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Review This Story || Author: Cathy

The Adventures of Karen

Part 41 A Lesson for Andy

The Adventures of Karen - Part 41 - A Lesson for Andy

As Karen was still shuffling her unsteady way back to her cell and the
comforting arms of Lisa, Andy stirred and slowly awoke from what seemed an
eternity of sleeping.  For long moments he wondered where he was, how he had
got to such a place.  Slowly, as his mind cleared, he began to collect his
thoughts, to recognise his surroundings.

Yes! Slowly, undeniably, the memories, the recollections, began to flood his
mind.  His remembered the last moments before he fell into a deep sleep,
exhausted by his exertions.  He remembered the words that his companion, Ken,
he reminded himself, said as he was locked in his warm, small but undeniably
comfortable cell.

'Rest well my friend, you have more to learn, more to perform!  Rest while you

Andy remembered falling exhausted on his bed, resting on the smooth cool sheet,
but with no covering to pull over him to shield his nakedness.  He remembered
feeling his limp, sore, cock, he remembered the weight hanging between his
legs, before he slipped into the sweet oblivion of sleep.

Tentatively he felt his cock again, a familiar ritual with him every time he
woke up.  He felt the familiar tumescence as he slowly, almost casually,
fingered his hardening phallus.  Cautiously he explored between his legs and
felt the unfamiliar steel collar fixed immovably between his heavy balls and
his cock.  Despite the unaccustomed weight he found the presence almost
comforting and he returned to his gentle stroking, his teasing, of his cock
into erection.

Pausing briefly he wondered just how many times over the past few days he had
had erections, how many time he had ejaculated.  It seemed to him that over the
days he had been imprisoned, no, had been accommodated, in this warm cell, that
his waking hours had been an almost unending period of erections and
ejaculations, beyond his wildest dreams.  Then, he paused in his reverie,
perhaps that was not so unusual, at least, not for him. Since his earliest
teenage years he had religiously masturbated.  He sniggered as the thought hit
him.  Religiously?  Hardly the right word perhaps, not in this connection.  But
then, perhaps, bearing in mind how he had first been introduced to the
pleasures of self stimulation, perhaps religious was a good idea.  Suddenly, he
sniggered again, perhaps the grey old man who had assured him that it was all
God's will was correct.

No!  He collected his thoughts of those long lost days.  Yes, he admitted to
himself, he had masturbated very regularly, at least once every day of his life
since then, sometimes more than once, even when he was in a relationship that
was sexually demanding.  When he was sleeping with Karen, he always found time,
made time, to masturbate.  Hell, no, he thought, no way will I stop wherever,
whenever, I get the chance.  Reassured by this thought he continued to stroke
his cock into a reasonable erection.  He paused briefly and turned his thoughts
to his fantasises, his fetishes as he so often did as he masturbated. 
Suddenly, the realisation became all too clear.  No longer were they just
fantasies, no longer were they secret fetishes.  They were realities.  For the
first time in his life, he had had sex with, had fucked, a woman in front of an
audience.  The thought had often thrilled him in his solitary moments but the
recollections of his desperate thrusts against the tightly griping cunt,
although they seemed so long ago, aroused him, excited him.  His hand stroked
more rapidly up and down his erection, an erection which had stiffened

He turned his thoughts to his personal, private fetishes, secret pleasures that
were now public.  Shoes.  High heels.  Feet.  Bare feet.  Licking Heels. 
Licking bare feet.  Sucking bare toes.  Slowly, inevitably, his erection grew
more rigid.

Taking shorter breaths he turned his thought to bondage, being tied up,
restrained.  Even, and he breathed faster, stroked his cock faster, being
beaten, being caned while bound, tightly bound, naked in front of an audience.

His mind was a whirl of conflicting, exciting, arousing erotic images as he
continued to pump his thick cock in his fist.  Lost in his thoughts, in his
arousal, he did not hear the door to his room, his cell, open.

'What do you think you are doing?'  Ken almost shouted at him, staring at his
nakedness, at his erection.  'You only do that when you are ordered.  You know
that, only when Mistress orders it.'  He smiled thinly.  'Or when I order it!'

'You?  You?  But you're just a slave here like me, you can't order me to do
anything.'  Andy protested, weakly, unconvinced of his own argument.

Ken leant casually against the door, his smooth nakedness failing to embarrass
him.  'True.  But then again there are slaves and then there are slaves.  In
this case you are actually my...', he paused and emphasised his words,'
slave!  Mistress Greta has kindly given you to me as a present for me to use as
I please.'

'W-what!'  Startled by the revelation, Andy released his erection and sat up
staring. 'That can't be right, she never told me!'

'Of course not, you, your thoughts, are beneath her dignity you know.'  Ken
smiled softly.  ' You will always do as she orders, of course, but, when the
fancy takes her she will allow me time and opportunity to use you.  Like now!'

'No, I refuse!'  Andy struggled to stand up, his earlier pleasures as he was
reliving his fantasies fading into an angry stare.  'I shall go and forget I
ever saw her and you!'

'Oh no!'  Ken moved and stood, arms akimbo, in the doorway.  'Unfortunately you
won't do anything like that.  You see, once you accepted the offer from
Mistress Greta, and her husband of course, you were committing yourself
irrevocably to serve them.  Don't forget you worked for them before, they paid
you handsomely and provided you with a fulfilling job and the means to live
comfortably. True?'

Andy nodded sadly.  'So...'

'So, you now belong here.  You are being fed and watered, you are being paid a
very handsome salary, which is being deposited into your account.  The only
difference now is that your job, your employment, is different.  You are a
slave, a creature that is used to provide pleasure to your owners.'

'Oh.'  Realisation spread across Andy's face.  'You mean, I can never leave

'Of course you can, but there will be conditions.  You are, in any case,
committed to at least a year here, before any possibility of leaving.  Then you
will be asked to reconsider, and, if you insist, you will be taken from here
and re-located a very long way from here. Then you will be on your own, no job,
no home, no references.'

'B-but you, she, can't do that, it's ... it's not it?'  Andy
responded, unconvinced by his thoughts.

'Oh yes, oh yes indeed, it is.'  Ken shrugged his shoulders.  'On the other
hand, if you co-operate, if you serve until you are given the proper
opportunity, the chance to leave, then things will be very different.'


'Let me give you an example.'  Ken moved towards Andy, who instinctively backed
away.  'You remember the woman you fucked?  Ha!  More like the woman who fucked

Despite himself, Andy felt a familiar thrill as he recalled the incredible way
that the woman, Margo, had responded to his clumsy thrusts.  He nodded.

'She was once a slave, just like your friend Karen is now. She was used and
abused for a very long time, even though she was always treated kindly when she
was not, shall we say, performing.'  Ken smiled at the fine distinction, the
idea of a slave actually performing as if it was just a simple matter of
choice.  'When her chance to leave was finally offered she accepted.  She was
found a good home, a great apartment and she was set up in a job that she had
always wanted, one that she had trained for.  Now look at her, a free woman
with some very special skills, skills which, no doubt, she will be willing to
pass on to your girl friend.'   Ken leaned over and slapped Andy on the
shoulder.  'Not that she's a bad fuck already!'

Andy flushed with shame at the way his girlfriend, his former girlfriend, he
corrected himself, had been referred to by the leering Ken.  'I wonder what
she'll have to say about all of this?'

'Never fear, she will be given the same explanation, the same chance, and she
will make up her mind ... soon.'  Ken turned away and walked towards the door. 
'Mistress Greta has some very special plans for her, you know, some very
special plans indeed.  I don't doubt you'll find out in a few days, just be

Andy paled and sat down awkwardly, the steel collar feeling uncomfortable
between his legs.

'Oh no, don't sit down you're coming with me.'  Ken beckoned and walked into
the corridor.

'Why, now what do you want?'

'Shut up, don't ask, just come with me and do as I tell you.  Quickly!'

Slowly, reluctantly, Andy followed him down the corridor, bare feet padding
softly on the cold floor.

'Come in here,' Ken stopped at the door to his own cell, rather larger than
Andy's, with both a bed and a comfortable couch.

Andy walked in hesitantly, staring at Ken, but unembarrassed by his nakedness. 
It was strange, he thought, that he was now quite unaffected by being in the
company of a naked male.  There was a time, and not too long ago, when the very
thought of sharing a communal changing room had filled him with dread. The
thought of strangers looking at him, at his naked genitals, was one that made
him uncomfortable.  Now it was different, although his embarrassment was
directed more at his own perceived inadequacies rather than the looks of
others.  He had always thought, in the vain way that men have, that his own
genitalia, his own cock, was both big and capable, but he knew now that there
were others more fortunately blessed.  Not, or at least, so far, that he had
seen any of the mythical ten and twelve inch cocks that were the dreams of
erotica, but he had seen enough in the past days to confirm that eight or nine
inches, and thick beyond his wildest imaginings, did exist.  He was certain of
that.  He was looking now at such a cock.  A cock that was not erect, merely
hanging down over a heavy and smoothly shaven sac, but nevertheless, thicker
than his own erection, and around six inches long, almost as long as his own
when fully erect.  Looking, fascinated, as Ken stood before him he knew that he
could not easily reassure himself that, as was so often said, that it was
quality rather than quantity that counted with women.  At one time he had
quietly reassured himself that he gave quality, real quality, in that
department, but now, he was aware, there were men who combined both virtues. 
Sadly, he reflected, Karen would never again be satisfied, properly satisfied,
with him.

'Well?'  Ken's voice interrupted him.  'You seem to be spending a lot of time
lost in thought.'

'No, it was.. I was just...'  Andy's voice tailed off into an embarrassed

'Yes, you were just...nonsense!  You were looking at my cock and thinking how
much bigger it was than yours.'  Ken casually hefted his soft penis and pointed
it towards Andy.  'True?  Tell me.'

Andy cast his eyes to the floor, and blushed as he muttered his agreement.

'I knew it!  Well, now it's your chance to please me and play with me, with my
cock.'  Ken snapped as he walked towards Andy and stroked his bowed head. 
'But, first, I want to have a little, shall we say, special fun with you.  Come
here and bend over the back of my couch.'

Andy felt a flush of terror.  Bend over!  Naked!  Bend over!  Was Ken going to
assault him, attack his most intimate part?  He gulped and stood in position. 
'You, you're not going to...'

'No. I'm not going to fuck your ass, if that's what you wondered.'  Ken's voice
was strangely reassuring.  'I might try a few little experiments with some of
the plugs in the dungeon at another time, but, no, no ass-fucking for you. 
Now, bend over and stand still.'

'What are you going to do to me?'  Reassured that he was, relatively, safe for
the moment, Andy wondered just what was going to happen to him.

'Simple.  I'm going to cane you!'  Ken walked into Andy's view, flexing a long,
thin, cane.  'Like it?'

'Oh, please!'  Andy was startled.  He didn't know quite what to expect
but caning was certainly not high on his list.

'Come now, we both know you like it, after all, I seem to remember Mistress
Greta giving you a nice reddening that made you cum all over the place.'

'Well, yes, but, that was, I don't know, well, different.' Andy fumbled for the
right words, only too aware of his enjoyment as Greta had beaten him in time
with Karen's ministrations to his rampant erection.

'Of course it was different.  You were tied up then, and you were being jerked
off.  This time it's different.  No jerking off for you, and no bondage
neither.'  Ken smiled as he saw the relief in Andy's eyes.  'No bondage but you
will stand absolutely still just as if you were strapped to the cross.  Any
movement and I will really hurt you.  And as for your cock, well, that is for
me to use, and you to leave alone.'


'Stop whimpering.  This time it is different.  This time I'm going to cane you,
to sting you, to make you hurt, but I'm not going to mark you, I'm not going to
bruise you.'

Andy looked at him gratefully.  'Thank you, thank you.'

'Don't thank me, thank Mistress Greta, I'm following her orders.  She doesn't
mind me caning you, or even better, whipping you, but she will not allow me to
mark you.'  He smiled as he flexed the cane.  'At least, not when I'm alone
down here.  In the dungeon it's different of course.  Then you may well find
the kiss of the strap rather more savage!'

Andy held his position his knuckles white as he gripped the edge of the couch. 
'What are you going to do then?'

'Just this!'  Ken moved behind the cowering Andy.  'I'm going to work up and
down your bare ass, your thighs, and hit you, like this...'


Andy felt a sharp sting across the back of his thighs and, despite his orders,
moved slightly.

'No!  Do not move!  Stand as still as if you were in the tightest chains.'  To
emphasise his words Ken struck another blow lower down the trembling thigh. 
'Move again and I shall be forced to report you to Mistress Greta, and you can
be certain that you will be chained in the dungeon for me to whip as hard as I
can.  You can be sure that you'll be bruised and marked and you'll be begging,
screaming, for mercy!'

'S-sorry,   I'll try to keep still.'

'You won't try, you...'  Another stripe on the thigh, '... will keep still.'

Steadying himself Andy took a firm grip and clenched his teeth for the ordeal.

'Now, just one other thing.   You want me to cane you, you want me to hurt you,
don't you?'

Andy stood silently for a brief moment and then, realising his situation, spoke
in a whisper.  'Yes, please cane me, please hurt me, please.  I want you to
cane me, please, please.'

Ken smiled at the abject figure before him, as he fondled his cock, feeling a
pleasurable fullness.  'There you are, now you've asked me so nicely, I'll do
my best to please you.'

Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt!

A pause, and then another six blows.

Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt!

Ken began to lay a pattern of fine stinging blows across the trembling ass and
thighs, feeling his cock grow into erection as he continued his blows.  Blows
that stung, blows that punished, but blows that left the merest pink  trace on
the pale skin.

'You like?'  Ken panted as he continued, each stroke encouraging his cock into
a firmer, harder, erection.

'Yes, please hit me more, I l-like it!'  Andy knew he had to respond.  Despite
himself, he had to admit that, deep down, he was beginning to enjoy the
stinging blows.  Not so much the impact, but more the feeling of warmth, a
warmth that transferred itself to his cock.  To his slowly growing erection.

Ken smiled as he hefted his own erection and looked at the effect his blows
were having on the hapless Andy.  'Of course you like it...'

Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt!

With one hand Ken continued his tattoo  of blows as, with the other he began to

Breathing heavily, he finally ceased his exertions and dropped the cane on the
floor.  'Stand up and turn round towards me.'

Cautiously, carefully, Andy straightened himself and turned, conscious that he
was now displaying a full  erection, surmounting the shining steel collar.   He
looked at Ken, a slight sheen of sweat on the smooth muscular body.  His eyes
moved down until he saw the full pulsating, throbbing, erection.

'You know what to do!'

'Y-you want me to suck it for you, make you cum?' Andy was fearful.  He had
already pleased, or at least tried to please, Ken previously but he was not
happy with the idea of cock sucking.  Even in his darkest fantasises he had not
been completely happy  at the thought, perhaps it was another regression to his
youth, to the demands of the grizzled old man who had introduced him to the
pleasures, the prolonged pleasures, of masturbation.

'Ha!  No, not this time, I have another lesson for you first!'  Ken smiled in
triumph, detecting Andy's unwillingness, his reluctance to approach the idea of
sucking his cock.  Time enough for that later, time enough over the weeks, over
the months, to train in properly.  Train him to serve both men and women, not
reluctantly, not hesitantly, but eagerly, with a genuine desperation to please.

Andy relaxed slightly.  'What should I do then?  Tell me please and I'll try to
do it for you.'

Ken moved nearer. 'Hold my cock, put your hand around it, feel the hardness.'

Cautiously Andy reached out and placed his left hand around the bulging

'Good!  Now the other one.'

Andy went to change hands, but an angry snort from Ken stopped him.  'You mean,
you want me to put both hands on it?'

'Of course, it's long enough for that, you see that for sure!'

Andy adjusted the grip of his left hand towards the root of Ken's erection and
gingerly placed his right hand above and around the cock.  Incredibly, he
thought, it was, it really was big enough.  He had both hands clenched around
Ken's cock and still the swollen, silky smooth velvety dark red glans protruded
above his fist.

'Impressive, eh?'  Ken stood proudly and stared at Andy.  'You like that?'

'Well, yes, I suppose so.  Yes I think I do.'  Andy was unsure of the correct

'Notice how thick it is, notice how hard it is for you to get your fist around

Andy nodded.  He could not deny that, as compared with his own erect cock, it
was difficult to close his fist around Ken's swollen organ.  Certainly, his
thumb could not meet his fingers.

'Now you know why your slut girl friend liked me to fuck her, better than you
for sure!'  Ken heaped humiliation upon Andy as he retained his grip.  'You can
see why now, you can understand why now, can't you?'

'Yes, yes, I guess she would have liked that in her, deep in her.'  Andy bent
his head in shame at admitting the superiority of the cock he was holding

'Deep in her ... deep in her what?'  Ken was determined to humiliate.

'D-deep in her cunt, deep in her cunt.'

'Better! Tell me what you think of it now.'

'It's, it's bigger than mine.'  Andy struggled to find the words.  'Your cock
is longer than mine.'

'No, no, no!  When someone asks you, and you may be sure they will, you will
tell them that my cock, MY cock, is bigger than yours.  Now try again.'

Andy gulped and struggled to find the courage to speak again.  'Er, er,  Ken's
cock is longer than mine.'

'Better, carry on, you'll soon think of the words, do it'

'Ken's cock is longer than mine.  Ken's cock is thicker than mine.  Ken's cock
is bigger than mine.'  Andy paused and looked hesitantly at Ken.


'Sorry, sorry, Ken's cock f-fucks b-better than me.'  Andy looked at Ken and
corrected himself.  'Ken's cock fucks better than mine.'  He looked again at
Ken, searching for approval.

'Much better!  Now let's make sure you have learned your lesson properly.  You
can take your hands off my cock, for now, and bend over again.  Keep still!'

Andy paled as he slowly released the thick member and moved over to the couch. 
He took up his position and breathed deeply.  'Shall I start now?'

Ken, moving behind Andy picked up the thin, flexible cane.  'Yes, tell me your
first lesson.'

Andy took a deep breath.  'Ken's cock is longer ... Ouch! ... than mine.'

As he spoke Ken laid strokes across the bare ass, in time with the words.

Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Thwackkk! Phttttttt! Phttttttt!

As Andy spoke the word, the admission that Ken had a longer cock, he felt the
harder blow.  A blow that surely must have marked him.

'Good, well done.  Now let's have the whole lesson all over again!  The whole
lesson, and be sure I'll be marking you.'  Ken laughed out loud. 'Oh yes
indeed, I'm certainly marking you!'

'But you said that...'

'Of course, I told you that I wouldn't mark your hide without Mistress Greta's
permission, but this is different, this is what she wants.  So!  Get on with

'Ken's cock is longer than mine!'

Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Thwackkk! Phttttttt! Phttttttt!

'Ken's cock is thicker than mine!

Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Thwackkk! Phttttttt! Phttttttt!

'Ken's cock is bigger than mine!'

Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Thwackkk! Phttttttt! Phttttttt!

'Ken's cock fucks better than mine!'

Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Phttttttt! Thwackkk! Phttttttt! Phttttttt!

'There you are, not so bad after all was it?'  Ken dropped the cane on to the
floor and looked at Andy's cock, stiffened once more.  'You know, I really do
think that you enjoyed that.  Mistress Greta will approve, you can be sure.  We
don't often see a true male pain slut here.  Congratulations!'

Andy didn't respond but slowly straightened himself.  'C-can I go now?'

'No!  You have one more task.  Come and hold my cock again, just one hand will

Andy turned at looked at the swollen smooth headed cock rearing up in front of
him, and looked down at his own smaller erection.  He moved closer to Ken and
carefully grasped the swollen, rigid, pole with his right hand.  His right
hand.  His masturbating hand.  His wanking hand.

'Now!  You know what to do, of course.' Ken smiled casually.  'Make me cum, and
make sure you catch every drop in your hand, your hands.'

Slowly, with smooth even strokes, Andy began to masturbate the long thick cock.
 As he continued Ken began to breathe more heavily.  'Faster, faster, I need to
cum, keep doing it!'

Andy increased his pace, feeling his own arousal, feeling the temptation to use
his left hand on himself.

As if sensing his thoughts, Ken looked down at Andy's erection.  'And you can
leave that alone, you don't have permission, yet!'

Sadly, Andy abandoned any idea of jerking his own cock and concentrated on Ken.
 Long firm strokes, long and fast.  Fist hard down at the very root of the
solid erection, and then fist at the head, almost, but not quite enclosing the
glans before he stroked downwards.  Up.  Down.  Up.  Down.  Faster.  Faster.

'Now, now, it's cumming, it's cummmmm ... catch it, catch it!' Ken struggled to
be coherent as his orgasm wracked through him.

Prepared, Andy cupped his left hand and, as he felt the pulsing up the swollen
shaft, held it under the swollen head as he made a final downwards stroke. 
Thick jets of cream, spurted in a steady stream into his hand, coating it with
a warm sticky glutinous sheen.  Several more stokes encouraged a few final jets
before Ken groaned in relief.

'Ahhhhhhh!  That was so good!  You do a very good job with your hand.  Has
anyone ever told you that before?'

Andy kept quiet, memories flooding back, memories of the time when the cock he
held was perhaps just as stiff, just as copious as it spurted but, in terms of
size, almost insignificant as compared with the now wilting erection that he
held gently, almost reverently.

Looking at the pool of warm cream in his hand he looked questioningly at Ken. 
'What shall I do now?  Do you want me to lick it?'

'Of course not.  I have a much better idea!  You are going to use both hands
and you are going to rub it into your own cock, all over it.'  Ken looked at
Andy with a piercing stare.  'You will rub it all in until you have got rid of
it, no matter how long it takes!'

Andy looked hopelessly at the warm glutinous pool in his hand.  The thought of
rubbing it into his own flesh, onto his own cock, filled him with apprehension.
 He knew all too well from his own experience, that semen was a  liquid not
easily absorbed into the skin.  He had often enjoyed sessions with Karen where
he had ejaculated over her face, and over her tits and then laughed at her vain
efforts to rub it in like some bizarre from of nourishing body cream.

'Get on with, you know how long it will take, so get on with it.  Up and down
the shaft, and especially on the head, all around the head and under the rim. 
You'll like that!'  Ken raised an eyebrow as he stared at the hapless Andy. 
'And just make sure that you don't cum, I know just how much you'll enjoy the
feeling, the warm sticky feeling, but just remember that it's my cum, and by
rubbing it in to your cock, you'll remember that from now on you're mine to

Resigned to his fate Andy used his relatively dry right hand and scooped some
of the sticky cream up to rub tentatively along his own shaft, still
semi-erect.  Finding that the sensation was not as unpleasant as he had feared
he cupped his left hand carefully and rubbed generous amounts of cum over the
full length of his shaft and used his other hand to scoop some over and around
the glans.

Ken smiled as he saw Andy's efforts.  It was clear that despite his earlier
reservations, Andy was beginning to enjoy the sensation.  As he rubbed the
cream into his own sensitive flesh he was beginning to develop a firmer,
stronger erection.

'Well done!  You're doing well now, just concentrate on the head, rub it well
in, rub it under the rim, it'll soon dry on you!'

Andy continued his efforts, finding the creamy stimulation ever more
pleasurable, finding that his erection grew as the bare, swollen, distended
glans was stimulated.

'Stop!  That's good enough.'  Ken looked at the swollen shaft, the glistening
head, covered with a rich sticky sheen of drying cum.  Now you can walk back to
your room, go to bed and dream of how you are now completely mine!  Oh, just
remember, don't bother to wash, leave it there until I tell you to shower.  Now
- go!'

Shamefaced, Andy began to walk away down the corridor, the cooling air on his
coated phallus giving yet another sensation, yet another stimulus, as it swayed
from side to side.

'Stop!  Almost forgot to tell you.  Keep repeating your lesson out loud until
you get to bed!'  Ken was triumphant as Andy cleared his throat.

'Ken's cock is longer than mine!  Ken's cock is thicker than mine!  Ken's cock
is bigger than mine!  Ken's cock fucks better than mine!'

Ken stood and watched as the voice faded down the corridor.

'Ken's cock is longer than mine!  Ken's cock is thicker than mine!  Ken's cock
is bigger than mine!  Ken's cock fucks better than mine!'

The retreating naked ass showed the thin red stripes as a reminder of Ken's
special lesson.

'Ken's cock is longer than mine!  Ken's cock is thicker than mine!  Ken's cock
is bigger than mine!  Ken's cock fucks better than mine!'

With the thought that Mistress Greta would be pleased with his efforts, Ken
moved happily towards his shower.

End of Part 41

(c) 2002 Cathy P

If you enjoyed this story then feel free to make, and keep, a copy.  If you
didn't enjoy it I'd love to know why, and how I could improve it.  If you wish
to post it elsewhere, then of course you can, (and will!), but remember to
credit me as the author. 

Any suggestions for future stories involving Karen would be welcomed.

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