There were twenty carefully screened guests in attendance on the first night at our new location. That was several years ago. Now, of course, there would be many more – we call them members now – and that original arena, that ring of bales in the barn, would be too small to hold them. But those original twenty guests, fourteen men and six women, still speak in hushed tones about the spectacle they were privileged to witness that first night.
We had set up the presentation area with straw bales, forming an oval some thirty feet long and twenty wide. The bales were piled four high so if there was a person inside the ring, especially a fairly small person,that person couldn’t climb out easily.Then we stacked bales two high outside the ring, against the others, so our guests could comfortably stand where they could lean on the top bale and watch the event as it unfolded. There was a metal door on one side of the ring, and on the floor in the center of the oval there were two straw bales set side-by-side, formingsomething like a small bed. If all this sounds a little like an ancient Roman Arena in miniature, where cruel and vicious games were presented for public delights, you arealready getting the idea.
Our invitations made it clear the event would begin at midnight, but most people showed up early for the social hour, drinking wine and speculating on what nasty proceedings might be in store. Well before the witching hour theyclimbed the bales to get good spots and we could see their erotic imaginations were already hard at work.
As the midnighthour approached the lights slowly came up on the ring and there was not a whisper in the place. There was nothing in that arena but a floor covered with straw and those two bales in the center, yet the air was electric with anticipation. Then, at midnight precisely, a soft chime soundedand a pin spot picked out our Ms. Brown. That wasn’t her real name, of course.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to have you with us this evening. We hope you will find the entertainment to your liking, and will plan on becoming permanent members of our little society. But now, without tantalizing you further, let me introduce the star of our little drama this evening. We will call her Vicki.”
And with that, Ms. Brown effortlessly lifted a child from below her, outside the bales, and stood her on the topmost bale, where all could see. This action was followed in an instant by a collective sigh from around the ring, a soft, “AAAAHHHH,” of appreciation.
She was a beautiful little thing.
No more than four and a half feet tall, barefoot and dressed in a simple, pink cotton dress, she was clearly still a child although the suggestion of sweet little breasts and the first hints of future curves seemed to say she might be as old as 13 years.
Clearly disoriented and somewhat blinded by the sudden light, she looked around, obviously not understanding where she was or why. She saw that open and empty ring, and all the people surrounding it watching her intently and she raised her hand slightly in what might have been a tentative wave. She must have assumed their attention was a friendly sign of compassion.
Ms. Brown spoke. “This is Vicki, ourspecial performerfor tonight’s event. Turn around, child.” With that she turned the girl about so everyone could see. Lovely, innocent and clearlyfrightened, her wide blue eyes searched this way and that, trying to understand why she was in this place, who were all these people, and what was about to happen.
Ms. Brown went on. “We all can guess that the name, Vicki, is short for something else and we needn’t concern ourselves with her real name or history. I found her in a place many miles from here, and we are certain no search will ever be made for her this far away or even in this direction. She was lost when I found her and I was able to quiet her fears and convince her that safety lay in coming with me. That safety, as you know and she will soon discover, wasa lie.” There was a scattering of laughter from the quests. Ms. Brown went on, “Now I suggest you make yourselves comfortable. The entertainment is about to begin.”
There was a bustle and hum of excitement in the crowd as Ms. Brown grasped the girl about her tiny waist. The child looked again atall the people leaning on those straw bales and staring at her so intently, she looked at the strange oval with a straw floor below and the bright lights focused on that emptyspace, and she seemed on the verge of asking a question. But before the question could reach her lips, Ms. Brown lifted her gently down from the wall of bales and dropped her onto the straw floor inside the ring. The question turned into a little squeak of fear as she found herself alone in that arena with all those eyes upon her.
Nothing in her young life could explain what was happening here. She had been handledefficiently but without kindness by Ms. Brown since that lady found her lost and crying in an unknown part of that distant town and offered her a ride. She had become lost after turning down a wrong street or two on her way home from a Girl Scout meeting and was confused about which way to go. Then she spent two days tied in the back of that car and two days in a locked room with no answers to her repeated entreaties to go home. And now she was alone in this straw-covered oval on the floor of a strange barn with all those people watching her. She thought no more tears were possible, yet she began to cry once more.
She had been frightened for so long, it seemed the only state she could remember. Once again she looked up at Ms. Brown and tried to ask a question, not expecting an answer, “Why . . . . ?”
This time Ms. Brown chose to respond. “Vicki!” The woman spoke sharply, and although it was not her name, the girl knew the woman was giving her an order. “I want you to walk around the ring. NOW!”And the obedient little girl called Vicki began, hesitantly, to walk.
Severalof the people called out to her. “Look out, Vicki!” “I think you’re in trouble Vicki!” “Poor Vicki! What do you think is going to happen to you, Vicki?” And Vicki tried to answer, but her tears and her anxiety choked her voice.
After she had walked fully around the ring close to the wall of bales, Ms. Brown spoke again. “Vicki! There’s a door leading out of the ring. I want you to find it! NOW!”Every command from Ms. Brown made the little girl jump. But she saw that iron door in the wall of bales, the only possible exit from the ring, perhaps a way to a safe place away from the eyes of all these people. She crossed to the door and stood close to it. Ms. Brown watched her silently for a time, then she said, “Open the door, Vicki!”
Others from the audience joined in. “Open the door, Vicki!” “Open it, and see what’s there!” One woman said, “Oh, God, do you suppose . . .??”
Vicki leaned down, for the door was not quite as tall as she was, and pulled on the door. But it wouldn’t open. “It’s stuck.” She managed to say. “Pull Harder!” Called Ms. Brown.And it seemed all the watchers shouted in unison, “Pull Harder, Vicki! Pull Harder!” And Vicki pulled harder. Then the door opened suddenly and Vicki fell backwards onto the strawfloor.And a monster came out of the opening.
Vicki screamed in terror, and the audience gaspedand burst into applause at the sight of that great brute. An enormous, misshapen misconception of a dog, grey-black with skin too large for its great frame, it moved like something out of pre-history, throwing its massive head from side to side, rolling forward in heavy, solid treads, straight towards little Vicki, who lay sprawled on her back,frozen in fear in the straw. The metal door slammed closed with a sound like doom.
Ms. Brown spoke again. “Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Bruno, our beautiful Neapolitan Mastiff!”
“Oh God! The poor child,” Said someone from the top of the bales, and a man’s voice said,“She’s really gonna get it now.” Vicki was paralyzed. There was nothing in her world but this creature, slowly moving towards her. Then somehow from the depths of her terror, she began to move her feet. Not to stand, but only to push back against the straw to move her body away from this apparition. Slowly and silently she pushed herself backwards across the floor and thebeast, with slow, measured steps, followed. Then her back came up against the wall of bales and she could not retreat any more. Yet the animal continued to approach her and from deep inside her came a screamof absolutedread, a keen of extreme despair.
Bruno came close, his wrinkled face justinches from her own and his piercing eyes filled her with foul dread. She wanted to scream again, but Bruno put his paws on her chest and drove the breath from her little body. She was certain her death was only moments away.
A woman in the audience said, “She’s so tiny! Look, she can’t move. Poor darling, she’s terrified! Do you think he’s going to eat her? Oh God!” Then she fingered the zoom button and, with her eye to the viewfinder she said, “It’s terrible. The poor thing! Joey, move. You’re bumping the camera!”
Then theblack creature lowered his muzzle to the bodice of her little pink dress and,digging at her neck and chest with his great paws, he grasped the neckline of the dress in his jaws. Backing away with his great head swinging side to side, he tore the dress from her body, leaving the girl with bloody scratches on her neck and chest and clad only in little white cotton panties. Now her slender body and budding breasts could be seen by all and the audience was greatly amused.
Bruno shook the dress, tearing it with his teeth and claws while Vicki, released from that terrible gaze and pressure, jumped to her feet and ran blindly away from that terror and crashed into the wall of bales. She fell and jumped up and ran again. She ran to the place in the wall where Ms. Brown stood watching and tried to climb. But as her fingers grasped the edge of the top-most bale, Ms. Brown lowered her face to look at her closely. “Where do you think you’re going, you ungrateful child? Are you trying to run away from little Bruno?”
“Please, Ma’m!” Said Vicki. “Please help me. I’m very scared!”
“Scared?” Said Ms. Brown. “Did you hear that, everyone? Vicki’s afraid of our little Bruno. And all he wants is to play with you! He wants to be your friend.” The audience laughed aloud and Ms. Brown added in a louder voice with a sinister laugh, “Your very intimate friend.” ThenMs. Brown pulled the girl’s fingers loose from that top-most bale and dropped her back into the ring. The audience burst into applause.
Vicki fell on her back in the straw and seemed, for a moment, unable to move. But then, as she tried to climb to her feet, Bruno approached her with his teeth bared in a silent grimace. He filled the arena, like something of living, moving stone,a law of nature, a thing beyond measure, beyond law or reason, he ruled withouthesitation, he was absolute unto himself. He followed herquietly, effortlessly, relentlessly, without sympathy, withoutclemency. His victim seemed as insubstantial as a shadow, a tiny spirit backing away with nowhere to run, no escape, no chance for rescue, no hope, no plan, no wants but an ending to it all, no feelings but bottomless, borderless fear.
Around the ring theyorbited, the child and the beast, the hunter and the prey. The end of their dance might have come at any time or it might have waited forever. Bruno was the master here and it came when it pleased the master. He pounced. He took her down like a broken reed, his full weight carrying her to the ground and smashing the breath from her tiny body. And then she lay on her back, awake and alive but spread and senseless, open and available to him.
And Ms. Brown said, “The panties, Bruno. Get the panties.” And Bruno did.
He clawed at the panties until he caught them in his teeth, then ripped them like tissue from her young body. Now the child had bloody scratches from her neck to her crotch, and the audience was silent in admiration untilsomeone said, “Well trained! What a good dog.” And they all laughed and stared at the little naked girl.
Shivering and trying to cover her private places, and with the terrifying Bruno shaking and rending herwhite panties, Vicki squirmed from under the creature to jump up and run to another part of the oval. There she leaped at the wall, desperately seeking to climb for the safety that must lie outside this deadly ring. She was able to grasp the edge of the highest bale, but she couldn’t find a grip on the crumbling straw, and she felt herself beginning to fall back.
Just as her fingers were losing their hold, she felt strong hands grasping her wrists. A man and a woman had reached down to prevent her fall, and she felt herself lifted up to stand on top of the bale.
“Oh God!” She cried. “Thank you! Thank you!!”
The man and woman examined the naked child as if she were an object they had discovered in the street. Then, with expressions of real delight, theystared into her eyes and repeated her cry, “Oh God! Thank you! Thank You!” The man released her wrist and grasped her budding breast. The woman reached out and pushed her hand into the child’s crotch. And they laughed at her!
“Throw her back!” Shouted someone. “Bruno wants her. Throw her back.”
The man grabbed the girl around her tiny waist and said to the woman, “What should we do? Keep her?” The woman seemed to ponder for a moment, then she said, “Naw! She’s not a keeper. Throw her back.” And the man did. He threw the child from atop those bales far out to the center of the ring.
Vicki screamed as she flew, and landed with the breath quite knocked from her body. She lay without moving, curled on the straw floor next to that bed of bales, and Bruno came to inspect her. The animal straddled her body, legs on each side, and brought his muzzle down to touch her face. Then he gave a deep “Whooooff” sound and breathed a scent of decay. With that massive face filling her visual world, she screamed and squirmed, trying to crawl away from him so she could jump up and run.
Bruno seemed to let this happen, but when she got to her feet, Bruno rose on his hind legs and, with his great paws, knocked her to the ground and straddled her again.
Again she screamed and squirmed and tried to escape, and again Bruno seemed to let it happen. Then he knocked her to the ground again. Twice more the girl tried to run, and twice more the great Mastiff knocked her down. Andeveryone knew it was ‘cat and mouse.’
“He’s teasing her!” Said someone. “She’s helpless and he wants her to know it! What a great dog!”
The child seemed to understand as well, and she lay open, unmoving and defenseless beneath the creature. Bruno placed his paws on the child’s chest and raised his head to look up at the ceiling, or perhaps at the moon somewhere beyond the building in heaven, and his great chest expanded and he gave forth a howl that sent a chill through every spectator in the building.
Then Ms. Brown spoke once more. “To the bed, Bruno. Take her to the bed.” And Bruno did.
He grasped her wrist in his great jaws without breaking the skin and, as if she weighed nothing at all, dragged her across and up onto those two bales in the center of the ring. The girl had no defenses left. She wanted desperately to cry and scream, but her fear overcame everything and she could only manage a dry and helpless cough. She had surrendered to whatever was about to happen.
Then, as if he had done this many times before, Bruno ‘arranged’ her little body as if to give everyone a perfect view. He tugged her naked torso to the center of the bales, those bloody scratches clearly on display, so her head hung backwards over one endand her tiny feet extended over the other. Then he spread her arms and legs wideandleaned back as if to examine the picture he had created.
Once again, the audience showed their appreciation with laughter, applause and cheers. It was a performance to remember.
The child lay without movement, her quiet sobs mixed with little choking gasps. With her every escape effortblocked, she had learned that flight was not possible and now she knew that all these people, all these spectators were her enemies, here to watch her suffer and die, and she was certain her death was only moments away. In her heart, she turned away from the monsters in their places on the wall and waited for the attentions sure to come from the monster below. She knew those terrible jaws would tear into her throat and rip her head from her body, and she was unable to lift a hand in her own defense.
The audience was completely silent. The victim and the predator were in position and the moment was almost here. The spectators tasted her fear as they had tasted the wine. They fed on her terror and yearned to see her destruction. It was that anxiety moment when potential is about to break into fact, when breathing seems impossible and excitement and dread stir the blood.
Ms. Brown spoke quietly. “Get her, Bruno.” And the audience took up the cry; “Get her, Bruno!” “Get her, Bruno!” “Get her Bruno!” And Bruno did.
Bruno stepped into the V-shaped cleft between her legs and looked into her eyes. All was silent, the breathless silence of a plunging blade before it reaches flesh. There is a look that passes from predator to prey and prey to predator, an exchange that only they can know, and that exchange passed between them now as the spectators held their breaths and watched a perfect body ready to spoil, an angelic face to be sent to hell.
The child expected teeth and fury. She waited for the savage rip and tear and blood of deadly assault. What came instead, what seemed to strike as a lightning force from some other place and time, was an unspeakablepenetration, a stabbing and unexpected insult beyond pain, beyondanguish, a thrust that entered the core of her identity to slash her deepest self and leave her soiled. She threw back her head and made a sound she had never made or heard before. It was a howl of anguish,a shriek of terror and despair. It was the forlorn cry of a soul that was lost.
The watchers cheered and the rape went on. “Well done!” and “Bravo!” they cried as Bruno thrust again and again, pushing against the helpless girl for long moments until the great knot at the base of his erection lodged at the entrance, too large to gain passage.
“Harder, Bruno. Push harder!” Ms. Brown said, and the watchers took up the chant. “Harder, Bruno! Push harder!”“Harder, Bruno! Push harder!” Again and again they shouted, until finally, with a sound that was somehow felt beyond the anguished screams of the child, the great knot burst inside.
Bruno’s attack went on and on, a tireless ramming of flesh into flesh and the watchers applauded and cheered and filmed and toasted with glasses of wine as the great beast took his satisfaction.
Finally, after many minutes, it was done. Bruno’s erection subsided and he withdrew. Then Ms. Brown said, “Get back to your kennel, Bruno.” And Bruno did. The kennel door opened as he approached and closed when he was gone.
The girl still lay unmoving with her eyes open and her body spread and naked on the bales at the center of the ring. Wine was passed around to the guests and there was animated discussion of the exciting events they had witnessed. Then two attendants removed several bales of straw from one section of the wall, opening a passageway into the ring from outside, and Ms. Brown made this announcement.
“I want to invite all of you to come into the ring and examine our little Vicki . . . in whatever way might appeal to you.” So the child’s ordeal was not finished. The people, both the men and the women, came into the ring and toasted each other with wine and watched each other as the girl was raped facially, anally and vaginally for an hour or more. The girl lay unresponsive under these new attentions.
The compliments to Ms. Brown were fulsome. “A truly exciting event.” “What a fine show.” “I must say, Bruno is truly a star attraction. You did a great job in his training.”
“Ah!” Said Ms. Brown. “Thank you for the compliment. But I must admit,Bruno was not my favorite star. He was actually second best. As the training progressed, I realized the real star could not be my first choice for this evening’s display. My best trainee, my real favorite, was an amazing creature, even bigger and uglier than Bruno. Not only was he a frightful vision, but he was a truly inspired rapist. His energy and enthusiasm wereincredibly arousing to watch.”
“But in the end, we realized Bruno had to be our first choice. You see, the bigger, uglier, more powerful dog, while he was an even more thrilling entertainer, had a bad habit that we couldn’t seem to break. After he completed his rape, and while he was stillinside his victim, in some deeper part of his soul he still wasn’t satisfied. Instead of backing away and leaving the poor victim where she lay, he would stay inside her and bite and tear the girl’s breasts right off her body. It was horrible to see and always fatal. So we recognized that if he was allowed to do that to the victim tonight, our guests would miss the opportunity to vent their enthusiasm upon her, and it would spoil an important part of the entertainment for you.”
“My God!”Said her listener. “I can’t imagine an animal more fearsome that Bruno.”
Ms. Brown replied, “Truly he was. And his name was Satan.”
“But now,” She went on, “I see you have all had an opportunity to visit little Vicki in your several ways.So we’ll leave her here on her bed of straw, and we’ll all return to our viewing places outside the ring. Then we’ll have the attendants replace the bales as they were before.”
And when the bales were replaced and the wine was poured and all the audience members were back in their places around the Ring of Bales,Ms Brown said,
“Quiet, everyone.I think I hear Satan coming.”
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