Wedded to Slavery Part 1
It was her wedding day. How different it would be from when as a young girl she had first begun to imagine what that special occasion would be like. While the day would bear little resemblance to those early imaginings, back then when she and her girlfriends would share such thoughts on the school grounds, she’d had no idea of the desires she would come to feel as a teenager and young adult. That she would do as she would today, freely and willingly before the eyes of others would have been inconceivable back then. Today, that would all change, the inconceivable would become real.
Yes her life had changed, more completely than she could ever have imagined. Feeling the first stirrings during the summer of her 16th year, believing herself to be different from everyone around her she had kept the thoughts and desires buried deep inside herself. Unable to understand them, it was not until she was twenty-five had they been made clear. What she was feeling had a name; submission. In coming to know that and being set upon a path of self-discovery she had discovered a whole new world, one where she knew she truly belonged. Arriving at this realization, she had learned more about herself than had been anticipated. To submit to another was not enough. To obey totally and absolutely, relinquishing complete control to the hands of another, only in that had true fulfillment been found.
Because of this, it was why on the morning of her wedding day, rather than being kept separated from the groom as was the tradition she had awakened naked in her Master’s bed, her body freely available to him to make use of as he desired. Feeling his hardness pressing against her as they lay spooned together, hearing him begin to stir to wakefulness, slipping beneath the covers and closing her mouth around his manhood she had slowly sucked his rigid shaft. Enjoying his taste and the feel of him filling her mouth, she had continued until having fully awakened, he had ordered her to spread her legs and buried himself there, sliding in and out of her already wet pussy until spilling his essence inside of her. With his passion spent, feeling him slip from inside her, using her mouth and tongue once more, this time to clean him, it was only when all traces of their intermingled wetness had been removed had she quietly spoken. “Good morning Master.”
With those few words, her wedding day commenced. The taste of him still lingering on her tongue, she knew that another wedding belief would not be a part of this day. She would not approach the altar as a blushing bride. While a part of her would be made red in advance of the ceremony, it would not be in step with common wedding tradition.
That today would defy all tradition she had no doubt. When planning had first commenced, while kneeling by her Master’s feet, in being apprised as to what the nature of the ceremony would be like, she had stirred at the thought of what had been described. That it had been able to be arranged at all given what would take place was also surprising. That many looking in from the outside would disapprove in not understanding the background to the ceremony, while already considering herself his in all ways, to be joined publicly to her Master in this way was so appropriate. She could think of no better way to acknowledge her enslavement to him. Had she not undergone her own life transformation she would have harboured similar thoughts of disapproval. Coming to know herself as a slave that had all changed. Those in attendance would also understand everything they witnessed. All of them friends from the community in which she had found her true place in life, they would nod knowingly and appreciate all they would see.
Three hours to go. How quickly the day had passed. Perhaps that would be the one element which was characteristic of every wedding day. Too much to do in too little time. In finishing cleaning him with her tongue she had moved to kneel formally beside the bed. Keeping her head bowed, her hands resting palms up on each thigh, aware of his own movement, he had stood in front of her. Feeling his fingers release the lock that kept the collar secured about her neck, as always she felt a sense of loss with its removal. Since first experiencing that sensation, she was continuously struck by how she felt more naked with it not about her neck than when she was required to be undressed before the eyes of others. He had then ordered her to the bathroom where they had showered together. That had ended with her kneeling in the tub, her mouth again filled with his hardness, sucking him until she had swallowed all that he had to give. Kept naked during breakfast, she had continued to be mindful of the collar being absent from around her neck. The feeling being a continued reminder of how much of a slave she had truly become. With breakfast concluded, he had left the house. It would not be until the ceremony that she would see him again.
With the hours quickly passing it was time to get busy. Her maid of honour and bridesmaids would soon be arriving. It would be then that her formal preparation for the ceremony would begin. Before that she would need to bathe. While having showered she knew that wasn’t enough. Being required to always keeping her intimate mound smoothly shaved, to not do so today was impossible. It was one of the things her Master regularly checked. She knew without a doubt he would do so today.
Having left the house without granting her clothing privileges, remaining naked, it was something that had been expected. In the planning leading up to today, she had been told that she would be denied all form of clothing until being formally prepared for the ceremony. Moving about the house and catching glimpses of herself in the mirror, she found herself already picturing what she would look like in the gown that had been uniquely designed for the occasion. Feeling herself stir in anticipation, to keep from remaining wet between her legs she knew would be impossible. Any inspection he would make of her would quickly betray her aroused condition.
Drawing her bath and slipping into the warm water, reaching for the razor on the side of the tub and parting her legs she was again reminded of how the day was contrasting with the memories from her youth as to what her wedding day would be like. Thinking again of how she would soon be prepared, it did nothing to ease her stirrings given how different the reality would be from those imaginings. Carefully guiding the blade over her mound ensuring no part of it was overlooked, she knew that the day as it was arranged could no better represent her feelings and desires in being joined to her Master in this way. Always having been on her knees by his feet while they had talked of the ceremony, she had willingly agreed to everything. It was but a further reminder of how her need for slavery was interwoven into the fabric of her being.
Rinsing herself for a final time, stepping from the tub and drying herself, glancing at the clock, there were only fifteen minutes to spare before the limousine would deliver her bridal party to the house. Picturing the revealing gowns that her attendants would be wearing, she smiled wondering what the chauffeur must be thinking. The gowns while less intimately revealing than her own, she knew it would take little in the way of imagination to guess at what was not openly displayed.
Designed in a somewhat similar fashion to her own, the tight bodice while barely concealing the breasts ensured they were pushed up so as to be displayed to the best possible advantage. The resulting effect causing the entire cleavage to be revealed with only the ladies nipples being covered. The flowing skirt, while reaching the ground, it was slit both back and front so that the least amount of movement would allow the entire length of the leg to be seen. That each of her attendants were stunning beautiful in their own right would only add to the provocative image they would all present.
That her maid of honour would be carrying a black leather riding crop would surely only serve to further pique the chauffeur’s curiosity as he wondered about this assignment. That curiosity she knew would be even more pronounced when she would be guided to the limousine by her attendants to be conveyed to her Master’s presence. With respect to her own gown, she might as well be wearing nothing given the lack of concealment that the bridal dress afforded. Its design had not been chosen without significant consideration. Not simply selected for its provocative design or erotic allure, its revealing cut had a greater meaning. The significance of that, she knew would be lost to the chauffeur.
Having considered herself her Master’s property since first kneeling before him and having his collar secured in place about her neck, with that act, her body had become his. In being joined today, that belief would be clearly demonstrated. In going to him, her body’s most intimate areas presented without self-modesty, the giving of her entire being without limits, her submission to him being humbly shown. The totality of her enslavement would be made evident to all who gathered to witness the ceremony.
Eyeing the clock, seeing that the others would be arriving at any time, she moved to the living room. It had been his order that she would be kneeling in front of the fireplace when they arrived. The act of formally greeting her attendants from that position marking the beginning of the solemnity of the occasion that would end with her being delivered to his presence at the gothic castle they had discovered a few months ago on the outskirts of the city.
Amazed at finding such a medieval piece of architecture in this part of the world, they had immediately stopped. Being further surprised at seeing it being open for tours, availing themselves of the unexpected opportunity, as they moved from room to room they knew it was just what they had been looking for. Its heavy stone construction and wrought iron sconces designed to hold flickering torches would provide the perfect atmosphere for the ceremony that was being planned. That the tour had revealed the presence of a dungeon deep beneath it had been the crowning touch. Approaching the owners, they had contracted to rent it. That her bridal suite would be the torch lit flagstone dungeon she had no doubt. Not for the first time, the thought caused a tremour of excitement to course through her.
Having barely settled herself before the slate hearth, her knees properly separated, for even here there would be no concealment allowed. In accordance with his order her body was to be always accessible. Hearing the front door open and the sound of voices her pulse quickened knowing her preparations would soon begin and only end when she was kneeling by her Master’s feet.
“Mmmmmm. I see our pretty little slave already awaits us.”
Again a wave of excitement washed over her hearing the voice, the trace of the woman’s English accent producing the same effect that it had since the first time she had heard her speak. “Yes Mistress Hamilton. This slave is honoured by your presence here today.”
Throughout the planning of the ceremony, they had accorded Victoria Hamilton the role of maid of honour. That she was a maiden couldn’t be further from the truth and the reason for her being here today she was sure was one which no other maid of honour had before. Possessing three slaves of her own and having a reputation for how she wielded the riding crop that she was holding in her hand, it was for that reason her participation had been requested. While guiding preparations here, she would have another role upon their arrival at the castle.
“Come ladies, time is short and we must not be late.” As if to reinforce her words they were accompanied by a tap of the crop against her hand.
“Yes Mistress.” The others ladies deferentially responding in unison, the brides maids each enjoying a life in submission to another, they all knew what proper behaviour was expected of them.
Since first kneeling and having her wrists and ankles encased by cuffs and having her Master’s collar secured about her neck, those symbols of her slavery had always been composed of black leather and shiny steel. Today they would be made of white leather. The colour matching the gown that had been specially designed for ceremony. That same white would match the stiletto heeled shoes that had also been selected for the occasion.
“Present your neck slave.”
“Yes Mistress.” Seeing the collar being held before her, before finishing speaking, her hands were moving to lift her hair from where it lay against her neck. She found herself holding her breath at feeling the touch of leather against her skin, the sound of the metallic click causing her pulse to briefly race in knowing it was locked in place. Letting go of her hair, allowing it to fall back into place, each bridesmaid now began moving deftly to secure a cuff around each of her wrists and ankles.
“Mmmmm. Very pretty. Such pretty selections for such an important day.”
“Thank you Mistress. This slave is glad you approve.”
“Now you may stand. Bring the gown ladies. Time is passing and we don’t want to keep to keep the slave separated from her Master for too long.”
Moving to her feet, seeing the small smile on the woman’s face, she wondered whether that was truly the concern of Victoria Hamilton or whether it was anticipating the role she would play upon them arriving at the castle. Regardless of what it might be, she too found herself wishing to be quickly on her way.
“Lift your arms.”
“Yes Mistress.”
Obeying the command, the bridesmaids quickly began fitting the white gown into place. The bodice being similarly designed to that worn by the other ladies, it formed tightly about her waist, before rising to support her breasts. While the other gowns provided the most minimal of cover of the ladies breasts, hers did not. Its undercut design ensuring her own breasts were pushed up and out, the view of them was not being impeded by any of the satiny material. The long flowing skirt, again being similarly designed to the others, but where theirs were slit to allow generous views of the entire length of their legs, her own had the front and back centre panels completely removed. When viewed from the front, this ensured the insides of her legs were completely revealed as well as her smoothly shaven mound. From behind, in addition to the entire length of the insides her legs, so too was her bottom totally displayed. Never had a wedding gown ever been designed in this manner, but so too she had reminded herself since the first time she had seen it, never had their been a wedding such as this before either.
Again she remembered how self-modesty no longer had a place in her life. In coming to understand her need for slavery, in giving herself totally and absolutely to another, that privilege had been lost forever. While at first it had not been easy, her lapses and hesitations being met with feeling the bite of the leather flogger. In coming to know herself as a slave, the need to obey overcoming all other concerns, to have her body so intimately displayed was now natural.
With two of the bridesmaids helping her to slip on the shoes and secure the thin leather straps that surrounded each ankle, her preparation for presenting herself to her Master were almost complete. Only upon arriving at the castle would she be completely made ready. Her dressing now complete, it was time now to leave for the castle.
Seating herself in the rear of the luxurious limousine, she had automatically reached behind her to ensure she would not be sitting on the satiny material and wrinkle it. Feeling the leather of the seat against her bared bottom, it was another reassuring reminder of her enslavement. To raise her skirt before sitting had been a requirement since being collared. To be going to him now, her bottom once more naked as she sat was again something that felt natural.
Watching the city pass by outside the limousine, she remained aware of the attempts being made by the chauffeur’s eyes to catch glimpses of her in the rear view mirror. Since exiting the house and he had seen the manner in which she was dressed, his eyes had remained locked upon her. His looks betraying the nature of his thoughts, what would he think in knowing, should her Master order it, in being a slave, those carnal thoughts would be made real as she would obediently give of herself in anyway demanded. That reality was doing nothing to calm the stirrings between her legs.
Her eyes continuing to follow the progress of the limousine, recognizing they were nearing the castle all thoughts of the chauffeur evaporated from her mind. Never would he know how things might have been different had her Master been present. The castle now coming into view, all thoughts were on the ceremony and her final preparation before being presented to her Master.
Feeling the limousine draw to a halt, seeing the imposing medieval architecture again her pulse had quickened just as it had when they had first discovered it. The chauffeur having moved from the driver’s seat to hold open the back door, stepping from the vehicle, she made no attempt to cover herself. Knowing the disapproval that such an action would meet with, without needing to look, she knew that each of her movements were being closely watched by the uniformed driver. Stepping to the sidewalk that fronted the castle, aware that the rounded curves of her bared bottom were being closely scrutinized, now joined by the other ladies, hearing the organ music coming from within the castle, they proceeded towards its entrance, the lingering eyes of the chauffeur once more forgotten.
The presence of the organ had been another unexpected surprise. While such a ceremony could never have taken place in a church, the availability of the grand keyboard made it as close of approximation as they could have ever hoped to achieve. That the piece being played was also a signal to herself, seeing the massive double doors just a few steps away, she knew her own final preparation was but a few minutes away.
Hearing the volume of the music grow as two of the bridesmaids swung open the doors, entering the darkened interior, her eyes being immediately drawn to what she knew would be awaiting her. Set to the side of the aisle she would soon be proceeding down was a padded platform. Similar to a prayer stand, this one however was designed for another completely different use.
Needing no order, continuing to listen to closing the strains of the music being played she moved towards its. Kneeling on the padded base, its raised portion was designed to support the upper body. Knowing what was required with the final notes of the organ music resounding off of the interior castle walls, laying forward, while her bottom being already totally revealed, her movements caused the satiny material to slip further to the sides of her hips. It was for this moment that Victoria Hamilton’s presence had been specifically selected. With silence now filling the shadowed castle interior, hearing only the sound of the flickering torches that were providing dim illumination for the occasion, she readied herself.
The wait was not lengthy. The silence within the vaulted ceiling great room where the assembled guests were seated seeming enhanced with the cessation of the organ music. Because of that, it too made its disturbance all the more noticeable.
The sharp whistle cutting through the air being followed immediately by the sound of leather contacting flesh heralded the beginning of her final preparation. The first stroke being followed quickly by a second and then another, then another. Each of the assembled group immediately recognizing the sound for what it was, turning their heads towards the back of the great hall, they watched in silence as the black leather riding crop continued to find its target. Presenting herself as a slave should, she would walk down the aisle, her enflamed scarlet bottom able to be inspected by all.
The number of strokes being received having gone uncounted, that each only further enraged her curved buttocks was all that mattered. He had required that she feel it to the core of her very being and Victoria Hamilton would not see that wish go unmet. With each continuing bite of the crop she knew its effect would not quickly fade. Being accustom to regularly receiving such treatment she knew the flogging would not be short lived. Being careful not to shift positions, her rear being presented at an ideal angle, no part of her bottom was escaping the attention of the crop. How long it continued, she had no idea, the guests remaining silent, a few she saw were nodding appreciatively at what they were seeing. Feeling the strokes now growing in intensity she knew the effects would continue to be felt long into the evening.
Continuing to hold herself properly in place, her rear now feeling as if it was on fire, she suddenly became aware of silence once more filling the grand hall. The last preparation was concluded. She could now go to her Master. Her legs shaky from the flogging just received, moving from the padded platform and kneeling before the woman who had just finished ravaging her upturned bottom, raising her hands, the palms being turned upwards, with head bowed, her own voice now breaking the silence.
“Thank you Mistress for properly preparing this slave’s ass in accordance with my Master’s wishes.”
Expecting nothing in the way of reply, the only response being the crop being received into her upturned palms. Before the eyes of the assembled gathering it would be formally given into her Master’s hands. That she would regularly feel its biting caress from this day forward she had no doubt. Hearing the organ begin to fill the castle with music once more, moving to her feet, it was time to go to him.
With the opening strains of the processional, the bridesmaids having already preceded her, it was her turn to slowly make her way down the aisle. Seeing his eyes upon her as she approached, his gaze making being so intimately displayed even more special as nothing had ever been withheld from him. She was his to make use of as he desired no matter where or when. To go to him so openly accessible was but a reflection of both what the day and her enslavement to him meant. With the crop held out before her, that too having a far greater significance than had she been carrying a bouquet of flowers, it being far more symbolic of her enslavement to him.
Coming to stand beside him at the front of the great hall and hearing the concluding bars of the music, with each step taken it had been a reminder of that final preparation. Only able to imagine what her rear must look like as it was presented to the room, the sensations being felt causing her to believe the white of the gown must be starkly contrasted by the colour of her buttocks in having received such a vigorous flogging. It was only later during the reception, able to excuse herself, in going to the bathroom, she had been able to inspect herself and confirm what her mind had imagined.
Half turning towards the one whose property she already considered herself to be, moving to kneel, with head bowed, her hands formally offered up the crop. “Please accept this Master from this humble slave as a sign of her knowing to whom she belongs and to whom her body is given, to be used and enjoyed in any manner he deems fit.” With those few spoken words the ceremony was commenced.
How quickly it seemed to proceed. The marriage commissioner, a part of their world and accustom to presiding over such rites had ensured the legal technicalities had been met. That the ceremony involved much beyond the state required necessities was something the government had no need to know. In the final pledging of her total submission to him, in receiving his kiss and feeling his hand slide between her legs, parting them further so to better able receive his caresses, the wetness of her intimate slit revealing the intensity of her commitment to her enslavement. Giving a small gasp in response to his finger’s explorations, her heartbeat immediately quickening hearing him whisper in her ear.
“Show our guests how you please me with your mouth.”
“Yes Master.”
Obedient to his command, her hand not hesitating in going to the front of his trousers to unzip them, aware of the continuing gazes from all of the eyes in the room, freeing his manhood from the fabric, bending her head and closing her lips around the already hardening shaft, her eager mouth quickly beginning to suck the awakening flesh. Not the first time she had been ordered to perform such an intimate act under the watchful eyes of others, to hesitate in obeying was something no longer thought about. Swirling her tongue around the mushroom shaped head then taking the rigid hardness as deeply into her mouth as possible, her Master’s pleasure being her only concern. Encircling his shaft with her lips, his manhood sliding easily between them continuing to suck him, unmindful of the room full of people looking on, the hardness filling her mouth the focus of all of her attention.
Remembering beginning the morning performing a similar act in bed and later in the shower, to now be ordered publicly, to demonstrate her submission before others was even more fulfilling. Feeling his hands clutch at her hair, his hardness beginning to pulse, his passion flooded her mouth as his own groans of pleasure were able to be heard. Swallowing so as to not waste any of his essence, with his final spurt landing on her tongue, beginning to lick him clean, with that final intimate act, the ceremony came to an end.
To be Continued
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