Today is slave's “Graduation Party”.
Master and slave awoke together so i got to shower with Him, bathe Him, and enjoy His massive cock. i prepared breakfast for Master, knelt under the table and ate Master, while He ate His steak and eggs.
Master dressed in slacks, a sports shirt, and walking shoes, and then laid out slave's attire: a chain for slave's rings and 5-inch high heel shoes. i asked, “Master, where would you like the chain attached, Sir?” He said that He would do it. He attached one end to the ring in slave's left nipple and the other end to the ring in slave's right nipple. i love the feel of the chain grazing over slave's breasts as i move.
It was a little before eleven, but Master said we must leave. i went to the front door and waited. Master walked up behind me, reached around and fingered slave's sex until it was wet, then inserted the remote vibrator. He opened the door and i stepped out and assumed slave's standing position. Master closed and locked the door behind me. Shortly, the garage door opened, Master drove the car out, the garage door closed. Master came around and opened the passenger door and commanded slave to enter and sit.
W/we were on O/our way to slave's graduation party. It was not a long drive, only about 15 or 20 minutes from Master's house. When W/we drove up to the gate, the young man asked to see Master's invitation. “Son, i am bringing the guest of honor.” Master said and gestured toward me.
The man looked in, saw slave and said, “Oh shit… I mean shoot, I mean… I'm sorry… I di'n't even look. I'm sorry, really, I'm so sorry.” I wasn't sure if he was so flustered because of his mistake or the sight of a naked slave. Master said Tammy had warned all of the caterers etc. that i would be naked, but i think it still seemed to unnerve him.
“That's perfectly all right…” Master was interrupted by the man, “Oh… god… she's so beautiful… I'm… sorry, I didn't…” This time it was Master who interrupted, “It's okay, but would you please open the gate.”
The man opened the gate and Master drove to the first parking space, the farthest from the party room. He came around and opened the door. i got out and looked to see if the gate guard was watching; he was. “you seem to have worked your magic on the gateman, as well, o.” Master said with a big smile.
Master took slave's hand and led me toward the party room. He opened the door and slave walked in. It was beautiful! There were vases of flowers everywhere, three long tables with little signs identifying the food that would soon be there. The bar was almost as ornate and beautiful as the one at the hotel in which W/we stayed in San Francisco . There were a dozen or more tables with table clothes, silverware and water glasses.
There were also a dozen, or so, photo-posters of me on the walls. One photo was me in slave's standing position inside Master's home, one in slave's kneeling position, one in slave's standing position on the front porch of Master's home, even one of slave among the mass of people on the 100 steps of the sparkling wine winery. i had a very strange sensation looking at that photo, because i don't really remember some of the actual event, yet the expression on slave's face, in the photo, is quite idyllic. The photos were from various stages of slave's training, but none were as i look now.
The barkeep came in from the door behind the bar. “Well, I am going to take a wild stab here, and guess that you're the guest of honor. Congratulations, and, may I say, that congratulations are, very clearly, due you, as well, sir.”
Master thanked him and asked if he had everything he needed. He did.
Master led me to one of the sets of French doors and out to the pool. Just outside another set of French doors was a small band stand, the doors were open so that the music could be heard inside and out. On the pool deck was a smaller bar with plastic glasses. There were half a dozen easels on the patio, each with a 24” by 36” photo-poster of me on it. No matter where they went, the guests would be looking at a naked, collared, and ringed slave.
A man in sandals, shorts and a tee-shirt strode toward us with his hand extended, “Steven, welcome. I hope everything is to your liking. And this must be your odalisque.” He looked me up and down, as thoroughly as if i was a horse he was considering purchasing, i half expected him to pry slave's mouth open and inspect slave's teeth.
i am, gradually, becoming a little less self-conscious about being naked with strangers, but then someone like this man just throws it in slave's face. i knew i was blushing, as he inspected slave's body, but it was not that debased feeling i had in the beginning.
After a long pause, as his eyes passed up and down slave's body again, he said, “Exquisite, absolutely exquisite.” i guess i passed inspection.
“She is, isn't she.” Master said, and i swelled with pride. “o, this is Tom, the owner of this beautiful retreat.” He offered his hand and i shook it.
“You have a beautiful facility here, Tom, Sir. Thank you for letting U/us use it.”
“Oh, your owner is making it well worth my while, but, I confess, looking at you now, I would have let him have the place for much less, just for the opportunity to meet you. You are ravishing.” Tom was really quite nice.
“Thank you, Sir.”
A woman, in a French maid costume, came out of one of the doors, saw me and stopped dead. It was obvious she was staring at the large rings through slave's nipples and then at the tattoo. Her lips moved as she read “Steven's odalisque” then she seemed to snap out of it. “Excuse me, sir, where would you like Collette, Marian and me?”
Master took slave's hand and led me back into the room with the “maid” following. He pulled a lovely antique-looking table so that it was directly in front of the door from the parking lot. “In this box you will find name tags for each guest. The top tag should match the name on the invitation, the second is for the guest's guest” Master removed a set of tags. Each tag had a photo of me, in slave's kneeling position on the left, with a name printed on the right. They were laminated with a cord attached to each upper corner so the guest could slip it over their head and it would hang to be easily read.
“When they have their tags on, i want you to bring them to odalisque and introduce them. That is why there are three of you, so that no one should have to wait. Once most of the guests have arrived, you may help serve, but until everyone has arrived, one of you should remain at the desk. Do you understand?” The maid said she did and went to get the other two.
i was so excited by the “Graduation Party” and having passed Master's test-week that i hadn't really considered that the party itself may be a test, or certainly, a challenge. i had thought that most of the guests had seen slave naked, or close to it, but i had forgotten about the service people, and there appeared to be a dozen or so. Suddenly, slave's mind really began to work. The invitation said “and a guest”, so fully over half the people at the party would not have seen slave before, naked or otherwise. Gradually, i was getting that jelly-leg, foggy-headed feeling, again.
The front door opened and in came three men, one of whom looked kind of familiar. The “maid” asked for their invitations and they handed them over, but said that they were the band. Of course, it was the trio from Heidi's lounge. The “maid” put their tags around their necks and brought them to me. “odalisque, these gentlemen are the band.” She said and turned to go.
“Hello, i am so pleased that you could join U/us.”
“Not half as pleased as we are. You are even more dazzling than i remembered.” Rich said as he looked me up and down. “Unfortunately, for him, our bass player, Brent, couldn't make it, so we picked up Jeffrey here, and Zack is our drummer. Our instruments are in the van. I'll have to play keyboards rather than piano, I hope that is okay.”
Master said “I'm sure that whatever you do will be wonderful. There is a small bandstand just over here. You do not have to wear your name tags, if they get in your way. They are just meant to be an easy way for people to get to know each other since most of the guests are strangers to one another”
The pendulum clock on the wall struck noon .
Master said, “o, for the duration of this party, this is My home, and all rules of Master's home apply. Do you understand me?”
i assured Master that i did understand, but actually, i wasn't quite sure why He had to tell me that. What would slave do here differently than in His home? Slave's wondering was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Two young women walked up to the table and presented their invitation.
One of the “maids” put their tags around their necks and led them toward Master and slave. “odalisque, this is Teresa and her guest Shannon.”
Teresa put out her hand saying, “Hello odalisque, I am the hostess at Dom…” i took and shook her hand saying, “Of course, you don't need to remind me, how could i forget you Mistress Teresa, you were so supportive. Thank you so much for coming.”
“I am sorry we are so unfashionably prompt, but I just couldn't wait. Wow, there have been some changes. I love the rings, and the tattoo, it just says it all, doesn't it! Oh, I'm sorry, this is my very best friend Shannon.” Teresa sort of whispered, “We're not a couple.”
i put slave's hand out to accept Shannon 's, as she said, “You are just about all Teresa has talked about since she met you. I am glad I had this chance to meet you, too. Her description didn't do you justice”
“Well, in her defense, i didn't look quite like this when Mistress Teresa and i met.”
“Oh, I didn't mean the rings and stuff, I meant, she said you were really pretty, but you are just gorgeous!”
“Oh, thank you Mistress.” i said, as a man came by with a tray of wine glasses filled with red and white wines. “Master said that there should be something for everyone, so if you are not wine drinkers, please go to the bar and ask for whatever you want. I am sure W/we have some of your winery's sparkling wine at the bar.”
Teresa said, “White wine is great for us.” each woman took a glass of Chardonnay “Are we going to get a chance to really talk? I'd love to know how the rest of your week went. If you don't have time today, can we talk another time?” Teresa was talking as if she wanted to get it all out before other guests arrived.
“Well, Mistress, at the very least, you have slave's email address now, so we can certainly talk there, and i am sure there will be time today to talk some. Master has had me keep a journal of slave's training months and graduation week. With His permission, i can email parts of that to you”
“Parts? Oh, I would love to read every word of it, o.” Teresa was just as sweet as i remembered her being.
Again, a “maid” came up to us and said, “Excuse me, odalisque, I would like to introduce Kara and Keith.” She turned and left.
Kara put out her hand saying, “I'm from the store off Union Street .”
Suddenly the egg inside me was quivering and i looked around to see where Master was. He was standing at the bar with a big smile on His face. Looking back at Kara, i said, “Mistress Kara, i remember you very well. In fact your egg is working its magic as we speak. Thank you so much for coming.” The egg went quiet.
Kara chuckled at the thought of the egg inside me, and said, “This is my husband, Keith. He thought you were the tooth-fairy.”
Keith put out his hand and i shook it saying, “Excuse me, the tooth-fairy?”
“Oh, that's Kara's cute way of saying that I didn't think you really existed, like the tooth-fairy. But I am, now, totally satisfied that you do exist, and I am very glad to have an opportunity to meet you.” Keith said, still shaking slave's hand.
A man came around with a tray of drinks and a woman came by with a tray of hors d'oeuvres. Kara said, “Keith, odalisque might want to use that hand to get a drink or something.”
Keith's face turned quite red and he said, “I'm sorry, what a dork, I just never expected you to be so…so…so real and so, well, beautiful.”
“Thank you, Keith, Sir. You are very kind…”
“No, really, I thought, if you really were a slave, you'd be some crusty, hard-edged prostitute-type. I…”
Master stepped up to slave's side with two glasses of sparkling wine. He handed me the one in His right hand and then slid His arm around slave's waist and rested His hand on slave's hip bone. i had that same sensation, as if his hand was whispering in slave's ear “you are naked”; not that i wasn't already well aware of that fact.
Kara said, “Down, Keith, this is odalisque's owner.”
Keith put out his hand, “You are a very, very lucky guy.”
Master shook his hand and said, “I have been told that more than once, but I am sure that neither o, nor I, tire of hearing it. Thank you Keith.”
The “maid” brought two more people and Kara and Keith excused themselves. “Odalisque, I would like to introduce Linda and Judith.”
i looked at the pair and i was quite sure i had not met either of them before. Linda put out her hand and said, “Hello, odalisque. You probably don't recognize me. When we met you were sobbing quite heavily and you tried to look at nothing but your front paws, i mean…”
“Of course, you are the Mistress from the dog store; the one with the wonderful hands. i am so sorry for slave's behavior that day. Master was teaching me a very important lesson. i am also sorry that i didn't get to see how pretty you are.”
Linda put her hand out to Master, shook hands, and said, “This is my partner, Judith.”
Judith did not offer a hand. She looked at Master and said “She's hot. Do you loan her out?”
“Not yet.” Master responded.
Judith looked at me and said, “Do you do women?”
Master moved His arm around me so His hand was just under slave's breast. i said, “Slave does whatever, and whoever , Master instructs me to do…”
Linda pulled Judith's arm saying to U/us, “Please excuse us. I apologize.” And to Judith, “Why do you always have to be such a flaming bitch?”
As they walked away I heard Judith say, “Geeze, lighten up Linda, she's just a fucking slave!”
i watched them walk away and tried to figure out the attraction; it had to be for the sex. Another maid jarred me from slave's reverie. “odalisque, I would like to introduce Tammy and George.”
Tammy put out her hand, but we needed no introduction, she had taken slave's place as Master's secretary. i said “Hello, Mistress Tammy, you have done a wonderful job organizing this party. Thank you so much.”
Tammy flushed a little, “Actually, I enjoyed it Sh… odalisque. I felt as if I was with the two of you, last week, when I would get the pictures and the emails. odalisque, this is my husband, George.”
George offered his hand and said, “I've heard a lot about you, but Tammy didn't mention the great hooters.”
“George!” Tammy hit George's arm.
George said defensively, “Well, hell, you said she's a sex-slave and she's standing here naked, what am i supposed to say ‘nice weather we're having'?”
Tammy apologized, “I'm so sorry, o, I had no idear he would act like such a jerk, or I woulda left him home.”
“Mistress Tammy, it's okay. George, is right. i am a slave, i am naked, and i am pleased he likes slave's ‘hooters'.”
As a “maid” walked up, Tammy was dragging George away to the bar. “odalisque, may I introduce Crysti.”
Crysti put out her hand, “Hello, odalisque, I am the one…”
“Mistress Crysti, you do not need to tell me who you are. Are you here alone? i was under the impression that you and the gentleman you were with were, uh, together.”
Crysti smiled and said, “you're right about us being together, but wrong about him being a gentleman. You should have heard the things he said about you after we left. i wouldn't bring him here, and boy is it his loss. You are spectacular, odalisque. you were great at the restaurant but those rings and that tattoo are fantastic. How long is the party going to last? Will we have time to talk?”
i told Crysti that Master had the room all day and into the night, so we should have time to chat and, if not, she could e-mail me. But she said, “Oh, e-mail is just not the same as seeing you in person and knowing that you really exist. Even knowing you're real, the e-mail thing kind of dilutes the experience. I would like us to stay in touch though.”
“So would i Mistress.” Suddenly the egg in slave's sex began to rumble. i had almost forgotten it was there. Master left it on for a longer period this time and, i think, it was faster.
A “maid” approached and i suggested that Crysti get a drink and promised that we would talk later. “odalisque, I would like to introduce Heidi and John.”
Heidi put out her hand and i said, “Mistress Heidi, how wonderful, i was sure you would have to work on a Saturday. Thank you so much for coming.”
“Oh my gawd. Are you kidding, I took the day off, unpaid . Nothing would keep me from being here. odalisque, this is my boyfriend John.”
John was staring somewhere around slave's sex or tattoo, i couldn't quite tell which, when Heidi elbowed his ribs. He looked up and smiled, “Hi. i thought this was a big joke or some reality tv show, or something, but you're for real, aren't you?”
“Yes, John, Sir, i am really Master's slave.” i said. i could hear the pride in slave's voice.
“What does he do with you?” the question earned John another jab in the ribs, and a “Ja-ohn!”. i thought that there might be a lot of soar ribs tonight.
“That is alright Mistress Heidi. The flippant answer, John, Sir, would be ‘anything He wants'. A more sincere answer would be that i am a cook, a maid, a housekeeper, a companion…”
Master walked up and added, “An exquisite work of art.” As He put His arm back around me and gently caressed the base of slave's right breast. i felt slave's skin redden.
“Thank you, Master. But primarily slave's duty is to please Master in any and every way He wishes.”
“You mean sexually?” John said.
“Ja-ohn!” Heidi was pulling his arm.
“Mistress Heidi, didn't you come here to learn more about Master's slave? So, apparently, did John. i mean in every way i can, but, yes, a very large part of that is sexual. , Master enjoys displaying His slave, as you can see.”
A maid approached with two couples. Heidi dragged John away. “odalisque, may I introduce Kathy and Bob, and Tamara and William.”
Again, no introductions were necessary; Master works with Bob and William and i knew them while i was Master's secretary, but, of course, not naked, collared and ringed. “Thank you for coming. i am sure that Master is very pleased to see you here.”
Kathy was dressed to be very sexy, and she pretty much succeeded, but it is difficult to trump a naked, collared, cuffed, and ringed slave. “Oh, I'm sure Bob couldn't have been kept from coming, so I'm jus' kinda here to look after my interests. He thought you were hot when you worked in the office, I'm sure Bob finds you very exotic now.”
“Yes, extraordinarily exotic!” Bob chimed in with a huge smile.
“You have come a long way from the fresh little business school graduate that applied for an executive secretary position, haven't you?” Kathy had a palpable cattiness in her voice, but a smile on her face.
i responded to the smile. “Yes Mistress. slave will leave it to you if it was an upward, downward and lateral move.”
“Is there any beer around here?” William always gets right to the heart of a matter.
“Yes, William, Sir, on tap and bottled, at the bar, please help yourselves.”
No sooner had that foursome left than a “maid” arrived with slave's hairdresser, “odalisque, I would like to introduce you to Stephanie.” Stephanie walked up, hugged me and then pushed me back and looked me up and down.
“Well, just look at you. You bought into the whole damn package, didn't you?” Stephanie stood back and looked at me every bit as carefully as any of the men had, and she is straight. “You make a way gorgeous slave, girl.”
“Thank you, Mistress. You know that i value your judgment in matters of beauty.” It was really weird calling Steph “Mistress” because we went to school together and she has been cutting slave's hair for years.
Master came back next to me and put His arm around me and cupped slave's right breast in His hand. Stephanie's eyes bored into Master's hand on slave's breast, then she smiled. “Sh… uh, odalisque, I have never seen you look so contented and gorgeous.”
“Yes, Mistress, i am very, very happy. And, so in love.”
A few more people joined the party. At about 1:30 , Master was satisfied that most everyone who was coming was there. He whispered something in one of the “Maids” ears.
The musicians took a break, and came over to Master and slave, and Rich asked, “Is there somewhere nearby where we could pick up one of those disposable cameras so we can get a picture with odalisque to show Brent what he missed?”
Master laughed saying, “W/we can do better than that. Susan is O/our photographer and she has a digital camera and a printer. You can have any size you want up to an 8x10 glossy.” With that He waved to Susan to come over.
Susan and i have known each other as long as i have known Master. “Hi, odalisque, great party, and you look exceptionally lovely today.” Susan winked, “Yes, sir, what can I do for you?”
Master told her that the trio wanted a photo with me to take to their bass player who couldn't make it. “Oh, so you are going to rub it in that he missed this stunning creature, are you?”
Rich said with a laugh, “Yes, Ma'am, that's exactly what we're gunna do.”
“Okay, why don't you four go outside and I'll get my camera.”
Susan came outside carrying her Nikon camera. “Why don't you each sit in a chair and we'll have odalisque sit on your laps, one by one.” So Rich sat down and i sat on his lap, arm around his neck. Susan took a couple with the Nikon digital. W/we repeated the routine with each of the three musicians. “Okay, let's make this the real ‘eat-your-heart-out' shot.” Susan said with a giggle in her voice.
Susan had me stand, and Rich stand on slave's left. She positioned Zack on slave's right. She positioned Jeffrey behind slave with his head on slave's shoulder and his arms around me, his right hand at the crease of slave's right thigh at slave's sex and his left on slave's left thigh at slave's sex..
Suddenly, the egg inside slave burst into rapid gyrations. Susan stepped back to see how her creation looked. i wanted to tell her that she might want to hurry, but i knew i dared not. Susan came forward and adjusted Jeffrey's hands a little and then suggested Rich and Zack kiss slave's breast nearest to them.
This was another first for me; having three men with their hands or mouth's on slave's naked body. That, in itself, would have been pretty exciting, but combined with the trembling egg, i wasn't sure how long i could hold the pose.
Susan moved back and was satisfied with her creation. She took four shots with the digital camera. By now a small group had formed to watch the “shoot”. Master turned off the vibrating egg and i relaxed a little. After a few moments, Susan said, “Guys, we're through shooting; you can give up the pose now.”
Everyone laughed and Rich apologized for the whole trio.
“No apology necessary Rich, Sir, I enjoyed it very much.”
Susan went and made the prints and Master came outside with a pen and the prints. i wrote “We missed you Brent, odalisque” on the photo for Brent. The other guys asked if i would sign theirs, as well. Again, I felt like a celebrity, even if a somewhat slutty celebrity.
Master said that the food was available and anyone could eat any time they wished. Then He instructed me to get a plate for Him and join Him at a table outside. As i was filling a plate for Master, and nibbling for slave, it dawned on me, “odalisque, for the duration of this party, this is My home and all rules of Master's home apply. Do you understand me?” Now i truly did understand.
That's why Master said that. In Master's home, when He eats His meals, slave is under the table eating Master's delicious cock. i was getting that foggy-headed, Jell-o-legged feeling again. i looked around the room a little, as i added food to Master's plate. The tables sat 4 people and had table clothes. Once i was under the table, it might not be too bad, but how was i going to get under the table gracefully? i supposed, just as i do at Master's home.
The tables were set with silverware, so when i had filled Master's plate, i turned to go outside. i found Master seated with Teresa, Shannon and Crysti. i walked up to the table and set His plate in front of Master, on the glass table top . i wanted to cry, or run, but i knelt down, slipped between Master's chair and the table leg. i knelt between Master's legs, unzipped His fly and took His wonderful cock into slave's mouth.
i heard someone gasp very loudly, and i think it was Teresa who said, “Oh…my…gawd!” . i knew that they could see me through the glass-topped table, but now that i had Master's rock-hard cock in slave's mouth, i was feeling okay. i could hear that they were talking but i didn't concentrate on what was being said, i concentrated on Master's beautiful cock in slave's mouth.
Master told me later that the girls were extremely shocked at first, but recovered quickly and went on with their meal. He said He enjoyed their company.
Master turned the egg on and i was driven to suck His grand cock with reckless abandon. A couple of times i hit slave's head on the underside of the table. He kept the egg to a quiver, so i knew that i could deal with it, although, i would have loved to have had permission to cum.
When Master and the girls finished T/their meal, He tapped slave's shoulder and instructed me to take His plate away. i replaced His velvety cock into His pants, zipped them, and slid out from under the table. i picked up Master's plate, and He said, “o, take the ladies' plates as well, please, and pick up something for dessert for the four of you. i promised them that you would sit and chat with them over dessert.”
“Yes Master.” For the best part of an hour, these three girls had watched me wantonly sucking Master's astonishing cock, and now i was supposed to just sit and have dessert and conversation with them. i picked up the other three plates without meeting the girls' eyes, took the plates inside and returned with four bowls of gelato.
When i returned, Master stood and held the chair for me. i sat, not wanting to look any of them in the eye.
Crysti broke the ice, “Oh my god, o. i guess you know we could see everything you were doing under the table. How did that feel?” i looked up and saw a look of awe on Crysti's face. “When did you know you were going to have to do that?”
“i guess i should have known at the beginning of the party. Master said, just before the party started, that i was to consider this to be Master's home for the duration of the party and i was to act exactly as if W/we were in His home. When He said it, i didn't think of exactly what that might mean. When I went to get Master's food, i realized, but i didn't know you three would be here and i definitely didn't know you'd be sitting at a glass-topped table. ‘How did that feel?' When i have Master's delicious cock in slave's mouth, i am always in heaven. But sitting here now, i guess mortified would be a massive understatement.”
Teresa was next, “He said that you eat that way at home. Do you spend every meal under the table sucking his dick?”
“Yes, Mistress, i do, and i love it. i can't sit here and tell you, candidly, that i loved knowing that you three were watching me do it. But i would be less than truthful if i didn't admit that while i found it humiliating, i also found it titillating.”
Shannon and Teresa started to speak at the same time, but Teresa yielded, “What are your limits; where do you draw the line?”
“i can't answer that, really, W/we have set no boundaries. i would hope that i have no boundaries. that Master would not ask anything of me that i would not be willing to perform or endure. But i don't really know for sure.”
Crysti again, “But, what if… what if… he told you to blow every guy here today.”
“That's easy, because i don't think Master would demand that, but if He did, it would be because it was very important to Him that i perform. So sucking these men's cocks would mean nothing to me compared to the chance to please Master. i know that sounds sophomoric, but i love Master so that it is how i truly feel.”
Teresa this time, “I saw you posing for photos with the band, could I get a photo with you, please?”
“You will need to ask Master, Mistress, but i can't imagine that He would deny you.”
“Excuse me, please.” Teresa was on a mission to find Master. As she left, Shannon and Crysti called after her to ask for them, too.
Shannon said to me, “I don't know how you can do it. Teresa said you walked through the lobby of the restaurant totally naked. I would have just died. Although, come to think of it, here you are sitting, talking with us, as naturally as can be, and you are bare-assed naked. You don't seem to care, and I didn't really think about it much after first being introduced to you, until just this minute. I guess you can get used to anything.”
“Yes, i have come to be more and more comfortable with slave's nakedness, but there are still times when it is very difficult to be Master's slave. What i do is try to look at how humiliated i feel, judged against the amount of pleasure slave's obedience brings Master. It sounds a little simplistic, but it works for me.
“For instance, when i had to walk through Teresa's lobby, naked, i thought the worst thing that was going to happen is a few people were going to see slave's naked body, but Master was going to be very proud, and pleased with me. Of course, i came very close to fainting when W/we got out on the path to the parking lot”
Teresa almost ran, up to the table, “He said yes. He is going to send the photographer over to the table.” i felt the egg begin quivering inside slave's sex.
A “maid” came up to the table, “odalisque, i would like to introduce Kent and Karen.”
Kent offered his hand, “Hi, odalisque, I'm sorry we are late, I had a little trouble convincing Karen to come.”
“i am very glad you succeeded, Kent, Sir. Welcome, Mistress Karen. Please, be sure that you get some food and drink.” i said as i watched Susan coming toward the table and felt the egg gaining speed and intensity. i introduced Kent and Karen, Master's neighbors, to the three women at the table.
Susan handed me a photo-print as she said, “Who are our models this time?” i looked at the photo and saw slave kneeling between Master's legs under the glass-top table with three women seated at the table, and another half-dozen or more people standing and watching. The intensity of the egg increased.
Teresa and Shannon said that they would like to have a photo of the two of them with me. Susan chose a spot by the waterfall at the end of the pool. She let the girls choose their pose.
Shannon asked, “o, can we put our arms around you?” which made me giggle.
i said, “Mistress Shannon, i am a slave, you may do as you wish.”
Teresa put her arm around slave's waist and rested her hand on slave's hip bone, like Master does, with the same effect, an amplified awareness of slave's nakedness. Shannon put her arm around slave's back with her hand almost cupping slave's breast. i put slave's arms around their waists.
Susan took a couple of shots for the girls. Now it was Crysti's turn.
She chose to put her left arm around me and she did cup slave's breast with her hand. She whispered, “This is so great, odalisque. Will you keep in touch with me, at least by e-mail?” she moved her right hand down to slave's pubic mound and Master, from some unseen location, increased the intensity of the throbbing egg. Susan took a few with the Nikon. “Wow, o, do you wax, your mound is so smooth.”
“i don't wax or shave, Mistress. When Master started slave's training He cut slave's pubic hair to a length of about a half inch or so. Then He took, like, a pair of pliers and yanked bunches out…”
“Oh, gawd, that must've hurt.” Crysti interjected.
“Worse than anything but being whipped, until Master had slave's septum pierced. Anyway, after a few yanks that way, Master took eyebrow tweezers and plucked the rest of slave's mound, one hair at a time.”
“What was that like?” Crysti is so curious.
“Like Chinese water torture. Each pluck hurt a little, but it built up to a sensation that was quite erotic. It was like a hundred little mosquito bites. It was actually a very erotic experience. Anyway, now i am required to maintain it. It is quite easy because most of the hair doesn't grow back anymore; Between Master and i, W/we have gotten the roots of most of it. Even when it does, it comes in as a soft little new hair.”
i am sure Crysti would have had another question, but a “maid” came up with two late arrivals, “odalisque, may I introduce Elle and Randy.”
Elle put out her hand, “I hope we are not too late, I wasn't sure if we should come or…”
“Oh, Mistress Elle, of course you should come. Thank you so much for being here. W/we are even enjoying some sparkling wine from your winery.” i said indicating the wine on a tray being offered by a waiter.
“You remember me? I didn't think…”
“Of course, i remember you. i confess there are parts of slave's decent down the hundred steps that are a little hazy; but i remember how sweet you were to me.”
I guess that made her feel more comfortable, because she suddenly remembered Randy, “Oh, I'm sorry, odalisque, this is my husband, Randy. He wanted to come as soon as I told him about you and the invitation.”
Randy offered his hand, “Howdy. Actually, I wanted to come only after Elle said how gorgeous and charming you were. I have to admit that, even then, I expected some hardcore street-pro type.”
“i hope i didn't disappoint you, Randy, Sir. Please, be sure to help yourself to some food before they remove it.”
Randy said he was not disappointed and Elle asked if we would get to talk during the evening. i told her i would try.
Master came up next to me and put His arm around me. Again, that, “you're naked” reminder. He took slave's hand and walked to a clear area of the patio and began to dance with me. He had slave's right hand in His left, and His right hand on slave's right butt cheek. Soon others were dancing.
As W/we danced, I could hear bits of conversations; people were comparing how they met, or knew me, and offering opinions of slave's body, attitude, slave status and Master's good fortune. Master was right, as usual, He seemed to be the envy of every man, and a number of the women, at the party.
When the trio started another song, Keith asked Master if he might have a dance with me. Master excused Himself. Keith took slave's hand and seemed a little unsure just where to put his other hand; he decided on the small of slave's back.
“You are the most astonishing woman I have ever met. How did he get so lucky?” Keith whispered in slave's ear.
“Thank you Keith, Sir. If by ‘he', you mean Master, He recognized something in me that i was hardly aware of, and then nurtured it over a period of many months, and here i am.”
“Did he beat you, or threaten you, or torture you or…”
“Keith, Sir, Master did not have to do those things. He recognized that I wanted to be His slave and so He simply guided me to that end. Yes, He whipped me when i was willful, and He certainly used, what some people might consider ‘brainwashing', but it would not have worked had i not wanted it.”
Keith was difficult to convince, “But dancing with a total stranger, naked, in front of, what, 30 or 40 people, you wanted this?”
“No, i want to be Master's slave, and to please Master, and this is one of the ways i can do it.” i didn't expect Keith to really understand. i'm not even sure i do.
The music stopped and Teresa asked if I would be embarrassed to dance with her. I thanked Keith and said, “Mistress, i am a naked, collared, and ringed slave; i no longer embarrass easily. i would enjoy dancing with you.” She surprised me and put both arms around me with her palms on slave's butt cheeks. i put slave's hands on her shoulders.
“Almost everyone here is in total awe of you, odalisque.”
“Well, I am sure Master only invited people He thought would be pleasant…”
“No, no, I mean, they think you are the most gorgeous, exotic, erotic creature on the planet. All the men want to take you home with them, and I think some of the women want to be you, even though we know we wouldn't have the audacity.” She emphasized the “we”. It didn't surprise me that Teresa might envy me.
“You are being way too kind, Mistress, but Master did tell me that, that is the effect slave might have on some people.”
I must have danced for over two hours, stopping only when the band did. During one of the breaks, Heidi came up to me and said, “odalisque, I almost forgot. Reggie, the parking valet/doorman, said to thank you for the invitation, and to tell you how extremely sorry he was that he couldn't be here. He works as much as he can, and can't afford to take the day off.”
“Oh, Mistress Heidi, would you please find Mistress Susan, the photographer, and ask her to take a picture for Reggie.”
“Of course, I'm sure he would treasure it, but probably not take it home.” Heidi said with a wink and then left to fetch Susan.
She returned with Susan in tow. Susan was carrying a paint brush and a can of latex paint. Susan wrote “To Reggie, with love, odalisque.” across slave's abdomen. Susan instructed me to assume slave's standing position, and took a couple of photos.
It was almost five when Kathy, Bob, Tamara, William and Master came up to me. “odalisque, Bob and Kathy have another engagement tonight so they have to leave.” Master said, as He took slave's hand and led me toward the front door.
“I am sorry you have to go, but thank you so much for coming.”
Master opened the door and Kathy, Tamara and I went out ahead of Bob, William and Master. We were walking toward Bob's car when William said, “odalisque, if you ever get tired of this guy, there will always be a place at my house for you.”
Tamara shot back, “Yah, ‘cause William won't be there anymore.” W/we all laughed, hugged and shook hands. Master took slave's hand and led me back to the party. Master said He would get me another glass of wine and left me.
The minute He walked away, Crysti came over. “odalisque, can we talk for a moment?”
“Of course, Mistress.”
Crysti was talking as if she wanted to be sure she had time to get it all in. “My boyfriend, before the one you saw, was into this, and he asked me to play at being his slave sometimes. The idea kinda intrigued me, but he just wanted an excuse to like whip the shit out of me. I didn't want to be whipped, at least not without some foreplay. I left him over it. When your Master whips you, do you enjoy it.”
“No, Mistress, I do not ‘enjoy' it; because it hurts, and because it means I have displeased Master.” It sounded a little naïve, even to me, but it was true. “But, at some point, I get into kind of a zone, and then, it excites me more than it hurts, and it makes me wet.”
Master returned with a glass of sparkling wine for me, and handed the other to Crysti. “You two look pretty serious for this late in the party.”
“Master, Crysti and i are talking about being whipped.” i noticed a little smile come over His face. “Do you enjoy whipping me Master? Do all men want to whip women?”
Master paused a few beats and then said, “Usually, o, when I whip you, I do not enjoy it, because I am whipping you due to a transgression. But there are times when I do enjoy it, because it is one of the ultimate demonstrations of your submission to me.”
Crysti asked, “What does it feel like to whip her?”
Master smiled and said, “My vocabulary may be insufficient to answer that Crysti. Let me think about it for a few minutes and I may have an answer for you.” He smiled and walked away. I knew that smile, and it worried me a little.
Crysti continued to ask questions and the egg in slave's pussy came alive. It started on low but was quickly increasing to about a nine on the Richter Scale. i knew it was having an effect on me because i was having trouble focusing on Crysti's words. Slave's breathe was coming quicker and shallower. Crysti stopped talking for a moment, “Are you alright, o.”
“Mistress, Crysti, do you see Master anywhere?”
She turned and looked around the room and said she didn't see Him. i closed slave's eyes and began to moan. Crysti asked again if I was okay.
“It is the vibrating egg inside me. i think i'm going to cum without Master's permission. i think Master is answering your last question. Please, Mistress, see if you can find Masteeeeeeeer.” With that said, i had an enormous orgasm and fell to slave's knees. i must have, all but, screamed the last couple of words, because many of the people in the room where staring at me when i regained slave's composure.
The egg went quite. i looked up to see Crysti staring at me in obvious disbelieve. Behind her, i could see Master approaching with a whip in His hand. The room was a riot of chatter. Master stopped next to Crysti. “o, did you have permission for that orgasm?” he asked in His pretend stern voice.
“No, Master, i could not find You, Sir.”
Crysti jumped to slave's defense, “She tried, she even asked me to look…”
“So, you are a co-conspirator. Then you shall be the one to dispense the punishment.” Master held the whip out to Crysti and His hand out to me. “o, on your feet, move over in front of that mirror, turn and face it in the standing position. Fifteen strokes should be sufficient, Crysti, but understand, if I feel you are not applying yourself to the task, I will give her thirty. And I assure you, I will apply them harshly.”
So slave's graduation was, indeed, to be challenging, as well as celebrative. This was definitely a first, a couple of firsts. i have never been whipped by anyone but Master, and i have never been whipped in the presence of anyone but Master; certainly not before 30 or forty people.
The reflection, in the mirror suggested that all the guests, including the band, had gathered to see the slave whipped; even much of the catering staff. i heard bits of conversations like, “What did she do?”; “…really going to whip her?”; “She has to ask him to have an orgasm!”
I heard Crysti saying “Oh, Steven, I couldn't whip her.”
“Of course you can. And, I repeat, if you do not do an acceptable job of it, I will ! Begin, Crysti.”
From behind me, i heard Crysti say, “odalisque, I am so sorry.” The truth of it was apparent in her voice.
The whip was a handle with about two feet of braided leather attached. At the end, the strands are not braided, so five leather strips are separated for five or six inches. This whip hurts quite a bit, but it gets me into the “zone” pretty quickly, too. Master uses it when He wants to leave marks. For some reason, slave's skin reacts well to the sting of this particular whip. The marks usually last for days.
The first stroke was very timid. i was sure that Master would not accept it. But, as required, i said, “One, thank you Mistress.”
i heard Master say, “Crysti, I warned you that if you do hot apply the strokes with enthusiasm, I will. o, W/we are starting over at one.”
“Yes Master.” The next stroke was still a little timid, but i thought Master would accept it; He did, “One. Thank you Mistress.” The second stroke was harder. “Two, thank you Mistress.” By the fifth and sixth strokes I had the distinct feeling that Crysti was discovering the joy of whipping a slave. Master turned on the vibrating egg at what felt like warp speed.
If He left it on, and Crysti continued to whip me at the pace she was, i knew i would have another orgasm before she finished. This is slave's graduation party, and yet this is, probably, one of the most difficult tests of the week. i was naked, being whipped, and i will have to beg Master to allow me an orgasm, all in front of 30 or 40 relative strangers.
Crack! “Seven, thank you Mistress. Master, i beg You, may Your slave, please, cum.” Crack! “Eight, thank you Mistress.” Crysti was definitely warming to the task. She seemed to be swinging the whip as hard as Master does, sometimes; not as hard as He can, but as hard as He does, sometimes.
Crack! “Nine, thank you Mistress.”
i heard bits and pieces of conversations, again, as the spectators seemed to press forward for a better view. “Isn't this incredible?” “Can you imagine…” “How did she get to do the whipping; was there a door prize or something.” i looked from face to face at the reflections in the mirror. No one was looking at anything other than me.
Crack! “Ten, thank you Mistress.” i was getting desperate. i wasn't sure Master had heard slave's plea, so I repeated a little louder, only it came out as almost a scream, “Master, i beg You, may Your slave please cum?”
Again, i heard bits and pieces. “She's going to cum while she's being whipped?” “She is freaking unbelievable.” “Don't let this give you any ideas, Keith.” I knew who said that. “She must be so humiliated, I feel so sorry for her.”
Crack! “Eleven. Thank you Mistress.” That one almost made me lose slave's footing. The tears started to well in slave's eyes; tears of pain and tears of shame. Crack! “Twelve, thank you Mistress.”
Looking in the mirror, now, I saw looks that I interpreted as ranging from awe to disgust. Through slave's tears, I saw Master whisper something into Crysti's ear, then He said to me, “odalisque, you may cum.”
“Thank you, Master.” Crack. “Thirteen, thank you Mis…” Crack! “Fourteen, than…” Crack! “Fifteen, thank y…y…you Mistreeeeeeess.” Slave's knees gave out under the force of slave's orgasm, which was very closely observed by 30 or 40 people.
i was on slave's knees, still spasming and trying to catch slave's breath. Now, i began to hear voices. “God, it might almost be worth the whipping for an orgasm like that.” “Can you believe that, right in front of god and country.” “I wonder if she can get off like that with straight sex?”
From slave's hands and knees, I looked into the mirror and saw the throng of people who had just watched me whipped into a shattering orgasm. Crysti was at slave's side, “Oh, odalisque, are you okay? I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Whipping you was such a high, I just lost control. Did I hurt you awfully? I'm so, so sorry.”
“Mistress, it is okay. i am fine. If you had not whipped me hard, Master would have whipped me much harder.” Slave's voice was still trembling, though slave's body had stopped.
Master was standing next to me with His hand extended. i took His hand and rose to slave's feet. Master turned me to face slave's audience. Heidi began to clap, and was gradually joined by many in the crowd. Again, slave went from the degradation at having cum in front of a crowd of forty people, to the high of being applauded like a celebrity. Master said, “you did very well, o. I am very pleased with you.” And there was slave's Academy Award.
Heidi was the first to approach me, “odalisque, you are fantastic. Didn't that hurt incredibly? Crysti, what did it feel like to whip her?”
Crysti was still standing at slave's side. “Oh, it was unbelievable. I can't really describe it, except to say that I have never experienced anything so emotionally exhilarating, including sex.” She turned to look at me, “Your Master said to make the last three strokes as hard as I could and as quick as I could. I hope you will forgive me, odalisque.”
Teresa and Shannon were at slave's other side, Teresa asked “Have you ever been whipped like that before, o? Does it hurt as much as it looks like it does?”
“The first ones hurt a lot, but then i kind of get into a zone, and the stimulation begins to overtake the pain. And, oh, yes, i have been whipped much worse than that, but i have never before been whipped by anyone except Master, and never in front of an audience.” i felt a hand on slave's ass.
i turned to see Shannon rubbing the welts on slave's butt. “Oh, my, god, I'm sorry odalisque. I guess I have pretty much come to accept that you are a slave. I can't believe that I just rubbed your ass without even asking you.” but she didn't remove her hand.
“Mistress, i am sure Master would be pleased that you have accepted me as a slave. i know i am.” i said smiling. i looked over slave's shoulder at the reflection of slave's ass in the mirror. The welts were already quite prominent and a very angry red. That's why Master loves that particular whip.
Shannon asked, “Does it hurt when I touch them? Do you always welt so quickly? How long will the welts last?” the questions never seem to come singularly.
“Yes, Mistress, it smarts when you touch them, but that is no reason not to. With this particular whip, i welt quickly and they seem to last longer. These may last three or four days.” i explained as Master approached carrying a champagne bucket and a towel.
“odalisque, I think you need to clean up a little.” So saying He set the champagne bucket down in front of me and handed me the towel. The bucket was filled with ice and water. Having been whipped to orgasm in front of these relative strangers, i was now expected to clean the sex juices from slave's legs with this freezing water, right in the middle of the room.
Linda & Judith were standing nearby, and Judith said, “I could just lick you clean.”
If looks could kill, Linda's would have dropped Judith right where she stood, “Shit, I'm sorry I brought you; I should have known better.”
Judith responded, “Fuck you. If there was any doubt that she is just a fucking horny slave girl before, there can't be any now!”
“Thank you, Master.” i soaked half of the towel in the icy water and wiped the juices from slave's thighs as a couple dozen people watched. Using the dry end of the towel, i dried slave's thighs.
i picked up the bucket and returned it to the bar. The barman extended his hand for the towel, saying, “I might just keep this as a souvenir.”
“i would be flattered, Sir.”
i turned and walked to where Master was talking to Elle and Randy. When i stopped next to Master, Randy reached out and grabbed slave's right breast saying, “These are nice; shit, they're real, too.”
Elle's face went bright crimson, “I am so sorry, odalisque.”
Randy didn't let go of slave's breast, “Oh come on Elle, she's a fuckin' slave; If anyone had any doubts before, they don't now.”
Elle seemed horrified, “I told you, Randy, she's not a slave like in those disgusting magazines of yours. She's a sweet woman who loves her Master. She is a slave to please her Master, not you. Let go of her.”
Randy released slave's breast. “What's the grossest thing you've had to do to ‘please your Master'?” His question had a leering quality to it.
“With respect, Randy, Sir, Master does not require ‘gross' things of me. He only asks me to do things that please Him, and that is easy for me to do.” i looked at Master and i could see that that had been a good answer.
“What if he told you to blow me, right here and now?” Randy seemed to have availed himself of the open bar quite generously.
“Raaaandy,” Elle seemed to almost plead, “can't you let it go. I had no idea you were going to be such a jerk, or I wouldn't have come. I am so very sorry, odalisque.”
“Don't worry, Mistress Elle. Randy, Sir, if Master instructed me to suck your cock, i would do it, and just think of it as Master's wonderful cock, and how i was pleasing Him. With respect to Mistress Elle, hopefully, it would be the blowjob of your life.” Again i looked at Master and saw a slight smile on His face.
Elle grabbed Randy's arm, and was pulling him away, as she said, “I had hoped to talk more, but not under these circumstances... May I email you, and perhaps we can get together some other time; just the two of us.”
I looked at Master, he nodded, “Please, do email me, and i will entreat Master to allow me to get together with you, Mistress Elle.”
As the sun was setting, others were saying their goodbye's.
Crysti came up to say goodbye to Master and slave, “Steven, this has been a fantastic day. Thank you so much for inviting me. odalisque I am sorry if I hurt you, but whipping you was an experience I will never, ever, forget. It will be a part of my fantasies for a long, long time. Thank you. May I email you, please?”
I looked at Master, He nodded again. “I would love to hear from you Crysti.”
Stephanie said goodbye and, “Your next appointment will have to be a nice long one, I want to hear all about your training and stuff.”
When Kara and Keith said goodbye, Kara said she wished W/we would stop by the shop some day, “I'd like to test that theory you told me about in the shop, o.”
Keith said, “Today has been absolutely fan-fuckin'-tastic. I might even start believing in the tooth fairy.”
Master asked what Kara meant by slave's “theory”. i told Him that “i told Kara, i thought You could simply put Your marvelous cock in slave's mouth, tell me to cum, and i would within a minute, or so.” Master said that it was a theory worth testing.
At nearly ten in the evening the last guest said “Goodnight”. Tom and the caterers were still there, but Tom came over to U/us and said that they would finish “closing up”. He asked what Master wanted done with the photo-posters of me. Master said Tom could have them delivered to Master's house and include the courier fee in the bill. He said Tom could have one if he wanted. Tom said he'd love to have one, and asked if I would autograph it.
He chose the photo of Master and slave descending the 100 steps among the throng of tourists at Elle's winery. He brought it to a table near U/us, and handed me a Sharpie pen. i wrote “Tom, Sir, Thank you for helping create a night slave will never, ever forget. odalisque”
“Thank you, odalisque. I'm sure I won't soon forget this evening, either.” Tom said through a very broad smile.
Master took slave's hand and led me to His car in the lighted parking lot. When Master stopped at the gate, the young man said, “Scuse me, sir, but I been hearin' that folks were gettin' their pictures took with her; could I have one.”
“I'm sorry, young man, but the photographer has already gone home.” Master apologized.
“Beggin' your pardon, sir, but I went an' got a throw away camera on my break.” The young man seemed, almost, to be pleading.
“Well, how can I refuse? o, go stand next to the gentleman, and I'll take the picture.” Master turned off the engine, got out of the car and accepted the proffered camera. H e opened the door for me and whispered “Put your hand on his crotch, o.” as i passed H im walking toward the young man standing under the light at the gate.
I stood next to the young man, (actually, he's about slave's age), and reached to put slave's hand on his crotch in a way that would not cover slave's nakedness in the photograph.
Master clicked a half-dozen quick shots and the young man whispered “Oh, my gawd, thanks miss.”
Master handed him his camera, re-started His car, and W/we were on O/our way home, again.
W/we arrived at Master's home, He stopped in the driveway, came around to open the passenger door. i got out and went to the front door and assumed the standing position. Master got back into the car, drove into the garage, closing the garage door behind Him.
While I was waiting for Master to open the front door, Kent came running up to the porch. “Hi, odalisque, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your party tonight. I'm so glad I got to be there. I wanted to tell you, at the party, how incredibly sexy and fantastic you are, but I knew Karen would never let me hear the end of it. You are a fantasy come true, odalisque. I can't believe that I am your neighbor.”
“Thank you, Sir, but where does Mistress Karen think you are now?” I asked while holding slave's standing position.
“Oh, I didn't take the garbage out until I saw the headlights in your driveway, but you're right, I better get back. I can't believe I'm your neighbor. Next to Steven, I must be the luckiest guy on earth. Thanks again for tonight.” Kent acted as if he was a teenager who just found out he was living next door to Brittany Spears.
Kent was just off the porch when Master opened the door. “What did I tell you, o? Every man's fantasy.”
“You heard that Master? Wasn't he cute?” I could hardly keep from giggling.
“Yes, now come inside.” Master stepped aside to allow me in.
i wanted to ask Master a lot of questions about what people said to Him when He wasn't with me, but Master said that would wait until tomorrow. Tonight, i was to finish what i had started at lunch today.
I spent well over the required thirty minutes oiling Master's gorgeous cock, and then sucked it until He spewed His savory cum down slave's throat. slave's week of testing ended with me falling asleep with Master's supple cock in slave's mouth.
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