By C
Such was the world into which Anne was born - a world that had been solely an all female society for almost two hundred years - a world in which this female society had long ago not only become accustom to the manner of treatment given members of the opposite sex, but had accepted it without question. How could it have been otherwise..? Such treatment, after all, had indeed become nothing more than a way of life – a way of life that was filled with happiness, excitement, prosperity, and contentment - a way of life that provided benefits in so many ways that made it obvious of clearly being what was intended - a way of life that was the only one ever known.
If viewed in the cold light of day by an outsider, it could have been said to be a way of life in which an all female society wantonly preyed upon the hapless male of its species. Such a description, however, implies primitive savagery. Such a description implies the deeds of persons that were uncaring - persons totally void of compassion. But no society ever existed that had been less primitive. In a world that had lived in turmoil, brutality, violence, and fear for thousands upon thousands of years, there now existed total peace and tranquility. Never, in the history of the human race, had there been such widespread feelings of caring for the welfare of others. Never, in the history of the human race, had there been such a profound degree of compassion.
It is true that this caring and compassion did not apply to males, but this exclusion was, in fact, the effect of human nature in the same manner that had existed since the earliest beginnings of civilization. No past society had ever found itself having feelings of caring and compassion toward livestock being raised other than to possibly object at needless mistreatment. To be livestock, after all, means to be raised for the purpose of being slaughtered to fulfill legitimate needs which, by its very nature, must be accepted and looked upon with indifference. Only in this way can feelings of sorrow, sorrow that would serve no useful purpose, be prevented. Reacting in such a manner is nothing more than a natural response that occurs even in individuals of deep compassion and, in so doing, is one of the most basic forms of human nature.
Such was the attitude held toward the human male, who not only was viewed in terms of being livestock, but something he had truly become. To argue that the definition could not be applied to humans is to dispute the very meaning that the word implies. The fact that the manner of slaughter and processing were far different from what, in the past, would be considered “traditional” has no bearing whatsoever. The end result of hides being taken for leather and flesh becoming packages of meat remained the same. Regardless of being human, the facts simply can not be denied. In terms of sheer numbers, the magnitude of what had taken place staggers the imagination.
At the time of Anne's birth, in a period of two hundred years, a worldwide female population that had never numbered over five billion at any given time, had artificially bred and raised as dumb animals almost eight trillion human males of which, except for a small number that had fallen victim to lionesses, each and every one had been slain by the hand of a woman. After death, the bodies of each and every one of these males had then been butchered for food by a woman - including special attention being given to that which most vividly identified him for what he was of which, each and every one, had been cut-off by a woman, cooked by a women, eaten by a woman as being the choicest of any delicacy, and, in so doing, that flesh of the male which, by its very nature is the most male of all, meekly succumbed to allowing itself being transformed into becoming flesh of members of the opposite sex.
If all of the penises that had met this fate were attached end to end, even in their flaccid state, it would form a rope capable of circling the globe over twenty seven thousand times. If all of the testicles that had been taken were placed in a layer, six inches deep, the surface would cover an area of well over ten thousand square miles.
As impressive as such quantity sounds, however, eating the sex organs of a male was limited to being enjoyed only as a delectable treat. It was flesh from the remainder of the body that comprised the bulk of women's diet which, because of being unmatched in both taste and quality from any other source, was the only type of meat eaten. Trying to describe the total volume of flesh from human males that had been cooked, consumed, and, in so doing, transformed into becoming the flesh of members of the opposite sex would be pointless since a magnitude of such proportions defies being visualized in any meaningful way.
As staggering as these statistics might be, they reflect only what had taken place up to the time of Anne's birth. They continued to grow afterward at a never ending pace. On each and every day, one hundred and ten million males met the final fate that awaited them with a like number being "planted" in "hatcheries" to keep the overall population from diminishing.
Another statistic of staggering proportions is that out of this one hundred and ten million males being slain daily, ninety million were falling victim to members of the general public. From the very start of forming this all female society, each and every one of its members, upon reaching the age of eighteen, had started personally “harvesting” males in processing plants. This activity continued until reaching an age of no longer having the strength to draw a bow – an age that, for most women in the era in which Anne had been born, did not occur until reaching ninety. In so doing, an average woman would slay, butcher, and take souvenir pelts of pubic hair from over six hundred males in her lifetime. There can be little doubt that playing an active role of such magnitude was one of the major factors that contributed to the manner in which males had come to be viewed, and the not only open, but enthusiastic acceptance of how they were being treated.
(As a point of interest, all meat sold in food markets for home use was “harvested” in the processing plants and, in so doing, comprised the bulk of that being eaten. Twenty million of the males being slain daily met their fate in the “special” facilities where the bodies were skinned to be stuffed in part or in their entirety, mounted on plaques, provide hides to be hung on walls or used as rugs, made into countless displays and household items, or being tanned and, in so doing, becoming extremely soft and supple leather being used for making articles of clothing, shoes, gloves, purses, etc., along with an untold number of other items. All of the sex organs and a portion of the meat from the skinned carcasses were sent to restaurants, delicatessens, and catering establishments. There was, however, a large excess of meat which was used for feeding pets, and, to keep any from going to waste, whatever remained was shipped to ranches where it was mixed with beef and fed raw to males and yearlings. There was always some manner in which hides could be used, but, as has been mentioned previously, the primary reason for raising an excess of males was not to “harvest” their meat or hides, but to “harvest” that which hung between their legs and, in so doing, increase the frequency that these delicacies could be eaten – such was the extreme in which this of the male was enjoyed, and such was the extent of how little value was placed on a male’s life.)
In receiving such treatment, what other term could be possibly be applied in regard to the human male other than he had indeed become nothing more than “livestock” in every sense of the word. The fact that, in addition to providing meat, heads, hides, and bones were being used in countless ways that served to strengthen this role males had come to play - as did the fact that, for their entire lives they were naked in the same manner as any other form of livestock and, in so doing, were deprived of any shred of human dignity that being clothed might have provided.
In the face of such magnitude, can there be any wonder that, in spite of being members of the opposite sex, women came to look upon males as being so far different from themselves that, in terms of human value, they were regarded as being a sub-species of such vast inferiority that being viewed as livestock was nothing more than a natural reaction – a natural reaction which caused no conflict in female emotions? In the face of such magnitude, can there be any wonder that an all female society found itself openly accepting the manner in which males were treated as being nothing more than a way of life – a way of life that served to fulfill valid and legitimate needs that were viewed to be clearly intended? In the face of such magnitude, can there be any wonder that, in spite of the members of this female society having feelings of deep compassion toward others, as far as the life of a male was concerned it was looked upon as being unimportant and, therefore, not worthy of concern?
It needs to be remembered that the untold number of males that women would see in their lifetime would be one of two things – they would either be alive and in good health - or they would be dead. There was no in-between. Those that would be dead would have it come with a quickness that was void of pain. No males would be seen that were injured and suffering in anguish and, in so doing, there was an absence of the one ingredient that, especially for a woman or girl, had the potential to overshadow all that was be taking place and bring forth feelings of pity. With this ingredient being absent, as far as males were concerned, nothing was seen deserving pity and, therefore, no pity was felt.
Such is the way it had been for generation after generation of an all female society throughout the world. Such is the way it was for the generation into which Anne was born, and, therefore, such it would be for her. She would receive a great deal of loving affection and attention from her mother, her mother’s friends, women at day-care centers when her mother was at work, and teachers when becoming old enough to attend school. The result was a childhood that was typical for all girls - one filled with happiness and excitement.
In regard to Anne, it would be no understatement to refer to her in terms of being "exceptional". In a world where striking beauty had become commonplace, she received admiring second glances. In a world where high intelligence was had by all, she was considered outstandingly brilliant. In a world where deep feelings of compassion were taken to be second nature, she was viewed as being extremely warmhearted. None of these things within her, however, had any bearing on the way she came to view members of the opposite sex and all that was being done to them. In this regard, her outlook was the same as all others. The thought of them being deserving of compassion never entered her mind. They were - after all - only males.
It can be of little wonder that Anne, like all girls, viewed males in terms of being vastly different and inferior to herself in a manner that resulted in their lives being looked upon as unimportant and not worthy of concern. For as long as she could remember, her home, including her bedroom, had contained naked male bodies stuffed in their entirety, plaques on walls with some containing mounted heads and sex organs and others containing sex organs only, table lamps whose bases were lower torsos with sex organs protruding between spread upper thighs, hides attached to walls and others used as rugs, and numerous other household displays and items made from bodies of which the part that most vividly identified being male was, by far, the most frequently used. For as long as she could remember, wherever she had gone she had not only seen these same types of items and much more in far greater variety and number, but numerous public displays made from the stuffed bodies of males such as the arches made from lower torsos and spread thighs connected to each other and curving over aisles in department stores and the large fountains John had observed in a shopping mall. For as long as she could remember, she had worn and seen others wearing coats and clothing of soft pliable leather of which many contained pubic hair trim and small nipples that, although stylishly placed, made the source of the leather obvious. The same was true for the leather upholstery that covered sofas and chairs. For as long as she could remember, she had made periodic visits, either with her mother or a school class on field trips, to ranches where she observed naked males and yearlings, numbering in the thousands, milling aimlessly in large fields where they were being treated and behaving in much the same manner as herds of cattle. For as long as she could remember, she had taken other trips, also either with her mother or a school class, to processing plants and seen males being slain by women, one after another, looked at the bleeding, lifeless bodies of others either hanging upside-down in a long row from a moving conveyor or being butchered by women while laying spread-eagled on tables and then, in another room, seeing the resulting rich-colored meat being cut, sliced, and packaged. For as long as she could remember, she had been going to food markets with her mother and seeing packages of meat stacked in neat rows in refrigerated counters – packages of meat that, after only a few trips to processing plants, were readily recognized and left no doubt as to the origin. For as long as she could remember, she had watched her mother select some of these packages from the counters which they took home and placed in their refrigerator. For as long as she could remember, she had seen her mother take the packages out and cook the rich-colored meat. For as long as she could remember, she had been eating this meat that her mother cooked – meat that was tender, juicy, and delicious – meat that was the only type she had ever been given. For as long as she could remember, she had seen her mother occasionally select a package in a food market that contained the most easily recognized meat of all – meat that when cooked, however, Anne could only watch being eaten by her mother whose face, when so doing, registered a look of excitement and extreme ecstasy. For as long as she could remember, every restaurant she had been in had served the same tender and delicious meat – including that which she could only watch being eaten by women only.
There were also a lot of fun things she had been doing for as long as she could remember – playing with toys made from the extremely soft tanned skin of penises and scrotums. Her first encounter with this of a male was when only several weeks old being given a pacifier that was a small erect penis and bulging scrotum of a size that would be found on a male infant several months old. In this case, however, it had been made from an artificial substance that, in spite of being artificial, was so realistic in detail and feel that only upon close examination could this be determined. Her mother would have been unable to count the number of times her baby daughter had fallen asleep while loudly sucking on the small, flared tipped shaft. But there had been nothing artificial at all in the rattle she was given a few months later – at least nothing artificial on the outside which was the skin from the genitals of a mature male. The skin of the penis had been filled with a soft spongy material that had just enough resistance to make an effective handle without being overly strutted. Two testicle shaped plastic hollow spheres inside the scrotum contained beads that made a rattling sound when shaken. And, shaken they were. Even though Anne’s small hand could reach only part way around the thick shaft, her grip was sufficient to enable being enthusiastically shaken back and forth as well as being banged, with gusto, on the side of her crib. In addition to being waved about and banged, there was also a great deal of being chewed upon. The shaft received some of this activity, but it was the flared ridge of the head that, by far, received most attention which would soon become wet with drooling saliva. In the months that followed, it can truly be said that Anne, like all baby girls, literally cut her teeth on the head of a human penis.
In growing up, Anne played with many toys that had been made from the tanned skins of male sex organs filled with different types of substances. They were of such variety that it would serve little purpose to describe them all other than saying there was one theme common to all. This theme was aimed at insuring that, regardless of what type of toy was being made, the identity of from where the skins had been taken always be readily apparent. Mentioning a few, however, should provide some idea as to how this of the human male was being made into playthings - not only for Anne starting at infancy, but for all girls. There was also a music playing mobile attached to the side of her crib that consisted of a slightly vibrating revolving wheel from which dangled six penises and scrotums. The skins had been filled with a gelatin-like substance that realistically duplicated being in a flaccid state which resulted in them constantly jiggling as the wheel turned and, in so doing, brought instinctive notice when she lay on her back. Others that she played with in her crib were squeak-toys that made funny sounds when squeezed. When older, one of her favorite types were skins made into beanbags. She and her friends spent many fun filled hours tossing them back and forth and laughingly running after ones that failed to be caught. She accumulated quite a few that when dropped on top of one another, made a sizable pile. When taking a bath, she would gleefully splash in a tub while playing with skins filled with soft foam that enabled them to float. A toy that she liked to sleep with was a funny looking stuffed elephant whose head was an upside-down bulging scrotum with rolling plastic eyes and a fairly long penis, serving as the trunk, filled with a substance that was extremely wiggly. These are but a few examples of such toys that Anne had played with – for as long as she could remember.
Can there be any wonder that Anne, like all girls, was indifferent to the treatment being given to males and regarded their lives as having no value when, in addition to the enormity that has already been mentioned, she had been taken to large outdoor stadiums where, in the mists of a festive spectator atmosphere, she had watched fleeing males being struck down in exciting and often funny ways by charging lionesses who then savagely ripped the limp bodies into pieces before being eaten? And, if this were not enough, she spent countless hours at home in front of a large-screen television watching scenes of all that has been described and more being shown in amusing and entertaining presentations in which both slow motion and close-up views were frequently used to enhance both the enjoyment and the effect.
The result of being inundated from such extreme openness in all that was taking place in Anne’s young life, as was the case for all girls, had been to have an untold number of impressions being deeply ingrained within her subconscious in the ways she came to regard members of the opposite sex - even before knowing what they were other than being called "cubs", "yearlings", or "males" depending on age and size. Similarities in physical appearance did indeed lead to her becoming aware of there being a resemblance, but seeing this physical resemblance did nothing to disturb her since there were also marked physical differences as well – especially an extremely noticeable difference that had no similarity whatsoever – a difference of such prominence that it served to clearly set them apart. And, it was this difference to which she came to increasingly identify with being a symbol of vast inferiority.
Another impression that had been made on Anne was an early awareness and understanding of death even before knowing the word itself - both the ease and suddenness in which it could be caused, and the resulting enormity and finality of it after having occurred. It would have been impossible for her to have done otherwise after going to processing plants and seeing what happened to living bodies when an arrow plunged through their chest. The result was always the same. They collapse to the floor, jerk and quiver in extremely funny ways for several minutes, and then the bodies become limp and no longer moved as they leave trails of blood while being drug by the feet and then hung upside-down from a conveyor – a conveyor that takes them to a room where she saw these bodies being taken from the conveyor, lowered on tables, and lay motionless while being disemboweled and cut-up in pieces that become packages of meat. Her awareness of death, however, came in a way that brought no distress since it not only had been void of witnessing any pain or suffering, but something that her mother and all the women around her never ceased to be both highly amused and excited whenever watching it occur. It was simply something being done for very good reasons - reasons for which she had also come to have an early awareness and understanding. In addition to all the useful things and displays that surrounded her in her home and other places wherever she went, there was the most fundamental reason of all – the need for death to occur in order to provide the easily recognizable packages of delicious meat that her mother cooked and put on her plate at mealtime.
It would take far too much time in attempting to describe everything that served to play a role in influencing the manner in which Anne came to view members of the opposite sex - a way in which, although she knew them to be somewhat similar to herself, were viewed, nevertheless, as being vastly different and so highly inferior that no question arose in her mind regarding them not deserving of their fate. In fact, even before becoming old enough to comprehend being given an explanation, she came to look upon the only reason for their existence was to be used exactly as they were to such a degree that the thought of anything to the contrary never entered her mind.
Many things attributed to this outlook being instilled in Anne, but the focal point which, more than anything else, most vividly showed a male to indeed be different from herself played the most prominent role. It was this of the male that had been made into toys that she played with in countless fun filled hours. It was this part of the male that on numerous times in processing plants she had not only seen flopping, jouncing, jiggling, and humiliating themselves in such funny ways that she could not keep from laughing, but yielding in limp submission while being cut away by a woman's hand, laying in clear plastic warped styrofoam trays that her mother and other women would purchase in food markets to take home to be cooked and eaten by them, and in seeing others, glistening from cooked juices, laying on women’s plates and being eaten in restaurants. Of even more significance was in seeing this of the male being displayed and used in countless ways that not only surrounded her in her home – but, by far, the most frequent sight in every place she went. As a result, it was this of the male that she came to view as not only being vastly inferior, but clearly identifying individuals whose only purpose in life was to be used in fulfilling obvious needs.
It might have been thought that the extreme repetition to which Anne was inundated in so many countless ways of viewing and being associated with exposed sex organs of members of the opposite sex would, in time, result in them becoming commonplace and reach a point of receiving little notice. It needs to be remembered, however, that this part of the male body stands out with such contrasting prominence that it draws instinctive notice - regardless of the frequency being looked upon. In addition, there was something about them that, even at a young age, Anne found to be strangely intriguing and exciting although, at the time, she had no awareness of the cause. Of even more significance, was the result of being influenced by a wide variety of imaginative and innovative ways that had been carefully developed and refined over the years whose sole purpose were specifically aimed at keeping a waning of interest in these male organs from ever occurring in members of an all female society – regardless of how many untold number of times they might be observed.
Anne, like all girls, had been told nothing about sex when she was young. She knew that males were different, but she had no awareness of the actual purpose for this difference. In being young, however, she didn’t give the matter a great deal of thought – it was simply the way things were. It she had been asked to give an explanation of what reason this part of the male anatomy was intended to serve, her reply, in all probably, would have been that it was to enable being made into a lot of things that were both useful and pleasing to look at, being made into toys that were fun to play with, and for doing things that were real amusing to watch. But, the primary reason was to be extremely delicious so that her mother and other women could enjoy eating them. She had seen untold number of erect penises on stuffed bodies, mounted trophy-style on plaques, on lamp bases, on hides, and on other types of displays and items that were far to numerous to count. She found that looking at them in this state to be somewhat more exciting, but she had no idea as to why. For a long time, she had assumed that mounting them in this manner was something that was merely being done to change the appearance in a way that women found to be somewhat more exciting also. Since all of the penises she had seen on males that were either alive or recently slain had always been extremely limp, she had no awareness of them being able to become erect in any other manner that what she had seen.
Anne had, of course, seen penises become rigid on bodies that were being roasted over red hot coals, but the cause was so obviously due to internal pressure caused by intense heat that she gave it little thought other than it being quite amusing and, for some reason, even more exciting to look at than the ones that were stuffed this way – especially when they started spewing thick, white streams of boiling liquid. Even when becoming older, it did not even cross her mind that a penis could become erect on a male that was alive until seeing it occur one day on several that had been asleep when she and her mother visited a ranch. Anne found herself being surprised, and asked her mother how they could get “stiff like that” on males that were sleeping. Her mother laughed and said that nature made them that way because it was something that needed to happen for them to be milked. Before Anne could ask any more questions, her mother told her to be patient because it was something she would soon learn about in school.
Anne's mother had been correct in saying that in school she would soon be learning about males being "milked". The lesson not only included the teacher explaining how erections occurred and why this was necessary to enable being milked of the highly nutritious and pleasant tasting beverage she and her classmates drank on a daily basis was produced and stored within a male's body. In addition to pictured illustrations, the class looked at an animated video showing the interior structure of a penis and what took place when filling with blood and becoming erect, how achieving this state resulted in nerves along the bottom, especially at the end, becoming highly sensitive (illustrated by showing the area starting to flash) and, in so doing, respond to the massaging action of a "milking cup" in a way that caused a series of contractions to occur which forced semen out of the internal glands, down the urethra, and then squirt from the hole.
It was also explained how the "milking" process included using a special type of gas that, when breathed by males, made them unconscious and caused an erection to occur. Anne and her classmates were then shown a narrated video of an actual "milking operation” taking place. The video showed hundreds of naked males being herded into long rows in a large room and then obediently lay on their backs – something the narrator said they had been trained to do. The gas was then injected into the room and, although not visible, its presence became quickly apparent when, almost in unison, eyes were seen to grow heavy and close which was soon followed by movement starting to take place between the legs – movement that continued until what moments earlier had been laying limp and passive became swollen and strutted objects pointing upward toward "milking cups" hanging from clear plastic tubes that had descended from the ceiling.
The advantage that was afforded from being stiff and upright, became readily apparent when women entered the room and started moving down the rows to pull down the cups and quickly thrust them onto the conveniently offered rigid shafts. Close-up views were then shown of pulsating cups which soon had streams of white liquid moving up the attached tubes and joining with much larger streams flowing in glass pipes running the length of the ceiling. The scene then switched to a ceramic-tiled room that was spotlessly clean where the glass pipes terminated and were gushing with such volume that it took little time for stainless steel containers to be filled - one after another.
In learning how seamen was produced and stored in the male body, Anne and her classmates were told of a relating function performed by testicles. It was in this way that they found out that when a yearling reached the approximate age of twelve that these oval shaped glands started making a hormone called "testosterone" which not only was what caused his body to start producing a delicious beverage, but also was responsible for bringing about the physical changes that caused him to cease being a “yearling” and become a “male”.
In describing the effects that testosterone had on a male's body, it was explained that the hormone contained a chemical who’s function was to gradually marinate his flesh that, in so doing, resulted in it becoming unmatched in taste, juiciness, and tenderness. The gaining of this knowledge served to provide even more proof to an already unquestioned belief that slaying males for their meat was something that nature clearly intended being done – something their teacher made a special point of bringing to their attention.
In her discussions on explaining semen and testicles, the teacher made no mention of the word "sperm". The reason for the omission was the same as not saying anything about a far different way that a penis could be "milked" – a way that women not only found to be extremely exciting, but one that brought a great deal of exhilarating physical pleasure. Girls were told quite early in life of being conceived in their mother's womb - something that, from the start, served to separate themselves in a very important and meaningful way from males that were only produced in hatcheries. But, it would be years before sufficient maturity would be reached of being able to handle learning that a male had played a role in bringing their own creation - regardless of how minor this role might be viewed. It was fortunate that trying to contemplate something as complex as the miracle of human creation proved to be so difficult and remarkable that little thought by young girls, if any, was directed in wondering what caused it to begin. When the lesson was concluded, Anne and her classmates had been left with the impression that the sole purpose for seamen being produced was to slowly marinate the flesh of a male body and provide a tasty and healthy beverage for them to enjoy.
In gaining an in-depth knowledge about the internal functions of male sex organs, especially in the ability of to become erect, Anne found her interest if this part of their body not only being heightened, but also generating a strange type of excitement which, as she grew older, seemed to slowly but steadily become more intense. It was only when approaching puberty, however, that the age was reached when subconscious instincts, that up to this point had remained hidden within, gave the first physical indication of making their presence known.
It was several months after Anne reached her twelfth birthday that changes which had starting taking place within brought forth their first outward notice. The occasion came during what started out as just another routine trip to a processing plant with her mother in which, as had always been the case, when in the arena her primary attention was drawn to looking at funny activity taking place between the legs of males who were being brought our and slain in an endless procession – especially when flopping an jouncing about in wild abandon as spasms brought forth by the suddenness of death caused the bodies to violently thrash and jerk.
At first, Anne's actions had been much the same as in the past. She became quiet in feeling an eerie type of fascination that came over her each time a drawn bow was being raised. The spell, however, would be quickly broken and replaced by laughing, giggling, and clapping from being highly amused at the comic activity that always occurred after an arrow found its mark. But, toward the end, her attention started becoming increasingly focused on the objects that were protruding from thick, triangles of curly hair with an interest that was greater than at any time in the past. She had always experienced a strange and pleasing type of excitement which, as has been mentioned, seemed to have increased in becoming older, but never to a degree such as this. As a result, a strange tingling sensation started taking place although, at the time, it went unnoticed.
It was only when reaching home and going to the bathroom that she noticed her panties being damp. Upon further examination, she found that there was also wetness between her legs that was a slick, clear looking liquid that felt like some kind of lubricant. In addition, she finally became aware of a strange yet pleasing type of tingling that, although having diminished in intensity, still remained. Her mother had told her that she was reaching the age where things would start happing down there, but this was different from what her mother had tried to explain. Anne didn’t waste any time trying to contemplate something that she had no answer for. She did as she had always done when a question arose – she went to find her mother. Her mother, upon hearing what had occurred, gave her daughter a hug and said - "It looks like my little girl is growing up and old enough to understand having a few things explained."
It was later that evening that Anne's mother provided the explanation. It came with them sitting on their leather covered living room sofa with her mother holding an impressive set of male sex organs that were attached to a round handle. The penis was fully erect and so strutted that it pulled the skin of the scrotum tight - clearly revealing the oval shaped bulges within. In addition, there was a triangular shield attached to the top of the handle that was covered by a padded thatch of thick, curly hair. For as long as Anne could remember, she had seen the object lying on her mother’s bedside table but, in assuming it to be nothing more than just another ornament, had given it little attention other than noticing the size. This previous inattention, however, changed when her mother pressed a switch on the handle which caused the penis to start vibrating and then proceeded to explain how the device was used. She even demonstrated how the penis, in addition to vibrating, could also be made to jerk and squirt out jets of warm semen. Anne’s interest became even greater when told that, instead of being stuffed like others in a manner that realistically duplicated the interior texture and feel, the inside of both the penis and testicles were the actual flesh that had been injected with a preservative which, in the case of the penis, had been done under pressure to make it become erect.
Her mother held nothing held back as she described not only the manner that being in a rigid state enabled a penis to be used by women for bringing extreme excitement and physical pleasure, but she pointed out various features of the shape that, when explained, made it obvious of having been clearly created to serve this very purpose - the firmness yet, at the same time, soft smoothness of the long shaft whose impressive thickness enhanced being felt within - the rounded, cone shaped head being even more smooth and soft to enable gentle penetration - the sloped ridge around the head being strutted in a manner that not only provided added stimulation, but even flaring upward at the top to enhance contact being made with that of a woman which was, by far, the most sensitive to being touched and aroused in bringing forth an organism.
Her mother ended the discussion by describing how, in addition to using vibrators, there were facilities that women could go and use males that, although unconscious, would have an erection when fondled – an activity that, to women, was even more exciting and enjoyable. Her mother also explained that males being held in these facilities had been selected for their appearance and endowment after becoming mature and were used until their flesh reached the point of being ready to be harvested.
Anne found herself being filled with both excitement and fascination which was only heightened when the realization came that she was learning of something which her changing body had already become subconsciously aware. The deep bond of trust and love forged through the years between mother and daughter enabled her to accept the reason why not being told any of this earlier had been done for her benefit and, in the same light, did not question being told that she must wait until becoming a "woman" before being allowed to engage in the activity and, in so doing, discover what the experience would actually be like.
When lying in bed later that night Anne stared, with almost mesmerized fascination, at the erection sprouting from the triangle of hair on the body of the stuffed male standing in the corner of her room and, in so doing, tried to imagine what the rigid shaft thrusting deep within her would feel like. Her focus was so intense that she was not even aware of starting to rub herself until her body exploded in the throes of an organism that was the most intense she had ever experienced until, soon afterward, being exceeded by another and then, repeated again and again until laying spent and drained while experiencing a relaxing warmth never before known.
Her gaze swept dreamily around her room while looking at the penises mounted on plaques hanging on the walls in a way she had never done before. Even the ones that were mounted flaccid or partially erect received notice. Her attention then turned toward the hairbrush on her dresser. It wasn’t an elaborate vibrator, but the handle could easily be used in much the same manner – a handle made from the soft, tanned skin of a penis that had been stuffed in an erect state. The realization, however, did not result in bringing forth any urges of temptation. Her mother had said that she would have to wait and that was all there was to it. Women were never disobeyed – especially mothers. Such was the depth of trust and respect that not only existed in Anne, but in all girls throughout the world.
From that day forward, both looking at and touching the stuffed penises in her home took on a new and exciting meaning - especially those that were erect. The passage of time, in combination with experiencing the effects of her body blossoming into young womanhood, not only served to heighten awareness, excitement, and fantasizing, but also a growing curiosity of what the experience would be like to actually lay on an unconscious male whose penis was rigid and feel it slide deep within. But, although there was a growing impatience for the eventful day of turning fantasy into reality to arrive, she found it somewhat tantalizing in having to wait which served to make the prospect of one day finally becoming a "woman" all the more meaningful.
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