Disclaimer and Copyright
The following story, ‘A Public Spectacle’ was written in 2008 and 2009 and is an original work of fiction. It is intended for adult readers only. It contains descriptions of acts of violence, forced nudity, public humiliation and non-consensual sexual activities not suitable for many readers.
If these things offend you, the reader, do not read any further.
Elements of this story; its plot, setting and character names, are not necessarily unique to this story, and any resemblance with actual events, places and persons is unintentional. I wish to thank all the past writers and storytellers in the English language for the inspirations used to write ‘A Public Spectacle’, with a special thanks to the authors, reviewers and readers of this web site for their encouragement and support. I assert a copyright on the text of this story and no printing, distribution, re-posting or commercial use what so ever is allowed without prior authorization by myself or my future assignees.
However, since the basic ideas in this story (public punishment, small-town politics, adultery, pain, repression of the middleclass, sex, betrayal, morality, prostitution, etc.) are not entirely my own, feel free to incorporate them into any of your own works. I look forward to reading them.
Neal [aka oldpervert1 on bdsmlibrary.com, aka fishbreath4@yahoo.com]
A Public Spectacle
Chapter 22 – Cindy Cums’ Trial Real Resumes
The Bailiff, having seated the jury, goes back to her desk.
“Well, you win some and you loose some,” says N. Epps in a whisper to Cindy Cums. “We got one of the two women, #12, but we also got one puritanical bastard #8. The rest are just your average perverts. Cindy, to be found guilty of a charge it takes 5, or more votes to convict. But a better way of looking at it is it only takes 2 of the jurors voting against the prosecution’s claim for you to be ‘innocent’, or at least not guilty. I’m not sure that a professional whore can ever be judged as ‘innocent’. I think we can count on #12, but we need at least one more juror on our side of the argument.”
“Now that we have a jury seated, would the 4 extra men at the defense council’s table please be seated in the galley,” say the Judge.
Doc, A.M. Jones, Vini and Guido find seats in the crowd.
“That’s more like it. Will the defendant rise and hear the charges brought against her. Prosecutor, begin this trial with your opening argument.”
Ms. N. Epps, Miss Cindy Cums, Mr. Cid Nova and Mr. Cy Starr stand. Cy Starr, the lead prosecutor, begins reading from his prepared statement, which is the same one he read the previous day. “On xz345 delta, it is perfectly legal to be a prostitute, as long as . . . ”
BANG, BANG, BANG goes the Judge’s gavel. “Mr. Starr, in the interest of time, please read the abridged version of the charges.”
Cy Starr looks puzzled, and then starts again, but hitting only the main points. “The defendant, Miss Cindy Cums, gave ‘head’, fellatio, to one Johnny Smith, a minor male, in the men’s toilet at the Cock & Bull Tavern on March 29th 2119. By decreasing the potency of this young man’s semen and thereby reducing his ability to breed in the future, the defendant is in violation of 5.9 of the Procreation Act.”
The court room buzzes with comments by the audience.
BANG, BANG, BANG goes the Judge’s gavel. “Order in the court. Mr. Starr, please continue.”
“The defendant, in her sexual liaison with young Johnny Smith, who is a minor, is in violation of section 3.1 of the Corruption of Minors Act. Also, the defendant has, on several occasions, offered her ‘sexual services’ to various men in the Village taverns without asking her male customers if they were over the age of 21 years, which is in violation of section 3.2 of the Corruption of Minors Act.”
Someone in the crowd says, “what a slut !”
BANG, goes the Judge’s gavel. “Bailiff, please remove that man for his off-hand comments from the courtroom, even if his observation is true. I’ll not tolerate the delays caused by such out-bursts.”
The Bailiff stands, looks around but can not identify the culprit. She shrugs her shoulders and sits back behind her desk. “Sorry Judge Fairvert. I didn’t see who made the last comment. I’ll be watching closer next time, your honor.”
Cy Starr continues. “Also, by accepting money for servicing Johnny Smith’s hard and youthful cock, as well as countless others, and not reporting this income to her pimp-manager or the Village tax collector, the defendant is in violation of section 3.2a of the Whoring Taxation Act.”
Cindy says to N. Epps, “That’s what this is all about, isn’t it ? The money. It’s always about the money.”
“Ahem,” Judge Fairvert clears his throat as he stares at Cindy Cums. “Ms. Epps, while I don’t normally have a defendant removed from my courtroom, I would not hesitate to have the Bailiff fit her with a large ball-gag to keep her silent. Please control your client.”
Epps give a harsh stare to Cindy and says, “No more comments. We’ll get our turn later in the trial.”
“Mr. Starr, please continue,” says the Judge.
“Also, the defendant, Miss Cindy Cums, has been observed working as a prostitute for her own profit, which is to say without her manager present, in various taverns in the Village of NuGreenleaf, and several of the men she propositioned are believed to be married/family men. Without her manager, acting as her legal intermediary, she did conspire to commit adultery, which is in violation of the Adulterous Behavior Act.”
“Huh ? But if we didn’t fuck, then what-the-fuck ! I’ll be god damned if you are going to brand my ass for adultery,” says Cindy, who could not restrain herself.
“That’s it. You had been warned. Bailiff, do your duty,” says the Judge. “Gag the whore !”
The crowd applauds. Now this is some of the prisoner humiliation they have come to expect from a Fairvert trial.
“And use the one with the 6 cm red ball. You know, the spongy one you keep soaking in peppermint oil in your desk. I like the effect it has on the prisoner.”
“Now you did it,” says N. Epps to her defendant as the Bailiff approaches with the large ball gag strung on a set of multiple leather straps.
BANG BANG BANG. “Ms. N. Epps, I warned you after the brawl in my courtroom yesterday, that if you did not control your client, that skanky whore, you would be found in contempt of court.”
“But, your honor, how can you punish me for the actions of another ?” pleads Epps.
“Because it is MY court, that’s how. I find you in contempt of court for your client’s outburst today AND for her violent resistance to officers of this court yesterday. For this, I pronounce your punishment to be 10 strokes of a 2 meter cane on your bare ass. This punishment will be performed tomorrow at noon in the village square. You are to have your skirt and panties cut away and you are to be bound over a large wooden barrel on the western dais. And that the 10 punishment strokes be applied by 10 men personally selected from the courthouse guards.”
No doubt the judge’s nephew will be among those guards selected to cane Ms. Epps bare ass. Nepotism works that way. The crowd applauds some more. It makes no difference to them if it is a common street whore who get caned or a legal professional.
Epps’ jaw drops as the crowd in the courthouse continues to applaud the judge’s pronounce-ment. It is certain that many of them will be on the square tomorrow to watch her public spectacle. The poor defense attorney is stunned. She just sits down in her chair. Contempt citations are usually fines, or at the very worst, a brief stay in the Village jail, but this is going too far; even for a Fairvert ruling. The crowd loves it.
“And, will the court pay the usual 10 credits to every guard who breaks their cane over the bitch’s upturned naked butt ?,” asks one of the courthouse guards.
“I don’t see why not,” says the Judge from the bench. “Our customary reward system assures the punishment strokes will be as hard as possible. But I hope you guards have practiced your technique since the last public caning. You need to aim the last 3 or 4 strokes so they crisscross the first ones. This always makes a nice scar pattern and makes the victim scream even louder. You will scream for your audience, won’t you Ms. Epps ?”
N. Epps blushes at the thought of her up coming torture, but does not answer the Judge’s rhetorical question.
“Of course she’ll scream,” adds another guard. “They always scream. We make sure of that.”
The shamed defense attorney thinks back to her childhood. She hadn’t been caned since she was in boarding school, but she remembers the humiliation as if it were yesterday. The cheers and the obscene cat-calls from her fellow students hurt worse than the whipping and scared her psyche deeper than the bamboo cut into her butt. Actually, she strongly suspects the head master was going easy on her, since she was at the top of her class and her infraction was so minor that the usual punishment was a slap on the wrist ; at this school, it was not a figurative slap, but an actual slap, with a meter stick. Epps, lost in her thoughts, remains silent. She does not want the Judge to add more strokes to her punishment, or worse. The judge could dictate that she remain bound and bare-assed for the whole afternoon. This is one of the Judge’s favorite rulings; prolonged public humiliation. Sometime the whole village is paraded past the victim to witness the depth of her welts and bright redness of her abused ass cheeks. It is common for the true sadists to rub their hands over the victim’s ass to feel the heat and to secretly rub a little salt into her wounds. In this way the law abiding populace is subliminally warned to not cross the evil Judge Fairvert and the perverts in the village, of which there are many, get to satisfy their twisted lust.
In the mean time, the black Bailiff has turned the defendant around to face the audience and is stuffing the sponge ball gag deep into Cindy’s mouth. The smell of peppermint fills the court-room and a few drops of the oil fall on to the collar of Cindy Cums’ blouse. This is no ordinary ball gag. No, it is more like a head harness that would be used on a vicious dog. The bailiff buckles the primary strap, the one with the red ball, behind the prisoner’s head. Looped through the primary strap are 2 steel rings that the Bailiff carefully centers on each of Cindy’s cheeks. From these rings run 2 secondary straps about a cm. wide. The Bailiff pulls them over Cindy’s face crossing, at the bridge of her nose, which makes Cindy go cross-eyed for a moment. Then the Bailiff crosses these small straps several times and runs them straight up the victim’s forehead to the top of her head. She then separates the two straps and pulls them behind the whore’s ears where they are connected to the primary strap by small roller-buckles riveted to the back of the main strap. The Bailiff manages to get several tufts of the Cindy’s hair intertwined with the twisted secondary straps; giving her the look of a bantam rooster on a ‘bad-hair day’. But the Bailiff only loosely buckles these secondary straps before turning her attention to the primary strap, which she snuggly re-buckles behind Cindy’s head. In the process the main strap pushes Cindy’s hair to the sides of her head thus accentuating the rooster look. The Bailiff has pulled the main strap so tight it has cut into the corners of the prisoner’s mouth, which has drawing a faint trickle of blood running down the victim’s chin.
Cindy fidgets. ‘Agghh ! Ich oo hcite. Ich oo hcite,’ is all Cindy can say.
The Bailiff smiles sadistically. “Is that too tight for you, baby ? Well we can change that,” as she dabs away the blood from the corners of Cindy’s mouth with a tissue. But kindness is not in the Bailiff’s nature. She then re-cinches the small crossing straps even tighter. This pulls the ball up to the roof of Cindy’s mouth.
“Yes, ma’am. We can always make it tighter.”
The crowd laughs at the irony and Cindy, deeply embarrassed, turns away from the crowd. She sits down next to her defense attorney and tries to ignore the crowd. Both women are mortified at their turn of misfortune.
Epps whispers to Cindy, “I’m sorry it has come to this, but there is not much I can do about the gag at this point, but don’t you dare try to remove it or the Judge will slap an even harsher punishment on us. He can have both of us stripped and whipped right here in the courtroom, you know. Just bare the gag for now. I hear your jaw muscles will get used to it after a while and Old Fairvert will have to have it removed when you testify.”
Cindy considers this a minor consolation, but now the real purpose of the peppermint oil has registered in her brain.
The peppermint oil is making her salivate and with the sponge ball forced deeply into her mouth, she is unable to swallow. Also, since the ball is forced to the roof of her mouth, her spittle has a clear path out of her mouth and down her chin. A long string of spit is already flowing on to her white blouse, just at the top of her breasts. If she continues to salivate like ‘Pavlov’s dog’, before long she will look like some high school bimbo in a wet-tee-shirt contest.
“Bailiff, you did such a good job strapping that ball-gag on this yappy whore, I’d like you to showoff your expert technique to the good citizens of NuGreenleaf. Please parade the whore through the audience, while I have a little chat with Ms. N. Epps about her conduct in my courtroom,” says Hardy Fairvert. “Will the attorney for the defense approach the bench.”
Ms. N. Epps sheepishly walks to the Judge’s platform. She wonders how she can provide a vigorous defense for her client and still not get her butt blistered by the guards.
“I know you are upset at the severity of your contempt of court punishment, but you earned it,” says Judge Fairvert. “The strokes from the guards will leave permanent scares on your backside, you know. The guards are quite strong and more often than not, they do break the canes over the victim’s ass ; your ass.”
“Yes, I know,” says Epps. “I saw such a caning of the previous public defender.”
“It is a pity that a ‘woman’ with an elevated rank in society, such as yourself, should be subjected to public disciplined. However, if you behave yourself for the rest of this trial, I am willing to reduce your sentence from a public caning to something a bit more private,” says the perverted judge.
“Oh, what did you have in mind ?”
“I am willing to trade your 10 public strokes for 5 strokes administered in my private office, by myself. However, I will apply the cane to your bound breasts, not your backside. From the misshapen look of your tits, I’d say you have had your breasts caned before, and quite severely, I suspect. Did your husband whip your tits himself ? In any case, the scar tissue will not be as sensitive as your tender ass. And by caning your tits and not your butt, you will not have sit on your wounds. I never was much of a ‘butt-man’, you see, even though you do have a cute, well rounded ass.”
The thought of winding a thin, leather lace around each of Ms. Epps tits excites the judge. His aim is to make Epps’ breasts look like large, ripe lemons, which quickly turn purple from lack of circulation. Of course the leather will be a minimum of 2 meters long so he can make several turns around the naturally sagging tit meat of a mature woman. By making each winding progressively tighter, the judge knows from his past experience he can make Epps breast as firm as an 18 year old. And by adding a few more turns he can make them very hard ; painfully hard, so hard this sassy public defender will feel as if they will burst when he starts to beat them with the cane. Fairvert is lost in his lustful day-dream of the impending torture of N. Epps’ breasts. He instinctively starts stroking his hardening cock through his robe, but due to the design of the judge’s platform, his masturbation goes unseen, except for the slight up and down motion of his right arm under his robe.
“I’ll think about it, but lets get this trial over with first,” says Epps perfunctorily as she turns to go back to her seat. Epps makes sure she swings her hips as she walks, thus giving the Judge a nice view of her ‘well rounded ass’ and a little more fuel for the lust in his perverse ego.
The Bailiff is finished showing off her gagged prisoner and soon returns Cindy to her seat at the defense table.
“Ahum; where was I ? Oh, yes; the trial,” says the judge as he snaps out of his fantasy. “Mr. Starr, please read the final charges against the defendant.”
Starr continues. “And finally, the defendant, Miss Cindy Cums, is charged with 8 counts of lesbian sexual activities, which took place over a 9 day period in March 2119, at several different hotels and that these perverted lesbian escapades, most of which are too obscene to be shown in public, are in violations of sections 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, and 4.2 of the Sexual Deviancy Act.”
“Is that it, Mr. Starr ?” asks the Judge.
Starr nods his head.
“Will the defendant please rise. You are charged with 1 count of Procreation Violation, 8 counts of Lesbian Sexual Deviancy and an unspecified number of counts for Corruption of a Minor, Whore-tax Evasion, and Adultery. Miss Cums, having heard the charges against you, how do you plead ?”
With the gag in her mouth, Cindy can’t say anything.
“Judge, the prisoner can not enter a plea, since you have had her gagged. The defense moves that the gag be removed, thus allowing her to state her plea.”
“Nice try Epps, but motion denied ! Since the Bailiff just installed the gag and since she looks so good sitting there drooling over herself, like the cock-hungry whore that she is, I will not have the gag removed for her to utter a single sentence.” BANG goes the judge’s gavel. “Epps, enter a plea for your client.”
“Not guilty, your honor,” says Epps. “As duly appointed counsel for the defense, I enter a plea of not guilty for the defendant, since the court has not allowed her to speak for herself.”
“Oh, come come. Surely Miss Cums is guilty of some of these charges,” chides the Judge. “Those tits of hers look too good to be natural. Very suspicious indeed. Guards, help the defendant remove her blouse and let’s have the court examine those titties.”
The crowd cheers. This is the show they had come to expect in Judge Fairvert’s courtroom. This is also the point when the riot broke out in yesterday’s trial, and extra guards have been added for today’s proceedings.
Ms. N. Epps jumps from her seat and yells “I object !” just as 6 courthouse guards step towards the defendant. “Your honor, at least let the defense present its opening statement before requiring the defendant show the court her body-of-testimony.”
“Very well. Objection sustained,” says the Judge weakly. “But she will have to strip sometime during this trial.”
‘Wow, we won one,’ whispers Yvette to Epps.
“Please present your opening statement and be quick about it, Ms. Epps. The fellows in the gallery are all hopped-up for a free-sex show and if they don’t get it, , , well lets just say I don’t have enough guards here to protect your client, if you catch my drift.”
Epps starts her opening statement. “Thank you, your honor. The prosecution has singled-out my client, Miss Cindy Cums, who happens to work as a personal erotic entertainer.”
Just then a man in the gallery blurts out, “Entertainer ? She’s a common whore ! and a sleezy one at that !”
“Yes, she is a whore; licensed, numbered and ass branded as a whore. Cindy standup and show the jury and the crowd, especially that vociferous man in the audience, your brandings.”
Cindy is embarrassed. “Ou mee ight ow ?” is all she can mutter with the gag in her mouth.
“Yes; right now. Turn your back to the jury, remove your jacket then raise your skirt so they can see the branded word ‘whore’ and your whore’s registration number 45658.”
Cindy does as instructed. She raises the hem of her skirt up to her waist and shows the members of the jury the burn scars on her right butt check. But as she lowers her skirt, Epps says, “Now stand on your chair and do the same for the citizens in the courtroom, especially that obnoxiously loud fellow in the audience. Yvette, help steady her so she doesn’t fall.”
Cindy stands on her chair, faces forward, and then raises the back of her skirt so that both butt checks are in full view.
“Now, Yvette, very slowly swivel Miss Cums’ chair so that the entire courtroom can see the defendant’s branded ass.” Yvette slowly rotates the chair 360 degrees and a murmur fills the room as lewd comments are exchanged between members of the audience.
Someone is heard to mutter, “I’d like to get a piece of that ass !”
And the A.M. Jones says, “Well, you can. All you have to do is pay your 25 credits and her ass, cunt, mouth and tits are yours for an hour. Or they would have been, if she hadn’t gotten her whore-license suspended yesterday.”
Even Judge Fairvert gets an eye-full and the court recorder snaps a photo of Cindy’s bare ass; ostensively for the official court records, but everyone knows it’s for the Judge’s personal porno collection. The courtroom continues to buzz even after Cindy steps down from the chair.
“Order in the court,” mouths the Judge instinctively. “Is the defense finished with their opening statement ?”
“Finished ? We haven’t begun ! Members of the jury, the defense will show that the charges of Adultery, Lesbian Sexual Deviancy and Corruption of a Minor are not based on a complete understanding of my client’s actions. In fact, the defense will show that the charges are based on the prosecutions puritanical, if not utterly skewed, view of the actions of the defendant. In cases such as this, there is often misinterpretation of the ‘facts’ of the alleged offense, which is understandable. People see things differently ; either due to their position in the room, or due to poor lighting, or due to obstructions, or any number of other conditions. Also, people remember things differently ; for a whole host of psychological reasons running the gamut from personal prejudices, to memory reinforcement and to witness tampering. But most important of all, the defense will show that the prosecution is ignoring several ‘facts’ that disprove their own case. We will show that the prosecution’s representation of the ‘facts’ is not the only interpret-tation of my client’s actions and that there is a reasonable doubt concerning these facts.”
“Yes, yes, yes. Reasonable doubt. You hear about it any low-budget courtroom drama. Is that all you have, Ms. N. Epps,” asks the Judge.
“No, your honor. Members of the jury, the defense is prepared to show that the prosecution has misinterpreted the intent of the law, as it relates to the charge of Procreation Violation. Also, as it relates to the charge of Adultery, we will show that my client is charged with a crime that does not actually exist, as defined by the written statutes of this colony. As for the charge of evading the whore-tax, the defense will show that this is just a simple misunderstanding related to poor account practices.”
“Is the defense now finished with your opening statement ?”
“Yes, your honor.”
“Good. Now let’s see if those breasts of yours are real or not. Guards, remove the defendant’s blouse.”
The crowd in the courtroom cheers. While the exposure of Cindy’s ass was interesting, they really came here to see her tits; her double ‘D’ tits. The 6 guards come towards the defendant, again.
Epps nods her head as a prearranged signals to Yvette. Ms. Easy, who has been mostly silent up until now, bounds from her chair and recites her ‘lines’ with all the zeal of a starlet looking for her first acting job. “So you want to see her tits, do you ? Then why the hell didn’t you go to the Village square last night when she was bound, naked and being whipped by the court-house guards ? Where were you then ? Or is that public display too crass for your ‘refined’ tastes ?” says Yvette in her ‘stage voice’. The guards are temporarily frozen in their tracks, but then they advance in the helpless defendant, who stands, faces the audience and prepares to be stripped of her drool soaked blouse. But just when the guards grab her , , ,
“Objection !” yells Cy Starr and Cid Nova simultaneously. “Yvette Easy is not an attorney and should not be addressing the court.”
“And the defense is out of turn,” adds Mr. Nova, the junior prosecutor.
Cy Starr explains. “The prosecution, has not presented our evidence, therefore the defense can not be allowed to display her tits, as evidence, at this point in the trial !” The prosecutors are really pissed at the prospect of losing their chance at vilifying Cindy Cums. “Hardy, you can’t just skip over our whole presentation. Think about how bad that would look in the news-papers.”
“Ah, the papers,” says the Judge. “Ms. Epps, for not controlling you defense team, specifically Yvette Easy, the court adds 10 more strokes to your contempt of court punishment, and be warned ; I can make even more brutal, if you fail to control team.”
Epps sighs, realizing there is not a lot she can do, except to agree to accept the judge’s offer to halve the number of cane strokes, but to allow them on her naked, bound breasts.
“As much as I want to very closely examine those incredible ‘jugs’ of the defendant, I have to agree with you, Cy. Miss Cums, keep your shirt on. The court will allow you ample oppor-tunity to show-off your more than ample breasts in a few minutes,” say Judge Fairvert. “Will the prosecution present their case. And be quick about it.”
To be continued.
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