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The Adventures of Karen

Part 33 Competition

The Adventures of Karen - Part 33 - Competition

After several minutes of silence, broken only by the heavy breathing from 
Joy, still enjoying post-orgasmic spasms as she watched her husband 
continuing to worship Peter's erection, Agnes stood up.

'Well...', she paused, '...that really was most impressive.  I think you all 
approve of my new house slave and I know that Lucy's careful training has 
been tested and proved most successful.'

Lucy smiled her thanks and called across to her slave couple.  'You can get 
up now and get yourselves cleaned up, if your husband can manage to stop 
sucking that cock.'

Joy moved reluctantly and tugged Allan's arm.  'Please, leave him now and 
lick me, lick my cunt for me.  You know how much you enjoy that after I've 
been fucked.  I'm sure Miss Agnes will allow you to play with that cock 
again, if we ask her nicely.'  Joy looked demurely across at Agnes.

'Oh, I'm sure we can arrange that for you, for both of you!' Agnes looked at 
Greta who nodded vigorosly.  'Yes indeed!  In fact we shall insist!'

Allan gave the black cock a final suck, a final tonguing, and moved to kneel 
between his wife's legs.  He looked up at her and smiled happily before he 
bent down and commenced his task.  Oblivious of the others around he 
continued to probe the wet, engorged flesh and the still hard clit, with his 
tongue.  Joy smiled as she began to lift and fondle her heavy breasts. 
Smiled contentedly as she teased her nipples, erect once more.

Agnes glanced across at them laughing.  'Leave them to it!  Slave Peter, you 
are dismissed, report to slave Ken, he will take care of you until we need 
you again.'

'Thank you Mistress, I hope I satisfied you.'

'Oh yes, you satisfied all of us, especially those two!'

Peter left the dungeon, smiling down at the naked couple, triumphant that 
both had served him, had shown appropriate homage to his manhood.  Manhood 
that made him inordinately proud.  Made him thankful that nature had 
compensated him so bountifully as a penance for causing him to be hairless.  
Not that his hairless state had ever caused him distress, rather he had 
always felt, immodestly, that it enhanced his physique.  Enhanced his appeal 
to both men and women.  Even complemented his endowment, especially in a 
situation such as this.

'Now, Greta, everyone, may I continue?  I really would like to make use of 
the sluts over there before we move onto our next little demonstrations.  
I'm sure Mike and Wendy won't mind keeping their parcel on ice, so to speak, 
for a little while longer.  I hope you will indulge my little whim, you know 
how my little pleasures can be satisfied!'

Wendy smiled grimly.  'We don't mind, but then we're in here and...', she 
looked at Mike,  '...yes,. go ahead, the delay will make the pleasure all 
the greater.'

'Fine.  Now, what I propose to do is to set sluts in competition with each 
other.  The winner can have a rest, of sorts,' Agnes winked at Greta, ' and 
the loser can help Wendy with her little demonstration.  Of course, it's not 
for me to say, but, given the choice, and knowing Wendy, I think I would 
prefer to win this contest!'

'Good!  You have my full permission to continue.  Please make free with 
everything I have to offer in here.'  Greta was gratified that Agnes had 
taken the initiative, a good omen for her plans to use her in new her 
scheme.  A scheme that she had yet to discuss in detail, apart from the 
planned demonstration later.  If there was time, of course, she reminded 

Agnes walked across to the naked girls, stretched wide and showing signs of 
distress at the prolonged clipping of their respective nipples.  She stood 
in front of the girls and looked first at Lisa, and then at Karen.

'I assume that neither of you have any objections to taking part in my 
little competition?'

Karen shook her head. 'As you wish Miss Agnes.'

'And you?'  Agnes snapped at Lisa,  'What about you?'

'Miss Agnes, what do we have to do?  Lisa was wary and more than a little 
afraid of what may happen to them, to her.  She had been a victim of Agnes' 
little 'games' before and she was not sure that the experience would be 

'Does that matter?'  Agnes moved closer and held Lisa's chin.  'Your 
Mistress has given me permission so you will, repeat, will, take part.  

'Yes Miss Agnes, sorry Miss.'  Lisa agreed miserably.

'Good, I'm sure you're both ready and willing.'  As she spoke she turned to 
face the seated guests, before she reached behind her and rubbed her hands, 
one between each girl's open legs, feeling, enjoying, the evidence of 
considerable lubrication.  'Oh my, look everyone!'  She held her hands up, 
glistening with the juices.  'Look what I've found.  These sluts have made 
me dirty my hands!'

With that she turned round to face the girls once more, and held her hands 
in front of each startled face.  'Look at this, you've made my hands so wet 
and sticky.  Now you can clean them for me.'  As she spoke she rubbed each 
open, wet, palm against their mouths.  Mouths that opened.  Tongues that 
crept out from the open lips.  Tongues that began to lick the secretions.  
To savor the taste, the sweet, salty, tangy taste.

'You see, they just love licking each others juices, look how they close 
their eyes and enjoy the taste.'  Agnes smiled over her shoulder as the 
girls enthusiastically licked her hands, licked each others vaginal 
secretions from her palms, from her fingers, from between her fingers.

'Enough, for now.  Let me release those poor nipples for you.  Would you 
like that?'

Both girls nodded, afraid to speak, but desperate for the constriction to be 
removed from their long suffering nipples.  Desperate for them to be free, 
but afraid of the painful sensations that they knew were inevitable as the 
blood flowed freely once more through the tender, sensitive tissue.

'I'll take that as a yes, then.  I know you'll feel so much better in just a 
second!'  Agnes enjoyed the moment, aware of the pain and discomfort that 
each would experience.  Perhaps it served them both right for having such 
prominent nipples, such enlarged teats.  Unlike her own formless nipples, 
nipples which, sadly, she knew would never fully experience such pain, such 
pleasure, such intense pleasure.

Lisa looked nervously as Agnes moved to her tormented right breast.  'There 
you are, isn't that better?'  Agnes unclipped the clamp and let it fall, 
with the weights still attached.  Let it fall while the other end was still 
attached to Karen's left nipple.  A nipple that now carried the full length 
of the chain, of the attached weights.

Lisa's eyes filled with tears as sensation returned to her nipple.

Karen managed to suppress a groan as she felt the sharp, heavy, insistent 
tug on her nipple.  The weight hanging from her tender flesh was almost 
unbearable.  Surely, she thought, more than she had ever borne before, even 
after years of such pleasures.

'Hmmmmm, the slut seems to like that.  Look how prettily her tit hangs down, 
how stretched her nipple is.  Should we let you carry on for and hour or two 
like that I wonder?'  Agnes looked into Karen's pained face.  'No, perhaps 
not, we can have our little pleasures later can't we?'  Taking pity, an 
emotion she rarely felt, Agnes unclipped Karen's stretched bruised left 
nipple.  Despite her best efforts, despite biting her lip as the intense 
sensations returned to her reddened, swollen nipple, Karen couldn't stop her 
anguished moan.

A moan of pain that Agnes found enjoyable, pleasurable, even orgasmic.  She 
revelled in the pleasure she could get from playing with other women, 
tormenting other women's tits, nipples, the pain and pleasure she could 

She stood slightly back and placed the flat of each hand on the center of 
each tormented breast, before she applied pressure and rotated her hands, 
moving the soft flesh in a circular motion, pressing as hard as she could.

Both girls began to weep.  The combination of returning sensation and the 
pressure as Agnes compressed their sensitive flesh was hard to bear, hard to 

Finally, Agnes stood back and viewed the weeping, naked, spread-eagled 
girls.  'Time to explain my little competition I think.'  She walked over to 
the side of the dungeon and selected a few items and assessed others.  
'Greta, my dear, I suppose all of this equipment is fully portable?'  She 
gestured at several implements.

'Of course.  Karl, go and help her get started.'

Karl, muttering under his breath, got up and walked over to Agnes.  Greta 
made a mental note.  Her husband was beginning to irritate her, his 
inadequacies and his pettiness were beginning to pall.  Someday, and perhaps 
someday soon, she would have to take steps to mould him in a more pleasing 

Agnes gave him some instructions and walked back over to the girls, tears 
finally dried as their tormented flesh slowly recovered from the ordeal.

'Now, you see, that wasn't too bad was it?'  She smiled.  'Now, this is all 
very simple.  Karen, you already have some experience of course.'

Karen looked startled.

'Oh yes, let me explain.  I'm going to use your Mistress' little machine on 
your tits.  Not both of course, because you have already had enough 
punishment on the other, for now.  No, I intend to use the pump on one tit 
each.'  As she spoke Agnes stretched her arms wide and playfully slapped 
each, previously un-punished, tit, making them jump in unison.

Karl had brought the equipment over to stand ready for use.  Agnes applied 
some lubricating jelly around and over each waiting tit.  She addressed 
Karl.  'Here!  You can rub this in better than I can, I'm sure you'll like 

Karl eagerly began to rub copious amounts of the gel into the waiting tits 
until Greta called angrily across. 'Enough!  Stop playing!'

Reluctantly he stood back and watched as Agnes placed the first cylinder 
over Lisa's left breast, before she turned the tap on, allowing a partial 
evacuation of air, sufficient to retain the cylinder in position.  
Satisfied, she performed the same actions on Karen's right breast.

'Not quite finished of course, but that'll give you both a good idea of the 
pleasure.'  Agnes beamed happily as the girls stared wide eyed back at her.  
'Don't worry, I'll increase the pleasure, sorry, the pressure, soon, but 
first, a few adjustments.  She picked up a couple of items.  Look, your 
favorites, some more clamps.  No, not for your nipples, but here.'  As she 
spoke she bent down and carefully fingered Karen's labia, still prominent 
after her earlier arousal.  She separated the labia and concentrated on the 
left side, gently teasing it before she snapped the clamp on it, firmly 
positioning it in the center of the fleshy petal.  Karen winced as she 
tugged to test its firmness.

'Fine, just fine!' Agnes moved over to Lisa.  'And now the same for you my 
dear, just on the opposite side.  Must keep things balanced, you know.'  
Agnes stretched Lisa's flesh and fixed the remaining clamp onto her less 
prominent labia.  'Good, good, nearly finished.  Just let me fix this chain 
between you.'

Agnes carefully attached a short chain between the two clips, it's small 
weight gently extending each labia, causing each girl to fear what would 
come next.  'Karl, pass me that pail and the hose.'  Taking the pail off him 
she hung it in the center of the chain, increasing the tension on each 
labial lip.

'Nearly done.  Now, the rules.  Your tits are going to be pumped, until they 
are nicely expanded, nipples and all, into these jars.  There will be no 
release for them, they will remain pumped as long as the competition lasts, 
for your, and especially, my, pleasure.'  Agnes couldn't resist a short 
laugh.  'No, the real test between you is this.  We're going to increase the 
load on your love petals, your cunt lips if you like.  You can watch water 
flow into the pail, slowly, very slowly, of course, and as it fills the 
weight will become greater and greater.'

Karen gasped and looked at Lisa, who had gone deathly pale.

Agnes continued, 'Now, I calculate that this will hold around two gallons, 
two gallons of water, perhaps a little more.  That will be around twenty 
pounds or so.  I'm quite certain that neither of you will be able stand that 
weight on your flaps, so we will soon have a loser, an unlucky loser, and a 
very lucky winner!'

Greta nodded her approval, as she continued.  'Now, the first girl to plead 
for release will be the loser.  The winner, the one who is left, will be 
able to take some rest, which Greta will arrange in her own special way.'

Greta called.  'Oh yes, my sluts are always grateful for my mercy, be sure 
of that.'

'But the loser, the loser, well...'. Agnes paused and looked at Wendy.  
'...she will be yours to use when you show us your offering.  I know you'll 
need a female, er..., assistant, to make it more enjoyable and I know the 
loser here will be happy to accommodate your wishes.'

Agnes turned to Karl.  'Turn on the water, slowly!'

After turning the vacuum pump to a higher level, Agnes checked to see each 
soft smooth tit slowly expand into the jar, each nipple bulging with the 
suction.  Satisfied with the appearance, and with the distended nipples, she 
returned to her seat to watch as the pail slowly filled.

As the level of water got higher, Karen began to feel that her labia was 
being torn off, extended to the limits of endurance, but she was determined 
not to give in, not to give Agnes the pleasure of her submission.  Lisa, 
equally determined was nevertheless beginning to weaken.  Without the 
benefit of such extended labia as Karen, the strain of the weight was having 
a greater effect on her flesh.  Slowly, but surely, as the weight increased 
she felt that she would have to submit, to admit her weakness.

Despite the distraction provided by Agnes' device the pressure on their 
distended tits was not altogether unpleasant.  The sensation not too much 
different to that applied by an ardent lover.  The feeling of distended, 
engorged, nipples was more pleasurable than having them clamped.  The 
enhanced blood flow made the nipples more sensitive, more arousing.


Labia, a different sensation.  A sensation that could not be eased, 
countered, by the gentler pressure applied to  tits and nipples.

The water continued to flow.

The pail continued to fill.

Karen bit her lip to contain her pain, her discomfort, tried to focus on the 
pleasure center of her right nipple.

Lisa felt her eyes fill with tears, unable to feel the pleasure, the arousal 
in her left nipple.

The water continued to flow.

The pail continued to fill.

Karen clenched her fists, bit her lip even harder.

Lisa could stand it no more

'Pllease, pleeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee.  Missssssssssss!'

Agnes stood up, having expected Lisa to be the first to weaken, to submit.  
'Yes, my dear, you have a request?'

The water continued to flow, the weight increasing, as she walked over to 
the suffering girls.

'Miss, please Miss Agnes, stop now, I can't stand it any more!'

'You have had enough then?'

The water continued to flow, the weight increasing.

'Miss Agnes, I'm begging you, please, please stop, I beg you, please.'  Lisa 
was suffering as the weight increased.

'Oh well,' Agnes looked disappointed, ' I suppose I'll have to stop now.  
Karl, my friend, would you come over and unhook the pail.'

Karl, happy to be involved, carefully removed the pail, and took it away to 
empty, as Agnes first released the clip from Karen, and finally, as a last 
act of spite, pulled it from Lisa.

'T--t-thank you M-Miss A-Agnes, thank you'  Lisa sobbed her relief.

'I suppose you both want your tits free too?'  Agnes felt generous now that 
she had seen some genuine suffering, now that she had forced Lisa to beg.  
The girls nodded and pleaded together for release.  Agnes, with a show of 
reluctance turned off the pump.  She carefully removed the glass jars from 
each tit and placed them on the floor. Then she spent pleasurable moments 
rubbing and teasing the still swollen tits, paying especial attention to the 
heavily distended, engorged and reddened nipples.  Attention that brought 
sighs and gasps of pleasure from both girls.  Attention that aroused them 
yet again despite the torments so recently endured.

'Karl, may I ask you to release the sluts now, and, Greta, will you decide 
what you wish us to do next.'

Greta looked slowly around the group.  'Now I have a problem.  I did think 
that we would invite Wendy to display her goods next, but I'm having second 
thoughts now.  I suggest, with Lucy's permission of course, that we put 
slave Andy to the test.  He should have had plenty of time to learn his role 
now, after all.  Agreed?'

She looked around the room for signs of dissent.

'Good!  Now what I propose is this.  Slave Lisa has shown her willingness to 
help Wendy later.  I suppose we would agree with that.'

'Willing?  Perhaps weakness would be a better word.' Agnes was quite 
indignant, resenting any implied criticism of her performance.

'Sorry, my dear, no offence intended of course, I was speaking, shall we 
say, metaphorically.  No, I thought that we should allow Wendy to take her 
off and prepare her so that we can have a flawless performance later.  In 
the meantime, I know that slave Karen is adaptable and I have thought of a 
novel use for her when we put her ex-boyfriend through his paces.'

Karen looked startled.

'No worries my dear, you'll be resting most of the time, you only have 
passive role next.  One I am certain you will enjoy, that we will all 

Greta, hearing no objections, picked up the house phone and called for Ken.

As he entered Ken stood, still wearing his loincloth, waiting for 
instructions.  Agnes looked him over, mentally comparing him with her own 
house slave, and looked back at Agnes.  'Hmmmm, it could well be an 
interesting competition, we must sort out our ideas soon, something to look 
forward to I'm sure.'

Greta laughed as she saw Ken's puzzled face.  'Nothing to worry about, Miss 
Agnes wants to put you and slave Peter into competition to see who is the 
best, the best, shall we say, performer.  No competition, as she will see!  
She doesn't know you like I do!'  she stared intently at the embarrassed Ken 
as her husband looked quizzically across at her.

'Release the girls please.  Slave Lisa will be leaving us for a while for 
Miss Wendy to prepare her, and you will assist as necessary.  When you have 
released her, take slave Karen for  a quick shower and bring her straight 
back here.  You can then assist Miss Wendy, just make sure that you do 
everything she asks.'

'As you order, Mistress.'  Ken stood with his head bowed.  'Mistress, I have 
to tell you that I have prepared slave Andy as you requested, he is now in a 
high state of readiness.  Shall I bring him to you yet?'

'No, get slave Karen ready and we will prepare her first.  I've decided on a 
small but intimate role for her, and I want her to be ready before we put 
slave Andy to the test.  Miss Marie will come and see you shortly and 
confirm the finer details.'

End of Part 33

(c) 2002 Cathy P

If you enjoyed this story then feel free to make, and keep, a copy.  If you 
didn't enjoy it I'd love to know why, and how I could improve it.  If you 
wish to post it elsewhere, then of course you can, (and will!), but remember 
to credit me as the author.

Any suggestions for future stories involving Karen would be welcomed.

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