BDSM Library - Cumupance


Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Upper class snobs Lord and Lady Tillman, are tricked into appearing on the sadistic gameshow 'CUMupance' and are made into slaves in their own hotel. The action will become harsher and more debauched as the unwilling contestants progress through their trials.



      Looking back on the decisions that led to my current predicament, I can't help  but wonder if I should have seen this coming, but how could I? Every step seemed to flow into the next allowing me no time to step back and see the downward spiral I was trapped in.


      My name is Lord David Tillman, myself and my wife Jennifer are the owners of a substantial country estate just outside of London. It is my pride and joy the beautifully terraced gardens, the private lake teaming with fish, the stables holding my wife's prized stallions Thunder and Lightning not to mention the house itself a prized example of late 19th century architecture. Alas the upkeep of such as residence is beyond my means, my substantial inheritance has been all but spent. My first wife Sarah taking a considerable chunk as part of her divorce settlement, the result of discovering she had certain undesirables in her family tree, her grandfather was a grease monkey for gods sake! The remainder I've frittered away, keeping myself and Jennifer in the style to which we are both accustomed. The membership to the club, the summer and winters holidays have all put a excessive drain on our finances. I haven't been idle this past few years though I've tried numerous business ventures all of which have failed and in one case I was even defrauded of a rather large sum by a unscrupulous business partner. All of which has brought myself and Jennifer to this critical financial position.


      Jennifer had the idea to renovate the house and let part of it out as a hotel using the proceeds to pay the upkeep of the rest of the mansion, it breaks my heart to think of the public traipsing in and out of our lovely home, like it was nothing more than a Holiday Inn but I can see no other way. At least this way the house and grounds will continue so we set about the project with a will. Jennifer has been marvellous in dealing with the contractors and other employees required to complete the refurbishment she seems a whirl of energy, always zipping around the grounds checking the builders and gardeners work or out meeting designers putting to bed the final details of the new Hotel Tillman. I myself have undertaken the role of financial director which means I have been  tied to my rather small study balancing figures on spreadsheets not that I minded working alone as I've always been shy and retiring around people much preferring my own company, I did miss Jennifer though but someone had to be the public face of the endeavour. In fact so much time have I spent in this small windowless box, that I've started to take on a decidedly pale complexion and my usually slim figure has become even more gaunt due to the combined factors of poor diet and stress.


      It was midday on Wednesday when I realised disaster had struck us, no matter how I worked the figures we didn't have enough money to finish the project. We were now £1,000,000 over budget! I had suspected that the builders had been dawdling but Jennifer swears that they've been hard at it whenever she was checking in on them. Never the less we must find alternative finance or we are sunk. My calls to banks and other financial institutions have been met with polite but firm refusals, my previous record of failed ventures well known in such circles. So despondent at my failure I decided I must break the news to Jennifer, having decided that waiting wasn't going to make the news any less heartbreaking. I headed out to the club where she was meeting one of the interior designers. With the pain of the summer sun in my eyes a reminder of just how long it was since I'd had time to venture outside, I climbed into my beautiful brand new Jag yes I probably shouldn't have bought it but appearances must be maintained! Fumbling behind the visor for my sunglasses I headed off. Perhaps it was the feeling of the sun on my skin for after so long or perhaps just the freedom of driving, I began to feel if not positive about things then perhaps a little less despondent maybe Jennifer would be able to come up with a  solution to our financial worries.


      So it was with a slightly lighter heart that I arrived at the club, assuming that Jennifer would be by the pool bar as she usually was. I headed straight there saying hello to the few people I recognised on the way, the club had always been more of Jennifers place than mine.  I was not nearly as athletic as she was so the gym, tennis courts and swimming pools held no real appeal for me. She usually came alone during the day to exercise, where I limited myself to occasional evening mixers with others of my class. As expected Jennifer was by the pool talking animatedly to a young man, presumably the designer she had mentioned that morning as she leaving. As always the sight of her brought a smile to my face, Jennifer is a strikingly beautiful brunet with a dark tanned olive complexion. She almost looks Italian in origin although her blue eyes give lie to that idea. Even though she is 10 years my younger at 25 she's my soul mate we share everything with each other. My only regret is that our psychical relationship has stagnated in recent years, although my waning libido is mainly to blame for that a consequence of stress and getting older I suppose. Jennifer has never complained about this merely devoting her energy to sporting activities at the club and more recently with the refurbishment project. She was facing slightly away from me as I approached giving me a chance to appreciate how well her figure filled the tennis outfit she always seemed to wear around the club, her  finely toned legs rose out of her trainers encased in a pair of white socks to mid calf, whilst her pert bottom was shown off to dramatic effect by her tennis shorts. Above the shorts her well rounded breasts where restrained by her sports bra and the tennis shirt stretched tightly across her chest My wife had the looks to be a model, of course she'd never lower herself by indulging in such a crass career.


      Seeing my approach out of the corner his eye her companion looked up at me, faint surprise showing on his face, seeing his distraction Jennifer also turned in my direction. Her eyes hidden by mirrored sunglasses mouth dropping open in surprise. When I caught sight of my reflection in her glasses I realised it was more likely shock at my appearance. In my rush to relate what I had discovered I had forgotten my unkempt and unshaven appearance! Fortunately my own sunglasses hid my bleary eyes and I resolved to keep them on until out of public. My unnatural shyness asserted itself with a will when I realised just how out of place I must look in a creased polo shirt and my beige trousers hanging limply off of my gaunt frame! Feeling the colour instantly rising in my cheeks I muttered something indistinct to my wives companion as she introduced me, his name instantly forgotten in my inner panic I mumbled some greeting wishing as I did that he would leave. A uncomfortable look on his face he made his excuses and left, promising Jennifer that they'd continue their meeting at a later date. Much to my relief and further shame that my mere presence could make him bolt so quickly. With his tracksuited form disappearing into the main building of the club I slumped into his  seat and looked across the table at my wife. A concerned look replacing the shock that my untidy arrival had caused. Looking back at her I thought as I always did that here was a woman who would always be there for me, that simple fact giving me the strength to begin to relate what I had discovered.


      'Honey we're out of money' I blurted out deciding that it was best to get the bad news out into the open as soon as possible. 'I've worked the numbers every way I can think of and no matter what we come up at least £1,000,000 short'.

      'Surely there must be some mistake dear' she replied 'You worked out the budget yourself, you said we had enough!' her voice was starting to become raised and people began to glance in our direction disapprovingly.

      'Please honey keep your voice down!' I hurriedly shushed her in our circle people who couldn't pay their way through life where considered the lowest of the low, in the minds of the old money rich it was better to be born poor than to arrive there through your own mistakes.

      'I know I worked out a budget but the builders and gardeners have overrun not to mention the additional cost of all the redecoration we've been doing, there's simply no more money'.

      'Well we'll just have to get a loan to cover the difference surely your friends in the banks can help us out?' .

      'I've already tried they won't loan us any more money.'

      'Any more?' she now started too look really concerned ' I thought we had enough to get us through the refurbishment without any loans, what do you mean we already owe money?'.

      Then it dawned on me that Jennifer didn't realise just how bad our finances had become.

      'Honey all the money we've spent on the refurbishment has been loans we are mortgaged to the hilt on the house to cover the cost.' It broke my heart to see her face fall as she realised just how bad things had got.'

      'Oh my god I never realised!' again her voice rose drawing another set of disapproving looks  from the surrounding tables, Jennifer noticing the scene she was causing abruptly started whispering  'David I'm so sorry.'

      Sorry? What had she done to be sorry about? Didn't she understand that this was all my fault! Rallying Jennifer started to suggest ways we could raise the money selling belongings and such, but the banks owned just about everything almost down to the clothes on our backs. Time and again she made some suggestion and time and again I was forced to tell her that it just couldn't be done. On and on this went the suggestions becoming more desperate as we slowly took solace in a number of bottles of wine we could no longer afford. Finally the sun began to set bringing me back to reality I was about to suggest that we leave as there seemed to be no way out of our predicament, we may as well return home and enjoy the house whilst we still could.


      'Excuse me' said a rather nasal voice from over my shoulder turning around I saw it belonged to a slightly pudgy man in a very expensive navy blue suit. The man seemed to think that the suit alone wasn't enough of a statement of his wealth and was wearing a gold ring on every finger most encrusted with diamonds. In his left ear lobe was a large diamond which seemed to sparkle only slightly more than his too white teeth. Smarmy as soon as I took his appearance in the word leapt unbidden into my mind yes that summed him up perfectly.

      'I couldn't help but overhear about your problems' great now this nouveau riche oaf had been listening in to our problems, the nouveau riche are considered only slightly more acceptable than old money that have become poor. Judging by his appearance this man was a an example of the worst of the breed.

      Uninvited he pulled his chair across to our table 'I can get you the money you require to finish your project' he stated bluntly flashing yet more teeth at myself and Jennifer. Jennifer had clearly seen this man before judging by the look of recognition swiftly followed by revulsion at his manner. He was probably a regular at the club his kind usually are, hoping that some of the class of the other members would rub off on them My first reaction was to tell him to leave us alone, but perhaps due to the wine I decided that even the slightest possibility of a saving our futures was worth listening to the smarmy man.

      'In fact I'll even pay for the remainder of the work myself in return for your participation in a  game show that I'm producing'.

      'Game show?' Jennifer put in.

      'Yes it's a fairly simple concept we get a married couple such as yourselves and put them through a number of fairly strenuous challenges and tasks, if they complete all eight they get a million pounds. Usually the reward would increase after each task was completed, with a option to withdraw at any point if the contestants couldn't complete the task or didn't want to try.' he spread his hands rings glittering gaudily in the fading light 'But that wouldn't apply to yourselves, as we want someone to make it all the way through for the first show to start the ball rolling properly. So for you it'd be a all or nothing proposal' Yet another display of teeth followed this statement as he was obviously convinced that he had us hooked. Which to be honest wasn't that far from the truth as even a rope held by such a odious man will look wonderful to a drowning man such as myself.

      'Look this probably isn't the best place to be discussing these matters.' I said hoping to get the man to reduce his arm waving somewhat as just being seen talking to him was embarrassing enough.

      'You're right' he agreed 'Perhaps we should move this discussion to your house as I really should see my future investment, we can take my Limo. I'll send my drivers back for your cars as you really shouldn't be driving after all that wine.'

      Looking at Jennifer to gauge her reaction to this man and his rather too good to be true offer. I saw that she seemed as appalled as I was by the thought of going into business of any kind with him, but working through our other options and coming up blank she gave me a terse nod. Obviously coming to the same conclusion I had, this man was probably our only real chance of keeping our head above water financially.

      'We'll hear you out Mr?' I said offering my hand to the stranger.

      'Wood, my name is Mike Wood, Lord Tillman' he said taking my hand in his sweaty grasp.


      The journey was spent in silence, the three of us silently agreeing to wait to arrive home before we discussed matters further Mike Wood's limousine mirrored the man himself being painted rather unsubtly gold, it even had gold plated hubcaps! Perhaps the only saving grace of the contraption was the blacked out windows hiding us and the bright red leather interior from being seen. As we arrived the thought that had been niggling at my subconscious finally surfaced.

      'How did you know my name? I never told you what it was' suspicions rising in me at this man's abrupt appearance in our lives, perhaps he was a con man or worse!

      'Please Lord Tillman nothing to be alarmed about. I've been intending to approach you about renting the Hotel Tillman as the venue for my little show for some time, so naturally I know who you are. Besides your wife is quiet well known around the club so it wasn't hard to deduce who you were.' Jennifer gave me another terse nod to let me know that this was probably true.

      Feeling a little more comfortable with this man I led the way into our home, pridefully leading them around the unrestored sections of the building. Mr Wood seemed to like what he saw though smiling and muttering to himself about how this or that feature was just what he wanted for his show. Upon reaching the study Jennifer playing the good hostess role more out of pride than for Mr Wood's benefit, offered to fix us both a drink. Having poured our scotches she excused herself to get changed, obviously tiring of our guests lecherous glances in her direction. Manners stopping  both myself and Jennifer from commenting on them, god the man had no breeding!

      Whilst we waited for Jennifer to return Mike explained a little of his history to me apparently he'd made most of his wealth producing game shows in Asia, he mentioned a number of titles to me but as I'm not a big fan of television I didn't recognise any of them. When I asked how he got started he informed me that his wife had funded his first production and things had taken off from there. Perhaps she was a little more subtle than her oaf of a husband! Sensing my interest Mike assured me that I would certainly meet her before the show was filmed, Jennifer returned in a rather more sensible light grey pant suit bringing our guest back to the business at hand.


      'Simply my proposal is this' he stated 'In return for you appearing in the pilot of my new show and completing all 8 of your assigned tasks. I will pay to have the refurbishment of Hotel Tillman completed. I will also pay you one hundred thousand pounds as the fee for allowing us to film the episode here at Tillman Manor. Questions?' looking like the man who has all the answers he sat there waiting for our reply.

      'You'll pay up front to have the refurbishment  completed?' I ventured.

      'Of course we can't film on a building site' he smiled his rather unnerving smile again.

      'Say we don't complete the show?' Jennifer put in next.

      'Then you'd have to repay the money immediately of course, plus interest naturally'.

      Jennifer and I shared a look we both knew we wouldn't be able to pay in that case but to me it didn't seem like a big problem, he couldn't take back what we didn't have after all.

      'What are these tasks they aren't dangerous are they?'

      'All I can really tell you at this point is that they are psychical in nature, but any more than that I can't really say in order to preserve the surprise. Although I will point out that considering the amount of money I am paying you it won't be a surprise to say they will be not simple or easy tasks.'

      'I think my wife and I would like some time alone to discuss your offer Mr Wood.' I finally said after trying to take in all the possibilities this statement.

      'Of course here is my card if you agree just give me a ring and I'll send one of my Lawyers over to finalise the details. I believe I can find my own way out so I'll leave you to your decision making.'    


      After I was sure he was out of earshot I turned to Jennifer a questioning look on my face.

      'I don't see that we have any choice' she said in reply to my unspoken question.

      'I agree, I know that he's a disgusting oaf but I think we need to accept his offer.'

      'I'm still concerned about these tasks though' she confided.

      'I know honey so am I, he mentioned the names of a couple of shows he's made before to me, perhaps we can look them up on the internet and get a idea of what to expect?' 

      So we retired to my study, the only name he mentioned that had really stuck in my mind was Kamikaze Club so I put that  in to the search engine. Clicking on the first promising website that appeared, our worst fears seemed to have been confirmed, It seemed to be the crassest form of entertainment conceivable! The tasks seemed to involve people running across greased bars and falling into pools of mud or trying to balance on a giant ball floating in a swimming pool. The audience if they could really be called that seemed to spend more time jeering the contestants than cheering them on!

      Jennifer looked across at me tears forming in her eyes.'Oh my god!' she finally exclaimed 'Honey we can't do that! Think of our friends at the club what if they saw!'

      'I know honey it's terrible risk but what choice do we have? Look the chances of any of our sort of people ever even watching something like this are so tiny, I think we might be able to keep the whole thing just between us and Mr Wood'  

      Besides I thought to myself the contestants did look well hidden underneath all that protective gear so perhaps no one would recognise us even if they did see the program.

      'Your right of course we have no choice. I'll ring that odious man in the morning and tell him to send his lawyer over' she said the weight of the decision seeming to drag her head down with  it.

      With that we retired to our separate bedrooms, a compromise we had made years ago after Jennifer complained that my constant snoring kept her up all night. Unable to sleep, I stared at the the ceiling for long hours, replaying the days events over and over in my mind. Finally I could worry no more and dropped of to a fitful sleep.


      The morning arrived and with it Mike Woods lawyer, he had some young lady in tow, by the tape measure around her neck I assumed she was a seamstress of some kind Jennifer having brought them into the study.

      'Good morning Lord and Lady Tillman my name is Crookshanks, I am here on Mr Woods behalf.' he said in a cultured tone taking the same seat that his employer had sat in the night before, tidying his suit around him and opening a pristine looking briefcase. 'This is Miss Zoren, she'll be    taking your s measurements for your on screen costumes.'

      Well he seemed a improvement over Wood at least! Having him between us and his disgusting employer would at least make the whole sordid affair more bearable. Miss Zoren's presence I felt sure I could ignore, as she was after all only a menial and as such was barely worthy of my attention.

      'Well lets get right to it shall we? I've got a number of contracts formalising the business relationship between you and Mr Wood and also a number of waivers for you to sign' he said producing a sheaf of documents with little sticky tags attached.

      'Waivers?' I said trying not to let a note of trepidation enter my voice.

      'Yes they protect my client from liability in case you sustain a injury whilst on the show, it's all quite standard I assure you.'

      That was the good thing about dealing with someone of a breeding such as Mr Crookshanks, you could trust them at their word. So with a with a wish to see the deed done as quickly as possible, and be free of the second thoughts and doubt which plagued me. I took the papers from his hand and begin signing and initialing where the little tags indicated.

      'There are a couple of clauses that I think I should make you aware of' Crookshanks said as I ploughed through the papers. 'Lady Tillman you can no longer be involved in the refurbishment project directly.' Holding up his hand to forestall her objections he continued. 'This is to ensure you do not inadvertently see something, which would tip you off about the tasks you are to undertake.'

      Seeing the logic of this Jennifer nodded her understanding.

      'Anything else?' I asked passing the sheaf of documents over to Jennifer.

      'Yes filming is intended to take two weeks but may be extended if delays occur. In order to minimise delays, you and your wife will be required to live on the set to reduce downtime.'

      Getting this over and done with quickly was in everyone's best interests I thought, I could live with the discomfort  for the two weeks.

      Seeing that Jennifer had finished signing also Crookshanks picked up the documents 'Whilst I check that everything is in order, perhaps now would be a good time for Miss Zoren to take your measurements.'


      The mention of her name bringing the small women to life, moving from the corner of the room where she where she had been quietly observing proceedings from, she brandished her tape measure at me. Assuming that this meant I was to be first, I stepped forward holding my arms away from my sides. In total silence she measured me top to toe taking notes in her little pad. Having been fitted for suits on numerous occasions, I did think that some of the measurements she took were a little odd, but assuming it was for the safety equipment I'd seen on the Kamikaze Club film I let the matter  pass without comment. Finished with me, she moved on to Jennifer and repeated the process with her, again in total silence. Ah this Crookshanks was a breath of fresh air! After being smothered by the cloying sticky feel of dealing with of Wood, even his menials knew their place performing their tasks efficiently and in silence.

      Having finished her task the small woman paused to whisper something to Crookshanks before taking her place on the edge of the room.

      'Ah yes Lord Tillman, Miss Zoren asked me to note that your show clothes will be much more comfortable if you are clean shaven.' What a odd comment! But then who knew the minds of menials, of course I'd shave for the show!

      'Well that is all, I'll inform Mr Wood that everything is in order, one more thing we intend to start filming in two weeks, assuming the refurbishment is complete. So I suggest you use this time to make sure your affairs are in order. As you will have no time for such mundane tasks once we begin filming.' With that he tidied up the papers, placed them carefully in his briefcase and snapped it shut ensuring that it was safely fastened. As he was heading for the door Miss Zoren in tow he paused briefly.

      'Goodbye Lord and Lady Tillman it was a pleasure meeting you.'


      With the Lawyer gone and the die cast I felt a great weight lift from me. It was done now what ever happens happens, it was out of my control now. The feeling was quite liberating after feeling totally responsible for everything occurring on the manor, it was a relief to hand the reins to someone else. Jennifer heading for the door pointed out that if she was going to be filmed she better look her best, and so headed for the club intending to have every beauty treatment offered.

      The next two weeks passed in a blur, Jennifer was out most of the time, barred from working on the refurbishment, she instead spent her days at the club. As she pointed out to me we must not let our standards drop, even though we found ourselves dealing with the lower classes. So she spent her time preparing herself for the show. For my part I found myself catching up on all the sleep worry had denied me. Wood seemed to have tripled the refurbishment workforce in his rush to get the hotel refurbishment finished and the shows set built in time for the agreed date. Indeed the volume of all the work drove Jennifer to the club on many nights saying that she'd sleep in one of the rooms there.


Coming Next: Showtime.



      Finally the morning of the scheduled start arrived, and so did our first meeting with the shows director. A rather shifty looking fellow by the name of Tom Counter, as he began explaining the days timetable to us, I got the distinct impression that behind his eyes he was laughing at my expense, of course that was impossible so I put the feeling down nothing more than  pre show jitters. Having been briefed on our responsibilities for the day, basically be dressed and ready at six pm sharp. The rest of his patter consisting of veiled references to our tasks, which he refused to expand upon even when pushed. We did meet the shows host though, a rather well built chap called John Long, John was obviously selected for the job on the basis of his looks. I assumed he was just there to appeal to the lower class woman's baser desires, Undoubtedly there was a female counterpart to him somewhere on the shows line-up, it seemed that no ruse was too low for Counter and Wood to gain viewers.


      Around lunchtime the man himself showed up accompanied by his wife, informed by Counter of their imminent arrival, I was waiting with interest to see the woman that had financed Mike Woods rise to the wealth he now enjoyed. When I finally saw the woman herself my mouth dropped open in shock! It wasn't her beauty although she was certainly extremely attractive, with long blonde hair and a slightly fuller figure than Jennifer. No my shock was down to the fact that I knew this woman, very well in fact, she was my first wife Sarah. Sarah greeted me coolly seeming  to all the world as this was the first time she'd ever laid eyes on me, deciding that there was nothing to be gained by putting a dampener on things I followed her lead. Jennifer having never meet Sarah or even seen a picture of her as I'd destroyed  them all after the divorce, remained in the dark as to Mrs Woods and my shared history. So we sat down to lunch Mike making his usual expansive gestures and flashing teeth are everyone, Jennifer sensing my discomfort and assuming it was my normal shyness carried our side of the conversation. Sarah sat quietly eating her meal smiling  quietly to herself. As soon as I felt I could leave without causing incident, I made my excuses claiming the need to get dressed for the show. Jennifer not wishing to be alone with the Woods followed quickly, agreeing to meet in my room 30 minutes before the show, we headed of to get ready.


      Whilst I was showering I came to a horrific realisation Woods first production had been financed by his wife's money, and I knew that the only money Sarah had, she'd received from our divorce settlement. Which meant that my inheritance had started him on his way! He was using my own money to pay for this show! Seething inside I resolved to not let this realisation show on my own face, no wonder Sarah was smiling at my misfortune! So showered and shaved I started to get dressed into the charcoal suit I had selected for my entrance. Counter had told us that we would be getting changed into our provided show clothes straight after our entry, but Jennifer and I had resolved to enter the set well dressed and well groomed. We'd show our class by not sinking to their level! At five thirty Jennifer knocked and entered my room, looking stunning in a snow white pant suit.

      'Last  chance to back out!' she bravely joked  taking my hand in hers.

      'We must do this, in two weeks this will all be over and we'll be able to get on with the rest of our lives together.' Taking her in a embrace I held her close, god how I loved her. 'We'll get through this together I promise.'

      Finally we could put things of no longer and returned to the dining room arm in arm. Finding the Wood's were there waiting for us along with Counter.

      'Just came wanted to make sure things got off on the right foot,' Woods enthused at our approach 'didn't want you two getting cold feet' again the beaming smile was unleashed on us.

      Counter smoothly took over from his boss 'Lord and Lady Tillman if you'll follow me please, I'll take you through to the back stage area'

      'I'm sure we'll bump into each other again soon!' called Sarah at our receding backs.


      Standing in the barely finished back stage area, doubts started to creep in yet again, grasping Jennifers hand to confirm that she was with me, I told myself it was too late to back out now no matter what may happen.

      'Almost time,' Counter informed us tersely, his hand pressed to the earpiece in his right ear 'John is just going to welcome the audience to the show and give your introduction. When I give you the signal just walk straight down that corridor and turn left at the end.'

      Coming from the indicated corridor I could hear some muted applause, which I assumed was the audience. Interspersed with it was John Longs booming voice but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Suddenly Counter was pushing us down the corridor, taking this as our cue Jennifer and I strode out onto the stage heads held high.


      My initial sight of the set was blanked out in the glare of the spotlights, spearing us with their beams, but hearing John Longs booming voice welcoming us, slightly ahead and to my left Jennifer and I stumbled over that way. Feeling strong fingers gripping my right arm I came to a halt facing into the battery of lights, Jennifer was pulled away from me he presence abruptly replaced by John Long his bulk allowing me to identify him. Feeling that I may be able to risk blindness by opening my eyes slowly shading them from the glare with my left hand as I did, I took in the floor near my feet, it seemed to have bolt holes and brackets covering the limited area I could see, presumably those where what had tripped me just before. Looking to my right, my eyes widened  when I saw the woman who had grasped my arm. She was five or six inches shorter than my five foot ten inch height, wearing a small black dress with vertical green stripes running down it, the dress itself seemed to be made from some sort of plastic. Although it was surely elasticated in some manner, as the size of her monumental breasts stretched the top of the dress out considerably. My slightly higher perspective and the low scooped neck combined to leave me in no doubt that she was braless. Realising that I was most likely on camera, I quickly raised my gaze to her face, not wanting to appear lecherous in front of whoever may be watching. Her face seemed almost immobile in the way of those who've received excessive plastic surgery, and seemed stuck in a expression of lustfully pouting. Her lips had obviously been enhanced along with her breasts as they were freakishly engorged, her nose seemed too small for her face sandwiched as it was, between that mouth and her wide staring eyes. It was the eyes that disturbed me the most, appearing to be fixed half way between a wide eyed expression of innocence, and the lustful gaze of a harlot. Compared to all this her long platinum blond hair was positively mundane falling simply down her back in a long wave.


      Looking across to Jennifer standing on the other side of John Long from me, I saw that she was having more trouble with the lights than me. Still staring blearily at the stage floor as she was unable to use her hands to shield her eyes from the glare as I had, as John was holding onto her right arm and another woman holding her left. Taking in the woman holding my wife's arm I realized she was the identical twin to the woman holding mine! They had the same mammoth breasts,the same lustfully pouting face and appeared to be the same height. In fact the the only difference I could discern was that the second woman had jet black hair and blue stripes on her dress. Looking down to her feet, I saw they were in some sort of black ankle boots with high spiked heels, the boots looked to be a size too small even to my inexpert eye and gleamed wetly in the stage lighting. I guessed that my escort must be wearing the same uncomfortable footwear, her feet being hidden from my view by the mass of her breasts. A sudden squeeze of my left arm by John, made me snap my attention to his face craning my neck to bring him into view. He was looking at me as if expecting a answer, it dawned on me that whilst I'd been gathering my wits he'd been speaking to me. Blood rushing to my cheeks as embarrassment blossomed in me, having no idea what the question was I muttered something indecipherable, bobbing my head in agreement as I did.

      'That great!' he boomed as if my reply was the wittiest thing he'd ever heard 'And you Jennifer,' he said, pointing the microphone at my wife 'are you as happy your husband to be the first couple ever on CUMupance?'

      Jennifer who still didn't seem to be over the sensory overload of our entrance yet, mumbled something indistinct in reply as I had a moment before. John though, didn't really seem to care what her reply was as he launched into his patter.

      'And we're overCUM with excitement to have you here on CUMupance!' putting the emphasis on the word come whenever he could 'The show that makes paupers out of princes, ruffians out of the rich, bag ladies out the beautiful and.... ' turning to me and grinning a quite frightening grin ' Lackey's out of Lords and Ladies! That's right this is CUMupance and I'm your host John Long! Long by name long by nature!' The audience, judging by the amount of applause that answered this statement must be huge! All I could see was the glare of the stage lighting but I could feel the vibration under my feet as they whooped and hollered their approval. It was terrifying to imagine all those eye's on me but be unable to see them.

      Waving his hands until the noise of the audience had faded enough too make himself heard John continued 'Well without any more time wasting from me lets begin! Lord and Lady Tillman! It's time to receive your CUMupance! Dolly's take them away!'

      The woman holding my arm began herding me towards the back of the stage, pushing me uncomplaining at a door set in the left rear of the stage. Looking to my right, I had just enough time to see Jennifer being herded through a similar door to the right. Before I could call out to her I was  through the portal followed closely by my escort.


      I took in my new surroundings, the first thing catching my eye was the full clothes rack  to my right. In front of me was another door, leading further into the backstage area I guessed, to my left was a waist high table about six feet long and about half that wide. Perched on the table was Sarah!

      'Thanks Dolly,' she said to my escort 'why don't you wait backstage while I get him ready' a little giggle escaping her lips my escort nodded and headed out through the second door I had noticed.

      'Sarah..... ' I began, words failing me as I tried to come with a reason for her presence, in what I assumed was my dressing room.

      'Oh relax David! You're going to need some help for you to get into your show clothes, and knowing how shy you are I thought it was better someone you knew.'

      'I see, well if it is that hard to get into the protective gear perhaps Jennifer could help me?' I didn't want to display myself in front of anyone except my wife not even to a ex wife.

      'Jennifers busy right now getting into her own ermm... protective gear, really David it's either me or Dolly' she moved towards the door to get Dolly.

      'Wait! Okay okay but please don't tell Jennifer it might upset her, the thought of me undressing in front of another woman I mean' at this she broke out into a huge grin.

      'Of course I won't tell her that would be wrong,' she said between chuckles 'believe me I take the thought of someone seeing you naked very seriously!' unable to see what she found so funny, I simply turned my nose up at her disdainfully. This abruptly stopped her giggles, a look of anger passing quickly across her face. That was better she should remember who was the one with breeding here!


      Having asserted my superiority I began to undress placing my suit carefully on the table, with just my briefs on I turned back to Sarah.

      'I thought Zoren told you to shave for the show? Sarah said her ire at me showing in her voice.

      'I did' I said running my hand across my chin self consciously, perhaps I had missed a hair or two?

      'Not there' her eyes dropping to my chest and then down to my legs.

      'You can't mean...' I began

      'Of course I do,' she interrupted 'some of the ermm safety gear has to go right against your skin or it won't protect you properly. Dolly! We're going to need a waxing kit in here!'  she called through the closed door, hearing the receding footsteps of Dolly going on her errand she turned back to me. 'Look I know what some of your tasks are' she said earnestly 'trust me on this you don't want to risk an injury causing you to fail one of them do you?'

      'Well I suppose' the thought of failing a task and losing everything made me weak.

      'Okay then now lie down on the table and we'll get this done as quickly as possible'

      As I was making myself comfortable on the wooden table there was a knock at the door, I glanced up just in time to see Sarah receive a number of strips of cloth and a large pot of something from Dolly.

      'Okay now this is going to sting a little' she began spreading the wax from the pot across my upper chest, it was hot enough to be more than a little painful. Oblivious to my discomfort Sarah began smoothing one of the pieces of cloth across the waxed area.

      'Now hold still' she said fingers gripping the edge of the cloth the other pushing down on my chest, then without warning she yanked the cloth away! A scream ripped its way out of my throat as I flew six inches from the table the pain was immense!

      Sarah was suddenly shushing me 'The walls on this room aren't that thick,' she informed me 'if you make that much noise the audience is going to hear you! We need to get this done David perhaps if I gave you something to bite down on?'

      Nodding weakly I agreed the thought of all those people laughing at my squeals was too much, she walked over to the clothes rack and picked up a what looked like a little leather belt. Returning to me, she quickly pushed what felt like a large ring into my mouth wedging it tightly behind my front teeth,

      'I'll just secure it in case you swallow it or something' she muttered to me reaching behind my head to fasten the little belt as she tightened the contraption, I felt the ring being pulled back into my mouth stretching  my jaw wide open! I tried to protest, but trying to speak with my mouth like this was impossible. Sarah didn't even seem to notice the grunting noises I was able to make, and began waxing my chest again. Panicking I attempted to remove  whatever it was strapped around my head, this did get Sarah's attention.

      Sounding like she was addressing a small child 'If you keep thrashing around like this we're going to be here all night' she admonished me. When I didn't stop fumbling at my head she continued 'I was rather hoping we could have done this the easy way. Dolly! Get in here!'

      Dolly must have been waiting for just this moment and burst through the door almost instantly.

      'Hold him down for me please' Sarah said matter of factly as she reached under the table for something, having found what she was looking for she waved the retrieved roll of tape in front of my face 'luckily I plan ahead' she grinned down at me 'Okay Dolly flip him over.'


      Dolly was a lot stronger that she looked, having no difficulty in first holding me down and then flipping me onto my front as requested. I felt hands on my lower arms pulling them together behind my back, then tape was wrapped round and round my wrists immobilising them. The process was repeated on my legs, my tape wrapped ankles stopping me getting any leverage with my lower body. I was then unceremoniously flipped back over pinning my bound arms underneath me.

      'Lets try this again shall we without all that bothersome squirming this time,' smiling she began applying wax to my chest once more. 'although I must admit it does work out quite nicely this way, well for me at least.' she smoothed the cloth across the wax grinning madly as she yanked it off. Even though I was expecting the pain, I think I would have flown of the table even bound as I was, If not for Dolly's weight still pressing my shoulders down onto the table.


      Sarah though seemed to be enjoying herself, tearing the strips from me to punctuate her words. 'I can't believe you think my being here is a coincidence!' another strip was yanked from my chest. 'You truly are the idiot you seem to be! If it wasn't for your inheritance and your title, you'd be even lower than those menials you so despise' Another strip, she was starting to pick up pace, I screamed through the thing in my mouth. 'Please don't think I'm here for revenge though, tormenting you is just a bonus.' Another strip gone, 'You see whilst Mike and I where making those programmes in Asia, with the money you gave me after you found me unworthy. Thanks for that by the way.' Another strip, tears where flowing down my cheeks now and she was still only on my chest! 'We realised something, people will pay to watch other peoples misfortune. The greater the fall from grace the more they want to witness it.' Another strip. 'So I thought of you, possibly the biggest snob I've ever met and completely unable to hold on to money too boot!' Another strip, this one from just below my waist.


      'So I made sure to keep an eye on you, I waited until you'd made one bad deal to many, and then sent Mike in with his last gasp chance to save yourself.' Another strip! she was working her way down my left leg now. 'And you leapt at it dragging that lovely wife of yours down with you,' No! What had I done to Jennifer? 'So now I have a bona fide Lord and Lady no less who've signed themselves into servitude for my and the audience's amusement.' Another strip! I'm not sure what's worse, the strips or the pain of my guilt. In my hubris I've damned myself and Jennifer. 'You know you really should have read those contracts you so gleefully signed, 'Another strip! 'but I digress your fall from grace will be beamed out to anyone who wants to pay for it, and they already have by the thousands' Another strip, she moved to my right leg. 'You see we realised television was so limiting, so we thought hey what about the internet! So that's what we did , you see right now people all over the world are watching me do this!' Another strip yanked so hard I'm sure my skin came off with it.


      She paused with her relentless waxing, to allow her words to sink in. 'Look up into that corner over there, see that black thing with the little red light on it? That's sending you in glorious colour, with full sound I might add out to currently.... How many is it right now Tom?' she said speaking to the camera, putting a hand to her ear as she received the reply. 'Ten thousand Six hundred and seventy two people! With more joining in all the time now that the word is getting out.' My god! No she's lying! She must be! But I knew she wasn't, Sarah looked to be enjoying herself far too much for this to be all a lie. 'I should tell you though that nearly twenty thousand people are watching your wife right now, but then she is the looker of the pair.' No! Jennifer!


      Allowing me no more time to take things in she returned to her waxing with renewed enthusiasm, quickly finishing the rest of my right leg. 'Dolly we're going to need to flip him over again so I can do the backs of his legs, but before that!' suddenly she pulled down the front of my briefs and poured a great blob of the hot wax over my genitals! I bolted straight up from the table unable to do anything but scream at the pain, the pain only got worse when she replaced my briefs and pushed down making sure the wax was squeezed all over my groin.

      'Okay flip him over' being suddenly dropped face down on the table did nothing to lessen the pain in my groin. The impact with the table did drag another cry of pain from me though. Tears were flowing constantly down my cheeks now. The combination of pain, guilt and humiliation destroying any self control I might have had. Without pausing to berate me any more she quickly tore the hair from the back of my legs.

      'Now David it is time for the really painful bit' What? More painful than what I'd been through so far? Hearing the snip of a pair of scissors behind me I felt the back half of my briefs cut away and without warning the hot wax was poured between my buttocks. I screamed into the table top, but then I felt the horrible sensation of Sarah applying a strip of cloth to the wax. I was expecting at any moment to feel it ripped away, but Sarah seemed to want to prolong the tension and merely toyed with the edges of the cloth strip for a while. Just as I was starting to relax and think that perhaps she had gone as far as she was going to go, she tore it from me! The shock of the pain was do intense that I couldn't even scream, giving me no time to recover I was flipped over again and my briefs were yanked from from my groin, reducing me to a blubbering wreck as I felt my pubic hair torn away. 'Oops missed a bit,' she muttered spreading more of the wax around my testicles, another two strips of cloth quickly followed and she was satisfied.


      'There all done! That wasn't too bad was it?' she grinned evilly, 'Now to get you dressed properly' suddenly reality crashed in on my thoughts I was lying bound, gagged and naked on a table with thousands of people paying to watch my humiliation! If I could have I'd  have curled into a ball and remained there forever, but bound hand and foot with the strong hands of Dolly pinning me to the table, I had no choice but to stay on display to whoever cared to look. I was starting to gain some self control and managed to stop my tears, when Sarah return from the clothes rack carrying my outfit, placing it out of my sight before I could get a clear look at it. She reached down to my feet and I again heard the snip of a pair of scissors, this time cutting through the tape binding my ankles. The tape being pulled from my ankles was too much like the sensation of being waxed and I let out a involuntary yelp of remembered pain.


Coming Next David is Dressed.

David is Dressed.


      Feeling some underwear being pulled up my legs and deciding that anything would be better than being naked. I tried to assist by lifting my hips from the table, the briefs though seemed too tight for Sarah to pull up on her own. After some failed attempts she swung my legs off of the table and with her pulling on one side of them and Dolly the other, gravity finally dragged me down into them. Feeling the waist band grip tightly above my hips I wondered how I would ever get them off! The painful vice like feeling of my genitals being crushed into my stomach by the taunt  fabric was suddenly relieved by Sarah reaching down and yanking my genitals through a hole in the front of the briefs. As I was manoeuvred back onto the table, I managed to get a glimpse of my new underwear. They were made a of a shiny white material which pressed into my skin tightly. My penis and testicles jutted obscenely from a reinforced hole in the front, the edge of which seemed to get even tighter as it restricted the blood flow out of my genitals. A cold gust of air informed me that there was a similar hole in the rear for what purpose I dreaded to think.


      This time Sarah slid me down to the bottom the table folding my my knees over the edge, pulling my ankles apart she taped each to a leg of the table. With the my own weight and Dolly still holding me down my arms were useless, I was effectively immobilised. Sarah then fed my genitals into something and pulled it down attaching it on to the ring. It began to whir faintly then compressed  my testicles into a tight ball while I yelped through the gag. Then something gripped the base of my penis tightly, pausing for a moment the device then began a rippling sensation, pulling the head of my penis along a tube lengthening my shaft painfully in the process. My terrified mewling emerging from the gag, I began to panic sure the device wouldn't stop until it ripped me apart! Suddenly the sensation ceased and I felt a ring grip me just under my head holding me at my new length. feeling cold air flow across the top of my now stretched and  highly sensitive penis. I realised that it must have been pulled all the way through the device attached to my briefs, I managed to raise my head just enough to see what had been done to me. My penis had been stretched out to at least seven or eight inches and was held away from body at a 45 degree angle by the black restraint which engulfed it. The device had obviously been made to look like a real set of male genitals complete with veins and such. Sarah completed the device by fastening the separate lifelike head over my own into the shaft of the device, I felt it click securely into place, my penis was now completely hidden away!


      'Okay David thoughts of escape are probably starting to occur to you now,' they hadn't, I was still to shocked to be thinking clearly enough for that, 'but let me make this clear, if you do not do what you are told when you are told to do it this will happen.' she pressed a button on the little remote she was holding, the interior of the device attached to me suddenly became filled with sharp points all pushing into my crushed scrotum, my stretched out shaft and across the head of my penis. I screamed louder and longer than I had since the ordeal had began, cold sweat broke out all across my body. As she pressed the button again and the pins retracted, I began to shake all over with shock at the agony inflicted on me. 'I trust that will be enough of a demonstration?' I nodded weakly, anything but that again. 'Good now there are a number of these controllers so don't think about trying to steal this one, also if you leave the manor grounds your cock ring will automatically activate.'


      'Now that unpleasantness is over we should finish getting you dressed, it's not as though we have all night. Dolly if you please.'

      'Yes Milady,' Dolly replied, this was the first time I'd heard her say anything, except the childish giggles she let out every few minutes, her voice didn't make her sound any more mature though as she sounded just like a petulant teenager. 'I think this would be simpler if he was flat on the table though.'

      'Okay well if you think that is best' My torso was lifted up and my arms freed, any thoughts of resistance I might have had were quashed by the sight of the remote in Sarah's hand.


      'I'll strap him down though just to be safe, I don't want him squirming whilst I do it.' Dolly said reaching under the table. Do what? My mind raced, well whatever it was it couldn't possibly hurt more that Sarah pressing that button again I reasoned. Dolly was happily strapping me to the table now, looping the strap around the underneath of the table back across my lower chest pinning my elbows to my sides and me to the table. Next she put one across my forehead forcing it against the hard wooden surface. Grabbing what looked like a little make up case from under the table she selected a pair of tongs and a little gun. Sticking the tongs into my still wedged open mouth, she fastened them to my tongue and pulled stretching it out of my mouth. She then attempted to do something to it with the gun but couldn't seem to get the right angle, without hesitation leaving the tongs locked onto my tongue she hopped up on the table to sit astride me. Her tight skirt riding up from mid thigh as she settled herself down on my stomach, feeling her pubic hair brush across my navel she I discovered she wasn't wearing any underwear. Despite the ordeal I'd been through or perhaps as the result of it, I started to feel myself press painfully against the inside of the device on my genitals. The combination of Dolly's pubic hair brushing my now hairless stomach and her breasts looming inches from my face, causing my body to send signals my loins had to obey. Wearing a look of absolute concentration that was almost comical on a face as wide eyed and pouting as hers, she tried to get the tongs and gun positioned correctly. Finally she managed it and with a quick smile of satisfaction pulled the trigger, I felt my tongue jerk slightly as something pierced it accompanied by a quick burst of pain. She removed the tongs and I ran my tongue around my mouth, discovering there was a hollow metal tube with rounded edges stuck through it about a half inch from the tip, she'd  pierced me!


      Reaching out of my line of sight she picked up something and popped it into my mouth the sudden cold informing me it was a large ice cube.

      'Suck on that it'll stop the swelling' she said. Working quickly she started to pull at my nipple I felt another flash of pain, then the new sensation of something being pulled through it. Followed by a click as she locked whatever it was in place, she quickly repeated the process on the other nipple.

      Then perhaps sensing that I wasn't exactly upset about her presence on my chest, giggling slightly she switched herself around so she was facing my feet and lowered her vagina to within a inch of my face. Removing any doubt about whether she was wearing underwear or not, bound to the table as I was there was no way I could do anything but smell her musky aroma though, as the pressure in my crotch increased yet again.

      'Try not to enjoy yourself too much will you?' I heard Sarah complain but I've no idea if she was talking to me or Dolly, perhaps both.

      I was so distracted by Dolly displaying her well trimmed vagina to me that I barely noticed her pulling at my belly button, until the now familiar flash of pain informed me I had just received my fourth piercing.


      I know I should be outraged at being pierced without my consent, but it just didn't seem to matter that much given everything else that was going on. Dolly climbed down and unstrapped me letting me raise myself up to inspect the additions to my body, she quickly swabbed something that smelled like rubbing alcohol across my chest and plopped another ice cube into my mouth. In each nipple I had a little silver bar bells ¾  of a inch long with little rounded ends a ¼ inch across and in my navel nestled a ¾  inch diameter gold ring.


      My inspection was halted when Sarah pushed me back down onto the table, wiping the rubbing alcohol off of my chest with a cloth. Looking up I was shocked to see Dolly hovering above me holding what appeared to be a pair of mammoth fake breasts in her hands! Turning them so the flat bottom was facing me I saw that the back seemed to be covered in white grease paper, except for two holes which looked to be located in line with my nipples. Sarah ripped off the backing paper, Dolly began slowly lowered the breasts onto my chest, taking care to ensure the two holes fell exactly over my nipples. As the rest of the fake chest settled onto mine I realised that the back was covered in glue which bonded them to my chest! Satisfied that they were placed correctly, Sarah pressed another button on her little remote and I felt two clicks as something inside the fake breasts fixed itself to the piercings in my nipples. Pulling them slightly away from my body as it did so, Sarah and Dolly then took great care to make sure that there were no air bubbles stuck under my new mammaries. As I shifted my weight slightly I felt a pull at my nipples, round weights had been placed at the front of the breasts just inside from the nipple and the rest of them filled with some sort of gel. The weights were attached somehow to my nipples so that when ever I moved the breasts shifted realistically pulling tightly at my nipples as they did so. Looking down at myself once more I realised that they had matched my skin tone almost exactly, and aside from a barely noticeable line where the edges were they looked like a real pair of 36E's attached to my chest. Looking closer I noticed that the fake nipples had been pierced in exactly the same way as my real ones!


      Sarah slapped my new breasts a couple of times experimentally, drawing grunts from me as my nipples were pulled. 'Oh my Zoren outdid herself with these if I didn't know better I'd swear they were yours. You really should have been nicer to our little Miss Zoren by the way, I think her dislike of you inspired new heights of sadism from her when she was designing your wardrobe.' Zoren? Who was that? I racked my brain for her, then I remembered Crookshanks menial she disliked me? I'd barely spoken to her, one after all didn't converse with menials. Reaching behind my head she undid the gag, giving me a chance to exercise my cramping jaw, my tongue seemed a little swollen from the piercing but I could probably speak okay now.

      'From now until the show finishes you are the the lowest of the low, do you understand?' I nodded, 'Say it!' she commanded.

      'Yes I understand' I admitted quietly

      'That's yes Milady!' she shouted into my face.

      'Yes Milady.' I said louder now.

      'That's good from now on anyone you address is either Milady or Milord got it?'

      'Yes Milady.'

      'You will obey any instructions you are given by anyone you meet in the manor.'

      'Yes Milady.'

      'From now on your only name is Wench you will answer to no other.'

      'Bu...' I began intending to protest this, stopping in mid word as she raised the controller and pointed it at me. 'Yes Milady.' I finished weakly, I felt something inside me break as I gave in so tamely to her will.

      'Good, it seems that you aren't completely useless.' She freed my ankles from the table with a couple of quick snips of the scissors and again I felt the stomach clenching feeling of something being ripped from my skin. She began dusting my legs with talc making sure she got a even covering, then I felt something being pulled up my leg it was awfully tight whatever it was taking considerable effort by Dolly and Sarah. Eventually it was on encasing my left leg completely to mid thigh, repeating the procedure on my right leg they stepped back to admire their work. Both my legs where tightly encased in the same shiny white material as my briefs were made out of, the feeling of my legs being tightly wrapped like this wasn't completely uncomfortable I had to admit. Taking a foot each they quickly forced my feet into a pair of black platform high heels, the little padlocks fastening the straps letting me know that they wouldn't be removed anytime soon.


      'Stand up Wench' she commanded, barely hesitating I swung my legs down off of the table and put my weight on the heels locked onto my feet. Toppling forward as I underestimated the height of the heels my legs now two inches longer than usual due to the platforms, I stumbled across the room. My legs seemed to be moving slower than usual as the tights on them resisted my attempts to get my feet under me, and breasts bouncing up and down on my chest  were pulling painfully on my nipples. I reached the other side of the room smacking into the wall head first. Dolly and Sarah having both burst into fits of laughter, reddening rapidly I managed to hold myself up against the wall as I tried  reposition my legs underneath me. The angle of the heels combined with the unusual weight at my chest kept throwing off my balance, every little stumble pulling on my nipples as my breasts bounced around. I got myself balanced in the end, standing as much as I could on the front of my feet I needed to keep my shoulders pulled back constantly or I'd overbalance again. this of course pushed my breasts out in front of me, so slowly I made my way back to the table with them bobbing in front of me. Sarah had managed to gain some control and was merely chuckling at my antics now, Dolly though was still lost in fits of giggles holding her sides tightly as she rolled around the floor. Bizarrely I began to feel my penis expanding again, the feelings of humiliation and the pain of my breasts bouncing against my chest turning me on.

      'Hmm that's interesting,' Sarah muttered as a little green light on the remote lit, she looked up at me the joy on her face telling me that somehow she knew what I was feeling, and how ashamed she knew I must be to get turned on in this situation. Grinning at me with sadistic pleasure she tapped a button on the remote causing my restraint to activate. I panicked expecting the pain again, but this time it began massaging my shaft and head gently increasing my arousal it slowly began to increase in speed.

      'You like that don't you Wench?' I said nothing, not wanting to admit my weakness 'Tell me how much you like it or I'll turn it off.'

      What! No this felt too good. 'I like it.' I managed.

      'You like it what Wench!' she bellowed.

      'I like it Milady!' I shouted understanding what she wanted, I leant forward to grab the edge of the table the full weight of my breasts pulling on my nipples now, I didn't trust my balance with the beginnings of a orgasm growing within me.

      'Where does it feel good Wench?'

      'It feels good in my Penis Milady.' I stuttered my humiliation rising with the growing pleasure in my groin.

      'You're a wench, you don't have a Penis you have a cock!'

      'It feels good in my cock Milady.' I said the unusual vulgarity catching in my throat, involuntarily my hips started rocking back and forward trying to increase the sensations coming from my cock.

      'What are these Wench?' she asked swatting the breasts hanging from my tortured nipples.

      'Breast's Milady.' I muttered lost in my own passion.

      'Ladies have breasts, Wenches like you have tits. Tell me how much you love it when I do this Wench!' she aimed another slap at my breasts setting them swinging madly, more pain flared in my nipples.

      'I love it when you slap my tits Milady.' anything to keep the thing massaging my groin going a little longer I was almost there!

      Seeing the little green light change to yellow she quickly turned off the massager, 'You don't get to cum yet Wench we have more work to do.

      'Yes Milady' I said automatically I was so close! My legs began to shake in frustration at my denial of release.


      'Now turn around and hold out your arms out in front of you' as I automatically moved to obey, I saw Dolly looking up at me from the floor lustful interest written across her face. She got up and licking her lips she began to run her hands across my tits, moving one down slightly she began to pluck at the ring in my navel. My predicament was turning her on! She began to massage her own tit in time with her manipulations of mine. Sarah turning round with a mass of black rubber and white lace in her hands exclaimed. 'Dolly! For Christ sake control yourself for five minutes you slut!'

      'Yes Milady' she instantly moved her hands to her sides. 'Sorry Milady'.

      'Now you!' she said addressing me again 'Raise your arms.' Doing as requested she began to feed my arms into this new garment, when my arms were through the appropriate holes she pushed the rest of it over my head. As it fell about me I found I was dressed as some sort of French maid, the design wasn't exactly standard though, it seemed it was mainly made from rubber. The puff sleeves barely came off of my shoulders and were trimmed with white lace. The top of the dress ran down on the outside of my new tits leaving them completely uncovered, there was a slight shelf at the top of the corset like section, which did little more than lift my tits out further. The rest of the garment down to my waist was a thick rubber of some kind, there was a set of laces down the open front to tighten it around me. The skirt trimmed like the shoulders with white lace, was made of layers of thinner rubber to make it seem a little more like fabric. It would have fell to just below my crotch but my stretched out cock was holding the front of the skirt up, displaying my confinement and the top of my legs.


      Taking a firm grip on the laces Sarah began tightening the rubber piece around my waist, enlisting Dolly's help to pull one way while she pulled the other they began to really pull the corset tight around me. Finally feeling like my lungs had been pushed up into my shoulders they had it as tight as it would go. Wrapping a tape around my waist Sarah proclaimed it at 24 inches and not bad for a start. 24 Inches! My waist was usually 32 inches! Taking up pair of gloves made of the same sort of shiny plastic as my briefs but with lace trim she pulled them onto my hands buckling them to my wrists and securing them with the same little padlocks as those on my ankles. The lace brushing my forearms, I tried to move my fingers I discovered that whilst the gloves had four individual holes for my fingers on the inside, the outside of the glove was moulded into one. I could hold things between my fingers and thumb but anything more complicated than that was now beyond me! Tying a little white lace apron about my now shrunk waist I though she was finished. But there was more! Instructing me to sit back on the table she picked up some clippers and quickly shaved my head down to a slight stubble.

      'Just the Hood to go now' she said holding it up so I could see. It was made of latex  and would fit around my face with a piece wrapping around my neck. It was modelled to look like a maid with a with a lace hat holding down some shoulder length straight black hair. The section that would go around my neck was made to look like a black choker trimmed with white lace. She pulled it over my head feeding my ears through holes cut in the sides for just this purpose, I began to calm a little being stuck in the hood unable to hear wouldn't have been pleasant, she got it into place smoothing the ripples out with her hand. Now the only parts of my head showing were my eyes, nose, mouth and chin. Everything else was either covered by the hair attached to the hood or the choker hiding my Adams apple.


      Sarah stepped aside letting Dolly through, she reached into her little make up case again thinking I was going to pierced again I recoiled. Instead of the gun she pulled out a tube of red lipstick and began applying it to my lips, next she spread some powder along my cheekbones. Lastly she told me to shut my eyes and I felt make-up being applied there also. Feeling something being pushed into my mouth I opened wide and felt the ring gag being returned to my mouth and the buckle being fastened under my new hair.

      'Menials should be seen and not heard Wench.' Sarah informed me 'Good job Dolly she looks good enough to eat.'

      'Speaking of eat Milady do you think I could.....' Dolly said sheepishly.

      'I suppose you've earned a reward go ahead, Wench lie down on the table. You'll probably need to instruct him though as I don't remember him being much good.'

      I climbed up on the table wondering what they were talking about, as soon as I was lying down Dolly climbed up on top of me once again. Lowering herself above my face as before except this time she didn't stop until her pussy was pressed across my wide open mouth.

      'Start licking Wench I'm not moving till I'm satisfied' Dolly commanded seeing that I didn't have much choice I stuck my tongue through the ring gag and began running it along her lips. 'Not like that' Dolly muttered 'In and out not around the outside.' as I complied curling my tongue up and thrusting it in and out of her. 'Better, ' she muttered and began grinding her self down onto my face her thighs holding my head tight. 'Higher,' obediently I angled my tongue more running the edge of the tube in my tongue along her clitoris, hearing a sudden intake of breath I knew I'd hit the right spot. 'Yes, yes just like that, keep going, faster, harder' she was starting to pant heavily now and grinding herself even harder into my face. Dolly in her excitement was making it very hard to breathe, but I knew she wasn't going to let me up till she was happy, so I kept going running my tongue along her clit as quick as I could. Spots were starting to flash in my vision when Dolly 's thighs clamped immovably around my head as she gave out a cry of ecstasy I felt her squirt into my mouth filling it, having no choice I began to swallow the slightly salty liquid as quickly as I could. Finally spent Dolly climbed up off of me allowing me to grab great lungfuls of air.


      'Not bad for a beginner Wench' she informed me 'I'll make sure you get plenty more practice though' shifting her weight back so she sat on my stomach again 'This should make things easier next time though' she produced a little piece of metal holding it in front of me so I could examine it. It was a little metal bar with a flat circle of steel at the top looking closer I could see the word “WENCH“ stamped into the circle. Pulling out my tongue she pushed the bar through the tube in my tongue attaching a little ball to the bottom to make sure it stayed in place.

      You've messed up her make-up Dolly.' Sarah complained, as Dolly reached for her make-up bag Sarah stopped her 'No leave it like this she looks more slutty this way. Now the final touches.' she pulled a black garter with lace trim up my left leg, leaving it a couple of inches below the top of the tight latex encasing my leg. Pushing a feather duster into my hand she proclaimed me finally dressed. Pulling a full length mirror from behind the clothes rack she let me get a good look at myself, I was transformed! My face under my lace hat was framed by my dark hair, lipstick was smeared across my lips and cheeks, Mouth held open by the gag. The skin surrounding my eyes was darkened as if I'd spent the night on the streets. My tits hanging out and my legs wobbling unsteadily in my too high heels made me look like I'd spent the last few hours being screwed by a succession of men. The large black phallus growing out of my crotch, adding to the impression of me as little more than a toy for other peoples desires. In short I looked like a maid who spent most of her time bent over a table for others pleasure.


      'Now take a twirl for the camera Wench.' Sarah commanded. The camera! I'd forgotten it was there! I  wondered how many people were watching me now, a little seldom heard part of my mind hoped they liked what they saw as I slowly rotated for their amusement. A sudden tightness in my crotch informed me that humiliation and the thought of being turned into  a sex object for other peoples desires was turning me on again.

      Sarah smiled as the green light on her remote blinked on again, letting her know that no matter what I said some dark part of me was enjoying my ordeal. 'Well time for you to return to the stage Wench!' Leading me again by the arm, Dolly pulled me out onto the stage once more. Tottering along I was concentrating on not to falling over, my tits reminding me painfully of their presence with every step. The lights had been dimmed somewhat now and I could see that the audience only numbered thirty or so people! All the audience noise from earlier must have been faked I guessed. Those that were there were wolf whistling and laughing at my attempts to walk Dolly turned me to face the  back of the stage, my cheeks colouring when I realised, a huge television screen had been lowered down in front of the dressing room I'd just emerged from. It was now showing the empty room I'd just left. The audience had seen everything!

      Looking across to the room Jennifer had been taken into I saw a similar screen, it was showing nothing at the moment though. Dolly whispered to me that it had just been blanked to preserve my surprise at my wife's entrance, the audience had been watching both all night. The door opened and the other Dolly lead my wife out. If Dolly hadn't had a tight grip on my arm I would have fallen over with shock. My mouth was wide open even without the gag holding it, what had they done to her!


Coming Next: Jennifer Is Dressed.

Jennifer is Dressed


      Gazing into the mirror Jennifer took in her appearance, from her jewellery. The simple diamond stud earring's and matching pendant. To the snow white suit she'd had specially made for today. The suit was cut to show off her athletic frame to the best effect, subtly shaped around her figure. It's design was a perfect example of the simple elegance she strove to always maintain, alluring without being crass and beautiful without being gaudy. Smiling at her reflection in the mirror she slowly turned one way and then the other, checking that the jacket didn't ride up or bunch as she moved or heaven forbid prove revealing if she bent forward. Lady Jennifer was quite proud of her soft, full brunette tresses. Reaching up she ran her hands lightly over them, checking to make sure that it was still perfectly held in the French braid she had artfully constructed. She was fastidious about her hair's look and length keeping it always to exactly six inches below her shoulders. She always used the most expensive shampoos and conditioners to maintain its faultless appearance, and never ever letting it become unkempt in public.


      Realising that it was thirty minutes before show time, she leaned forward to give her subtly applied make-up a last check, picked up her wedding band and slipped it on to her finger. Then head high strode out of the door towards David's room


      As I walked down the short adjoining corridor, I began feeling a nervousness rise within me. I wasn't worried so much for myself but for my David. He had never been comfortable in public, the prospect of being watched by untold amounts of people must be terrifying to him. I resolved that no matter what I must maintain a brave face in front of him, if he thought I was worried also it would only increase his anxiety. Reaching David's door I took a moment to marshal my courage, summoning a smile I knocked on his door and walked in. Seeing him trying to hide his worry from me, made me want to hold him close and promise him everything would be all right.

      'Last  chance to back out!' I joked trying to get him to raise a smile.

      'We must do this, in two weeks this will all be over and we'll be able to get on with the rest of our lives together.' he replied holding me close, I felt his love for me through the embrace. 'We'll get through this together I promise.' He told me, his resolve adding to my own.

      Too soon we ran out of time, releasing David my embrace I smiled and offered him my arm. Summoning our courage we returned to the dining room arm in arm. Finding the Wood's were there waiting for us along with Counter. Wood was his usual crass self, but it was his wife who worried me more. At lunch I'd seen there was some connection between her and David, although they had both tried to hide it they had met before I was sure. Her appearance here as Wood's wife couldn't just be coincidence, like the rest of her class she must want something from David and I. Her type always did when they met people of our stature.

      'Just wanted to make sure things got off on the right foot,' Woods enthused at our approach 'didn't want you two getting cold feet' again the beaming smile was unleashed on us.

      Counter smoothly took over from his boss, 'Lord and Lady Tillman if you'll follow me please, I'll take you through to the back stage area.' he said managing to address us properly at least.

      'I'm sure we'll bump into each other again soon!' called Sarah, her words sending a shiver of anxiety through me.


      Standing in the backstage area, waiting for Counter to give us our cue. I could feel David's anxiety through his sweaty grip on my hand, in that moment I was so proud of him. He was tackling to him what must be his worst nightmare in order to protect me and our future. I was just about to whisper this to him when Counter shoved us rudely down the corridor, the familiarity of the action erasing in my mind any favour he might have attained from addressing us correctly. He was saved from my ire by David pulling me down the corridor, the time was upon us!


      Drawing in a deep breath I stepped into the brightness of the stage still clasping David's hand in mine. David was pulled from me as I felt small strong hands grip my upper arm positioning me to the left of him somewhere. Hearing John Long's voice just to my right I realised that he'd moved in between us. Feeling his hand moving across my backside, I felt myself colouring as my eyes flickered at his crude attempt to fondle me. I discretely moved to slap it away, but John merely grabbed my wrist holding it tight. Now with both of my arms held I couldn't shade my eyes from the glare. My blindness made me feel uncomfortably vulnerable, at the mercy of the people holding my arms I felt the faint stirrings of fear within me. A drop of perspiration was slowly running down my spine, whether it was due to fear or the hot lights on my skin I could not say. Trying to hard to maintain my poise, I noticed that John was really squeezing my wrist now.


      And you Jennifer,' he said, I sensed the microphone in front of my face 'are you as happy your husband to be the first couple ever on CUMupance?'

      I mumbled something indistinct in reply my head down, as I tried to open my eyes a little. I saw whoever held my left arm was wearing high heeled boots, It must be a woman I deduced. Trying to take in the rest of her, all I could make out was a vague impression of a petite woman with large breasts, I was still too sensitive to the light to make out more details.

      'And we're overCUM with excitement to have you here on CUMupance!' John was shouting to my right 'The show that makes paupers out of princes, ruffians out of the rich, bag ladies out the beautiful and.... ' he paused ' Lackey's out of Lords and Ladies! That's right this is CUMupance and I'm your host John Long! Long by name long by nature!' I was finally managing to find my feet in  this unnerving situation, when the noise of the audience startled me back into shock! The wall of noise they produced was almost like a slap across my face, knocking me back a step. The audience must be huge! Sure I must look like a scared deer trapped in the headlights of a oncoming truck now. I hoped David was as blinded as I so that he wouldn't see me like this.


      Slowly the noise of the audience had faded enough for John to make himself heard 'Well without any more time wasting from me lets begin! Lord and Lady Tillman! It's time to receive your CUMupance! Dolly's take them away!' prompting another wall of noise from the audience. When I managed to get control of my faculties again I was in a small room. Fortunately the lighting in here was set at a normal level so I was able to take it in properly, I found myself in a dressing room with racks of clothes and a large table off to the side. What I wasn't expecting was Mike Wood to be standing in the corner next to another door arms folded, grinning confidently at me.


      'What are you doing here!' I yelled outraged, my voice raising in anger at my treatment on the stage. 'This is my dressing room! Get out!' Really! If the man thought I was going to get changed in front of him he was foolishly mistaken, I was a Lady! Not some dizzy cabaret dancer he could ogle. 'I won't perform for your titillation Wood, that's what muck like her are for!' Indicating the petite black haired woman closing the door to the stage, the young woman stopped a brief look of anger appearing at the insult before melting into a grin of anticipation.    

      Wood though just stood there unmoved by my outburst, 'Lady Tillman' he began slowly pacing his words 'You'll do whatever you are told, and as for performing for my titillation you will do that and so much more.'

      'Never!' who did this gutter trash think he was talking to! I was incandescent with rage now the man even had the nerve to talk down to me.

      'I was hoping you'd resist it'll make things so much more exciting, but I am a man who gets what he wants Jennifer.' the same deliberate tone.

      How dare he be so familiar! 'My father is the Earl of Shaftesbury! And I am Lady Tillman to you!' I began back to the door, intending to storm back out onto the stage, away from Wood and his disgusting attitude.

      'Dolly.' Wood said simply. The little woman by the door stepped in front of me blocking my way, I attempted to knock aside the impudent harlot as I tried to move past her. Suddenly I was against the wall Dolly's hand around my throat pushing my head against the wood. Anger rising I kicked out at her, my foot rebounding of the hard packed muscle of her leg. If my kick had hurt it didn't show on her face, she merely gazed up at me coldly.


      'I suggest you stop resisting Jennifer, Dolly didn't like you much even before you made that muck comment.' Dolly's hand tightened around my neck at this reminder. Deciding that I wasn't going to get anywhere like this, I tried to calm myself. Feeling me relax in her grip Dolly slowly lowered me down, she stepped back between me and the door.

      'Good,' Wood said seeing me relax 'Jennifer do you remember those contracts you signed a couple of weeks ago?' I nodded of course I did, did he think me a fool? 'Well those contracts gave me control over you, body and soul'

      'No they did not!' I retorted confidently.

      'They did Jennifer, in fact short of killing you there isn't a lot I or anyone else can't do to you, until we've finished our little show of course.'

      'I remember that I could exit the show at anytime' I had him now, I smiled to myself, it was ridiculous of this crass little man to think he could get the better of someone of my stature.

      'You are correct that is a option available to you.' Satisfaction flooded through me, finally this oaf had realised he was out classed. 'But, that option requires you to pay me one million pounds immediately and you can't'

      'You can't take what I don't have' I said using my anger to cover the embarrassment of our financial plight. heading for the door again, Dolly still blocked the exit. I turned back to Wood 'Tell your lap dog to move, I am finished with this discussion.'

      'Indeed you are finished, the contracts you stupidly signed without reading, specifically mentioned what would happen if you were unable to pay. Let me paraphrase it for you, In case of a inability to pay you will need to provide services equivalent to the amount owed. As there is actually nothing you are qualified to do, I would pay you a wage of say £8 an hour, and you can spend the 125,000 hours it would take you to clear your debt cleaning the hotels toilets.'

      I stood stunned, my gaze flickered from him to Dolly and then back could he really do that?


      'There is the other matter of course' he walked over to television in the corner and pressed a button the picture flickered on. It showed her in one of the private suites at the club, she was snorting white powder from a glass coffee table. The feet of another person could be made out in the corner of the picture. As she fell back on the floor grinning happily her tennis skirt rode up displaying her white knickers briefly. The camera zoomed in her face, faint traces of powder could be seen around her nose as her eyes rolled in ecstasy. Wood paused the video leaving the my close up stuck on the screen, 'I've only met David a couple of times and he seems very forgiving. He doesn't seem like the type of person who would approve of his wife doing this though!' Wood said smugly pointing at the screen, I staggered back against the table stunned, no one was supposed to know about this. 'I suppose I could sell this film to the tabloids to pay off  your debt if you prefer.'


      'No! Anything but that.' The words were out before I had time to think about them, but I realised I'd meant every word a scandal like that would destroy me and break my dear David's heart. 'That was a long time ago I haven't touched drugs in years!' My brief dalliance with drugs had come as mine and David's physical relationship waned, I'd taken it as a sign that he didn't love me any more and sought solace elsewhere. It was David's love that had brought me back though, eventually I saw that he loved me for who I was inside not just for my looks. Our love was deeper than the mere physical and from that day I never touched anything stronger than aspirin.

      'I believe you, but how many others will if this tape sees the light of day?'

      He had me trapped, I had no choice. 'Okay you win I'll do the show.'

      'No matter what happens?' He knew she realised she was trapped, the scandalous tape would ruin her precious reputation  forever. He was just rubbing salt into the wound now.

      'Yes anything, no matter what.' I muttered under my breath, my head spinning at events of the last hour.

      'Excellent! Let's put all this unpleasantness behind us then and get started.' Reaching out he turned off the television hiding my image. 'Now take off your clothes and lie down on the table, remember whilst the camera's are on I own you body and soul'


      Perhaps you own my body for now Wood but my soul will always belong to David! I thought to myself. Drawing strength from this resolve I began to fumble with the pearl buttons on my jacket, as I did I saw a red light start to glow on the little black box placed up in the corner of the room. Odd that it should light up just now I thought.  My musings were interrupted by sound of the far door opening and Wood hurrying into the backstage area without a further word. Maybe I'd misjudged him, I was sure he would want to watch me undressing to complete my humiliation. The little seamstress I'd seen when I signed those damned contracts, replaced him in the room a moment later.


      'Hurry up.' she said to Dolly ignoring my presence completely, 'We don't have all day.' her voice was high and squeaky making her seem even more mouse like. Some of my hesitancy at disrobing faded when Wood left, now at least there were only women in the room. I tried to convince myself I was in the changing rooms at the club, getting ready for a tennis match. Quickly I slid my jacket off and folded it setting it neatly off to the side, my two inch sling back heels followed. I slipped off my earring's and pendant placing them in the pocket of my jacket for safekeeping. I paused now hoping someone would stop me before I had to go further, but no reprieve came. I slowly undid my belt and trousers and stepped out of them, placing them folded on my jacket. Soon I was standing now uncomfortably in nothing but my bra and knickers.


      'All of them you stupid bitch.' Dolly's voice was the opposite of Zoren's being husky and full of anger, she made no effort to hide her enjoyment of my shame as she moved towards me as if to rip them off herself. hurriedly I complied reaching around and unclasping my bra, I paused momentarily before slipping it off my breasts and felt my face blush. Embarrassed I held my right arm across my breasts and tossed my bra onto my trousers. Using my left I slid my white satin knickers down my legs and stepped out of them. Stepping out of the last of my clothes I climbed up on the table, feeling the cold wood against my back and legs I shivered more with fear than cold. I was powerless, the superiority I'd been born into and brought up to believe in absolutely was gone. These two women could do anything to me and I would have to accept it.

      Dolly and Zoren stood on either side of the table gazing down at me hungrily, their gazes never touched my face as they took in my body. I self consciously moved my left hand to cover my mons my right still across my breasts. Zoren started touching me here and there in a almost childlike manner, just to see if I was real it seemed,

      'Turn over.' she said simply. I rolled over and she resumed her inspection of me, griping a buttock absently. After a few minutes her prodding stopped. 'Turn back over.'


      'Where do you want to start?' Dolly asked Zoren..

      'I suppose we might as well fix her hair first' Zoren replied matter of factly, 'Though it would make things easier if she would stay still.'

      'I'll stay still' I promised

      'Yeah you're right, hold this.' Dolly spoke as if she hadn't heard me, reaching down to pass something to Zoren under the table. Dolly reappeared holding the other end of whatever she had given to Zoren. Before I knew what was happening Zoren had passed her the strap and Dolly yanked it tight across my chest just under my breasts pulling my right arm off my bare breasts exposing them completely. They'd strapped me to the table! I began to protest it's tightness, my shouted threats utterly ignored. Dolly calmly looped another strap just above my groin, pinning my lower arms against my hips. I felt a third across my ankles halting the thrashing of my legs abruptly. A fourth went across my thighs, I could only move my head now.


      I was truly petrified, my shouts promising revenge melted into pleas to be released. I'd never been bound before, but it was the way they seemed to not hear me that was most scary. I was Lady Jennifer Tillman, when I spoke people listened and obeyed. I felt sick at my own weakness, but I couldn't stop myself babbling and begging to be free.

      'That could get annoying' Zoren muttered inclining her head towards my face, the little woman seemed entranced by the motions of my breasts as I begged and pleaded. Reaching out she began to pull on a nipple using it to lift my breast up and then drop it back down on to my chest. The movement and shape of my bronzed firm C cup mesmerising Zoren. She seemed to consider me little more than a living doll she could pull and poke as the whim took her, tied down like this I had no choice but to reluctantly accept her manipulations of my body..

      Dolly taking the hint about my begging, simply picked up my discarded knickers and pushed them into my mouth. Pulling a strip of tape across my mouth to hold them in place. My eyes flew wide open in shock and disgust, my knickers filled my mouth muffling my words. My face was beet red at the humiliation.


      'Problem solved' she said smugly. Zoren was still pulling my nipple and letting it drop repeatedly 'Zoren' Dolly said getting no response, she tried again 'Zoren!' The little woman suddenly broke out of her trance, dropping my breast. 'There'll be time for that later, we have work to do now.' Dolly chided her.

      Muttering apologies Zoren picked up a can of something, shaking it briefly she sprayed a dollop of whatever it was onto my groin. As she placed the can down next to my head I managed to get a look at the label, shaving foam! My muffled protests from around my own underwear bringing a brief grin from Dolly,    

      'Now hold still,' Dolly said nastily 'as Mr Wood said, when the camera is on we own you and the camera is on.' nodding her head to the black box I'd noted earlier.


      She had said the camera was on! That meant there were recording this right now! I must get that tape! I inhaled sharply as I felt a hand spread the foam across my vagina. I was already well waxed down there so they could only mean to shave me bald! Zoren slowly with intense concentration began scraping the remaining strip of my hair away. Feeling the progress of the razor move down one side of my vagina I froze, fearing that as Dolly's words echoed around my head I'd flinch and cause her to cut my most sensitive parts. Zoren's hand was as steady as her gaze, completing one side she moved the razor across and mirrored the process on the other lips.


      'So whore how does it feel to know that tens of thousands of people just watched you have your cunt shaved?' she pulled out the gag so I could reply.

      'What!' was all I could manage, I lifted my head to inspect myself I was now totally bare! The burning in my cheeks displaying my disgust and shame for all to see.

      'You're  live on the internet, with more and more people paying us with every passing minute to watch you and your husband.' Dolly was beaming now, her enjoyment of this moment was immense.

      'You can't do that!' I moaned in defiance trying to assert some authority. Looking up at the red light I began to despair inside as it sunk in. How many people had watched me disrobe and have my vagina shaved totally bald.

      'Oh we can, you and your husband sold yourselves to us to do with as we please. So Whore how does it feel to have sold yourself for a few pounds?'

      'You tell me.' I retorted, inside I was distraught but I refused to bow to Dolly.


      'Whore!' she yelled slapping me across the face.  Tears began to form in my eyes at the shock and humiliation, no one had ever raised a hand to me before! 'Poor baby, did that hurt?' Dolly cooed, I was trying to protest but she pushed my underwear back into my mouth 'We're not paying you to talk Whore, you just lie there and think about all those people watching. I wonder what they are doing at the sight of you the prim and proper Lady Jennifer Tillman naked, shaved and tied down.' she taunted, winking suggestively down at me she refastened the tape across my gag. I tried to put her words out of my mind sure she was trying to break down my will, but I couldn't resist her taunt my predicament made it impossible. I closed my eyes and I saw all the audience in my head all staring at computer screens, staring at me,  people from every walk of life. Some old, some young, some men and some women. Some were alone, some grouped around the screen, some laughing at me, some lusting after me, some excited by the sight of my naked bondage and worst of all some were masturbating using my image as a sex aid. I wondered if they could tell I was thinking about them and if they could whether this increased their enjoyment of the show. I felt so exposed, I was sure the feeling would never leave me, that I'd always feel the eyes of a thousand voyeurs on me long after the two weeks were up and I took my revenge on these people.


      Zoren having finished shaving me put away the razor and wiped the foam away, allowing me to relax  slightly at least that was done with now. The sensation of cold air moving across my newly bare skin brought a unexpected tingle to my loins, Dolly noticing this smirked happily.

      'I think the slut likes it!' she proclaimed bending down, her dark hair brushing my thigh. I cringed and moaned into my knickers at her words, and the soft fleeting sensation of her hair on my skin. She blew softly across the sensitive skin, causing a bigger tingle. My thighs clenched  and my hips to spasmed underneath the straps. 'Yeah you like that don't you whore, lets see what else you like.' Moving her head up my body, the ends of her hair dragging along my body from hip to chest. She drew my left nipple into her mouth, slowly dragging her teeth across the sensitive flesh. My hips bucked once again, Realising that there was a spare nipple Zoren hungrily began sucking on it, nibbling and running her tongue around the hard bud growing there. Feeling the moisture building in my exposed labia, I began to whimper into the gag horrified by what these two women were doing and my bodies involuntary betrayal. This was wrong! I felt the camera's gaze on me as a almost physical weight. How could I possibly get turned on at a time like this! Dolly looking up from her ministrations, saw my reddened face and arousal at the attention my nipples were getting.


       'I thought so! All you rich bitches are cast iron sluts under all that superior attitude.' she laughed as my spirit fell. Zoren sensing a opportunity for further exploration of my body, slowly slid her hand down to my vagina. Cupping it in her palm she began to slowly run her finger teasingly up and down my moist opening, daring me to move my hips for pleasure.  Dolly had taken her mouth off of my nipple now and was running her fingers over the hardening flesh. My eyes closed in shame and passion, I didn't see what Dolly was doing until a dagger of pain shot through my left nipple! My eye's now wide open, I just had time to see that a gold ring was now running through the engorged bud before Dolly's mouth closed over it again. They'd pierced me! My anger was pushed from my mind as I tried to reconcile the conflicting signals from my body, the horrible pain on my left nipple and the wonderful sensations coming from my right and Zoren's skilful finger work down below. Eventually pleasure won out over pain as Dolly's soft mouth soothed away the pain in my chest and I sighed deeply.


      Dolly hearing my grunts turn into moans of contentment, pulled Zoren's head away from the breast it was clamped to and began preparing to complete the matching set. Zoren pouted at Dolly like a child denied a sweet, until she realised I had another place she could put her tongue. Diving face first into my sex she rammed her tongue into me as deep as she could. She obviously knew what she was doing though, pressing my buttons with ease and soon her fingers joined her tongue in it's probing. I was trying to resist, I could feel the audiences gazes on me all those leering eyes! Their excitement growing in tandem with my shame, but her touch was too expert. It had been so long since I had sex of any kind and David had certainly never done this to me! I felt like my vagina was on fire, but Zoren was relentless thrusting her fingers in and out as her tongue teased me.


      Dolly with exquisite timing pierced my nipple just as any decorum I had left was washed away in an intense all too public orgasm.  The pain sharpened my senses and magnified my orgasm as my body bucked against the straps. Unable to draw in enough air around my gag, fireworks started going off in my brain. Dolly saw my distress and quickly yanked the gag clear, the tape tearing off painfully. I lay there for long minutes barely aware of my surroundings  breasts heaving as I sucked in air. Lights seemed to flash behind my shut eyes as my brain misfired. Slowly my pulse slowed and I returned to the horrible reality, I saw that Dolly had given me a third piercing while I was gathering my wits. My navel now held the same ¾ inch gold ring as my nipples. She had linked the three piercings together by a Y shaped piece of chain, the centre of the Y falling in the middle of my chest, slightly below my breasts.  This nightmare had to be ending soon my mind rationalized looking for any hope no matter how slim.


      'Good you're back, enjoying yourself so far whore? Well you won't be soon. I think it's time I explained things properly to you, but first let me just make sure I have your full undivided attention.' Dolly said taking hold of the chain raising it slightly to pull on my nipples my eyes opening wide as she did so 'You are now property. You will do whatever you are told by me or anyone else, No matter what it is.'

      My mind screamed property? I'm lady Tillman! and no ones property! This tramp was insane and I started to protest 'But....' a yank on the chain brought me up short.

      'No buts remember whenever a camera is rolling we own you, and from now on there is always a camera on you every second of every day, 24/7.”  To emphasize the completeness of my situation she repeated 'Always, every second of every day' From now on you have no say in anything, understand?' she raised the chain and held it there pulling painfully on my breasts as my eyes wide in pain and humiliation.


      'I understand, can you please lower the chain you're hurting my breast’s' I whimpered.

      'You don't have breasts Whore, you have tits. It's time you spoke like the whore you are.' the pressure on the chain increased again; strapped to the table I could do nothing to lessen the agony, nothing but listen and learn. 'When you talk to a woman you will address them as Milady, and men you address as Milord.''

      'Milady please let go of my tits.' I didn't hesitate to do as she commanded, the pain was too much.    

      'Not yet you still have a few more lessons to learn Whore.' she was going to pull my nipples off if she kept yanking like this. 'I bet you think this is your vagina don't you?' slapping her hand across the still sensitive skin for emphasis, 'Whores have cunts and you're a whore aren't you?'

      'Yes I have a cunt Milady, please stop Milady.' tears were pouring down my cheeks now.

      'And what are you?'

      'I'm, I'm a whore Milady.' It took me two tries to get the word out my upbringing and status fighting the intense pain in my tender nipples, the pain was almost better than saying it out loud. Tears were starting to overflow my eyes uncontrollably now.

      'I didn't hear you, say it louder' Dolly was getting excited by the physical and emotional pain she was inflicting now, her eyes bright in happiness.

      'I AM A WHORE!' I yelled as loud as I possibly could.

      'Good that will be your new name, Whore.' with one more yank she released the chain. Tears began to slide down my cheeks as the pain slowly faded, being replaced by humiliation at Dolly's domination of me.


      'Last one' Dolly told me as she attached some tongs to my tongue and stretched it uncomfortably out of my mouth.  I had no idea what she was going to do and even if I did I was in no position to stop her. I saw the terrible piercing gun in her other hand and moaned a mumbled plea, but she let me know that it was useless with a click right in front of my eyes. A second click, a quick burst of pain and I had a little tube through my tongue a half inch from the tip. I admit I could have protested much more, struggled and thrashed as best I could but I let her do it. I was too scared of Dolly now. The pain she had caused my throbbing freshly pierced nipples was a reminder not to resist.  


      Zoren was removing the straps holding me down, correctly guessing I wouldn't be moving anytime soon.  'Lets get her dressed'' Zoren said addressing my breasts. Sucking on the ice cube Dolly had pushed into my mouth. I realized what was so disconcerting about the seamstress, she never spoke to me only about me. She treated me as little more than a mannequin, a frame to hang her creations on and flesh to play with. I helped her squeeze me into a pair of tiny bright pink leather hot pants. I looked down and blushed deeply as they barely covered my bald mons, if my tiny patch of hair had not been removed it would have been visible.  I could feel the bottom of my cheeks exposed and uncovered. The thought that my panties covered more than these crossed my mind. A panel down each side had been cut away, a thin chain zig-zagged down the two inch gap holding the front and back together. Pulling a belt tightly into place around my waist Zoren attached a large padlock to the front, I wouldn't be able to get out of them now. I assumed the front and back zips through the crotch were there so I didn't have to.


      Zoren then produced the matching leather boots I was to wear, as she pulled them up my leg I realized that they went all the way up, stopping only an inch or two below the hot pants. She threaded a chain through the eyelets up the outside pulling the boot tight around my leg as she went. This left a widening gap all the way up the outside of my leg matching the gap in the hot pants. Padlocks secured to the top of the chains ensured the boots were staying on me. The inside of the legs had steel D rings every three or four inches, from the top of the thigh all the way down to the obscenely high heels. I didn't think they honestly expected me to walk in these; the heels had to be 8 inches high! They even had room for a couple of the same D rings as the legs on the inside and outside. Even with the two inch platform under the front of the boot, there was still a six inch difference between heel and toe.


      As the pain from my nipples faded my mind slowly began to return to normal, I had to admit that I was curious as to what I looked like. The clothes I was being dressed in were impossibly tight and absolutely not my colour. Even more so, a Lady would never ever dream of wearing anything remotely close to what I had on. Yet  I was wearing it. Zoren stepped back from the table pulling me up on my feet. The ridiculously high heels made me tower over her and accented my height even more. I stood up and took a tentative step, it felt like I was walking on tip toes like a ballet dancer. I considered telling them that I couldn't walk in them, but it had been made clear that I had no rights any more. So I tried another step and then another making it across the room finally. The padlock slapping the front of my groin with each step, my calves felt like they were on fire and I was sure that I'd crushed my toes. I had my arms out to my sides for balance my focus entirely on walking, it never occurred to me that my breasts were totally exposed and bounced with each halting step I took.


      Looking back at Zoren I realized she was staring at my backside, licking her lips. I turned my shoulders and looked down behind myself. My face fell as I saw that the bright pink hot pants had the large white fluffy ball of a bunny tail attached to back, of course they would! Anything to make me look more of a foolish whore! Surprise pulled me up short, I'd never even thought the word whore before and now I was applying it to myself. Dolly must have got to me. I tried the word again rolling it around my head whore! Was I a whore? I realized I had sold my body to Mike Wood, by agreeing to do whatever he wanted I had technically become a whore. The thought left me cold; I resolved then that even though they had my body for two weeks they would never get my heart, my soul, spirit or mind. I steeled my mind, I was privileged and my upbringing and pride would see me through this. My resolve strengthened, I stepped carefully back to the table more concerned with my balance, I could feel Zoren gazing steadily at my backside packed lewdly into the hot pants. The boots forcing me to swing my hips and bunny tail as I walked. The thought of thousands of eyes on my bare bouncing breasts and ringed nipples never entering my fogged mind.


      'Well at least you didn't fall over,' Dolly commented 'come over here slut and turn around.' obeying instinctively I tottered over and stood facing away from her. Feeling something around my neck, I panicked wondering what Dolly had in store for me now. Bizarrely I found myself hoping the camera hadn't caught my flinch. Fortunately it was just a leather choker with a cute pink bow tie on the front, oddly a metal ring hung underneath the bow tie.  Zoren reached up freeing the remainder of my hair from the braid I'd painstakingly created only hours earlier, though most had already come away during my ordeal. Now loose and unbound my hair fell in unkempt messy waves down just past my shoulders. I would never let myself be seen in public with my hair in such utter disarray but I had no choice. Finally the expected set of pink and black leather bunny ears finished my head gear, straps pulled snugly down the sides of head and attached to the choker making sure the ears stayed in place. I blushed as tears welled up, I was certain the ears looked ridiculous..


      Zoren was pulling a hot pink leather bra up my arms and fastening it tightly. I had a momentary feeling of gratitude that I would be covered but it was fleeting. The bra did nothing to support or cover my breasts, on the contrary it seemed it's only purpose was to wedge itself uncomfortably underneath and around my full round mounds pushing them out rather than up. Looking down at them self pitying thoughts raced through my mind as I took in their appearance, I may as well be topless. The “bra” made them look bigger than they were and how could anyone’s attention not be drawn to them.  With each thought deep and deeper colour rose to my cheeks as I remembered people were looking at me now, how many and who?


      Taking a hand each, they pulled tight black leather mittens over my hands.  The mittens stopped me from using my fingers independently, little padlocks ensuring I would not be removing them they were on for good. I was a bit puzzled as my hands would be mostly useless for grabbing and picking in the silly mittens. Then I realized the effect was to make me resemble a female bunny.


      'Get up on the table slut we've got a big surprise for you.' Dolly seemed to be really looking forward to whatever was about to happen next, which worried me. I had no choice though so I obediently climbed up on the table. 'Move your feet apart so that they hang over the edge of the table.' Again I did as requested glad for the leather hot pants I had on, feeling something being hooked onto one boot, then the other and pulled taut under the table. They'd tied me to the table again, this time they'd made sure that my legs were well spread. A number of possibilities flew through my head, none of which I wanted to try. Dolly appearing at the bottom of the table holding a six inch long, one and a half inch thick black rubber penis, confirmed my worst expectations.  She laughed at the worried expression on my face.

      'Are you going to put that in my vagina?'  I managed to get out, fear of Dolly's intentions causing my throat to dry up.

      'No' she replied, relief flooded me. 'I was going to put it in your cunt, but it seems you still can't talk properly so I'm going to shove this up your ass. I'll find a bigger one for you cunt, maybe then you'll remember what it's called and how to address your betters.' I was stunned, I'd never had anal sex and the phallus she was holding looked like it would hurt a lot. 'I'm not completely unreasonable though so if you ask me properly I'll make sure to use some lubrication.'


      What? She was going to make me beg to have that thing shoved up my ass? Dolly didn't seem to want to wait for my reply though, reaching forward and undoing the zip down the rear of my hot pants. I couldn't bring myself to ask, knowing that Dolly was just trying to force her will on mine. But I knew she wouldn't stop until she'd broken me.

      'Wait! I'll ask properly. Milady will you please use lubrication?' I quickly and politely tried.

      'Not good enough slut, you still sound like you think you're a lady.  Tell me how much you want me to shove this in your ass.' she reached forward and spread my cheeks.


      My heart was pounding and I felt myself grow weak as panic rose throughout me, I couldn't answer her, I didn't know how to. With a sudden inspiration I reached into the dark recesses of my mind, where all my most secret, dark and embarrassing fantasies were. These were the ones I didn't even want to admit to myself I found exciting. Pulling all of these debauched and degenerate thoughts together in my mind, I created an idea of the whore Dolly wanted me to become. A persona I could employ to make Dolly think I was broken. It was the Whore who spoke through me eagerly answering Dolly in the way she demanded.

      'Wait! Wait! Okay. Milady please shove that cock in my tight ass, I've always wanted to be fucked in the ass.'

      'Not bad whore there is hope for you yet, start practising how you are going to beg to have the other one put into your cunt.' she reached for what I guessed was the tube of lubrication, squeezing a dollop of the stuff onto her hand, after rubbing it across her fingers, she slowly began to push a single digit into my ass. I winced in humiliation and discomfort. As Dolly ran her finger around the inside of my asshole I realized that the Whore in me wanted to feel that cock in my ass. She wanted to be wanton and slutty, Dolly now had two fingers in me and was squeezing a third past my sphincter. Once she had all three in she pushed them in and out slowly, loosening my muscles. The whore had taken complete hold of me now and was groaning softly at the sensation of being anally fingered. Unconsciously I arched my back, thrusting my enlarged breasts outward.


      Dolly reached for the cock and carefully spread the lubrication along its thick length, I was licking my lips in anticipation now willing her to hurry up. Finally satisfied, she placed the tip against my hole and slowly began to ease the thick head into me. The sensation of having my asshole slowly stretched was terrible and confusingly wonderful at the same time. The feeling of being degraded like this was affecting me intensely, my body was overtaking my mind and I was being turned on immensely. I felt like the dirty slut Dolly had told me I was. It was so liberating to give myself up to another, to let them do whatever they wanted to me. The feeling of release was immense! Dolly had got the head of the cock past my sphincter now and was slowly feeding the slightly thinner shaft into my hole. Looking up I saw Zoren was staring at my exposed chest; my mitten encased hands were unconsciously trying to pull and twist at the rings in my nipples. I hadn't even known I was doing it! She had one hand down her skirt I could see the outline of her hand moving as she fingered herself. With her other hand she was mauling her breast through the fabric of her blouse. Surprising myself I reached up, grabbing her head pulling it down on to my willing nipple. If she complained about this it was lost in the muffled sucking as she fixed her mouth around my breast and its attached ring.


      A groan escaped my lips as Dolly fed another inch of the shaft inside me, I thought I was full but Dolly still had three or four inches to go. Feeling the contoured sides of the cock slide past my wide open asshole was an amazing sensation. Combined with Zoren's skilled work on my nipple I was getting really turned on. Another inch was lodged inside me now, I was sure that she'd have to stop soon my insides not being able to accommodate that much cock. Dolly was relentless though gently twisting the cock deeper into my ass without ever slowing its onward progress. She stepped back finally leaving the last half inch sticking out of my ass, holding my hole stretched wide. Pulling the zip down the back of my hot pants closed, trapping the invader stuffing my back passage. She smiled down at me, there was nothing friendly in her face though. She either didn't noticing care about Zoren fingering herself as she sucked on my tit.


      'So slut, how much do you want me to shove this up your cunt!' she stated nastily brandishing the second cock in front of my face, as promised it was bigger than the first. Its black seven inch length was veined and uneven. The Whore eyed it hungrily, so wanting and needing to feel its impressive two inch width sliding inside me. My mind swam in conflict until The Whore, pleaded and convinced me that just this once it will be okay.  Let’s play along make them happy.  Play along and get that wonderful thick black cock in our cunt.

      'Please Mistress Dolly! Stuff my slutty cunt with that lovely thick cock. I need to feel it filling me up! Please Milady' The Whore said with my mouth I don't know who was more surprised, me or Dolly as we both realized that I was dying to have her stuff that dildo inside me.


      'Well seeing as you asked so nicely slut, I'll give you your wish.' She grinned down at me, excited by my lust induced submission.  Teasing me now she knew how excited I was, she slowly slid open the front zip on my hot pants. I shivered feeling the cold air across my steaming pussy.

      'I don't think we're going to need any lube this time.' she said teasing my wet lips with the head of the cock.

      'Please' I moaned trying to push my hips down onto the dick. Laughing at my efforts she pulled the dildo away. The Whore knew what to say, 'Please Milady, Whore needs it.'

      'What are you going to do in return Whore? Will you suck on my cunt, get me off with your tongue?'

      'Both of us' Zoren put in, lust written across her face before she returned to trying to swallow my tit.

      'Yes Milady! Anything you want me to Miladies! Please I need it!' I shocked myself at how much like a wanton slut I sounded and how true the words were.  Behind the lust and need of The Whore my own protests were falling silent at the hope of an orgasm.


      'Okay Whore here it comes!' She pushed the dildo so the tip was barely past my lips, holding it there teasing me right on the edge of being penetrated. Then just as I was about to start begging again she thrust it halfway into my sopping cunt. I screeched with pleasure as I jerked my hips an inch away from coming and regaining my sanity.

      'More,' I begged 'I need more Milady.' my hips where bucking now trying to help my cunt grab and pull the dildo deeper inside me.

      'You don't get to cum until I do slut.' Dolly said letting go of the dildo leaving it sticking obscenely half out of my open and needing cunt. Dolly climbed up on the table, facing down my body she pulled up her skirt and sat on my face. Grabbing my hands to stop me getting myself off.


      'Start licking bitch and if you're really good I might push that dildo all the way inside your cunt.' My nose pressing against her ass, deep in my mind  I was screaming no but the Whore instinctively started licking and sucking. Pulling first one then the other of her lips into my mouth, I gently sucked them feeling their heat in my mouth as the blood rushed to them. Slowly as I'd never licked a pussy before and was unsure of myself I worked my tongue inside, tasting for the first time in my life another woman’s pussy.


      'Tongue fuck me Lady Jennifer!' she cried as she felt me sliding my tongue into her pussy. The taste of Dolly filling my mouth and trickling down my throat almost got me off on its own. My nose buried in her ass and her pussy coving my mouth completely, I began rolling my tongue around the nub of her clit. For Dolly this was too much, the idea of a real rich bitch lapping at her cunt like a whore was turning her on more than anything else. She came with a gush into my open mouth filling it, the overflow sliding down my cheeks. As she ground her hips her juices smeared over my entire face. The amount of liquid made me gag slightly under her, in a brief moment of sanity what I had just done invaded my lust filled mind. Tears of humiliation and debauchery welled up in my eyes.


Zoren was impatiently waiting for her turn as Dolly climbed down, she didn't even take off her knickers just pulled them to one side and sat on my face. As I started on my second pussy in five minutes and the second of my life, I felt Dolly sliding the dildo out of me. I was licking maniacally on Zoren's juicy lips trying to get her off so that Dolly would let me come. Dolly was slowly sliding the cock in and out now, never going quick or deep enough to push me over the edge. The anticipation was driving me crazy making me lick harder and faster to get my reward, after what seemed like an age as I was held on the verge of ecstasy Zoren clamped her thighs around my head.


      'Oh my god! Oh my god!' she screamed as the orgasm rocked through her. Dolly taking this as her cue, slammed the remaining length of the cock into me filling my cunt to the brim. I screamed my joy into Zoren's convulsing pussy as my cunt clamped the dildo in place, exploding with pleasure. I felt like I had electricity running across every inch of my skin, my limbs twitching as the feeling reached them. I barely felt Dolly as she quickly zipped up my hot pants sealing the dildo deep inside me. Too soon the wave rolling through me ended and I just lay on the table spent.


      Zoren was too drained to move from my face and I was too weak to move her. So I just lay there with her collapsed across me, her cum still dribbling into my mouth and all over my once perfectly made up face. I rocked slowly as my heart slowed in the aftershocks of my orgasm, I slowly became aware that my incredible wetness was seeping from my stuffed cunt squeezing and squelching around my hot pants.


      As if waking from a dream I was Lady Jennifer again, although I could feel the Whore now in the back of my mind urging me to greater acts of debauchery promising huge pleasure as my reward. I was more scared right then of myself than I ever could be of Dolly, what had I allowed myself to become? For a while I had given into my darkest desires, I had allowed Dolly to do unspeakable things to me and I had revelled in them. I wondered how long it would take me to put the whore in me away, now that I had set her free.  I steeled my mind I was privileged, my upbringing and pride would see me through this temporary indignity no matter how much my body said otherwise.


      It was then that I saw the red light of the camera staring down at me, it wasn't embarrassment that I felt now as I remembered all those watchers it was complete shame and self loathing. I had become a whore in front of all those people and as much as I wanted to blame Dolly for it, I knew that the whore had come from within not without. My attention was pulled back to my surroundings, as Dolly apparently tired of waiting for Zoren and I to pull ourselves together and simply picked the seamstress up and dumped her on the floor. She then pulled a gag of some sort into my mouth pulling it hard from behind to secure it under my hair, the metal hoop pulled behind my teeth holding my mouth wide open in an O.


      Dolly pulled me on to me feet from the table. I suddenly felt the dildo's moving inside me as I moved, the sensation of both dildos was not pleasant, not pleasant at all especially compared to a few minutes earlier. I now had to stand with my legs apart to accommodate their girth. In addition I leaned slightly forward to accommodate the dildo in my ass, the result of which made me accent my bunny tail and appear to be offering my breasts. Embarrassment colouring my cheeks, I felt a wetness on my inner thighs as I stood up. Trying distract myself from the cum shamefully leaking out of my tight leather hot pants I concentrated on my surroundings hoping no one would notice the wetness.


      Dolly was busily removing the chain linking my nipples to my navel, Zoren was still lying spent on the floor where Dolly had left her. I wished I could lie down also, I wanted to sleep and wake to find this had all been a horrible depraved nightmare. Feeling a yank on my nipples again I was abruptly pulled back to reality, Dolly was attaching another chain to me. Like the first this one was Y shaped but the bottom of the Y was a lot longer. Attaching the top part to my nipples as before, she pulled the longer bottom part through the ring attached to my choker leaving the end dangling just below my breasts.  Picking up a rectangular tray she placed it into my mittened hands, the tray seemed to be quite a bit thicker than I'd expected and had a solid weight to it.


      I felt a pull on my navel as Dolly did something to it hidden from my view by the tray, then with a quick grin of satisfaction she pulled the loose end of my nipple chain down hooking it onto the top of the tray. Feeling the weight of the tray pull my nipples upward, I tried to raise the tray to relieve the tension. When the tray was a half inch below my breasts I felt a pain in my navel, as the chain attached to me from the bottom of the tray pulled taut.  I couldn't raise the tray enough to remove the tension on my breasts only lessen it!  At this realization I looked straight at Dolly with wide pleading eyes. In return I received a knowing devilish smile.


      Dolly was moving around me now happily checking my appearance, making sure I had been removed of all self-respect I thought bitterly. I hated the little tramp. Satisfied she let me stand in front of a large mirror to see the conversion that had been done to me. I sucking in a gasp of air at my appearance and fought back tears. My hair was totally dishevelled hanging down to my shoulders limply a few strands plastered to my drying face. I became aware with every breath that the scent I wore was one of a woman’s intense lust. The matching bunny ears and choker looked  foolish and silly. Combined with the tray I was holding up as high as I could in front of my exposed swollen tits they made me look like the cheapest of waitresses, who for a few pounds extra would meet any request.


      The smeared mess of my make-up and the wetness glistening on my inner thighs confirmed that I'd already had a few takers for my special services. Below my waist the crotch high boots and hot pants with their revealing side view of my naked skin were pure streetwalker signalling my availability for the right price.  The two invaders filling me thankfully could not be seen but their presence was very noticeable to me, reminding me of their presence every time I shifted my weight.


      Coming up behind me Dolly spun me around; reaching into my open gaping mouth she again fixed the tongs to my tongue and pulled it fully out. Holding a small piece of metal in her hand, she grinned at me.

      'Hold still now can't forget your last piece of jewellery can we Lady Jennifer?' As an extra dig she added 'I bet ladies like you love all kinds of jewellery.' She held the metal pin in front of my face so I could read the word stamped across the metal disc attached to the top. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as Dolly fixed it securely through the tube in my tongue.

      'Come on, time for your big entrance Lady Jennifer!' she said excited now, pulling open the door and dragging me after her she strode out on to the stage.  I followed walking with my legs apart my bunny tail swinging, bunny ears flopping and my bare breasts bouncing after her. My eyes open in fear unable to do anything but follow. I was barely aware of my surroundings as I broke out all over in perspiration. The pain of my boots, the dildo's inside me and the weight of the tray dragging my nipples skyward all unnoticed. All I could think about the piece of metal now in my tongue and the word stamped on it “WHORE”.


Coming Next: The First Trial.


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The First Trial.

       As they dragged Jennifer towards me I felt what only can be described as horror at her transformation, my own was humiliating enough but hers dear god! Where my own had covered my flesh in this degrading exterior, Jennifers degradation was in the lack of covering hers offered how could these beastly people forget who she was? Her breasts seemed too be held out in front of her on a silver tray, inviting anyone who should feel the urge to take the opportunity to fondle her beautiful globes. As she came closer, I realized that tears were slowly leaking from the corner of her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. Dirty trails ran through the make-up and other unspeakable fluids on her face. I saw the similarity with hers and mine after Dolly had used me so vilely. I tried not to think where the additions to her make-up had come from. I tried to run to my darling Jennifer but Dolly caught me after a few stumbling strides, pulling me back and slapping me on my behind with a sarcastic 'Bad Boy!'

       As I watched her make her way across the stage straining as I was against Dolly's grasp, she seemed to be unable to walk properly having to stop every few steps of her strutting walk to regain her balance. I knew that I had not had that much trouble walking in my own heels what else had they done to her? Finally she was before me and I could take her on properly, I couldn't look on her face the pain and humiliation surely shown there would be too much for me to bear. I saw that she had been dressed almost totally in the basest shade of pink possible. The bra around her chest seemed to offer her more in discomfort, than it did in support. Tightly fitted around the base of her breasts, the garment gave her round full breasts a swollen appearance as it pushed them out brazenly. A tiny pair of shorts girded her loins notable more for what they did not cover, than any protection they offered. I saw the glistening wetness on her inner thighs and on the ridiculous boots she was laced into. My heart fell my god my poor poor Jennifer! What had the monsters done to her! What had they forced her do!

       Knowing that Jennifer needed my support and strength more than ever now, I raised my eyes to her face. Looking into her eyes I saw only a hollow blankness there, she was in a trance her mind in some far off place. The ordeal must have pushed her into a stupor! I felt my heart break to see her brought low like this, in front of the one person in the world who mattered to her! Trying to hide my own horror, I took in her face below the ridiculous ears in more detail she seemed to have been gagged as I had, with a similar tongue piercing I couldn't make out what hers said though. It dawned on me that there was a chain running through the choker around her neck, my eyes followed it's length down to her pierced and ringed nipples. The flesh of her breasts hanging from the nipples as they were pulled up.  They had desecrated her perfect breasts with the jewelry of a whore! I was unable to stop my tears now, to view my wife altered like this and to see what my mistakes had forced upon her was too much. They would pay, every last one of them for the outrage they visited upon my Jennifer! I felt my anger rising with my resolve. I could not tear my eyes from the chain though as I followed the other end down to the tray, they were forcing her to hold it as high as she could to relieve the tension on her nipples!

       'Now it's time for your first trial Lord and Lady Tillman, or perhaps I should address you properly as Wench and Whore?' John Longs voiced boomed out, feeling the man himself move up behind me I attempted to turnaround. But the Dolly's were positioning Jennifer and I again. The audience though seemed to find his remarks hilarious laughing and jeering as we were moved. Coloring rapidly I tried to shut out the audience and their obvious enjoyment of our predicament, but they were simply too loud and close to be ignored. Pushed and pulled by the Dolly's we were finally placed correctly in the centre of the stage, slightly facing towards each other. Now we could see each other and the audience could see both of our faces clearly.  Looking past Jennifer, I saw a screen mounted from the ceiling showing the images the cameras were capturing.

       The Dolly's were doing something to our feet as John placed himself between Jennifer and I. I felt something attach itself to my foot wear, trying to raise my foot I realized that it was attached to the floor I couldnt budge an inch! Looking down at Jennifers feet, I saw that they had been attached to the brackets protruding from the stage floor, holding us in place captive in front of the audience and their taunts. Looking up I saw the most horrific sight! John was standing there fondling my wife's breasts, he was happily running his hands around them and teasing at the chains leading to them. Yelling in horror through my gag I dived at him, intending to protect my wife in any way I could. The boots locked securely to the floor stopped me immediately, in my rage I had forgotten about them. Only the presence of Dolly stopped me falling flat on my face as I over balanced.  I wished the man an eternity in hell, he gave me a smirking gloating smile and lowered his hand to between my Jennifers legs. Making sure I got a good view of his hand cupping her mound, mocking my attempt to intervene.

       The audience was now in uproar, John's degradation of my wife right in front of my face bringing them to their feet as they signaled their approval. Over their humiliating laughter and cheering. Some crass low born fool or another would occasionally shout vile words of encouragement to my wifes groper, urging the debauched crowd to higher decibels.  I was in tears now trying to beg him to stop, the infernal gag swallowing my words, the shame too much to bear. Hearing the crowds approval, John stepped behind Jennifer running his hands over her groin and ass. Egged on by the crowd he began squeezing and mauling the tight globes of her pert behind. Grinning madly now he slowly slid his hands up her sides, reaching around her, arms under her armpits he began kneading her breasts like two golden lumps of dough. The crowd was going wild now screaming for more. Leaning his head over her shoulder, he began licking along her jaw line like a dog his long tongue fully extended against my Jennifers perfect skin. This final humiliation seemed to snap Jennifer out of her stupor as she started falling forward.

       I became aware that two strong hands had stopped me falling forward, my feet seemed mired to the floor for some reason. I felt wetness on my cheek, oh my god! Horror snapped me into full wakefulness instantly, I was being licked! The helpful hands that I had thought were supporting my stumble were in fact pawing at my breasts. Disgust ripped through me, instinctively I let go of the tray I was holding to pull the vile rough hands off of my breasts. Forgetting the devilish chain attached to it, the sudden yank on my nipples did help me push away the hands fondling me though. Then a fraction of a second later the pain reached me, the unsupported weight of the tray had fallen four or five inches. It jerked to a sudden halt as my nipples where stretched as high as they could possibly go. The pain I felt now was worse than any Dolly had inflicted, I arched my back, falling backwards against my attacker. Trying to catch the tray on my stomach, as my mittened hands tried to gather it. I was screaming now at the top of my lungs in pain and outrage.

       'That's what you get for spoiling my fun Whore' John Long whispered his mouth a inch from my ear. I knew now who had licked me, revulsion and humiliation flooded through me to be treated like a object was horrific enough, but worse was to come as his wet disgusting tongue ran the length of my ear from lobe to top. As my perceptions widened I realized I was in the middle of the stage, and the audience where shouting and screaming their approval at my debasement, their disgusting gutter talk were directed at me. Tears of humiliation and pain flowed from my eyes, how had I got here? The last thing I remembered properly was Dolly putting that horrific tag in my tongue, the tag! At the thought, its presence reasserted itself like a lead weight through my tongue  As long as it was there I would be constantly reminded of the hateful word written on it, and what I had let loose inside my own head. I could feel the Whore now at the back of my mind, telling me to let John run his hands all over me and how good his touch would feel.  I became aware of the drool running down my chin out of my O shaped mouth, like I was a dog begging for a treat.

       My body was reminding me of the ordeal I had been through, my feet and legs ached tremendously, complaining about the punishment the boots were inflicting on me. The two dildo's Dolly had stuck in me, rudely made their presence felt as I shifted my weight trying to find some position that was bearable. John resumed his pawing of my breasts, increasing the pain in my nipples as he twisted them between his fingers. I tried to squirm out of his grasp, twisting and turning but it was hopeless. Without my hands, feet anchored securely to the floor I was defenseless. My pointless resistance only seemed to excite him further, and to my horror I felt his growing erection begin to press insistently against the small of my back. To escape the growing presence I tried moving my hips forward and from side to side, I was rewarded for my efforts by a loud male voice in the audience shouting 'she likes it!'. The humiliating laughter that followed was worse than I could have ever expected.. I tried to regain some of my composure and bearing despite the depredations my flesh was undergoing, straightening my back and standing aloof as if above it all. It was then I saw the other figure on the stage, at first I took her to be another Dolly this time dressed as a tart of a maid. But then my gaze reached the eyes it was David! Oh my poor David what had become of you!

       What must he be feeling seeing my flesh assaulted by John right in front of him, just out of reach and powerless to help me! John finally stopped his manipulations, stepping around in front of me to take in my horror at David's transformation first hand. David most shockingly of all appeared to have breasts now complete with pierced nipples, I knew intellectually that they must be fake but they looked so real. How must he feel buried under all that rubber and latex, his appearance transformed into a harlot. The only sign that remained of his true sex was the obscene phallus jutting from his groin lifting the front of his skirt up. The tightness of his underwear showing, that the only place his genitals could be was trapped inside that thing! My eyes were glued to the jutting phallus, I did not realize David was…was…that large.  I questioned how I could not have noticed…so long…and thick..I had to force my eyes from it. Then I saw the shoes he was forced to wear they mirrored my own in lack of comfort, I could barely walk how had my David managed!

       For an instant our eyes locked and I saw incredibly sadness and love for me.  Through my eyes I tried to send him the same message.  Our loving gaze for each other was broken as the monster John Long spoke.

       'Wench and Whore, I trust the Dolly's have explained your situation to you, but for the benefit of any late joiners on the internet let us recap.' John announced playing for the crowd, 'A few short hours ago our contestants were the Lord and Lady Tillman and looked like this!' I saw the screens behind us light up showing our entrance, it seemed like an age ago but it could have only been hours at the most! David and I looked so refined, so gracious, so incredibly elegant! I thought of how we must look now and felt the tears begin again. 'But victims of their own incredible hubris they fell into our clutches, so now they perform for your amusement and gratification! Cheers from the audience bounced around the stage. 'I would ask them how it feels to have been brought so low, but I don't really care, after all who cares about the thoughts of the entertainment?' The audience was laughing now enjoying John's barbs and insults. I saw that David was starting to cry, the sight increasing the flow of my own tears.

       Slowly he paced in front of us continuing his demeaning monologue 'So now they are known as Wench and Whore' he said indicating each of us in turn. 'So far we have pierced them, shaved them, at that comment he turned and looked at me and winked bringing a flood of cheers from the audience as I felt my face flushed crimson red.  He quieted the crowded and continued, we costumed them for your amusement and as we speak Whore has over A FOOT OF COCK inside her!' I felt every single eye in the place move to my crotch, Davids Johns, The Dolly's and every single member of the audience. Horrifically the large ceiling mounted screens started repeating a speeded up video of Dolly inserting them into me. I was sure they could all see the dildo's through my skin or in the way I stood . All of them knew what I had let happen to me now, the shame was crushing I was beyond tears now. I wanted to run and hide, I willed myself to disappear but I could not escape the crude comments about my condition. 'They have both stuck their tongue's inside our Dollys pussy's, I'm told Whore was the best pussy licker by far in case you were wondering' he grinned horribly now. 'Whore even came for your amusement, the first of many times no doubt.' I couldn't look at David, I closed my eyes trying to shut it all out, all the shame, all the things I had done and had been done to me. My mind screamed 'I was forced!' But it did nothing to lessen the intense shame overwhelming me.

       The stage lights abruptly went out plunging us into darkness, Johns voice boomed out into the sudden silence. 'Now ladies and gentlemen I please to welcome you to the wedding of The Whore and The Wench!' I could hear the quiet scrap as set pieces were moved into place around us. After all it would be unfair of us not to join these two souls together before we send them off on their two week honeymoon in the Hotel Tillman!' with that the lights were again raised, John was now standing holding a comically over sized book facing David and I his back to the audience. Just to my left was the blonde Dolly dressed as a bridesmaid in snow white satin, her ankle length dress billowed at her feet and was cut open up to her belly button revealing her extremely brief white panties and thigh high clad legs. On her feet she had impossibly high white stiletto heels.  Her massive breasts barely contained by the material of her dress.  I blinked when I saw her jewelry, shock ran through me it was my jewellery! my pendant, my earrings.  The little slut was wearing my jewelry, the jewelry David gave me on our wedding anniversary. The little bitch would pay for this.

       The Dolly next to David was dressed as best man.  Her body barely covered my her suit, a pair of black satin chaps with a black thong. Her overly large breasts covered by a black pin striped tube top if you could call it that, as the narrow strip of material did not even cover the top and bottom of her breasts.  She had a black bow tie gracing her neck. If I could have I would have ground my teeth together.  My dislike for what the two bimbo's had done to David and me was growing into a fierce hatred.  I made my mind up there and then, they would pay for it. No matter how long it took me.

       Without warning I felt hands at my waist yanking the hot pants higher-up, jamming the shameful dildos further into me. Eyes popping from my head I struggled against the grasp, feeling the hands let go and move to my chest, I got a look at my tormentor. It was Zoren seemingly in her own world as she rearranged my 'clothing', oblivious to the pain she had just caused. Happy with her adjustments she switched her attention to David, circling him slowly she ran her eyes over his costume. Reaching forward she adjusted his fake hair slightly, patting down an errant strand. Stopping in front of him she inspected his breasts, tugging on the nipple of one. David's gasp of pain surprised me how had he felt that? Zoren though merely smiled happy that everything was as it should be. Oblivious to John's impatient glare, she wandered to the back of the stage moving out of my sight again.

       'Now that everyone is properly dressed let us begin' John announced moving towards me.  With a smile he flopped the over sized book into my tray.  My eyes streamed and spittle flew from my open mouth as I almost dropped the tray again, I barely regained control of it, sparing my nipples excruciating pain once more.  The infernal mittens made it extremely difficult to hold on to.  He offered a sarcastic 'oops bet that would have hurt' grinning at  my struggle to maintain the weight of the tray and book. Flipping open the large book on the tray I felt myself breaking out in perspiration as the weight was increasing as my muscles grew weary

       'Dear viewers, we are gathered here today in front of these witnesses, to join Wench and Whore in unholy matrimony.'  The Dolly's were removing our ring gags as he spoke, the blonde one whispering into my ear that unless I wished my hands cuffed behind my back to co-operate. The thought of the damage letting the tray hang freely would cause my already abused breasts was too much to contemplate. I decided to play along for now. I would save my strength for a more important battle later. David had seemingly received similar instructions from his 'best man', the color draining from him at the thought of whatever they had threatened him with.

       'Whore repeat after me, I Whore take you Wench to be my bitch, amused by your attempts to be a man.' I swallowed heavily the thought of uttering such hateful words to David was too much, I would not do it. Do what they may to me but I would never utter such hurtful words to my dear David.  John seeing my rebellion start to form motioned to the Dolly next to me, pushing a small button on a device he held in his hand. The dildos buried in me suddenly leapt to life, my knees wobbling from the unexpected and unwelcome arousing sensations.

       'That is the lowest setting, Whore' Dolly whispered to me again 'would you like to experience the highest in front of all these people?

       'No, no I don't want that, I'll say it. Horror filled me at the thought.

       'A pity I'd like to see it, oh well maybe later.' she gave me a knowing smile and ran her tongue slowly down my bare chest. Stopping at my ringed nipple she tenderly began to kiss and nibble at it, all the time gazing up at me lustfully.

       'I Whore take you Wench to be my bitch, amused by your attempts to be a man.' I stumbled and mumbled over the words, my voice barely more than a whisper.

       'Whore please speak up, all of these wonderful people are here to enjoy this ceremony. Now again' he ordered finger hovering over the setting control on the remote control.

       I Whore take you Wench to be my bitch, amused by your attempts to be a man.' I said in a louder voice trying unsuccessfully to block the sensations growing between my legs, Dollys lips and tongue on my nipples adding to my arousal. I just prayed David could read the sorrow in my eyes.

       'Better,' John smiled 'I will never respect you, or obey you.' John motioned me to repeat his words. Slowly I mimicked him feeling the insistent vibration of the cocks in my groin and Dolly's teasing lips on my nipple. As I spouted the lines he commanded.

       'I will never respect you, or obey you.'

       'I will suck and fuck any man or woman I wish,' I was crying now as I spoke in some awful parody of a real bride.  I heard snickers coming from the crowd as I began to rock my hips unconsiously..

       'I will however let you suck the come from my pussy after other men have satisfied me.'

       'If only to remind you how unworthy you are, for as long as we both shall live.' finally John had no more words for me to speak and turned off my two intruders, Dolly returned to my side.

       'Whore the emotion with which you spoke your vows is a inspiration to us all.' he bowed his head in mock respect as I felt rivulets of moisture roll down my inner thigh, I did the only thing I could do and lowered my eyes in humiliation to the floor.

       'Now Wench it is your turn to speak, I Wench take you Whore to be my slut, to be my fuck toy whenever I wish.' David barely hesitated before he repeated the words my brow furrowed did I hear him right? Did he call me that word! His clear well spoken tone was adding even more hurt to the debased ceremony. The dark haired Dolly knelt down in front of David and smiled nastily up at me. I returned the smile with a killing glare from my eyes. Slowly she began sucking on the phallus jutting from his groin. The little slut, how could she to to to my David! Could he feel her lips around him? If he could he gave no sign. Her performance raised a cheer from the crowd, as the spectacle of a woman dressed as a man performing fellatio on a man dressed as woman met their disgusting and degenerate approval.

       'All of your holes are mine to use when and how I wish.' My David speaking such horrors to me was worse than any pain I could imagine, what had we become?

       'If I offer your body as a gift to another you will be grateful for the opportunity to please me.'

       'I will fuck any woman I wish and you will enjoy hearing of my conquests, for as long as we both shall live.'

       'I now pronounce you Wench and Whore! Dolly's please perform the ring giving' John proclaimed to the applause of the audience my bridesmaid even mimed wiping a tear from her eye. My hate for the sluts was growing with every passing minute.

       Both David and I had perplexed looks on our faces at the crowd started to chant progressively louder rings, Rings, RINGS.  The dumb shameless Dollys strutted across the stage shaking their bodies for the crowd encouraging their raucous nature even more, each holding a gold ring up.  As my bridesmaid came close I saw the wedding band was large enough to at least fit on a thumb. The Dolly's stepped forward reaching into what I'd though were merely prop handbags they were carrying for effect. My bridesmaid removed her hand holding something I'd wished never to see again, the piercing gun! What could she be intending to do with it? I couldn't think of anywhere I hadn't already been obscenely pierced! The audience was clapping their hands in unison, chanting 'Give Them the Rings!' I felt like a Christian thrown into the Lion pit for the entertainment of the baying crowd.

       With my feet anchored to the floor there was no where I could run to or hide, but that did not stop me from shaking my head and pleading no no no over and over as I tried to twist out of her way. The threat of the weighted tray made my hands useless as a method of defense. Deliberately she raised the gun and her free hand to my nose. 

       'No not there! She didn't even hesitate though, the hateful click sounding in tandem with a crunching noise. For a brief moment shock overrode the pain, and then in a rush it was on me rocketing up my nose to my brain and back again. My eyes where watering constantly now, Dolly without thought for the pain she was causing pulled my newest modification through my nose. As my head cleared from the pain my mind repeated over and over take it out, take it out.

       Her job done, Dolly stepped back allowing me to see David again. I did not want to look at his face, knowing that whatever had been done to him was surely reflected on me. My attempts at denial were overturned by a returning surge of pride and bearing. Damn them and their games! I would stare straight into the face of their tests and not falter in my resolve I was better than they were, David was better than they were. Opening my eyes wide I fixed them unashamedly on David's face, the sight almost overturned my resolve but I held my nerve just. David had a small sign hanging by a short chain from the new ring in his nose, the ring rested against his upper lip and the sign hung over his mouth and simply said WENCH in brass letters.  Knowing that I now had a sign reading WHORE dangling in front of my mouth was almost a crushing blow to my fragile confidence. Now where ever I went people would see the sign and know what I had briefly let control lapse from me. For the first time in my life I was glad to hear John speaking again as it gave me something to focus on.

       John finally removed the book weighting down my tray and handed it to my bridesmaid and started his monologue

       'Now we have officially joined Wench and Whore together they must consummate their joining, what sort of people would we be to deny them such a joy? Of course there is a twist' John laughed evilly the audience were lapping this up now, waiting eagerly to find out what torment they had in store for David and I. 'We thought why not make sure they did things properly? After all THE LADY must come first! But being a properly attentive wife she would also make sure her husband wasn't left out of the fun.' John was striding up and down the stage, whipping the audience up. 

       'So Whore is holding a very special tray, inside is a little device that when held perfectly level will give great pleasure to her and Wench, via the devices inside and attached to their genitals of course. If she were to let the tray move though, well then Wench would feel some pain, well a lot of pain actually.' Laughter followed this comment the audience caught up in the idea of the spectacle they were about to witness.


       'So to pass our little test all Whore has to do is give Wench an orgasm, BEFORE she has had 10 of her own. A simple sounding task, but here is the twist the devices are set that Whore will come before Wench as is proper, but if she is unable to hold the tray straight through her own orgasm he will feel needles poking into his dick! A little bit of a passion killer that!' the audience were applauding loudly showing their approval of the test John had set. I didn't know what to think I had to co-operate but the shame of being made to orgasm on command for the amusement of the crowd was too much!

       'Well enough talk from me lets begin!' John pulled a remote from his pocket and pointed it at me, a red light lit up in the centre of the tray. David was screaming through his gag suddenly his cries informing me that I needed to level the tray. After some fumbling, in my haste I had let the tray slip slightly causing David's squeals to reach an even higher pitch. I got it level the red light switched to green and I felt the dildo's start to vibrate within me. David had almost collapsed with the pain and was now bent forward his hands on his knees.

       I tried to get my wits together, I knew that the longer the trial lasted the harder the tray would be to support. I resolved to put my all in to the test to get it completed as soon as possible. The speed of the dildo's inside me seemed to be faster than during our wedding ceremony, were they speeding up?

       'Slowly our little toys will increase the pleasure they generate, not even a stuck up bitch like Whore will be able to resist for long.' John announced confirming my thoughts. I could feel my arousal growing now a tremble was starting to run through me as my eyes fluttered and I fought to stand still and focus on keeping the tray level. I looked up, David was now standing straight his face flushed; I could see his lips moving repeating something over and over I strained to hear what he was saying. My distraction almost caused me to let the tray slip from my grasp as my senses where slowly taken over by the unrelenting vibrations between my legs and in my behind.  The mittens were making controlling the tray extremely difficult and the fear of dropping it was ever present.

       I was near to the edge now soon the vibrators would push me over the precipice; suddenly it was ripping through me and I felt a wonderful wave as my legs wobbled anchored still to the floor.

       'ONE!' the audience screamed in unison. The volume of their shout caused me to lapse my concentration for a spit second but it was enough. Davids screams came again as the red light flashed on. Trying to focus through the aftershocks of my orgasm I tried to right the tray. Finally the green light was on and the dildo's started their cycle up again. The audience were happily applauding themselves now proud of the distraction they had provided.

       'One down and nine to go!' John was commenting for anyone unable to see what was going on. I tried to push all the noise out of my mind and just concentrate on holding the tray. I felt myself grow so warm, hot, I felt perspiration forming all over, and the hot stage lights were unbearable. But without warning The Whore was back in my mind begging me to keep going for the full ten, how wonderful it would feel to come that many times. She was incessant in her cajoling, and I was so busy trying to block out her words that I lost track of what my body was telling me. My second orgasm exploded without warning, unprepared I had no chance of staying still.

       'TWO!' David was screaming and begging me now I heard him plead my name and ask for help, whether it was to stop the pain he was in or to give him release I don't know. I was trying to regain my former control but there was too much noise every one was shouting at me, yelling, cheering, the audience where clapping and chanting 'We Want Ten', David was begging me to let him come and the Whore was begging me to have another orgasm. Just one more then she'd help me hold the tray she promised. I was lost in my own hell now, orgasming for the sadistic enjoyment of the crowd. So I obeyed the loudest voice, the one in my own head. I listened to the Whore's promises of help if I'd let her enjoy just one more orgasm. So dully I stared at the light only caring that it stayed green long enough for me to complete my bargain with the Whore even wiggling my hips to help it along.

       'THREE!' My knees were trembling now as I tried to recover from another blast of passion flowing out of my pussy. Never in my life had I ever orgasmed so quickly.

       I felt the Whore reveling in the waves of passion rolling through me; my eyes could barely focus as I tried to keep the light green. Hoping that any moment the Whore would lend me her strength but all I heard was her mocking laugh, as she ignored my pleas for help. I was betrayed by my own mind! It went red! David's pain filled scream confirmed my failure. Finally I had it level again and had the terrible wonderful feeling of the dildo's speeding up within me oh yes faster faster, dragging me upwards to another unwanted orgasm. I was casting my mind around now for something to focus on. Something I could concentrate on totally and block everything else from my mind. Horribly my mind was drawn to the wetness on my thighs, No! The shame was too much my own come was running down my legs for all to see. I couldn't control my arousal any more it controlled me.

       'FOUR!' I was leaking come constantly now, sure my shame couldn't get any worse. Dolly tapped my shoulder and laughed as she pointed to the screen.  I moaned so loudly as I saw myself on the screen. Bunny ears bouncing as my perspiration covered body shook from the stress in my legs, the tray and my orgasmic state.  My bare breasts, my face a total and complete mess.  The vile cameraman playing to the disgusting crowd zooming in on my bright pink hot pants, the close up showing the world my wet thighs, as moisture oozed from the cuffs between my legs.  The picture was going out to how many countries? How many homes? Twenty Thousand, Forty who knew? I cried now all resolve lost I held the tray in a death grip focusing on the little light hoping to drown my shame in another orgasm. The Whore had stopped her mocking laughter now and helped me keep the dildo's going again her purpose and mine for once linked.

       'FIVE!' David was screaming at me now, I could just make out his words he was cursing me as I again denied him a orgasm with another wave of pain. I tried to tell him I was sorry, that the Whore had tricked me. But all that came out was an unintelligible mumble. The Whore was right though this felt so so wonderful. I felt lips on my nipples, the Dolly's had decided to have their own fun with me now. Their expert mouths dragging me to another vibrator assisted orgasm.

       'SIX!' David had given up berating me merely repeating one word over and over.

       'Please, please, please' I tried to blank him out, my poor beautiful David I couldnt help him now. I was lost in my own hell, the only things that mattered now were the tray and the dildo's it controlled. Nothing else mattered all I could see through my watering eyes was the green glow of the light letting me know that it was level. I barely felt the hands running around my crotch, so good, so good. I started to move rubbing against the hand not knowing I was helping them smear my most private juices across my thighs, hot pants and boots.


       'SEVEN!' A hand was pushing into my mouth; I didn't have the strength to keep it out and instinctively sucked on it. If not for the Dolly's attached to my tits I would have fallen long ago. The fingers of the hand filling my mouth were covered in my own juices; revulsion grew in me as I felt my self sucking my own taste from them. The tray felt lighter now, but the dildos were still going so I knew it must be level. Blearily I made out hands helping me support it, it must be the Dolly's I thought. They don't want the show to end.

       'EIGHT!' My pussy was out of control now spasmming constantly around the dildo held inside it. My knees gave out finally and I lost my grip on the tray, but still the Dildo's didn't stop. The Dolly's must be holding me and the tray up, forcing me to continue with the trial. My eyes were closed and random sounds were coming from my mouth. Reason had deserted me.

       'NINE!' I had no idea of who I was any more, it seemed so hard to get air. All I wanted was for the orgasms to stop. To be left to lie where ever I fell, to just rest in blessed darkness. The intruders where buzzing so fast my entire body shook, I was held from restful oblivion by the incessant pressure growing within my cunt. I felt my limbs shaking in the grasp of the supporting hands. A single thought managed to form in my mind. Just one more, one more and it would be over.  I felt something in me focus down on my crotch to the exclusion of everything else. It focused on drawing the last explosion from me.

       'TEN!' was the last thing I heard before I willingly let the darkness take me.

Coming Next: Meeting the guests.

If you enjoyed this and the other chapters of CUMupance please let me know at the more feedback I get the quicker new chapters will arrive. Plus I love hearing people's reactions to my story.

Meeting the guests.

       It was shame I felt more than anything else as I watched Jennifer finally collapse from the trials exertions. I had panicked during the Wedding Ceremony, I had uttered my lines quickly out of fear of the pain they could inflict on me. I had seen the hurt in Jennifers face as I spoke with barely a hesitation. Then given a chance to redeem myself in the trial all I had done was beg for my own selfish release, no wonder she had failed the test I had left her all alone against thousands of viewers. So I let the Dolly's drag me along, taking Jennifer and I where ever they wanted. Finally we stopped, looking around I saw we were in one of the rooms at the Hotel.

       The Dolly, who was easily carrying my Jennifer, simply set her down on the floor none to graciously and they both turned their attention me.

       'Bed time little boy' the dark haired one mocked, with one holding my arms and the other my legs they positioned me on the right side of the double bed. Pulling my arms above my head they cuffed me to the rail on top of the headboard. My legs where stretched out tight and fastened to a rail a foot off of the mattress. Pulling me taut from one end to the other, my backside was the only part of my body actually resting on the bed. The rest of me was suspended from my feet and hands. As if I was lying in an invisible hammock. My gag was replaced muffling any protests I might have made, although the truth was I could think of nothing but how I'd let Jennifer down.

       Jennifer was placed down on the bed next to me, although she seemed barely aware of anything. The tray and attached chains were removed. Replaced with a single chain which ran from her navel ring, up through the ring on her choker. Then down splitting into two as it was joined to each nipple ring, pulling at them slightly. Still in shock from her ordeal she didn't even notice, she was pulled taut down the bed raising most of her away from the white sheets. Her head hanging backwards, between her arms. One of the Dolly's had to hold her mouth open so the gag could be replaced. Apart from rhythmic rise and fall of her chest she seemed dead to the world. Even when the dark haired Dolly unzipped the front of her hot pants and pulled the vibrator out. I winced as a wet plop accompanied her actions The Dolly seemed unsure of what to do with the dildo, it glistened from my wifes humiliation as she held it in the light. Her eyes landed on me and she smiled happily.

       'This is the closest you'll get to your wife's pussy for a while Wench, hope you enjoy the taste' she said pushing it down into my open mouth wedging it tightly into the ring gag so I couldn't spit it out. The other one was sliding something inside the front of Jennifers hot pants, linking it onto the padlock so it was irremovable. She took great care to ensure it was positioned directly over her clitoris, then closed the open zip hiding whatever it was from sight. 'Nighty night' she laughed as they both left the room, leaving me with my wife's juices dripping slowly into my mouth. I lay there and looked over at my sweet beautiful Jennifer, reflecting on what the beasts had done to her beauty and her impeccable pride. As my eyes travelled her body from the unbecoming bunny ears, to her beautifully sculpted nose disfigured by the “wedding band” down to her bare perfect breasts. My eyes paused on her flat stomach, the hot pink hot pants and the device barely covering her privates. I screamed my voice muffled by the dildo in my mouth, John Long said over a foot of cock in her! The dildo in my mouth wasnt a foot long, oh my god no! They couldnt! They wouldnt dare! Not to my Jennifer!

       Suddenly the television screens on the wall nearest my feet lit up, they were showing some kind of advertisement for CUMupance. It was showing highlights of mine and Jennifer's ordeal so far complete with sound! I saw myself being pierced, Dolly's happy grin as she sat on my face and worst of all I saw Jennifer's treatment in the other dressing room. I heard her begging Dolly to shove the Dildo's in her! I saw her explosive orgasm as her wishes were granted, whilst the seamstress sat on her face writhed in ecstasy. I was beyond tears now, my beautiful and intelligent wife had become a whore for the camera's. Enjoying her imprisonment so much that she orgasmed live on air! Then the finale appeared, our trial. My cock ring suddenly activated massaging me as I watched my wife receive orgasm after orgasm, the footage cut to my pleading face every few seconds reminding me of my shame. The cock ring was arousing me as I watched this disgusting show, forcing me to enjoy our humiliation.

       Thankfully the film finally reached it's end, I expected it the screen to blank but it began again. The film was on a endless loop forcing me to watch and listen, my cock ring starting up every time the trial came on. Hearing a buzzing coming from Jennifer also, it seemed that whatever the Dolly had placed on her groin was also synced to the footage. Starting and stopping with the trial section of the tape. So I lay there waiting for sleep to take me as the horrible events of the day repeated again and again. Kept constantly hard by the massaging of the cock ring, which always stopped just before I could get release. The scent of my wife's arousal seeping out of her to fill the room like a mist, as the taste of her come filled my mouth.

       I must have feel asleep eventually, because suddenly Mike Wood was standing by the side of the bed, the room now brightly lit. He was proudly watching the highlight film, a feeling of accomplishment seemed to flow off of him. If I was not bound securely I would have thrashed the man soundly. I returned his smile with a glare that even a man of his crass intelligence could understand.

       'Ah you're awake' He said. 'I'll just wake Jenny up and I'll run you through the itinerary for today.' he leaned across and shook Jennifer's shoulder, getting no response. He paused looking thoughtful, then smiling as a solution occurred to him he yanked on the chain linked to her piercings. With a muffled scream Jennifer's head shot up as he shook her breasts, her eyes wide as the pain pulled her out of her stupor.

       'Good you are back with us Jenny' I saw Jennifer wince at the use of the shortened version of her name, she had always hated being called Jenny rightly considering it common. The pain and the insult seemed to have brought her to full wakefulness though, she struggled briefly against her bonds testing their strength. Finding they were secure she relaxed, eye's widening as she saw the highlight film running on the wall mounted television. She moaned and dropped her head back in disgust and humiliation.

       'I see you're enjoying our little promo film.' Wood said noticing Jennifer's gaze. The look on her face suggested anything other than enjoyment, but Wood seemed oblivious as he continued. 'It's not really needed given how well the show has pulled in viewers, do you know that even before your trial began we had 75,000 subscribers watch you two perform?' Seventy five thousand! My head swam with that many people watching how long would this be secret from our peers? The fear of discovery and ridicule so strong I froze in dread! What if someone I knew saw? Or my parents! 'Of course that had doubled by the end of the trial, our marketing people say they have never seen anything quite like it. You two are a internet phenomenon. Subscriptions alone are netting us £1.5 Million a hour! What we put into this hotel is a pittance compared to what we are going to net off of you two.'


       The film had reached the trial segment, mine and Jennifer's massager's started up simultaneously, she jerked suddenly as she felt the sensation for the first time. She wiggled her hips, trying to get the hideous thing off her most private area. Probably also noticing that the dildo previously lodged in her vagina was now sticking out of my mouth.

       'Ah yes, our little exciters nothing to worry about, they're just synced in with the film. So that whenever the trial sequence is shown, they start. We wouldn't want you two to lose your edge would we? Don't worry though we have them set and timed to not get you off ' Wood smiled happily 'Speaking of the trial I must congratulate you my dear Jenny, none of us in the production office thought you'd go the full distance. Most, myself included thought seven or eight at the most. You certainly have a quite the talent for this sort of thing. You're a real pro.' Jennifer looked as if she was going to be sick as Wood praised her disgusting performance, enduring it must have been terrible enough. But for Wood to congratulate her, as if it was something to be proud of was too much.

       'Perhaps after our job is done here you'd care to discuss some other projects we have several in the works that' he turned and looked at the screen where she was shaking and writhing on her feet as another unwelcome orgasm washed over her, 'based on your performance you will be perfect for!' I was too shocked to react to his brazen suggestion, Jennifer though was railing against her bonds now, incensed. He didn't seem to have noticed though.

       'The Dolly's will be here any moment to get you cleaned inside and out, ready for your first day working in the Hotel. They'll also be bringing you your sumptuous breakfast. After that you'll be on duty helping the guests get settled in. Then this evening you Jenny will be performing the forfeit you accrued for not completing the first trial successfully.' He held his hand up to prevent any protests despite the fact that we were both gagged and bound to the bed. 'I know, I know it did make terribly good viewing but rules are rules. You didn't get your husband off at the end of the day did you?' What kind of wife doesn't get her husband off on their wedding night? Plus the show is called Cumupance and is all about you two high-nosed Lord and Lady getting yours." He laughed and talking to Jennifer said "Last night you definitely got yours bunny girl! Shaking and coming all over the stage! Tonight I can promise you the getting will be a lot different, with the forfeit you earned.'

       Turning to me he smiled and asked, 'You can come can't you? Just think Davey boy of the 1.5 million viewers, how many wanked themselves senseless and shot their load watching.' he motioned to Jennifer 'The Whore cum herself to unconsciousness,' He let out a disgusting chortle 'and the only one that didn't come was her husband.' Smiling broadly at his biting humour he turned as the Dolly's walked in as if summoned by his voice. They were attired in matching outfits except for the colour. The black haired Dolly was in white and the blonde Dolly in black. Though over my massive fake tits I could only see them from the thighs up, what I saw disgusted me in their sleaziness. From the waist up all they had on was a bolero jacket that barely covered their breasts. The jacket proving only the briefest of modesty and was held together by a stylish gold chain. Covering their privates was the tiniest of lingerie; I believe they call them a G-string. At the top of their thighs I could see stocking tops. Perched on top of their heads and soft immaculate hair were tiny bell caps held in place by an elastic strap under their chin. What unnerved me the most was the matching evil smile on both of their faces.

       Waving regally Wood left, red lights blinking on all over the room as the camera's started recording, I wondered briefly why they started only after Wood left. Then the Dolly's were unfastening me from my stretched position on the bed, after giving me a moment to rub some circulation back into my wrists. They pulled me into a adjoining room, cuffing me again to a waist high bar that ran down one of the walls. They left to get Jennifer. Taking in my surroundings I seemed to be in a bathroom although it did seem oddly outfitted with hoses and a large drain in the centre. The red lights of working camera's were lurking in each corner of the ceiling, informing me that whatever was going to happen next someone somewhere would be watching. Having roused Jennifer the Dolly's chained her alongside me giving me a brief moment to clasp her hand reassuringly in mine.

       'Take two steps back and bend forward at the waist' The dark haired Dolly commanded, we both obeyed unthinkingly. I felt the tension on my nipples increase as the full weight of my tits hung from them. It took me a moment to realise that I hadn't even thought of objecting to their commands. Looking back through my spread legs I saw the Dolly's had knee high rubber boots on, I doubted that was a good sign. I heard a zip being opened and then a popping sound, Jennifer held out a slight sigh as I assumed whatever had been lodged in her backside was removed. The dildo lodged in my ring gag was similarly removed. I don't know what the Dolly's did with them after that, as I abruptly felt a cold metallic presence at my own anus through the hole in my briefs. With one of them holding my hips they eventually forced whatever it was inside me, it felt like they had split me in half! Jennifer received the same treatment a moment later although didn't squeal nearly as much as me.

       'So which one do you think will pop first?' Dark hair was asking light.

       'Wench probably, that corset is going to get in the way. Although Whore has had that dildo stretching her for the last 10 or so hours.' the other mused.

       'If we loosen the corset, we should have a lot closer race.'

       'Good idea.' I felt hands reach around me loosening the corset so it hung loosely about my waist, despite the feeling of relief from the pressure being released I was worried. The dark haired Dolly rarely got this excited about anything that didn't add to our humiliation. The Dolly's amused themselves for a while longer discussing the stakes of their wager. As far as I could make out dark had bet light 10 minutes of oral that I'd pop first, light only had to put up 5 minutes as Jennifer was stretched. My worry was rising in tandem with my humiliation now, the Dolly's were discussing Jennifer and I as if we were two raindrops sliding down a window. Whatever was about to happen though it was about to begin, the Dolly's having decided on their wager.

       'Three, Two, One, Go!' The Dolly's chanted, I tensed anticipating pain but nothing happened aside from a gurgling sound from behind me. Then I felt what seemed like a cold trickling sensation in my bowels as if ice water was filling me. It was then that I realised, that was exactly what was happening! I began to squirm but the water was still flowing into me. The feeling moved from trickling to uncomfortable to painful rapidly. The pain from my nipples was overridden by the feeling of someone inflating a balloon inside my stomach. Leaning forward I could actually see mine and Jennifer's stomachs expanding slowly as the water kept coming in. We were both screaming now but the Dolly's seemed to be having too much fun to care, giggling and dancing around us as we slowly expanded. Eventually they responded to our increasingly frantic squeals and shut off the flow, though this did nothing to decrease our agony.

       It was then that our massager's started up again, the feeling was intenser now. The agony in my stomach seemed to enhance the sensations in my penis. I was getting closer than I had since the trial to coming, I started writhing and bucking my hips trying to push myself over the edge. The Dolly's perhaps noticing this or having become bored with their game, yanked out whatever was plugging my anus. Water exploded out of me like a jet, as I felt every stomach muscle spasm to push out the foul water. Quickly un-cuffing me the Dolly's pushed me down on to a toilet, letting me expel the rest of the enema as my cramped stomach relaxed, It was Jennifers turn now, the Dolly's took a position either side of her careful to not stand behind her. With a grin of sadistic pleasure the dark haired one was running her hands of Jennifers distended belly. Blonde reach around and pulled what looked like a metal nozzle attached to a rubber hose from her backside. Foul brown water shot out arcing through the air for at least three or four feet before hitting the tiled floor, as soon as the initial surge was over they hustled Jennifer to the toilet next to mine.

       'Piss if you need to this will be your last chance for a while.' Blonde announced, reaching across to pull Jennifer's zip down exposing her vagina to the camera's. Realising that really had to go, I tried to figure out how. The cock ring attached to me was pointing my penis in the air. I was going to have to turn around and lean forward if I was going to hit the target. The laughter of the Dolly's echoing in my ears I tried to get my self positioned, in the end I had to place both hands on the toilet and push my backside into the air. Affording the camera's hugely embarrassing show of my backside, as I tried to relax my bladder. Finally biology overcame my self conciousness as a stream of pee began to flow from the hole in the tip of my cock ring.

       Done I looked up just in time to see the Dolly's pointing another hose at me, grinning they started spraying Jennifer and I with freezing water. Once I got over the shock of the ice cold water it actually felt refreshing for a moment. The skin tight latex hood, the heavy fake breasts, corset and boots all had me perspiring heavily. The water provided a momentary welcome relief, as the two Dolly's continued to spray me. The high pressure of the freezing water became uncomfortable then downright painful. Wanting to get it over with I turned and moved as they instructed me.

Finished with me they turned the ice cold high pressure spray on Jennifer. I could only watch in sympathy for her, as she had none of the coverings that saved me at least momentarily. Her eyes were clenched tightly closed, as they started with her face and moved the sprays downward. Where they used them to bounce and jiggle her breasts with the streams of freezing water. I thought she would fall over when they moved the spray to her unzipped hot pants. They laughed and mocked her, asking if the Whore is cooled down enough now. Instructing Whore to turn around they told “Lady Jennifer” she was going to experience a whores bidet and had her bend over as they both directed their hoses at her open zip at the back of her hot pants.

       Finally the cold deluge ended and Brunette Dolly threw a large towel at my face. Fumbling with my mittened hands I took it off my face in time to see the other Dolly clip a chain to Jennifer's collar. Our eyes met for the briefest of moments, I was grateful for Jennifers expressive blue eyes as they said they loved me. In the next instant though that love was replaced by the anxiety of helplessness, as she was jerked out the door dripping wet on the tottering boots. I was given a few minutes to pat myself dry after Jennifer was taken from me.

       'Food time Wench' The dark haired one said dragging me along behind her. A couple of corridors later we were in the dining room, following her through into the kitchen area. She simple pointed me to a stool and waited while I sat. Quickly she again squeezed the corset tight about my waist, easily reproducing the tightness I had been wrapped in previously. Placing a bowl of what looked like porridge in front of me she simply said. 'Eat' Removing my gag as she pushed my head towards the bowl. There was no spoon, but hunger gave me no choice. I started shovelling the mixture into my mouth with my mittens. The cock ring repeatedly starting and stopping as it followed the timings of the unseen pornographic promo film.        

       As soon as I was done Dolly wiped my face and hands then forced the gag back into my mouth. She gave me a sharp slap to my cheek to get my attention. 'Okay Wench today you will help me move the guests into their rooms. Obey all instructions from a guest as if they came from me, or you will be punished understood?' I nodded, considering the things that had happened so far to me, helping the guests seemed like a relatively east option. 'Good follow me.' She lead off down to the hotels reception area, pulling out a square sided luggage trolley she cuffed it to my ankle with a three foot length of chain. 'Now don't go running off!' she chided me, giggling at her joke she moved off to stand behind the reception desk.

       'Given how incompetent you are, I have decided that you should be responsible for the guest luggage. Simply put it on to the trolley, and follow me when I show the guests to their room. I trust even a dumb little Wench can complete those simple instructions.' Her orientation complete she promptly ignored me, giving me a chance to take in our hotel the cause of all this in its finished state.

       It seemed on every wall there was a television screen showing the Cumupance promo, the section showing the first trial was just starting again. Once more the maddening sensations of the cock ring flowed through my groin. To be brought repeatedly and regularly so close to orgasm was starting to effect my physical and mental stability. Trying to distract myself I took in the rest of the foyer, it was surprisingly tasteful done in dark woods and plushly upholstered furniture. The windows running along the outer wall made me feel horribly exposed. Anyone could look in and see me like this. I tried to reassure myself that the drive was half a mile long. No one could see me from the road, but the feeling wouldn't leave me. Dragging my attention inside, I saw the iron wrought framework of the elevator sat at the far side of the marble floor. The numbers above it only went to two, but I knew this section of the building had three floors wondering what had been done with the extra floor distracted me from Dolly's approach.

       'Get on your knees Wench, my sister seems to think you show promise as a pussy licker. Lets see you go to work on me.' I was shocked she wanted me to just drop down and begin pleasuring her, right in the middle of the Foyer? Say a guest arrived?        

       'I won't ask twice' she informed me placing her hands on my shoulders and forcing me down. Then she moved her lacy underwear aside and grabbed the back of my head pulling me face first into her sex. I began licking and nibbling her lips as quick as I could trying to get it over with as quickly as possible. Dolly however wanted to educate me it seemed.

       'Not like that up and down, with slow strokes' a smack on the back of the head accompanied this instruction. Hurrying to obey I did as she asked my arms around her back as I tried to support my self. Hearing movement behind me I froze, someone had come through the front entrance!

       'Don't stop Wench, now run that tongue stud along my clit like a good slut' another smack was administered 'I'll be just with you Sir, ' Dolly was addressing whoever was behind me 'I'm just conducting a little staff training.' I was suddenly glad that my face was buried in Dolly's pussy as my cheeks burned from the shame. The pressure on the back of my head increased as she held me solidly against her, a muffled cry informing me that she was about to come. I felt the rippling orgasm through my face as it pushed against her, my mouth suddenly full of her come as she climaxed.        

       'Better Wench' she said calmly readjusting her underwear, 'I'll give you another test later. Now Sir and Madam checking in yes?' She had moved behind the reception desk now, unselfconsciously using a tissue to mop her thighs as she addressed the guest.

       'Yes Mr and Mrs Caffran, we have a reservation.' A male voice replied.

       'Don't just sit there Wench! Get their bags on to the trolley!' Dolly commanded, I couldn't raise my eyes from the floor I was so ashamed, but I dragged my trolley over to the guests and began hefting their bags on to it. Staring at the feet of the guests as I was too scared to look up and see the mocking looks on their faces. I had almost comes to terms with my appearance, but to be standing not two feet from a stranger was too much. I felt all of my piercings burning in my flesh, the sign hanging from my nose ring blatantly obvious. My breasts and clothes a humiliation, it was too much for me to bear. I was slowly weeping as I piled their bags on the trolley.        

       'Oh be quiet Wench, we don't need to hear you sniffling all day.' Dolly's voice cut across my misery, I don't know if I just hit bottom or had found some untapped reserve of strength but I managed to quiet myself. 'Well everything is in order Mr and Mrs Caffran if you will follow me please.' Dolly said heading towards the elevator. I trailed in their wake dragging the trolley behind me, once we were all inside Dolly slid the doors shut and we began ascending. The noise of my cock ring starting up again filling the silence, I shifted uncomfortably as I tried to ignore the sensations much to Dolly's silent amusement. With a chime we arrived at our floor again Dolly lead off leaving me to bring up the rear as I followed them into their room and began placing their bags onto the bed.

       'Here are your room key's Mr and Mrs Caffran, the bathroom is just through there. The television is linked to all of the hotels camera's so you can enjoy the action from any of them. Just use this remote to change camera.. Of course you can always just leave it on auto, and our production crew will select the most action packed view points for you 24 hours a day. Also if you have exhibitionist leaning's press this button here to switch the camera's in this room on and off.' A trio of red lights blinked on and off in the corners of the room as Dolly demonstrated.        

       Whilst the guests attention was held by Dolly's welcome speech I decided to risk a quick look up. I was surprised at how normal they seemed, not sure what I had expected but something a little more unusual at least. Rather than a middle aged couple dressed simply in comfortable clothes that I might wear on a quiet Sunday at home. Perhaps the only unusual thing about them was how little they had reacted to my outfit and Dolly's revealing clothing. Barely raising an eyebrow as Dolly explained that the room was wired for picture and sound, as if this sort of thing was common place.

       'Stop gawking at the guests Wench, don't you know it's rude to stare at your betters.' Dolly was heading out of the room now obviously expecting me to follow. 'Oh one more thing before I leave channels 23 and 24 are the Whore and Wench camera's, also the hotel bar is open now if you'd care to visit before dinner this evening.'        

       All through the rest of the day guests arrived, most looking as average as the first couple. One or two had some rather odd tattoo's or piercings and a few had some suspiciously heavy luggage but nothing exceptional. My wits were becoming frayed by the tension of anticipation, Dolly made sure that I didn't get too comfortable as well berating me if I lagged behind her. Worst of all though were her demands that I service her pussy, she didn't seem to care who was watching simply ordering me on to my knees whenever the urge took her. Once she was calmly explaining the hotels maid service to a new guest as she ground my face into her crotch. Interspersing her conversation to the guest with instructions for me to move my tongue faster or harder. I have never felt so small and unimportant no one cared what I was doing I was just part of the furniture. The cock ring didn't allow me to relax at all, it was holding me just on the edge of orgasm for almost a day now.

       Eventually Dolly informed me that all the guests were here and we were to report to the dining hall. Assuming I was going to be fed I followed hungrily. The dinning room had been reorganised since this morning now there was a raised stage area a foot high at one end. Dominating the room though was a single circular table with places set for thirty people, it seemed that all the guests would be dining together. The centre of the table had been removed and a small circular podium with a stool on top of it was placed in the open space. Dolly pulled me over the table to the podium.

       'Place your stomach on the stool Wench' she instructed 'Tits hanging over one end cock the other.' complying I placed myself as she requested, feeling cuffs click into place around my down hanging wrists and ankles I tried to move. I couldn't budge! I was pulled down tightly over the stool, protruding backside and open mouth pointing in opposite directions. Dolly climbed back over the ring shaped table pressing a button on the wall, she started the podium rotating slowly taking me with it.

       'Try not to get dizzy Wench' was her parting comment as she switched off the lights, leaving me alone in the dark, slowly rotating like a shop window display. Trying to distract myself from my feeling's of isolation my thoughts went to Jennifer, what was she doing now? Was she okay?

       The Dolly's were mercilessly running the sprays across my breasts, the cold water pushing them this way and that. My hardened nipples taut against the rings piercing them, as they pulled at the chains leading up to my neck. They then dropped their aim to the open zip of my hot pants, pummelling the bud of my clitoris with the spray. I felt my knees weakening as the feeling combined with my existing state of arousal pushed me towards orgasm. Their mocking questions ignored as I tried to maintain control, fortunately the sprays stopped and they had me turnaround so they could give me a 'whore's bidet'. The feeling of cold water slamming against my sensitive anus, killed any feelings of arousal as they cleaned away the remains of my enema.

       I was still trying to gather myself after the freezing spray of water when the Blonde Dolly clipped a chain to my collar pulling me quickly out of the room and away from David. Our eyes meeting for a moment as I passed him I prayed he saw I loved him. Dolly was dragging me along like an unruly dog I did everything I could to keep my balance. My unzipped hot pants showing my vagina and backside to all the cameras along our path. Pulling me into a small room she pushed me roughly down into what looked like a make up chair, attaching my leash to a D-ring to stop me from moving. She started on my hair applying styling gel and teasing it out with her fingers, in the process tangling it and messing it up more than what it already was. Getting the effect she wanted she blow dried it pulling a few strands across my face to give me the appearance of a overworked prostitute at the end of a long night.

       Pulling out a make-up bag she began apply heavy bright blue mascara and heavy eye liner. She was applying way too much and in all the wrong colours to compliment my eyes and facial structure. She studied my face and smiled evidently happy with her work, she then smeared rouge in a bright shade of red across my cheeks in a heavy swath. None of the make-up was being correctly applied and I gathered her intent was to try and make me look like a tart. A suspicion which was confirmed when she removed my gag and ran a bright pink lipstick across my lips. The final touch was a pair of oversized eyelashes attached onto my real ones. She beamed as we both looked at my reflection in the mirror as tears welled up in my eyes.

       Hearing my new attachment start up, I began to squirm in my chair as I tried to escape the stimulation of my clitoris.

       'Oh don't worry about the Butterfly Whore.' Dolly commented 'It won't make you cum, well not on that setting anyway, it will just keep you nice and aroused ready for anything.' she finished off this remark with a childish giggle, amused at my attempts to evade the latest device at my groin. Pulling my gag back into my mouth she picked up the leash again dragging me to my feet. She did at least zip up my hot pants hiding my privates form the camera's, it did worry me how used I'd become to being exposed to uncounted viewers. Placing my bunny ears carefully back on to my head and securing them in place she commented.

       'There you are perfect! Our Lady does look like quite the little whore now doesn't she' Taking in my appearance in the mirrors, I saw that even standing next to Dolly who was barely dressed looked like a low class hooker, the kind of woman I would look down upon and cross the street to avoid.

       Stopping briefly to exchange her rubber boots for her standard high heels, Dolly lead me along again, tugging on my leash more because she could than to hurry me up. I had finally mastered walking in the boots I was fitted into, although they were still hellishly painful after any amount of time upright and my gait was awkward and clumsy. I wished my breasts were covered instead of exposed bouncing with each step. At least now I was free from the two Dildo's which had previously impaled me. We arrived at our destination, interrupting my musings. We were in the hotel bar, it was furnished tastefully if a little darkly lit. The low lighting providing it with a feeling of snugness and secrecy. The effect was spoiled slightly by the prominent Televisions and the glowing red lights of working camera's.

       The televisions were all showing the promo film, the maddening butterfly starting again as I stood watching myself work through ten orgasm's in a row. I think maybe it was the whores influence or perhaps her enjoyment of the show but I felt my tongue run across my lips in remembrance of the event.

       'Today whore you are the barmaid, I will be pouring the drinks you will pick them up from me and take them to the guests tables. Even a brainless bimbo like you should be able to manage that and you had better not spill a single drink.' I felt myself blushing at her words. I knew did indeed look like a brainless bimbo though, it was the first time I'd ever actually found myself looking up to a Dolly. The experience was not pleasant as I realized how far I'd truly fallen. Here I was a topless waitress in my own hotel, forced to obey a woman whose level of breeding wasn't better than a dogs. Thankful that we were alone, I tried to marshal my strength feeling my head raise and my proper bearing showing as I did so. My pride showing in my posture, 'thats it Lady Jennifer, shove those big titties out there' she giggled as she took note of my change in stance. My shoulders immediately slumped at her words as I realized without proper clothing all I was doing was making myself look worse.

       I stood patiently next to the bar all too aware of my nervousness at 'customers' seeing me like this and trying to ignore the butterfly attached to me. I felt myself becoming uncomfortably wet, moisture forming on my thighs how much longer before my arousal was obvious to anyone who cared to look? I was like a human rubber band being stretched a little more every time the butterfly vibrated against my clitoris, how long could I go before I snapped?

       Soon out first customers arrived a well dressed middle aged couple, barely sparing me a glance they sat down at a table hidden partially in the gloom. Seeing the flash of a screen I wondered if that was how Dolly would receive their order, it seemed my guess was correct as I heard a beep from behind the bar and sounds of Dolly going to work. Soon enough she had the drinks on a tray motioning me to take them over. Taking great care as the mittens were difficult to grasp anything in I moved across to the couple, placing the drinks on the table I simply stood there unsure of what to do next.

       'Thank you Whore' The man said his accent faintly foreign, dismissing me with a wave. Briefly I wondered how he knew to address me as Whore, forgetting that I had a sign stating it hanging from my nose ring for a moment. The bar soon filled up giving me no more time for rest. As I moved around dispensing drinks and returning the empty glasses to the bar. I began to pick up snippets of conversation as I passed the couples and small groups huddled around tables. Most of what I heard I didn't understand, it was English just not words and phrases I'd heard before. One group were discussing how to train a sub, another the use of S&M in pony training which made me wonder. The few words I did understand were worrying enough terms like slut, gang rape and slave.

       I was rapidly becoming more and more on edge as the day went on, Dolly working me non stop. I hated to think what the boots were doing to my feet and legs as the pain they inflicted increased with every step. As the customers had a few drinks they seemed to consider me little more than a mobile groping device. Men and women taking any opportunity to grab a breast, fondle my backside or run their palm over my sex. I was unable to defend myself at all. It was this realisation that was the most humiliating, these people could grab my breast, slap my backside and I would just have to accept it as my due. It was the casual way that they did it that added to the insult, not even considering that I would object and they were right I couldn't. All through the day the butterfly kept starting and stopping, putting me more and more on edge. I was starting to dream about the release of a orgasm, my mind fixated on being able to come. The promo film was now torture as I saw and heard myself repeatedly receive the release I now craved. I wanted so much to experience that again. Disgust rising within me at such a wish but I was powerless to deny the urge.

       Finally the crowds began to thin out as the guests started to leave to get ready for lunch, slowly the pace wound down until it was just Dolly and I in the bar. Gratefully I slumped into a chair exhausted to do more than sit and try and take the weight from my aching feet. I felt so dirty from all the hands that I been pawed by. It seemed that Dolly was to tired to boss me around as well leaving me to sit while she spent a few moments closing the bar.

       'Okay whore dinner time' I suddenly realized that I hadn't eaten all day the knowledge making my limbs drag a little more heavily as I felt fatigue start to claim me. Reattaching my leash like I was some common mutt she lead me back to the make-up room, hooking me again to the D-ring she left to get my food. I tried to free myself but my mittened hands were barely able to keep hold of a filled glass, there was no way I could remove or unhook the leash. Soon she was back dropping a bowl of watery porridge in front of me.

       'There you go eat up' she said and turned to head off.

       'I require a spoon' the words came instantly from my lips as my position was momentarily forgotten.  Dolly turned and picked up the porridge; 'No you dont' and left carrying the bowl with her.  My heart sank as I realized I would not be eating anything now. I was left alone for the first time since I had got ready for the show last night. I tried to picture how I had looked then trying to bring back the image of my former elegance to my mind but all I could see was the Whore in the mirror.

       I lost track of time as I lay cuffed down over the stool on the podium, I just hoped Jennifer was more comfortable than I was. Finally the lights came back on as Sarah and Mike Wood entered the dinning hall. They barely seemed to notice me as they moved around the room checking everything was in order. Satisfied Mike left leaving me alone with Sarah, laughing at my predicament she walked over to my podium inspecting me.

       'A fine pickle you find yourself in now David, on display like a suckling pig.' I felt myself coloring at the thought and of what this woman had done to me last time we had been alone. Perhaps remembering also she tugged playfully at my breasts putting a little more stress on my already stretched nipples.

       'I hope you enjoy the after dinner entertainment,' she whispered softly into my ear. 'I'm sure your pretty little Jennifer is going to put on quite a show for everyone. Its a shame your wife couldnt get you off last night,' smiling she added 'she sure got a whole lot of our viewers off! Of that I'm certain.' Maybe you will also sometimes the crowd makes their own entertainment after all.' She retreated to the stage leaving me to my worries, what was in store for Jennifer? What horror would they inflict on her next?

       Guest's rapidly began filling into the room, taking their seats surrounding me. I began to feel even more exposed I was held backside sticking out and mouth open in front of all these people. Slowly rotating to make sure I was fully displayed for their attention. The guests I was sure despite their normal appearance were not as wholesome as they looked. This opinion was borne out when I heard them discussing how hot the whore was and how they were looking forward to her show. After everyone was seated and had a drink John Long took the stage.

       'Welcome discerning guests I know you have all traveled far to be here today, but I think you will find your stay at the Hotel Tillman worth it. If you'll draw your attention to the little display we have for you, you will see the owner of the Hotel, Lord Tillman rotating for your pleasure. If you want to use him for your pleasure please wait until after desert has been served though!' the crowd gave a appreciative chuckle as I felt my cheeks burn. 'After we have eaten, the Whore Lady Tillman will be performing for your pleasure as she.... well lets leave that as a surprise shall we?' He grinned happily reeling the audience in a little more with his patter.

       Soon plates of food were appearing ferried out of the kitchen by the Dolly's, the guests started eating rapidly. Wanted to get to the entertainment as soon as possible. The Dolly's were rushing all over making sure the guests had enough to drink and eat. John and Sarah moved around the table having a word or sharing a joke with a guest, making sure the evening flowed smoothly. As I watched from my perch it occurred to me that they were acting like the perfect host and hostess. Just as Jennifer and I had done on innumerable occasions at the dinner parties we held.

       All too soon the meal was finished and the plates cleared away, Jennifer and my roles as entertainment were about to begin, I got a sick sinking feeling in my stomach. A projection screen was unfurling out of the ceiling above the stage, as the lights dimmed my endless rotations stopped and I faced the screen also.

       'Ladies and Gentlemen I give you The Whore, Lady Jennifer Tillman!' John announced and the screen lit up showing a 10 foot high picture of Jennifer's face. She must have been looking directly into the camera, then she moved and the truth became clear. She was wearing the camera and was sitting facing a mirror.

       Dolly returned to the room as I stared at my reflection in the mirror my heart was racing as fast as my spirit was dropping. I looked the part of a whore with my heavy made up, my hair a frenzied mess and the stupid bunny ears. My eyes welled up at the sight of the ring through my nose and it's little tag saying what I was. I started to feel a panic rise in me, how was I ever going to get it out?

       'I just need to put this into your ear so you can her instructions from the production office' she told me, the twit let out a giggle 'I mean your people ear not your bunny ear.' I rolled my eyes at her weak joke at my expense, seeing her hand moving towards my ear I held still letting her place the little thing into my ear.

       'Say yes if you can hear me Whore' John Long's voice came from right next to me suddenly.

       'I can hear you' I said to my reflection. I got a slap across the back of my head from Dolly who evidently wore an ear piece also.        

       'Answer him properly Whore.'

       'Yes Milord' I squeaked quickly, I heard laughter through my ear piece.

       'Good now Dolly will lead you through you forfeit and knowing her might even lend a hand' he laughed; I heard more voices behind his and wondered how many people were with him. Dolly picked up my leash and I followed meekly along behind her trailing in her wake like a puppy. I could not decide what I hated more being lead this way or the fact that the painfully high heels made my walk a strut, causing my bare breasts to bounce with each step. I tried to guess our destination as we moved through the halls the dining room perhaps, the stage? Dolly was suddenly pulling me into an elevator and our destination became clear we were going to visit the guests.


       We reached our destination and Dolly entered without knocking we were obviously expected. Peering over Dolly's shoulder I looked into the room seeing only one occupant, a rather grossly overweight balding man in a very out of style ill fitting suit. He was perspiring heavily despite the room being quite cool. As he turned to face me, my eyes opened wide in shock and horror. I started to back up but was stopped as Dolly jerked my leash.

       'Meet Mr. Fatchly Whore, ' Johns voice came again in my ear, 'He is your first client you belong to him for the remainder of the evening. Try not to enjoy yourself too much Lady Jennifer.' What? No! Dolly was calmly handing Fatchly my leash.

       'Here you go sir, enjoy your evening' Dolly said formally stepping back out of the way, he was pulling me towards him now slowly reeling my leash in I had no chance of pulling back he must have been at least twice my weight.

       Once I was in arms reach of him he said simply, 'Suck my cock Whore.' placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing me down until I was kneeling in front of his crotch. 'Dont feel so uppity and high and mighty now do you Whore?'

       'You heard the man Whore suck his cock' John boomed in my ear 'Perhaps you'd like a little incentive? Okay well right now David is surrounded by thirty bored guests, either you entertain them or he will.' No David! I had to protect him it was my fault we failed the first trial, this would be my redemption. Resolve forming through my blinking eyes I struggled with my shaking hands, as I began to unbuckle the fat man's belt and slide down his fly. I must save David, my David, my dear sweet David.

       'That's good Whore now reach in and take his cock in your mouth' John coached me, his voice quiet but insistent. Slowly I reach into his pants pulling down his underwear; I felt his penis stir as my hand brushed it. Tenderly I held it in my hand feeling the heat radiating into my hand as I leaned forward eyes closed. I had never done this before in my entire life, not even with David. Ladys dont do such a thing. It was gross, it was disgusting and is something only common whores would do.

       'Suck it, suck his cock whore' I could hear Dolly muttering behind me enjoying her ringside seat. I could delay things no more and opening as wide as I could I moved the final few inches forward as I fed his cock into my mouth with my hand. I heard a sigh from above me as my tongue came up underneath the still flaccid head of his penis. I only touched the tip and head with my tongue, it smelled of musk and sweat.

       'Good Whore, now suck it like the nice man asked.' John was gloating in my ear.        

       Trying to ignore the sweaty stench of the man and the sour taste filling my mouth I began to swirl my tongue around his cock leaning forward until I could feel his bushy pubic hair tickling my nose. Enjoying the attentions of my mouth the fat man was grunting in approval as I felt his hand loop around a clump of my hair and pull. His cock rapidly swelling inside my mouth pushing my jaws wide open. The head had starting pushing against the back of my throat now, forcing me to back off it slightly as I gagged and coughed

       'Take it all Whore,' He grunted down at me, 'Suck my cock you stupid stuck up bitch' swallowing I began to push my head forward slowly. Trying to take more of his cock in my mouth, as a tear rolled out of each eye down my cheeks. Through a panting determined grunt he said 'Such a good high and might cocksucker you are,' pulling my face further onto his cock by my hair.

       Dolly was suddenly next to me whispering insistently in my ear.'Open your throat or you won't be able to fit all of his cock inside your mouth.' she advised 'He's got a good two or three inches still to go. You need to take him into your throat. You have to take all of him in Lady Jennifer, all of him deep into your mouth and throat.' deciding that Dolly probably knew what she was talking about in this case I tried to do as she said. Relaxing my neck and trying to imagining I was swallowing a melon. I felt a slight release in pressure as the cock began to slide down my throat, my gag reflex instinctively trying to expel the intruder as I began to choke. Then strong hands where at the back of my head slowly forcing me inch by inch onto the cock, I could feel it expanding my neck as it filled my throat. I couldn't breathe past the lump of muscle crammed into my throat, I was starting to panic in earnest now. Still more meat slid into my gullet, I wanted to breathe, I had to breathe I felt myself break out into a sweat and my face turning red. Suddenly I felt his balls bouncing against my chin I knew I had taken it all still the pressure remained though.

       'Ah shit that's good.' the fat man was muttering, then he let up on the pressure pulling my head back until the head of his cock was just inside my mouth. I was gasping for breath trying to breath around the cock head in my mouth. My eyes closed tight tears leaking from them.

       'Skull fuck the whore!' I heard Dolly command from beside my ear. I just had time to grab a lungful of air as Fatchly jerked my head forward, his dick sliding straight away deeply into my throat this time. My head only stopping when my ringed nose was buried in his crotch, his smell invading my senses.

       'Skull fuck the bitch!' Dolly said again her voice full of excitement. 'Fuck her pretty face!'        

       He held me like that again, apparently enjoying the sensation of my throat around his cock slowly barely rocking my head on his cock. I just wanted to die.

       'You don't seem to be having fun Whore,' John laughed into my ear, 'Maybe this will help' I felt the unwelcome teasing sensation of the butterfly starting up again this time on a much higher setting. I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head as I became more and more aroused as the butterfly did its devilish work. My mind went from focusing on trying to suck air, as I humiliated myself sucking cock. To a instant state of excitement between my legs. I was unwillingly pushed to increased heights of excitement as it relentlessly teased at my clitoris. I felt my hips move, wiggle and grind as something inside me needed release.        

       My head was pulled back again as the cock slid out I felt drool and spit drop onto my chest. I coughed and gagged as I grabbed another quick breath before I was choked once more by 4 inches of hard cock in my throat. The Whore was excited now emerging from where ever she hid herself, excited by the sensations of the butterfly growing and the unwanted throat fucking I was receiving. The Whore got excited by my humiliation, I realized she loved the feeling of the incessant pleasure buzzing between my legs and wanted to be used and abused. Fatchly had got into a rhythm now pulling out of my throat to allow me to get a breath then plunging himself back inside me. Dolly was happily chanting 'Skull fuck!' over and over in time with his movements next to my ear. In my other ear I heard people laughing and talking about how the stuck-up bitch was a cock sucking whore.        

       The Whore screamed her enjoyment inside my head; as Fatchly plunged himself down into me once more. Holding my hair even tighter, his cock jerking as I felt his hot semen spraying into my throat and sliding down into my stomach. I thought I was going to retch as my pride plummeted. Fatchly sat back, spent for the moment. Dolly cheered at me telling me that I was a natural cock sucker, a true pro. Dolly's approval was echoed by the Whore as she enjoyed my debasement, the horrible taste in my mouth and the sick feeling of Fatchlys disgusting sperm sitting in my stomach.        

       I sat back on my heels panting as I tried to catch my breath, my exposed breasts heaving. I felt so incredibly dirty, perspiration covering my body from my near suffocation. It suddenly occurred to me as I sat there, my right hand was between my legs rubbing myself. I was horribly aroused as the butterfly kept me on the verge of orgasm.

       'Can I play with her for a bit while you recover?' I heard Dolly ask Fatchly, he vaguely waved his permission breathing heavily from the exertion and his orgasm. His limp penis hanging against his slacks.

       'Cool' she exclaimed happily, 'come on Whore lick my pussy I want to cum as well' she grabbed my leash and was pulling over to the large bed. I covered the few paces on my hands and knees and climbed up on it. Dolly was sitting at the top of the bed, her legs spread wide. She pulled my face directly into her bare crotch. 'I've heard you're a great pussy licker whore!' I was so tired, so exhausted and so humiliated what more could these people possible want from me? My mind was under siege by the Whore now, her strength coming from my exhaustion and the incredible pulsing at my crotch. She wanted to suck and fuck, to screw the pretty Dolly and Fat Fatchly all night. To lose ourselves in the pleasure of orgasm and the release of giving up all inhibitions.        

       Not having the strength to resist I let her begin to lick at Dolly's pussy; the Whore was in her debased element now a pussy at my mouth and a vibrator on my clit. In my warping mind my logic became skewed. Fatchly came, if Dolly comes then I will get to cum. This self made promise of a reward drove the Whore with childlike eagerness. Fueled by the strength of her desires my licking became more frenetic, I put my fingers on Dollys inner thighs, using my thumbs to open her leaking slit. The Whore was displaying an expert touch I didn't remember knowing, her thumbs coaxing and teasing Dolly's pussy. My tongue and it's piercing probing and licking the sweet nectar like a hungry dog. Sliding it along and around her clit drawing squeals, sighs and the mumbled shameful compliment of 'good pussy licking whore' from her with each movement.

       The mattress sagging informed me that Fatchly had climbed between my legs as I lay on my front servicing Dolly. It seemed that the lesbian show the Whore was putting on had got him excited enough to join in. I received a hard spank on my ass a sign the Whore knew meant to raise up on my knees. I spread my knees wide as I kept my face in constant contact with Dollys pussy. Fatchly taking the Whores invitation slid open the zip on the front of my hot pants. The cold air on my hot pussy was too much for the Whore.

       'Fuck me, Fuck me Milord!' she begged with my voice. Fatchly not needing any more encouragement grasped my hips firmly and began to slide into me, thrusting a few inches in then pulling back. Getting slightly deeper in me with each thrust as he teased us both and drove my wet face into Dolly. He was even wider than the dildo that had driven me to so many orgasm's the day before, and had already penetrated me just as deeply. Perhaps sensing this he pulled all the way out of me.        

       'Tell me how much you want it Whore' he instructed. The Whore didn't hesitate.

       'Slam your cock into me Milord! Fill me, fill me to the brim, fuck me hard!' He teased me again

       'Now tell me how much you want it Lady Jennifer' he instructed. The Whore didn't hesitate and pleaded for his cock.

       'Oh god fuck, fuck me Milord, fuck me hard, shove it in me Milord, give it to me! Fuck Me! Milord!' I wailed as raucous laughter from somewhere invaded my ear piece. His only answer was to drive into me his considerable weight behind his cock as he pushed deeper into me than any man had before him. I came instantly, a climax that the butterfly had been building for the last twelve hours exploded through me. I couldn't see, I couldn't think. My whole body was shaking as the tension built up over hours exploded out of me in an instant. My face slammed hard into Dollys pussy, my nose against her clitoris as Fatchly relentlessly drove me into her. Dolly wrapped her legs around my head holding me tight to her pussy. Shaking in her own orgasm as she enjoyed the sight of Fatchly pounding my pussy and the feeling of my face in hers. Her cum smothering my face, as I licked hungrily at her juices. Unable to do anything but lick her as I tried to regain control of my body.        

       Fatchly pulled out of me before thrusting deeply once again. He picked up my legs lifting me up my face still held by Dolly's legs, I was like a human arrow pointed at her pussy. He started to really pound at my cunt now. Dolly still had my face pressed tightly against her pussy legs locked around my head. My whole body was a dildo, being hammered into her by Fatchly. She let loose a scream of excitement now. I yelled my own cries into her snatch as I clamped down tightly on Fatchly's wonderfully thick dick as my second orgasm in as many minutes drove sanity from my brain.

      I was lost and confused in the moment, hearing laughter and crude comments about me in one ear. As my subconscious was craving to be fucked. This wasnt funny not funny at all! Why were people laughing at me? I just wanted to cum, cumming was wonderful so so wonderful. My mind started conversations with the voices in my ear and the Whore in my mind. So what if I was a dumb horny bitch? So what if I was a stuck up cunt? At least my cunt was stuffed, at least I was eating pussy. Oh my, oh yes my cunt, I was just a mouth and a cunt wrapped as tightly around Fatchly as Dolly was around me. I barely felt Fatchly's second load of cum spray into my pussy, all I wanted to do now was cum and cum. The Whore wanted more but he grabbed me by my hair, throwing me off of the bed onto the floor as he flopped down next to Dolly exhausted.

       I had been made to watch as Jenifer was first forced to perform fellatio on my former business partner Fatchly. Not only had he swindled me out of millions but he had forced himself on my wife! John Long and Sarah had evidently enjoyed watching my reaction to Jennifer's forced oral servicing of Fatchly, tormenting me as Jennifer debased herself for them by constantly switching my cock ring on and off. Bringing me to the brink of a orgasm repeatedly as the disgusting fat man forced his penis into my wife. I had been forced to watch her throat bulge telling me just how deeply he had pushed himself into her, the unseen director zooming in the cameras to ensure we all got a good view.

       The guests still encircling me at their table were perhaps the worst part of the ordeal, approaching my wifes debasement as if it was some football match, chanting and cheering as Jennifer was forced to swallow more and more of Fatchlys penis. A few mocked me asking if she had ever performed like that for me, whether she had learned her cock sucking skills servicing me as one woman put it. Then we came to the final act when Jennifer shamed me further by begging Fatchly to not just penetrate her but treat her like a common whore at the same time, she was utterly wanton in her desires, how could she disgrace me so? Giving into her lustful urges like some brazen harlot.

       With the action on the huge screen now over Sarah stood up tapping her wine glass with a fork to gain the guests attention.

       'Well I hope you all enjoyed our little after dinner film' she mocked looking gleefully in my direction, a smattering of applause greeted her remarks indicating the guests had indeed enjoyed their after dinner entertainment, seeing my wife becoming little more than a brazen slut had evidently been a interesting diversion.

       'As you know Jennifer's little show was in punishment for her failure in the first trial and well we wouldn't want her husband to feel left out now would we?' she proclaimed, suddenly all eyes turned to me the rotating plinth I was on gave me a panoramic view of the expressions of sadistic glee appearing on the guests faces as the wondered what was in store for me.

       I felt like a pig selected for that evenings roast, a feeling reinforced by my position trussed over a stool on display to all and as utterly helpless as a lamb brought to slaughter.

       'I admit we did have some trouble deciding what his punishment would be, so many ideas were put forward by you our guests and our Internet audience.' They were allowing the guests to design my forfeit? I shuddered to  think what these degenerates would suggest especially after their obvious enjoyment of Jennifer's debasement, there could be no limits to the tortures they would enjoy seeing me endure. 'We decided in the end to go for something a little slower paced to begin with, perhaps loosen our David up a little' she grinned evilly at this last remark as if enjoying a inside joke at my expense 'So we have decided to go with the idea suggested by Mr and Mrs Roman, stand up and take a bow please' A middle aged couple at the far end of the table stood up a took a quick bow to the polite applause of the rest of the guests.

       Slowly the platform I was attached to came to a halt leaving me pointed towards the screen, forcing me to take in the picture of Jennifer sprawled across the floor her encounter clearly having exhausted her. My humiliation at having my wife behave so outrageously blossomed in me again had she always been this way? Why hadn't I seen  this part of her before? My musings were interrupted by the sound of the doors behind opening and something being wheeled into the room to the applause of the guests. I could hear whatever it was that was to form the centerpiece of my forfeit trundling into place behind me, judging by the sound it must weigh a ton! It seemed that they were happy with it's position as I felt hands at my ankles unlocking the cuffs attaching me to the stool and then re-locking me into them so my ankles were locked to each other.

       'I'm going to enjoy watching your forfeit Wench. I don't think you'll ever be quite the same again once you've enjoyed a few hours on our little loosener.' The dark Dolly whispered into my ear her voice dripping with sadistic glee.

       My preoccupation with Jennifer's behavior disappeared as I felt a cold sweat break out across my skin at the Dolly's words she seemed to delight in seeing myself and Jennifer humiliated and degraded. Anything that could make her so happy wouldn't be pleasant for me. Dolly was unlocking my wrists now once they were free she cuffed them together behind my back, pulling my shoulders back thrusting my fake breasts out in front of me as I was lifted of the stool. Her firm grip on my shoulders holding me upright. At first I refused to turn around scared of what was in store for me trying to delay the inevitable a little longer. My brief resistance was abruptly snuffed out by Dolly simply reaching down between my legs and taking a firm grip on the plastic prison encasing my penis, using it as a handle to position me. I blushed crimson at her casual manipulation of my most private area she seemed oblivious to my humiliation which only increased my shame.

       With Dolly's iron grip on my manhood pulling me along I was forced into stumbling totter as I tried to keep up with her in my ridiculous heels. Unable to use my hands for balance I nearly crashed into the back of Dolly when she stopped next to the device. With a quick grin of anticipation over her shoulder at me Dolly stepped aside to give me my first look at my punishment. At first glance it seemed innocuous enough simply a L shaped piece of machinery, with a 2 foot square platform mounted on runners  to the base of the L so it could slide back and forward about a foot. On the back of the device was a motor of some kind which was obviously there to provide power, sticking out of the vertical section of the L about 2 feet above the little platform was what looked like five or six bright red balls glued to each other increasing in size as they got closer to the back of the device. A shove from Dolly sent me stumbling the last few steps to the device, just as I brought myself to a halt I again felt her hands on me manhandling me, accepting the inevitable I let myself be positioned according to her whims.

       Dolly's hand on the back of my neck guided me up on to the platform steering me as if I was a errant schoolboy late for class, as I tried to balance on the platform I noticed four straps attached it's base a few inches away from each corner.

       'Kneel' Dolly's harsh voice whispered into my ear, almost without thinking I gratefully fell to my knees sparing my feet the further torture of trying to stand in my heels. With my back to the vertical part of the device, Dolly began positioning my legs into the straps one around each ankle and one just below each knee holding my lower legs flat to the platform with my knees pulled apart by about two feet. I began to feel the first waves of anxiety running through my chest now. I was firmly attached to the device and with my hands cuffed behind me there was no way I could escape from the device without help. Help which judging from the anticipation on the faces of the crowd hemming me in was unlikely to be coming.

       Sarah appeared in front of me now holding what looked like a six inch wide piece of thick leather in her hands with some lengths of thin chain hanging from it, she was reaching down to fasten it around my neck.

       'Tilt you head back' She ordered, when I didn't move quick enough she sent a exasperated look to Dolly who simply placed her hands on my forehead pulling my head back so I was now staring at the ceiling. I felt Sarah place the collar around my neck the front part of it reaching from my collarbone up to underneath my chin pushing my head back allowing Dolly to pull my fake hair out of the way and tighten the attached straps behind my neck to hold it in place. I felt one buckle pulled tight then another then a third, Dolly re tightening each in turn to ensure there was no give in them. I could feel my pulse pounding now against the inside of the collar my feelings of being trapped and surrounded increased by the slight restriction in my breathing it caused. I could feel Dolly's hands behind me now pulling one of the chains attached to the back of my collar down attaching it to center of the chain holding my wrists together pulling them painfully up my back.

       I was almost panicking now squirming against my bonds as I tried to get free. Sarah watched me writhe for a moment before fishing the remote control for my cock ring from her pocket.

       'Ah our little wench seems a little uncomfortable' she cooed eliciting scattered laughter from the guests 'perhaps this will distract him' she added raising the remote and aiming it at me as if it were a gun. I tensed bracing myself for the agony of he punishment setting but it was the massager that started up as her thumb pressed the button. At first the sensations were merely distracting but as the speed increased I felt myself becoming increasingly aroused, my cock ring had been intermittently massaging me for almost 24 hours now slowly little by little eroding the restraint instilled into one of my upbringing. For the first time since my teens I felt the hand of lust grip me. The need for release like a weight on my chest. I was becoming desperate for release. I could feel hands on me bending me forward and securing the chain from the front of the collar to the platform, forcing me to bring my head down and my backside up, the position holding my spine horizontal with the collar holding my chin up so I could only stare directly ahead.

       It was then Sarah leaned down in front of me, the expression on her face wasn't showing hate or disgust as I had expected but rather amusement at my predicament. I felt myself begin to blush in shame the sensation starting at my forehead and running down across my chest, I could perhaps have dealt with her looking down on me but I had fallen even further than that! In her eyes I was merely entertainment now, a particularly amusing animal to be shown off to her friends or in this case the guests and the Internet audience. Try as I might to fight it, the feelings of humiliation burning through me were combining with the powerful sensations coming from my groin increasing my arousal.

       Now that the second chain had been connected I could barely move, my lower legs were utterly immobile attached as they were to the platform underneath me, I was forced to pull my arms up my back to reduce the tightness of the collar around my neck which even if I pushed my hands as far up my back as I could my head was still pulled back and looking straight ahead. I could do nothing to halt the cock rings stimulation of my groin it's insistent massaging dragging me slowly and inexorably towards a very public orgasm, but I found myself resisting less and less, in fact I started waggling my hips as much as my restraints would allow trying to push myself over the edge into ecstasy.

       The crowd around me seemed to think my antics were hilarious snapping pictures of me on cameras to preserve my moment of shame for posterity. I was grunting around the gag holding my mouth open now. I was becoming even more frantic in my attempts to achieve orgasm. Finally I felt the tightness in my testicles increase indicating my imminent release. Then without warning my cock ring suddenly switched into punishment mode hundreds of little pins were suddenly pressed against my engorged and horribly sensitive penis, I let out a howl of shock and pain, drool spraying from my mouth and dripping down over my chin. My impending orgasm suddenly halted by the agony enveloping my penis I felt tears begin to form in my eyes at the denial of my release and the pain shooting through my penis. It wasn't fair! I had been so close and now I had publicly shamed myself even further, the guests were in uproar now the denial of my orgasm was hilarious as far as they were concerned. I saw more cameras raised to get a shot of my tear stained face. Blessedly the cock ring had turned off after a few seconds leaving me with tears slowly rolling down my face accompanied by a pathetic mewling that was coming from my mouth as I tried to get my breathing under control my chest heaving as I sucked in lung fulls of air.

       'I should get used to that experience Wench' Dolly was whispering in my ear her body out of sight behind me, 'your cock ring will be randomly running you through a pleasure/pain cycle for the foreseeable future' I gulped at the implications of her words I was going to have to endure that experience again? How many times would I be denied a orgasm? Would they keep me like this applying pain and pleasure in equal amounts for the rest of the upcoming trials? Sarah had lent down in front of me her face so close to mine that I could smell her sweet perfume even over my own stink.

       'It seems you do have a libido after all David, when we were married I often thought you were gay you showed so little interest in me. Perhaps it's only bound like this that your animal side comes out? Or maybe it's all these men eying your helpless body that gets you excited?' Waving her arm too indicate the male members of the audience looking at me with what I can only describe as lust in their eyes.

       Carefully she began to remove my nose jewelery making sure it was safely placed into the bag at her feet, I was glad to be rid of the accursed sign but I doubted she had removed it for my benefit. My gag was removed next the ring pulled from behind my teeth and I could finally move my jaw, my respite was brief though as another gag was brought in front of my face the side closest me had a small black bulb which was quickly pushed into my mouth. The gag wrapping tightly around the lower half of my face as if molded especially for me, from underneath my chin up to just below my nose and also down each side of my face as far as my ears was encased in black rubber. Looking down my nose at the gag I saw that there was a large black penis molded to the front of it from my point of view it looked huge at least 7 or 8 inches long and at least 2 inches wide. Once Dolly had buckled it behind my head Sarah began pumping the bulb inside my mouth, expanding it until it my tongue was squashed against the base of my mouth and my cheeks were sandwiched between the inner and outer parts of the gag.

       I felt the Dolly behind me attach something to my handcuff chain pulling my hands back towards the machinery behind me. Sarah stepped back running her eyes over my bondage ensuring everything was in place. Lastly she detached the pump she had used to inflate my gag after giving it a couple more squeezes just to be sure my mouth was full, finally nodding to herself she waved a carry on motion to Dolly. I felt soft vibrations through the platform as the motor behind me started up, though I could barely hear it's quiet purr even as close as I was. Slowly now the platform I was on began to slide backwards it's movement barely noticeable, I felt what I assumed were Dolly's hands on my hips positioning them at just the right angle for what I wondered? Then I felt something with a slippery plastic texture touch my anus, I immediately tried to squirm out of the way but my bondage held me fast I couldn't pull away due to the chain from my wrists holding me fast to the machine and Dolly's hands prevented any side to side movement.

       Slowly I felt the pressure on my anus increase as the machine kept reeling me in then I remembered the chain of red balls that was attached to the machine. It must be that which I was slowly being dragged onto by the unrelenting device.

       'As I'm sure you've noticed Wench' Sarah began 'you have a stick of latex balls pressing against your ass, the first is only 1/2 an inch in diameter, the second is a inch, the third is 1 and a 1/2 inches , the fourth is a nice snug 2 inches and number five is extra special a rather sizable 3 inches!' Three inches! they meant to split me in half! surely they were bluffing. I felt the first ball pop inside me right then, the insistent pressure had eventually increased past my resistance. I tried to expel it but no matter how I jerked and squirmed I couldn't remove it, then I felt the second ball begin to press against me intent on following the first inside me.

       'Yes thats right you can't move far enough away to pull it from your ass, now stop squirming it's tiresome and I don't want you to wear yourself out to soon' she continued in a bored tone of voice, unperturbed by my attempts to escape my anal intruder she continued. 'Don't worry the machine will stop pulling your as onto the balls now, we have a much more entertaining method of making sure your ass gets stuffed with them, Dolly if you'd demonstrate please?'

       Dolly hurried round in front of me bending forward at the waist and hitching her skirt up, displaying that unsurprisingly she wasn't wearing any underwear, her bare ass and sex filled my vision. She slowly began to back up reaching between her legs to guide the tip of the dildo in front of me into her always ready vagina. As she slowly began to push her hips back, her pussy lips sliding slowly down the dildo towards my face she began to grunt contentedly to herself enjoying the sensation as she filled her sex with the black rubber dildo. Soon it was completely engulfed by her vagina, her labia separated from my lips by only the thickness of the rubber surrounding my lower jaw and she pressed her anus happily onto the tip of my nose. Gently she began to slide forward along the dildo seemingly trying to make the process last as long as possible as she teased herself with every inch of it, leaving it glistening with her juices as she pulled herself away from me until just the tip was inside her still.

       'You see Wench we could just let the machinery skewer you onto the that rather uncomfortable dildo behind you, but that seemed a bit to clinical' Sarah announced speaking for the guests and the thousands of Internet viewers benefit as much as my own. 'So we thought why not add a little audience participation? So we set up a ratchet on our little device so that each millimeter you move onto the ball dildo you stay there. That way we could get twice the fun out of your forfeit, Dolly if you would please?' Apparently Dolly had been waiting for her cue and pushed herself back onto the dildo as hard and fast as she could, slamming into me and in turn pushing me onto the dildo behind me. I felt the second ball pop inside me from the force of her thrust.

       Dolly was just getting started though grunting as she slammed back and forth on the dildo, with each movement I could feel the third ball push slowly into my sphincter each thrust spreading my anus wider and wider. I could tell from Dolly's squeals and grunts that she had already cum once, the excitement of fucking herself with the huge dildo increased immeasurably by the pain she was causing my virgin asshole. Just when I thought the third ball would just keep stretching my sphincter it plopped inside me, giving me a not uncomfortable feeling of being full back there. Dolly produced yet another orgasm her knees shaking as she slowly slid off of the dildo to gasp for breath on the floor. I was surrounded by the smell of her sex now the dildo dripping with her juices, then I saw one of the female guests reach down to run her hand along Dolly's dripping vagina licking each digit clean as she shuddered with pleasure. A few of the guests unable to resist the sight of Dolly quickly pulled her into the crowd out of my sight. Her happy mewling emerging from behind the wall of people informing me that whatever they were doing with her she was a willing participant.

       'Well it seems Dolly only managed to expand his little hole to a inch and a half' Sarah announced slipping easily into the role of commentator. 'Does anyone think they can do better than this slut' she exclaimed indicating Dolly who was still lying on the floor seemingly oblivious to the woman eagerly lapping the juices from her swollen vagina.

       'My pet will try' said a tall man at the back of the room pushing a petite mini skirted young woman to the front, she couldn't have been more that twenty years old. I saw her turn to give the man pushing her forward a pleading look but seeing the resolute look on his face continued to make her way to the front. As she emerged from the crowd I got my first proper look at her, she was wearing a pink latex strapless mini dress so short and tight that it was obvious she was naked underneath. She tottered towards me on a pair of leather high heels, so tall that they were probably second only to my own in discomfort, especially as they looked even to my eyes to be at least two sizes too small.

       She bent down in front of me flicking her blond hair away from her face to inspect the dildo closely, nervousness showing on her face at the thought of what she was about to do. Around her neck was a thin black choker with a small silver plaque on the front bearing the name "Trixi" her name I assumed. As she straightened up I caught a glimpse of the bumps her nipples were making in the latex of her dress, it seemed despite her nervousness she was excited by something was it the sight if my bondage or what she was about to do I wondered? She turned back to the crowd meeting the eye of the man who had pushed her forward and began to slide her dress up her hips. Taking her time, obviously putting on a show for the tall man, she inched the stretchy fabric up her thighs and over her pert backside the latex gripping her rear tightly as she pulled it over the pale skin. I felt myself start to fill the inside of the cock ring my penis pressing tightly against the sides, this tiny little thing was exciting me in a way that not many women ever had. I think it was the way she seemed so sweet and innocent but yet was about to do something so wanton that it tapped into some primal part of my brain.

       The remote in Sarah's hand gave our a little beep as it registered my excitement, she glanced down raising her eyebrow ever so slightly as she absorbed the information. My arousal ended with that small movement, the idea that Sarah knew the lustful thoughts going through my head was like a bucket of cold water to the face quenching my desire immediately.

       'I think the Wench likes his new playmate' Sarah announced to the crowd, increasing my humiliation even further.

       The girl was now timidly backing towards me and the dildo in my gag, gently she guided it her sex. She seemed to be having trouble accommodating it, stopping and starting as she slid her sex towards me. When she was about halfway, the tall man  his patience exhausted stepped forward and began to whisper into her ear.

       'My pet you will take all of that dildo and you will fuck the Wench so hard that you push that fourth ball deep inside his asshole. I don't care if you have to spend all night reaming your cunt raw, do you understand?' through the dildo gag I could feel the shudder his harsh instructions caused in the girl. I could just make out her nod of agreement past the curve of her pale ass. 'But you have embarrassed me in front of my peers with your display of resistance so I'm afraid I must punish you my pet.' From his pocket he produced a foot long chain, on one end was a metal weight about the size of a egg the other ended in a harsh looking clip. He reached underneath her to slide her dress down to expose her pert breasts then without hesitation clipped the chain onto her nipple dropping the attached weight as soon as it was secure. Trixi let out yelp of pain as the weight reached the end of its chain yanking hard on her breast it was the first noise I had heard her make. Pulling a second chain from his pocket the man attached this to her other nipple causing a second quieter yelp.

       'And to prove I'm serious about you staying there all night' he continued, addressing Trixie in the same harsh whisper. He bent down angrily pulling her ankles back until they were against the front corners of the frame my device was mounted on. Securing each ankle to the frame with a short length of rope. He wasn't finished yet picking up one of the pairs of cuffs that had secured me to the stool, he pulled her hands down in front of her and quickly snapped the cuffs around her wrists. Pulling another length of rope from his pocket the tied one end to the cuffs, the other to the mid point of the bar her legs were lashed to. Satisfied she was secured tightly he stood up to address the guests.

       'My Slave Trixi has volunteered,' he announced attaching heavy irony to the last word. 'To use her lithe little body to ram the fourth ball inside Wench! She promises to keep going until she has achieved this goal no matter how long it may take!' The crowd were clapping appreciatively at this perhaps realizing that watching two people suffer for their entertainment would be better than just one.

       Trixi perhaps realizing that the tall man had meant his threat to keep her here until she had completed her task, began pushing herself towards me wiggling her hips as she tried to take all of the dildo. I could see that even the tiniest movement set the weights on her nipples swinging wildly. Finally her backside was pressed up against me, her light flowery scent filling my nostrils its sweetness a relief after Dolly's musky aroma. Slowly at first she began to rock back and forth about a inch. This had no effect on the dildo behind me, she was going to have to be a lot more energetic if she wanted to please her master. Trixi was beginning to make her thrusts longer and faster now, I felt the pressure increase on my anus ever so slightly as she began to make some progress. The crowd were now clapping in time with each movement now, excited by the spectacle poor Trixi was putting on I assumed. I could imagine how she looked face screwed up in concentration around her button nose, as she tried to keep up her pace. The weights on her nipples were increasing their motion ,and I assumed the pain, with every thrust she made.

       Trixi was breathing heavily now more due to excitement than tiredness, as she had barely stretched me at all. Her grunts were increasing in pace now as she began to get closer to orgasm.

       'Oh my god Master!' she was shouting now 'I'm going to cum, please may I cum!' the tall man had stepped forward again and was squatting in front of her his relaxed pose a start contrast to her madly thrusting body. Obviously enjoying dragging out her torment he simply stood there.

       'Please, please, please I can't hold on. Please!' she was begging now, her words running into each other in her desperation. The crowd were silent for once so intent on poor Trixi that the clapping had stopped. Still studying her intently the tall man slowly nodded once, giving his permission.

       'Thaaank yoooou!' Trixi exclaimed, stretching the words out as she pushed back into me as hard as she could. Her soaking vagina spasming less than a inch from me, as her orgasm shuddered its way through her body. For a moment everything was still as the crowd took in the scene, then the cheering broke out. Trixi was still pressing back against me gasping for breath.

       'I didn't say you could stop fucking pet!' the tall man thundered, his face inches from Trixi's 'Stop once more before you have fucked that fourth ball deep inside him, and I'll add another set of weights to your tits! And another after that! Am I understood!'        

       'Yes master!' Trixi managed to squeak out, starting to move again.

       'Good,' he had moved behind me now inspecting her progress 'you're about a quarter of the way there. You may cum if you need to but you may not stop.' Trixi stepped up her pace once more, starting to really pound me backwards, I was amazed at the ferocity coming from her slight frame. Noticing Sarah was standing just to the side of me, I looked up just in time to see her activate her remote once more. Again I felt the massager start up, I began to tense anticipating my impending humiliation either from a forced public orgasm or the pain of it's denial.

       Trixi was well on her way to her second orgasm, her pace frenetic as she approached release. My own orgasm was so close, the sight of her fucking herself raw on the dildo an inch from face was reaching down into the animal part of my brain. Leaving me breathless with need. I was completely trapped unable to give myself the orgasm I so badly needed or touch the tainted angel in front of me. The slow stretching of my asshole was adding a undercurrent of pain to the pleasure provided by my massager. Trixi was shouting and swearing announcing her orgasm to the appreciative audience the sight of her quivering body taking me right to the edge of what was surely to be a monumental orgasm, any second now I thought. Then horribly my pleasure was blanked out by a tidal wave of pain as again I felt the needles pressing into my engorged member, the feeling as if my most sensitive area had been bitten by a thousand fire ants.

       The audience broke into gales of laughter as tears began to flow down my cheeks. The pain wiping out any thoughts of Trixi's orgasm or the constant pain from my ever widening anus. I could feel my pride slowly shrinking with my erection leaving a hollow sensation in my chest. Shame and self loathing filled the hole as the guests derision reached new heights. Their schoolyard taunts of 'crybaby' and 'does wench want her mommy' hitting me like body blows pushing the air from my lungs. I gasped trying to suck in more oxygen around the gag filling my mouth. I tried to focus on something, anything else to distract myself and prevent my growing anxiety attack. The only thing I could see was the pert globes of Trixi's backside. She was using the audiences preoccupation with me to pause for a moment and enjoy the after glow of her orgasm, not all eyes were on me though.

       'I warned you slut!' The man yelled pushing forward again. Pulling another pair of the egg shaped weights from his pocket, he angrily hooked them on to her nipple chains.

       'Please master, they're too heavy!' Trixi begged, holding absolutely still so as not to set the weights swinging.

       'Be quiet slut and do as you're told' The man replied utterly unmoved by her pleading.

       'I can't, please.' Trixi mewled pathetically.

       'I've had enough of your pathetic whining slut. Are you trying to embarrass me in front of my friends? Well I'll teach you not to speak back to me.' He said undoing the buckle to the thick leather belt he wore. At first I thought he meant to beat her with it, then he unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out. Reaching forward he wrapped his fingers in her hair, pushing his cock into her mouth. 'Any more comments slut?' he mocked.

       He was slowly pushing his cock deeper into poor Trixie's mouth now evidently enjoying the sensation of violating her throat with his cock. She was gagging and thrashing wildly as she tried to drag a breath of air past the 10 inches of cock rammed deeply into her gullet. Instinctively she began to push back against me attempting to remove the invading member from her airway. The round cheeks of her backside were filling my vision, as her pussy swallowed the whole length of the dildo on my gag. Trixie's fevered attempts to escape her masters cock were pushing me back relentlessly onto the dildo behind me. The ever increasing diameter of the ball stretching my asshole painfully. I was trying to scream at her to stop but the dual obstructions of the gag in my mouth and the twin globes of Trixie's ass were muffling my pleas. Finally the pain reached it's peak and the two inch diameter of the ball was pushed past my sphincter into my increasingly full ass. I was sure I had torn something back there. The continued throbbing of my anus and the full feeling in bowels was a horrible reminder that before my task was complete I would need to accommodate the next even bigger ball in my ass.

       The tall man had pulled his cock out of Trixie's throat and was masturbating feverishly as he took in the vision of her pained exhaustion and my confinement. Evidently the spectacle in front of him met with his approval as within a few moments he came with a grunt spraying his semen across Trixie's face. After taking a moment to use the head of his cock to smear his sperm across her mouth and nose he untied her from the frame. He dragged her up in front of him so he could admire his decoration of her face. Idly toying with the weights still swaying from her nipples as he did.

       'I think we'll leave those on for a while my dear,' he announced to her evident dismay. 'remind you who is Master and who is the pet eh?' Taking a moment to refasten her cuffs behind he back, presumably to stop her using her hands to alleviate the weight on her distended nipples or clean the slowly drying semen from her face, he lead her away her dress still bunched around her waist displaying the reddened puffy lips of her vagina.

       'Now Wench as I'm sure you've realized that the last ball is going to be a bit more difficult than the last couple so we thought we'd let you take your time over it.' Sarah announced to me and the  watching guests. 'You see we're going to leave the machine on automatic. It is programmed to slowly slide the full length of that dildo in and out of your backside every half hour or so. I wonder what it will feel like as it slowly impales you millimeter by millimeter?  Mercilessly stretching your sphincter and then once the whole thing is inside you. You'll have its return journey to look forward to!' She was obviously trying to scare me, but despite my efforts to remain calm it was working. I was trapped and helpless forced to endure whatever sick punishments she and the audience dreamed up. Perhaps worst of all I knew that the depravity I had so far endured was only the tip of the iceberg. I was sure I would have to endure even worse degradation and abuse before this nightmare was over.

       The machine started up again, the vibrations of it's motor passing through the dildo into my anus. My cock ring started up almost simultaneously also, but as pleasurable as its massaging effect was I knew that it would only lead to pain not pleasure. At first I felt no change and my spirits began to rise, perhaps the machine was broken? Horribly though after a few seconds I began to feel the pressure on my anus noticeably increase. My discomfort slowly but inexorably increasing. I realised that the slow setting wasn't designed to spare  me any suffering. The slower the machine moved the more distress it cause as drew out the torture and with it my feelings of helplessness. I was a slave to this unfeeling machine now its sole purpose to torture and humiliate me. The guests began to leave the hall apparently content to watch my torture from their rooms as the enjoyed god knows what other perversions available to them. Soon I was alone with the machine, although the glowing red lights of the cameras focused on me made sure I was not unobserved. How many were watching now as I was forced to endure torture and humiliation for their gratification? All thoughts of my audience disappeared from my mind as the dildo began to make it's presence truly felt as the walls of my anus were forced apart to make room for its latest and largest invader.

       I was sure the widest part of the last ball was at my sphincter now, but I had been sure before and yet the tension in my ass always got worse the the pain and pressure always slowly increasing. Despite my belief that I had been stretched to my maximum. My cock ring was also running constantly now bringing me to the brink of orgasm before dragging me back down as it inflicted agony on my most sensitive organ. Then the pleasure cycle would start up again immediately giving me no time to collect my wits. Time seemed to stretch as the intensity of  the sensations increased. The never ending cycle of pleasure and pain in my groin coupled with increasing pain as I was robotically sodomised by the increasingly larger balls. Underneath these sensations was the ever present tension in my nipples as the weights in my fake breasts pulled on them. Suddenly I felt the tension on my sphincter decrease. My buttocks where pressing against the backboard of the machine now informing me that I had taken the whole length of it inside my bowels spasmed as the tried to accommodate the rubber intruder forced inside me. My relief was short lived though as Sarah's words came back to me I had only completed one leg of the dildos journey. Soon in mere seconds perhaps it would be forcibly dragged out of me and then once again I would be slowly impaled upon it. This realisation that my torment wouldn't end until I was released from the machine destroyed my last vestige of self control as I began to weep uncontrollably.


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