The tears of Love
Clara High
Part Eight
…At about four o’clock in the morning. Madam Sofia and unterlieutenant were preparing themselves. Today was the day for executions. The consequent group was going to take its last stand. The event was going, as usual, to take place after about half an hour, long before sunrise. Unterlieutenant was appointed to command the firing squad. She was excited and was suppressing her fluster with difficulty. Madam Sofia insisted their make – up to be done in diligent manner. The Ladies Officers presetting on the executions had to look impressive, especially these who were commanding them. Men should be stricken not only by the fear of the approaching end, but also sensually by the presenting Women. The doomed victims should be impressed and should worship their executionresses and should venerate. The superiority of the Women over the men should be demonstrated in all possible ways! “Man! You are paltry!” That should be the last feeling which these who were going to die meet in their life.
Sofia looked at the girl. Her relatively small figure was looking terrific in her battle uniform. Black, German type shimmering helmet with Venus mirror on white triangle shield on its left side was covering her head and was falling low over her eyes. The girl was looking almost faceless. Only the brightly red lipstick on her lips was changing that heavy impression. The black SPF Officerin’s uniform was tightened with wide black chest belt supported with diagonal cross belt from her right shoulder to her left waist side. At the look of large holster containing a powerful pistol, Sofia felt real pleasure. She reminded herself first time when she used such gun. Oh it was so long ago. The wide, female kind, black trousers of the girl were ending in black leather made high boots on high, but thick heels. The boots were blindingly polished. Stainless steel sharp spurs were ending the ensemble. The young breast of the girl was rhythmically pushing up and down her uniform. She was in high emotion. When she put her black leather gloves and stood in attention position, Sofia felt faint with pleasure. She felt a nice pleasant soaking in her panties. “Oh! I have to keep myself! Hmmmmhhh…”
there and will support and help you, if it is necessary! OK?
Sofia looked at herself critically in the mirror, pulled her uniform, corrected her hair and smiled to the unterlieutenant.
… Unterlieutenant entered her platoon’s quarter. The girls were distributed to
live two by two in separated rooms. They were allowed to choice each other by sympathy. With the time their relation grew up to something more than just friendship and service. Now they were aligned and were waiting for her. They were young girls, recruited for regular service as per the law of the compulsory military service of all women in Dorme. Their Officern was few years elder than them and was recruited as per the same law. Both, the Officerin and the soldierins liked each other and were more like sisters than like commandress and obedient. The girls were speaking among themselves. Some gossips had come to them about what was going to take place. They were discussing.
been done for me and My family by our home slaves. Oh! My hands are trembling already! How shall I do it? I am afraid! Shall they look at us? – A young girl, about her nineteen was twittering to her neighbor.
correctly. Otherwise you should cut him with the gun’s knife. Be careful!
once only? – the girl was continuing.
Therefore we must kill them with one shoot only! Don’t be afraid! It is easy!
years ago. She told me that before each shooting they had been ordered to put thicker panties with thicker dressing.
colleagues had been leaking lavishly during the shooting, when looking at the men’ agony.
that order.
sustainable emotion.
some even had been fainting due to the pleasure.
to go and to hit the man with the knife and to look at his pain from closest possible distance.
abdomen, because there the pain is most stronger and burning and because the death is more slower. Such way they had had to strike once and once, few times more agan, till man dies.
At that moment unterlieutenant entered the platoon’s area. All voices
silenced. When she entered the common corridor the sergeantess commanded.
Sergeantess marched to the officerin saluted with her right hand to helmet and reported.
for action! No one is ill, no one is at vacation! Deputy commandress - sergeant Croft.
line. Now unterlieutenant was staying in front of the rows and all eyes were fixed on her. She smiled. She was ready to pronounce a short speech, but suddenly noticed a tall figure to approach. Madam Sofia! Unterlieutenant took her place in line and commanded sharply.
Ladies! In few minutes you will carry out your first execution! Since commencing of your service here, despite you are part of conscript army and you are not on constant regular service, you have past through numerous tests difficulties and challenges presented to you by the military service. Special Punishment Forces are one of the pillars on which our democratic order stays. You must be proud that you are ones of the chosen to commit service here. I have observed your progress in service and training till now. I am very satisfied by you all. You have taken part in receiving of arriving lots of men prisoners in our detention facility. You have taken part in the attempts to reeducate and retrain them in order to make them fit for life in our society. I saw that all of you put all necessary diligent efforts to do your best in carrying out all these and other similar tasks. I am very glad that despite the situation and the harshness of the service requirements you managed to remain real sensitive women and to be very kind to the inmates in our custody. I am sorry to say, but despite all our efforts many of the captive enemies remained stubborn and unable to change and to correct themselves. Therefore in that moment you are summoned here to carry out the final justice over these inferior worthless creatures which betrayed the thrust of whole our democratic society. Ladies! I know that the task will be shocking for part of you as far as you are in this for first time. Please, remind yourself all troubles and bad things caused by the men to us in all centuries of history! May be some of them are good men deep in their souls, may be they have made their crimes just because their behavior is as per their traditions till now, but we can not forget and forgive their crimes are against our traditions and way of life. We, the women are tolerant! We respect and accept the natural differences between us. We respect the rights and freedom of the others, but we can’t allow to nobody to threat our way of life, order and democracy! We can’t accept any activity of bad hostile forces and wills against us! We must protect ourselves! We must protect our world! We must protect the life itself! Today you will face criminals which don’t want to live as per the good laws of our society and with all their forces had worked for its destruction! With all they had done during their life in freedom and here after their capture they have shown lack of desire and will to correct themselves and inability to become good citizens of our homeland – Republic of Dorme. By executing them you help the others to understand their guilt and to become more diligent in their work for self improvement reeducation and purification. We love the men; therefore we must help them to live in right way. I know that many of us have been insulted and hurt by men who don’t respect women. Please, girls, return to it with whole your love. Punishing the men you are not showing your anger and cruelness, but your love and mercy! I wish you to demonstrate courage and backbone in doing your duty! – Sofia looked at every one of the girls with maternal smile. – Unterlieutenant! Please, in fifteen minutes lead the platoon to the range!
… Ladies Officers who was going to see the execution were taking their
sit places in the spectators’ hall. It was performed as cinema hall. There was a easel with binocular mounted on it in front of every spectator’s sit. With that binocular the Lady could comfortably observe every stage of performance same like in theatre. A special board with monitor on it was provided for each person as well. It was allowing the woman to look and to enjoy every even the smallest detail of the occurrence. Monitor was designed to show a few cameras view from different aspects to the firing range. The spectator could make her choice from the screen menu. Separate scene or whole record could be repeated at will. Ladies could enjoy again and again the moments they like best such way. Part of the sit was removable. Intimae massaging device could be mounted there on spectator’s request.
The hall was separated from the firing range with large armored window. It was possible for spectators to look at all things taking place in the firing range, but nothing could be seen looking from fire range to the spectators’ hall. Firing range was about twenty meters in length. Ten piles made of train rails was disposed in its remote end. They were whole in traces of bullets – holes, small damages, bending. The wall behind them was completely covered with sand bags. The floor of the hall was covered with thick layer of fine sand. Area of the firing squad position was in the near end of the compartment. Floor here was of concrete.
Sofia came in the spectators’ hall. It was almost full. Ladies officers were sitting and gossiping between themselves. At her entry they stood up saluting her with staying in attention position. She permitted them to sit. The procedure should start in few minutes. The window now was covered with heavy thick dark green curtain.
A young woman soldier entered the room and marched towards Sofia. All women looked at her. She saluted The Commandante and asked permission to speak. Sofia nodded. Soldierin bent herself to Sofia’s ear and whispered something. Madam Romomela looked at her with surprise.
- Let them fix him to the pile as the others! Is it so difficult to occur to you? He must be shot anyway!...
… Guardesses entered the “Pig’s pen”. Men got into heap, looking at the women with widely opened eyes as sheeps at butchering. Most of them was so weak to stay up and was trying to support each other. An officerin get closer. The other women surrounded the group.
one of these animals? – The other women burst in almost hysterical evil laughing. Some of them was holding long rubber sticks and was taping their black leather gloved hands with them. – C’mon, scumbags! Fall in line! Now!
She hit severely one man. The men rapidly formed something like order. They were staying trembling both because of fear and the night cold. Fifty pairs of eyes full of fear and quiet panic were fixed on the lady Officer’s face. Men’ eyes were burning in the flames of insanity. Fifty men were expecting the will of Goddess. Strange slight passionate trembling passed through whole her body. The feeling, somebody to depend completely by you, was so touching and shaking. Suddenly she started to feel the wave of the pleasure to upsurge deep in her body. “Oh! Again? Not now! Not now!” She was still incapable to control those spontaneous flooding of pleasure which were coming to her and were overwhelmingly pushing her to continue her outrages each time when she was acting the men! Despite she was relatively good controlling herself in every situation, she couldn’t resist the temptation to torture, to cause pain and to humiliate. But no, now she had to limit her pleasures to few merciless hits and cruel humiliating speaking only. She was to choice some one to play the spare one in this theatre. They really believed that one will be really spared. These idiots! She was seeing the hope in the eyes of everyone and the thrust that he will be chosen. In same time no one dare to believe that the blessing will be on him. It was like to play with a child. It depended by her and only by her to give or not to give him a candy or not to. Her black leather gloved hand rose and her forefinger started to move from one man to another. She saw the tears. A few of the men were crying in agony in this moment between hope and hopelessness. That one with broken face – ha ha… Or that little man looking like boy – no, no!
May be that slim exhausted elder idiot with feminine look … yes, perhaps… No! She saw one slouched man. It was obvious that he had been strong before. He was totally broken. Exhaustion of his body was only one side of it. And it was the least thing. He was ruined from inside. He was still strong enough to fight and to resist some how, to fight for his human dignity, to prove himself as strong man and to try to overwhelm that weaker women, who was keeping men imprisoned here, but instead that, he was crying “like a girl”, how it was said before. “To cry like a girl”, ”To cry like a woman” or “To cry like a grandmamma” how ridiculous were sounding these phrases now, when the men were suppressed and women were ruling entire civilized world. These insulting for the women words were prohibited, but nevertheless were not completely forgotten. She was young and was born long after the femdom order in the society came in force. She had listened to her mother’s talks for the life “before”. She knew how the women had been suppressed, less paid than the men, forced to stay home and to be housewives with very heavy responsibilities and without any personal freedom. The women had been frequently beaten by the men. They had been forced to suffer men’s booze and their wild excesses. At that time had been accepted as norm women to cry and to be considered as weak. For the men it was so shaming to be seen to cry. The men had been considered as strong ones.
And now this one, obviously stronger than the others doomed, was crying instead to resist. Tears were falling and he was trembling slightly visible. He was not sounding any sounds just because it was strictly forbidden. Despite he was doomed to death and had nothing to lose he was obviously hoping to live. Fear, deep fear not to extinguish this last hope was blocking all his self-defense reflexes and instincts. She was clearly seeing the fire of horror in his eyes. Her finger stopped. Evil joy was flames on her ironic look.
mercilessly. Her stick was falling again and again over his body. She wasn’t looking where her hits were getting in. The man fainted and ruined like knocked off after few severe impacts. The woman got really angry. She got furious. She put her gun out of holster, but one sergeantess, a woman in her middle ages, rushed to her and took her shoulders. She whispered something to the Officern and that put the weapon back with obvious displeasure.
In front! - The other man stepped further. He was in feverish expectance for his fate. He was breathing heavily. That turned her calmer again, but increased her dark desires even stronger. Too pity that she can’t do what she desires now. She had only to bring these carrions to the firing range. Too pity! The inferior was looking at her with despair.
collapsed on the ground. The officerin got really furious.
The men followed. Soon the whole group was moving to the building of no return…
… Unterlieutenant led her platoon to the firing range hall in the ordered time. She was excited. How it will pass. Should something wrong happen? How the senior Officerins will assess her? She was looking at her soldierins’s appearance. No remarks could be done. They were marching in strict line. Their boots, weapons, bands and helmets were polished, their coats and trousers clean and ironed out. The buttons – burnished to luster. Hands in black leather gloves were handling their submachine guns firmly. Their lips were looking brightly in thick lipstick. It was allowed each woman to make her make up as per her preferences. Their cheeks were blushing in joy, desire and lust. Eyes were shinning in excitement. Entering the hall of the range she stopped in moment hesitation. The platoon continued its march forward led by sergeantess. Unterlieutenant looked at the target area. She saw ten men tied up at the piles with covered heads and eyes. “Poor men!” She had still some pity on that inferior creatures remained deep in her soul. Looking how the men were squirming at the rails, she became frightened by the thought that just in few minutes she and her girls will send them to the nothingness. She looked at her watches. Two minutes were remaining to the beginning. Platoon was on the fire line. Petty officer commanding preparation squad reported to her and said that everything is ready. She saluted and retreat to the waiting ground. The heart of the unterlieutenant was beating crazy. Her young breasts were pushing her uniform up and down. She felt vibrations on her left hand. The watches! It was time!
the lights in the hall were off. Only the men on the piles remained illuminated. Bright clear marks in the twilight of the range! She was trembling. Was he among them or not? Suddenly the anthem of Dorme sounded the range’s hall. Solemn accords fulfilled the space, impeded ugly over the men smashing their almost dead souls and inspired the women and increased their courage and desire to distinguish themselves as brave women and excellent solierins of the
republic of Dorme. After the anthem’s end a voice came from the loudspeaker.
femdom; for protection of life and supremacy of the women and for the glory and happiness of our beloved country! Today, the ultimate will of our society will be given up to these violators of our laws! Another group of elements disturbing our society’s life and polluting our environment with their animalistic behavior, instincts and disgusting lust will be removed from our society! We, the women, will carry out heaviest duties, which the severe circumstances put us to face! We, who Mother Goddess Nature had blessed to give life, will take life! We are very sad, but we are fully decided to protect our way of life and not to allow the enemies – internal and external to destroy peace and harmony in our world! Long live world power of the Women! Long live Femdom order! Platoon! Proceed!
their guns and supported them at their shoulders. No sign from the men. Was he there? He still could ask for forgiveness and it would be given as per Miss Colonel’s words. Nothing! She was searching for at least some sign. She had to give next command.
the voice of Madam Romomela. – Guns down! – The women stood in attention pose.
Two soldierins appeared from the waiting room pushing forward a naked man! They pushed him harshly and he rushed to the men at rails. With rapid movement he removed the hoods from the heads of the doomed and rushed back. Unterlieutenant calmed a little not seeing Boris between the men of the group.
waiting the man to return. After few short commands the women were aiming again. The eyes of men were full of fear and horror. Tears were falling lavishly. They were squirming at the piles. It was good that their mouths were gagged; otherwise they would make extra noise crying like pigs. Oh! It would be very nasty! The girls were ready to press triggers. Some of them were in very strong emotion. Some were feeling good seeing how the men were scared.
- Fire! …
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