The cold that announces all travelers from the Dark Paths filled the room as Azrael returned Titania as he had sworn.
Cerberus was first delighted, then stunned, as yet a third emerged. His delight rapidly swung to fury as he recognized yet 'another' of the Lined Elders. "Who is that?" He hissed pointed to Isis.
Titania moved to place herself before the tiny Elder. "Watch it Cerberus." She gave him a single warning. "This is the only one out of five Elder's on the council that backed me. The others would have let my Sire's killer get away with it." Her voice was low, and full of threat. She might not be able to even cause the Covenstead Master so much as a moment's grief, but if he came at the ancient old woman, she was going to try.
He growled. "Damn you Azrael. I told you, did I not? 'I did not', want another of the Lined blood , most especially not one of the, 'Elders', knowing where I live." He glared at Isis.
Azrael shook his head in exasperation as he grabbed his arm. "I have fought enough for your rights today, Childe, that you should try to show some graciousness." The threat was there, clear and clean. Covenstead law, or no Covenstead law he would not be called to task by this Fledgling, a mere Childe. "This is one of, 'my' blood. She is the sister of my Sire." He lifted a slim finger. "And, she was the only, Elder, at that Tribunal that had final say in your little Charges fate." He pulled Cerberus forward to face her, refusing to be ignored. "Hate it as you might. 'She', is the one Elder that you should be overjoyed to have within these walls. And you, 'will', show her the respect due her by her age and her wisdom." The tone of his voice allowed no argument, as he forced Cerberus to his knee. He understood Cerberus's fear, and pains, but to take the attitude that all Elders are evil. No. That he could not accept.
Cerberus felt a brief, burning flash of fear. Covenstead law or no, here, now, he would bow, be forced to bend. "Forgive me," he whispered the words. "My apologies, Mistress."
Isis just smiled. "Oh, Azrael, do let the boy be. If we have failed in our duties as badly as it does seem we have. Is there any wonder, why he does not want those of the Line's in his realm?" Her hand touched Azrael's where it still held Cerberus's shoulder.
Azrael nodded, "Sorry, Covenstead Master, it just seems as I have done nothing but fight for you and yours for so long. Your caution hit me as ingratitude." He patted the younger Kin's arm. "Now, where is Morgan?"
Eris looked up from the card game he was playing with Morgan, at the new voices. Titania was back, and with her came his little charges Master. He did not know what to be happier about. The fact that Titania was back and alive, or that Azrael had come back and he would be able to relinquish his baby-sitting job.
He folded his hand smiling. "Card game is over dear, your Master has returned for you. Why don't you go on and hurry back to him. I'll put this stuff away."
Morgan wasn't used to the layout of the house. It was not like anywhere she had lived, past or present. So she backtracked her steps through rooms filled with Kin carefully seeking, the, living room once again.
The decor wasn't bad at all. True it was nothing like she had become accustomed to living with Azrael, but it was better decorated than her old home had been.
But there were too many damned rooms, she kept getting turned around, trying to remember which room was which. She should have paid more attention to where she was going when she left the main room. If she had, she wouldn't have ended up as lost as she was now.
She was going to need help. Like it or not, she needed help to find where she was going. "Uh," she reached out and tapped a young looking man on the shoulder. "I hate to bug you, but how do I navigate in this place?"
Blond hair, dark brown eyes, in a face that marked him a hunk in her mind, brightened with a grin turned to meet hers. "And just who might you be?" A tone, as bright as the smile, "you're not one of us, and I think I know all the mortals here, did one of the crew slip you in while I wasn't looking?" He reached up and brushed her cheek with his fingers. "I think I might just be jealous."
Several other Rogue's laughed behind him. "Mike, that's the Elder's girl." One of the other men in the room shook his head. "You don't remember?"
"Ah," now it made sense. "I didn't see her when she came in. I was out." The merriment in his eyes didn't change as he looked back at her. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." He stroked her cheek again. "What's your name honey?"
She didn't feel any bad vibes from him, he felt a lot like Joseph felt, warm, safe and good. And as used to vampires as she was, his flirting with her didn't even bother her. "Morgan." She held out a hand. "Now, could you please tell me how to get back to where I started this day at?"
He chuckled. "Do better than that, pretty girl, I'll lead the way." He offered her his arm. "I know just how you feel. When Cerberus first brought me here, it took me days to find my way around. Just be glad you don't have to live here."
"Why not?" She didn't understand his statement. Was it meant as a warning or a threat?
It was neither. "Because, my dear," he escorted her into the main portion of the house. "Then you would have to learn how to navigate here, and it was a bitch for me, and I'm a vampire. It takes new mortals, weeks to learn all the places in this maze."
Her helper, forgotten Morgan squealed as she released his arm and rushed to her Master. "You got back." It felt so good to be back in his arms. She had been so worried.
"Yes precious," it was difficult not to laugh at the relief in her face. "Did you think I would abandon you here?" He hugged her. "Silly thing, you are my Chosen."
Cerberus was having trouble absorbing all the things happening in his home. "As you see Azrael, I kept my word. She's returned to you, no worse for staying here."
"Yes," Azrael squeezed her once more before letting her go. "I did not doubt your word Childe, just your refusal to listen to reason." Then to Morgan, "sweet, allow me to introduce you to my Sire's sister, my aunt, Isis."
Large brown eyes in a small beautiful oval face greeted her as she turned to look at the woman who was so old, that even her Master was a Childe compared to her. "Umm," okay, what should she say? "I-I am honored, your Ladyship. It is good to meet you. I didn't know there were any older than my Master."
The soft deep mellow chuckle was soothing. "Not many little one, but a few." She turned to Azrael. "No power here, but what a darling Childe she will make regardless of the lack of Magecraft abilities." She was impressed with her nephew's good fortune. "But then you always did have the devils luck when it came to your young."
Azrael smiled down at Morgan. "Yes, she is as precious and as dear as any Childe I have ever given my blood to." She glowed under his praise. Preening and blushing at the same time. It was the one thing she liked most about living with her master. She never had to wonder what he thought or felt about her. She knew he would tell her. That constant, almost parental, support was what had helped her heal and grow over the years.
"Pity that Osiris no longer walks among us." Isis looked upon her brothers Childe fondly, as he lost himself in the young mortal's eyes. "He was never anything but proud of you."
"Aye, I miss him still, though he has been gone from me since just after I pushed my First-Born from my home, to learn to be adult." Over a thousand years and it still hurt. Would he ever stop missing the man who made him what he was, and through him many others?
A soft clearing of a throat brought them back to the here and now, and away from memories better left in the past, where they belong. "Excuse me, Elders," Cerberus stood there, Eris at his side, both watching them closely. "But if it is all the same to you Azrael," he bowed his head at the elder Kin. He had been forced to bend once in his own home tonight, already. He didn't want to repeat the shame. "I have kept my word, your Chosen there is returned to you safe and in as good a condition as you left her. Thank you for standing for Titania, for seeing that she got the justice that she needed. But again, I must ask you, to leave. My Brood, have come to accept that you will not do them wrong, and through you, we can even accept the near immortal there. But as you know, not all those in my home are my Brood."
There were murmurs of agreement from all around the room, with one exception. The young Kin that had led Morgan back to the main room shook his head. "Scuse me, Master." He looked to Cerberus, merriment dancing in his eyes. "But, like it or not, we owe them at least something of a welcome."
Cerberus looked at him. It was Zephyr, putting his two cents in. He should have known. This one was the one and only that he had given the Gift to in the last twenty years. And as the baby of the family, the Fledgling had always felt safer to speak as he felt. Knowing that approve or not, none of his elder brothers, nor his Sire, or his Sire's Husband would allow him to be really harmed. "Zeph, I didn't know you had made it back from your hunt. Any luck in your search?" His tone was light, but there was warning in his eyes.
The boy was looking for a new pet. He had decided that all the ones in the house belonged to others, and he couldn't keep filching blood from his Sire or his brothers.
Zephyr chuckled moving to throw, himself, into a chair, completely missing his sire's warning glare. "Nope, came up empty handed again. It's hard to find one that fits the bill, ya know?" He looked both Azrael and Isis over. "So rumor has it that Titania's trial went well. She's back, and whole. So how come you're standing there acting like we're about to go to war?"
Eris could have kissed the boy. He too had been wondering for days why his lover was so bent about this. They were Rogues. There was nothing that could be done to dispute this. But on the same token so far the Elder, who had come after Set and made him pay for his crimes, hadn't made any moves that could be read as threatening in any way. Even after forcing his husband to bend, was willing to beg pardon for his loss of temper. "You know Cerberus, your son has a valid question. Why are we refusing any connection between us, and the other Covenstead? Obviously they follow the Laws. Titania would be dead by now. You in chains, if they didn't. What is the hang-up?"
Cerberus turned to glare at his husband. * How dare you question me, here like this? * His thoughts battered at Eris's.
* Well stop acting like a fool, and I won't question you. You know how I feel about this. I am ashamed. This Elder has done nothing to earn your hatred, if anything he has worked to do all that he can to make us feel safe and that he would back you. I won't just stand back, silent, and let you shame me . * He held his head up, eyes locked with Cerberus's. * Will you force his hand? Will I lose my Husband and Sire? * Not a sound was heard in the room as the two Kin faced each other. Both believing, that they were right. And both trying to make the other see in a silent battle of wills. It did not go well for the house when these two fought. Any who had been at the Covenstead for more than a few decades had learned. Cerberus and Eris, almost never fought, but on the rare occasion they, did, it was best to get out of their way.
Mike as all but, Cerberus and Eris knew him, cleared his throat trying to break the stalemate. "I'm sorry, Father, didn't mean to cause this fuss." He'd get his ears boxed in if this kept up much longer. "I'll take myself and my mouth out of here." He moved to leave, but Eris wouldn't let him. "Do I have to?" He began to swear softly at the curt nod. "Shit."
Morgan tugged at Azrael's sleeve. "Az, maybe we need go, hu?" She had been with Azrael and his folks for almost three years now, and she knew what the look on Cerberus's face meant. He was mad, and as soon as they left, someone was going to get an attitude adjustment.
"Yes, Azrael, your Chosen is right, we need leave these to their own lives. Enough disruption for one evening." Isis wanted no more chaos. She had had quite enough for one night.
He nodded. "Yes, you both are right. No need in standing here listening to what is obviously a lovers quarrel." He moved to break the two up. "Excuse me, Coven Master, but there is not need for this. We are leaving. On your word, that there be peace between our houses."
Cerberus turned from Eris, "On one condition Elder. Your word that neither you, nor any of the Elders you are tied to return here. Your coven members, and mine are welcome to inter mix, but 'you, and those like you' stay out." There was an embarrassed anger in his voice, one that had it not been so important to keep the peace, Azrael would have laughed at.
Both Eris and Zephyr rolled their eyes. It was obvious that it was going to take them a little time to warm their lover/Sire, to the idea of having the Lines in their life again.
Azrael bowed. "Though I can not speak for any but myself, I give my word, I will violate your home no more with out your permission." He looked to Isis, who nodded smiling. "You have both our words Cerberus, but know this." His tone was a breath above a threat. "As you have said, I too will allow my Fledglings, and those who seek protection in my home to visit with those here. But should the day come that any in my care are harmed. My agreement is ended." And with that, all three faded from the room.
Eris sighed in relief. " 'Well that' could have gone better." He hit Cerberus. "When will you learn to lighten up. In case you have forgotten, that 'particular' Elder, has not only stood by one of us, but also dealt with getting rid of a little problem of yours." Though he was shorter than Cerberus, his lack of size had never slowed him down in any way. "Or haven't you figured it out yet. Had Azrael not killed Set, it would only have been a matter of time before he would have challenged you. And you know what might have happened then." Then there was, pain and fear in his eyes. "And to challenge him, I do not want to be a widower." He almost sobbed. "I have no life without you, please, don't let your own stupidity be the end to ours."
Like it or not, Cerberus could not argue the point with his husband. Set had been pushing those last few months. He might have challenged him, and had he lost, not only would the Covenstead been lost to him, but his lover and Children become nothing more than Set's slave. "Okay, baby, I'll give it some thought." He bent a little. "Though I have to tell you, it is going to take a little time to get used to this again." His lips brushed Eris's, "I'm sorry for scaring you baby. Just got away from myself, that's all, like I said, give me a little time."
Eris nodded, sighing in relief. "Well, love," he could feel the tension in his husband's body. "Aren't we lucky that, that one particular commodity, has been given back to us."
Cerberus turned to look at Zephyr, the smile on his face fading. "You on the other hand." The look on his face promised harsh retribution. "Looks like I am going to have to teach you to keep you mouth out of my business, again." He hated when he had to punish any of his children, but this one most of all. "Strip, then go over there and lean against the wall."
Eris lay a hand on Cerberus's arm. "Are you going to hurt him like last time?" He wouldn't try to stop him, he had learned a long time ago, that, fighting with him when he was like this only promised whichever Childe had earned punishment, would be hurt more.
Cerberus shook his head. "No, I don't feel like living with you throwing knives at me with every glare. I'll whip him, chain him downstairs and then I'll think." He began to unbuckle the belt at his waist as Zephyr stripped. "Go on with you boy. When are you going to learn," the first blow fell, even as the Fledgling leaned against the wall.
Zephyr struggled not to cry out as the first was quickly followed by a second, third, fourth and more. His Sire was angry, and he would suffer for it.
"Poor, love," Eris shook his head, talking to no one inparticular as he watched Cerberus reduce his Childe to a bleeding huddled mass on the floor. "I don't know what is going to hurt Cerberus more, the humiliation of having to publicly bend to another, or the shame he is going to feel at his taking it out on Zeph."
* * *
Morgan shivered to herself as the returned to their home. Everything had been returned back to normal and it felt like home again. Everyone was so calm, so relaxed. Not even Jason who had been worried about her earlier this evening, was bothered in the least as she moved to where Azrael sat, nodding to Isis to take her seat as well. "So, Az," she pulled up into his lap. Her little mouth, soft against his, promising sweetness. "I did like you asked. You promised me your full, complete and undivided attention when we got back here, if I behaved myself. I'm holding you to that promise." She understood that her Master would, of course, want to spend time with his relative, and yet she had followed his directions to the letter, with the promise of a night of him, and no one else, as a reward if she were good.
He chuckled. "When have you ever known me to break a promise, sweet?" He gave Isis a knowing look before looking back down at him, lovingly. "I spoil you, and you know it."
She giggled as he bit along her throat. "To the core." He could keep doing this for the rest of eternity. She loved him, and as long as he held her, the world was right and there was a tomorrow.
"I can only stay briefly little sister, so if you will wait, I need to bid my nephew a fond farewell." Isis knew her brother, and in knowing him as well as she had, was not at all surprised at Azrael's excesses. If anything, had Azrael put off his Chosen, she would have wondered.
They both sighed. "Yes, Elder," it was amusing in a way. He was almost four thousand years old, and still having to bend to those older than he was. It was not something that happened often. "You will not stay, share these delightful darlings with me?"
"No, I too have a pet. Unlike you, who still need so much, I feed out of need once, mayhaps twice, a year." She smiled as Morgan and several others in the room gaped at her in amazement.
A movement from the, shadowy, corner. "Excuse me." Joseph cleared his throat. "But Lady, if you only need to feed about once every six months or so, why keep a mortal?
The bell like ring of her laughter seemed to fill the room with music. "I said, out of need . But even one as young as you, must know that the feeding is not all for need. I am a quiet woman. The lad I have is all I need. Unlike you youngling's who must feed so often that unless you keep a house full, you will be forced to hunt. I only need one. And at my age, the fewer distractions the better." She rose to stand. "I must leave you now dearest. I know where you live once more and we will be together again, soon, but for now I must go."
They all understood what she meant. Usually, by the time Kin reached her age most of them, they lived alone. Disturbing no one, and allowing no one to disturb them. The very concept that a Elder Kin who was nearing her ten thousandth year, and was willing to still keep a mortal, and speak to those around her, was something of a surprise. "Aye, and I know that you are near." He released Morgan as he stood to bid his aunt and Elder farewell. "It has been too long. I was no longer sure you still lived. When my Sire died, I lost my tie with you, and no longer felt your life as I had once."
Though Azrael was not by, modern standards, a tall man, the little Elder Kin was tiny in his arms. A feeling of almost having his Sire with him once again swept over him as she returned his kiss, reaffirming the old ties and connections. "Do not stay gone so long this time, Isis, now that I know that you live, I would welcome you gladly, with joy and love, within the walls of my domain."
Soft, large, brown eyes smiled up into his as she laughed again. "Aye, I have missed you as well little one. And though I never once in all my years, ever, expected to be reintroduced to you as I was, I am glad I have been."
Robyn rolled her eyes. "You know something." She whispered to her soul-bonded. "You would think with the way they are acting, that none of them has ever run up on anyone who has been out of their lives for a long time." She laughed as Torin swatted her.
"Hush, I think it's sweet. And just think. We got a great-aunt now, and once we have pulled our hundred years here, it's a place to go." He was a planner, and knowing that there was another of their Master's line still, out, there, that they could call upon other than Michael was refreshing. "Besides, how many Female Elders are there anyway? I've seen two so far, and one of them we didn't even know existed, but now that we do."
She nodded. "You do have a point there, pretty face. Kin is so male oriented, that it would be rather cool to have a Lady Elder to hang with." She had been considering David's Sire, but with the renewed awareness of their blood Kin, it changed things. "Only question we still have, is, would she take us? You got to admit, even though she don't look a day over maybe thirty-five, she's old."
Isis turned smiling at the two. "I heard that." And the smile turned to, out right laughter, as the two sputtered apologies. "Hush, both of you. I am old. Even Kin ages eventually. Now what is the question that the two of you were discussing in regards to me?"
Robyn looked to Torin with a, 'you wanna say it, or shall I' , look. He nodded to her. She was female after all.
"Umm." She thought hard on how to put this forth. They were not even vampires yet, and already they were planning on where to run when Azrael threw them out. "It's not important. Just running over possible hiding spots when we wear out the welcome here."
Azrael chuckled. "Those two, as you see, are both Magi, as well as my Chosen. And it would seem that they are making plans for their future. Though I have not even made them my Fledglings yet. I am waiting until I believe that one can live through the beginnings of the other's transformation." It was rather amusing. And he knew exactly which of the two have begun the planning. "Torin, the boy, is a planner. He tries so very hard to leave nothing to chance."
Isis nodded. "And where have I seen that trait before, I must wonder." Though the thought of having not one, but two young adults under her roof was neither wanted or peaceful, she had to admit to herself that when the time came, it might just be pleasant. "And I am being considered by these two?"
"Torin, he is ever conscious of his bond mates needs. There are far too few of her gender in the Lines. So she is, of course, seeking an elder female Kin to finish her training under once she has served her time here with me. Sharra has been considered, and has agreed with me that for Robyn's own emotional stability that she would accept them, but now."
She nodded before looking back, to, the two, youngling's, who, held, their, breaths. "I, must, warn you children, I am old. Living with me will not always be easy, so set in my ways am I, but" she smiled at them. "If when the day comes, you seek me out, I will not turn you away. I owe my nephew that much. I would never ban a Childe of his from my protection."
"Hey, that's great." The tension in Robyn's eyes left at the reassurance that they would not be refused. "Thanks." She hugged Torin before turning to hug Isis. "Thanks Lady, you have no idea how good it is to know where we are going."
Isis did not stay longer than was needed to bid them all a fond farewell, and extract several promises from Azrael, now that they were known to each other again, to keep her abreast of how things were in his home.
Once she was gone, the house exploded into many voices, all talking at once. Azrael allowed the relief of shock, stress, and joy for several minutes before calling it to a halt. "Enough children." He was no longer simply chuckling, but laughing full throatily. "So Megel, what do you think of your great-aunt? You have not seen her since you were a Childe."
Michael smiled in fond memory of what he had known, and what was now so obviously still the same. "She is just as she has always been to me Azrael. 'Great, grand, and glorious . "
"I didn't know any female Kin were still alive that were as old as she, other than Diana." David was floored. He had seen, heard, and honored an Elder so wonderfully beautiful and gracious that he almost worshipped her as much as his own Sire. "You really didn't know that she still lived?"
Azrael shrugged, a habit he had taken from Jason, his Childe's Chosen. "I have always hoped and assumed that if she had died, I would feel something , but no I was not sure. So I did not dwell upon the thoughts." He pulled Morgan back against him. Pleased to see that she was eager to be there.
"Well I think she's neat as all hell." Morgan snuggled in his arms. "Now, my turn."
"You are a greedy thing. You know that, do you not?" It was over. He now knew, for certain, that the ancient Elder who was his aunt lived. His home had been strengthened and life would go on better and more settled than it had been in years. "Megel." He turned his attention for a brief moment back to his eldest. "I am taking my girl here and seeing that she is rewarded as befits her efforts. See to it that the rest are settled and that those on the Hall are seen to, and fed."
Michael nodded. He should have known that once it was over, Azrael would seek a quiet corner with one of his bunch. It could not be easy on him, having so many outside Kin in his home. He needed to relax. "You go take care of yourself Azrael, I will see to your domain."
And he could not help himself, so often today had he been reminded that to some he was still the youngling. That the one shot was impossible to pass up. "Thank you Megel, you have always been such a good Childe." With that he and Morgan faded from the room, just before Michael could react.
After they left, David chuckled. "I know someone who is going to walk bow legged for days." He commented with a nod in the direction that both Azrael and Morgan had gone.
"Yes, but she will be happy." Michael went to take care of all that needed to be dealt with before taking his three and heading for his rest. "Remind me, tomorrow, that I need to track down another for the Hall. I am taking Benjamin. He's the last of the first eight, and I think he has paid for his crimes." The he grinned. "Besides, I will need a new pet soon enough, my boy over there is going to be my Son before the week is out."
Jason looked up from where he and Joseph sat playing with Amber. "Master?"
"You heard me Jay, by the end of the week, latest, you will be my Childe. I have been reminded this evening how much the Lines need to grow in numbers."
Jason sat there stunned as Michael left the room to go tend to the nine feeders that they kept. He was going to be a vampire soon. He had such a hard time believing, after only three years, that Michael was going to go ahead and go all the way.
There was no question about him wanting it. He had been, wanting it, from that first night that he had learned that he would, one day, be Michael's Childe. It wasn't even the knowledge that he would probably be real sick for a good week that bothered him. It was simply that he was having a difficult time assimilating what was with what would be. "I'm gonna be like you." He whispered to Joseph.
Joseph hugged him. "That's right, and it will be really great having a little brother, that is as close to my age as you are." He grinned. "You know I should be bent out of shape. I haven't been Megel's for even a full three years yet and already he is taking on another. But I'm not. I'm thrilled for you."
"Megel is much older than I am Jay." David sat beside them. "I didn't take care of Cain when he was my Childe, I was still too wrapped up in Lil, but I am sure that your Sire won't have near the problems I did. I am beginning to believe that between Azrael and him, that there is damn near nothing that they can't do."
Amber pulled closer to him. "I for one, and glad to know that you are being taken out of the running. Like Azrael said, as soon as you become Megel's Childe, I become first, pet, with him. I happen to like the thought of being first in something for once." She teased, kissing him. "Congratulations Jason."
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