The Family Feud II
Chapter Eleven
The fact that they stayed in position, ass cheek to ass cheek, butt to butt facing away from each other, tied by the clit on all fours, had really told Bill all he needed to know. If they were going to say no, they would have come down much earlier.
That being said, he was still a little nervous. He had told them he was prepared for them to decide either way, but he had a lot resting on the opportunity to prove to them he could carry through with this, that he had could create and execute a plan. Who was he kidding? He really just wanted desperately to be KING of his Castle, and with his son as Prince, and his daughter and wife as his trough sluts, serving wenches and jesters, his metaphoric Kingdom had all it needed.
He paced. He picked up his notepad and doodled, he asked Chris about what the best ways were to go back up there. They passed the time theorizing about games they'd like to play if they say yes, or what the neighbors would think about some of their ideas. They never really talked about what if they say no and they had to follow through on their ultimatum that the family is kaput if the girls don't give them payback.
“It's best not to plan to fail, until you plan to succeed” Chris said.
“What?”” Bill asked.
“I learned that in scouting, and Mom really...Us focusing on all the ways it can go right, instead of how it can go wrong. It feels really good”. When pressed to explain a little more, Chris explained he was going through life like Eeyore the donkey from Winnie the Pooh.
“You know how he is always all like, oh my house would have fallen down anyway, when it finally does?” Chris described the depressing little stuffed animal, as an allegory to his life. That making this plan with his Dad had been the best day and a half of his life. That finally someone had to listen to him, that he got trusted with authority. It changed his outlook, made him feel like...like...
“A Man?” his dad finished the sentence for him. “Yah, I feel it too. Son, you and I are a like in so many ways” they gave themselves a fist-bump, before walking up the stairs to check on the “Sluts”.
The girls were quiet, eyes straight ahead, naked, on the floor, patiently waiting for them to walk in. The door hadn't been shut because the hinges had been unbolted and the door was set against the wall.
“So whats it gonna be?”
“Boys rule, girls drool, Sir” they said unison, having practiced a clever way to announce their decision.
Chris and Bill high fived but contained their excitement “Alright, stand up back to back, slowly. This room will be called the slave pit. It's gonna have your stuff moved out, for some reason the air conditioning doesn't reach this room as much as other rooms, so it won't seem as cold as downstairs. We'll keep you up here for some of the patience training, when I've got friends over and don't want them to see you.” Bill was talking very dryly as if he was just going over some minor details, but inside he was doing double-rainbows and parades in his heart. He just didn't want them to see him as over-eager.
Chris had the webcam out to take some digital video of the “Confirmation”. This would serve as evidence in case anyone said the girls had not chosen this life. “Taping dad, the red light is on”
Given his son's reputation as a bumbler, he checked to make sure it was recording, slightly wounding his son's ego but he just wanted this to go right. “I have in my hand a copy of the Taylor's Women's Bill of Rights, what can you tell me about this Wendy?” he showed it to the camera and them, as they stood naked back to back holding hands holding themselves very straight so that ass cheek touched ass cheek and the square of their upper back touched as well.
“We wrote it, Jamie and I, mostly me. It outlined what we saw as your shortcomings, and steps we wanted to take to put ourselves above men, but we should never have made you sign it, it was wrong of us women to try to be above any men, Sir”.
Jamie was asked if she agreed and she explained “Yes Sir, My Mom and I both agree that we should have let you demonstrate your leadership and authority instead of manipulating you into giving it up, we apologize for it, and willingly submit to discipline for our bratty actions.”
“Very well, and are you prepared to show me how you eat your words?” Bill asked as he had Chris pan around to show that they could leave at any time, and that they weren't being held here against their will.
When they agreed, they were asked to each take an end of the “Bill of the Rights” that had been typed up illustrating the male shortcomings and pull until they ripped in half. Then they were instructed to fold their half of the paper once again and put the crease into their ass if they were willing to “Wipe their ass with the notion of female superiority”
At which point they both said again on queue “Boys Rule, Girls Drool Sir”
“Especially Taylor Girls?” Chris asked from off-camera
“Definitely Sir?” as they dragged the fold of the paper between their tight asscheeks drawing it all the way down in a downward motion.
“Do you mind eating your words?” Bill asked.
“Not at all sir, it is appropriate considering how offensive they were to our betters”, the two said, although neither were particularly looking forward to trying to chew up office paper that had just had their own butt-sweat on it. The papers weren't brown and disgusting, but the gesture was symbolic enough that it had its own humiliation.
The girls tried to stuff their half of the paper in their mouths to chew up until Chris told them they'd have to take it back again and nibble it like “A rat does cheese”
As they filmed them further Bill asked “Do you agree to two weeks of payback, where you will be our little bitches, according to the rules you read this morning?”
“Yes Sir”
“Why would anyone in their right mind, agree to let their husband and son, disrespect them and treat them like a pig, Wendy?”
“Because I am a pig, not worthy of respect” she said in between bites. “Only a wicked cunt like me, would conspire with her daughter, to disrespect her husband and treat you like pigs. This is may way of making it even.”
And Jamie, why would you agree to let your Father and Brother of all people, disrespect you and keep you like a little pig?”
“Just like mom, I am a piggy, not worthy of respect, keeping me naked and humble, makes me less able to use my looks, and manipulate. I chose to disrespect you both and had fun doing it, it is only fair you have fun at my expense, Sir”
“If you don't keep your bargain, you agree that I should send this to our family and friends, do you have a message for them?”
“Hi, this is Wendy, by now you've seen me naked, tits out, if Chris pans around, he'll see the clothes pins on my nipples and clit hood, with a string tied to my daughters cunt.” Chris followed her lead and made sure to document slowly panning up her body.
“If I show up at your door-step, expecting you to take me in, because I lost my house, my car, my job, it is my own fault all of those things happened. I would not blame you, nor expect to take me in, unless your conditions were similar to my husband, that I be your humble house maid and servant.” Wendy wasn't sure if that was what Bill wanted to hear but the fact that he went to Jamie next seemed encouraging.
Jamie answered the same question “Well, I am sure my Cousins in Indiana will have had a good time laughing by now, If you are watching this, its most likely because we were too chicken to go through with what we agreed to do. We've had everything explained to us, about what we are in for, and we have agreed anyway, because we feel it is fitting for our behavior. I don't expect you'll understand how much courage it took for me and my mom to say this, but I love her, and I am so proud of her, and all of my Dad and Brother, for agreeing to resolve our problem this way”
Wendy was almost in tears, and Bill asked her why she was crying. “I am crying, because that was so beautiful, I love you Jamie and think so much of you, and Bill as my husband, you have always been a success even though I may not have supported you or believed in you, that is my own fault. Chris, I owe you a big apology as well, how hurtful it must have been to have your mother making fun of your misfortune, I hope you will enjoy making fun of mine, it's only fair.”
“Why do we keep you naked?” he asked them both.
“ You both like to see our titties and ass jiggle” Jamie offered first.
“that is one reason, continue” Bill said.
“To remove our sense of modesty and vanity, to take away our privilege of privacy, which is reinforced by our dress outside of the house in slutty clothing, no panties and bras” Wendy added.
“To teach us, that our pussy, ass, and titties are not special enough to be hidden from our betters, and should serve as a way to control us, tits being natural handles and all...”
“You don't mind admitting this to your friends and family?” Bill asked.
“Oh yes, I mind very much, but Master Bill assures me the only way they will see this, is if I have fucked up and not kept my word, I've agreed to live this way as his little star bitch, until I earn 100 gold and silver stars from my son and husband, by being the best little slut I can be, and not the mean, controlling ogre bitch I was. So I thank him for this, because it is further incentive for me, not to go back on my word.” Wendy added.
Jamie wanted to say “What Mom Said”, but thinking on her feet added “I don't mind them seeing me for what I am, a little stuck up twat, who has had her head up her ass, only thinking about her own needs, cheer leading, popularity, and not her families needs. Some of you may laugh, some of you may be shocked, some of you may be impressed even, but I think for those who are shocked and disappointed in me, part of me wants to shield you from the real little shit I am. If my Dad and brothers lessons work, by the end of this, I'll be someone you can be proud of, and if not, then you'll be watching this tape, I guess.”
Chris and Bill said a few words into the camera, talking directly to a few camera members and ending the tape by saying “The ONLY way this is to be seen, is if you back out”
When the girls were finished eating their “words” in the form of the bill of rights, they marched them down stairs back to back, holding hands and had them pose holding “Bill's Bill” and the words “We Agree” was written on a poster they could hold up naked. Then Chris wrote “We agree” across their chest, “WE” on the left titty and “AGREE” on the right. A few more shots were made.
The last couple Bill or Chris got in the shot, with either Jamie or Wendy holding their cock, in sort of an action pose smiling.
With that out of the way, Bill cracked open a beer, and handed one to Chris. Wendy's maternal instinct was to question the drinking age, and perhaps Bill had been testing her. She didn't rise to the bait. So Bill said “One won't hurt you, I aint drinking alone. Let's celebrate a little.”
It was still only about 10am, on Sunday morning and everyone seemed to be excited that they had turned a corner, a milestone so to speak. The girls hadn't done anything wrong, so there was nothing really to punish them for, but it seemed kind of anti-climatic to have them do something simple or trivial like clean up.
Bill asked his son, if he wanted to offer them the idea he had discussed with him, while they made up their minds about doing this, as his son uploaded the photos back to the computer. Chris was elated “Well you don't have to do this, but if you want an extra star, you can lotion each other up, and go outside and tan.” he paused for a few minutes thinking about what he was saying, since that first part they WERE required to do. “Oh yes, after you give us a handjob....and rub the cum into the lotion.”
“How long will we be out there for, Sir?” Jamie asked, without commenting on the cum requirement, surprising her Mother.
“Just a few hours, enough time for me and Dad to rest and recover, we are too excited to leave you out there all day. It's date night tonight, so we want you to be tan and exercised, and have good healthy attitudes!” Chris added.
Wendy was a little surprised, her and Bill hadn't had a date night in years. It would have seem kind of ridiculous given the rut of their relationship. Obviously, she was curious about what the catch was, and Bill was only too happy to oblige.
“Well, tonight I will be taking my bitch of a wife, on a date, back to the other side of town, I want to introduce you to some people I knew when I lived in a motel for a month, we'll have dinner, I'll want to show you off, you know...fun stuff” Wendy knew all too well, that Bill was probably busting at the seams to share his good fortune with his friends and she couldn't blame him. Where she had been disgusted with the idea of a wimp for a husband that she bossed around, and hesitant to even tell a girl who obviously got a kick out busting men's balls (Cathy Griffin), Bill was going to want to get his jollies. She nodded her agreement saying she hoped she'd be able to earn her star for her performance.
This left Jamie confused, “So I go on a date, with Master Chris?”
Chris responded “You wish. I've set you up on a blind date, you'll be polite, caring, considerate. He'll order for you, you'll eat what he tells you, you'll ask permission to use the bathroom, you'll watch the movie he tells you, you'll be attentive to his conversation and if you are rude, you'll be punished when you get home, if you are a good girl, you get one of your stars for today.”
This actually didn't seem half bad to Jamie who was expecting far worse. She really hadn't dated any boys in school despite being so attractive in popular, in part because she may have intimidated boys who thought she may be a bit TOO perfect to ask out. However, it could also because she was so aloof and busy with school activities, she wasn't really 'available' mentally to date. Probably more to the point, she may have sent a vibe of “too good for you”, and her own self-esteem issues despite being so pretty accepted that as a defense mechanism. If no boys dare ask you out, you can never have your own heart broken.
Maybe she was a bit like her mom, in over-thinking things, but while she was, the men's dicks were out. They were giving hand jobs no matter what. The only question was, will the cum be rubbed into the suntan lotion they apply to their bodies.
They were naked on their knees, Jamie infront of her Father, using both hands to pump his five inch erect hard-on. Greasing her hands with some of the white sun tan lotion that had been squirted onto a dish in the living room for the cum to land in to make his dick smooth and soft, while squeezing and playing with it.
This had the effect of making her smaller tits bobble and jiggle up and down, and her rock hard well rounded tush do the same. Chris was watching that as his Mom went to business on his dick. She was trying to avoid eye contact, while applying very firm pressure to her son's dick as she slid her greased palms up and down the length of it, giving him a few “oh” and “Ah” sounds to help him along.
In a few moments, they were ready to deposit their cum. Chris didn't warn his mom and his cum shot on to her face, some of it hitting the carpet.
Bill on the other hand announced loudly “I AM GOING TO CUM, OH FUCK, YOU LITTLE SLUT, YES HOLD OUT YOUR HANDS, FOR DADDYS CREAM!!!! YOU FUCKING CUNT” saying the last bit with gnashed teeth and depositing his cum, with gasping breaths and a satisfied look of mental exhausting into her hands. Loads more than he had deposited at any point when Wendy had been milking them into mason jars.
When they were down and catching their breath, Wendy gave a half smile and said “Well...I've already been glazed...Jamie, if you don't want to put your father's cum into the lotion, you can just rub it into my back.”
“No no, I want a star” she dumped the milky white liquid goop into the lotion, and Wendy bent over to scrape what little of her son's cum she could save from the carpet.” Then rubbing their hands into the lotion, mixing it around, they began to first apply the lotion to themselves. On their own arms.
Without being told, by the men who were still preoccupied, with the release of their own orgasm, they started to put on a little show for Dad and Son.
The guys didn't say a word, just fist bumped and a breathless “Bros before Hos” Bill whispered hoarsely to his son, who replied “All the day long”.
Kneading the lotion into themselves, it had a soothing sensation on their skin. Their muscles cramped from beatings and bondage, knotted and taut were coming lose with their sensual seeming little sexy, flirty show. They were giggling a little as they worked each other over. They made sure to take their time on the tits, ass cheeks and in truth, the cocoa butter smell of the lotion over powered any feeling of “ick” they may have gotten from the tiny amount of cum the men had contributed to it. They wouldn't have known the difference if all the mason jars Wendy had collected when she was milking them to check their attitude had been poured into the mix.
“Ooh, is it okay if I get hard nipples from this Sirs?” Wendy admitted with a charmed expression, that the lotioning process wasn't at all unpleasurable.
“What kind of twisted cunt, gets turned on when her daughter rubs her ass cheeks with cummy tanning lotion? Chris said in a snarl. Bill didn't correct him, having just came, he didn't really have any frustrations to get out, so he wasn't feeling particularly cruel. He'd let Chris lead the charge on that one while he recovered from his recent orgasm.
This changed Wendy's expression from flirty/funny to more dour and serious “I guess a wicked cunt, sir. I am sorry, I was just trying to joke, is that an infraction?”
Chris had trouble following his father's disorganized mess of a rule system. He was trying to remember if an Infraction was the first level of day-to-day punishment or the correction, but he decided to say “Yes it is....since your titties are the problem, and you've had your mind on those, and your own pleasure instead of ours, your titties will be the ones to suffer...tug and stretch your nipples, flick them for five minutes until they are hard as you can make them, then I will wrap them with string so they stay that way while you tan. Jamie, go get me the string so I can tie up your mother's nipples”
There was a yes sir, as Wendy dutifully flicked, tugged and played with her nipples, they still had a little of the nail polish on them from earlier when Chris had ordered her to paint them pinkish, to disguise the fact they looked more like pepperoni's on a pizza, instead of Jamies puffy light pink ones.
When Jamie got back, she was expected to continue rubbing lotion (even though she had covered most of her mom's body) into the creases and folds, and all over sides, back and front of her mom's body until Chris finally reached out and squeezed his monther's nipples hard, giving them a turn as if dialing the radio and then proceeded to tie off one and then the other.
“What does that remind you of?” Chris asked as he flicked the nubs of her tit, now standing a full three quarters of an inch engorged
“Very tiny little cocks, fully erect Sir”
“Yes, be glad you can't be milked, or we'd milk you like you did us last week. It's hell to tease a man's cock and not let him release!” Chris said indignant and pouty.
“Actually, I breastfed you, but not Jamie. I had my breast enlargement by the time she was born, and believed the wives tale that maybe the saline would get into the breast milk.”
“Are you saying we can milk you?”
“Well, I am not sure I can, I am on birth control, and I'd probably have to be pregnant again before the juice would start up, but if you want to try, my titties are your playthings, Sir.”
“What about you Jamie, are your titties my playthings?” Chris asked Jamie who had been quiet, dutifully giving her mom a lotion rubdown.
“I...of course sir, I am your plaything, you are the cat, and I am the ball of yarn” Jamie smiled with sincerity, yet in a light hearted attempt to bring back some of the playful levity from before. Chris let it go, but he had wanted her to say exactly what Mom had said.
Chris led them outside, ordering them to feed Rosco the loyal family dog, while he positioned their lawn chairs for them facing the reverse direction. Yesterday it was afternoon when they came outside, so their chairs faced the house. Today, they would be facing away from the house, since the sun was in the opposite direction.
Chris didn't notice the girls bending over and talking together as they lifted up the 20lb bag of Dog food and poured a tiny bit into Rosco's bowl, changing out his water. He was busy thinking. He had them lay on the grass for grass itch yesterday, but they would be expecting that. He was looking around for something new. “Ah-hah!” he spotted the garden hose.
Spraying his sister and mom, playfully, they both changed expression from dour and sad, back to silly and goofy “Ah!! Garden hose water!” Wendy's mock expression of distress, erasing the memory of the earlier more serious punishment she received, even though her nipples were still hard and tied.
When Chris tired of running them around the yard, using the hose to squirt them, as they tried to run in front of it he finally said “Alright, park your fast asses onto the lawn chairs, spread eagle, time to tie you in the chair.”
The girls complied, they would be facing their wooden fence, they could just see the very top of their neighbors one story house from the angle they were at. They would have been a lot more worried about the backyard if any of their neighbors had two story houses like them, but with the wooden privacy fence, if anyone had been outside and heard them playing around, unless they peeped over the fence, they would have just assumed it was a normal family, goofing around on a Sunday morning in their backyard.
Once their hands were secured above their heads, and their feet tied to the bottom of the lawn chair, Chris gave them a parting gift “Eenie Meenie, Miney Moe, which Hoe Do I pick, My mother told me to pick the very best Hoe and you are it” Chris said in a sing-song sort of rhyme, alternating pointing the garden hose at each girl on every word, until coming to Jamie on the last one.
“Lucky you, Sis..” he then took the spigot off the hose, and adjusted the water so only a tiny stream of water came out. Since his sister was tied spread eagle, he just set the warm bronze metal of the hose on her pubic bone, right buy her clit. The warm water trickling onto her pussy.
“Let's see if that arouses YOU, or you can keep your mind, on serving your betters. I'll be back to switch the water in a little while, have fun, girls” Chris took a snapshot of the two of them since their tits still both read “We Agree” with the digital camera and left them alone.
“How does that water feel?” Wendy asked her daughter after an uncomfortable silence.
“It feels good, actually...not orgasm good” Jamie smirked.
“What do you know of orgasms?” Wendy prodded.
“What, I can't have had them because I am a virgin?”
“Technically, I guess you could, but the way most girls get them, its sort of a pre-requisite yes.”
“I've used my finger before” Jamie admitted somewhat perturbed to be pressed for information.
“Well aren't you just full of surprises. The nipple punishment is like a constant stimulation, it's difficult to act like that is a punishment.”
“Really? It looks painful, you had to flick your nipples hard, it doesn't look like something you would do by choice.”
“By choice? Oh no. It just feels like, well I guess I don't want to sound like a freak or anything, but there is a lot worse things he could have done...still, it's had its effect, it made me think about his pleasure, not my own.” Wendy admitted.
“You dont want to sound like a freak, but you are naked with your daughter , your tits are bound with twine, and our hands and feet are tied to chairs outdoors. If that is not a freak, then what is?”
They giggled, the two of them commensurating about their shared predicament. They would also wonder what the guys were doing, some times theorizing they were watching sports and playing games and forgot about them, other times assuming they were plotting and planning. They touched a little on date night and both admitted they were shocked about this requirement but not entirely opposed to it.
BOY #1: “Hey, those girls are back....shhhhh, don't let them hear you. I think they ARE naked...”
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