She looked out at the large lawn covered in dandelions and bit her lip for a moment before leaning down and starting to chew another. Her owner appeared with a hose and tousled her hair while letting her drink from the trickling end of the hose.
Her Owner looked so relaxed, so beautiful, so clean. She was wearing an open white gauze blouse over a white bikini top and a short white skirt. She was barefoot and perfect; and the dirty sweaty aching fuck-toy-animal-girl on her knees felt her heart pound and her bitch-cunt soak as she looked longingly at her flat stomach, long legs, perfect feet, and the swell of her breasts.
Her Goddess spoke, “Such a good little weed-picker you are, pet. All of those years of prep school and the two degrees from the best University, that your Daddy paid for were so worth it, hmmmmm.”
Her Owner chuckled as she strode back into the shade by the pool overlooking the broad lawn. the girl’s face burned crimson and in her shame she swallowed the dandelion she was chewing. Yuck!
Dinner: The girl was standing in the corner, high on her toes with her legs spread wide so that each thigh was flat against a wall. She was facing out towards the table where her Owner was dining with her friend Tara. She had two fingers of her left hand in her asshole and two fingers of her right hand in her cunt. Both hands were moving slowly as she fucked herself.
Her clit ring was attached to a cord that she held tightly in her teeth and was moving her head slowly to tease her clit. She was covered with a sheen of sweat and trying very hard not to cum or make a sound as she had been forbidden to do.
For the thousandth time she stole a look at the table and saw that they were lingering over their wine having not yet cleared the last course and come back with their coffee and the fruit tart she had made earlier.
Tara caught her eye and with a smirk looked at her Owner and said, “Jen, looks like we’re so interesting that its worth watching us instead of the floor; despite your instructions.”
Her Owner sipped at her wine and said, “The little pain-slut loves to be punished in front of my guests so she gives me reasons.”
The girl felt her cunt clutch at her fingers and she gasped fighting not to cum. “Go ahead and squirt, bitch,” said her Owner, “it’ll just give me the excuse I need to crush you in front of Tara. It’s what you want anyway, no?”
And, panting and moaning like the animal she was, the slut did cum noisily under their gaze.
Two minutes: The girl hadn’t cum in a month. A month of being teased and tormented endlessly by her Owner who loved to snap her fingers, which was the order to masturbate, and watch her fight to obey.
Her Owner also loved to point at objects, this morning it had been a hammer, and say, “Fuck yourself with that, whore.”
She burned. She burned so hot; especially during the hours she spent with her head buried between her Owner’s legs as she shuddered in orgasm after orgasm.
They were driving to her office, where the bitch-cunt would go in and pretend she was human and powerful and would do her job. The job that paid her so much so she could give it all to her Owner.
Her Owner would not go inside the building. She did not work. She was going to the spa for a massage and a pedicure and manicure and then off to lunch with some friends. They were about two minutes from her office when, without taking her eyes off of the road, her owner said casually, “You can have a nice orgasm if you do it before I pull up at the curb, cum-slut.”
The girl blushed crimson and froze for a second before licking two fingers and starting to work her clit. Her Owner laughed softly and said, “Such a needy little whore - fuck yourself as well, cunt.”
The girl licked two fingers on her other hand and gasped as she plunged them into her now soaking, red-hot, cunt. A few thrusts and she was bucking her hips moaning, sweat starting to break out on her tits. Her eyes were squeezed shut when she heard her Owner laugh and say, “uhm...Alex, I’m not sure that’s the picture you want to present to your staff as they file in for the day.”
Her eyes flew open. They were stopped at the curb. She looked at her Owner and, heart hammering in her chest, said, “Please, Goddess, could we drive around the block once so I can finish, please?”
Her Owner had a good laugh at that and said, “Off to work, bitch - you had your chance. I guess you didn’t need it as badly as you thought or you would squirted faster.”
Mirror: The girl stood in front of the mirror in her business suit and looked at herself in wonder. She looked so normal; like the typical wealthy, powerful, business woman.
She flushed as she slowly removed her clothing and saw what her nakedness revealed. A slave, a cunt, an animal, a whore, a slut, a toilet, a toy-cunt, a pet, a bitch, a pig, an insect, trash, a pain-toy.
She looked at herself naked in the mirror. The rings in her nipples, cunt lips, and clit. The marks from the whip which covered her. The tattoos.
Her cunt went wet and she reinserted her tongue ring and dropped to her knees and crawled down the hall to wait by the door for her Owner.
Statue: The girl was a decoration; not a human being. She was standing in the corner of the kitchen while her Owner put the finishing touches on the meal that she had been preparing all day. She had friends coming that night for a dinner party but the girl wasn't invited. The party was for humans, not decorations, and she had been told she would remain as she was.
She was wearing her “punishment shoes,” which were hellish high-heeled ballet pumps that crushed her toes; those toes would ache for three more days. She was wearing skin-tight leather from head to toe topped off with a hood and gas mask at her head.
She could see only what was directly in front of her through the mask and fought miserably for each breath through the long tube connected to the mask. She was held immobile by the six straps tightened painfully around her body, the synched corset that made it painful to breathe, and the horrible, very high, posture collar at her neck.
There were cutouts in the leather for her tits, and a small bell hung on each nipple ring. The bells tinkled merrily if she moved the slightest bit, which she had been forbidden to do.
Tears filled her eyes as she held her position. She prayed silently that soon she would be moved to the dining room where she hoped she would at least be placed against a wall to give her some support.
The powerful vibrators in her cunt and ass, which were wired to the box on the floor, suddenly sprang to life, - they did this without warning or pattern, and she shuddered as she felt yet another orgasm building.
The little bells rang happily and her Owner looked up from the fruit she was arranging on a tray and said, “You really must learn to control that hungry cunt, darling. That’s nine times now the bells have rung. Nine times you have disturbed me. Nine times that you have shown that you still, after all this time, lack any discipline or control. Later, you will be sorry for that. So very sorry.
“Don’t fret now, though. Just concentrate and try to do better. You are such a cute decoration that maybe I’ll go easy on you later. Hmmm - probably not though, because the cuter you are then the more I want to see you suffer. Too bad about that. Too bad for you I mean, fuck-toy.”
Educate Me: The girl was engrossed in work, trying to finish her proposal before the client meeting scheduled over lunch. Her assistant came in and waited quietly until she looked up and said irritably, “What is it Robin? I told you that I have to get this done and didn’t want to be disturbed right now.”
Her pulse quickened when her assistant answered, “I'm sorry Alex, but its Jen, and I know you want to be interrupted when she calls.”
The girl replied, “Yes, that’s right, always, thank you Robin,” and she picked up the phone while her assistant exited and closed the door.
She said, “Hello Goddess, thank you for calling me,” and felt herself flush when her Owner said, “Robin always sounds so nervous when I want you interrupted, pet. Maybe we should have her over for some private time so she can see what you really are, and understand that whatever I want of you I get.”
The girl stammered and her Owner went on “hmmmm…yes, that would be nice. I would love to tell her that she could use you as her personal toilet whenever the need struck her at work. I hate to think of that sweet girl having to use the shared toilet.”
The girl never knew when her Owner was serious or teasing her and didn’t dare presume either, or ask. So she waited and her Owner said, “Well I’ll give that some thought, whore.
“The reason I called was because I just saw something on television about Tibet. I realized I don’t know much of the history of Tibet and I’m curious. Tonight after dinner, love, you will educate me on Tibet. I want a comprehensive presentation with visual aids and written materials. Be ready for a question and answer session on this subject and don’t fuck this up, bitch.
“The care and effort you invest in anything you do for me reflects your devotion to me. If you insult me with a substandard effort, you will regret it.”
The line went dead and the girl typed the word “Tibet” into Google as she pressed the button to ask her assistant to clear her calendar for the remainder of the day.
“Eleven hours later the girl found herself naked, weights dangling from clamps on her nipples and cunt lips, legs spread wide, bent over with her palms on the floor as a Kevlar cane burned into her ass. She howled and said, “Seven, thank you Goddess! Alex is a brainless piece of shit who needs to learn when Songtsan Gampo was born, may I have another one, harder please.”
Non-Entity: The girl was wearing her French maid outfit, the one with her tits, cunt and ass exposed, and too high heels. Her hands were cuffed together and her mouth was filled with an inflatable gag that made her jaws ache. She was holding a tray with cream puffs and waiting for her Owner and her guest to take one. They were sipping their coffee and chatting, and it took her a moment to realize that they were talking about her.
This happened with increasing frequency and it was very disconcerting; people talking about her as though she wasn’t there or couldn’t hear them. Her temper started to swell and then she flushed as she thought, “It’s like I’m a dog that can’t understand, and they don’t care if I do because I’m nothing.”
Through the buzzing in her head, she could hear her Owner's lover Kelly saying, “You should whore her out more so she’d remember her place. She still thinks she’s a rich Ivy League Banker. She needs to spend more time on her knees sucking cock at $20 a pop. Teach her what she is. Nothing like whoring a lesbian out to men to degrade the bitch. Why not give her a quota, $250 a week earned by sucking cock and getting fucked in the cunt and ass, $20 per hole or $50 for all three, is all she’s worth, she’s 34 and her tits are barely a C. She's not much of a piece of ass.”
Her Owner seemed to consider this a long while before saying’ “I see your point, but its hard to find guys who are safe and clean. The two I have using her are enough for me to worry about. She may be a fuck-toy but, I’m fond of her and I promised to keep her safe. As for making her see her place, I was thinking of getting dog, a big one, and training it
to fuck her, what do you think of that idea?”
The girl dropped the tray and the noise echoed around the room. Her Owner sipped at her coffee again and said, “Why don’t we skip dessert and take her downstairs. Lets see how many needles we can stick in her tits before she begs for doggie cock.”
Protocol: “You forgot to curtsy before the picture of my Mother,” said her Owner. The girl froze and went red in the face. “Put that on the list right now, and try again from the hallway, pet, and do try and use what is left of your brain, darling.”
The girl took a pen and scrawled her offense on a depressingly long list written on a steno pad that was never far from her. Tonight she would read the list to her Owner, in a quavering voice, with her stomach an Icy ball, and would learn what her carelessness would cost her. “Would she never learn,” she wondered to herself for the millionth time. Her Owner would certainly extract penance from her, for all of her missteps, in the most painful ways as she had done on dozens of occasions in the past.
The rules she could handle. She could be a good girl and follow orders, however degrading, painful, or distasteful they were. It was the protocols that she always got wrong. Her Owner had started to insist that she do certain things in certain ways, perfectly and the same every time, her every movement choreographed and it was driving her mad. The protocols seemed to change by the day or even the hour.
She realized with a start that she had been standing in the hallway, lost in thought, while her Owner waited and she fought to collect herself. “Calm down and concentrate, dammit,” she told herself.
She dropped to her knees and crawled to the doorway of her Owner’s study and lowered her lips to the threshold and kissed it. She then waited there, lips to the floor and her hands flat against the floor on either side of her head until her Owner snapped her fingers, and then she crawled into the room, stood and smoothed her tiny skirt and curtsied respectfully in the direction of her Owner.
She then moved to the fireplace mantle and kissed an ornate wooden box with silver corners, within which was locked the slave contract she had signed agreeing to be the property of her Owner. A contract without limits, and the power-of-attorney giving her Owner authority over her finances and affairs.
This time she remembered to also turn and curtsy before the picture of her Owner’s Mother. She then dropped to her knees and crawled to her Owner and, when it was offered, licked at the bottom of her shoe.
“Much better, my cute little fuck-toy, now do it that way every time that you enter this room, until I tell you differently, and you can avoid any further unpleasantness.”
The Parents of Property: The girl pushed her eggs around the plate, listening hard while trying to appear unconcerned. She would never, not between now and when the sun flared out, and the earth spun off into space a lifeless frozen ball, get used to her own Mother discussing her with her Owner as if she wasn’t there.
It amazed her how humans can get used to anything. It had taken her Mother only about six months to get used to the fact that she was “submissive to Jen and that they were involved in the D/s scene.” It had taken her parents somewhat longer to accept that she really was a lesbian and it “wasn’t a phase she was going through.”
Her Father had a harder time with it and tended to ignore the fact as much as he could, which was understandable. What Father wants to think of his daughter as a whore even if she is adopted.
Her Owner did not take advantage of the situation, which helped, but neither did she relax the standards to which she held the girl. “I won’t insist on anything sexual in front of them, darling, but my accommodation to them goes only so far. You will obey me and show proper respect always,” her Owner had said.
Over time, after countless long talks with her Owner, her Mother understood, only too much, what her daughter’s status was. So now the girl sat there while her Mother was saying, "Jen, you really should let Alex grow her hair out again. I like it so much better when its shoulder length."
She dropped her fork when her Owner replied, “I do too, Jean, but it gets in her eyes when she crawls and she spends a lot of time on her knees, so shorter works best.”
The girl heard a snort from her brother, who had no problem thinking of her as a whore, and her Father said, “It’s a lovely day, shall we take the boat out while the wind is right?”
The Brother of a Whore: The girl was standing bent over the chair at the desk in the room she had grown up in, her face down on the desk looking at a picture of herself in a girl scouts uniform having a badge pinned on her sash.
Her skirt was on the floor, still looped around one foot, and her shirt was open. Her brother was slamming his cock into her ass, making the chair creak with every thrust, and squeezing her tits, while saying in her ear, “I’m so glad you and Jen stopped by to celebrate the day that Mom and Dad adopted you. I’m so glad they did.”
He shot his load in her ass with a grunt and pulled out. With her Owner still watching, the girl dropped to her knees and cleaned his cock with her mouth, quivering at the taste of her own ass. She then fingered her ass and began to eat the cum she found there. Her brother watched her transfixed.
Her Owner looked at her over the top of the old yearbook she was leafing through and said, “Be a good little whore and ask Tom if he needs to pee down your throat, bitch.”
Tommy grinned and Alex almost had a violent cum from the incredible humiliation of the moment.
Polisher: The girl ached all over but she was almost finished. She was on her hands and knees in the large entry hall buffing the highly polished floor with a soft rag. The floor gleamed. She had cleaned it by hand with a bucket of water and a toothbrush. She had then polished it with floor polish and a rag. Then, and oh God, she still couldn’t believe it, she had polished it again with her own spit and pussy juice. Where does her Owner get these ideas she wondered for the millionth time!
Just as she was finishing up and thinking longingly of a cool drink and a hot bath, her Owner's friend Tara walked in and said, “Not bad, slut, except for the pee everywhere.”
The girl stupidly asked, “What pee, Miss Tara?” Tara raised her skirt and removed her panties and peed all over the floor.
The girl stared in horror and started to cry as Tara said, “Better get that puddle before it reaches the rug or Jen will skin you alive, cunt.”
The girl scrambled over and mopped the pee with her hair and then, weeping softly, began to lick the floor clean.
Bell-Ringer: The girl was kneeling at the end of the large four-poster bed. Her thighs were tied to the bed posts and her hands were cuffed behind her back and then pulled cruelly upwards and tied to a ring at the back of her collar. Her mouth was stuffed with her Owner's panties, soaked through with her pee. There were clamps screwed tightly shut on her nipples and cunt lips. A small bell hung from each clamp. Her clit burned from the Icy-Hot ointment that had been rubbed onto it.
The girl was in hell. Not because of the clamps, or the Icy-Hot, or the bondage. She was in hell because her Owner, her reason for living, the only thing that mattered to her, was making the sweetest, hottest, love to her friend Kelly on the bed in front of her and watching that scene was tearing her apart.
She wanted to look away but she couldn’t. She was watching carefully as Kelly moaned and shuddered through yet another orgasm - her fourth. The girl shook her bells noisily; celebrating the orgasm as she had been ordered to do.
Later she was to be whipped; five strokes on her open cunt for every orgasm that Kelly had. She was frightened of that, but didn’t care. She wasn’t crying about that. She was crying because she wanted what Kelly had; her Owner’s touch while she had one cum after another.
Morning: The silent alarm vibrated insistently under the girl’s pillow and she awoke with a sigh. She turned over on her back and laid still for a moment trying to wake up. She was on the floor in what had once been one of her walk-in closets. It was now her bedroom.
She was naked except for the cuffs and collar she wore and the silver tag with her Owner’s last name that hung from her clit ring. She opened the door quietly and removed the piece of now torn masking tape upon which her Owner had signed her name when she was closed in last night. Had she left the closet without permission then she would have torn the tape and had her Owner awakened and seen the tape torn then she would have......what?
The girl realized that she didn't know, but the thought didn’t comfort her. Whatever she decided to do, it wouldn’t be pleasant. She crawled to the bathroom and licked the toilet seat clean for her Owner and lit two scented candles and turned on a ipod player on the counter. Jazz music at a low volume drifted into the room. She crawled downstairs and got the newspaper and, standing for a moment, poured a cup of coffee that the machine had started brewing when her alarm had gone off.
She crawled back upstairs, paper in her mouth placing the cup before her on the floor and, crawling forward, and then moving the cup again with her mouth. She fumed in frustration that she had not been allowed to walk back upstairs with the coffee. There was no reason to do it this way except to make it harder for her. She flushed as she realized that was exactly what her Owner wanted. To make things harder for her; to frustrate her; to humble her.
When she reached the foot of the bed, she placed the coffee and paper on the night table and carefully pulled back the bed covers and began to lick at the bottom of the Owner’s foot. Her Owner stirred and stretched and propped herself up on some pillows and said, “Work your way up slowly, pet. I want to savor the feel of your hot tongue before you make me cum.”
Forty five minutes later, the girl had her head in the toilet bowl and was drinking the toilet water that was mixed with her Owner’s pee. Her Owner was now in the bath. The girl slurped up the last of the foul water and raised her head and sneaked a look at the clock. She had to be at work in 90 minutes, which meant she had to leave in 60; she just had to.
Her Owner caught her looking and said, “The time isn’t your concern, cunt. My mood and my pleasure is all you need worry about. I know your big meeting is at 9:30 AM. You may yet make it. You may go when I am done with you. If you’re late then that’s your problem, not mine. What I do to you tonight for peeking at that clock is also your problem. Now come and wash my hair.”
Toys: The girl and the boy were both toys. They were naked and covered in a sheen of sweat. The girl was on her back with her legs spread wide and held back over her head. The boy was between her legs sliding his leaking cock back and forth over her foaming cunt, rising it high at the end of each stroke to stroke her clit. They were both moaning like animals.
Out of the blue, the girl’s Owner yelled “Switch” and the girl immediately got on all fours and the boy knelt in front of her. She licked at his cock, swirling her tongue expertly like the practiced whore that she was. The boy moaned and begged to cum. Miss Vanessa, his wife and Owner, laughed and said, “No way, stud, but I’ll tell you what… we’ll help you out again.”
The girl felt the boy tremble and he started to beg, his words not making much making sense. “Please, oh god, Mistress, please, not my balls, please.”
Miss Vanessa reached over and twisted one of the girls nipples hard, and she yelped. “You do it this time, bitch,” she said.
The girl reached over and took the boy’s balls in her hand and squeezed hard, rolling the balls between her fingers, crushing them hard.
The boy screamed a horrible, choked, cry and began to snivel and sob. His cock went limp.
The girl had tears running down her cheeks too. Her Owner leaned over and licked them from her face and whispered, “Good girl, I know that was hard for you,” and kissed her.
Miss Vanessa broke the mood when she said, “Now get him hard again.” The girl stole a glance at the clock on the bedside table. For an hour and thirteen minutes the girl and boy had performed for their amusement, keeping each other on the edge of cumming. The girl could feel her erotic nerves in tension; she needed to cum so badly.
Feeling shaky, she began to lick at the boy’s cock again and as it stirred she swallowed it and started to suck while she gently tickled his balls with her fingers. She heard a moan and looked as far sideways as she could manage and saw that Miss Vanessa had her head between her Owner’s legs. She felt the sexual heat and lust rise in her even higher.
Her Owner reached over and began to toy with her clit ring, twisting it gently. She began to moan like an animal and felt juice slush from her cunt. She was fighting not to cum.
The boys cock grew rock hard in her throat again, and she heard her Owner begin to mew softly and knew she would cum soon. The girl was panicking, felt overwhelmed, she knew that, as close as she was, if she heard her Owner cum then she would cum too. She shuddered knowing the awful punishment that would follow if she embarrassed her Owner in front of her friend.
Then it happened. Her Owner said breathlessly, “Cum with me Alex! Right now, love, right now!”
The girl was only dimly aware of her Owner's noisy climax as touched her own clit and experienced cum, after cum, after nerve wracking cum. Her mind was a haze, red-hot, and she couldn’t really think.
She only knew that she would be devoted to her Owner forever and give her everything and anything she could, whatever it cost her.
The Icy-Hot Cunt Fuck: Miss Vanessa brought her boy-toy the Estate Playroom for a session with Alex. Alex watched as Vanessa bound the boy and hoisted him up tight on his toes, naked, and sporting a semi-hard-on. He could see that Alex was naked and waiting for further instructions.
After Vanessa whipped the boy’s ass, she ordered Abby to beg the boy to cunt fuck her. She told Alex that if she allowed the boy to cum in her she would be whipped to within an inch of her life.
Vanessa then dropped the boy down and told Alex to spread her legs wide so the boy could enter her. The kid looked at once, tentative, timid, twitchy, and terrified.
It didn’t take long before Miss Vanessa realized that the boy was very near to having a climax so she yanked him off of Alex by his hair.
“Now, Alex, that was a close call. You should know better too. This time I want you to spank him very hard, over your knees, for being so inconsiderate of you,” Vanessa said.
He cried as a result of his frustration and punishment and tears welled up in Alex’s eyes as well because she knew she was hurting the kid.
Vanessa let the spanking go on for quite a while before she motioned for Alex to stop and to hold out her hand. Vanessa spread Icy-Hot cream on Alex’s fingers and told her to massage the kids prostate. He yelled as the effect of the cream found it’s way up his sensitive ass hole and onto his prostate. The boy nearly came again but Vanessa pulled Alex’s fingers from his ass and told her to continue with her spanking.
Ultimately, with Jen’s permission, Vanessa decided that it would be fun to hard spank Alex over her own knees. She placed the boy on the floor near Alex so that Alex could use her still well greased hands to stroke the boy’s cock while she got her own ass spanked.
The boy howled as the Icy-Hot burned into his sensitive and already tortured cock.
But, that wasn’t the end of it for Alex or the boy. Again after getting Jen’s permission, she made the boy ass fuck Alex while his cock was still erect and slimy with the hot cream. Alex’s poor ass hole was aflame as it had never been before.
She knew what she was in for and knew she wouldn’t cum from an ass fuck - she never had before. She knew the boy was a master at ass fucking and would pound her until he finally had shot his wad.
Pool Toy: The girl was on her knees looking confused at her Owner who had just tossed a hand full of paper clips all over the stone patio by the pool. The girl was naked and wearing a posture collar.
Her Owner patted the top of her head like a dog and said, “The box said there were 100 paper clips. You will scurry around like an obedient puppy, for our amusement while we relax. You will collect the clips into a neat little pile by the fire pit. You will count out loud when you have the next one in the pile so we know you won’t miss any.
“You will use your, oh-so-talented, tongue to push each one along to the pile. You will drag your tits on the stone and keep your ass in the air at all times and keep those legs spread so we all get a good look at your wet cunt while you degrade yourself.
“If anyone wants you for toilet, or for clit-licking duties, then do as you’re told, whore, and then get back to work on the clips. Go on, now.”
The girl blushed furiously as the five women watching burst into laughter as she leaned down and started to push the nearest paper clip along the rough stone with difficulty.
Several times her Owner screamed at her to get her ass in the air higher, or to spread her knees when she moved, or to keep her nipples on the brick pavers. She know she would be punished for each time her Owner yelled at her.
Sometime later, when she was sweaty and aching all over Miss Kelly called her saying, “Here bitch.” Miss Kelly stood and removed her bikini bottom as the girl approached. She said, “Toilet!”
While on her knees, the girl leaned her head back and opened her mouth wide. Miss Kelly straddled the girls face and released a stream of hot piss down the toilet’s throat. The girl swallowed and swallowed but the pee came too fast and ran down over her tits. Miss Kelly finished and said, “Lick me clean, dry me with your tongue. Then clean the patio too, cunt.”
The girl licked Kelly’s cunt clean and then licked the patio clean. When she looked up after, her Owner had a cane in her hand and said, “Hold your tits out, bitch.”
She stretched her tits out as far as she could by pulling her nipple rings out in front of her, and trembled.
Her Owner said, “Head back, bitch, and repeat after each stroke, “Alex needs to practice being a better toilet, which is all she is good for, except being used as a cheap whore.”
The girl then felt the first hit sliced into her sore tits. It came with such force that it pulled the nipple rings out of her fingers. She was forced to re-grasp and pull on the rings and wait for the next slashing, burning, stroke.
The girl choked off a scream and, crying softly, said, “Thank you! Alex needs to practice…”
The Electric Catheter and the Word Games: The girl was trying as hard as she could to concentrate, but her mind was clouded by a red haze caused by pain, humiliation, fear and erotic excitement.
She was standing as high up on her toes as she could so that her sore cunt stayed just above the narrow piece of lumber that she was straddling. The lumber had been shaped to a sharp peak which hurt her cunt badly when she sagged downward whenever her toes relaxed even a little.
Her hands were of no use to her because they were each holding a heavy weight out in front of her. The weights were tied to a cord that ran through a pulley. The opposite end of each cord was tied tightly around the four needles which were pierced through each nipple. She did not want to drop the weights for fear of pulling the needles through her already sore, and bleeding nipples.
She was wearing a posture collar and a tight corset that caused her to take shallow breaths. She was trying to concentrate so that she could win the “word game” which was an idea that her Owner had heard from a friend and thought very amusing.
They had played the game twice in the past three weeks and the girl had won once and lost once. The rules of the game were simple: The television was tuned to the news and whenever her Owner heard a certain word spoken, she would press a button on the small box in front of her. This would cause electricity to run along a wire from the electric transformer box to the catheter in her urethra.
When that button was activated the girl would receive an agonizing shock inside of her most sensitive tissues. It was the worst pain she had ever experienced and it made her twitch, convulse, and spasm like a fish out of water. The pain was so intense she could only open her mouth in a silent scream but would ultimately that pain would make her into whimpering, sobbing, mass of uncontrollable womanhood, and force the contents of her bowels into an unmanageable slurry of mush.
When the news program ended, and the girl had recovered enough to be responsive, she was told to guess the “secret word.” If she guessed correctly, she was given the reward of a hard fucking by her Owner with a double-dildo strap-on which penetrated her ass and cunt at the same time, and was allowed to cum upon command. If she lost, she was kept like an animal in the garage all weekend and treated like the brainless insect that she was.
As another wave of agony subsided she tried to regain her senses and think. She thought the word might be “Congress” but she wasn’t sure. She prayed silently and waited for the next shock.
Shadow Puppet: The girls body ached all over. She was in hell and her mind was spinning, spinning with the ease with which her Owner could create these private hells for her, spinning with how much of a fully-controlled toy-puppet she had become, spinning with humiliation at the laughs and taunts of her Owner’s guests arrayed comfortably about the sun-soaked garden patio but mostly spinning with the sheer effort it took not to move.
She was standing on her toes, legs spread wide of course so as to properly display her soaked and open cunt-hole. Her arms were outstretched in front of her and slightly apart at an angle, fingers outstretched, her back bent at a 45 degree angle with the head cocked unnaturally. She was holding her position very carefully so that her fingers and head cast their shadows so as to line up perfectly with chalk outlines that had been drawn on the flagstone patio. People were taking turns watching that she didn’t break the alignment of shadow to chalk. They had been watching the show for over 2 hours.
Whenever she moved off her mark even a bit then her designated watcher would eagerly press a button on the box sitting on the small wrought iron cafe table, where they sat comfortably shaded under a green umbrella, and her clit would erupt in pain from the wires clipped to her clit ring. Her shrieks and begging would echo round the garden and laughter and more taunts would drift her way. Red-faced and crying she would restore the perfect alignment between her body and the shadow.
She wondered for the millionth time when her Owner would release her from this hell as the sweat poured off of her and the misery encased her and the frustration that nobody seemed to acknowledge that the sun moved in an arc across the sky, or rather appeared to as the earth moved about it, and it wasn’t always her fault that the alignment of puppet-body and shadow was broken.
She flushed as she remembered her Owner's words when she had pointed this out when first ordered into position: "Well that’s too bad for you, cunt, I can’t control the sun but I can easily enough control you, whatever goes wrong is your fault because I say it is, in your universe the laws of motion don’t matter, only my laws do."
The girl shrieked as the pain hit her and Miss Sarah smirked at her from her seat and said, “You were fine actually. I just wanted to see you twitch and scream,” and with a smile she pressed the button again.
Buried Treasure: The girl was carefully pouring coffee for her Owner and looked longingly at the bit of omelet and toast left on her Owner’s plate. She wondered if she would be allowed to eat it.
As if reading her mind, her Owner picked up the piece of toast and held it out and said, “Inside your cunt, bitch. You can fish it out after the dishes are done and eat it. The omelet is too good for you. Put it in the dog’s bowl. Now clear this away and then scurry back here. Go!”
She turned back to her newspaper and the girl, red-faced, pushed the buttered toast into her cunt and began to clear the table. When she returned, her Owner pointed at the floor and said, “Down, bitch,” and clipped a leash to her nose ring and small bells to her nipple rings and said, “Heel!” as she turned and began to walk. The girl scurried after her on all fours working hard to stay at heel so as to avoid having her nose ring pulled, which hurt terribly.
Her heart sank as they approached the corner of the garden, a patch of bare dirt past the vegetables and flowers that the girl tended for her Owner. Her Owner unclipped the leash and said, “Dig up your treasure, doggie-slut!” and settled herself comfortably in a hammock swung between two nearby trees and opened a magazine.
The girl crawled into the dirt patch and began to dig at the dirt with her bare hands. After about fifteen minutes of effort she uncovered a large dildo and carried it with her mouth to her Owner and made a small barking noise.
She was rewarded with a pat on the head and a giggle as her Owner said, “Good bitch - get the others!” And she crawled back to the dirt and began digging for the other five.
The digging was bad enough, but she knew she would have to clean them with her own pee and spit and lick them clean, and then take each one and fuck each of her three holes with it before burying them all back in their holes.
Her face burned with humiliation as she thought about this and wondered for the millionth time: “Where did her Owner get these ideas?” Was there no end to the ways in which she could be used and degraded?
Just then her Owner said, “When you rebury your treasures today, I want you to shit into each hole, cunt. That should help you to more easily find them next time. Yes?”
Her question thus answered, the girl resumed her digging as her cunt leaked its pungent and prodigious liquid down her thighs.
Words: The girl was panicked and aghast. She looked down at the stack of papers in her hand with tears of frustration in her eyes and took a deep breath and said out loud, “Ok, you can do this, pull yourself together.” She heard the car pull out of the drive.
Her Owner and Miss Kelly were heading out for a day in the city. Before leaving, she had handed the girl the stack of pages, at which she had stared in confusion. Each page had only a single word printed on it. The font, she later learned, was Blackadder ITC in 8 pt., which was very ornate and difficult to read - especially in the pink color in which it had been printed.
Her Owner had said, “Those are your orders for the day, darling. A word per page and I'm afraid the pages are in no particular order. You had best get right to work sorting them out, and learn from them what I want you to do today. Then, you need to perform those instructions completely and perfectly before I return. You will get the Kevlar cane and a loss of privileges if you fail.”
She had then kissed the girl on the forehead and walked away. The girl had looked at Miss Kelly and said, “Please, can you tell me something about all this, please?”
Miss Kerry smiled and said , “Sure I will honey. You are totally fucked.”
Sighing deeply, the girl began to sort the pages into piles of nouns, verbs, etc. She got the gist of the order about two hours later. She was to buy various things for dinner at various places, cook them, and then serve them in precise ways.
She looked at the clock and bit her lip. She would never make it and she wasn’t even sure she had the details properly sorted and connected to each dish.
In a panic she threw on the short sundress and sandals that her Owner had left her and rushed out the door.
Five hours later she was sobbing, bent over a chair, her burning bruised, red-striped, ass in the air, squeaking out, “Fifteen, thank you Goddess, this stupid cunt will learn to read more carefully, please may I take only cold showers for the next seven days, please?”
The girl heard Miss Kelly giggle at her and her face burned in silent rage.
Funeral for a Spider: The girl stood with her head down while her Owner berated her. She couldn’t believe she was being scolded for stepping on a spider.
Her Owner however saw things very differently, and it was her opinion that mattered and she was saying, “You are the lowliest creature on this property and you will treat everyone and everything you come in contact with, even the smallest insect, with respect and deference. Everything is above you, cunt, everyone and everything.”
The girl wondered if she was serious, but her doubts were forgotten when she was ordered to organize a funeral for the spider and invite a list of her Owner's friends. At the funeral party she was required to walk on all fours like a spider and was frequently given the order, “Down!” at which time she would lie flat on her back or front, as ordered, and was trampled upon.
After everyone had eaten, and she had delivered the eulogy for the spider, which she had been ordered to prepare, she was strung up upside down by her ankles, spread wide, and whipped on her cunt and her tightly banded tits while repeating over and over again, “Alex is the lowest form of life on earth and will act accordingly.”
Chapter VIII The Future-
This story could not end without trying to catch a glimpse into the future for the slave, Alex, and her Owner, Jen.
Question: Jen, what do you see as the outcome of your relationship with Alex, say five or so years in the future?
Answer: Five years? Ah, then she will stop working and she’ll be forty years old, and I’ll be wanting a younger, hotter, sex slave. She will have served my purposes.
I have my financial goals established for that time as well, and I think I should be set by then.
At that age, Alex will be all toilet, animal, and pain-slut. She won’t be fucking anything once she isn’t hot enough to be my sex slave any more. No more whoring her out either. No sex for her at all, really.
She will be allowed to masturbate to orgasm once a month, no multiples. When given that permission, she will be in terrible pain and will be on display in front of an audience.
She won’t get off the property and will be kept restrained 24/7 and I will torment her constantly; something to which she is not now accustomed. She will be kept as an animal; like a dog, kept on the floor, leashed from her nose or clit ring, and eating from a bowl. I’ll make her pee, naked, outside in both summer and winter. I’ll just treat her, generally, like a dumb animal.
I won’t let her speak without permission either.
I’ll have a plate and ring-lock put on her tongue. It’s pure misery because it prohibits any speech, and makes eating and drinking a very difficult and an almost unbearable chore. I once saw a cunt with one in her mouth at a party and I know someone in California who can do it.
Almost The End…
This is Lewis again…
Clearly, we will have to wait to see if Jen will be a woman of her word regarding the ominous future she has foretold for her incredible relationship with Alex. Time will surely tell!
Finally, readers of this story should be aware that there are legal arguments to be made regarding the transfer-of- ownership contract Alex signed with Jen. In the end, it could well be that the contract is unenforceable, and perhaps even illegal. These arguments include the view that the contract might have been made for an illegal purpose, made contrary to accepted public policy, and made in conflict to the principal of unjust enrichment.
It would seem that all of these legal arguments must have been considered by Alex, a magna cum laude graduate of the law, who nonetheless seemed to accept the contract as binding on her. What’s up with that?
Summer 2008 LC
The End…
Note # 1: If any of my readers believe they know the real “Jen and Alex,” I welcome them (and anyone else) to write me at Biggreek100@aol.com
Note # 2: The author claims copyright protection for the work published above, and any derivative work, under the provisions of the Berne Convention as signed by the USA in 1989. LC
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