Doctored Into a Cage
(Part 8)
Here are all the usual disclaimers. You must be over 18 to read this! This story is pure fiction! Any resemblance to names or persons in real life is purely coincidental. These
characters are fiction. You have been warned! This is for adults only!
Poor Ms. Plummer couldn’t be more confused with the things that were happening to her body and mind. Her life always stood for being in control and taking charge; but she could no longer fight the wet spot tugging at her loins. With every chance she had, she made a trip to the bathroom or into her solitary conference room. The need to look at her vaginal sweetness started to become obsessive. Her mind constantly wandered as she played with herself and flicked at her pussy lips. Her brain said she needed Dr. Prichard. It was all she could think about day in and day out. She had no idea that the thought was not of her own thinking but programmed and soon the programming would continue with Tara White.
A police officer and a guard brought Tara white to her office again. Tara said,
“Good morning Ms. Plummer, how are we today?” The question was in a condescending voice.
Paula pressed a button on a remote control to make sure the shock ring around Tara would be activated. If Tara came within a foot of her desk or space area she would get a shock. She could also be shocked if she pressed the fake ring on her finger. It was really a remote control button. She addressed Tara, “I am a bit tired this morning. I have lots of typing for you today.”
“Why don’t I make you a nice pot of coffee?”
“That would be nice, Tara, thank you.” Tara went back to the front of the office where her own work station was situated. There was a small counter and kitchen area where she made Ms. Plummer a fresh pot of brew. It was Tara’s third day in the office and she felt this might be the day to start taking charge. Ms. Plummer sat at her desk and started looking down at her thighs again. It was early but already the thoughts started drifting into her mind.
“I have your cup of coffee.” Tara hovered around her desk but just held it up. She could not get too close to the desk, and as was the case the previous two days, she would just put it down on the floor and back away to the front of the office so Ms. Plummer could get her coffee. It was an awkward situation to say the least.
“Okay, just put it down, Tara.” Paula pointed to the floor.
“Don’t you think this is silly? I can come over and put it on your desk if you would just trust me.” Tara’s voice became sweet.
“That is like asking me to trust a nuclear bomb would have no radioactive effects after being dropped on a city.” She said smugly.
“Well I am not going to put it on the floor this time. You are just going to have to get out of your chair and come here for it.” She challenged her.
“You will do as you’re told or it is back to your cell!”
“I don’t think so.” Tara took her free hand and started pulling her arm up and down with her index finger pointing to Ms. Plummer.
“Don’t try my patience, Tara.” Ms. Plummer began to zero in on her finger with her eyes. Something was clicking in her brain. She was not sure what it was, but Tara’s finger was pulling her in somehow.
“Is there something wrong, Ms. Plummer?”
“I…no…I just…”
“You just need to look deeply at my finger as it goes slowly up and slowly down, don’t you?”
“Yes…I…” She was beginning to go into trance.
“You just need to look at my finger as it goes slowly up and slowly down. Whenever my finger goes slowly up and slowly down you will go into trance for me.
“Slowly up…and…slowly down…” Ms Plummer echoed the words softly.
“That’s right…slowly up and slowly down. You are so tired, Ms. Plummer. You can hardly keep your eyes open. You need this coffee so badly, but I am not going to bring it to you. You are going to come to me aren’t you?” She flipped her hand over and gestured her to come over with her index finger.
“Yes, you will come to me and get your coffee. You have a burning desire to come to me, now.”
“I need to come to you.”
“That’s right…come to me, Ms. Plummer, come to me and get your coffee. You need your coffee so you can wake up. You need it so badly.”
“I need it so badly.” She slowly moved out of her seat and marched around her desk to Tara White. It was a march into submission.
“You are such a good girl, Ms. Plummer. Now take your coffee and put it on your desk. After that you will turn back around and come to me again. You will stand here at attention like a good girl. Do you understand?” Tara said all the things Dr. Prichard taught her to say.
“Yes, I understand.” She took the coffee from Tara and put it on her desk and then reported back like a soldier at attention.
“This collar is really rather silly, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is really rather silly.” Ms. Plummer repeated.
“You and I have no need for it anymore, do we?”
“Yes, there is no need.”
“Deactivate it and remove it from my neck.”
“Yes.” She went back to her desk and took the remote and deactivated it. Then she took a key from a locked drawer in her desk. She came over and took off the collar.
“Now hand me the collar and the key. Also get me the remote. You don’t need them anymore, do you?”
She handed them to Tara and said, “I don’t need them anymore.” Then she came back with the remote from her desk.
“Good girl, now take off your ring and give it to me. You don’t need it anymore.”
“I don’t need it anymore.” She took off the ring and gave it to Tara, who put all of the items into a large envelope and marked ‘Dr. Prichard’ on it.
“You will give this envelope to Dr. Prichard later. You will not open it but keep it on your desk knowing you must give it to her. You will forget that there ever was a collar, remote or ring. They never existed, nor did the idea of it exist, do you understand?
“Yes I understand.”
“Your apprehension will keep you on edge all the time. You will fear me constantly but it was your idea to let me work free and open with you. Now you will go back to your chair and sit down. You will sip your coffee. I will say the words ‘wake up, Ms. Plummer’ and you will immediately come out of trance and forget all that took place here. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, I understand you.”
“Good girl, now go back to your desk.” Ms. Plummer mindlessly went back to her desk never knowing her thoughts were not her own. She immediately took a sip of her coffee.
“Wake up, Ms. Plummer.”
“Yes, Ms. Plummer, do you like the coffee?” She asked innocently
“Yes…I…oh yes, thank you so much, Tara.”
“Great, now you mentioned you had a lot of typing for me today?”
“Oh…um…yes the typing, thank you.”
“Now Mrs. Stone, what seems to be the problem?” Dr. Prichard put on her happy, trusting face.
Janet Stone was fidgeting in her chair and said, “well my daughter here needs some talking to.
“Hi, what seems to be the problem, dear?” She extended her hand to Mrs. Stone’s daughter.
“Well she has been doing marijuana and lord knows what else.” Janet cut in.
“Please Mrs. Stone, don’t interfere when I am talking to your daughter, let her answer her own questions. Am I clear on this?”
“Oh…yes, I’m sorry, Doctor.”
“Now, young lady, have you been, in fact, doing drugs?” Dr. Prichard took a good look at both of them. They were sexy, and Janet had ample breasts to do all sorts of naughty things to. The good doctor’s mind was racing.
“It is just a joint or two a day, no big deal.”
“So you think it is no big deal to put an illegal substance into your body everyday. Have you ever thought about the consequences of your actions? What is your name by the way?”
“My name is Laura.”
“Well, Laura, what do you have to say for yourself?”
“I really didn’t think it was a big deal. A lot of my friends do weed.”
“And if your friends were all standing in front a giant truck going at sixty-five miles per hour and not appearing to stop, would you just stand there and be killed along with your friends because that is what they were doing?”
“No, but this is like totally different.”
“It is no different, other then it might not kill you, but you do know it kills brain cells right?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Well, now you do, and the long term addiction is something to be taken seriously.”
“You mean I am like addicted?”
“It depends on how long you have been doing this?”
“She has been doing it all year, Doctor.” Janet said.
“What did I say before, Mrs. Stone?” Dr. Prichard gave her an unkind glare.”
“You must learn some self control, Mrs. Stone. I can see where your daughter gets all her impulsiveness.”
“What do you mean?”
“Now you are sounding defensive.”
“I didn’t tell my daughter to go out and do drugs.”
“No, but you obviously can’t control her impulses simply because you have many of your own to deal with, isn’t that true?
“I do the best I can with my daughter.”
“I am sure you do, but in this case you have failed, haven’t you?” Debbie was quick to cut the woman right to the bone. She already had her squirming in her seat and loved pushing her buttons.
“I didn’t fail, that is why I brought her in for help.” Her words became nervous. It was like she was under a microscope as well as her daughter.
“Admirable, but if you took a firm stand to begin with this wouldn’t be taking place, therefore you have not be a good mother have you?”
There was a very long silence as they all looked at each other and then she said, “I try to be a good mother.” She barely got the words out loud enough.
“But you haven’t been, correct?”
“No, I haven’t been.” The admission gave Dr. Prichard a nice little wet spot between her legs. She loved it and pressed on.
“Say it, Mrs. Stone, the first step to recovery is admitting your problem.” Debbie made it sound like it was all her fault.
“I-I-well I have not been a good mother.” She stuttered the words out.
“Indeed, so you have failed as a mother. Now, tell me, what does that make you?
“It…um…well it makes me a failure.”
“Correct, it makes you a failure as a mother, so where do we go from here?” She smiled, loving every minute of this torture on Mrs. Stone.
“I don’t know, Doctor.”
“Well, first of all, Laura, you will have to be admitted here for evaluation and detoxification.”
“What are you crazy? I am not staying in here!”
“Doctor,” Mrs. Stone cut in, “I just wanted my daughter to have some sessions with you and work things out in her head. I didn’t want to admit her into a clinic.” She grimaced.
“I see, well then there is not much I can do for either of your, I’m afraid. She is going to need some serious treatment.”
“How serious?”
“Well she needs evaluating and group therapy. She also needs to come off the drugs; and I think it might be wise to put her on a suicide watch while she is detoxifying.”
“Suicide watch, you don’t think…”
“Yes it is quite possible with teenagers her age.”
“Well she is going to be eighteen.”
“So she is more than old enough to understand her actions and she needs to be taught a lesson, wouldn’t you agree?” Dr. Prichard loved the manipulation of Mrs. Stone.
“Well, I didn’t think it needed to be so radical.”
“Answer me this, Mrs. Stone, do you love your daughter?”
“Yes, of course I love her.”
“Then you must do the right thing for her.”
“Well, how long then?”
“Mom, you can’t actually agree with her?”
“Your Mom is doing the right thing, missy, and you need to know what tough love is all about.”
“But Mom…I don’t…”
“Silence, no more outbursts, you are in enough trouble as it is.” Janet said.
“How long must she stay in here, Dr. Prichard?”
“Well, I think we will start out with ten days and see how it progresses from there. I presume you have insurance?”
“Wonderful, but I would also suggest a two to five day evaluation of you as well.”
“What, there is nothing wrong with me!” Janet was beginning to sweat.
“Well, I always feel it is good for the child to have a little moral support the first few days and it will also give me a chance to work on your problems as well.” Debbie smiled wish a sinister thought.
“But I have no problems.” She began to sound frantic.
“I disagree. You just admitted in your own words that you are not a good mother. Did I hear wrong. I am sure your own daughter can corroborate this.” Now Laura started smiling at her mom.
“You did say that mom.”
“But I just meant…”
“Please don’t try to be coy now and back out of your own admissions, Janet. I need to see if all your daughter’s problems are directly related your weaknesses. I don’t even know if you have been doing marijuana yourself. You can understand my need to evaluate you. Sometimes alcoholism can lead to next generation problems as well. Are you a heavy drinker?”
“Mrs. Stone was really becoming upset now, “No of course not, well…I mean only on occasion.”
“So you do drink, is it just recreational? It is okay to admit if you are an alcoholic or not.” Dr. Prichard became very smug.
“No, no, strictly recreational, and I don’t do marijuana. I swear!”
“Well, that is for some blood tests to decide if you are lying or not.”
“You are treating me like I am the patient, but it is my daughter who has the problem.”
“I think that is for me to decide, now don’t get agitated or I will have to have you sedated.”
“Sedated, you are crazy! Come along now, Laura, we are getting out of this nut house.”
“I would seriously sit down now, if I were you.”
“What do you mean?” She was crouched above her seat about to get up. She flopped back down.
“I mean our entire conversation has been recorded, and with all of your admissions, social services will not release your daughter until she is made well and then they will look into your background and investigate. Now you can do this the easy way or the hard way. Look, Mrs. Stone, I am just trying to save your relationship with your daughter and help you both as best as I can. I mean you no harm.” Debbie faked out the kind words to try and calm her down.
“Is all of this really, necessary?” Janet seemed defeated.
“I am afraid it is.” Dr. Prichard pulled over a folder that had papers in it. She seemed prepared with them all along. “Now I have some papers for both of your to fill out. Answer the questions as best as you can and then sign the admittance forms. You must co-sign with your daughter on hers. The other one you will just sign.” She handed them out.
“But this says I am being evaluated for mental illness and I can stay in here ten to sixty says if necessary. I am not mental.”
“Those are just formalities for evaluation. I can release you in one day if I see fit, so if you are good girl you will be out of here in no time.” She smiled at Janet. They both read and filled out all the forms and signed their lives away.
“Very good, you are under my custody now, both of you. One of the nurses will take you now to separate rooms and do a cavity and body search. We must make sure neither of you is hiding anything. Oh, wait a minute, I think we can speed things up if I just do it right here in my office. Stand up please, both of you. I will do you first, Mrs. Stone.” She went over to one of her bins and took out a pair of latex gloves.
“I swear I am not carrying anything, this is not necessary!” Janet almost wanted to cry.
“Just spread your legs up against the wall here and pretend you’re being patted down by security or a police officer. There is nothing to be afraid of.” Dr. Prichard moved her hands along Janet’s body deliberately slow. She loved every minute of it. When she reached up to her chest she began to fondle her breasts much harder then they needed to be and she even snuck in a nice little squeeze as the woman moaned out a tone that sounded like a little bird chirp.”
“Please, don’t you think that is enough now?”
“Nonsense, now turn around and face me Mrs. Stone. I want you to open your mouth nice and wide for me. I need to check your teeth and gums.”
“There is nothing wrong with my teeth.”
“I have to makes sure of these things. Now open wide and say ah.”
“Ah…mmmrgh…errrmph.” She made a gurgle sound as Dr. Prichard twisted and turned her two fingers into her cheeks and mouth and began probing. She pushed down so hard on the back of the woman’s throat that she started to actually gag. It was a much longer cavity search then was required and Debbie loved every minute of making her squirm and gag. She then went over and got a tongue depressor and pushed that down the woman’s throat and held it there for a very long time making her gag even more.”
“Ehheh...ggggermph…ehheh. Pleareeease stop, no more!” She tried pulling away from Dr. Prichard as she was coughing uncontrollably, but Debbie held her cheeks tightly and returned to pushing her fingers around even harder and deeper in her throat. Janet seemed helpless to stop her and her body began to sweat from the nervous convulsive nature of the choking. Then Debbie finally stopped.
“Very good, now take off all of your clothes.”
“Janet cleared her throat and tried to recompose herself. Y…ou…you mean right here, like this?”
“Yes unless you have a problem undressing in front of women. If you do have a problem I will have to add it to your list of problems and phobias to work on along with that nasty choking problem.”
“But you were rolling your fingers inside my mouth and down my throat; and no, no, I don’t have a problem undressing in front a woman. I can do it.” Her look was one of defeat again.
“Then please do so, or you will be on further report. We will have to work on that gag reflex problem with many finger sessions.” Dr. Prichard had a sinister grin on her face, but Mrs. Stone seemed terrified and it showed in her eyes.
Once again, Janet was boxed in and manipulated. She started on her blouse and unbuttoned it. Then she took it off and handed it to Debbie. After that she slid her shoes and slacks off and handed them to Dr. Prichard who tossed them on her desk.
“Good, you won’t need them in here anyway. They will be returned to you when you leave. Now I will have to insist that you back up to the wall and face me so I can check out your breasts better now.”
“But you just did that?”
“Ah, but now I can be more thorough.” She grinned. “Now thrust them out for me so I can get a good hand full and rub them around.” The poor woman did so and Debbie began to look directly into her eyes and manipulated her breasts and rubbed them around. She took them out her bra and pulled them up and down and laid them in her hands. She pretended to check for lumps and twisted them all around. She was really getting off on this routine and could feel the wetness just seep into her own panties. “Very good, now this is going to be a bit sensitive but I need to tuck my finger down into your undies and feel inside of your private spot. I need to check that there is nothing hidden in there.”
“No, absolutely not, I think you have gone far enough!” She shouted out.
“Now, now, any more back talk from you, dear, and I will have to call in some orderlies and it will be much more painful that way. I think you better start cooperating!” Debbie said in a very authoritative way.
“But, please, there is nothing in there!” She felt Debbie’s fingers move in between her crotch and down into her panties. She probed and forced her thighs apart. Janet closed up her legs and tightened her pelvis area around the doctor’s finger.”
“Open, that’s it, nice and wide. I need to probe inside now.” She slipped her finger inside the woman’s uterus and popped it in and out a few times. She made a special trip to her vaginal lips and clit and rubbed it around a few times to get some juices going. Mrs. Stone was totally mortified and ashamed. She closed her eyes and tried to pretend it was all a big nightmare, but the fingers reminded her it was all too real.
“Good, now bend over. I need to check your anus, so pull down your panties below your buttocks.” The woman did so and to her dismay Dr. Prichard started the routine but this time inside of the hole in her butt. She went in as deep as she could and then went over to retrieve a long probing tube.”
“But what do you need that for? You just checked me out with your finger?”
“I can’t go as deep with my finger now just be still. I will be pumping on this bulb so you will feel some air go into your butt and you might get a reflexive feeling in your tummy. This is nothing to worry about. It will just open you up better so I can probe more efficiently.”
“Ohhhhhhh…ummmm…” She began to moan out as the tube went in and probed her further. Dr. Prichard was beginning to feel highly sadistic and made sure she pumped lots and lots of air into the Janet’s colon so she would get some really nice gas pains later.”
“See, that was not too bad all done. Now just take off your bra and give it to me. You may keep on the panties and I will call in a nurse to get you a gown.” She then turned to Laura and eyed her up and down menacingly and said, “Okay, little missy, it is your turn now. You have seen the routine, so up against wall.” Debbie was smiling from ear to ear. She was breaking in two new patients but little did they know that they were going to be more like play things to her twisted mind. Laura just looked at the Doctor feeling terrified. It was going to be a long day for both of them.
(The doorbell rang and she took a peek through the stained glass. She decided to open the door.)
“Are you Ms. Susan Harrington?”
“Yes, what do you want?” She had full view of the woman holding a thick, but small note binder. It contained mock size rug samples. She also carried a rather large leather bag slung over her shoulder.
“You have been selected for a complete makeover.” The saleswoman said.
“What do you mean by makeover?” She seemed puzzled. “Oh, our company has randomly selected your house to receive all new carpeting.” The saleswoman cheerfully grinned.
“But I did not sign up for anything like this. I am really not interested.” She began to close the door but the woman put her foot in to stop it.
“Oh, please, Ma'am, we did come a long way, at least take a look at some of these samples. I am talking free rugs here, completely.”
“Who are you and what is the name of your company?”
“Oh, my name is Lili, from Cong Enterprises, perhaps you have heard of us?” She swung her radiant, black hair to the side.
“No, I don't think so.”
“Well we sell many items from perfumes to shampoos and even a special line of bras.” Her smile became infectious.
“I don't know. I am really not into rugs.” She smiled.
“I would love to show you some samples at least? We can do it right here on your front porch if you don't trust me.” She made a sad but reassuring face.
“Well, I don't see how that would hurt. Why don't you come inside.”
“Thank you, it will only take a few minutes and then if you are still not interested I will leave. My van is right there (she pointed out to the street) and it has some large rug samples which a few of my boys can bring in if you are interested.”
“So, why did you pick me?”
“Well, as I said before, it is a random select.” Madame Cong’s eyes began to radiate power. She opened up her little note book of rugs and handed it to Ms. Harrington. I want you to take a good look at these, and do take your time.” She moved the book right up under the woman’s nose.
“There seems to be some fragrance to these samples?”
“Oh, yes, you see we feel it gives the rugs a nice fresh scent. You just go ahead and take a nice big whiff now and pull all of that fragrance right into your lungs, dear. You see we offer a line of scented or non-scented rugs. We find that most housewives love to bury themselves deep into the scent. Yes, that’s right deep into the scent. You do smell it don’t you, Ms. Harrington?”
“Oh, I am not married. Yes, it is rather sw…eet.” She slurred her words. “I’m sorry but I feel a bit dizzy.”
“Oh, there’s no reason to worry about that. Check out some more patterns and take a nice deep breath in. It feels so good taking in the smell, doesn’t it?” Madame Cong was beginning to assert some control over the situation.
“Yes, it feels good.” Susan was starting to drift into total relaxation. She turned some more rug samples and went further into the scent.
“You have a beautiful home here. I am sure we can set up many fine rugs to takeover the house.” She sort of lilted on the word ‘takeover’ just for fun.
“What do you mean takeover?” She wobbled a bit.
“Oh, nothing; I can see you are feeling rather weak now, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but, I…”
“Oh, don’t try to understand it, dear. I think right now you have an almost irresistible need to display yourself for me, don’t you?” Her voice became quite sensuous.
“I really don’t understand. I want to…I feel so nice.”
“What do you do for a living, dear?”
“I’m a photographer.” She smiled with glazed over eyes.
“I see, so you take beautiful pictures; but when was the last time someone took beautiful pictures of you? You do have a lovely figure. Are you aware of that Ms. Harrington?”
“Please, you can call me Susan. I don’t know. I am not a model, just an artist.”
“Now, now, you are being way too modest. You need to free yourself. You need to show someone that fine body of yours, don’t you?”
“Yes, I need to show my fine body…nee…d to, yes.” She began to feel extremely sexy and open to suggestions.” Madame Cong’s chemical in the carpet samples was working just fine.
“Yes, I know, where do you keep your camera?
“I…well…it is upstairs in my bedroom closet.”
“You don’t mind if I take a look up there and get your camera out, do you Ms. Harrington…I mean, Susan?”
“I…well…really…all of this seems quite irregular and you seem to be intruding on me here and…”
“Nonsense, I am just trying to open you up. You do want to open up for me don’t you?” She moved over to Susan and began to make circle motions on her breasts over her blouse. The poor woman couldn’t even move. She was feeling light and heavy at the same time. The diabolical nature of Madame Cong insinuating herself on Ms. Harrington proved to be less of a problem and more of a challenge now. She was getting ready to move in for the kill. Susan was falling deeply under her sensuous charms. She was being systematically pulled deeper and deeper into the will of Madame Cong. “You feel so open now, don’t you?”
“Say it.”
“I feel so open now.”
“I will be right back. You just stay where you are and think about how much more open you wish to be for me, yes?”
Lili headed up the stairs and began to check around in all the rooms. She was looking for any information she could come across. She was making sure her prey didn’t have any other ties accept to Sharon Tyler, her sister. Things looked well and she went into the closet to retrieve the camera. It was only going to be used as a prop for her devious mind, but she knew she could coax the woman into almost anything now. It didn’t even have any film in it, but she was not worried about that. She took it and headed back down the stairs.
“Well now, I think someone needs to do some nice sexy poses for me, isn’t that right?” She smiled and pulled the camera up to take some mock photos.
“I don’t understand. You came to give me carpeting and how did we get to this?”
“You don’t need to worry your pretty head about that, dear; just pretend you are a hot model now. You need to pose very sexy. You want to pose for me. The need and desire is burning in you now, isn’t it?”
“Please stop now, I don’t like where this is going.” Her token resistance kicked in.
“But you do like it; all your life you have been behind the camera and now you are getting a chance to be in front of it. You know you must look deep into the camera and feel up your body. You need to play with that hot, sexy body of yours and pose for Madame, don’t you?”
“I feel so sexy. I need to pose for Madame.”
“Yes, dear, be a good girl now and pose for Madame.” She began to snap off the camera. Oh, yes dear that is lovely, now tilt your head back and put your hands on your breasts. Pretend you are trying to display them, yes, that’s it, run your fingers all over them and on your hips and waist and thighs. Make love to the camera and pout your lips. The camera is someone watching you. I am moving deep into your soul now. You need to open up even more. You want to start removing your clothing. Yes, keep posing sexily for me. You are such a little tart.” The poor woman was dizzy with sexual delight. She had never felt this sexy in her entire life. She found herself wanting to remove her clothing. She was becoming a slut for the camera and the ministrations of Madame Cong. She pulled her breasts together like she was going to show off some cleavage, and then she began to unbutton her blouse like a seasoned stripper. Something was indeed opening up for her. It was all the years of pent up emotion and frustration coming to a climax and wanting to live out some fantasies. Suddenly she was alive and fresh like a new blossoming flower. She tossed her blouse to the floor and began to remove her bra.
“Go slowly my dear, nice and slow now. You know, I do believe you could be one of my strippers. Imagine slutting yourself out on stage for me in front of many nasty men while you get stuffed full of money in between those cute little tits. That’s right, bend over and show me your hot little ass now. You have such a cute little wiggle my dear, almost spank-able. Go ahead now and wiggle that butt of yours, wiggle it!”
“Oh, Madame, I am wiggling it. I feel so hot and sexy. I need to show you my body.”
“Then you simply must, my dear. Take off all your clothes now, but leave on your underwear. Pose nice and sexy like those teen advertisements that show off bras and panties. Make yourself feel young and alive again. Show me what a slut you can be. Make yourself come in your own panties while posing for the camera. You can do it, just take two fingers now and stick them inside. Oh, that is hot, yes, right there. I think you have just the right pose now you little slut.”
“Oh, I am going to come all over my fingers. I can’t hold it back much longer. I need to come.”
“That’s it Susan, come all over those sexy, long fingers of yours. You just have a hot little come-come for Madame.”
“Emmmmmmmmm, yes a hot little come-come oh yesssssss…I am coming for you.”
“Perfect, right in front of the camera, wonderful…now, cut!” She began to laugh out loud. “Now, Ms. Harrington, I think I have the perfect rug for you. She took a radio out of her large, leather bag and spoke, “okay boys, bring in the rug, she is ready.”
“I am feeling really tired, perhaps we can do this rug thing another day, please?” She was beginning to shut down and needed to sleep.”
“Nonsense, dear…waste not, want not. We will simply roll out the rug and you can lay on it. You can get a nice feel for its texture, and this way I can get an idea of what style you would like in your home.” Three men brought in the rug and moved some furniture quickly out of the way. They moved with such speed it was as if they were wound up little toy soldiers, but they were carpet men from hell. Each man had this weird grin on his face. One man actually began to rub his cock over his trousers, since he had a very large hard on inside of them. He was quickly admonished by Madame Cong, and even Susan noticed what he was doing, but in her state she simply could not think properly and her wobbly legs did not help matters any. Finally they rolled the carpet on the floor. It had red, brown, blue and white colors; and a beautiful oriental design to the pattern. “You see, it is calling you isn’t it, dear?”
“Yes, calling me.” She looked down at it and felt as if she was going to pass out. Here she was in her pink panties and matching bra if front of a bunch of strange men and a woman who seemed to have her under a spell. Ms. Harrington, felt lewd, but more than that, she could not understand her need to just give in to everything Madame Cong was saying.
“Suddenly, Madame Cong went into her bag again and pulled out this special mask. She maneuvered quickly and attached it over the head and face of Susan. She locked it around her neck tightly with a small plastic strip. The mask served to cut off all air supply to her mouth and nose. In effect, her lungs could not pull in air and she began to flop around trying to remove it. Madame wanted to purge all fight out of Susan and make her feel totally exhausted. Lili twisted her around and then pushed her towards the men who bounced her back and forth between them. Ms. Harrington had no idea what was happening and she was screaming in the mask desperately trying to get air and was getting weaker and weaker. Then one of the men held her and rubbed his hands all over her body and took out a knife to cut the plastic strip so he could remove the mask.
“That’s enough!” Madame Cong shouted out, and she was left standing there gasping for air and almost ready to pass out from lack of oxygen.
“You want to sink down into this rug now and rest, don’t you, Susan?” Madame said. “It is calling and you must lie down. You must get down on the nice, soft rug. It is so pleasant and so serene. You would love to just take a nice little rest on it, and go to sleep for a while. It feels like quicksand and you must sink yourself deep down into the rug. That’s it, my dear, just get right down and dirty into that rug. You will soon understand why my clients keep my rugs, or might I say, they keep them!”
“Yes, I have to rest.” She said. Even after the sadistic play and trickery, Susan could not resist the total exhaustion, and the drug still working in her system. She was grateful to simply have oxygen back in her lungs. She got down on the rug and rolled herself around. It felt so good and so inviting, but before she could say another word or even drift off to sleep, Madame Cong retrieved a red ball gag from her bag. She quickly ran over to Susan and secured it in her mouth and around her head. Then she tied the woman’s arm with straps in back of her and then others all over her body. Ms. Harrington was completely secured before she could barely draw another breath. She began to moan helplessly into the ball gag to no avail.
“You are such a stupid, little tart. My Arab friends love dumb blondes. You will make me good money where you are going. Okay boys, roll her up!” The men, with precision and ease, rolled her up in the carpet and then hoisted it above their shoulders and marched her out. It was all in a day’s work and no one would suspect a woman was trapped and rolled securely in a carpet. It was as if the carpet men simply came and then left. Madame Cong simply picked up the carpet sample book and tossed it along with some other items back in her rather large bag and followed behind. They placed their newly acquired rug-girl in the back of the van and Lili followed inside. “I do so love selling carpets.” She said as they went on their merry way.
…To be continued
Comments: Jackpot
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