By C
It was not until reaching her early teens that Anne, like all girls, learned about the war while studying history in school. It came as somewhat of a shock being told that males had once roamed free and had not started being raised on “ranches” and “harvested” until two centuries ago. In studying about the war, however, the history book and lessons gave a somewhat different version than what had actually taken place – particularly, in describing actions committed by males. No mention was made of highly sophisticated weaponry since having the ability to use items of complexity, by their very nature, would imply having a fairly high degree of intelligence. Males were, instead, portrayed as barbaric savages of little intellect that were obsessed with banning together in large groups and, not only viciously attack defenseless women, but fight with other such groups of males in what had been called “wars” – “wars” that became increasingly violent and devastating until one of such magnitude occurred that it encircled the entire globe and threatened total destruction for all. The only reference to weapons was that male’s had brutally forced women to build them and, although extremely effective in causing massive death and destruction, required only rudimentary intelligence to use.
They learned that the war was called “World War III” in which almost half of all males had been killed. This number, however, paled when compared to that of far more women that had perished to such an extent that, if something was not done to stop the insane fighting, would have surely been annihilated. But, something had been done to bring the senseless violence to and end, and in this regard, the historical accounts were far more accurate. It was explained how, in addition to the countless number of women that had been savagely killed, the widespread destruction led to conditions becoming so appalling that many more died from sickness and malnutrition.
In stressing the extent of suffering that women had been forced to endure, not only were vivid descriptions given, but the book contained several graphic photographs showing large areas of widespread destruction with the bodies of women laying in the rubble – many that were horribly militated. Anne and her classmates then learned that it was only when being confronted with massive starvation that women had started eating the bodies of males that had been killed in the fighting. The historical record, in this regard, took the liberty of straying to some extent by implying that it was in this way that women discovered the flesh of males being so outstanding that it made them realize that, surely, such would be the case unless it was clearly meant that this flesh be cooked and eaten. In order to illustrate the point, the book showed a photograph of several rows of male bodies, impaled on spits, being roasted in much the same manner as what members of the class had seen being done on numerous outdoor occasions – the only exception being that the heads on the male bodies in the picture had been removed. Being headless, however, didn’t prevent erections from occurring and spew jets of boiling seamen – a fact that was clearly obvious since the picture had been taken at a climatic moment when eruptions spurting from strutted shafts had been the most intense.
In describing the types of male violence that the women had been forced to suffer, it should be pointed out that the word “rape” was not mentioned. The enormity of the countless other atrocities that had been committed were of such magnitude that it was not necessary to reinforce the impact by attempting to define a word that no longer existed and, therefore, had no meaning - as did such words as, “men”, “boys”, “husbands”, “fathers”, and “sons”.
The historical description became far more accurate when proceeding to explain how the desperate circumstances had led to women forming an underground movement which, under the brilliant and skillful leadership of the “Supreme Commander”, not only succeeded in bringing the war to an end but, in so doing, capturing and holding the entire surviving male population in guarded facilities. At this point, the description again took liberties in not giving an accurate portrayal of what occurred after the astounding victory. It proceeded by stating that, again under the remarkable guidance of the “Supreme Commander”, women came to realize the true purpose that males were meant to serve and started “harvesting” the captives in the manner that nature had truly intended being done from the very start. There had been no reference of desperate conditions having existed at the time.
It was at this point that another historical photograph was shown – one in which an instantly recognized woman was standing over the spread-eagled body of a naked male that had the feathered end of an arrow protruding from his left breast. The caption under the photograph read – “Picture of the first male to ever be harvested being done by the Supreme Commander.” There was very little said about what had occurred after this, and Anne and her classmates were left with the impression that, in women finally coming to recognize what nature clearly intended being done, they started raising males on ranches to be harvested like they should have been doing all along.
When the lesson had been concluded, Anne and her classmates found themselves having feelings of anger toward not just males from the war, but all males. In so doing, even though they already had an unquestioned belief that males were being treated in exactly the manner that they should be, the belief was nevertheless reinforced. If males being on the loose for thousands of years had been unable to keep from rampaging and committing horrible, barbaric deeds then, clearly, they had never been meant to be on the loose from the start. But, in addition to their anger, they also found themselves feeling immense pride – both for the courageous women of that past era for their profound wisdom, and for themselves for no other reason than knowing they were female.
When Anne reached the age of fifteen, she thought that she had been told everything there was to know about males. This was true for the most part, but in regard to semen, it was not until shortly after reaching this age that she learned this male fluid served a purpose going beyond slowly marinating a male’s flesh and providing the delicious and nutritious beverage she had enjoyed all of her life - a purpose that played a role in the very creation of human life - including her own.
The revelation came at school where, after first being discussed by her teacher, Anne and her classmates watched an animated video showing countless tiny sperm swimming around a much larger egg which ended with one finally reaching and then penetrating the surface. The animation then showed the egg starting to divide which continued until taking human form. When the video ended, in seeing concerned looks on her students faces, the teacher made light of what they had been shown and joked about how funny the tadpole-like creatures had looked while wiggling about in such a frantic manner. She then went on to say that a sperm's sole function was nothing more than providing a means to trigger an activating mechanism within an egg which, in so doing, was something nature provided to enable women to choose when they wanted to have a daughter.
Anne laughed with her classmates at the teacher's lighthearted manner but, like they, found herself still feeling somewhat troubled at learning a male had played any part whatsoever in her being born - regardless of how minor this role might be viewed. It helped some when the teacher informed them that males used for this purpose were bread and raised in separate facilities from their more common counterparts and, although still male, were considered to be a somewhat superior breed.
The teacher went on to say that semen from all males, however, contained sperm and, for this reason, when Anne and her classmates reached the age of becoming "women", they would start talking a pill that prevented pregnancy so they could use males for sexual pleasure whenever and as often as desired. She concluded by saying that when the time arrived that they wanted to become mothers they would discontinue the pills and start taking another that contained ingredients which enhanced fertility.
(In regard to the second pill, although it did indeed contain stimulants that enhanced fertility, no mention was made that its primary function was to create a mildly toxic secretion within a woman's vagina and uterus that was fatal to male producing sperm but had no effect on their much heartier female producing counterparts. The omission on the teacher's part, however, came from not knowing this herself rather than from having a desire to withhold information. The same held true for her remarks about there being only one minor function that sperm provided. It must be remembered that in Anne's era, males had been produced only by artificial means for the past two centuries, and the time had long ago arrived that little thought, if any, was given to it ever having been any other way. The result was a widespread belief that it was not even possible for a male to be conceived within a woman's womb. The fact that males had long been looked upon as vastly inferior to the extent of being regarded as nothing more than a sub-species only served to reinforce this belief. Even among the members of the scientific and medical communities, there were only a small number that knew different, and these appreciated the value of keeping the knowledge to themselves. It should be mentioned, however, that even in the minds of these few, in being aware that males had a stunted XY chromosome instead of a full set of XX as did females, they considered this difference to clearly set members of the opposite sex apart in a manner that, in their scientific opinions, indeed showed being of sub-species status. The same was true in very few knowing the origin of the millions upon millions of eggs being thawed and fertilized daily in “hatcheries” had been donated by women from far earlier generations, although, since each of the original eggs had afterward been made to divide thousands of times and these thousands, in turn, made to do the same in never ending cycles, there had been so many countless multiplications that any direct connection to a woman’s body had ended many decades ago which, even for the few women that knew the original origin, was sufficient magnitude to enable viewing males as having such minuscule connection to a vastly superior opposite sex that it had, long ago, ceased to exist.)
Later that day when her mother arrived home from work, Anne wasted no time in telling what she had learned in school. She then proceeded to ask about the male her mother had used in becoming pregnant. Her mother gave an indifferent shrug and said there wasn't a great deal to tell. She had gone to a ranch that raised "breeding males" and spent an hour or so in selecting the one she would use - something which proved to not be a simple task. "After all," she said. "They were so much alike, both physically and in the way they acted, that there was really very little difference. I finally decided on one that struck me as being somewhat more appealing, but as to exactly what this was, I'm really at a loss to say." She paused for a moment and then said with a short laugh, "For all I know, it might have been no more than the hair on his chest and between his legs being extremely thick and curly."
"Well," Anne's mother said as Anne also joined in the merriment. "He was taken to a room and, after being made unconscious, I played with him until he became hard and then used him in the same way as any other male. I would have used him again the following month if this first try had been unsuccessful, but a few days later I found out that I was pregnant with you and therefore, that was the last I saw of him."
"Do you know what happened to him?" Anne asked in still finding herself curious. "Was he used by other women so that they could become pregnant also?" "No", her mother replied shaking her head, “I'm the only one that ever used him. Breeding males are never used by more than one woman. But, being raised for breeding does not change the fact that they are still male and, as such, their final fate is to become meat on a table”.
This last statement was given in such a straight-forward manner that Anne had no reason to suspect that, although not stating a falsehood, her mother was intentionally giving the impression of talking about something that had already occurred instead of being a fate that was yet to take place.
The following months did not see a great deal of change in Anne's life except at times, even though she though that the male used to bring forth her conception had been slain long ago, she would find herself wondering about what he had looked like. On these occasions, she often found herself starting to experience strange feelings of unrest which increased as time passed. It was upon reaching her next birthday, however, that he became far more significant in a way that not only put an end to her discontent, but created a great deal of excitement.
Such was the case for all girls upon reaching the age of sixteen. It was on this day that Anne's mother not only told her the full truth about the male she had selected and used to become pregnant was still alive, but described what his final fate was destine to be. To say that Anne was stunned and surprised would be putting it mildly when she heard that he was being kept alive, solely on her behalf, and would remain so until she became eighteen where he would play yet one more significant role in her life.
It was in this way Anne learned that the male who had been used to bring forth her creation would not only be the very one she would "harvest" during the ritual of becoming a "woman", but that his sex organs would be the first of a male she would have the privilege to cook and eat and, in so doing, become an actual part of the very female body they had helped to create. It would be the skin from these sex organs that would be mounted on a plaque beneath his head to hang on prominent display, along with the hide taken from his torso, and serve to be both a constant reminder and undeniable proof of the proud status she would have achieved. She and her mother would also cook and eat the remainder of him in entirety so that he would become part of both their bodies which, when considering his common connection in each of their lives, would make the deep bond between them even more meaningful. Even his semen which, like all males had been milked daily, was frozen and being saved. After delivery it would be thawed, a gallon at a time, and shared between them until all that had been collected was gone. Anne was surprised when told that the total quantity would probably be at least twenty-seven gallons by the time she reached eighteen.
Anne also learned that the ritual included doing far more that slaying and butchering the male in which, before taking his life, she would demonstrate herself being far superior over him by physically defeating and rendering him helpless. In part, it would be done with a leather whip, but afterward and by using only her hands, the main object of her attack in achieving this conquest would be that of him which not only was most prominent in showing him to be male, but had played a role in bringing forth her very existence. It would be this of him, more than any other, that would be treated with the greatest severity and, in so doing, suffer the greatest defeat - a defeat of such magnitude that it would be this of him, more than any other, which she would not only demonstrate her being far superior, but done with an air of disdain to show that whatever role it might have played in her creation being viewed as insignificant – a viewpoint that would only be reinforced whenever looking at it mounted in an erect state and hanging on a wall in her living room. There would even be significance in the reason for the penis being erect. It would have been in this state that it had entered her mother and, even though exciting to look at, being mounted on a plaque in such a manner for all to view would, at the same time, give the appearance of not only making a mockery of what it had done, but of all it had ever been.
It should be pointed out that her mother did not actually mention demonstrating superiority, distain being felt, viewpoints being reinforced, or any other impressions being instilled. In fact, even though she knew of what she had come to feel herself after her own exciting experience, she didn’t think of them in such terms. It needs to be remembered the manner in which the members of this female society had, since early childhood, viewed members of the opposite sex with unquestioned beliefs to such an extent that no thought was ever given toward any of these beliefs needing to be reinforced – at least not in the conscious mind. Such indeed did occur, however, in the subconscious – not only to a significant extent during the ritual of becoming a “woman”, but in many subtle ways throughout a lifetime. Such it had been since the very beginning – even for males being kept alive until the exciting time for their final destiny arrived. It was for this reason that she had only given descriptions of various activates that would be taking place. But, in so doing, they created awareness in Anne’s own subconscious that, from that point on, caused extreme excitement whenever being contemplated.
The same holds true of no attempt being made to try and explain reasons that lay behind performing activities that, on the surface, could be viewed as doing something totally contrary to the feelings of deep compassion that were the very essence of what it meant to be female - feelings that Anne possessed in full measure. In fact, if the question had been raised, her mother would have found it difficult to give an answer beyond having an unquestioned awareness of it fulfilling an important and valid purpose. Trying to put this important and valid purpose into words, however, would have been something that only the long deceased Dr. Carson could have effectively done. From the very beginning, it had been found that the justifiable reasons were something that the subconscious instinctively became aware and, therefore, no explanation had ever been requested. The same proved true for Anne. Even without giving it direct thought, she found herself having an awareness of it gaining a fulfillment of such magnitude that it surly justified the necessity of inflicting severe pain on a living being and, therefore, not only made the taking of such action acceptable but, when being contemplated, caused her to tingle with excitement. It didn’t hurt in the least that the individual in question was, after all, only a male.
It goes without saying that the mounted head and sex organs, along with the scared hide of a male torso beneath, being prominently displayed on their living room wall became far more meaningful to Anne than in the past. She had known that they had been taken by her mother in a special ceremony where she had made her first harvest in becoming a “woman” but, until now, had not only been unaware of the male having any particular significance, but had given the display little thought other than knowing what it represented. When very young, she had asked her mother why this male looked different from the ones being harvested in processing plants. Her mother had replied that instead of randomly selecting one whose time had come to be harvested, it is desired to select a male being used for this special purpose be somewhat distinctive in appearance. Anne had seen no reason to question this explanation and, therefore, had not mentioned it afterward.
The passage of time only served to strengthen Anne gaining an open acceptance for all of what she would undertake and, in so doing, brought a steady increase to the excitement that came whenever she found herself thinking about the things she would do to "her male". And.., he was indeed "her male" in every sense of the word. At the very moment of her conception he had become her personal property and, as such, remained alive to await a final day of destiny - a destiny that, when fulfilled, would transform her from being merely a girl into becoming a "woman" and, in so doing, open the way to enjoying, with immense pride, all of the extreme pleasures and privileges that achieving this esteem status entailed. The realization that such extreme lengths had been taken solely for her benefit was so overwhelming and humbling that thinking about "her male" involved primarily contemplating what lay ahead rather than dwelling on whatever minor contribution he had made in the past.
It had been this very reaction within Anne that Dr. Carson, in planning what would be done, had passionately hoped would occur. And it had indeed occurred – not only in Anne, but in every girl from the very beginning that became greatly solidified in the exciting ritual of becoming a “woman” to such an extent that, from then on, it never diminished.
As Anne approached her eighteenth birthday, she became increasingly caught up in suspense and excitement in realizing that this long awaited day of destiny was actually almost at hand. Her closest friend, since early childhood, was a girl named Ella Marie who was a few months older. When Ella Marie's milestone birthday arrived and she became a “woman", Anne was genuinely happy for her friend but, at the same time, it made her own suspense, curiosity, and impatience all that much harder to endure.
Since Anne had not yet reached eighteen, she had been unable to attend Ella Marie's ritual ceremony, but afterward, her friend had spent hours with her talking about the experience. Ella Marie's eyes would sparkle with excitement and often get a faraway look as she tried to put into words what it had been like to experience an exhilarating thrill of such overwhelming magnitude that afterward, it almost seemed to have occurred in a dream. But the newly mounted head and rigid penis with budging scrotum protruding from a thick patch of curly hair, along with the scarred hide beneath, were vivid proof that it had indeed not been a dream – something that had held true for all women. It was with them standing in front of the impressive display, located in a prominent place on Ella Marie’s living room wall, that most of her prideful and gushing accounts were told. It was during these times that Anne would find herself becoming so caught up in a tingling excitement of her own that it made thinking of the time remaining until "her day" would finally arrive become almost unbearable and seem as though it would never pass.
But, although seeming to take place with agonizing slowness, time did indeed continue to pass. The day in which Anne reached eighteen finally came. It was in seeing her displaying such heightened, unbounded joy in the parking lot in front of the building where the ritual would take place that John observed and, in so doing, had reminded him of the bubbling and innocent youthful enthusiasm a teen-age girl from his own era might have shown when going to her first prom - something he found hard to fathom when he had come to be of the opinion that "innocence", youthful or otherwise, was something impossible to be possessed by any member of a female population that had been raised in such a shocking society as what he had witnessed.
John's dismay had become even greater when, after going inside, he again saw Anne, now dressed in a pink sweater and short skirt that tantalizingly enhanced her youthful femininity, appear on the floor of the luxuriously furnished theater style arena and realized that the very same girl, whose captivating beauty and look of childlike innocence he had admired only a short while earlier, was going to torture the naked, middle-aged man standing tied helpless and spread-eagled before her and, afterward, would slay and butcher his body in some type of ceremony – a ceremony which he felt certain that, after being performed, she would in the eyes of society become a "woman" and, in so doing, be eligible to start publicly slaying and butchering, on a regular basis, yet more naked men – the only difference would be that these would be done in front of a much larger audience and her hapless victims being of an age equal or only slightly older than herself. John had mistakenly assumed that the reason for the advanced age was that, in performing the act of “becoming a woman”, the achievement was considered to be more impressive if the victim, who would be the very first man she would slay, was far older than herself. In making this assumption, the thought never crossed John’s mind of it being anything other than this. One can only wonder at the extent of his dismay if he had known the true identity.
In his visit to the "Hill Street Processing Plant", John had seen many displays of unbounded excitement and joy being shown by women and, especially by girls in their older teens, as they performed their devastating deeds. But, none of those reactions could match the degree of bubbly happiness and excitement he observed in Anne. In spite of all he had seen that day, he had found it hard to comprehend a girl with such outstanding youthful beauty being capable of displaying extreme jubilation from anticipating being on the verge of torturing a helpless naked man and then taking his life - a man’s life that would be remembered afterward as having special significance because he would be her "first kill".
But John could not deny what he was seeing - regardless of how difficult he found it to comprehend. This became even more difficult when he saw her enter the floor of the arena and look at the man she would soon torture and then slay in cold blood had done nothing to dampen her buoyant exhilaration and excitement he had seen in the parking lot. It anything, her enthusiasm had only increased - increased to a point which made it obvious that not only would she not hesitate in proceeding with what lay ahead but, in so doing, was anticipating the experience to be something she was going to enjoy to the fullest extent possible.
There was also something else that John found to be even more profound. In spite of being on the verge of undertaking what, in his opinion, would be a shocking and grisly activity of immense proportions, Anne's manner still displayed a look of youthful innocence. In taking note of this, John could only shake his head about how deceiving looks can be and, not for the first time, found himself thinking that if there was one ingredient, above any other, which was lacking in this all female society it most surely would be that of possessing "innocence".
John's viewpoint, of course, can be understood. In fact, it is doubtful that there could have been any explanation given that would sway his condemnation. He had, after all, not only been raised in a world controlled primarily by men but, in being a man himself, could not avoid feeling both outrage and prejudice at not only the shocking and humiliating manner in which members of his sex were being massively slain and, afterward, their bodies not only being eaten and used by women in countless degrading and humiliating ways that staggered the imagination, but at the manner in which the physically stronger members of his sex meekly succumbed in allowing such appalling enormity to take place - especially that of them which, more than anything else, was the very symbol of virility and manhood and in which he had always felt such immense pride to possess.
But, John was mistaken in his judgment of there being no "innocence". He was mistaken not only about this in Anne, but for the entire female population – not only the one existing at the time into which he had been brought, but for all that had proceeded it since the very beginning of this new world coming into existence. "Innocence", after all, does not come from conforming to arbitrary values and standards set by others. "Innocence" comes from within. It comes from having a pure heart and an untroubled conscience. It needs to be remembered, in spite of how unbelievable and shocking it might strike someone coming from an earlier time, that the female society in which Anne lived was conforming to a way of life that had been in existence, throughout the entire world, for over two hundred years - a way of life in which each and every member of this society had been inundated, from early age, by countless influences and teachings that molded their lives and beliefs in such a manner that neither in their minds, or in their hearts, did they believe it to not only be acceptable and proper, but was doing nothing more than what was clearly meant being done.
In knowing and understanding all that had occurred, can the sincerity in which it was being carried out be questioned as lacking innocence – particularly for girls? Can girls be judged as lacking innocence because, for as long as they could remember, they had been encouraged to look at and touch an untold number of stuffed genitals of members of the opposite sex - not only in their homes, but in far greater number wherever they went? Can girls be judged as lacking innocence for, since infancy, playing with numerous toys given to them that were made from tanned skins of human male sex organs? Can girls be judged as lacking innocence because of the meat they ate when it was the only type they had ever been given? Can girls be judged as lacking innocence because, as small children, they would laugh and clap their hands in merriment while watching what was taking place on the floor of an arena in a processing plant when, regardless of the nature of the activity in which it should be pointed out that no suffering was ever observed, they were, in fact, reacting in the same innocent manner as children of earlier times had done when looking at clowns performing in a circus?
A great deal of previous discussion has been given in revealing Anne’s character, but further insight can be provided by describing an event that happened a few months earlier. She had been in an extremely cheerful mood while riding home with her mother after spending the afternoon in a processing plant – an extremely cheerful mood that had been created from thinking about how funny and exciting it had been to watch over a hundred young males being slain and, in so doing, realizing that it would not be long until she would actually be performing on the floor of that very same arena and, afterward, bring home a triangular shaped pelt of curly hair to place on her living room wall – a pelt that would just be the first of many. Her cheerful mood, however, had suddenly evaporated, and she started to cry when seeing a bird with a broken wing. In revealing such a reaction, can anyone doubt her compassion?
In spite of the depth of Anne’s compassion, however, she could not avoid being influenced by the society she had been raised which resulted in its culture and beliefs being ingrained deep within that, in so doing, could have had no other effect than create indifference toward the fate being experienceed by members of the opposite sex yet, at the same time, had had no effect in her feeling deep sorrow for an injured bird. In knowing her inner-being, can the sincerity of her heart or the depth of her innocence be questioned?
It needs to be remembered that Anne was on the verge of gaining the realization of something she had been deeply longing for in what, during her short life, had seemed to have been an eternity. She was on the threshold of becoming a "woman", and regardless of John's opinion of what achieving this distinction would entail, her excitement possessed a purity that was every bit as innocence as it had outwardly appeared. Even if what she was about to undertake involved the doing of wrong, the blame can surely not be placed on her. If her actions would entail doing what might indeed be found to be wrong, the wrong would have to be directed at actions taken by others that were long gone.
But.., who is to judge if wrong is being committed in this world into which Anne had been born? In John's view, he would have been quick to pass condemnation - irregardless of any reasons or arguments that he might be given. But.., if instead of John.., the time-traveling spaceship had brought a woman from his era to observe what the world had become, one can not help but be curious as to what her reactions might have been. Not at first.., of course. Her initial response would undoubtedly have been that of being shocked, appalled, dismayed, and finding herself feeling disbelief and horror. But, what if after observing all that was taking place, this woman was given an explanation of the desperate circumstances that, in time, had led to bringing this new world into existence and, in so doing, instilled an unquestioned belief that the creation of this world had not only been justified but was, in fact, merely doing something that gave every indication of truly being that which nature desired?
What if she had been shown a coat made from fine leather that was the softest and most supple she had ever felt and then told from where the exquisite leather had come? What if she had then been given a grilled steak and, after finding it to be far more tender, juicy, and delicious than the choicest of beef she had ever eaten, not only be told the source, but told that the flesh of a female, prepared the same way, would be tough and unappealing? What if she was next given a few slices of what she assumed to be sausage which, upon being eaten, was found to taste nothing at all like sausage but, instead, had been the most choicest of delicacies exceeding anything imagined being possible? And after making this succulent discovery, what if she was told the source of this meat also which, however, she would know could not be taken from a female and prepared the same way for enabling comparison since it did not even exist on a female. After this had occurred, would she say that human males simply were not meant to be slain at a young age, be skinned, cooked and eaten, regardless of how sensuous the leather made from their hides might be or the outstanding quality of their flesh. Or, would she find herself beginning to wonder what other possible reason could there be for hides providing such a superb quality of leather and for this flesh not only being so remarkably delicious, but so vastly different from that of herself – especially that which was the most vastly different and delicious of all?
What, after all of this had been made known, would be her reaction if then told the magnitude of the one argument that had, by far, been the most persuasive of all - that what had come to pass was the creation of a world that had lived for over two hundred years in total peace, harmony, happiness, and prosperity in which there had been no devastation, no crime, no suffering, no terror, and.., most persuasive of all.., no war? What if she was told that in this new world, the word “rape” had no meaning and that women are able to go out alone at night without having any fear whatsoever?
After being made aware of this highly persuasive argument also, how then would the woman react? She would know what it was like to live in a world that suffered from evils committed by men, but she would also know of living in a world in which there were men of goodness, kindness, tenderness, and unselfish love. In being a woman, would she shake her head in sadness while thinking that, in spite of all that had been gained in this new world, it was one that was void of fathers, sons, husbands, and romance and say, "yes.., but look at not only the immense sacrifice, but at what has been lost?" If so, would she request to be taken back to her own time? Or instead.., would she find herself being swayed by, not only the arguments that had been given in regard to the extraordinary quality of human male leather and flesh but, of far more significance, in actually seeing the fulfillment of a dream long held not only in her own heart, but in the hearts of women throughout the ages? And.., in being a woman.., would she be so moved at seeing this dream become reality, that she would consider it indeed to justify a sacrifice even as great as this to the point of overshadowing any loss that also might be incurred and, in so doing, find herself feeling that it was, in fact, truly doing what was intended and ask that she be allowed to stay? What indeed would have been the reactions of a woman from an earlier time verses that of a man? - One can only wonder.
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