Disclaimer and Copyright
The following story, ‘A Public Spectacle’ was written in 2008 and is an original work of fiction and is intended for adult readers only. It contains descriptions of acts of violence, forced nudity, public humiliation and non-consensual sexual activities not suitable for many readers.
If these things offend you, the reader, do not read any further.
Elements of this story; its plot, setting and character names, are not necessarily unique to this story, and any resemblance with actual events, places and persons is unintentional. I wish to thank all the past writers and storytellers in the English language for the inspirations used to write ‘A Public Spectacle’, with a special thanks to the authors, reviewers and readers of this web site for their encouragement and support. I assert a copyright on the text of this story and no printing, distribution, re-posting or commercial use what so ever is allowed without prior authorization by myself or my future assignees.
However, since the basic ideas in this story (public punishment, small-town politics, adultery, pain, repression of the middleclass, sex, betrayal, morality, prostitution, etc.) are not entirely my own, feel free to incorporate them into any of your own works. I look forward to reading them.
Neal [aka oldpervert1 on bdsmlibrary.com, aka fishbreath4@yahoo.com]
A Public Spectacle
Chapter 21 – Cindy Cums’ Trial Resumes
“All rise. Count is now in session. The honorable Judge Hardy Fairvert presiding,” shouts the Bailiff from behind her metal desk in the in the corner of the courtroom. “The court will hear the case of Ms. Cindy Cums vs. the People of the Village of NuGreenleaf,” she says as the Judge slowly takes his place in the bench. As soon as the judge is seated, the bailiff says, “Ladies and Gentlemen in the gallery, please take your seats, however the attorneys and defendant shall remain standing.”
The courtroom is packed, just as it was the day before. The same 2 attorneys for the prosecution are still standing behind their table. Neatly arranged on the prosecution’s table are 2 small carafes of water, 2 glasses, 2 note pads, 2 #2 pencils, 2 computer monitors and 2 keyboards. Everything is in pairs, except for the thin black file folder detailing their case against Cindy Cums. By contrast, there is a crowd around the defendant’s table. There is Cindy and her public defender, Ms. N. Epps, but also there is Doctor John Moore, Cindy’s ex-pimp Mr. A.M. Jones, Yvette Easy plus 2 unshaved men in dingy leather jackets. The defense’s table contains half a dozen blank note pads and a single computer.
“Before the prosecution re-reads the charges against the defendant, could the both councils approach the bench,” says Judge Fairvert into his microphone just before he switches it off for the non-recorded side-bar to follow.
Ms. N. Epps for the defense and Mr. Cy Starr for the prosecution walk up to the Judge’s raised platform.
“What the devil are you trying to do here, Epps ?” says the Judge. “There is only one defendant and one public defender in this trial, so why the hell are there 5 extra people at your table ?”
“Your honor, if you recall yesterday’s proceedings, one of the ‘5 extra people’ is Mr. A.M. Jones, Cindy’s former pimp manager, who is incidentally on the witness list from yesterday. Since there are no available seats in the courtroom, I took the liberty of letting him sit with the defendant,” replies Ms. N.Epps.
“All right. But the first time a seat is vacated in the gallery, he is to go back with the rest of the rabble where he belongs. Who are the others.”
“Agreed. Jones goes to the first empty seat in the gallery,” says Epps. “I’m sure you recognize Ms. Yvette Easy from yesterdays proceeding, even though she is not naked as you last saw her. She has been retained as a ‘jury consultant’ by the defense and therefore has the right to sit at the defendant’s table.”
“Very clever, Epps. What are her qualifications as a ‘jury consultant’ ?” asks the Judge.
“Due to her recently completed ‘community service’, in which you ordered that she perform 24-hours of naked sex demonstrations, she has current personal knowledge of most of the perverts and sexual deviants in NuGreenleaf. Since a key issue in this trial deals with social morals, her firsthand knowledge of the immoral in the community will be invaluable in jury selection.”
“Fine. Submit a copy of your consultant’s agree to the court recorder at the first recess,” says the Judge clearly weary of Epps’ lengthy explanation. “But remember, Miss Easy is not allowed to address the court or question witnesses. Just because she has nice tits, doesn’t mean she can practice law in my courtroom.”
“Understood,” say Epps. “The next fellow is Dr. John Moore, who the defense petitions to be added as a medical witness. He is also Cindy Cum’s current pimp-manager, and therefore has a financial interest in the case.”
“He can’t be both,” objects Mr. Starr, the lead prosecutor. “Any medical testimony he may give would be bias.”
“Actually, he can be both, Mr. Starr, unless the prosecution has there own medical expert. The credibility of Dr. Moore’s medical testimony will depend on the nature of the medical issue. In any case shouldn’t the jury decide whether his testimony is ‘bias’ or not ?”
“Touché, Ms. Epps,” says the Judge. “This Doctor, turned whore-monger can sit with the defense council, primarily due to his status as the keeper of Cindy’s cunt than for any other reason. But what about those other 2 pieces of crow-bait you got at your table ? They look like foot soldiers from an organized crime family.”
“They don’t look like doctors or ‘jury consultants’ to me either,” chimes in Cy Starr.
“Those 2 esteemed gentlemen are Vini and Guido whom I intend to call as material witnesses, once we begin the trial. There just wasn’t any room in the gallery for them.”
“OK, fine. The mobsters can stay but they shall take the first available seats in the gallery. I am sure they will be much happier sitting with the audience than at the defense’s table, which probably reminds them too much of the last time they were in court,” says Judge Fairvert. “Now let’s get going. While I am not playing golf today, I do have a ‘dinner’ engagement with a luscious redhead who loves fresh ‘salami’, if you catch my meaning.”
Both attorney nod their heads at the Judge’s thinly veiled sexual references and return to their respective tables.
“Will the defense present its opening statement,” announces the Judge.
“Objection !” cries the councils for both the prosecution and the defense in unison.
“Oh what now. Mr. Starr, state your objection.”
“The prosecution needs to re-state its opening arguments, to allow for continuity in the trial and to remind the court of the specific charges.”
“Denied,” gavels Judge Fairvert. “The court is well aware of the charges against Ms. Cums.”
Cy Starr looks surprised. He may not have his usual advantage with the judge.
“Ms. N. Epps, state your objection.”
“Since the defense is demanding a jury trial, as is its right, and since the court has failed to seat a jury at this time, and since the law requires all testimony, including opening arguments, be heard by a seated jury, the defense petitions that either the court re-start the trail, beginning with jury selection, or risk that this entire proceeding be vacated upon appeal.”
“Denied,” gavels Judge Fairvert. “This court will not be burdened with potential and highly speculative rulings by some appeals court.”
Then Epps blurts-out, “well, you know that seating a jury will open up 6 extra chairs in the gallery, which can be used to rid the defenses’ table of the 5 extra people you find so objectionable.”
“Humm. Good point. Motion sustained. Let’s re-start the trial. Bailiff, select 12 men at random from the crowd to be our jury pool and let’s get started.”
“Objection,” announces Ms. N. Epps. “Planetary judicial standards, as established in Wright vs. the Village of NuWorth in 2101, state that municipal courts can not exclude women from jury selection. Also those juries should have approximately the same ethnic, economic, age and gender proportions as the community they serve. Since the population of NuGreenleaf is roughly 50% female, then the jury pool must also contain 6 men and 6 women. If this court excludes women all together, then the defense will be granted a miss-trail by the appeals court.”
“You think you’re so smart, Ms. Epps. Look around you. The population of the audience in this court room is the ‘community’ it serves. Bailiff, how many seats are in this courtroom for spectators ?”
“With the added temporary seats, I’d say there are 120 people in the gallery this afternoon, Your Honor.”
“And how many woman are in the courtroom, besides yourself and the 3 females at the defenses table ?”
The Bailiff stands and surveys the gallery. I guess about 20, Your Honor.”
“Good. 20 women in a crowd of 120 people is a ratio of 1 female per each 6 persons. Bailiff, make sure there are 2 females in the group of 12 people you select for the jury pool,” says Judge Fairvert. “When the Bailiff points at you for jury duty, please go stand in the jury box.”
The Bailiff looks around the gallery and points out 10 men and then 2 women who all go stand in the jury box. “Now, are all of you over the age of 21 ?” she asks. “If not raise your hand.” 2 of the males raise there hands. “Go sit back in the gallery, boys. You can stay and watch the show, you just can’t be on the jury.” The Bailiff picks 2 more men from the crowd. They are both middle-aged and obviously over 21.
“Prosecution, are there any jurors you wish to remove from the pool ?” asks the Judge.
“None, your honor,” replies Cy Starr. “All the men look like fine, upstanding citizens of NuGreenleaf, however we are not sure about the moral character of the women and may wish to question them further, should any of them be selected as jurors.”
“Predictable,” whispers Epps to Yvette. “You can always bet that the prosecution is not too thrilled about having women jurors.”
“Council for the defense, are there any jurors you wish to remove from the pool ?” asks the Judge.
“The defense wishes to question the jury pool.”
“If you must,” replies the Judge cradling his head in his hand. “But keep it brief.”
“OK Yvette, now it’s your turn to shine. Which of the 10 guys in the jury pool do you recognize from your sex classes last night,” asks N. Epps.
“Well, I can’t be sure, but I think I recognize the 2nd man as one of the fellows I had to suck-off last night. And the 4th and 9th guys I recognize as men in the crowd when I was being fucked by ‘Rob Bot’, the mechanical fucking machine. The 2 women, jurors #11 and #12, were in the crowd of women’s rights supporters I walked through on the way to my branding. They may have given me something to drink and stroked my shoulders as I walked through the crowd. And I know I saw #1 and #6 in the crowd taking pictures after I was branded.” Yvette whispers to Epps.
Doc scribbles on his note pad and passes a message to Epps. “So 5 out of the 10 males on the jury pool perverts. Great !”
Epps reads the note then starts questioning the prospective jurors. “Juror #2, where were you last night and when was the last time you were given oral sex ?” asks Ms. N. Epps.
“Who, me ?” stammers the 2nd fellow.
“Yes, you. Were you, at any time within the last 24 hours, on the Village Square watching a live sex demonstration ? And did you receive oral sex as part of one of these demonstrations ?”
“Well, actually, yes. But what does this have to do with me being on the jury ?”
“Epps,” interrupts the Judge. “If you plan on questioning each prospective juror about their sexual history and their adult entertainment preferences, then this trial could drag-out for weeks. Quite frankly, I’m not in the mood for it.”
“Your Honor, may councils for the defense and prosecution approach the bench,” asks Cy Starr of the prosecution.
“Now this is a surprise,” mutters N. Epps.
Judge Fairvert tiredly motions the attorneys to come forward. Once up at the Judge’s platform, Cy says, “You are right, Hardy. Questioning each prospective juror in open court is a waste of time. I suggest that you and I, and Epps too, should discuss this matter in chambers, not here in open court, where our arguments are being recorded. In your chambers you can relax, have a tall glass of ice-water and make a clear-headed ruling without a microphone eaves dropping on the conversation and making an official transcripts of our decision making processes.”
The Judge nods his head in agreement, knowing that such gestures can’t be recorded.
“OK, I’m game, says Epps. “Lets have a chat in chambers ; just amongst ourselves, but first I need a minute with my defense team.”
Epps goes back to her defense team and leans over the table with her back, and more specifically her backside, pointed to the judge. Her pose is no accident. She deliberately is giving the Judge an entertaining ‘view’ so her can buy time with her defense team.
“OK, we don’t have much time. I need your ideas for jury questions,” say Epps to those at the defense’s table, as she shifts her hips provocatively.
“So what do we want to know about each juror’s sex life,” asks Doc. “Like how many times a week they do the ‘wild-thing’ with their girlfriend, or their wife, or with both at once ?”
“Or like, when someone popped their ‘cherry’ ? You know, when someone losses their virginity,” says Vini. “I lost mine to Mrs. Garabella when I was only 14. If the jury is like me, seducing a younger guy is normal. Its just part of growing up in the neighborhood.”
Epps franticly scribbles down notes. “These are all good questions, but I think we also want to know if a prospective juror has ever used a whore to fulfill their sexual need or fantasy. If so, then maybe they will be sympathetic to Cindy’s case.”
“And I thinks we wants to know if they ever had sex with Cindy herself, I mean in person and in the flesh. Or if they have visited my high-class bordello, the chick-n-raunch,” says A.M. Jones, Cindy’s former pimp. “This will show an appreciation of the finer aspects of a foxy whore, like Cindy.”
While Cindy is still pissed at her former pimp, A.M. Jones, she lets his left-handed compliment slide. Most pimps just don’t know when they are being insulting to their whores.
“I’ll have to think about that one, Jones,” says Epps being more tactful than usual.
“But we do want to know if they were watching my sex-shows last night, don’t we ?” asks Yvette Easy, feeling left-out of the conversation.
“Yes, of course, but I’m relying on you to answer that one. We’ll only get a limited number of questions and this one we may want to skip, in favor of another. I think it is more important to know something about their views concerning girl-on-girl sex, than if they were present at one of the sex demonstrations last night.”
Around the defense table, the small group nods their heads in agreement.
With their short parley over, Epps, Doc, Jones, Vini, Guido and Miss Easy, the Judge, and the 2 attorneys (Epps for the defense and Starr for the prosecution) leave the courtroom to meet in the judges’ chambers to discuss jury questioning.
As soon as the office door is opened, the trio is assailed by an acidic, chemical smell. Starr immediately pulls the handkerchief from his breast pocket and covers his nose and Epps crinkles up her nose. “Sorry for all the bad smells, but I’m having the book shelves in my law library re-finished. It’s a wonder the fumes haven’t drifted into the courtroom. Let’s go up to my private office on the 4th floor. It’s much better there.”
Judge Fairvert slowly leads the way, past the workmen and the half finished bookshelves to a small circular iron staircase in the corner of the library. “Let me go first,” says the judge who laboriously climbs the iron stairs; one step at a time. At the top of the spiraled flight, he unlocks the door to his private office and immediately the sound of a shrill, female voice is heard screaming insults ;
‘you stupid bitch’,
‘you’re so ugly’
‘you’ll never amount to anything’
‘you worthless piece of sh---’
The screams abruptly stop in mid-sentence as soon as the Judge turns on the lights. The tirade is obviously a recording.
“Don’t mind the sound effects. It’s OK to come up now,” says the Judge to the 2 attorneys peering up from the bottom of the stairs. Starr still holds the handkerchief over his nose as he ascends with Epps. The nasty odors, which were so pungent at floor level, dissipates with each step up the spiral staircase. By the time they enter the judge’s private office, the horrible smells are barely noticeable, but the room is uncomfortable warm.
“There, isn’t that better ?” asks the Judge. “Don’t mind the heat. We’ll only be here for a few minutes.”
The lawyers nod their heads in unison. For once, both attorneys agree. The 4th floor is much better than the 3rd except for the elevated temperature and the cramped conditions. The office is 8 sided and less than 4 meters across. It occurs to Epps that they are inside one of the 4 octagonal turrets, which punctuate the gothic courthouses roofline. The lawyers sit in the 2 chairs facing the Judge’s modest desk. Other than the desk and the chairs, the only other furniture in the room is a covered table positioned between the 2 chairs and in front of the desk. This table is about 75 cm tall, a meter in diameter and is covered from, floor to top, with a heavy, dark tablecloth. Just then, Ms. N. Epps hears a tiny pleading voice coming from under the table saying “Please, sir, I’m very hungry. Please feed me, sir, or give me some water. It’s so hot in here.”
“What’s that ? More of your weird recorded sound effects ?” asks Epps of the Judge.
“Oh, that. Don’t pay attention to her. It’s just one of the court’s prisoners, up here for a little extra punishment. She is part of a special experiment in prisoner rehabilitation, which was going quite well until a few days ago when she relapsed back into old, unacceptable behaviors. As punishment, she’ll be up here for the next week,” says Fairvert, as he shapely whacks the top of the covered table with a well worn braided rattan cane he has laying across his desk.
The tiny pleading voice emits a startled cry, and then is silent. From the metallic sound of the blow, Epps realizes that the ‘table’ is clearly not a table at all; at least not a wooden one.
“Now, let’s get down to business. We can see the girl, I mean the ‘experiment’, after we reach an agreement about this juror questioning thing.”
Cy Starr says, “My associate, Mr. Nova, tells me that when he was doing his internship for the DA’s office in NuNew York, they had a standardized list of questions of all prospective jurors. The juror’s answers were used to weed-out those who might be prejudicial, by nature. The list contains 5 generalized questions, but can be expanded to topics peculiar to the case at hand. I would like to use this list, if the court and the defense have no objections.” Starr hands both Epps and Fairvert a copy of the list of questions, which reads as follows ;
“If the prospective juror answers ‘yes’ to any of these 5 questions, they are usually excluded from the jury,” says Cy Starr.
Again the muted pleadings from under the table, “Please feed me, sir.” And again the judge strikes the top of the table with the cane. “That’s enough out of you, young lady. Feeding time is not for another 2 hours and if you interrupt this meeting again, than you may miss your afternoon feeding all together,” scolds the Judge.
Epps and Starr look at the covered table, then at each other, but like trained legal professionals, they ignore the humanitarian pleas of the girl under the tablecloth and stick to the subject at hand; that being the list of juror’s questions.
Turning to Mr. Starr, the Judge says, “That list sounds good to me. What does the defense council think, Epps ?”
“Well, they are acceptable to the defense, but are too generalized to be very useful for our purposes,” says Epps. “And question 5 so convoluted, I’m not sure an average person, of average intelligence, will understand it. However, our proposed questions are intended to garner valuable insights into the psyche of each juror. Lets be clear on this point. It is the defenses’ duty to seat a jury most sympathetic to the defendant. Since a key issue in our defense is one of personal morals, I would like to include the following questions, which are more specific to my client’s case.”
Epps holds her breath and hopes the Judge will allow her questions.
“The prosecution has no objection to the defense’s 5 extra questions, although I don’t see how the answers will aid you in your case,” says Cy Starr. “Since most of your questions do not have a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers, I think the jury may find them at least as confusing as our question #5, if not more so.”
“Good. I don’t mind if the jurors are a little confused at the beginning of a trial. I always set them straight by the end. I’ll have one of my clerks combine the 2 lists and make copies for the jurors,” says Fairvert.
Just then the small voice from under the tablecloth says, “Oh, pleeeease. I am sooo hungry. Just let me have a taste; even a small taste. That’s all I ask. Please, kind sir.”
At this point the suspense gets the better of Ms. N. Epps and she asks the Judge, “Who is this ‘experiment’ you have hiding under the tablecloth and why is she so hungry ?”
“Since we have a few minutes to kill while the clerk works on the list of questions, I’ll show you,” says the Judge, as he pulls the cover off the cage. Hunched over inside the cage is a tiny, naked girl. Her hair has been completely shaved off, including her eyebrows. She is small, and looks to be a few cm less than 1.5 meters in height, however her forced squatting position makes estimating her height a matter of speculation. The caged girl is also very thin ; painfully thin ; and surely weighs less than 50 kg. Her arms and legs look no bigger than sticks and her breasts are as flat as an English muffin. As for her nipples, they are no bigger than the eraser on top of a pencil and are the only bump in an otherwise featureless areola. The top and sides of the cage are made of heavy-gage steel wire, but the bottom is a solid metal plate covered with sawdust and wood shavings. The cage resembles a large birdcage, one that should be used to keep a caged parrot, not a young woman. The girl is wearing locking wrist cuffs, which are fastened to the top of the wire cage. Also, she is wearing a neck collar, which is locked to the cage directly in front of a 15 x 15 cm square door. The door faces away from the Judge’s desk and the girl’s pleading face fills the opening.
The girl looks at Ms. N. Epps, then turns to Mr. Cy Starr and says to him, “Please, sir, feed me. Just a taste is all I ask for.”
“I can see why the girl wants to be fed,” says Epps to the Judge. “You have been starving her for god only knows how long. Look at her. She is nothing but skin and bones !”
“Not true,” responds Judge Fairvert, as he scans both lists of juror questions, and sends them digitally to one of his clerks with instructions that they are given to all 12 of the prospective jury members. “Our little ‘bird’ is fed 4 times a day. But the conditions of her behavior modification experiment allows her to only eat male semen. She gets water and vitamin supplements and fiber tablets to keep her regular, but her only ‘food’ is semen. As for her weight, true she has lost a little weight since she started her reprogramming, but only a kg or 2. No more than that.”
“So when she begs me to ‘feed her’, she is really asking to suck my cock ; or more correctly to suckle on my cock, and eat my ejaculation,” says Cy Starr.
“You catch-on quickly,” says the Judge.
“But that can amount to only 10 or 15 cc of nourishment per day. Not hardly enough to live-on.”
“Well, it’s more than you think. You see, she is fed by various male staff members, pardon the pun, here in the courthouse and also by the courthouse guards who are renounced for the size of their testicles and the shear mass of their ejaculate. I’m sure it is prerequisite for the job, or something like that. It is not un-common for her to receive the semen from half a dozen men in a single feeding,” says the Judge as he removes his judicial robe, opens the fly of his trousers and walks around to the front of his desk. He pulls his semi-limp dick from his pants and puts it in the girl’s mouth.
“There is the treat you have been begging for. Now suck me dry, like a good little girl, while I explain the details of your captivity to our guests.”
Epps is shocked and speechless. She turns her head away to not look at the girl sucking the old man’s cock. On the other hand, Starr is intrigued and leans forward to get a better view of the girl as she suckles on the judge’s dick.
“This last November, the girl’s mother signed her over to my custody. The girl had been expelled from her high school in NuNew York City where she had been caught engaging in several lesbian trysts, one with an art teacher at the school. These escapades are all well documented on the school’s security video. A juvenile court convicted her of lesbian activities and expelled her from school. The juvi-court offered the parent the choice of a 3-year sentence in a notoriously foul, all girl reform school, or sexual reprogramming as a ward of the court. The reprogramming will be considered complete when the girl has develops a health liking of men. The sentence is for a minimum of 6 months but ends on her 21st birthday. If she has not been successfully reprogrammed by then, the ‘experiment’ will be a failure and the subject will enter the adult penal system and serve 3 years of hard-time for being a lesbian.”
“So what happened to the other girls involved in these lesbian trysts,” asks Epps.
“I can’t divulge the terms of their sentences, since they are minors, but the art teacher was duly convicted of lesbian sexual activities. Oh, this happens to be the same charges that your Cindy Cums is facing. The teacher is now serving her 5-year sentence at the NuAttica prison, where she is most likely serving, or shall I say servicing, the cocks of 30 to 40 male convicts each day. Her ‘reprogramming’ is undoubtedly much more violent than the girl’s. Epps, you know your client may get a chance to meet this art teacher one day. I send all of my convicted lesbos to NuAttica. I hear the noontime gang rape of the female prisoners there is in the common dinning hall. The girls are all draped over the mess hall tables before they are fucked and sodomized by the men. Now as to the feeding of lesbians, both the teacher and the student have similar diets, except the teacher is also being fucked in her other 2 holes, but that is another story,” explains the Judge. “Back to the tale of our little ‘bird’ in her not-so-gilded cage.”
“Like most of our early residences, the mother of my ‘ward of the court’ came to xz345 delta as an inmate bound for one of the big planetary prisons. In 2087, her mother and 5 other women were found guilty of grand theft. They tried to steal a starship. While their plan was very bold, it all fell apart in a matter of minutes. The co-conspirators had a 4-month trial and after they were found guilty, they were sent to the woman’s prison at NuLeavenworth. In addition, all 6 women were found to be 10 weeks pregnant when they arrived.”
Epps did the math and deduced that all 6 women were inseminated at some time during their trial ; possible in an effort to curry favor with the prosecutor for a reduced sentence or maybe they were just the usual cases of jailhouse rape.
The Judge continues. “The father of our little ‘jail bird’ is not known. The girl was born in the prison infirmary about 6 months after her mother started paying her debt to society. The girl grew up in the prison’s childcare center and later the prison’s primary school. The mother served her entire sentence at NuLeavenworth and as a result she and her child had very little contact with men. While this policy is good for the adult prisoners; preventing rapes and the like, it is bad for developing children. Since NuLeavenworth prison is only for female convicts, there are no male guards, no male prison workers and no male teachers in the prison school. While our little ‘bird’ may have learned of the male gender from books and videos, she never actually saw a man until she was released with her mother when she was 12. Psychologists believe that the girl’s exclusive female upbringing created her twisted lesbian tendencies, which started to manifest themselves when she was in public high school. You see, our little ‘bird’s’ sexuality is all messed-up. While she definitely prefers women, to the point of shunning males completely, she assumes the ‘male’ role in her lesbian relationships. Our ‘bird’ would wear boy’s clothes, had a boy’s short haircut, assumed the male nickname of ‘Sam’ and even made a fake rubber penis, which she would use in bed with her lesbian girlfriends. Her latent lesbianism made her easy prey for the dyke high school art teacher, who was 20 years older. In this affair, our little ‘bird’ played the role of a ‘little boy’ in the lesbian couple. She was sexually used in a manner consistent with most pedophilic relationships including blistering, bare-ass, over the knee spankings, physical bondage and extended forced cunnilingus, often with multiple recipients. One of the school’s security videos shows our little bird fingering 2 dyke-pussies, while simulations licking a third. And if that wasn’t enough, after each women climaxed, the spent dyke was replaced by another fresh cunt. The episode went on for hours and has even surfaced as a 2-volume porno, on the black market, of course.”
“And was this video offered as evidence in her trial ?” asks Cy. “I’d like to borrow it; strictly for legal review, of course. Can you get me the case number ?”
Epps makes a mental comparison between forcing a girl to lick another girl’s pussy and forcing her to suck a man’s cock. The only significant difference may be the taste, as far as the she was concerned.
“Of course, Cy. In fact I’ll make a copy of my own personal recording of the evidence. Now where was I ? Oh yes, as a ward of the court, our girl’s sexual reprogramming consists of lessons in shopping, watching daytime dramas on television, wearing ultra-female clothing and female voice aversion therapy. But the linchpin of her treatment is making her completely dependent on men for the necessities of life ; specifically water, clothing and food.” The judge arches his pelvis into face of the cock sucking girl. “Be ready little bird, daddy is about to cum.” But just then he clutches the upper left quadrant of his chest with his right hand and moans. The 2 attorneys assume his outcry is from the pleasure of the orgasm, but if Doctor Moore were present, there would be a much different conclusion. For a few seconds the Judge just holds on ; one hand on his chest and the other on the bird cage. The girl sucks in Fairvert’s jizz as if she were starving, as well she is.
“But why is her hair shaved off,” asked Epps.
“Oh that,” replies the Judge as he relaxes a bit and shoots his semen into the girls hungry mouth. “That little stunt of hers is what landed her in my bird case in the first place. It seems she stole a razor from her feminine hygiene teacher and in the middle of the night she shaved off all her hair. Had she just done her legs, underarms and pubic area, as she was taught in hygiene class, everything would have been fine. But giving herself a bad-boy’s baldy is a throwback to her old behaviors.” The Judge retrieves a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes his face with in.
“But how long will she be caged ? Until her hair grows back ?” asks N. Epps, clearly upset at what she considers harsh treatment.
“No, not at all. She’ll only be a captive in my bird cage for a week,” says the Judge to Epps.
“Now lick it off real good. Don’t waste a drop of your special diet,” says the Judge to the caged girl. After she licks off the stray drops that are hanging from the Judge’s balls, the barrister wipes his cock and scrotum with his hankie, the drops it into the waste bin at the side of his desk.
Knock, knock, knock. “We are here to give the girl her afternoon feeding, your honor, but we can come back later,” say a husky masculine voice from behind the stairway door.
“Oh come on in, Luther” says the Judge as he zips up his pants. “I’ve already given her an ‘appetizer’, now you can give her the entrée, the real ‘meat’. We are done anyway. You might say ‘our conference’ has reached a climax.” The judge and Cy Starr chuckles at the jokes but Epps only rolls her eyes.
The door opens and 2 courthouse guards plus a male clerk file into the tiny office. The Judge, Cy Starr and N. Epps descend the spiral staircase just as another 3 guards wait at the base of the stairs; waiting their turn at ‘feeding’ the girl. As the door to the office closes one of the guards says, “You got to love the ‘fringe benefits’ that come with this job.” The 3 men on the office unzip their pants and take turns letting the girl lick their dicks to full erections while the 3 fellows at the base of the stairs stroke their cocks through the fabric of their pants.
Cy Starr says to the Judge, “If the 3 men in your office now are the main course of your bimbo’s meal, then I guess these other 3 guys will be her dessert. You feed you prisoner very well indeed, Judge,” says Starr, doing a little brown nosing.
Back in the courtroom the juror questionnaires have been distributed and filled out by the jury pool. A clerk has made 3 copies of the completed questionnaires and given them to the Judge, the defense and the prosecution.
“I’ll give you 10-minutes to look over the answers, then hear your reasons of excluding any particular person from the jury,” says the judge as he looks over his set of answers. “Off-hand, I don’t see any reason to exclude any of the men but I’m not too sure about the 2 women.”
Attorney N. Epps addresses her defense ‘team’ as she hands them each 2 papers. “Questions 1 thru 5 are from the prosecutors and we can basically ignore them. However, questions 6 thru 10 are ours and I want to know the juror’s responses to each of them and quickly. Everyone read their 2 questionnaires and let’s make a tally of the answers. Just say the juror number if their answer matches the information I’m looking for.”
“Question #6 ; do any of the prospective jurors still cling to the puritanical notion that sex outside of marriage is illegal ?” None of the defense team reads a juror number. “Good. Everyone believes sex, in itself, is not illegal.”
“Question #7 is in 2 parts. The first is 7a ; Have any of the jurors been to a whore house ?”
“1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10,” responds the various members of the defense team.
“No 7 or 8 ? Humm. And no 11 or 12 either, but I understand why the only 2 women in the jury pool have not been to a bordello.”
“Question #7b ; Have any of the jurors been to the Chick-N-Raunch ?”
“2 and 10,” responds the defense team.
“Seems your ‘crib’ is not the most popular bordello in town, Mr. Jones.”
“Hey, we are still a start-up operation. But that could all change if Miss Easy joins up. We got a bed waiting for you, Yvette, whenever you are ready to ‘spread your legs’, professionally I mean.”
“I’m still keeping my legs closed and my options open, thank you Mr. Jones,” say Yvette.
“Moving right along. Question #8 ; do any jurors think having sex more that 10 times a weeks is too much sex ? Who said yes ?”
“3, 5, 7, 8, 11 and 12,” responds the defense team as the prosecution eavesdrops.
“7 and 8 again. Not only have they never been to a bordello, but they are nut-less and completely under-sexed. I really don’t want them on the jury. And both women are acting a little too prudish to be at a public spectacle and free-sex show like this trial. Something is going on with them that I don’t fully understand, and its may not be in our client’s interest.”
“Question #9 ; did any of the jurors loss their virginity under the age of, oh let’s say 16 ?”
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12,” responds the defense team.
“All but 7 and 8. I wonder what is their sexual hang-up ? In any case, I’m liking 7 and 8 less and less, but 11 and 12 are looking better and better. Maybe they can be on our side after all.”
The Judge looks at his watch to see if the 10 minutes has expired.
“Finally, question #10 ; do any of the jurors think that 2 girls can be naked in bed and not be lesbians ?”
“1, 5, 9, 11 and 12,” responds the defense team.
“Bingo ! These are the jurors we want. Maybe 11 and 12 are closet lesbians ? Yvette, what do you think ?” asks Epps.
But before Yvette can answer, the Judge bangs his gavel. “Time is up. Does the prosecution have one prospective juror they wish to exclude without cause ?”
“Yes, the prosecution would have juror #5 removed from the jury pool, your honor,” says Cy Starr.
‘Damn, I really wanted #5,’ mutters Epps to herself.
“Very well, juror #5, please be seated in the gallery.”
“Does the defense have one prospective juror they wish to exclude without cause ?”
Epps swallows hard. “Yes we do, your honor,” says Epps as she mentally flips a coin between #7 and #8. “The defense wishes to exclude juror #7,” says Ms. N. Epps, who wishes her coin could land on its edge and thereby she could exclude both 7 and 8.
“Very well, juror #7, please be seated in the gallery. Now, are there any prospective jurors that the prosecution wishes to exclude based on logical and justifiable reasoning ?”
“Yes, the prosecution wishes to exclude jurors #11 and #12, since they are both women who have come to these proceeding without being escorted by husbands, which is to say there are here on their own free-will. It is widely known that the only sort of women who attend trials such as this where forced nudity, sexual humiliation and debasement of another of the female gender is a near certainty, are lesbians.”
“I object !” says Ms. Epps. “The prosecution could not possibly make such an outrageous claim based upon the answers provided by jurors #11 and 12. A qualified physician, or the court itself, can only make a diagnosis of lesbianism; therefore such a claim is pure speculation and not based on facts or logic. And may I remind the court that the systematic exclusion of women from juries is …”
“Yes, yes, yes. The court is aware of your claim regarding the gender composition of juries. Objection sustained,” says the Judge as he halfheartedly bangs his gavel.
‘Are there any prospective jurors that the defense wishes to exclude based on logical and justifiable reasoning ?” says the judge as he stares straight into Ms. N. Epps’ eyes.
“None, your honor,” says Epps. Dr. John Moore nearly falls out of his chair.
Whispering he says to Epps, “I thought you wanted to get rid of both 7 and 8 ?”
“I do, but I don’t want to piss-off the Judge any more than necessary. Besides, we can stand having one puritanical bastard on the jury, but not two.”
“Of the 10 remaining prospective jurors, we shall have the Bailiff draw lots to see which 6 are seated on the jury, and please be quick about it. This trial should have been over by now.”
Somewhere in the crowd someone says ‘amen to that, Judge !’
“Order in the court,” demands the judge as he bangs his gavel.
The Bailiff reaches into a box and withdraws 4 slips of paper, then announces to the court, “the following prospective juror are not needed ; #2, #11, #6 and #9. Will these 4 citizens be seated in the gallery and will the remaining 6 jurors be seated in the jury box. Judge Fairvert, you have your jury.”
“It’s about god damn time,” says the Judge.
To be continued …
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