In a land three hundred years in the future where fossil fuel has been exhausted and the Green Revolutionary Army has smashed every Nuclear installation leaving the population unable to maintain their great cities or even feed themselves where satellites are a memory and planes and automobiles almost extinct, where no steel or aluminum is produced or rubber, where teams of operatives work treadmills to provide power when the photocells lack sunlight and the population decline is managed to match dwindling resources......
Sue stared at the printout in disbelief.
"There must be some mistake?" she asked half questioning.
"No dear, It is correct, I am afraid you failed the NAC tests and those tests we did last week confirm it," Principal Mercer informed her. "your knowledge retention is excellent but the reasoning, basic intelligence lets you down."
"So I failed, I don't graduate, is that it?" she displayed her failings once again.
"Yes, and I am afraid you did very well for your level of intelligence, so retakes are not really an option."
"No sir" She stared past the principal to the monitor showing the great desert vastness beyond the campus, the abandoned city that once was Maidstone, though anything less like its British namesake could hardly be imagined, shells of buildings protruding from the shifting sand dunes, the seried ranks of abandoned suburban homes the rusting stub of an office blocks steel skeleton, monuments to an age of cheap energy, a City reliant on energy to even supply its water and when that failed, well history would one day remember the water riots, but for now they were best forgotten.
"You understand you will be re streamed?"
"Yes sir, what as sir." A yawning chasm of despair opened within her, she thought of her class mates going on to university, to exciting jobs in Law or Energy Efficiency, while she would now be re streamed.
"General operative, inside. with immediate effect ." He replied.
"What Right now? Can I say goodbye to class?"
"No dear, they are clearing your room as we speak." He said sadly.
"Mom and Dad?" she asked yet she knew they must have disowned her.
Mercer shook his head, "They designated your sister Lucy instead, and it would just upset everyone if you had contact."
"My credits sir?"
"Ah, a deficit of around 2000, for your education but you have an end life quotient of 4500 at present so we are looking at cullment at shall we say 40, unless you wish voluntary cullment so your family or a designated person can benefit from the remaining credits."
She thought briefly of the cullment suite where she had done basic training as a comforter, she hated the skimpy white dress and the way the patients were allowed encouraged even to fondle her as she helped them relax that final time in familiar surroundings.
The Maidstone facility had pioneered the multipurpose cullment suite, dentistry, even childbirth were routinely performed in the same shiny white reclining chair, an injection in the gum just like dentistry and the patient fell into unconsciousness followed shortly after by the application of the face mask and Carbon Monoxide gas.
She knew about the autopsy, how surgeons sometimes swapped knees, hips or eyeballs, hearts or lungs from the culled to ailing operatives with single defects which degraded their utility, she shuddered at the thought that her hymen might be refrigerated stored and sewn into some rich aged whore.
Why had she never considered whoredom herself? she had scored 98% on the physical assessment, she could have lived a good life, comforting the intelligensia, at least until 28, maybe even entered a breeding program, or become a personal slave.
But she saw only the bright lights, a job in the intelligensia world, In Niagra, the North American Federation Capital where they had so much energy from the great hydro electric station that they had lights to light the streets and no one had to work a treadmill.
Her parents had taken a great gamble, first in having five kids so one could try for intelligensia status, then in working the cotton fields of the deep south, where the soil toxicity meant few survived to planned cullment, and finally taking the risk that their own cullment would be brought forward if she failed and left outstanding credits.
Sue's fears of how could she decide which one of her first five Children to stream for intelligensia and which for general servitude as an operative, were now irrelevant, Operatives no longer reproduced, she would never breed or even practise now, how she wished she had attended whoredom classes, but an intact hymen could be sold for 1000 credits so she chose to retain it, and now she faced the monotony of life as an operative, never having known the pleasures of breeding or whoredom.
She knew her parents had been right to discard her in favor of Lucy, but she still wanted to live, to explore any other alternatives or options which might allow her some fulfillment.
She answered him after a long pause . "No, I will carry on, are there no other options sir?"
"Not unless you wish to be a box whore?"
Experience had shown that the teams of operatives engaged on drilling with portable treadmills were most energy efficient when made up of young ungelded males and if a suitable whore were provided they could use her, or indeed him, on a rota system to avoid disputes, many box whores were in fact undersize castrated males,
To minimise the whore's energy requirement her unnecessary leg and arms were amputated, for re use, and she would be transported in a wooden box, hence the term Box Whore. Some said when box whores usefulness ceased the box lid was simply screwed down and the box became her coffin as she was buried alive, certainly no one had ever seen an old box whore.
She shook her head.
Sebastian Mercer was not an unkind man, "Very wise, I have a vacancy in TM 3, tonight, I suggest you start this evening and then you may have sufficient credits for breakfast."
TM3 The main treadmill, she looked down at her stylish high heels and silk stockings, imagining her bare feet on the polished wood of the treadmill and she shuddered.
Mercer took her down, through the corridors and the security gates to the services department and past the treadmill rooms to Max Ziegler's office. Max stood behind his desk watching the bank of volt meters on the wall intently
"Miss Kubanski, for you , Max, she has failed her exams."
"She been rectalled" he asked.
"No nothing, student mode."
"Then I can't use her."
"What's rectalled sir?" Sue asked.
"God help us she has not been vocalled either." Max exploded.
"I need your uniform Sue if you please." Mercer asked politely.
She knew this moment would come, inside operatives needed no uniform, the underground operatives domain remained at constant temperature, while the outside operatives received a coat of bitumenous creosote to avoid the expense of clothing, only intelligensia or students needing to change environments were able to justify the expense of clothes.
Sue slowly slid her blue blazer from her shoulders, removed her tie and undid the buttons on her crisp white shirt, unfastened the belt and the hooks on her skirt and let it fall to her ankles, and stood there in her underwear.
"Everything, please." Mercer asked patiently and she stripped off her suspender belt stockings and shoes.
She stood in just her bra and pants.
"No sir, not in front of you, I can't."
Max slid his thumbs into the waist band of her white pants and tugged. they slid all the way down her neatly waxed legs to her ankles, and then he simply flicked her bra strap from her shoulders and let the white bra follow the panties to the floor.
"Get used to it, you ain't no student now, you need to work for your credits, no place for modesty or that crap, no credits no eat, understand?" Max growled.
Mercer, spoke softly, "She is no imbecile Max, would letting her wear her panties and bra really have been too much?"
"How she do that when she is rectalled?" Max asked, there was no answer.
"Right, lets get you rectalled" Max slapped Sue's thigh, she stumbled and fell, he lifted her easily leaving her shoes and underwear behind in a heap and bent the now naked Sue over the end of his desk.
Mercer watched fascinated as Max applied lubricant to her anus and began to work a tapered cone with a handle like an old fashioned spade within her, she screamed in agony but he pushed harder a quarter inch at a time it slid in, growing from half an inch to one two then three inches, finally he stopped removed the handle and inserted a tube to the open end of the tool, a clear tube almost a foot long, he fitted the handle and pushed the tube in, spreading the cone as it passed her spinster then as she briefly passed out he withdrew the cone to leave the tube embedded, protruding two inches or so, finally he put the screw cap in place.
"You'll do" Max suggested.
She stood carefully, tears streamed down her face, she realised the tube protruded from her anus, "Why did you do that?" she asked.
"Stop you shitting on the Treadmill of course, you earn your credits by producing energy for the intelligencia now, welcome to the real world."
Max hated his job some times, Why oh why had Mercer watched, normally he could have stripped her with his own hands, pulled her panties down with his teeth, eased her anus with his prick and loosened her up, maybe even busted her open in front, she looked like a grade A whore, slim, yet not undernourished, he decided to postpone having her hysterectomised and sewn up, maybe let her keep her tongue for a while and then perhaps she could be his own personal grade A whore for an hour or so one day.
Max phoned control, slowly the read outs changed as TM 1 and TM 2 wound up to full speed as TM3 slowed.
The auto lock clicked as TM3 stopped, Max opened the door and twenty expectant faces looked across at Sue, Twenty of the twenty four bays occupied by sweating naked operatives, the great wooden drum eight feet and more in diameter with its central spindle and attachment point the which the operatives hands were manacled. Max pushed her inside and the orderly quickly quickly strapped her wrists to the axle bar and pointed to the gap between her feet.
Max closed the door and they started walking. walking, walking. She tried to talk but the orderly whipped her, the small whippet of a man darted along within the drum checking, every now and again he would bring a hanger step so an operative could step across and rest and he also checked the clear plastic anal tubes and where faeces showed he would remove the cap and release it into a bucket to avoid the faeces fouling the walkway and falling down on the operatives.
Sue looked ahead, at the ever revolving walkway she had woken that morning in her own room with a future to look forward to and now she had nothing, but she knew when her father had signed her up that this was a possibility, the serried ranks of operatives treading was no surprise, in fact the facilities complete freedom from storage batteries, with their now unobtainable precious metal cores was a big selling point for the facility in the days before productive life had become mandatory, ten per cent brain users ninety brawn had been the watchword, and she had missed the ten per centile.
She saw Harrison Gleve, she remembered him as a boy, he was three stalls to the right, she could see him if she craned her head, his manly chest heaved with effort as he tried to trip the gauges to earn extra credits, she looked admiringly, his chest, his hips and as she stared she realised there was a jet of piss emerging from him, splashing through the gap in the treads between his feet emerging from a neat hole in his pelvis, like a girls.
She never realised male operatives were neutered in this way, the outside males wore metal loincloths, she had supposed they hid their genitalia, now she realised they hid the lack of any genitalia.
The orderly roused her from her daydream. "All girls here now, I'll get you hysterectomised on our first stand down, get that nasty period nonsense out of the way, you wont like your period, the blood dripping on the treads and dripping back on you, most girls like it done, do you.?" she shook her head. "Nasty thing," he intoned as he inserted a finger, "You will feel better when its out." he laughed.
Sue squirmed, something invading her innermost parts, burning, exciting, a new experience, of course she had touched herself but now a stranger was exploring her sending conflicting sensations, to her brain, she regretted never having allowed herself intimacy with boys, she thought there would be plenty of time but her descent to the underclass had been so rapid.
The alarm started to wail, the power was dropping, clouds reducing the photocell bank output calling for a maximum effort to spin the treadmill generators up to speed, the treads bit into her feet as she strained yet the orderly remained with her spreading her Labia apart
He brought food, the bowl clipped to the axle next to the drinking tube so they could eat their tasteless soya protein and drink recycled water as the rested or even as they worked.
She earned enough credits for breakfast, and some towards a dinner by morning.
Most days the Photocells took over in the morning and they rested, ready to restart at a moments notice if clouds came. The orderly emptied he anal tube, she had not even realised she had passed any faeces.
There had been Five treadmills, but spares were unobtainable and TM5 had been cannibalised for spares, then TM 4 suffered a main bearing cage failure and a decision was needed on whether to swap the good bearing from 5 and risk crushing the operatives if they could not support the weight of the Drum while the bearing was swapped, or rebuild 5 with the parts from 4, many weeks work for several operatives with intelligensia supervision, they had until the cold of winter to decide.
Sue accepted he new life, she kept quiet, every other operative had been sewn castrated or hysterectomised, and vocalled, either the cords cut or the tongue removed, the work was not hard just mind numbingly tedious, she welcomed the bursts of speed, when they covered for another Treadmill being stopped, and soon learned to sleep as she walked and how to shut her brain down during the boring times.
She adopted the slightly ungainly operative gait so the piss landed in the gap between her feet, and the blood when her period came, the anal tube became normal, shit just collected there for the operative to take for recycling, she just daydreamed, ate, drank and walked, sometimes she must have slept, but she could not remember.
The change day approached, Maidstone traditionally flew its new intake in and the graduates out, no big deal in 2050 when it opened but now nearly three hundred years on it marked Maidstone out as a premier facility.
For weeks the outside operatives had toiled to clear sand from the airstrip and then came change day.
Mercer ordered a Treadmill team to stand by to assist the aircraft. Max chose TM3 and Sue and her colleagues were released and given suits, like a long sleeved knee length dress and ordered from the building.
They waited quietly. Max stood by Sue, her blonde hair now fell nearly to her waist, she should have been shorn but Max still harboured dreams of using her, the hair filthy now, unwashed damp with sweat, but still he ran his fingers through it imagining her perfumed and ready to breed.
Sue was aware of Max, she felt dampness, and feared she had disgraced herself but it was not urine, her body was telling her she needed him, her moment, her chance to breed had come.
She smiled at Max and mouthed "Yes" but a far off glint distracted him, the plane.
She stared at the great silver bird as it descended towards them, the solar cells glinting in the sun, the wings gently flexing behind the great eight blade propellors, Sue stared.
"The left wing is flexing excessively," she said quietly, and number five propellor is slow.
Max stared it looked fine to him but as he stared he realised she was right. "I guess they know what they are doing."
The plane lumbered down the runway, the exposed cords and canvas of the bald tyres rattling on the uneven ashphalt, as Bertram "Bird" Hiscocks tried to land smoothly enough that nothing broke.
The plane a Solar Soarer, designed to patrol oceans for weeks at a time, running solar cells by day and batteries by night but the days of good batteries had long gone, as had the USAF who had her built her more than 120 years before.
No one knew how "Bird" kept her flying, the pilots notes said lifting off an empty plane needed 80% battery power yet he got her off with 30 kids on with half the batteries dead.
forty years flying experience and skill, and judicious lightening of the planes structure was all that allowed her to keep flying, and kept Maidstone at the forefront of educational facilities for aspiring intelligensia.
The plane shuddered to a halt axle deep in sand and the intake streamed from the doorway, all attired in the Blue and white uniform and carrying their bags towards the gates of the facility.
Max ordered the team to manhandle the craft back through the loose drifted sand to the swept runway, and they strained and sweated as they slowly dragged her immense bulk to the takeoff point.
Sue stood panting with exertion, gripping an undercarriage leg, sweating profusely, as her former classmates filed past, their eyes averted, trying to ignore her, They swung the nose to optimise the photocell angles and waited, noon was optimum time for take off and as it approached they again heaved the silver monster onto the swept runway and pushed until she began to outstrip them.
"Stop" Max ordered.
"No, they'll need help when they crash." Sue replied and she kept running,
"Follow that plane," Max ordered.
They ran, pointlessly it seemed as the plane accelerated the drooping wings raising slowly to become level, the propellers sending up a stinging storm of sand, as she struggled for speed.
The propeller blades became a blur and the plane started to rise twisting slightly to the left in the still air, turning away from the runway, "Bird " corrected using the rudder and the drag brought her speed down a dune loomed, he pulled hard on the stick and something broke, a wing rose, and as the fuselage dropped to the ground alongside the runway,the undercarriage dug in and the left wing sheared right off, she rolled on her side and the screams started.
Acid from the batteries cascaded onto the students, the protective bulkheads and covers had disappeared to save weight long ago. Super concentrated it started to dissolve aluminum, plastic and flesh, washing flesh away like a hose pipe on a snowman, the lucky ones clambered from the escape hatch in the tail but up front was pure carnage.
Max saw Miriam, once a star pupil emerge, her uniform hung in threads and as they approached they saw her skin dissolving before their eyes.
"Help me, please," she yelled as her legs gave way and she collapsed onto the soft sand.
"Leave her." Max ordered unnecessarily, she was dead long before they reached her.
Sue stared, Max came up behind her, "We better stay clear of the corrosive gas," he cautioned, then looking back towards the other operatives standing some way off he pulled her to the ground.
"I want you," he said simply, and ripped the anal tube from her rectum.
Breeding was the last thing on her mind, her anus felt most peculiar, missing the full sensation.
"No" she said as she felt his arms around her, pulling her dress up around her shoulders, seeking her breasts, her nipples hardened instantly and she felt the wetness between her legs.
His fingers moved down spreading her lower lips then he was in front of her and his coverall undone as his penis strained towards her.
"No you will be re designated" she cautioned, but it was too late, her hymen, worth 1000 credits, was torn and she knew she had become a woman, she held him tight willing his seed to fertilise her living for the moment.
She choked back the sighs of contentment as much as she stifled the cry of pain as he forced his self on her then his passion spent she lay calm and contented as his manhood shrank within her.
"Thank you " she said quietly.
"You 're not angry?" he queried.
"No, I wanted to know how it felt, and now I know."
The stench of acid was becoming intolerable and they crept away, twelve shocked young people sat in a huddle watching the acid dissolving the plane's structure until it dripped into the sand.
Max gathered up his operatives and led them back to the Treadmill, Rotweil, the orderly shackled them to the spindle once more and Max ordered Sue to assist with handing out extra food to sustain them after their exertions. He called her to join him in his office.
"You lost your analiser tube so you can't work," he reminded her.
"Do you want to breed again?" she asked.
"Do you?" he asked but the way she put her arms around him and embraced him showed her willingness.
He laid her gently on the floor and as she guided his manhood he slowly eased within her .
They lay together, quietly, neither speaking, then Max suddenly stood. "Stay here, I must speak to the Principal."
Mercer sat silently in his plush armchair, staring into space, as Max entered, "I think we are finished Max."
"Yeah, I figured that," Max replied "But where are we, actually, we still got twelve there are a couple of bright ones we can shift up a year and I got one what we re streamed but ain't been revised, she even shit out her analiser when she pushed that plane."
"But we had 30" explained principal Mercer.
"Only 16 placed, remember." Max explained. Mercer nodded, many of last years output had struggled to obtain worthwhile placements, some only achieved secretarial or middle management positions.
"And what's in it for you Max?"
"That Sue, I want to breed with her."
"So do I Max, but I guess she is more your age than mine, we should have streamed her as a whore, you know, beautiful and clever, but not beautiful or clever enough."
"Look swap identities, one of those dead ones must be a reasonable match." Max suggested.
Mercer looked at him, "My, My why not, yes. but she has been analised?"
"Yeah, but its out and her ass looks pretty much closed to me."
"Send her up, if she can control her shit I''ll do it." Mercer agreed.
Sue stood before Principal Mercer once again, naked this time, her embarrassment shown by her bright red cheeks as she tried to cover her breasts and pubes with her hands.
"Surely you are not still embarrassed by being naked?" he asked.
"I am sir, sorry sir."
"So you still feel like you are a student, intelligensia, is that it?"
"Or a whore sir, I should like to be a whore I think, Max showed me.." she realised she had said too much.
"Whores need to show their love to even the most horrid of partners, Max has feelings for you, what you experienced was love, but a whore is a different matter." he undid his robes, his penis strained, its bulbous purple tip a strange contrast to Max's streamlined member.
Mercer ran his fingers up her leg and probed at her slit, it remained clenched shut and dry.
"Suck it, like a lollypop." he ordered.
"What sir" she queried,
"Ah sorry an ancient sweet flavoured candy I had in my youth." he replied.
She licked the tip before gently easing it into her mouth, her every sinue desperate to convince Mercer that she would make an acceptable whore, she worked steadily at her task until she felt him clasp her head in his hands then the jet of creamy spunk hit her vocal chords and she knew she had suceeded, she swallowed happily.
"Will I do sir, can I be re streamed as a whore? please."
"No you were dry, I shall send you in place of Miriam, you did aeronautics, I shall say there was a foul up over results, I doubt you can sustain that level of mental effort but they may well re stream you as a company whore, you certainly have the body for it so I wish you well."
She stood up licking the last cum from her lips, "Wear these." Mercer ordered, handing her a bag with her clothes in.
She dressed before him but her skirt now seemed almost obscenely short and her bra would no longer contain her breasts and her shirt buttons could no longer be fastened.
"You have grown," Mercer observed, she was no longer the gangly adolescent but a real woman.
"It's too tight" The unaccustomed tight fabric tantalised her nipples and Mercer belatedly saw the wet patch in her knickers which betrayed her arousal.
He eased the thin fabric aside and inserted his finger easily, she looked up at him as he remembered how he used to play with girls in his youth, she did not understand.
"Why are you doing that?" she asked.
"You like it, I like it, why not."
"We are wasting energy." she pointed out.
Her sheer ignorance was the aphrodisiac Mercer needed and his penis uncoiled, she felt his interest and in the interests of energy conservation pulled his hand away and drew his penis towards her.
Mercer thought of his friend Max and his love for this girl before deciding he would be foolish to turn down such a rare chance to practice his breeding technique and began to thrust into her.
To be continued ?
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