Tricia tested six boys before settling on Miguel. It’d been a simple test. Trish held a cage with a ferociously hungry rat near the face of each of her slave boys. The one who showed the most fear, the most dread, well, he was the one she wanted to torture. Turned out it was Miguel. Tricia laughed at his reaction when she showed him the half dozen cages of hungry rats. Miguel’s worst nightmare was about to come true. The cruel woman was going to let the rats tear the living boy apart with their sharp teeth and pointy claws. They’d eat Miguel alive. And entertain Tricia and her three sadistic girlfriends in the process.
It started out just right. The rats tore into the boy’s flesh with a vengeance. The four women watching the spectacle laughed as Miguel shrieked. One of the rats was attacking the poor boy’s penis. The young Mexican kid hadn’t had much of a cock to begin with. Miguel was only sixteen. He was just beginning to take pride in his growing body. Unfortunately a minute after the rat started chewing on Miguel’s penis the boy’s prick didn’t resemble anything worth being proud of. The four rodents were trapped in cages wired to Miguel’s body. The only escape for the rats was to eat their way through the boy’s body. It seemed as if that’s exactly what the four sharp toothed vermin intended to do. Which pleased the four cruel women immensely.
The ladies were all enjoying the spectacle, giggling and pointing at Miguel as he screamed and begged for mercy. They found the scene with the tied up boy and the viciously hungry rats delightful. There would be no mercy for Miguel. He was going to die today. The rodents and the four sadistic women would see to that. It was all part of Tricia’s planned entertainment for ringing in the New Year. And so far the party had exceeded everyone’s expectations. Even Miguel’s.So of course when her three cruel lady friends congratulated her on the extraordinary entertainment Tricia stood and took a bow. Then she settled back down on the face of the young man she’d been tormenting for the rest of the show.
Triciahadn’t let the rodents eat in a week.She knew the scent of fresh blood in the air would send them into a feeding frenzy. So she’dwhipped her boy’s body until he bled from half a dozen places before setting the rats loose. She’d invited her three friends to this cruel New Year’s Day celebration at her ranch south of Cancun.She wanted them all to have an outstanding time. Tricia prided herself on being the perfect hostess. She’d even let Amanda and Kim and Lauren take turns whipping the boy before the real show began.
Tricia had a Mexican boy all tied up and half a dozen rats desperate to eat. She knew how to have fun. The cruel seductress was going to feed the boy to the rats. She’d do it slow too. To make it last.To torment the boy.She’d make him suffer a death worse than anything the he could imagine. The wicked women would make a party of it. They’d celebrate as the rodents chewed away at the boy’s flesh. Tricia had done things like this before to other boys. All the women had. So Trishknew how to arrange things so he died as slowly and as painfully as possible. It was more fun that way.
Tricia giggled. The terrified boy tied to the post getting savaged by insanely hungry rats was blameless in this little drama. He’d done nothing wrong. He didn’t deserve this. None of the woman wasangry with him. That was the beauty of the snuff. Its only purpose was to amuse the woman. The boy was just a convenient prop in this little scene. He didn’t matter. None of the boys these women played with mattered.They were going to make him suffer in agony simply to indulge their appetite for torture and snuff. It’s what women like this did to boys like Miguel. And they were very good at it, at making boys suffer for their wicked pleasure.
All four of the cruel women leaned forward as one of the small rodents bit into the boy's tender flesh. The kid screamed and shrieked. Fear was as big a factor in his reaction to the rat gnawing at his scrotum as was the fierce and terrifying pain. The four women enjoying the boy’s torture laughed in unison. They didn’t care why he screamed. They were amused by his torture. Theyloved hearing boys shriek in terror. And in pain. Amanda poked the rat with a stick to goad it into attacking more of the screaming boy’s flesh.
The starving rat tore off another chunk of Miguel’s testicle. Amanda laughed. The other three women watching the boy’s torture laughed and giggled and snickered too. That’s what sadistic women do when they torture boys. They enjoy themselves. They get aroused. And they look for ways to increase the boy’s agony and terror. Because this kind of slow torture not only amused them, it turned them on more than anything else they could do. Watching the boy twist and jerk as the hungry rat tore at his flesh aroused and excitedTricia and the other women. Which caused Trish to play with the elastic on her lover Amanda’s panties while Kim and Lauren kissed. The rat was oblivious to the women’s growing lust as it chewed through Miguel’s balls. All of the cruel women moaned in lust and anticipation as they explored each other’s bodies with busy fingers and tongues while the rat continued to savage the poor boy’s body.
The boy screamed some more whichmade the four wicked femme fataleslust and laugh and need all the more. The starving verminattacking Miguel’s balls paid no attention to the women’s laughter or the boy's terrified shrieks. The rat barely paused as it took another bite of Miguel's left testicle. Trish had intentionally starved the rat for a week before setting it loose on the boy. Then she’d whippedMiguel’s balls till they bled before letting her ravenous rodent loose on the teenaged Mexican kid. The rat had a wire harness around his body. One end of a light weight chain was attached to the rat’s harness. The other end was pinned to the boy’s cock with a giant safety pin. The rat wasn’t going anywhere. Neither was the boy.
Tricia had Miguel strung up from poles in the center of the old bull ring. His body could jerk and contort and shake all it wanted. Miguel wasn’t going to escape his bonds or his fate. Tricia had arranged this cruel party at her ranch in Mexico. The boy was today’s entertainment. There’d be more boys for tonight. And one boy each for the women tomorrow. It was New Year’s week. The cruel girls intended to bring in the New Year right. With snuffs.With lots and lots of wicked snuffs.
Trish had planned this little show for a month. Finding a boy to snuff had been the easy part. It always was for Trish. She saw all men and all boys as prey. Selecting one, separating him from his friends and family, seducing him into bondage was all child’s play for the cruel woman. And something she enjoyed immensely. She’d had an easier time finding Miguel than she had in capturing enough feral rats she judged vicious enough to eat through a boy.
She’d collected a dozen rats in all and starved them for a week. She wanted the rodents frantically hungry when they started in on the boy. She was curious to see how much physical damage those hungry sharp teeth could do. And how much agony it would cause the boy. Judging by Miguel’s shrieks and cries for mercy her warrior rat was doing quite a lot of wicked damage each time the greedy rat took a bite of the tender meat hanging between Miguel’s legs. The cruel sadistic woman delighted in torturing boys like this. And taunting them about it too.
"Miguel darling you’ll be happy to know I have lots more hungry rats waiting to feast on your delicious little boy flesh as soon as this one’s had its fill. So get used to those slashing, tearing teeth ripping away at your manhood hon. It's not going to stop sweetheart. Not until my precious vermin have ripped their way right through your body. Imagine how it will feel to have a rat gnawing at your liver and kidneys and finally your heart darlin. I can hardly wait."
Miguel just kept screaming and shrieking and begging his cruel owner to pull his balls out of the savagely hungry rodent’s way. Trish didn’t of course. What would be the fun of that? Besides, she had another boy tied up watching this little scene play out. The cruel woman had a lesson to teach this other boy. And letting her ravenous pack of rats eat their way into Miguel’s body where they could devour the poor boy’s organs was exactly what her next victim needed to see. Knowing just how cruel she could be would be good for Trevor. He needed to understand just how much pain he was going to suffer for her.
The rat had chewed through Miguel’s balls sack. The boy’s left testicle plopped out of its skin bag. It hung suspended, dangling and jiggling precariously from the thin spermatic cord. The ravenous rat wasted no time in attacking that too, its sharp teeth quickly severing the vas deferens and arteries and muscles until the walnut shaped testicle fell into another rodent’s cage. Tricia lit a cigar. And marveled at how much fun a woman could have with just a couple of boys and one hungry rat. The rat who’d been surprised by the testicle dropping out of the sky tore into its first food in a week. Trish used a stick to push the boy’s ball away from the hungry beastie. She wanted all her rats ravenous when she put them on the boy’s naked body.The rat didn’t need an appetizer first. Miguel saw his decapitated testicle fall onto the dusty ground and screamed. The other boy forced to watch this depraved scene screamed too. He’d been a bonus. Kim and Lauren had brought him back last night. Poor Trevor. He’d been seduced by two sexy and gorgeous young women. It wasn’t his fault he didn’t know they were sadistic killers. But that didn’t matter to Trish. Or the other three women licking their lips at the chance to snuff boys. Trevor was going to die for their pleasure too.
“See Trevor darlin. Boys are so vulnerable down there between their legs. If a two pound rat can do all that in just a minute or two imagine what I can do to you in the weeks we have ahead of us.”
She giggled when Trevor turned white and closed his eyes. Tricia touched the hot tip of her cigar to the tip of the young man’s erect penis. Trevor might find the sight of the other boy’s torture horrible and frightening beyond imagination but he was asubbie after all. He’d practically asked for this. It had seemed like a terrific idea when he’d asked Ms. Tricia to let him watch as she tortured some random boy way beyond the breaking point. He’d always fantasized about watching a sadistic woman letting herself go and getting completley carried away. He’d always thought it’d be heaven to watch a wicked woman unleash her sadistic side far enough she’d go a little too far with a boy. He thought he’d wanted to watch a woman do real and permanent damage to some boy. Trevor had gone to the fetish bar in Cozumel looking for a dominant and sadistic woman like that. And Tricia had joked about how she’d always wanted to be totally free someday so she could express her cruel nature fully and without limits.
But now, tied up and watching this woman torture the Mexican kid, now Trevor’s half formed idea about watching a woman torture a boy beyond his breaking point seemed less of a good idea. Especially after Ms. Tricia implied that Trevor himself would be the next one to feel the sharp bites of a pack of hungry rats. The very thought terrified Trevor. But deep down the thought he was with a woman who’d enjoy snuffing him aroused him as much as it terrified him. He’d fantasized all his life about being the plaything of a beautiful and seductive and sadistic woman who took pleasure in torturing boys and found sexual release in snuffing them. He was leaking pre-cum nowjust watching the evil delight Ms. Tricia took in prolonging that poor boy’s agony with the rats. Trevor had long ago made peace with the pervert deep within him. So he screamed and shook with fear along with the boy as the rat’s body twisted and shook as it ate away at poor Miguel’s crotch. But Trevor also shook with lust as his cock oozed cum watching this incredibly cruel woman have so much wicked fun.
The first rat had half its body buried in the screaming Miguel’s crotch. Its front claws were inside the boy pullingboth the rat and its sharp teeth deeper and deeper into the boy. Tricia chuckled as she got another cage and shoved poor Miguel’s cock into the small hole on the bottom. Earlier she’d whipped the boy’s cock till she’d opened half a dozen cuts. His bloody cock attracted the new rat like popsiclesattracted five year olds on a sweltering August day. Tricia was delighted when the rat gobbled up Miguel’s penis about as fast askids suck down a popsicle on that hot summer day. The cruel woman laughed. With two rats gnawing inside the boy things were finally starting to get interesting. At least for her. Not so much for Miguel. He was in a frenzy, his body shaking and convulsing and twisting as he tried to throw off the rats eating away at his vital parts.
It did no good of course. Both rats were well inside the boy’s abdomen by then. Tricia put her hand over Miguel’s stomach, thrilling at the feel of the tiny heads furiously tunneling deeper and deeper inside the boy. She was going to snuff Miguel from the inside out. The rats were her tools, her weapons. She fetched another cage.
“Where should I put this one ladies? His butt?His face?His chest?”
Lauren shouted out “His face! Do his fucking face!” Kim giggled and called out her vote for letting the starving rat loose on the boy’s belly where it could join its brother rats and chew its way to Miguel’s kidney and liver and lungs. Amanda was practical. She wanted to boy’s torture to last as long as possible. She cheered the boy when he screamed and pointed out to her sadistic friends that letting the rat loose on the boy’s butt hole would maximize the cruel foursome’s sadistic pleasure. Tricia agreed. She jammed a rough barked stick up her boy’s butt and shook and twisted and poked it violently in and out. Miguel howled as the tender flesh inside his anus got shredded but his cruel tormenter. Trish did enough damage to draw blood that would help the ravenous rat get its bearings. She pushed the cage against Miguel’s skinny ass and pulled open the little door.The rat attacked the boy’s savaged butt in a flash.
“Look at the sucker go! God, did you ever see a head disappear up a butt so fast.”
The women laughed at the shrieking boy’s gyrations. There were three rats inside him now. They were eating their way up through his body. It’d take some time before they got to anything vital. Even so there was internal bleeding. The boy was losing strength. Fortunately three of his tormentors were nurses. At least fortunately for the wicked woman enjoying his suffering. Three of the women were nurses. They knew how to keep a boy alive so they could torture him longer. Miguel was going into shock from the pain and the terror gripping him. Kim and Lauren and Trish went into action so they could prolong the boy’s agony.
Kim started an I.V. to build up Miguel’s blood volume. Lauren jabbed a hypodermic full of stimulants into the kid’s arm. Tricia shoved a plastic tube up the boy’s ass and then deftly sewed Miguel’s butt hole and crotch shut closing off and the gaping wounds between his legs. The plastic tube was connected to an air compressor. Amanda turned it on to its lowest setting. That kept a steady stream of air pumped inside the boy’s cavities so the evil rats would live long enough to finish off Miguel. The sadistic bent of the women demanded they keep their victim alive and suffering as long as possible.
The three rats were trapped inside the boy now. They’d have to eat their way out. Amanda gave voice to that thought and all four women whooped and cheered. What they were doing to Miguel was primitive, crude, cruel, savage, vicious. Evil even.Which is precisely why all four women were in such high spirits. And why Lauren had her hand between Kim’s legs so she could get her fingers deep inside the sultry dark haired woman’s slit. Torturing boys wasn’t just fun. It was erotic.
“God. You girls have to feel this. Put your hand here. On his belly. I think our rats are fighting over the tastiest of the little boy bitsinside Miguel. You can feel the little monsters churning and twisting around in there. It feels positively divine.” Trish purred.
Kim and Lauren and Amanda agreed once they’d felt the way Miguel’s stomach was pulsing and contorting as the three hungry rats chewed through everything they found. Amanda eyed Trevor, winked at the man, picked up the cage with the fourth rat and swung it toward the middle aged man’s crotch.
“Want some of this Trevor? You wanted to see us torture a boy past the breaking point. Did Trish forget to tell you the price a subbie pays for watching something like this is to get the same treatment himself? Unless you have a better idea on how we can snuff you.”
Tricia thought the look on the man’s face was delightful. He’d kind of figured out the women were going to kill the boy. But he’d convinced himself they’d let him go after. Of course, Tricia would want to whip him to a bloody mess first. He expected that. We wanted that. And he knew Amanda would have to burn his balls some. He’d paid to play with the two sadistic and dominant women a dozen times in the past. He knew the women watching the young Mexican boy get destroyed were as cruel as any women he’d met. And he just assumed Tricia’s two young friends;the two girls from Texas loved torturing men as much as Ms. Tricia and Amanda. But snuff. Sure, he’d fantasized about it. He’d even talked about it with Trish more than once. As fantasy.As a made up what-if kind of thing. He’d dreamed about meeting a woman willing to go that far with a man. And he’d told himself he’d do anything for a woman like that. But now, seeing it for real, well it wasn’t quite as fun as he’d thought it would be. Especially since he was cuffed and bound and had no way to escape if these wonderfully cruel and crazily sadistic women seceded to snuff him next.
Although he had to admit this whole scene did excite him. He was terrified sure. But his dick knew what it wanted. Hell, once he’d figured out they meant to torture Miguel to death Trevor had gotten a giant boner and leaked pre-cum for a good ten minutes before Amanda put her cigar out on his prick. But this talk of snuffing him, of setting a bunch of rats loose inside him, well that was just talk wasn’t it? He’d paid for this experience. They’d let him go in the end wouldn’t they? Trevor’s body shook as he contemplated this turn of events. The boy’s torture disturbed him. It was truly horrific. Even if it was perversely erotic. But what really shook Trevor was the fact that he couldn’t quite decide if he wanted to survive this week of if he wanted to end up like Miguel. Dying for a sadistic woman was Trevor’s ultimate fantasy. Suffering the most horrible snuff imaginable purely to amuse four cruel and sadistic women could be the ultimate fantasy. Or the ultimate insanity.Or both. Trevor wasn’t sure.
“What’re you thinking Trevor darling. You certainly quieted down. You said you wanted me to let go. You practically begged me to take you home and let you watch while I pushed a boy past his limits. Well, how’s that working out for you hon? Bet you didn’t think I’d be pushing you way past your own limits now did you. Well, little horny boys like you should be careful what they fantasize about. It just might come true.”
She had three more starving rats to use on her prey. Tricia decided the three eating away at the insides of Miguel were enough to finish the boy off. Still, she did want to watch another rat eat its way into the boy. So she’d use one rodent on the fucking wet back’s face and keep the other hungry rats to use on Trevor. But who to do first? Miguel looked strong enough to handle another twenty minutes of rats feasting on his intestines and liver and stomach. Tricia laughed. She’d do Trevor first. Her subbie with the fantasies about a woman who went too far were about to be realized in a way she was sure Trevor never imagined.
This was pretty much Tricia’s show. The other three women were content to watch the torture. And torment the sluts each of them had been provided by their generous and totally sadistic hostess. This was Tricia’s party, Tricia’s ranch, Tricia’s rules. The four wicked women had started the New Year with a boy apiece and three extras for a group snuff. Tricia had announced her one and only rule for the three day debauchery filled party. At the end all the boys had to have suffered the most excruciating deaths imaginable. And as much agony along the way as possible. Amanda and Kim and Lauren were doing their part with that last bit.
Kim’s boy was cuffed and hog tied at her feet. He had a spreader bar locking his ankles apart and his hands were bound behind his back. The collar around his neck was chained to a stake driven into the yard where Tricia was feeding her two sacrificial boys to the starving rats. Kim’s boy couldn’t see the churning movements of Miguel’s belly as rats ate way the boy’s insides but he heard Miguel’s shrieks. Which set the hog tied boy on edge and made every muscle in his body contract. Which suited Kim just fine. When she kicked him the balls it’d hurt more if he was tight and scared and all tensed up.
It worked out that way too. Kim had half her attention on Miguel and his writhing body and pitifully agonized screams. And half her attention on her own boy’s balls as she slammed her pointy toed boots into the kid’s tender testicles over and over again. She’d long ago done enough damage to his balls to ensure he’d never have and children. Of course that was of little concern since he had but a couple of days to live. But Kim did take pleasure in wrecking the boy’s balls so totally. And causing him such excruciating pain. Satisfying Tricia’s rules for the weekend was going to be no problem for Kim.
Nor would Lauren have any trouble keeping her boy in constant pain before she snuffed him. She didn’t even know his name. But she knew he was terrified of getting castrated. Lauren had taken garden shears and teased the boy earlier. The look of terror on his face when she’d caught his balls between the blades had been precious. She’d even cut him some. Not enough to snip off his silly balls. But enough to make him bleed. The sight of the thin red line across her boy’s testicles had aroused Lauren so much she’d pushed the sharp point of one shear two inches down her boy’s pee hole. And in one fast and exuberant motioned snapped the shears together. She’d drawn more of the boy’s vital blood. And left his cock split open from its tip down to a third of its flaccid length. She was trying to get her boy hard now. It’d be fun to see him with a boner and the tip of his cock split by her recent cut.
Amanda was torturing her boy with a cigar in between watching her longtime lover Trish sic rats on Miguel. Her victim was named Luke. He was from Australia. The foolish twenty year old had made the mistake of going to Mexico for New Years. And then letting himself think the sexy and wanton and remarkably attractive thirty something American woman who kept buying him drinks in the bar was just interested in him for sex. Which had suited Luke just fine. He fancied himself a player. His good looks and Aussie accent had always made it easy to pick up girls. He’d slept with dozens and dozens of women attracted to his blond outback looks and sexy accent. So it was natural for him to think he was in control when Amanda showed interest in him. He downed the Mexican beers she’d bought him and swallowed the ‘magic’ pills she’d given him without concern. He’d recognized the Viagra the woman had slipped into his hand. And the Ecstasy. He just assumed the other two pills were going to make him harder or happier. He kept assuming that until he passed out from the drugs Amanda gave him and woke up her, bound and cuffed and naked. With boys screaming all around him.
Now he had more than fifty cigar burns on his body. Amanda would suck on the end of her thin cigars until the tip was a lovely hot orange then press the glowing tip against someplace sensitive on Luke’s body. She’d started with his tits. As a way of introducing her snuff pet to getting branded by a cruel woman. She’d done his cock and balls of course. Now she was focused on his left testicle. She meant to burn it off. Slowly of course. There was no rush. And it’d be fun to burn the ball to a crispy black stump before using her cigar to sear away the sac that held the testicle in Luke’s scrotum. God it’s fun being a sadistic woman when there are boys to snuff!
Tricia put the cage with her fourth rat over Trevor’s balls. The boy screamed. And screamed and screamed. The rat was still in its cage. No little rat teeth had bitten into Trevor’s flesh. Still the boy screamed. He’d seen what the three rats had done to the boy named Miguel. The Mexican kid was still alive. Trevor could see lumps moving inside the boy, rat lumps eating the boy from the inside out. Miguel’s balls were gone. Miguel’s belly was a churning mass as three rats consumed his organs. It looked like a scene from one of the Alien movies the way the boy’s stomach lurched and pulsed with the tiny furry almost alien life inside it. Trevor was terrified that was about to happen to him. The Mexican kid wouldn’t die. He just keep shrieking and suffering and begging for ‘muerte, muerte. Por favor senora. Quiero la muerte’.Trevor knew enough Spanish to translate. “Death.Death. Please Mistress. I want death.” Trevor couldn’t imagine a more horrific fate.
“My hungry little beast wants a meal Trevor. You’ll sacrifice your balls to the little beastie won’t you? For Mistress?”
Trish didn’t wait for the boy’s reply. She looped the rope attached to the cage around Trevor’s neck and adjusted the knot so the cage hung at the level of his balls. Grabbing his left ball with her hand she squeezed and mashed the thing against the three quarter inch round hole on the front of the rat’s cage. It was a very tight fit. Tricia had to pound hard on Trevor’s ball to get it to pass through the small opening. Her three girlfriends laughed as the boy’s shrieks rose an octave in pitch at this latest insult to his body. Like his ravenous cousins before him the rat in the cage ignored the women’s laughter and the boy’s shrieks and attacked the succulent boy flesh with a vengeance. Small impossible sharp teeth bit into Trevor’s ball. His shrieks rose to an almost inaudible pitch. His eyes were wide with fear and pain and horror. Tricia stood in front of the boy and taunted him.
“How about it Trevor? Is this letting go enough for you? Want me to go further sweetie? Want me to snuff you now?” she sneered.
Trevor didn’t respond. All his attention was on the pain in his groin as his left nut was destroyed. The rat was ravenous. It kept attacking the boy’s testicle until there was nothing left but a few shreds of skin. It’d taken ten minutes. Tricia had used a syringe to give Trevor a stimulant She wanted her victim to stay alert and conscious as part of his manhood was eaten away by the small savage rodent she’d set on the boy. It was too cruel, too wicked, too delicious seeing Trevor’s face contorted in agony and fear and betrayal.
“Having fun sweetie?” she taunted the boy.
He didn’t answer. His shrieks were animalistic now, just wild and hoarse and raving sounds coming from his throat. He was beyond speech at this point. The horror of what was happening to him contrasted against the laughing and smiling faces of the four women gathered around him to watch the rat do its work twisted something in Trevor’s mind. This was no fantasy, no story. It wouldn’t end until he ended, until Tricia finished snuffing him. And she didn’t seem to be in a hurry to finish him off. It was that thought that sent Trevor over the edge.
“Well, I for one am having tons of fun babe. And judging from Amanda and Kim and Lauren’s laughter they are too. So you’re entertaining your Mistress and her special guests just fine Trevor honey. But you do look silly with just on testicle hanging there between your legs. And my little friend is still so very, very hungry. Do you mind if I feed him your right ball hon? It’ll only hurt for a few minutes. I promise. Then I’ll let Mandy hurt you. Then Kim.And Lauren of course. OK baby? Huh? What’s the matter Trev? Cat got your tongue? Or does the rat have your ball?”
Trevor’s eyes rolled back in his head and his body shook as Trish grabbed his right nut and squeezed it down small enough to fit through the hole where she’d stuffed his left ball just a few minutes ago. Tricia asked Amanda to slap the boy to help keep him alert. And for Lauren to kick his butt. And for Amanda to twist his titties so Trevor would remember where he was and what was happening to him. The girls wanted their victim to be fully alert for his torture, fully aware of what they were doing to him and what they were taking from him.
Trevor was all too aware. When he felt those sharp little teeth bite into his as yet intact right testicle he screamed with renewed vigor. His body flopped and fought and jerked with renewed energy. And all four girls found their hands slipping down between their thighs as their fingers sought out their wonderfully hot slits in their sadistically aroused bodies.
The American put on a good show for his cruel tormentors. The rat ate his entire right testicle and the sunk its teeth into the base of the boy’s cock. The hole in the cage was big enough for the rodent’s snout to get through but it couldn’t escape its prison. It could only chew on Trevor parts as far as its mouth would reach. Trish wanted it that way. She had other plans for Trevor. His torture was going to last for days. She just wanted her silly boy with his wild fantasy about women snuffing men to have a taste of what was in store for him. Miguel was the main show this afternoon. And the boy was fading. It was time to end his life. With more suffering. Trish had one more rat that needed feeding. And Miguel’s face was so far unblemished. That needed to change.
Tricia put on a pair of heavy leather gloves and grabbed the ten foot piece of rusted barbed wire. She’d planned on securing the rat cage to Miguel’s face from the start. So she wrapped the wire with its still sharp barbs around the boy’s face just below eye level. She pulled the wire tight after each wrap to drive the pointy little barbs deep into his flesh. Once she had the wire secured around the boy’s head and face Tricia picked up the cage and positioned it so its little door was centered on Miguel’s left cheek. She’d thought about letting the rat loose on the boy’s neck. It’d be fun to see those sharp little teeth sever the kid’s throat and to hear Miguel’s screams die out as his neck provided a banquet for the hungry rat. But that would probably result in death to soon to satisfy Tricia and her cruel friends. Sometimes a fast violent snuff was what they wanted. And sometimes a girl needed a long drawn out slow snuff. Today was one of those times. So Miguel would suffer for an hour or more yet just to provide four sadistic women with the wicked pleasure they craved.
“Good show Trish. You picked a strong boy. I’m amazed he’s still fighting.”
“Some of these wetbacks have amazing stamina. Their dicks may be small but their hearts are big. So it balances out. As long as we have our fun I’ll take a little dicked boy over a faint hearted man.”
“I hear you lover. But it looks like our boy’s about done for. What is it with these rats. It’s like they can’t get enough to eat. As much flesh as they’ve torn off Miguel you’d think they’d curl up and nap. But look at that seething mass churning away in abdomen. Looks like they’ve made their way to the bottom of his lungs. And from the blood oozing from the boy’s ruined crotch I’d saw at least one of those hungry vermin got to his liver. Won’t be long now.”
“I think you’re right. Let’s light our boy on fire. I don’t need the rats anymore. There’s plenty on the ranch. And I do love to see a boy dance in firelight. What do you say girls. Shall we light this boy’s fire?”
“Hell yes!” Kim laughed.
“Fire him up Trish. God, I’ll bet the rat eating Miguel’s face is going to go nuts when it catches on fire. Do it sister. Douse them all with oil and set them ablaze. The sun will be down soon and there’s a chill in the air. A lovely boy fueled bonfire sounds like just what we need.” Lauren giggled.
“We don’t need to burn the boy Lauren. We just want to. And for women like us fulfilling our whims and our wants is just as important as filling our needs.”
“Speak for yourself Tricia. I need to torture boys. I get anxious when I got too long without a good torture session. Or a good snuff. I for one need to set this little used up fucked on fire. My pussy would never forgive me if I didn’t torch the little bean eater.”
“Well then, let’s get to it. There’s a squirt gun full of oil for each of us. Fire away ladies. Then I’ll light the fire that will get Miguel here dancing for us.”
Trish was ever the considerate hostess. She’d prepared four squirt guns for her guests and herself. Each was filled with aromatic lamp oil. In the right hands each squirt gun could bring unimaginable pain to a boy. Trish and Amanda and Kim and Lauren had just the right hands and exactly the right attitude to put these guns to goo use. Each cruel woman pointed her gun, squeezed the trigger and splashed lovely and highly flammable oil on Miguel’s body.
He lasted for ten more minutes. Kim proved to be the best shot with the squirt gun. She managed to get several globs of oil on the rat eating Miguel’s face. The rat never stopped gnawing on the boy’s cheek. Until Trish tossed a lit match at Miguel. The match ignited the oil Lauren and Mandy had managed to splash all over his belly and crotch. The girls all laughed as the bright flames ate away at what was left of those parts of Miguel. Tricia had used three bursts from her oil filled squirt gun to make a line from the boy’s neck down to his belly. Now the fire she’d started down below fed on the oil dripping down Miguel’s neck and chest and set that ablaze. The way he jerked and writhed in agony at this new insult to his body amused and aroused all four sadists. Especially when the fire reached Miguel’s face. And the oil soaked rat tearing at his cheek.
“Jesus Trish. This is so fucking hot. We can do another boy tomorrow night can’t we? You have more for us don’t you? Please say you do!”
“Mexican boys are cheap. And seemingly inexhaustible. There are plenty more where Miguel came from ladies. But we only have one Trevor. And one Luke. So girls, how are we going to snuff our two white boys? Any interesting ideas?”
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