The Family Feud
Chapter Seven
When Jamie walked in her doorway, she was not prepared for what she was about to see. That is saying a lot considering how upside down things he had become in the last few days with her father and brother being taunted and teased and made to do housework, you'd think this wouldn't surprise her, but it did.
The sight of her naked father, over her mom's knee as she sat in the living raising a pink hair brush over his already rosy-red ass cheeks.
Wendy stopped spanking her husband as if in shock. Her arm cocked over her head, frozen in place.
Rather than explain herself, she simply ignored her husband Bill's writhing on her knee and asked “I didn't expect you home so soon, Where is your brother, dear?”
“I think the bigger question is, should I go and leave you to your um...”
“The cat is out of the bag, you know what I am doing, unlike your bumbling father, you've got a head on our shoulders and can see what is happening. I am spanking him, because he is an unruly, selfish brat, who never had to do for himself or take responsibility for himself. Do you know that he actually said that if we didn't have such high standards, he would not have had a problem meeting them?”
Bill started to clarify that is not what he said, but Wendy without even looking stuffed a dish wrag into his mouth and said “Silence Bill, you'll speak when spoken too, that is your exact words...now don't call me a liar in front of your daughter, the WOMEN are talking and you'll be silent and learn your place”
Despite her harsh tone, Wendy winked at Jamie to let her know she was just having a little fun and to go along with the game.
Jamie walked gingerly into the front room, with a curious look on her face, as if to say “Okay..what weird thing have we gotten into now?”
“I'll explain what I've been doing since you were out in a moment, I want to know, have you forgotten your brother some place, dear? Did he disappoint you that much?” she asked half joking to sound flippant and cruel.
“No no...its' the funniest thing, we were in baby's R Us and ran into Cathy Griffin.”
“Who? The comedienne?” Wendy asked.
“Hah, no she gets that all the time, Dad you remember Cathy Griffin, she is a cheerleader, I think you know her about as intimately as I am starting to know you, don't you?”
Her dad let out a muffled sound, that the two woman assumed was agreement and perhaps an offer of explanation. They ignored him and continued to go over what had happened earlier, which seemed to amuse Wendy.
“Weren't you worried at all about leaving your brother there?”
“At first yes, but Cathy seemed so creative about it, she seemed to sort of get into it, as if she had just been dying for the opportunity, so I figured she would come up with way more creative things than I would...it's kind of payback anyway, since he got to see her naked because of DAD, that she get him to do her work for her.”
“Well you know, the other unexpected blessing is no one would generally hire your brother, I mean look at him, he's irresponsible, not the brightest knife in the drawer and just plain goofy...but work for free, and not officially? That is his first taste of an actual job, so I think you made a wise choice..we may have to talk to this Cathy friend of yours, let your father apologize to her as well.”
“About Dad?”
“Oh yes...well” Wendy remembered it was her turn to catch her daughter up on what they had been doing all morning. She explained how she read up on sadism and the use of positive reinforcement such as setting goals and rewards, and how sometimes a subject just will be content with what they have, and desire to try for the extra. “That is Bill's life story in a nutshell”
“Another tool in our arsenal, besides offering them some reward, is pain, like so.” She gave Bill a solid swat with the hair brush. “Would you like to try?” Wendy offered the brush to Jamie.
“Oh no, that is cool...he seems to be ...uh..excited about it.” Jamie gave a wintry smile and looked down as if to draw her moms attention below her knee.
“Oh no you aren't? Flip over, mister man...we talked about this, only naughty boys like being beaten with a hairbrush, let's get rid of this right now” When Bill murmured and it was clear he didn't want to flip over on his back, Wendy reached down and gave her husbands swollen cock a hard squeeze. Around the balls digging her nails in to the tender flesh.
“Oh mom!!” Jamie said shocked.
“What? See her turned over on his back like a good boy, you are going to find that most men are led around by their wieners, it's what motivates them. You think they build skyscrapers in the shape of erect cocks because those make the most structural sense? Super tall straight buildings? And then the CEO of another company wants to build one right next to it, only bigger? That is male ego and pride, and their motivation is to see who is the biggest alpha male, it's just on a subconscious level”
Wendy explained as she looked at her husbands erect 5 inch cock and added “Tsk tsk....alpha male, this one isn't....bad boy, getting aroused in front of your daughter....” and she began to spank his erect cock on the tip of the head.
Jamie winced for him. That really looked painful. She could see tears well up in her father's eyes, but surprisingly he didn't use his hands defensively to stop the blows.
Noticing her daughter's surprise “Oh, I had to handcuff him...Chris still has a lot of toys in his room, these are dollar store handcuffs, it's all I had...” revealing her father's hands behind his back are securely locked together. “You can't leave them in these, they are trick locks, so that any 3rd grader can get free...although it would be interesting to see if these two Mensa members could figure it out” she said sarcastically as she leveled blow after blow on the dick sending it from fully aroused, to semi-flaccid in less than a minute.
“This is getting a little weird, mom.” Jamie pointed out.
Her mom was shocked. She sent Bill to the corner, and took her daughter out of the room to quickly chat with her. “Look, I thought we agreed to be sisters in solidarity in this...if Bill thinks you aren't in 100% agreement, he may rebel.”
“So what if he does..aren't we going to let them out of their chores tomorrow anyway?”
“Are you kidding? Their reward is sunbathing in the nude in the backyard tomorrow, meanwhile their chores pile up for Monday. It is all psychology and conditioning, I am going to get them to think that even something that would be embarrassing and painful is a reward, just by comparison to the harder things they have to do.”
“That is kind of brilliant, but just a little bit twisted.” Jamie said with reverence towards her mom. “We have to let them out of this some time?”
“Well there are two ways, I can either do most of the conditioning and training myself. If I do, it takes longer to bring your dad and brother around to where they start doing things without being told, and being responsible. The other way is if you help me keep them in line, they'll learn faster and I won't have to retrain them every day to be good.”
“ha-ha, I guess when you put it like that, I just don't want to touch there..you know what is”
“Oh my gosh, Jamie..you are 16 years old, have you never touched a penis?” Wendy didn’t want to say ‘cock’ or ‘dick’, so she really wasn’t all that more progressive than her daughter was about the subject. It still seemed silly to Wendy her daughter couldn’t even say ‘penis’, even though she had seen them flopping around the house every day for the last few days.
“What? You just saw me grab one and squish it, and now you can't say the word? Isn't penis talked about on Tyra or Oprah or the movie Superbad or Hangover or whatever you teenagers watch all the time?”
“Well yeah” Jamie smiled that her mom was only about three years behind the times with what kids her age were watching. “Okay, yes, I've fooled around, not gone all the way or anything...but you know at parties, sure....with CUTE guys, not my dad and brother.”
“And that is fine, Jamie....I TRUST you to make the right decisions for you, with your own body. You aren't in any hurry to get pregnant, you aren't a slut. You are a good girl, and I am so proud of you. Listen, when I was your age, I experimented too with boys. You are at a natural...oh don't make a face like this, we should have had this talk.”
“OMG, THE talk.” Jamie rolled her eyes, and made a ‘duck face’, a habit she picked up from her friends when they want to act silly. Puffing our her lips as if kissing to the side, in an expression that implied ‘You can’t really be serious?’.
“Yes THE talk, and I should have had it, even if you think it's corny or lame, but this is not about birth control and waiting til marriage. This talk is about control.” Wendy was trying to sound open minded and liberated, although the topic made her feel uncomfortable as well.
“You know by now, with one of those” pointing to Jamie's lap “You can get any one of those?, as many as you want.” she pointed to Bill’s crotch. “If you get tired of putting up with men, there is always plastic.”
“Come on, really? This is how we spend our Saturdays? Talking about plastic?” Jamie was clearly made uncomfortable by the thought of whatever plastic dildo her mom had hidden around the house somewhere she was probably referring too. “I want to help, I just don't think I want to touch their balls.”
“I understand, but men think with their little heads. So if you are grabbing it just to control them, and let them know who is boss...what is the problem?” Wendy wasn’t sure if she should be this forward with Jamie about the topic, but she had already told herself that it was okay since she had been doing it. Not just to Bill, but Chris and it was important to her that Jamie agree. It would help validate to Wendy she wasn’t being a bad person.
“Seriously, what is the problem with me grabbing their dicks?” Jamie asked the question out loud, so that her mom could hear how silly it sounded.
“Okay...okay, touche'...maybe this is all happening so fast, so soon, and there is a certain amount of sexual frustration I was probably taking out on your father. I think that controlling them with what rules their head makes sense, but I see your point.”
Jamie wanted to be a good daughter and help her mother through whatever this new arrangement with her dad was. She just felt that maybe there were some things her mom needed to do alone. The two of them despite being so similar had spent more time talking the last few days than they had ever before and it was strange to learn so much about the woman she had lived with for so many years that she never knew before.
“I never really got to date a lot when I was younger; we married so early and started a family and a life together. I've never felt the need to be unfaithful, but the more I read online about this whole other lifestyle people lead, I realized there are a lot of things I denied myself.” Wendy admitted honestly.
“Okay, and that is you. I am cool you have got all this self-discovery to do, but I don't want to touch their little willies, it's just gross” Jamie clarified.
“You know, I think I got a good compromise. I won’t bring it up again, you don’t have to touch them any place you don’t want. I apologize for even mentioning it. It is just too bad your brother isn't here to unload the car...there is something I told you to buy that I think will solve the problem and give us even more leverage.”
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