Disclaimer and Copyright
The following appendix is part of ‘A Public Spectacle’ and was written in 2008. It is an original work of fiction and is intended for adult readers only. It contains descriptions of acts of violence, forced nudity, public humiliation and non-consensual sexual activities.
If these things offend you, the reader, do not read any further.
Elements of ‘A Public Spectacle’ and this appendix; its plot, setting and character names, are not necessarily unique to this story, and any resemblance with actual events, places and persons is unintentional. I wish to thank all the past writers and storytellers in the English language for the inspirations used to write this appendix, with a special thanks to the authors, reviewers and readers of this web site for their encouragement and support. I assert a copyright on the text of this work and no printing, distribution, re-posting or commercial use what so ever is allowed without prior authorization by myself or my future assignees.
However, since the basic idea of this work, public punishment and torture, are not entirely my own, feel free to incorporate them into any of your own works. I look forward to reading them.
Neal [aka oldpervert1 on bdsmlibrary.com, aka fishbreath4@yahoo.com]
A Public Spectacle
The following is an explanation of the practice of branding, as it relates to the fictional story ‘A Public Spectacle’. It is far too long to be a footnote in the story and I could not figure out how to work this information into the plot of the story. The appendix does not use any of the characters from the story and it’s off on a tangent of its own. Consider it as extra information with an erotically twisted bent. It is more sadistic then any of the previous chapters, therefore many readers may find ‘interesting’. It is not required for the enjoyment of the story as a whole, but some aspects of the main story will be clearer.
Branding - A Brief History
Branding of a nobleman’s property was common on old earth in the middle ages. English common law allowed for the branding of a nobleman’s goods and the chattel under his exclusive control. The English courts usually defined chattel as any domesticated animal species, especially common livestock, however older Roman Codices also including the nobleman’s slaves in this definition. Wild animals and free persons working in the nobleman’s household (servants working for a wage) were excluded. In England, the practice of branding [sadly] died out shortly after the rein of Elizabeth the First, except for livestock. However, in primitive earth-side cultures the practice of branding continued into the mid 1900s.
The branding of petty criminals is referenced in several ancient texts and was common on old earth in the middle ages. A great many cultures have used the practice it as a form of punishment and of identification. It was their way of telling the ‘good’ people from the ‘bad’ people. However, the branding of criminals was eventually abandoned, as modern courts have determined it to be cruel and unusual punishment.
On planet xz345 delta, the practice of branding criminals has been resurrected for several reasons. Branding provides a simple but permanent means of identifying property. On a planet with few fenced pastures, branding roaming livestock is a necessity. And branding people makes a statement concerning the person’s character without scanning an ID card or accessing a database. On zx234 delta the practice is principally limited to livestock, whores and petty criminals, such as pickpockets, drunkards and adulterers. The planetary council regards the first 2 ; livestock and whores ; as being very similar, except that you don’t slaughter and eat whores. Here the primary intent is to show ownership and registration. Traditionally, cattle are branded on their hindquarters with their original owner’s mark, and with a registration number. Subsequent sale of the animal does not require re-branding, when the registration number has been recorded in a bill of sale or when the transaction is recorded with a public livestock registry.
Whore Brandings
Sex workers, or whores as they are commonly called, are also branded on the buttocks. The word ‘whore’, in standard block letters, and a registration number is branded on the right ass cheek and the original manager’s mark on the left. The numbers and the letters have to be 2 to 3 cm tall and can be branded either individually or in a single strike of the iron. When burned as separate letters and numbers, a whore’s branding can take 20 to 30 minutes and produces so much agony that the poor girl usually lapses into a state of unconsciousness after the third or fourth letter (or number) is burned, only to be re-awaken by the next strikes of the hot branding iron.
Manager’s marks can be as simple or as complex as the pimp-manager desires; however it must be unique and cataloged with the planetary government. Only one design is allowed for each manager. Various geometric shapes, in combination with the manager’s initials, are the usual forms. For humanitarian reasons, the manager’s mark can not be larger than 6cm by 12cm. This assures the freshly branded whores will have at least ½ of one butt check to sit upon. The registration number and ‘whore’ brand will cover most of the woman’s right ass and will be too painful to sit on for over a month. This is why a row of freshly branded whores is always leaning to the left, when seated on the ‘fresh-meat’ bench in a bordello. A compassionate manager will always have his new whore on her knees giving blowjobs for her first few weeks and not laying on her backside being fucked. Most pimp-managers administer a strong anesthetic to the woman’s ass before she is branded, however they are not required to do so.
When a whore is traded to another pimp-manager, he usually has the brand of his predecessor struck with a hot flat-iron, to make it unreadable, and has his own mark branded below it. It is not uncommon for a whore to have a trail of brands extending from her ass to knee. Legally, the manager’s re-branding is completely un-necessary, but the practice continues, in the whoring trade, as another way to make the women more loyal to their present pimp-managers, and not wanting to suffer the pain of being sold and re-branded.
Some managers will have their whore’s registration number, a 5 or 6-digit number, branded across the middle of the whore’s right ass cheek and the ‘whore’ brand placed below the numbers. In this way her label, the word ‘whore’, is always seen when she is wearing her uniform in the bordello. (A whore’s uniform in a bordello usually consists of a collar, panties and a smile.) One added benefit of placing the ‘whore’ brand so low on the buttocks is that when the hooker is out street-walking in her mini-skirt, her label shines like a sign on her ass every time she bends over. The whore and her brand thus becomes a walking billboard, and since every man always looks at a woman’s ass, the placement could not be more perfect.
In recent years some pimps have incorporated powered metal nitrates into the branding process of the ‘whore’ label. Just before the brand is applied to the woman’s ass, it is sprinkled with silver nitrate, cooper nitrate or aluminum nitrate. The chemicals, along with the heat of the iron, cause an instantaneous and permanent staining of the branded area. A silver nitrate brand turns black and is mostly used on the ass of white girls. A cooper nitrate brand turns a light green and adds an artistic element to the brand on both white and black asses. Aluminum nitrate makes the brand a silvery white and is only used on black and brown skinned whores, since this color would actually obscure the brand on a white girl’s buttocks. Gold nitrate can also produce a nice artistic effect, but it is very costly and seldom used. The managers all agree that a new whore, who has not sucked or fucked a single cock, and therefore not earned a single credit, is not worth the expense of a gold embellished brand.
Adultery Brandings
The branding of adulterers is a slightly different matter. Except for habitual offenders, these brands are not publicly visible; however, the actual branding is a public spectacle.
But the brand for adultery is intended to quite noticeable during intimate sexual relation-ships, such as those between a groom and his new bride on their wedding night. The main purpose for branding adulterers is to discourage repeat promiscuous behavior between adults not married to each other. The branding is always painful, since anesthetics are not allowed. Brandings for the crime of adultery are always public and very humiliating, by design. Frequently, a single woman who has been branded as an adulteress will move to another village, where her reputation is not spoiled. If a woman is caught cheating on her husband, the wronged male is given the opportunity to apply the red-hot iron himself. Even though he is not a licensed brander, a husband always has the right to brand his chattel / property. Despite local variations, there is a universal set of planetary guidelines for the branding of criminals, and branding for adulterers is covered under these rules. Since the crime of adultery is often repeated, these guidelines call for progressively more painful branding, in a specific sequence, for repeat offenders. The following is a listing of the planetary guidelines and some of the more quaint local branding customs.
First time offenders ;
They are branded on the buttocks with a small letter ‘A’. The brand can be on either the left or right butt cheek, and is usually administer while the criminal is tied over a large barrel with her (or his) bare ass pointing straight up. In towns and larger villages, the public square will have a fixed position, branding ‘horse’ where the criminals can be secured, ass in the air, and the brander doesn’t have to worry about a barrel shifting position at the wrong moment. First offense brands can be no more that 3 cm tall. A brand this small can easily be obscured by a good tattoo artist and many a young woman has a butterfly tattoo covering her first ‘A’ brand. Also, there are cosmetic products designed to conceal small brands and they have become a big part of the make-up industry on xz345 delta. After the branding, the debt to society is considered paid in full and the adulterer is free to seek whatever medical attention she (or he) can afford.
Second offence ;
This calls for a much large ‘A’ to be branded on the other buttocks. This brand can be as tall as 12 cm, but an 8 to 10 cm irons are more often the case. Making a brand as large as 12 cm on a curved, quivering ass-cheek is not easily done and the brander does not get a second chance. Poor quality brands can result in a brander losing his license. The second brand is administered is the same manor as the first, however second offenders may have to remain on the branding horse for an extended period of time (up to 4 hours), so the whole population has a chance to see the brand, if not the actual branding.
Third offence ;
This brand is even more painful than the previous and the planetary guidelines call for the branding of the underside of both breasts. A small ‘A’, similar to those used for the first punishment, is branded on each tit so that the top of the block letter is within the sensitive areola region. However, the guidelines specify that the nipple must remain un-burned. The nipple preservation clause was added to the guidelines, for the benefit of women offenders. Authorities have reasoned that a female offender may, one day, see the error of her ways, change her behavior, settle down, get married and get pregnant. At which point she will need her nipples to feed the baby. The fallacy in this logic is that few men would ever consider marrying a woman with 4 ‘A’ brands, therefore few pregnancy and few babies.
For female adulteresses, professional branders will often administer the 3rd branding with the victim in an inverted suspension. This make an exciting show for the townsfolk but it also keeps the adulteress conscious between the first and second brandings. The woman’s arms and upper body need to be bound to prevent swaying during the branding process. By inverting the prisoner, the natural sag of a woman’s breasts is reversed and the branding area is more accessible to the hot iron. If the woman is flat chested, inversion is unnecessary, but this position is often used as explained below.
Some branders have made the inverted adulteress into an assistant in her own branding. These industrious men have carved the wooden handles of their branding irons into the universally recognized shape of a dildo and of a butt plug. After the first brand is applied, and while the woman is still screaming from the pain, the brander inserts the dildo handled iron into her cunt as far as it will go. Since the woman is inverted, it remains in place and the woman can not expel it; no matter how much she squeezes her pussy. In many cases, she doesn’t even know she has been penetrated, due to the extreme tit-pain. Before the woman becomes fully aware, the brander then applies the second iron to the other inverted breast. Again, while the woman is still screaming from the pain, he inserts the anal plug into her other hole. The crowd greatly enjoys the spectacle of the 2 irons stuck in the adulteress’ crotch. After the woman stops screaming and is no longer hysterical, the brander makes her aware of the 2 irons in her private areas by simultaneously fucking her cunt and buggering her ass with them. This is very humiliating for the woman, who wants to get to the local clinic for medical treatment as soon as possible. The sadistic brander then informs the victim and the crowd, that the irons will have to remain inserted, as they are, until the letter ‘A’ is cool enough to touch. The woman is informed that the cooling process will take 2 hours, maybe more, since there is very little air circulation between her legs. This greatly distresses to poor woman, whose tits are in great pain. Then the brander says, ‘however, if the irons could be waved around through the air, they will cool much faster and the prisoner can be released sooner.’ At this point, the woman begs for the brander to wave the irons to cool them. The crowd cheers and the brander starts waving the irons back and forth between her legs while still inserted in her cunt and ass. Now the brander has 2 choices; he can either slowly wave the irons as far forward and as far backward as they will go and in the process painfully stretch the woman’s 2 holes to cavernous proportions, or he can wave them back and forth just a little, but very rapidly and cause the woman to endure several shameful public orgasms.
Some branders have made such a show of the inverted branding technique, that they can charge a 2 credits admission fee. Hundreds of townsfolk have happily paid this fee because they know it is worth it. After 30 minutes, the brander releases the woman and thanks his victim for being such a good assistant and for helping to cool his hot irons. The iron-cooling process is even more humiliating that the branding itself. For males, the inversion is un-necessary, and besides the men only have one hole and there are 2 irons to cool. Male 3rd time offenders are simply strapped to a table, branded and set free; all in a matter of minutes.
Fourth offence ;
An adulterer convicted for a fourth offense will have to endure some serious pain. In these cases the guidelines call for a large letter ‘A’ to be branded on the upper portion of each breast. The guidelines state that fourth offense brands must have the bottom part of the letter into the areola and the top of the brand may extend only halfway to the woman’s collarbone, and no further. However, for women with large breasts, this branding can be quite difficult. If the woman’s breasts sag a lot, these brands can be as long as 16cm. It is difficult to conceal the scars from the large ‘A’ brands under a traditional scoop-neck blouse. Also, the fourth offense guidelines do not have a nipple protection clause. If the brander is not paid a large enough bribe, he will often, intentionally, sear one, or both, nipples so as to render them completely and utterly useless for infant suckling. The fourth offense brandings are applied while the woman is standing in order to maximize the sag of her breasts, however for obvious reasons, she must be securely tied to a large tree or solid post to prevent her from moving.
Fifth offence ;
An adulteress convicted for the fifth time is branded on the backs of both her hands. After all, her tits and ass already are burned. The branding does not require nudity and in not nearly as painful as brands 2, 3, or 4. But the fifth offence brands can not be concealed. Everyone who comes in contact with such a woman will know she likes to fuck-around and that the pain and humiliation from her previous 4 brandings was not sufficient to change her behavior. On other planets, such women are politely called ‘over sexed’, promiscuous, or nymphomaniacs. On xz345 delta there are merely called sluts. They are truly marked women and men will actively pursue them, taunt them and tease them until they just can not help themselves and start having sex again. The fifth branding is like an advertisement for sex. It says ‘let’s fuck’. If such a woman could find a pimp-manager who will have her, she is best advised to accept whatever terms he offers and become his whore. In this way she will become protected from the adultery laws and she will not be risking the extreme pain of the dreaded 6th branding. However, most pimp-managers don’t want a woman with so many ‘A’ shaped scares on her ass and tits. In many cases, a woman adulteress will be convicted of her 6th offence before the brands from her fifth punishment are healed. These cases are sad, to say the least, but court records show there are many such sluts on xz345 delta.
Sixth Offence - Female Subject;
The sixth brand is the most painful and disfiguring of all. For women, there may be 20 or 30, sixth offense brandings per year for the entire colony. (For men, the number is far less, and their punishment is covered later in this writing.) The sixth branding of an adulteress is always accompanied by court-ordered additional punishments and is often made the grand finale to a daylong public punishment festival. Women convicted of their sixth adultery offense are often detained for several months until the time of such festivals. Some jails have public viewing cells, which are similar to the front display windows of the stores along Main Street. However, the plastiglass windows in the viewing cell have rows of ventilation holes, approximately 2-cm in diameter. The prisoner on display in the public viewing cell is naked, of course, and the sight of a naked girl will always attract a small crowd of perverts who make lewd comments to the naked prisoner, or urinate through the vent holes whenever the police are not looking.
For the sixth branding, a woman’s pubic hair must be completely shaved-off or it may be painfully plucked-out; one hair at a time. At 5 hairs per credit, the daylong plucking of an adulteress can be a huge fundraiser for the village. The sixth adultery brand is a special letter ‘A’, more slender at the base than the ‘A’ in the normal alphabet. The victim is securely tied to a flat table and the letter is burned upside down, so the bottom of the letter is on the woman’s abdomen and the top of the letter is directly on the poor girl’s clit. The brander uses special clamps to spread the victim’s cunt-lips and expose her sex-trigger. Owing to the adulteress’s many years of sexual activity, 6-time offenders have very large clits, which naturally extend out of the woman’s cunt and appear to actually standup and beg to be burned. Also, the iron used for a sixth branding is specially constructed with a large metal mass at the top of the letter so as to burn the woman more deeply and maximize the damage to her clitoris. But, at the request of the pimp-manager lobby, the planetary guidelines have a vaginal entry protection clause, which forbids searing any part of her cunt below the clit. Due to this clause, women suffering their sixth brand can have vaginal sex, after a short healing period, but they will derive absolutely no pleasure from it. When a woman’s clit has been burned away, she just doesn’t orgasm. As the ancient school-yard chant says;
‘There’ll be no ‘O’ for the bimbo, with an ‘A’eee on her clitty.’
While the chant is not politically correct, most pre-puberty girls learn the thinly veiled, moral lesson of the rhyme, even if they have never experienced an ‘O’ [orgasm] and are only vaguely aware of the location of their own ‘clitty’ [clitoris].
Surprisingly, women carrying the sixth brand are highly prized by certain pimp-managers in the whoring trade, especially those catering to a client base of sadists. These women are known as cunt-branded whores. With proper supplemental lubrication, the managers know that a cunt-branded whore can be fucked all day and all night and not feel a thing. She has been publicly humiliated so many times, that she has not a microgram of shame or modestly left in her entire body. A cunt-branded whore will perform any sex act, no matter how lewd, obscene, dirty, disgusting and personally degrading it may be, as compared to the morals of a normal women. As a side note; the pubic hair within the branded area never grows back, but after 6 months, the rest of the whore’s bush will return to normal. The contrast between the pink scar tissue of the branded area and her dark pubic hairs is quite an artistic sight. Photographs of a whore’s sixth brandings are quite often shown on the covers of the planet’s illicit porno magazines, much to the profit of the whore’s pimp-manager.
Sixth Offence – Male Subject (very graphic – not for the squeamish) ;
There have been a few sixth offence cases where the adulterous criminal is male. These cases average only 2 or 3 per year for the entire colony, so what is ‘typical’ and ‘usual’ is hard to define, since there are so few cases and so many different judicial courts. Since men don’t have clits, the sixth brand, for a male offender is different. The only reference in the universal planetary guidelines to the punishment for a male’s a sixth offence is ‘that they be brand twice; once on each of their testicles’. As to the exact methods and techniques used for the punishment, the courts have had free rein to make their own precedents. To be sure, a very special punishment awaits the unfortunate, 6-times loser, male adulterer. The following account is of a particularly gruesome sixth offence male branding that occurred in 2103 in the Village of NuGreenleaf. The offender is one ‘Robert Peck’ often called ‘Bob the Pecker’ and his case is well documented.
The duly convicted male adulterer was taken to the public square, stripped naked and tied onto a heavy wooden chair uniquely suited for genital punishment. This chair goes by many different names, the most common are ‘punishment throne’, ‘hinged throne’ and ‘adulterer’s throne’. Most jurisdictions have such a chair, since they are used for a great many punishments, both male and female. The chair had large armrests and a straight back. The man’s shoulders, chest and midsection were tied to the back of the chair and his arms tied at the wrist and elbow to the armrests. The chair had 4 long and stout, straight wooden legs with wheeled casters at the bottom of each leg. This made the chair easy to move around on stage during his punishment. The chair legs were so long, that the man’s feet did not touch the stage. His lower legs were tied at the ankle and knee to the chair legs, then his thighs and hips were tied to the seat of the chair. The fellow was completely immobile, except for his head, fingers and toes. After the man was thusly tied, his punishment began. To allow maximum access to his genitalia, the wooden insert in the chair’s seat was slid out from the front of the chair. This allowed his cock and balls to hang freely under the chair. The back of this special chair is hinged along a vertical centerline and once the seat insert was removed, the front legs of the chair were spread to a wide angle, thus spreading the man’s legs very far apart and exposing the most sensitive parts of his anatomy to the punishment of the court.
For this male adulterer’s sixth [and final] branding, a small ‘A’ letter was burned onto each of his testicles. Even though the chair allowed maximum exposure of his crotch, his cock was shielding his balls. No matter. The brander simply tied one end of a leather lace to the end of his dick and tied the other end around the man’s neck. When the slack was taken up, his dick was lifted out of the way. There is a variation of this technique, which uses a pair of strong nipple clamps connected by a small chain, to which the lace is tied. The end result of this variation is the same, but it is achieved in a more painful manor. After ‘Bob the Peaker’s’ pecker was hoisted out of the way, the man’s scrotum was subjected to a very stringent ball spreader. This was to pull the sac tight over his testicles. I am told, the same effect can also be achieved with a tightly tied leather lacing. At this point the adulterer was ready to be burned. The branding irons used were of the same size as those used in the 1st and 3rd brandings. But sixth offense male adulterers are not well liked and ‘Bob the Peaker’ was no exception. In fact he was loathed by most of the male population in the Village, since these men all believe Bob had been fucking their wives for years. With this in mind, the brander was instructed to heat the irons so hot that they would burn through the scrotum and leave 2 ‘A’ shaped holes in the criminal’s ball sac. After much screaming and pain, the deed was done. The ball spreader was removed as was the leather lacing, used to lift his cock. At this point, the minimum punishment specified in the planetary guidelines had been met and the man could have been set free, but not it this case. The court order had stated that ‘after branding, Robert Peck should be left naked, tied to his ‘throne’, in the NuGreenleaf public square until his balls fall out.’ However, by 11PM his nuts were still in place and the temperature was dropping quickly. The authorities worried that the man might die of exposure before his testicles dropped thru the holes in his sac.
To save time, and increase the theatrical value of his punishment, a very sexy and experienced whore was hired by the court to publicly seduce, tease and tantalize the prisoner and persuade his testicles to fall. Special video cameras were brought in to get close-up images, since the whore’s body or the man’s legs obscured most of the ‘action’. Large screen monitors were positioned throughout the crowd so they can see the show much as the whore sees it; up-close and personal. The whore did a slow striptease for the prisoner (and the audience). She gave him an erotic lap dance, while rubbing her tits in his face and her pussy on his chest. Despite his burned scrotum, his male sex-drive got the better of him and his cock started to get hard. ‘Bob the Pecker’ was living up to his nickname. At this point the crowd really got into the show. They rhythmically applauded and chanted encouragement to the performers, but mostly to the whore. Once the man was coaxed and teased to a full erection, the whore knelt between his spread legs and with a small pair of scissors, she cut the tendon along the top of the man’s penis. The crowd was not allowed to see this part of the show as it is considered a trade secret. A chemical cauterization was secretly applied and the bleeding quickly stopped. With the tendon severed, the length of the man’s cock was unrestrained, thus allowing for the longest erection of his life, however, his hard-on pointed straight down and not at the jaunty angle typical of most males with intact anterior penile tendons.
With the minor surgery over, the whore sucked the prisoner’s cock with abandon; much to the pure delight of the paying audience, and to the pure agony of the poor victim. The whore’s experienced oral techniques and severed penile tendon, caused a massive erection, easily tripling the size of his cock. This gigantic hard-on reached a length of 25cm, maybe more, but it was the most regrettable erection he could ever dream of. For as his cock involuntarily swelled, the skin of his scrotum contracted and eventually his balls were simply squeezed from what remained of the sac, through the burn holes caused by the branding. Sometimes the prisoner’s balls just fall on to the stage and but not for this fellow. They dangled by their slender sperm ducts. The whore then sharply flicked the dangling testicles with her finger as she sucked his cock, giving the adulterer both pleasure and pain at the same moment. The whore continued to ply her ancient profession and ultimately the man was forced to ejaculate; for the very last time. In this case, the whore forced his orgasm by beating his balls wildly against the man’s thighs. The crowd loved it and the whole climax was caught on tape. After the man shot his final wad, the whore spit every last drop of his semen into a large glass tumbler and held it up for the audience’s inspection. Of course, the volume filled only the bottom of such a large glass and the crowd called for more. The whore then sucked-in the prisoner’s wasted testicles from mid-air and ripped them from their sperm ducts with her teeth. She chewed them into a pulpy mass, which I am told tastes just like cum. It is truly amazing that the whore did not to swallow, as she would normally swallow a mouth full of semen. She then spit the pulp, that were once his ‘family jewels’, into the tumbler with the last of his cum. But the crowd called out for more and more. ‘Fill the glass’ they chanted.
Now since this particular whore was also a ‘squirter’, that is a woman who ejaculates when she has an orgasm, she sat on the edge of the stage, masturbated to a climax and squirt her viscous discharge into the glass cup. The audience crowded around the stage and witnessed her self-abuse up close and personal. (This is considered as advertisement for her whorehouse.) The whore was encouraged to cum as often as she could; the object being to fill the tumbler. After 3 or 4 orgasms, her clit had to be mechanically stimulated, since her fingers had grown tired. The powerful vibrator coaxed another 4 orgasms from her pussy, but still, the tumbler was only half full. In the end, she simple pissed into the glass to fill it. In any case, after the glass was full, the now castrated prisoner’s head was forced back as far as it would go, and a funnel gag was installed into his mouth. With great fanfare, the whore slowly poured the contents of the tumbler into the funnel and forced the man to drink the vile mixture; containing his chewed and wasted testicles, his last wad of semen, plus a large dose of whore cum and whore piss, supplied by the woman who had been so instrumental in his castration. The crowd loved this as much as the man hated it.
At last, the live show was over and most of the crowd went home, however a few of the sickest townsfolk collected autographs from the brander, the whore (who also supplied her phone number) and even from the victim. Remember, his fingers are not bound, and by twisting his nipples very hard, he was forced to sign several programs. After this it was nearly 1 AM and the man was left alone, still tied to the adulterer’s throne, with his legs wide open and his useless cock dangling between them.
In the morning, he was tortured further by several of the men who believed he had fucked their wives. The captive was forced to ‘pull a chain’ through the entire Village and the manor in which he had to pull this chain was both painful and humiliating. First a 2-meter length of steel chain was threaded on to an open steel ring, which was then treaded through the holes in the man’s scrotum before being hammered shut. The weight of the chain stretched his empty sac towards the ground. Since this prisoner had a long reputation for seduction, a second chain was hung from a ring through his cock-head. In this case, his penis head was pierced with a 2-edged dagger and a thick steel ring forced through the wound. A 2-meter length of chain was also passed through this ring before being hammered closed. The weight of this second chain stretched the shaft of his cock, as if he has an erection that was pointed to the ground. Ball-less and bleed from his scrotum and cock-head, and with 2 chains dragging between his legs, he was marched through the town for all to see, especially the whores who ridiculed him terribly.
Believe it or not, this adulterous criminal survived the forced march and the ensuing infections. Also, he was not murdered outright by one of the jealous husbands. It seems they preferred to mutilate his sex then end his suffering.
For two days, no one would take him in, none of the medical clinics would treat his wounds and no one would cut the rings from his cock and scrotum. He had found a few rags to wear, but for 2 days he just wandered about, bow-legged, carrying his 2 chains and pleading for help. On the third day after his ordeal and before his wounds had healed, an enterprising pimp-manager hired him as the house eunuch at the village’s sleaziest bordello. In addition to having his cock and scrotum rings welded permanently closed and always being forced to drag his cock chain, he was required to suck the fresh cum from each whore’s cunt after she serviced a customer. But alas, after a less than a year of licking cunts clean in the whore house, he commits suicide. In any case, he never fucked another man’s wife ever again. Robert Peck’s pierced cock and scrotum, complete with rings and chain, were preserved by a taxidermist and can be seen at the NuGreenleaf crime and punishment museum in the basement of the Village Courthouse.
Seventh Offence :
An adulteress convicted of her seventh offense is sent to the government’s all-male prison with a 10-year mandatory sentence. The gang rapes usually start within an hour of her incarceration. No 7-time loser adulteress has ever survived long enough to be released. The men literally fuck her to death. To date, there has never been a seventh offense committed by a male adulterer, which is little wonder, given the extreme severity of the punishment for their sixth offense.
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