Under Evaluation 4
“I understand your concern, Miss Powell,” Cody Wisnecki said sympathetically, “but if the court has ordered your sister to undergo therapy, I don’t see how I can help you.”
Lily Powell took a deep breath, frustrated at the inability to formulate her feelings into words. So much had transpired in the last four days, that she still felt disoriented and confused. She understood the private investigator’s reluctance to take any action on a “gut feeling”, but Lily’s apprehension ran deeper than that.
She’d been half way around the world on a modeling shoot, when she’d received Lila’s call. Though she’d sounded concerned, Lila had tried to make light of the situation, joking that she was networking with all sorts of professionals, there in the holding cells. The sister had assured Lily that it was all a big misunderstanding and that things would be cleared up at the hearing.
Despite threats that “She’d never work in the industry again”, if she abandoned the photo shoot, Lily was on the next plane back to the states. As fate would have it, that first flight made a stop in Anchorage. A freak blizzard shut down the airport for thirty six hours. During that time, Lily had repeatedly tried to call her sister, with no luck. Having missed the hearing, she suffered a first class runaround, until finally managing to track down the public defender.
She’s sat there aghast, as the PA described the actions of a total stranger. Lily even went so far as to show him a picture of Lila, certain the lawyer was speaking of someone else. But he’d confirmed that it was in fact her sister, and that the judge had sentenced her to the care of Byberry State Mental Hospital.
Lily had charged into the hospital, with the intent of clearing up this colossal misunderstanding. But she’d been told quite curtly, that is was impossible to see Lila, she was currently undergoing “solitary evaluation”, whatever that meant. Lily had met with Dr. Attenburg, the director of the hospital, a cool, yet attractive woman. She’d made it clear that no one besides hospital staff could have any contact with Lila.
“Your sister’s in a critical period.” Dr. Attenburg had told her. “Seeing you now, might send her into a guilt-induced psychotic episode. Lila is only just beginning to understand that she is in a precarious state.”
“It’s my job,” the doctor continued, “to see that Lila receives my fullest attention. My methods are firm, but have shown remarkable results. In a relatively short period of time, I should be able to make a new woman out of her.”
Lily had insisted that there was nothing wrong with the “old” Lila, but was reminded that the judge had seen differently. Lily left, feeling totally frustrated and just a little creepy. If she hadn’t known any better, she’d have sworn that the doctor was checking her out.
The attorneys she’d talked to, all said basically the same thing. Being court ordered, there was no legal precedence to release Lila from custody. Thus, Lily found herself in the office of Cody Wisnecki, Private Investigator. Always being a bit unorthodox, Miss Powell had found her through a combination of logic and karma.
Looking in the Yellow Pages, Lily had figured that investigators at the beginning of the alphabet would have heavier case loads, people being too lazy to scan from A to Z. So she’s closed her eyes, flipped back a couple pages from the letter “Z” and poked her finger at a candidate.
Cody Wisnecki-Private Investigator
“Confidential, Competent, Caring”
“Please, Miss Wisnecki,” Lily pleaded.
“Cody.” The PI insisted.
“Cody,” Lily rephrased, “even though my sister and I are fraternal twins, that doesn’t lessen the special bond we have together. Besides, my sister is probably the most sane person on this planet. I know it sounds like only a gut feeling, but trust me, I‘ve never been so sure of something in my life.”
Cody’s skepticism was finally turned by the young woman’s earnestness. Besides, she could always use the money, if even if it were for a lost cause. She’d look into it. The PI accompanied her to the door and stood in the hallway, saying their final good-byes.
“Why don’t you go back to your hotel room and I’ll look into it.” Cody told Lily. “If I don’t have any luck at the hospital, I’ve got a lawyer friend who’s an aide to a state senator. Maybe we can pry something loose that way.”
Lily thanked Cody profusely before leaving. Neither woman bothered to notice the deliverywoman standing in front of the Accountant’s office next door, apparently checking to see if she had her food order correct. There was no way for the two of them to see the small digital camera amidst the lunch bags, pointing in their direction. The camera was currently streaming high resolution pictures back to the private office of one, Dr. Rayne Attenburg.
“Our Miss Powell certainly is an obstinate one, isn’t she? Rayne commented. Carl, who stood behind her, merely grunted.
“So many legal roadblocks would have dissuaded the average person. She must love her sister very much. Then again, she is the only family she has left.” Dr. Attenburg observed, then hushed, as the duo spoke once more in the hall.
“Why don’t you go back to your hotel and I’ll see what I can find out.” They heard the PI tell her new client.
During Lily’s visit at the hospital, Rayne had unobtrusively guided the young woman by the arm at one stage. This allowed her other hand to plant a small, adhesive backed microphone on the strap of Lily’s handbag. She’d then been able to monitor everything Lily had done. Rayne knew that the beauty had made just one phone call, an appointment with the private investigator. They’d listened as Cody had slowly been swayed to take the case and planned her next course of action.
Thanks to their henchwoman in the field, they now had a face to go with the PI’s sultry voice. The ersatz deliverywoman’s camera showed Cody Wisnecki to be an absolutely dazzling blonde. She stood a full head higher than the 5’4” Lily Powell, even in flats. A pert, slightly upturned nose sat above lips that might be considered thin, in this era of collagen. Her hazel eyes leaned toward a blue-ish hue. Dressed in a stylish pantsuit, Rayne and Carl could clearly see how nicely she filled it out.
“Nice ass.” The doctor commented.
“Dynamite rack.” Her second in command replied. It was clear that the two were both contemplating similar plans.
“Velma,” Rayne spoke into the microphone, “hold back to see if the private dick contacts anyone. “Then follow Miss Powell.”
The picture they were viewing gave an almost imperceptible nod. The instructions had been received and understood. As Lily and Cody parted, Velma strode in to the accountants office.
“Whoops,” the crop-haired girl apologized, “wrong suite. Sorry.”
The receptionist who’d looked up, forgot the young woman’s face seconds after the door closed. Velma doubled back and stood outside detective Wisnecki’s door. She pointed a small, parabolic microphone at the frosted glass doorway.
The trio listened as Cody walked about inside. A chair scraped lightly on the floor. They could even hear the soft, “beep-boop-beep” as the PI dialed her phone.
“I’d like to speak to the Director of the hospital, please. It’s an urgent matter.” Cody spoke into the phone.
Moments later, a light lit up on Rayne’s phone. Rayne and Carl looked at each other, not quite believing their luck. But it was in fact, the hospital’s receptionist, asking if she should put the call through. Dr. Attenburg approved it immediately.
Yes, Rayne told the detective, she was aware of Lily Powell’s plight. In fact, Rayne told her, she still felt terrible about being so brusque with the concerned twin. But her sister, Lila, was indeed experiencing a traumatic mental crisis (no lie there).
Yes, she’d be all too wiling to meet with the private investigator. To that point, Rayne told her that she possessed the video tape of Lila’s first episode, during the court hearing. However, the doctor told the PI, she was due to leave for a conference at 5 pm. Was there any chance that the detective could be at the hospital within the next hour? Otherwise, it would have to wait until her return. She could make it? Wonderful. The doctor told her she was anxious to meet with her.
After hanging up, Rayne listened to hear if Cody made any other calls. She did not and they could hear her footsteps approaching her office door. Velma managed to slip in to the stairwell, just before Cody exited and locked up. Velma needed just a few seconds to slip out of her delivery costume, revealing the street clothes underneath. Shoving the costume in her bag, she stepped out, just as Cody was walking by. A light collision took place, Velma meekly apologizing for not looking where she was going. Cody never felt the microphone being planted on her. If she contacted anyone while on the way to the hospital, they’d know it.
As Velma walked in the opposite direction, Rayne informed her to proceed to Lily’s hotel. Carl would meet up with her there. Dr. Attenburg would take care of the nosy detective herself.
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