Walking on air
Christmas had come and passed. The family had been seen; our gifts exchanged. It was good to see the family. I had fun trading stories and catching up. Christmas was good but it could never be exciting. My family, who I love to death, are the text book description of mundane. Mundane was great for the love and support I needed in my life. For the wild and crazy times that you never forget and can never stop telling stories about I had to look outside my family and away from Christmas.
This is where the wonderful holiday of New Years comes into play and three of my closest college girl friends. We all were spending Christmas with our perspective families but would be spending new years with each other. Our plan was a week long vacation filled with drinking, gambling and hopefully a fare amount of sex. Our destination was originally an argued point till somebody suggested that the only place appropriate for us four sinners to spend an entire naughty week was in the capital of sin itself. And yes, it was my suggestion. We all immediately agreed, Las Vegas was perfect for us.
Thick frozen flakes fell around me blanketing the Seattle/Tacoma International Airport in a chilly white blanket. Today is probably the first day I’ve ever disliked and prayed against a snowy day. Normally I love seeing snow since it so rarely comes to this port city. However the long drive here on the slippery roadways left my body aching after so much time spent with clenched muscles. Inhaling the crisp winter’s air I tried to relax my tired muscles and calm the butterflies fluttering in my stomach
People busily moved about on their way to and fro. For the most part I was ignored but not completely. As usual I caught a wondering male eye or two lingering in my direction. I smiled inwardly enjoying the fact even wearing tight jeans and a wool sweatshirt I could draw the attention of the men around me. With my black boots and their two inch heels I stood a few inches short of a full six feet. My auburn hair fell past my shoulders and even with my comfortable sweatshirt it was obvious god was kind when molding my ample cleavage.
A wicked grin crossed my face. If only those men could see my underwear. A tight fitting pink latex bra clutched my breasts together. Around my hips was a matching pink pair of latex panties with two tubes sticking out. Those tubes let to the pair of inflatable plugs on the inside of the panties. The wait for my airplane was not going to be a boring one.
As much as I would have loved to make this entire day a fulfilling one there was one little unavoidable factor that prevented it. In our post 9/11 world it was impossible to make it through the security check point without removing your shoes, a scenario that would be more than a little embarrassing for me once I attached the inflators to the hoses for the plugs. For now I was left aroused but unfulfilled.
Moving along I headed to the ticket counter. Mobs of people filled every counter. Only one agent at my airline handled check-ins, all the others were handling rescheduling. Surprisingly that one agent was all that was needed. Nearly everyone here was concerned with rescheduling their missed flights. Over the past week the winter’s storm had shut this airport down for hours and even days. There were still thousands of people still stranded here having never made it home for Christmas.
Check-in was brief but mildly difficult due to my distracted mind. I checked my bag but kept my backpack. In it were the items I would need to finish my little quest. Heading to security I mentally re-inventoried my list of items. I knew I had everything since I had checked about a zillion times at home but that didn’t keep me from worrying.
As usual there was a line at security. Taking my place in line I patiently waited all the while worrying that my secret plan was about to be exposed. Walking through security wasn’t the thing that had me worried. I wasn’t wearing any metal jewelry to set off the detector and I had removed the inflator bulbs from the panties’ dildos. I wasn’t sure if the metal detectors were sensitive enough to pick up the metal one-way valves in the bulbs but it definitely wasn’t worth the risk. Unfortunately removing them and putting them in the backpack wouldn’t have solved the problem. I knew x-ray scans could easily see the metal parts on the bulbs and the last thing I wanted was a curious X-ray tech trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
My solution to the metallic inflator bulbs and the true inspiration of this day came when I was checking out enema nozzles with inflatable retention balloons. The nozzles had small balloons on the end that inflated to about two inches in diameter to help keep the nozzle in place. The nozzle wasn’t important. What was important was that the balloon was inflated with a small square packet. Then the packet was squeezed the air was forced through a tube and into the balloon. To keep the balloon inflated you had to clamp off the hose or keep squeezing the packet otherwise letting go of the packet would allow it to suck the air back into itself and out of the retention balloon.
Not only would the packets suck air back into them which was important, their best quality was that they were entirely plastic. There were no metal valves to show up on X-ray scans. Of course as I neared the front of the line my confidence in their X-ray invisibility was beginning to dwindle. Crammed into my backpack were two dozen of the packets. They were in two sets, an even dozen to each. Using plastic pipe and Y connectors I had taken a dozen packets each with an individual hose and branched together reducing twelve independent hoses down to one group hose.
My heart did back flips as I passed through the metal detector. In my mind I heard a tattletale beep and was relieved to find out it was only my imagination. Turning I waited at the end of the conveyor belt for the X-ray machine to spit out my pack. Nervously I watched the inspectors face as they watched the monitor. After an agonizing few seconds the belt fed me my pack and boots. They were immediately in my hands as I quickly turned and awkwardly walked away in my socked feet.
Just outside of security I stopped to put my boots back on. Me and a dozen other people stood there in our socks redressing ourselves. One asshole puts a bomb in his shoe and now all of us have to look like idiots hopping around on one foot trying to put a shoe on the other. Oh well, that’s a whole other rant. With my boots finally back on I did my best to walk away with grace but that was impossible in these boots. I had specifically bought them several sizes too large so that they would fit the inflators that would soon be added.
Done with security I headed straight to the airport tram. I was already in the terminal I would be departing from which was the exact opposite of what I wanted. I had plenty of time before my flight left and I wanted to maximize the amount of walking I would be doing. I lucked out catching the tram just as it was arriving. A quick glance at the airport map gave me a detailed layout. While the tram sped me away from my terminal I studied the map. I patiently waited as the tram made several stops.
Stepping off the tram I waited for a moment. Behind me the doors slid shut and the tram continued on its endless loop through the terminals. Heading up the stairs I quickly ascended into the main seating area. Looking through the large glass windows I stared across a taxiway to a row of aircraft bearing the name of my airline. The terminal I was now in was a remote satellite terminal located away from the main airport terminal. This terminal was dedicated to international flights and was only accessible to passengers via the tram I had ridden over on.
Gathering my wits I turned and headed down the long concourse. Built to house all of the international flights for the airport this satellite terminal was on its own larger then a regional airport. An island in the middle of a sea of planes the terminal was built long and thin to allow the maximum number of planes to be parked and minimize the amount of land required for the building. Banks of seats lined the windows while a long row of stores and restaurants occupied the long center of the concourse.
Slightly tired from the long walk carrying my heavy backpack I was relieved to finally arrive at my destination. It wasn’t a boarding gate or a shopping area. My destination was the bathroom here at the end of the terminal. A familiar tingle of excitement filled me as I entered the ladies room.
I selected the end stall to give myself the maximum amount of privacy. Twisting the latch I locked the stall door then gave it a couple good shakes to ensure the lock was secure. I didn’t want any unsuspecting travelers accidentally walking in on me. A quick peak beneath the stall dividers brought on a wave of relief as I found myself in good fortune being the only girl in the room.
Hanging my pack on the door hook I stopped for a second to let my sore shoulders stretch out. My rest period over I quickly unzipped my pants and pulled down my latex underwear. Sitting on the toilet I took this opportunity to relieve myself before I stuffed my holes for the long plane ride. While I was in the process of doing my business another traveler came in to do hers. As a door slammed shut I peeked under the divider and was happy to see the pair of legs several stalls down.
I contemplated waiting for her to leave but realized she could easily be the first of many to file in. Finished with my business I continued on. As quietly as I could I unzipped the front pouch of my pack and pulled out the lubricated condoms. In their deflated state it was impossible to roll the condoms down the dildos. Pulling one of the long tubes out of my pant leg I took its end into my mouth and blew into it. I watched as the butt plug grew between my legs with a quiet hiss. A clatter of heels entered the room. Looking up to listen I let the tube fall from my lips. The psssst of air rushing out filled my stall as the plug quickly deflated.
I held my breath and sat there in silence. The clatter of heels continued and doors squeaked before they were slammed shut as the stalls filled. Panic stuck me when my door shook as someone tried opening it but relief set in as the person moved on to the next stall. Pulling up my pants a little I tried my best to negate the possibility of someone looking under the divider and seeing the pink latex panties with their dual plugs. Worried that someone was likely to notice my extended stay I quickly got back to what I was doing.
Taking the hose back into my mouth I once again used my lungs to inflate the plug. As quietly as I could I opened the condom wrapper. I wasn’t real sure what to do with the empty wrapper so I just stuffed it back into my backpack. Once I had the condom rolled down the dildo I delicately and quietly let the air back out. The process was repeated with the plug for my pussy.
Women came and went as I did my work in the end stall. The hardest part proved to be taking my shoes off with out making any noise. I slid the preassembled pack of inflator balloons into each boot making sure to keep the single hose that linked each set together trailing out the top of the boot. I lamented about not being able to use more of the inflator pouches in my boot but there just wasn’t enough room.
The position I was in as I inserted the inflators into the boots was awkward at best. My boots stood on the floor in front of the toilet in the position you would expect to see a pair of feet. The boots were tall enough that I was able to leave them standing on the floor and any one looking under the divider would be unable to see their tops which were currently occupied by my hands instead of my legs. My feet pressed up against the door split apart allowing me to bend between my gets to stuff my boots. Once the inflator balloons were all stuffed into the boots I placed my feet back in. My feet felt cramped in the boots now that they were sharing the space with the inflators. I buckled up the boots but not too tightly, I didn’t want to crush the inflators before I had them connected to the plugs.
From my pack I pulled out the last items I would need. One was a small tube of super glue which thankfully passed the security screening. The other were two fittings to spice hoses together. The fittings would allow me to connect the long tubes from the plugs to the tubes coming out of my boots. I placed a dab of glue on one end of each of the connectors and then slid the tubes coming out of my boots onto the glued end of the connectors. Once the glue was dried it would be impossible to remove the hoses from the connectors.
A quiet struggle ensued as I worked the tubes leading to the plugs back into my pant legs and down to the boots. The tube for my front went down my right leg, the tube for my backside the left. Placing a dollop of glue on the connector protruding from my right boot I prepared to connect the tube protruding out the bottom of my pant leg. Some how looking at the deflated plug was making me feel a little let down. It wasn’t that I was disappointed with what I was about to do but simply that I was starting out with a plug deflated. I was just about to place the tube running down my leg onto the glued connector when a thought suddenly stuck me.
After first pulling all of the extra hose out the end of my pant leg as I could I then bent down as far as I could and put the end of the hose in my mouth. With one hand I held back the hair that tried to hang down and hoped no one would see that I had one foot slightly raised off the ground. Exhaling I was able to easily inflate the plug. Air hissed past my lips as they parted in a grin as I felt the ridged rubber penis pressing against my pussy. Blowing into the tube again I replace the air that was lost then used my hand to kink the hose. Momentarily I let my hair fall as used my other hand to force the end of the hose onto the connector fitting. With one plug finished I quickly grabbed the glue and addressed the second plug.
Excitement was beginning to get the better of me as I paused in my awkward head down position with the second tube in my lips while I watched feet move through the room. My girly honey was starting to coat the tip of the inflated plug pressed against my sex. Thinking about having the second plug inflated in my tiny little ass was really starting to get me hot. It was absolutely intoxicating to think about having a large plug stuffing my tight butt for the entire span of the long and hopefully bumpy plane ride. Pinching the hose as I removed it from my lips I quickly placed the end on the already glued connector that protruded from my left boot. Looking between my legs I blushed realizing in my passionate impulsiveness I had actually inflated the plug for my butt noticeably larger then the one destined for my dripping twat.
Standing up I placed the glue back in my backpack and zipped it closed. Looking down my eyes bulged seeing the severely swollen plugs between my legs. Standing up had forced all of the air out of the inflators trapped beneath my feet and into the two rubber plugs as intended. Seeing as I don’t carry a measuring stick with me I couldn’t give you an exact size but I can say with out any exaggeration that the plugs were huge.
The condoms strained around the extreme size of the plugs they encased. I had definitely over-inflated the plugs before I hand sealed off the tubes. There was no way I was going to be able to walk through the airport with both of these behemoths stuffing me.
Pulling my pant leg back up I reach down till my fingers found the connector. As best as I could with one hand I tried to disconnect the hose but had no luck. The tacky glue had already set up bonding plastic to plastic. With two hands I yanked on the hose but couldn’t pull apart the connection.
I swore silently to myself for letting my excitement get the best of me. I had done all that planning, purchasing and preparing for a fully filled flight and now everything was for nothing. Looking at the plugs I thought I could probably get my body to accommodate such large plugs but there was no way I could maintain my composure in public while doing so. I tried to think of a way to release some of the air but knew it was impossible. I tried a few of the other hose connections but the glue on them held as well. My only option was to cut the hoses and abandon my plans completely.
I reconciled my disappointment by reminding myself that I had packed extra connectors in my suitcase for splicing the tubes back together while in town. I had preplanned for a little fun while in Vegas and on the plane ride home. But my suitcase was with all the other checked baggage somewhere in the bowels of the airport. For now I would have to pack up the inflators in my backpack and settle on wearing latex underwear with deflated plugs on the airplane.
Even deflated the panties were still pretty kinky. Wearing them as just panties wasn’t going to be as fulfilling an adventure in the airport as it would with the plugs but it would still be exciting. I did my best to lift my spirits but I was disappointed and there was no way of getting around it. Staring blankly at my backpack a shocking revelation struck me. The scissors I had packed to cut the hoses were in my checked bag.
‘I’m in a fucking airport,’ I screamed in my head.
Oh my god, what the hell can I do. You can’t even get fingernail clippers through security. I had nothing with me to use to cut the hoses. There was absolutely no way for me to get the plugs deflated. I was stuck with these monsters.
With the initial shock aside I regained my focus. There was still my backpack. I could stuff the panties in there. My pack was filled to the gills with stuff but there was a little room in the front pouch. I thought there might be just enough room to get the plugs in when they weren’t supper inflated with me standing on the inflator packs.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. The front pouch had room in it right now because I had pulled out the inflators. They were in my boots now but connected to the plugs. Where ever the plugs go they had to go. There defiantly wasn’t that much free space. I looked around in my stall for a place to stash and leave the panties but in seconds I was reminded it was a stall with nowhere to hide anything. Flushing the panties down the toilet was equally an absurd thought but one I entertained none the less. There were the trashcans in the bathroom over by the sinks but with the constant flow of women coming in and out there wasn’t a chance in hell of disposing of the panties there.
Oh no. It can’t be. Oh god no. Dear lord please tell me there is another way.
I silently prayed as my brain racked itself for ideas but kept coming up blank. Every alternative but one would have me leaving the panties here in the ladies room and being seen as I did it. There was one and only one option and I shuddered every time I thought of it. Staring down at the plugs I knew there was only one place to hide them where they wouldn’t be seen by anyone. That place was the same place I had planned to put them back when they were much smaller. I had to stuff the plugs up both my holes.
There was simply no way around it. I had consigned myself to this fate and now I was stuck with it. Biting the bullet, or in this case my lower lip, I grabbed the panties and slid them up towards my hips till the plug for my cunt was just starting to touch my glistening lips. Despite my immense dread of what was coming my body was still showing every sign of sexual excitement from stiff nipples to damp crotch. But it made sense that my body would react this way. Not all of my mind was coursing with fear. The dark part that drove me to this point in the first place was running in high gear and tickling me with excited anticipation.
Putting all of my weight on my left foot I was able to take all the pressure off the inflators in my right boot. With a soft hiss the front plug shriveled in size but didn’t completely deflate. I shook my head at myself once again seeing the size of the plug in its partially inflated state courtesy of my excited inspiration to pre-inflate before connecting the tubes.
Placing a hand on the base of the plug I slowly pulled up till it forcefully pressed against my lips. Wiggling the base slightly the tip quickly parted my lips and penetrated my sex. With clenched teeth I drew the plug up further and driving it deeper in. My legs bowed as I stretched my sex with the rubber cock. The anal plug was now pressed between my ass cheeks trying to enter its desired hole. Taking some time and numerous deep breaths I slowly let my body accommodate the new girth it was stretched around.
Every second I waited made me dread what was coming even more. Regardless of how long I waited I was stuck with what was about to come. Taking a very deep breath I shifted my weight off of my left side and cautiously stepped down on my right. The inflators under my foot compressed. With teeth clenched and face contorted I silently endured the growth of the pussy plug. The plug continued to grow as the last of the air under my foot was squeezed out of the inflators and up the tubing. My pussy was tightly clenched around the hollow dildo that was far larger then any guy that’s ever found his way between my legs and also larger then any toy or tool I’ve used in place of a real life cock. I’m not even sure my delicate sex will even be able to handle something as small as a natural cock after today.
Seeing past the pain that was blinding me I took several deep breaths and allowed my body to relax. The pain subsided leaving only a very full feeling. Reaching around behind I found the second plug. Lining it up with my ass hole I found myself regretting not bringing some lube. The condom was lubricated but I could definitely have used some more.
I had a hard time getting myself to relax my anus muscle. Since the plug wasn’t tapered I would be forced to go from an empty closed hole to a stuffed and stretched hole in one motion. My ass clenched tighter knowing the first penetration would be painful. Time continued to pass and my flight time was approaching. Gritting my teeth I used more force on the plug and in a standing position tried to poop. The tip of the plug moved and suddenly my ass hole was tightly squeezed around the large girth of the plug.
An unsuppressed moan escaped my lips as my butt hole spasmed and fought the plug to close. The stall door next to mine opened and closed as a woman entered it. I was gasping for air and praying she couldn’t hear me. I waited for the sound of her toilet flushing before I pushed the plug further into me. Because of the deficient lube on the condom the plug slid very roughly into me. Gingerly I put weight back on my left foot. My eyes bulged as the plug grew.
Standing flat on both feet I felt for the first time the fullness of having both plugs fully inflated inside of me. Stuffed definitely describes what I felt. A quick glance at my watch and I realized I couldn’t linger any longer. Pulling the panties the rest of the way up my hips I felt the plug in my front slide a little deeper into me. Pulling my jeans up and grabbing my backpack I exited the stall.
Each step inflated and deflated the plugs. I was getting fucked in the front and the back with every step. Standing outside the ladies room I watched as the bidirectional river of people passed by. Butterflies filled me. I felt as though I was in the middle of a dream and a very kinky one at that. But the truth was this was no dream. The reality is I was standing in a crowd of people with plugs stuffing both my holes and I am about to get fucked with each step as I journey down the concourse.
Picking up my right foot I felt the plug in my twat shrink. Placing my foot back down in front of me the plug swelled inside of me. Repeating with my left foot I felt the plug in my ass shrink before it grew and stretched me back out. I was getting fucked front to back over and over again as I walked elbow to elbow with other people. My mind was on a high surpassing any other experience.
Midway down the hall I felt an orgasm growing. Panic stuck as the feeling grew. This wasn’t a “Well, that was nice, I wonder what’s on TV” kink of orgasm. This was a body thrashing, tie me down so I don’t get hurt orgasm. The strangers I was walking next to may not be able to notice the hiss of the air through the hoses and the fact I was filled to the hilt but if the orgasm hit… I don’t even know. There was no way I could survive an orgasm here.
Turning hard right I moved out of the flow of people and headed straight for the nearest window. I stood there staring out at the parked planes that were being de-iced while I let my body calm down. A cool draft came off the glass which was a welcomed relief. I was looking in the direction of the main terminal but I couldn’t see it. The snow was really coming down. I began to worry that my flight would be cancelled.
With my body finally back to a manageable level of stimulation I turned around and continued back down the concourse. It didn’t take long before the full fucking I was getting overwhelmed me again and I was back to a window. I was even closer to coming and it took all my mental effort to keep from going over the edge. All the windows were occupied forcing me to precariously walk further down the concourse to find an empty one. My lips were trembling I was so close to cumming. Focusing on the falling snow I cleared my mind of everything sexual. Those few extra feet I had walked had nearly cost me dearly. Staring down the concourse I saw I had a long way to go. Silently I swore at myself for purposely putting myself in such a precarious position.
Walking only a few hundred feet at a time I could only pray that no one took too much notice of me. I tried to stop in front of TV’s and reader boards as much as I could to try and disguise my reason for stopping. Of course how many people were going to suspect the real reason. I was relieved when I finally made it the end of the concourse but found the stairs down to the lower level tram a bit interesting. As I waited for the tram to arrive I checked my watch. I was in the wrong terminal and my flight was about to board.
Boarding the tram I anxiously waited as it moved from one terminal to the next. Anxiety of missing my flight only added fuel to my fiery storm of emotions. Fear of missing my flight became my primary concern as I departed the tram once it reached the right terminal. With a hustled pace I moved up the stairs to the main level and headed down the concourse. The long ride on the tram had helped cool my earlier sexual high but the quickened pace rapidly revived it. By my watch my plane was boarding but I was stuck at a window, shaking, trying desperately to stave off a building climax. I prayed that the flight would be delayed enough for me to make it. I couldn’t even begin to think of a story to tell my friends to explain why I didn’t make it on my flight when my bags would.
Biting my lip I continued walking all the while focusing my mind on my destination and ignoring as best I could the two plugs. The orgasm was building again but I had to make it to the gate. For the first time in my life I actually was tying not to achieve an orgasm. My body and brain desperately wanted to feel the rush of the climax but there was no way I could let myself. The torment was almost unbearable but by shear will power I was maintaining my cool.
Nearing the gate I found it was still crowded with people and the plane was still parked outside. I felt relieved to have made it but ticked to find out after all that walking I now had an extra hour to wait. The plane had been delayed stranding me here for a little while longer. Turning around I found that there was a bar just a little ways down the concourse. A drink was definitely sounding enticing. I needed to cool my nerves and numb my body if I was going to make it through the rest of the day.
Selecting a secluded corner of the bar that had a view of my gate I waited for one of the staff to find me. It didn’t take long and in short order I sat at my table enjoying a chilled cocktail. Pulling out a book from my over filled travel bag I held it before me but didn’t read a word. My mind was far too distracted to focus long enough to make it through a single sentence. Instead I entertained myself watching travelers pass.
Most were people returning home after the holidays, a few were folks who still hadn’t made it home. With this winters storm grounding so many flights many people found themselves stranded as they landed in one airport only to find out their connecting flight had been cancelled. According to the reports on the news some poor souls were expected to be stuck for up to a week before there was an available seat for them to fly home on. I couldn’t imagine how depressing it must have been for all those people to be in an airport for Christmas.
My shoulders flexed feeling a shiver run down my spine. The ‘what if it happened to me’ question finally struck. A week with these large monsters filling my cavities. I’m not sure my body would ever recover from such a prolonged stretching. Cold electric tingles enveloped every piece of skin from the sudden shock of adrenaline. Eyes danced wildly while I froze my body. Thankfully no one was looking. A wave of embarrassment filled me realizing I was grinding my ass on the chair.
Relieved that my secret remained my own I watched the passing hordes of people with renewed interest. They all passed by in plain cloths but I couldn’t help but wonder how many people in this mob wore the plain cloths because it suited them and how many chose it because it hid them. If we dressed to reflect the colorful nature of our individual minds I would probably be wearing a tiny leather skirt and some kind of sexy top. I couldn’t help but wonder how many of these apparently vanilla passing souls were in fact kindred spirits to my own kinky soul.
I wondered if it was at all possible any of the women walking by had their pussy’s filled as full as mine was. A young energetic couple journeyed past the bar. Could they possibly be recent members of the mile high club. I caught the passing eyes of a few men and wondered which ones simply thought I was hot enough to date and which ones were walking away with visions of me tied spread eagle on their bed. Staring into an endless river of bodies I pondered over how many perverted potential playmates were passing by unnoticed.
Pulling out my blackberry I surfed my way onto the airlines website to check on my flight. Thirty minutes had passed but I found fifty had been added the departure. A few clicks and I was into a weather site. Currently conditions were cold and snowing with more snow coming for the next few hours. A few more clicks and I was on the airports current info page. Plows were running at full capacity and runways were shutting down intermittently for plowing but otherwise were remaining open. I counted my graces that flights weren’t being cancelled. As long as I made it down to Vegas today I would be happy. Luckily for me I didn’t have to worry about a week long stranding in the airport like so many others. If my plane was cancelled I always had the option of driving home although the idea of an extended stay with these plugs did leave me smiling.
Ordering another drink I settled in for the wait. Pulling up the webpages for the other airports I checked to see the flights my friends would be flying out on. Their luck seemed to be better then mine with no delays listed for any of their flights. I was beginning to seriously worry about my plans. With the delays to my plane I was now expecting to get into Las Vegas about the same time as them. If this happened my plan of changing my clothed and hiding my toys in the hotel room would be screwed.
I was supposed to be getting into Vegas two hours ahead of everyone else but that was before my plane was delayed. Those two hours were necessary for me to check into my room and get prepared before the girls arrived. I wanted time to get out of these clothes and get everything hidden before any of the others showed up. We were each renting our own rooms since part of this girl’s week would hopefully involve boys. While I knew the others would be packing extra condoms and lingerie for their hopeful rendezvous I packed a few vibrators and handcuffs to entertain myself with for the nights I didn’t bring anyone home. Seeing as the time we would all be hanging out together would probably move from one room to the next I wanted the hide my toys long before anyone was around to see me unpack.
My heart sank when my flight continued to get delayed. My plane was getting further delayed while they were all getting ready to take off. A quick exchange of text messages and they were informed of my delayed flights. I got a message back telling me that they would pick me up at the airport so we could go straight out. The bartender must have seen the look on my face because I soon found my next drink being brought my direction. I didn’t move from my table for quite some time. With each additional delay to the flight my bar tab grew, it was actually turning into a bit of a drinking game.
Nearly half a day after I first checked in, I finally boarded my plane. Things were definitely not going as planned. I took my isle seat and buckled myself in making sure the fit wasn’t too snug. With the girls planning on picking me up at the airport my original plan to change when I checked in was now shot. I knew once I got there they would insist we immediately go out and that I check in later. I was so transfixed with my thoughts that it wasn’t till the man in the isle waiting to get to his window seat tapped me on the shoulder that I even noticed him.
Slightly embarrassed and startled at being caught so off guard I quickly unbuckled my seat and jumped up to let him in. Luckily he was too transfixed on the seat that awaited him to notice my eyes bulge in unison to the double stuffing I was getting as both plugs erupted in size. My feet came down hard on the inflators as I landed with full force on my feet. The plugs surged in size as every portion of air was forced into them. While the window man may not have notice my odd expression at standing I wasn’t too sure about the folks seated behind me. It didn’t take long before the entire plane was filled up and we were taxiing away from the gate.
I felt a tingle of excitement through out my body before it became decidedly more focused in my pussy. Thoughts were drowned out by the deafening roar of the engines coming up to full throttle. Vibrations from the engine rattled everything in the plane. The vibrations carried through the seat and were driven deep inside me through the plugs I was sitting on. With out warning I was thrown back in my seat as the brakes came off and the plane thrust itself down the runway.
“Here I come,” I said quietly
Growing in intensity the tingle spread back out to the rest of my body. Already drunk and double plugged, I was on my way to the City of Sin. Whisking me away the plane took me towards an encounter I was both dreading and excited about. My mind continued to ponder how my reunion with my friends would go till once again a distraction pulled my mind away.
At first I noticed the increase in pressure around my feet. With out thinking about it I shifted my feet but found no relief. Suddenly my shoes felt as thought they were being tightened around my feet. Staring at my feet confused I noticed a growing pain in my ear. As I started to massage my ears to make them pop an unnerving realization struck me that made me suck my breath in.
Buried within me the plugs were invisible but that didn’t stop me from staring at my stomach in a vane attempt to watch what was happening. There was no confusion about what I felt. Both the air filled plugs inside of me were expanding. The pressure on my feet wasn’t my shoes tightening on the outside it was the inflators swelling on the inside. Entrapped in my boot the only outlet for the air was into the plugs buried within me. Continuing on its steep ascent the plane steadily gained altitude. My ears popped to relieve pressure while the plugs simple grew. Eventually the plane reached its cruising pressure. My ears stopped popping and thankfully the plugs stopped inflating.
An overhead ding signaled that passengers could safely remove seat belts and I quickly undid mine. It didn’t help a lot but it was a minor relief. To say the least I was feeling a little bloated. It took most of my mental effort to halt my body’s attempts to expel the large objects. My head spun as the altitude increased the affect of the alcohol.
Smiling at myself I couldn’t help but be amazed with the situation. I was literally sitting elbow to elbow with another person on a plane while I was filled to the hilt by my inflatable phalluses. Here I was indulging in a perverse adventure while the person next to me, who was literally touching me, sat completely unaware. Drunkenness finally overcame excitement. My eyes rolled back as my mind drifted away absorbed in naughty dreams.
Light turbulence woke me from my drunken slumber but the uncomfortable feeling in my abdomen is what kept me awake. The long time spent at the bar had not too surprisingly led to the inevitable conclusion of me needing to pee. Gingerly standing up I felt the swollen plugs grow even larger then they were before. Walking down the isle my twat and ass were stretch to new extremes. Thankfully there was no line for the restroom.
In the cramped restroom with my pants down around my knees I did my best to stand on my toes and make the plugs as small as possible. With great relief the plugs slid out of me. Sitting on the toilet I did my business. Pressing my feet against the door I squished the inflators in my shoes to see just how big the plugs were getting.
Sweat jesus. I can’t believe both of these monsters fit in me. Finished with my business it was time for the part I was dreading. Just like at the airport I took one plug at a time standing on one foot at a time. My pussy was restuffed with out a problem but my butt became an issue. Virtually all the lube on the used condom was gone. The only alternative was to try the old spit shine anal lube. The plug did not slide easily. It required a lot of force and was very rough. My ass was raw and sore by the time it was in.
I returned to my seat. The rest of the flight went on without incident. The plane’s decent was thankfully marked with the shrinking of the plugs. Every little bit helped at this point. Both my orifices were getting pretty sore from being stretched for such a long time.
When the plane finally landed I felt a minor sense of relief. I had made it through the trip without incident. I reveled in my courage of actually going on an airplane stuffed with plugs. My enjoyment of a successful self bondage session dwindled as my mind transferred from my recent past to my near future. I remembered that most likely this little adventure was a long ways from over.
The plane parked and passengers disembarked. I got caught up in the flow of people and found myself moving at their pace with no where to stop. By the time I made it off the plane I was horny. By the end of the ramp I was desperate. As soon as I was in the terminal I parted from the main flow of people and found a quiet corner to let my body cool off in.
While I cooled I texted the girls. They were all waiting for me at the other side of security and they were ready to hit the town. All I could do was sigh and start walking. I couldn’t help but wonder if some kind of divine intervention hadn’t occurred. What were the odds that I would be the only one out of all of us to have a delayed flight. What I had originally planned as a fun little way to add enjoyment and spice to my life had now become a self inflicted torture that fate had consigned me to endure far longer then I ever planned for. What should have been finished hours ago now had no end in sight.
This was my first experience with orgasm denial. The feeling was absolutely maddening. I was so close to having the most amazing mind blowing orgasm of my life and the only thing stopping me from having it was myself. I tried to think of an excuse to tell the girls as to why I needed to go to the hotel first before we went out but I was coming up with blanks.
True to their word all the girls were waiting for me on the other side of security. Here goes nothing I told myself. Pussy, butt, pussy, butt, normal sized, over inflated, normal size, over inflated. I was literally taking a fucking one step at a time. I could see how energetic the girls all were and all I could do is wonder just what else fate had in store for me.
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