Halloween House
By Xspy4u
Those of you who have read the Rebecca and the Victoria series will recognize some of the themes in this story. I will warn that it is a departure from those. I have blended my usual genre as a supernatural horror writer with my new erotica writing –call is Erotic Horror if you will. I must also warn that it takes about 5400 words to get to the sex, but trust me it is worth it. The story is almost 14,000 words long – I wrote it all at once, so you get it all at once - There are weird non-human themes so if that is not your thing do not read on. There is of course plenty of lesbian stuff too. As always, for mature readers only and please do not repost without author’s permission – if you are a fan of my other stuff, shoot me an email and tell me what you think
I am going to tell you a story. I do not expect you to believe me; in a way, I do not care. It is not my intention to insult you, or that the conclusions of your rational thinking are not important, in a way, perhaps you can be more objective on the matter than I. Perhaps in the safe place from which you read, there are many sane and rational reasons to explain away this tale. Nevertheless, perhaps, just perhaps, if you were to sit in the dark with nothing but a candle fighting off the darkness, if you were so brave as to open a door, ever so slightly to the dark, October night, then maybe we would be on a level playing ground. Then maybe my story would not seem so odd. And, if from some dark room where you live, you heard a door slowly opening, then we could truly have a conversation about the words you are about to read. Regardless, I submit you this tale not to judge my sanity, or me but simply because I need to share it, to get it out and to hopefully at the end find some peace for what I have done to Suzie.
Suzie and I met in college. We were a good match, if for no other reason than we were each alone in the world. I had lost both my parents within a year of each other. My mother lost to cancer and my dad to a heart attack. For me the loss was still fresh. Suzie had never known her parents. She had grown up in foster care. She was lucky, as she often said; all the places she had lived had been filled with decent people. For a woman as beautiful as she, that was indeed a lucky break.
We married a week after college graduation. What was central to our goals was a place to call ‘home.’ Suzie liked to say that she had grown up small. The joke had a double meaning. In the physical sense she was a small girl; my little pixie. At best, she was five feet five, although I think she rounded that number up when she applied for her driver’s license. I do not know her measurements. I know you see such things quoted in stories and magazines, but in truth, few of us walk around measuring our wives and girlfriends. I know in the world of fashion that the middle number should be smaller than the other two. Beyond that, I have not a clue what she was; except gorgeous. I do know a few things based on shopping with her and the gifts I purchased. I know that whenever I needed to get her a “size” while she stood in her little panties in the dressing room, she always reminded me to get a ‘four’ or a ‘five’. Once we stopped in one of those lingerie stores and she took two bras into the dressing room. One was a 32C the other a 34C, I know because she had me searching through a display rack a green one in her size. I know she bought the green one, but I could not say with any accuracy which size she settled on. Whatever her dimensions, I only know that I liked what she had. Her breast seemed large on her small frame, but they were firm with pink nipples that she complained were like pencil erasers. This was her complaint whenever she had to buy a bathing suit. Her waist was slim and led to an ass I can only describe as heavenly. It had a beautiful curve to it and fit wonderfully into my hands when I hugged her. From the back, she had these two dimples just above her buttocks. Her legs were shapely.
She asked me once, after lovemaking, what I thought were her best features. It was hard to decide and I think I surprised her with my answers. That is the great thing about answering such questions after the sex, your lover knows you are being honest, because at that point, why lie. I never lied to Suzie. For everything, I may have done afterwards; I can at least say I never lied to her. I answered her with the two things I liked best. The first was her hair. The color was a mix of sandy brown with blond highlights. The color was as natural as the soft curls that spilled down to her shoulder blades. I never saw her use conditioner and yet it felt like silk and velvet. The curls surrounded her small face with her large green eyes and I was always reminded of a fairy or as I said a pixie. Other than the hair on her head, the rest of her body was without. She had a very fine layer on her arms, but from the waist down not a one. Shortly after we started making love, I asked her about it. She blushed a deep red as she always did when any attention was paid to her body.
She said, “I wax everything from the waist down.”
“Really,” I said, “that’s kind of sexy.”
“Not really,” she responded shyly. “I just don’t like pubic hair in the shower, or on the soap or…in your mouth.”
I took the hint and the next time we made love, she was pleasantly surprised to find her Jack without so much as a single pubic hair. I left the leg stuff. In return, I was treated to a very slow and deliberate blowjob that inspired me to maintain my own grooming.
The second feature was her skin. It was a cream color; except in the summer when it would turn almost golden. And it was always soft. I cannot possibly explain in words the feel of her skin. Just touching it gave me a raging hard on.
So that was my Suzie and that was one part of her statement that she had grown up small. The second was less amusing. Although foster care had been pretty good to her, she never had any space of her own. In all the homes, she found herself sharing a bedroom with one, two, and sometimes three other children. When she went off to college, there was no extra money for her to rent an off-campus apartment, so she spent four years living in a one-room dorm with a roommate. Even after our wedding, she simply moved into my studio apartment while we began the long process of establishing our careers; mine as a stock trader and hers as a teacher. So for Suzie a house was the space she had never had and for me it was a desire to replace the home I had lost when my parents died.
Four years after we graduated and married our dream came true. At the time, we considered ourselves blessed to own a home at twenty-six. And what a home it was. I had done fairly well turning my finance degree into lucrative day-trading. I worked from home, set my own hours and it seemed like almost every pick I made was a winner. The bank account grew quickly. Suzie’s career was a little slower. Pursuing a teaching job is not as easy as one would think and she mostly landed temporary and substitute work around the southern Connecticut area where we lived. She could have easily landed a job in one of the cities, but neither one of us had any desire to live in the city. We didn’t discuss it, but it was probably because city living meant no house.
Our luck changed that August. Suzie received a phone call from one of her education professors. Apparently, the professor knew a guy on the school board in a small Vermont town, and this guy needed a teacher for their second grade class. As I reflect back on it, I wish now that I had asked more questions. I wish I had looked into the odd story of the disappearance of the young teacher Suzie was to replace. I guess we were just too excited about the opportunity to care about such details.
Things moved quickly. Suzie interviewed the week after the call and received a job offer three days later. I could do my job from anywhere so I had no issue leaving behind our studio apartment for Vermont. We drove up to the town of Kelvin the following weekend to meet with a real estate agent. The agent Kelly was a jolly, plump little woman with a shock of red hair and matching lipstick and nail polish. She talked almost non-stop, but seemed to have a great sense of what we wanted. Our first and only stop was a large house on the outskirts of the small town. It was two floors and set in a small clearing about a half mile from the rural road that wound its way back into town. I do not know what five acres really looks like and cannot explain it, but that is what it came with. Our land was surrounded by a never-ending forest owned by an inactive lumber company on one side and the Vermont Forest Service on the other. In short, we had all of one neighbor. What I do know about five acres is apparently it was large enough for a small lake, a stream, and plenty of woods. I am sure we were sold before we even walked into the house.
The house itself needed a little work. It seemed a bit musty although there were clearly signs that someone had lived there. Little things like drapes and the lack of dust. The house had more room than we could use without adding two or three kids to our resumes; a full, walk up attic and a somewhat dark basement. The real estate agent called it a root cellar. I called it creepy. Suzie’s eyes were bright and shiny the moment we pulled up. I knew this was the one.
As I said, I had done well in trading. The “asking” price was more reasonable than I would have imagined which gave me pause to consider what might be lurking in the wiring or the foundation. The owner, however, an international antiques dealer had provided a full written guarantee for two years from the date of purchase. In addition, the local Credit Union, offered a ridiculously low interest rate for town employees. It seemed impossible not to buy the damn place. We signed that day and that night probably had some of the best sex ever.
The entire process went smoothly. Within a few weeks, we moved in. We spent the month of September getting the place cleaned and painted, I set up my office, and we did the stuff new homeowners do. By October, we were pretty much settled on the inside and ready to explore the rest of our property. Suzie did not begin her position until the spring term. The school had a short-term contract with a substitute. So there we were living in paradise, plenty of free time and a beautiful home to enjoy. The problems began on October 3rd.
I am certain of the date. It was a Friday and I had been playing the London market that week. They are five hours ahead of us, so by 11 am that morning the market closed, and I had the start of a long weekend. I am certain that the cause of the problem was two-fold. The simplest explanation was that Suzie had been dying to get out and explore the woods. She was too chicken though to go it alone, so she had to wait for me all week. The anticipation had driven her a little stir-crazy and I had barely shut down my computer when she was shuffling me off to the bedroom to get dressed for our adventure. She was definitely high strung and eager to get on with it.
The second issue is that people who do not know Suzie tend to think she is a bitch. I guess it comes with the territory when you are a beautiful creature with a great body and those green eyes. I will admit though, the expression on her face, especially when her mind is on a goal, can definitely set a person off; especially women. Once you get to know her, you realize she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out and those expressions are not a reflection of her warm and loving soul. In fact, she is actually quite submissive and not at all the bitch people assume upon meeting her.
So on that late morning those two small things; an excited girl and one that could seem like a bitch, collided with our neighbors the Hazel sisters. Wilma, Wanda, and Wendy showed up on our doorstep at about the same time as I was running up to the bedroom to change. They knocked loudly and I was tempted to answer myself, but Suzie cut me off saying, “Go, go, go, and change. I will deal with whoever is at the door.”
I do not know what passed. Later, Suzie told me she was polite but firm that we could not visit as we had other plans. Even after the events of the next night, she assured me that she had said nothing to offend or upset the old women. What I do know is that when I returned downstairs after changing the three old women were standing in the foyer and did not look happy. They were old and wrinkled but still a few inches taller than Suzie was. Their clothes looked a bit tattered, and judging by the sticks and brambles stuck on their black dresses it looked as if they had trekked some to get to our house.
“Hello,” I said.
“Young Man,” one of the women said pointing a finger first at me and then at Suzie. “I don’t know what they teach you in the city or in college, but it is proper to both respect your elders and to show them the courtesy of your time.”
I was dumbfounded and looked at Suzie. I saw a little anger boiling under the surface. That was new so I became very concerned.
“I’m sorry Ms…”
“Hazel, Wendy Hazel, and these are my sisters Wilma and Wanda.”
“I’m sorry, Ms Hazel, is there a problem?”
“We have so kindly offered to give our blessing to your new home, but apparently your wife feels she is too busy to accept.”
I looked at Suzie who just shrugged in a way that clearly said, “Whatever.”
“Well, Ms. Hazel I assure you we are not trying to be rude. We do have some plans for today; perhaps we could start over again another time.”
“Oh we will Dearie, we will, but it won’t be a blessing you receive. You mark my words your little Raife will pay for her rudeness.”
“Now hold on there,” I said. I had no idea what a ‘Raife’ was, but I did not like this woman threatening my wife.
“No need, we are going…but mark my words.” Then amazingly one of the other sisters reached out and gave a pull to Suzie’s hair. The assault was mild but so unexpected Suzie fell back. The three women quickly left, one with some of my wife’s hair clutched in her hand.
“Shit,” I said. “Are you alright?”
Suzie gave me a half smile.
“What the hell was that all about?”
“I have no idea,” she said but she seemed shaken from the incident.
The “exploration” as it was, lost some of its luster but overall we had a great time exploring the trails in the woods and looking at our little lake. I tried to convince Suzie to do a little love making but she said it was too cold.
“Besides,” she whispered, “what if those old crones are around.”
“I doubt it. I think they were a little too pissed off to creep around the woods.”
“Maybe, but they gave me the willies.” She said as we headed back to the house. The sun was setting and the shadows were growing longer. October in New England is beautiful, but the nights have a haunting feel to them and being out in the woods never feels like a good idea even to the bravest of souls.
Saturday we decided to enjoy the great weather and head north for some shopping. By the time, we returned home it was dark and the warm autumn day had given way to a cold, clear night. We were both exhausted from the trip and turned in early. I felt Suzie getting out of bed sometime later. The digital clock said 2:12 am.
“What are you doing?” I asked still mostly asleep.
“I heard something,” she whispered.
“Probably the wind.”
“No, come look, I think I see a fire off by our lake.” Fire has an entirely different meaning when hundreds of acres of woods surround your old home. I got out of bed to have a look.
“You’re right. But it looks like a bonfire. Probably some kids. Why don’t you go have a look?” I joked. Suzie elbowed me playfully.
“Holy shit,” she yelled.
“What? What?”
“Look, over there,” she said pointing to a spot where our lawn met the wood.
I followed her direction and thought I saw something dark move back into the woods.
“What was it?”
“I would have sworn,” she said, “it was one of those old women looking up at us.”
“No, can’t be.” However, in the dark of the bedroom it did not seem that out of the question. We both crawled back into bed and stayed close. I thought about checking the doors on the first level, but soon sleep took me over and I drifted back down into slumber.
“Jack, Jack, wake up. Come on you have to see this. You will not believe it.” I looked up and Suzie was already leaving the bedroom. I caught just a glimpse of her bare legs below a short, brown paisley dress. Bright sunlight spilled through the window and the clock said 9:05 am.
Downstairs the house was empty. I went straight to the coffee pot and poured a cup.
“Jack,” Suzie called from the back porch. I went to the door and stepped out into the bright and crisp autumn morning. Suzie stood at the bottom of the steps and waved insistently at me.
“What?” I asked still groggy from the abrupt wakeup. Moreover, I had had some dreams that night. I couldn’t exactly recall the content, but they had left me with an unsettled feeling that followed into wakefulness.
“Close the door and look,” there was an inpatients in her voice reserved for only the most important matters. I closed the door behind me and stepped down to meet her.
“Look,” she pointed. I did. The door had a strange symbol painted in cobalt blue. The symbol was a series of circles and swirls and my first thought was a child’s attempt at graffiti.
“Christ, I guess that bonfire was a bunch of kids after all. Look at this mess.”
“No,” Suzie said thoughtfully, “I don’t think it was kids.”
“Who else would vandalize our door…now wait a minute Suzie, you can’t believe those old ladies came her e in the middle of the night and did this?”
She looked at me with her pretty pixie face, her green eyes showed both concern and conviction.
“It was them Jack. I saw her last night, remember?” That part I had thought was just a part of my dream.
“Well, no matter,” I said, “I’ll clean it up.”
“I’m going to go settle this.” Suzie said with an edge in her voice that sounded both angry and fearful.
“Umm Suz, not a good idea. If it was them, they are a little crazy after all. Best we can do is just leave it alone and move on. You go over there and this thing could escalate.”
“Jack, this is our home. Now granted, I may have accidently insulted them, but really, to vandalize our home is extreme. I will simply apologize and then we can move on.” It did not sound like an apology was in her tone.
“I think you should let it go.” I repeated.
“I can’t.”
“Alright, then I’m going with you.”
“No, let me take care of this alone. If it goes bad then at least one of us can maybe patch it up later. Besides a big guy like you shows up and they call the police it will look bad. If it is just little me we can’t be accused of threatening three senior citizens.”
It seemed pointless to argue with her. I was a little surprised by her reaction. As I said, Suzie was always a little submissive, and this seemed out of character. I figured owning her dream home had inspired her to greater levels of courage. I should have gone, I know that now, but at the time, I figured no harm could come of it and it might be good for her to be a little more forceful. I was wrong.
“Okay, have it your way,” I said.
“Great,” she smiled “but first let’s have some breakfast.” She scampered back into the house.
Apparently, the thought of taking charge invigorated my sprite, little wife. She chattered throughout breakfast about the house, her new job, and our future. When the dishes were cleaned she ran upstairs and then returned wearing a pair of brown suede boots, the kind that rise to just below the knee. The effect combined with her short dress was amazing and I could not help but take her in my arms. I kissed her and my hands crept under the short dress to cup her shapely rear. She had on a pair of cotton panties that I tried to slide my hands under but she pulled away.
“Later,” she said, “I want to go speak with our neighbors first.”
“Come on Suz, let’s go do something else.” I said.
“Oh don’t be a fuss, it won’t take that long. I Map Quested the Hazels and they do not actually live that far from us. I am going to walk over there. It won’t take more than fifteen minutes to get there. I’ll be home in less than an hour and probably in forty minutes.”
“Alright. Well what should I do while you’re gone? Any projects I should start or do you want to do something fun today?”
“Why don’t you start on the basement? See if we can get some of that junk cleaned up. When I get home I can help.”
The thought of the basement made me tired. It was damp and messy and had an infestation of toads or frogs, I never could tell the difference. You expected spiders, maybe even mice, but not toads. It was a little unnerving the way they seemed to stare at you when you went down there.
“Great,” I said, “just how I want to spend my day.” Suzie rose up on her toes and gave me a kiss. She grabbed her sweater and threw it over her shoulder waving to me as she went out the back door, a big smile on her petite face.
The basement work was dirty and grueling. I didn’t have a watch so I was not sure how long I had been down there, moving things into two piles; interesting stuff to go through and junk to throw away. All the time the toads kept their vigil from rafter, corners, and shelves. At first, they seemed as bothered by my presence as I was by theirs. However, we all adjusted and after awhile we seemed silently to agree to ignore each other.
When the sun came around the back of the house, its warm golden light spilled through the window and I realized it must be at least three o’clock.
“Where the hell was Suzie?” I thought. The question was a mixture of dread and anger. A part of me worried that something bad happened. Another part wondered if the confrontation had turned to friendship. Everyone loved her once they got to know her. It was likely that they had settled their differences and were chatting it up maybe enjoying some tea. While I slaved away in the basement. I got past my petty resentment and continued to clean. When more time passed, though, I started to get a little anxious. I would be the fool, down here working while my wife lay somewhere in the woods with a broken leg wondering why the hell I hadn’t come to look for her. The thought gave rise to panic and it became imperative that I go and find her. I took the stairs two at a time, now certain some evil had befallen her. As I came through the basement door into the kitchen, the wall clock sat in silent accusation. It was 3:30. Suzie had been gone for almost four and a half hours. My dread felt like a ball of yarn in my throat.
The backdoor opened and Suzie walked in. Immediate relief washed over me. The happy sprite that had left hours ago was replaced by a more subdued, if not haggard woman. She drifted in like a sleepwalker. Her hair a little messy, like maybe she had run the distance home and her pretty, little dress appeared a little askew.
“I was starting to worry about you,” I tried, but the comment seemed stupid now that so much time had passed. Suzie didn’t say anything, she just continued her sleepy walk through the kitchen and into the living room.
“Suzie? How did it go?” I asked, hoping she was not angry that I had not come looking for her. I’m a guy so my mind instantly began measuring if I had any level of responsibility in the current situation.
“Suzie?” She stopped briefly and looked around as if awoken from a dream and was not sure of where she stood.
“It was fine, just fine,” she said, but her voice was flat and lifeless.
“So you stayed and visited for a while?” I asked still feeling on uncertain ground.
“Yes, stayed and visited,” the same lifeless voice. “I’m going to go take a shower and change,” she said and then resumed her sleepy shuffle and went upstairs.
I stood for a moment and listened to her boots climb the stairs. The situation had a surreal quality and I was without a clear direction on my course of action. I decided I needed to change myself so I went upstairs myself.
Outside the bedroom door I stopped. The door was half shut, but I slowly pushed it open without entering. Suzie was standing with her back to me, boots removed and left in the center of the room. I watched as she slowly pulled her dress over her head. I loved her body and watching her undress was one of those small pleasures in life. My lust faded as my eyes picked up details that were wrong.
Suzie had left wearing a bra. I knew that for a fact. Naked back turned to me, it was clear she didn’t return with one. Her cotton panties were on, but they looked torn and the elastic no longer held them snug to her body. On one side, they drooped, nearly sliding down without any help. When she pushed them off her hips they fell to the floor and she kicked them aside. Her bottom, even in the poor light, seemed red. I immediately thought ‘spanking’, but refuted the thought as ridiculous.
Suzie either did not notice me or did not care because she walked straight to the bathroom and shut the door. A few moments later, I heard the shower start and the sound of the vinyl curtain moving on the pole.
I walked over to her pile of clothes and picked up the panties. They had definitely been torn. Had she been raped on the way home? I felt the strength go out of my legs and then anger spilled up from some dark place within me. “If someone touched her I would kill them” kept repeating in my mind.
I went to the guest bathroom, stripped off my own clothes and took a shower. When I finished I went to the bedroom to get dressed. Suzie was in bed sleeping. It was only four pm. I was convinced that something bad had happened but I did not want to wake her. I spent the rest of the evening downstairs trying to decide what to do. Maybe I should have called the police, or maybe I should have woken Suzie up and demanded answers, but what I did was I got drunk. I felt confused, powerless, and guilty even though I had no idea what had happened. Sometime later, I stumbled up to bed. Suzie was still asleep and when I slipped under the covers and reached to hold her, I found she was naked. It was odd because even after love making Suzie always put on a tee shirt or a nightgown. She never slept naked, said she couldn’t do it. I passed out with that thought on my mind. That night I had strange dreams about the three old women. Most I could not remember, but enough remained to leave me with both a feeling of dread and a sense of eroticism.
The next morning was Sunday. When I awoke, it was already nearly eleven. I jumped out of bed and a very strong hangover slapped a wet blanket over my head and then beat me with a hammer. Slowly I made my way to the kitchen. Suzie was there and she smiled.
“You look a little rough,” she said. Her voice almost sounded normal, but there was still a sleepy distance in it.
“Yeah, well I was a little worried about you.”
“Me, why would you be worried about me?” she asked but under the innocent question seemed a note of accusation.
“Well let’s see, you are gone for over four hours and when you come home your clothes are a mess and then you go to bed at four in the afternoon.”
She seemed confused. “Was I really gone that long?”
“Yes, what you didn’t think I would be worried?” I asked, feeling a little better that I could direct my pent up fear and anger at something.
“Did you come looking for me?” a dark shadow crossed her brow.
“Well, no, I was cleaning the basement but...”
“Then you couldn’t have been too worried. Anyway let’s not fight, I got to talking, and I guess I just lost track of the time,” she said waving her hand as if to clear the conversation from the room.
“And nothing happened on the way home?” I asked thinking of the torn panties.
“No. Now have some coffee.”
For the rest of the day Suzie seemed to drift between her normal self and a dreamy sleepwalker. As the day progressed, she seemed to become more and more disengaged. I got the distinct feeling that she was listening to something or straining to listen to something. At one point, she opened up the living room windows despite the chilly October air. It was late afternoon and the little warmth the day had offered was slipping away. When a cool breeze made me shiver, I got up and closed the window. I turned around Suzie was gone. The book she had been reading sat on the sofa where she had been, but there was no sign of her. I still felt a chill, but now the breeze seemed to be from the kitchen.
When I got there, the door was open. We often spent our Sundays lounging at home in our most comfortable clothes. For Suzie that was a short white nighty. It was my favorite because it barely covered her ass and in the right light was semi-transparent. That is what she was wearing today. There was no way she went outside. If her modesty did not get her, the chill certainly would. As I approached the door, I caught a glimpse of white disappearing into the woods behind the house. It seemed impossible, but there it was, my wife had just run off into the woods nearly naked and without warning. I took off in pursuit hoping to find an answer to this odd behavior.
The woods were deep, but figuring where she went was not difficult. The small path was the only choice until you reached the first clearing just before the lake. If you felt like suffering a thousand scratches you could push your way into the forest, but dressed as she was, if she had left the path then there would certainly be signs of it in the heavy growth. The path rose slowly before it curved towards the clearing. At the start of the curve, the vegetation thinned out so you could see the clearing through the brush and branches. I looked though and saw Suzie standing in the chilly air in her white nightgown. Surprise grabbed me, when the three old crones approached her from the other side. They looked haggard in the sunlight. I continued and was only a short distance from them on the path. The sun was behind me, so from their place it was like being in a spotlight. The bright, golden sun would have made it nearly impossible to see me standing there on the trail.
I paused because something about the scene in front of me was electric. I felt a strange anticipation and felt my cock twitch. I had no idea what was going on, but a little voice in my head told me to just wait. The wait was short.
The three old women approached Suzie and circled her. My wife did not move. As they circled, they reached out and touched her. Their hands slipped under her nightgown and still they went around and round her. Their hands never left her.
Suzie, as if on some silent cue, raised her arms and the women continued to circle her. Their hands went higher with each turn. Their arms raised her nightgown and I could see, first her naked ass and then her back. They reached her shoulder blades and I realized that in front their hands would be rubbing across her breast. My penis grew hard.
When Suzie’s nightgown was to her shoulders, the women stopped. One of them reached for the nightgown and pulled it off Suzie. My petite wife was now standing completely naked. The hands returned to her, but now they were not lightly rubbing, they began an eager exploration of her body. An old woman stood at each side and one stood in front of Suzie. I watched their old hands caress her body, and the one in front said something to the others. I heard a cackle and then they slowly turned Suzie around. As if they knew, I was there and wanted me to see. Old hands worked Suzie’s breasts, milking the soft flesh and pulling and twisting her hard, pink nipples. The expression on Suzie’s face was ecstasy. Her eyes were open, but they were glassy with passion. The women who had stood in front of her now stood behind. I saw her bend slightly and her fingers appeared between Suzie’s legs. The old woman was fondling my wife’s naked pussy. I watched with a rising passion as the fingers expertly worked in between the tight slit. Suzie shuddered as she approached orgasm. The two women on each side sensed it too; they bent forward and sucked on Suzie’s firm, proud breasts. I watched as the hands and mouths worked her naked body. Suzie’s stomach sucked in and she shuddered violently with orgasm. The old women held her up when her knees gave way.
My cock painfully pressed against my jeans. I thought for sure it was over and that they would leave now. Instead, they pulled Suzie along deeper into the woods. I followed them as they left the clearing for a path I had not explored. A few hundred yards later, the path opened to another clearing. I watched in a mixture of horror and anticipation as they expertly tied a heavy hemp rope to each of Suzie’s ankles. It never occurred to me that she was anything less than a willing participant. I made no move to interfere.
They tied the ropes and then threw each end over a thick branch that hung over the clearing. Together they pulled the ropes and I watched Suzie strung, upside down in the clearing. Her legs spread open, her crotch at shoulder height. Her head was well off the ground, but her long hair pooled in the leaves. In that position, her breasts looked full and swollen. I looked at her face and her expression was peaceful. The women went right to work on her.
They stroked her body and then kissed her stomach and thighs. One of the women worked her way down to Suzie’s breasts and sucked one, while her hand pulled and twisted the hard, pink nipple. The other two went to work on Suzie’s private areas. They both buried their faces in her. One licked and sucked at my wife’s clit, the other worked her tongue into Suzie’s anus. I could hear the licking and sucking and I could hear Suzie’s moans of pleasure. She bucked and shook with orgasm, but the women held her steady. They did not stop, not for a moment. Repeatedly I watched the pleasure rise in my wife. Each time her orgasm seemed more intense then the last. Exhausted she could do nothing but endure the pleasure, to succumb to the probing tongues and sucking lips.
I don’t know how and I don’t know when, but I found myself naked watching Suzie’s sixth orgasm. I do not remember removing my clothes but there they were in a pile. My rock hard cock jutting out in the chilly air. I looked down and saw the tendrils of soft vines slowly climbing my legs. I had no fear though; I simply looked back to the sight of my wife, naked and hung, while three women again devoured her sex. The vines reached higher and several wrapped around my balls. They pulled slightly and pleasure rippled through me. Another set of vines gently encircled my cock. They pulled and my penis was pulled almost straight down. The vines pulled and released the skin in a slow, but steady masturbation. It felt incredible, like a hundred fingers caressing me. I felt something on my ass, and then a long slim vine poked at my anus. I tried to remove it, but found vines had wrapped around my wrists and I could not move. The vine at my anus pushed in and squirmed deeper and deeper. Suddenly its tendrils were massaging my prostrate. The pulling on my cock increased and my balls were stretched further from my body, while other tendrils massaged them. The pleasure was intense. I looked up and saw that the women were now fucking my wife with long, black dildos. One was thrust in and out of her ass, the other worked in twists in her pussy. They gently flicked Suzie’s hard clit. It was too much and I exploded. The vines continued to milk me and slowly fuck my ass. My cum flowed out like never before. Exhausted I slipped to the ground and the vines slowly pulled back into the woods. I felt drugged, so I closed my eyes and slept.
I awoke hours later in the dark, cold air. Suzie and the three women were gone. I was naked, my clothes in a pile before me. I quickly dressed and ran back to the house. The lights were off, the door still open as I had left it. I entered and closed it behind me. Upstairs Suzie was asleep in bed. I took off my clothes again and went to sleep.
On an ordinary Monday, I would be at my computer by the opening of the market. Day-Trading requires a certain amount of vigilance or opportunities and fortunes are lost. I woke up at nearly noon. The bed was empty, Suzie already off somewhere. The event of Sunday seemed like a dream and my groggy mind struggled to consider if it had been real at all. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. My penis did have fading, pink rings around it as if I had a rope burn.
Suzie was sitting out on the back porch drinking a glass of lemonade. Her face and hair looked fresh and clean and she smiled when I came outside.
“Good Morning, sleepy head,” she said with a bright smile.
“Morning,” I mumbled.
“Taking a day off?” she asked.
“I hadn’t planned it, but yeah, I guess so.” She was completely unfazed by the previous day’s activities. “How are you?” I asked.
“I feel great,” she smiled again. “Best night sleep since we got here.”
“And yesterday…” I trailed off not sure how to approach the subject.
“Yesterday was great too, so relaxing. I love our Sundays hanging out.”
“So you didn’t find it…I don’t know… a little strange.” I scanned her face for any acknowledgement of her experience in the woods.
“Strange? What would be strange about it?” she asked but something, a small expression of pain, crossed her face.
“Nothing really, just wondering. So tell me what your favorite part of last night was?” I pushed a little more.
Suzie presented an almost blank stare. Then she tilted her head as if listening to some far off sound. It was as she had done yesterday.
“Suzie?” She came back a little but the frustration on her brow was still there. As if she was struggling to remember, something and that evasive little idea continued to dance out of reach.
“So,” she asked changing the subject, “what are we going to do with your day off?”
“I don’t know. We could finish the basement.” Small fearful shadows slipped across her face.
“No, no,” she said in a very steady but soft tone. “I don’t want to go down there.” Again, her head tilted and she seemed to listen.
Brightening she added, “Why don’t you finish up down there and I’ll start on the attic. It is almost done anyway. I want to cut back those oak branches. They are too close to the attic window and the winter wind may make them break it.”
“I can deal with the branches,” I said. I did not want to go into the basement either.
“No need. It will be easy; I just open the window and use the trimmers to cut them back.” She did not wait for an answer. She jumped up and I noticed that under her long, white tee shirt she wore nothing else.
I went off to the basement. The frogs were still there, but now I noticed some rather large ones. One was the size of a softball. I continued sorting the mess and moved the garbage out to the trashcans. I was dirty and tired and in need of a shower.
Upstairs I stopped at the foot of the attic stairs and called to Suzie.
“Hey hon, I am done for the day. I’m going to take a shower unless you need some help.”
“No,” she called back. “I’m fine; I’ll be down in a minute anyway.”
I went to the shower for the second time that day. Finished I wrapped a towel around myself and went downstairs to make coffee. The attic door was still open.
I stood in front of the sink filling the coffee carafe with cold water. I looked through the window saw the three old women standing at the edge of the lawn. First, I was startled, but then a small anger brewed, so I put down the carafe and went outside.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” I called. The three women did not answer, but instead were gazing at my roof. From the porch, I could not see what they were looking at, so dressed in only my towel I stepped off the porch and walked into the yard. I turned and followed their gaze. It wasn’t the roof they watched, it was the open window of the attic. Panic welled and I ran back into the house and up the stairs calling Suzie’s name. There was no answer. I stopped at the bottom of the attic stairs and called again. Nothing.
I climbed the stairs slowly. Last night came back in vivid recollection. I knew at the top I would see something and again, there was erotic electricity in the air.
What I saw I could only describe as the Tree Men. There were six of them in all and I watched as a seventh slid off one of the tree limbs and through the open window. They were maybe five feet tall and their bodies looked like round tree trunks no more than two feet wide. Their skin, if that is what you would call it, was a gray-brown bark, except at their hands, which looked more like multiple leathery fingers only six inches long. They had a lot of legs and arms and I could not be sure of how many, but they stuck out from all directions. Their heads were a leather oval thing that sat on the top of their trunks. Coal black eyes stared out with evil intent. From between what looked like their legs, the bark split open and a long, pink penis unrolled. It looked more like a pink smooth snake or a long tongue. Each must have measured two or three feet and they were thick and covered with a clear, oily substance. I thought of tree sap.
Suzie was standing in the middle of the room, the dreamy, sleepwalker look on her face. When the tree men saw me, they turned and hissed. Inside their mouths, I saw razor sharp splinters. I froze in my tracks and they seemed confident I would not interfere. They moved towards Suzie, reaching out with their long arms. The stick like arms moved under her tee shirt and found her breasts. Suzie’s head feel back, but she did not move. The tree men ripped her tee shirt from her and again my wife was naked. The branches or arms, whatever they were explored her body. The leathery fingers twisted and tweaked her breasts. For a moment, I saw a look of pain cross Suzie’s face, but then one of the creatures found her clit and she shuddered with pleasure. Another creature explored her soft ass and I saw it drive a digit into her anus. Suzie moaned and the thing fucked her ass with its long leathery finger. They pulled, probed, and tweaked her nipples and clit. Other fingers slipped insider her pussy. My wife bucked in orgasm.
The long pink penis began to slither closer to Suzie’s anus and pussy. Without warning, they drove deep into her. Their penis’s trust in and out deeper and deeper and Suzie’s moans became screams of pleasure and pain. My fear and my shock briefly melted as my concern for her safety grew. I meant to step forward and pull them off her when hands and arms wrapped around me. There were six of them altogether; they were old and wrinkled but soft. They were cold and I shivered. One hand pulled away my towel exposing my semi-hard cock.
“There, there,” an old voice cooed in my ear. “Don’t spoil the raife’s pleasure.”
Hands stroked my chest and others my smooth pubic area.
“You should have some pleasure of your own,” the voice said.
Cold, smooth hands slid across my penis and stroked it. Another hand cupped my balls and squeezed. I moaned in pleasure and the hands worked me harder. The cold feel was thrilling. I felt a finger, slick, and wet playing with my anus. Then it thrust inside me. I watched the tree men with their long, tongue-like cocks take turns fucking Suzie; an old wrinkled hand was jerking off my own cock furiously. The finger in my ass moved quicker and deeper and I felt an orgasm approach. The hand at my testicles squeezed tighter and pulled softly. My cum exploded out of my cock. It squirted in long streams and covered half the distance between Suzie and me. Suzie came at the same moment screaming out in ecstasy as the tree men now drove two of the pink, penis tongues into her pussy.
Exhausted, I sank to the floor and again left my wife to the torturous pleasures while sleep took me. When I woke, it was dark. Suzie was naked on the floor of the attic, her tattered tee shirt in a pile next to her. I closed the attic window and then carried Suzie to bed. I did not bother to check the house, or to lock the doors or even to eat. I laid down next to my wife and quickly fell asleep.
On Tuesday, I awoke ravenous. I was not surprised that Suzie was already gone. I skipped the shower and went downstairs. Suzie was sitting at the table, another bright smile on her face. On the table was a banquet of food. I smiled back and sat down to eat. We ate in silence, both of us consuming more than we ordinarily would. When we finished I wondered where this day would end.
“Let’s go to the lake,” Suzie said happily.
“Okay,” I said. Thoughts of work, of explaining what had happened seemed irrelevant. It seemed like my cock was in a permanent state of semi-erection. Suzie was in another tee shirt, her nipples hard little pencil tips sticking through the thin material. I didn’t have to look to know she wasn’t wearing any panties.
Neither one of us made any attempt to change. I left the house in my boxer shorts and a tee shirt, slipping on a pair of sandals as we left. Suzie in just a thin yellow tee shirt skipped shoes altogether. I followed her, enchanted by the way her butt cheeks hung out from the bottom of her short shirt. Without a word, we followed the path to the lake. It was surprisingly warm for October. The bugs buzzed about and the birds chirped. I did not have a thermometer but I would guess it was at least eighty degrees.
The lake is surrounded on three sides by soft sand. Not the white beach type, this was dark and damp, but it was soft. We both laid down on it and stared out at the pretty lake.
“Suzie,” I began but she kissed me softly and then looked in my eyes.
“No” was all she said. I knew then that these events were not happening without her awareness. The look in her eyes changed from a quiet determination to sadness. I should have taken her away right then, should have insisted we leave for a while, but instead I just watched her stand up and pull her tee shirt over her head.
She looked at me with a naughty smile and a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She dropped the tee shirt and ran into the lake. I stood up and watched her graceful strokes take her farther out into the deep, black water.
A short distance out a group of gray rocks jutted from the lake. They created a small island and Suzie lazily swam towards it. I stepped forward to join her and my foot came down on a sharp rock. The pain was intense and I immediately fell back on my ass. Blood trickled from my foot, but the pain had sharpened my senses. I felt the cold air on my skin. It was not warm out at all. In fact, it felt no more than fifty or so degrees. I meant to call to Suzie to come out of the freezing lake when I saw them. There were five of them on the little rock island.
They were water nymphs and they were striking to look at. I heard soft, beautiful singing although the words I could not recognize. The music entranced me, but I worked hard to maintain my focus. I stepped, this time on purpose, on the sharp rock. The pain again cleared my head and in that moment I ran into the water and swam towards Suzie.
The nymphs were beautiful. Smaller than Suzie, I imagined they were no more than five feet tall. Their hair was crimson red and fell in soft curls to their feet. Their breasts were also smaller than Suzie’s but not by much. Even from this distance I could see the large areoles that tipped each one. Their pussy’s were a tight slit surrounded by puffy lips. The eyes were the only feature that indicated these were not young teenagers. They were oval and large. The eyes seemed to take up the top part of their face above their small noses. The color was cobalt and it reminded me of the color of the painted symbol we had found on our door. I swam hard. I don’t know if it was to save my wife or if it was the churning lust I felt enveloping my body.
I looked up from my swim once when I felt soft hands grab my boxer shorts and effortlessly strip them from my body. Naked, I swam on, but the soft inquisitive hands kept returning to my penis and gently stroked it.
I saw the nymphs on the rock reach down and grab Suzie as she approached the island. Effortlessly, they pulled her from the water onto the shore. There was no pretense in their intentions. The five nymphs immediately stroked and fondled her wet body. One of them bent back Suzie’s head and kissed her deeply. I saw Suzie’s knees buckle and they gently laid her down on the smooth rocks. Head back down I swam as fast as I could.
When I reached the rocks hands grabbed my wrists and pulled me ashore. There were three more of them, these had hair like spun gold, their eyes the same shape as the others, but a deep shade of violet instead of cobalt. Their size gave lie to their strength as they easily pushed me to the ground and tore off my tee shirt. Like my wife, I too was naked.
I saw Suzie spreadeagle on the rocks, a nymph between her legs. The others were stroking and licking her body. Suzie squirmed beneath them. She moaned and it was a sound I had never heard from her. The way she shivered and shook was as if she was experiencing one long sustained orgasm. The nymph between her legs changed direction. It placed its pussy over my wife’s face and then slowly brought it to Suzie’s mouth. The nymph arched its back and I knew Suzie was eating her. I let out a moan and the blond nymphs around me giggled at my reaction.
They softly cooed and purred and I was reminded of kittens. One of them knelt between my legs and took my rock hard member into her mouth. I shuddered and orgasm immediately. The sensation was both soft and icy cold. It’s tongue a sandpaper quality like a cats. I imagined what that light resistance must have felt like across my wife’s sensitive clit and knew why she had shivered such.
Orgasm over I expected to grow soft, but the nymph’s tongue continued to work my shaft in long slow strokes. A second nymph joined her and they licked in unison. The feeling was incredible and I felt a second orgasm approaching. The third nymph took my balls in her mouth. The sandpaper tongue stroked at my sack and I exploded a second time. It went on and on and I shuddered as every muscle in my body contracted and released. When it subsided the licking continued.
Suzie was still sprawled on the rocks. The nymphs took turns straddling her face and licking her pussy. Most of the time there were two working her, the others found ways to reach her sensitive nipples with their own sandpaper tongues.
Still hard, one of the nymphs straddled my face. I looked at her soft puffy pussy and its tight little slit. Tentatively I licked her. The taste was like sweet fruit. It was cold like the lake, but I was reminded of mangos and plums. I licked in earnest and the nymph responded with sweet soft moans. I felt a cold tight pussy slide onto my cock. The inner walls had a life of their own and milked me while the nymph rode up and down my shaft. I came for a third time and it was as long as the last.
I do not know how long we were on those rocks. I know that each of the three nymphs sat on my face and each rode my cock to orgasm. As they traded places, I heard Suzie cry out with pleasure. Knowing how sensitive she is after orgasm, I can only imagine her state she of arousal. Exhausted I know I drifted off, but when I awoke, both Suzie and I were in bed sleeping. I had a raging fever. I tried to get out of bed, but fell to the floor. I remember Suzie helped me up. Later that night I woke up and she was patting my head with a cold, wet towel.
The fever lasted three days. I did not eat and only drank what Suzie brought to me. It tasted strange, but she urged me to drink it so I did. I had strange fever dreams. I do not remember them all, but the one on the last night remains vivid. I am not sure it was a dream. Based on everything that happened I am convinced it was not.
I was in the clearing and the cold wind blew sharply against my naked skin. I am tied upright to X shaped boards. The boards must cross at mid-back because I can feel the cool wind on my ass. My cock is hard and feels engorged. Ten feet in front of me is Suzie, her back arched over a large barrel, her feet and hands tied at each end. There is a large bonfire burning and her body glistens in the soft, warm light. I can see her nipples, hard and erect. The three old crones are standing over her head, smiling and wringing their hands together. There are shadows on the ground but I am too tired to look for the owners. My work is done for me as they step forward. They are little people. Their hair is jet black and short. I can see their pointy ears. They are all naked, both men and women. The women have small almost not existent breasts, but they are topped with inch long nipples that look black in the light. The men have long pencil like penises, with a wicked upward curve at the end. Their eyes are golden yellow, but I am not sure if that is the true color or just a reflection of the bonfire. The evil glint is true as is the wickedly long fingers. Each finger is tipped with a sharp, black nail. The sight of them scares me, the fingers remind me of daggers, but I am too tired to strain against my bonds.
The women approach Suzie first. She is completely exposed and helpless. One of the crones bends over and speaks to her, but I cannot hear the words. The elfin women approach slowly, appraising their captured beauty. The men stand in a group observing, slowly nodding their heads, and whispering to one another. The women also talk to one another, but their comments are accompanied with evil smiles. At first, their small hands stroke Suzie. The strokes turn to tickles. Suzie trashes against her bonds, but the abuse continues. Her feet, armpits, and sides are not spared. Her silent laughs turn to screams but the little elves continue. When they stop, even in the cold air, Suzie’s body is bathed in sweat from her exertion. The soft tickles are replaced with the sharp nails. The women scratch at her in long slow strokes. They turned their attention to her nipples, pulling and pinching the long pink nubs. Several others reach between her legs and find her clit. They stoke and pinch it with their sharp nails. These are elves expert in the ways of the Marquis de Sade and they expertly blend her pain and pleasure into orgasm. Suzie shudders and bucks against the ropes but the torture continues until she cums a second time.
Several of the women break off from the group and approach me. I am still too tired to move, too aroused by my wife’s torture. Their hands reach me and I experience Suzie’s pain. The sharp nails rake the skin on my chest, my stomach, and my thighs. Nails rake my ass and I flinch at the sharp pain. Then they are at my cock. First, the little hands encircled it and gently stroke. Then the nails return and I feel the sharp pain on my balls and the nails are dragged up the length of my penis. Over and over the pain is followed by the pleasure of their soft warm, hands. I gaze at Suzie, the same treatment being administered to her defenseless flesh. I am ready to cum and they seem to sense it. Small hands slap my penis and balls in quick strokes. I cum in long spurts as they slap and scratch me.
The male elves take their turn at Suzie. Their little mouths explore every inch of her body. She writhes in pleasure as orgasm takes her again. A block is placed between her legs and an elf stands on it. He inserts his long sharp penis into her vagina and she jerks. The curved penis is pushing against her G-spot and every stroke drives her into a deeper frenzy. The crones laugh and one of them pushes aside an elf to suck and bite on Suzie’s breast and nipple. The first elf finishes and two more take its place. One drives deep into Suzie’s pussy. The second unties one of her legs. The other elves hold it up and he is given access to her anus. Her thrusts into her and the two stroke in alternating motions. A female elf climbs on top of Suzie. The little demon finds Suzie’s clit, pulls, and twists it. Suzie thrashes in pain and pleasure, she orgasms again.
My cock is hard again. They untie Suzie and lift her from the barrel. Her hair is damp and it hangs in her face. I feel the cross I am tied to being tilted backwards until I can see the trees and stars in the dark night sky. They bring Suzie to me and lift her onto my hard penis. Roughly, she is slammed down upon it. I hear her suck in her breath. Hands encircle her, lift, and thrust her upon me. She is slid to the top of my shaft and then roughly to the base. I can see the little hands tweaking her nipples and others milking her breasts. Still others force their way between us, a sharp nail rubs her clit. I am again approaching orgasm. Hands begin to twist and knead my balls. I can hear other hands spanking Suzie’s ass. A strong orgasm overtakes me and I shudder and moan loudly to their alien cheers. Suzie cums too. I feel her vagina eagerly squeeze my cock.
I am fading again, but I see them drag Suzie to the barrel again and retie her, this time on her stomach. Another group of little people has joined the circle. These are thicker and shorter than the elves. They have large heads and long hair. The women have full breasts, like life-like replicas of full-grown women. In the women’s hands are blunt wood objects in the shape of penises. They cover these with thick oil. I watch the women insert the wooden dildos into Suzie ass and pussy. She bucks and thrashes in pleasure. The men disrobe and I am horrified. Their cocks are six inches long but as thick as soda cans. I cannot imagine how my wife will endure, but before the thought is complete, all goes dark for me.
I woke up the next morning and my fever was gone; the vivid dream from the night before an uncertainty in my mind. The bed was empty and it was already late afternoon. I showered and dressed afraid to face my wife, afraid to find she had not survived the previous nights endeavor. I never really talked to her again; a few words on that final day together. It is all very confused in my mind that time three months ago. This morning’s web article just made it more mysterious and more confused. I did find out what happened to Suzie on that day she went to see the Hazel sisters, but I am getting ahead of myself so let me finish with how it happened.
After my shower, I dressed and knew I could not delay any longer. I went downstairs although I admit I took my time. The house seemed normal. The afternoon sun warmed the living room and it was quiet and peaceful. I found the kitchen empty, a few dishes left to dry next to the sink. The coffee pot was on and the smell indicated that it was fresh. I poured a cup and drank half of it standing at the counter. I topped it off and sat down at the kitchen table, my mind tried to avoid speculation on where Suzie had gone. I knew the basement door was open. You could not miss it from where I sat, but still a part of my mind refused to acknowledge it. Suzie hated the basement. I had seen the look on her face the first time we went down there. I knew she kept creating excuses to send me alone. If Suzie was there now, it could not be good, so my tired mind refused to register it.
I may have heard her voice all along. I may have simply chosen to ignore it. In the end, my love won out and I heard her soft cries of help.
“Jack…Jack…p-please…hel-help m-mee.”
I got up from the table. Not in the quick panicked way, you would expect when a loved one is in trouble. No, it was a slow methodical movement, like a man walking towards death row. I even put my cup in the sink and briefly studied the back yard before turning back to the door.
I opened the basement door slowly. Perhaps afraid what I might find, perhaps afraid Suzie would know I heard her calls. Softly I stepped onto the wooden stair and made my way down. Halfway down I reached a point where the ceiling was even with the stairs and by bending, I could see into the basement. What I saw stays with me in my dreams.
Suzie was spread out on the dirty floor. Her dirty tee shirt was bunched around her neck. Her heels were dug in as if she was trying to push herself up. Her arms and legs were pinned under frogs the size of a large hog. One sat on each. Four long, thin sticky tongues assaulted her. The frogs at her arms had their tongues wrapped around her nipples. At her legs, one had found her protruding clit, the other swirled its long appendage in her pussy. The ones on her nipples and clit seesawed back and forth. The slimy little loops rubbing her as they slid. The frogs increased the speed of their tongues when they saw me and the horror on Suzie’s face was replaced with ecstasy. For a moment, I imagined what it would feel like to have those tongues wrapped around my cock. Then I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye.
Suzie was thrashing and moaning with an orgasm. I am grateful that she did not see what was approaching. From the ceiling, a large spider the size of a dog descended. Its web as thick as a rope. Between its black hairy legs, I saw an appendage that must have been the thing’s sex organ. It was jointed and pointing forwarded. It was a stark white against the things black, hairy body and a white substance dripped from the end. I remember, before I ran, thinking that Suzie really hated hair.
The next thing I remember is sitting in my car watching the sunset. I slept in the car that night, what turned out to be almost the Canadian border. I must have driven blindly for hours. I woke early the next morning, cold and shivering in the back seat. I drove back home without hesitation, ashamed that I had left Suzie.
The house was empty. There was no sign of my wife. I checked the basement, the frogs, and the spider were gone. Her tee shirt was crumbled on the floor. I searched the woods. I searched at the lake, but I found no sign of Suzie. Beyond the lake, I followed the path. It came to a small little house. The place looked abandoned, but in the small clearing of the front yard, a green piece of fabric caught my eye. I bent to examine it. I picked it up and studied it with a surreal curiosity. It was Suzie’s green bra. The one I had helped her select. It was a 32 C after all. It was dirty and torn and I dropped it before climbing the three stairs to the door. I did not knock; I sensed it would be open and that the place was empty. There room was dusty. There was nothing in it except for a round shiny disk in the center of the floor. It was a DVD. Written in a scrawl of black ink was one word, “Jack.”
I took it back with me to the house and went straight to the living room. I turned on the DVD player and inserted the disk. The television was blank for a moment and then the word ‘play’ appeared in the top corner. I was confused at first. I was looking at something but it was not clear. As the picture panned up, I realized the camera had been pointed at the ground. I had been looking at leaves. Now it showed a clearing from behind some branches. I recognized the place. It was where I had recovered the DVD. There were hushed voices in the background and then a woman silenced them. The camera panned right and I saw the little house. Then it panned left and I could see someone coming up the trail. As they drew closer, I recognized the paisley dress and the brown suede boots. The expression on Suzie’s face was sound determination and I realized that a stranger would interrupt it as belonging to a bitch.
Suzie walks up the steps and knocks confidently on the door. An old woman answers the door. The camera is too far away to capture the voices, but Suzie shook her head ‘no’. A hand wrapped around her wrist and tried to pull her in the house. Suzie struggled against it and pulled free. She backs down the stairs and turns briefly towards the camera. Her face is a mixture of anger and fear. Recognition dawns on her face and the camera starts to move forward through the branches. Suzie runs down the stairs. The camera follows her and she suddenly stops in mid-step as if frozen. The camera pans right again and the three old women walk out onto the porch. One of them holds a small doll in her hand. It is a poorly made thing with strands of hair on its head. Suzie’s hair I think. The doll is dressed in burlap dress.
The camera man pauses a distance from the women and pans the camera wide. Suzie is still in her frozen state, but her head twists from side to side. A group of people has gathered around her. I recognize a few of them. Kelly, the plump real estate agent looks on with an evil grin. The skinny tall woman from the convenience store is also there with the same hungry look I noticed whenever Suzie went in for groceries. There is a middle-aged man with a potbelly and dark greasy hair. He is wearing a sheriff’s jersey. I also recognize the fat town manager and his equally fat wife. There are a few others I do not know, but they all have the same sadistic and hungry gleam in their eyes.
The three crones walk in front of Suzie and the others move back a little. The one who had called herself Wendy speaks first.
“So, that is twice that you have refused us.”
“N-no, I mean, please I just want to go home. I’m sorry,” Suzie, pleads.
“Then go,” the old woman laughs.
“I-I c-can’t m-move,” Suzie stutters.
“Yes, well that is a shame. But I told you not to refute our gifts.”
“Please, you can bless the house or whatever you want. Just let me go.”
“Hmmm,” she strokes her chin and looks at her sisters. “Whatever we want?”
“Yes, anything, please just let me go.”
“Will you willingly repeat the pact of apology?”
Suzie hesitated for a moment, her expression reminded me when she used to study a concept in college.
“Will you?” the crone said harshly.
“Yes, yes, just let me go.”
“It has to be willingly, it can’t just be because of your predicament. So say it”
“I will willingly repeat…”
“The pact of apology,” the woman prompted.
“The pact of apology,” Suzie repeated.
“Good. Then repeat after me.”
The woman said words that made no sense to me and that I could not write here if I could remember them. It sounded Latin, but Suzie repeated them almost identically.
When she was finished, the old women laughed. The group of on-lookers who until then had been silent joined them. I saw Kelly on the film nodding her head and rubbing her hands together.
The three women chanted more words that sounded foreign. Then Wendy, the leader spoke again in English.
“Now that you have made the pact, we can begin the process of extracting the payment.”
“You didn’t say that,” Suzie nearly cried. “I apologized and you promised to let me go.”
“Oh we will, but the apology calls for payment, you promised it in the pact.”
“You bitch,” Suzie screamed. “I didn’t understand those words. The deal is off, now let me go.” I had never seen such anger from Suzie and it shocked me more than what I watched on the screen.
“Wilma, let’s see if she is so brash when a little more…shall we say…exposed.”
“Indeed,” Wilma said and held up the doll. Using one long nail, she hooked the makeshift doll dress and tore it off. Suzie cried out as her own dress was ripped from her body by invisible hands. Suzie stood there in her mismatched pink panties and green bra. The sight made even more erotic by her brown suede boots.
“P-please,” she whispered, looking down.
“Who shall have at her first,” Wendy called out to the group.
“Me,” came Kelly’s voice.
“And me,” said the convenience store woman.
“I have to have some,” the town manager’s wife said as she rubbed her enormous breast.
“Then take her,” Wendy commanded.
“N-no, don’t touch me, please,” Suzie begged.
The women ignored her.
“Take the top Marcy,” Kelly said to the convenience store woman. “Bec, I know you want that ass,” she said to the manager’s fat wife.
Kelly kneels down in front of Suzie and grabs the sides of her pink panties. She tears them down with force. Suzie tries to close her legs, but the little woman jams her thick hands between Suzie’s thighs and spreads them.
“Yum, yum,” she says and the group laughs. Her finger explores the tight folds of Suzie’s sex. She finds Suzie’s clit and makes smalls circles.
“Look who is all wet,” Kelly laughs as she raises a finger to the crowd.
Kelly buries her face between Suzie’s soft smooth thighs. The camera pans in for a close up of Kelly’s tongue exploring the slit. The camera pans back out. Bec is kneeling behind Suzie. She spreads her cheeks and her tongue ravishes the girl’s anus. Marcy rips off the green bra. The strap breaks and she throws it behind her. She massages Suzie’s breasts.
“Oh honey, I have waited so long to get at these,” she smiles and then sucks a nipple into her mouth.
Suzie struggles, but the expert manipulation is too much. She moans softly and the women work furiously at her. Other women in the group join in. In moments Suzie is bucking in orgasm.
“Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh,” she cries and the crones cackle.
The next few scenes are cut as the camera is stopped and passed to different members of the group. The men finger and lick her, but none fucks her. The women take turns spanking Suzie’s naked bottom while another finger fucks her to orgasm. They force her into humiliating positions and bring her off again and again. Suzie’s struggles diminish. She remains quiet when Marcy straps on a large pink dildo and fucks her. The screen goes black.
I sat there stunned. Before I can shut off the DVD, the picture comes to life again. It is the old woman Wendy. She is standing in the same clearing but she is alone.
“Hello Jack. Now you know what happened to the little Raife. And I am sure you want her back. Very well, but we must agree that you too took pleasure in her payment.” She smiles and my stomach sinks.
“No bother though, we can fix that up. I am sure the Raife does not hold you to account, but you must of course pass your own trial.” In the screen, her head turned to the left as if looking towards the kitchen. I heard a noise from the basement.
“In the basement,” she continues, “is another DVD. On it, you will find the location of your wife and the trial you must endure to get her. Complete it and all is as it was, plus our blessings.”
From the basement, the noise grew louder. Something was slowly climbing the stairs.
“If you don’t, well then you and your wife will forever be apart. She has done admirably, will you do the same?” She smiled again and again looked left.
The noise on the stairs was an awful sound. It was like long, steal hairs scraping on the wood.
“Of course, the hard part of the trial is getting to the DVD, but Suzie endured and so will you.”
The sound grew louder. I knew what it was. I saw it there the day before, climbing down from the rafters. Again, I ran for the car. I could hear the laughter from the television, but I kept going.
That was three months ago. Since then I have moved from one small motel to the other. I have plenty of cash for now and soon it will not matter. Last month I noticed other withdrawals from the account. They were bill payments to the electric, credit cards, and such. Someone was keeping up on all the payments.
Yesterday I read a news report from the Kelvin Reporter on the Web. It shocked me. The report read,
“Wife and Sheriff’s Department Confident of Finding Missing Husband”
There was a picture of Suzie looking fine. In the report, they go on to say that, her husband went missing in the woods behind their home. The police were confident that he was still alive and they would find him soon. Suzie was quoted as saying, “in life we sometimes have to go through these trials, but I love Jack and I know he is strong enough to come back to me.”
I know I have to go back. I left her behind and I need to make sure she is all right. I could not live with myself if I did not. Therefore, I have packed the car and will be leaving shortly. I am leaving this record in case I do not return. I have rented the room for a month and asked it not be disturbed. That should be enough time. I don’t want to go, but what would you do? What would you do?
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