BDSM Library - Mike and Peggy

Mike and Peggy

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Peggy is the ultimate--a tease and denial cheerleader!

Mike had met Peggy when they were both in their junior year at the University. They met because Mike was an also-ran on the football team and Peggy was a cheerleader, definitely not an also-ran! Since Mike didn't play much, he often got to chat with Peggy on the sidelines. He had an immense crush on her from the outset.

Mike was not a typical jock. He wasn't overly big, certainly not for a football player, but had a good build and was rather good looking, but pretty shy and didn't have much of a positive self-image.

Peggy was another matter. She was the best looking of all the cheerleaders and was very shapely to boot. Peggy was always very friendly towards Mike, not stuck up like most of the other cheerleaders, but she seemed pretty uninterested. He had asked her out several times, but she'd always had some reason she couldn't go. She was so nice about it, he couldn't tell if he'd just had bad luck with his timing or if he was plain wasting his time.

Mike was about to give up and just let it go, but he decided he'd give it one more try. He was very glad he did. Peggy said yes, "I was afraid you wouldn't ask again, again. Every time you have, I've been tied up. I was afraid you'd think I didn't want to go out, but I really do."

Mike was ecstatic. He was on cloud nine as they parted. They had arranged to meet that weekend. On their first date Mike was a complete gentleman. They hit it off very well and were both clearly enjoying being together. As he returned her to her house she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and quickly let herself in, leaving him on the porch. "Call me," she called as the door shut. And so it started.

Mike was quite sure he was falling in love, one date or not, he was sure. Call he did and the two of them went out regularly from then on. Mike felt like he was more serious about her than the other way around, but maybe that was just because he felt an average guy like him was so fortunate to be going with such a beauty!

Their physical relationship built very slowly, partly because Mike didn't want to blow it by being too aggressive, but also because he could sense that Peggy was in charge in that area, period. Oh sure they hugged and held hands and kissed a bit, but Mike would certainly have liked things to progress more rapidly.

After a while, most of their dates included some serious necking, and Peggy would let Mike play with her breasts a little, but only through her clothes. She was always touching him though, and especially liked to stroke the inside of his thigh while he was driving, but never quite high enough to touch him where he so badly wanted her to. Close, but not quite. It resulted in Mike going home after almost every date with a real case of blue balls.

This torturously slow (at least to Mike) build in their physical relationship was exacerbated because the only place they had privacy was in Mike's car.

The house she lived in was a sorority and he lived in a dorm. They'd been going together since football, and for over two months Mike had gotten nothing but aching balls out of their dating. Not that he minded too much. By now he knew he was madly in love, and Peggy certainly seemed very attracted to him. They had progressed to the point where she would occasionally let him get his hand inside her blouse, even inside her bra, but he still hadn't made any more progress than that. She would rub his cock and balls a bit, but again, only through his clothes.

As they headed into winter quarter things changed somewhat. It was a huge step, in Mike's mind, but in reality nothing had actually changed. He'd been trying to get his hand into Peggy's pants since she first let him feel her breasts. Finally she let him undo her jeans and slip his hand down there and put his finger inside her. She even guided his hand so that she was getting good stimulation to her clit and reached a very satisfying orgasm. Mike however was required to keep his pants done up and while Peggy was now usually bringing him much closer to cumming, she still did so only through his clothes. The situation had not gotten better for Mike, quite the opposite. Peggy was now getting orgasms from their relationship and he was getting worse blue balls than ever. His not too subtle hints that he'd love a hand job met with a giggled response that strung him on, like, "Not just yet Mike, not just yet."

For nearly six months they had been dating. Peggy was getting off regularly, but he'd still never had her undressed, just un-done. And he still ended every date with a severe ache and nothing more. His only relief was going home afterward, and nearly wearing his cock out with his own hand as he fantasized over her. The first big hope Mike had that this might all change happened when school got out that spring. He moved into a house with two other guys, and they each had their own room! Peggy was always comfortable at the house, but she had managed to avoid being in Mike's room with the door closed. "Your roommates," she'd say.

Mike was going nuts. Finally Mike saw a chance for his big break. His two roommates were going camping for the coming weekend. Mike called Peggy and told her the news. After hemming and hawing a while he final managed to get out his question, "Peggy, please spend the weekend here with me. My roomies won't be home until Sunday!" He was almost begging.

Mike almost fainted at her reply. "I'd love to," she said. "Mike, MIKE," Peggy finally said very loudly when after a very long time he hadn't responded at all.

"Uh, well, GREAT!" he finally got out. She just laughed.

"But Mike, on Friday, we're going to talk about some rules. If you can't or won't promise me that you'll follow them, then I'm not going to stay. Understand?"

"Sure Peggy, whatever you say. I'm just so glad you are willing to stay," Mike said, not believing his good fortune. Finally things seemed to be looking up.

Mike thought Friday would never arrive, but finally it did. Six o'clock rolled around and the doorbell rang. Mike nearly ran through the house to get it. As he opened the door he nearly gasped. There she stood, looking sexier than ever!

It was unseasonably warm and Peggy had on a short tee that showed her midriff, and a very sexy pair of shorts. It was very obvious that Peggy did not have a bra under the tee, something Mike had never seen her do before. Because of the weather Mike was just wearing cutoffs.

Mike asked her in. He'd spent the whole day cleaning up the place; after all, three college guys lived there.

"What did you get for dinner?" she asked. Hell, he'd spent all day getting ready, he never even though of food. Rather sheepishly he confessed there wasn't anything to eat in the house. She led him by the hand and they drove to the store. They returned quite a while later with enough for an army to make it through the weekend. Mike didn't care that he'd just blown half a month's food budget for one weekend. She was going to be there the whole time!

Peggy fixed him a very nice dinner; she was obviously a good cook. They had rented a movie too, and after dinner he popped it in the DVD player. It was a chick flick, very romantic. She was sniffling before it was over. She was also allowing him free access to her unencumbered young bosom and he was taking full advantage of the situation. She was in return doing a good job of teasing him through his shorts, which were in serious danger of bursting!

Things went about like usual, except when he tried, Peggy let Mike get his hands under her shirt and feel her naked tits. He damn near went crazy. They felt so good! Of course this just made Mike as hard as a rock and Peggy was touching, stroking and teasing his cock and balls more than ever before.

Mike was dying to fuck her. He had always been careful not to go too far, too fast, but now he couldn't help it. Peggy got a big smile on her face as she reached over and paused the movie, "Mike, remember I said there were some rules we need to talk about?"

"Yeah, sure I remember," lying through his teeth. It was the absolute last thing he remembered right then.

"There is something you really need to know. I do NOT intend to have sex with you!"

Mike was crushed, and he looked it. "You mean you're a virgin?"

"I mean, I do NOT intend to have sex with you! Frankly, I like you a lot and I need to be sure it isn't sex, but me you are interested in," she said a little frostily. "You've been a real gentleman, until now. It's one of the reasons I like you so much." She smiled so broadly as she said this that the room got brighter. "But if that is a problem, you'd better just tell me! Because if I can't trust you to completely honor that, then I'm leaving. And you will really need to prove to me that you mean it."

Mike caught on to the fact that she hadn't answered his question about being a virgin. He knew she had dated other athletes and had heard rumors, but that didn't mean much. Mike decided that to push it any further would be very stupid. Mike was not very experienced, but he wasn't a virgin either.

"NO, uh . . .no, that's not a problem. I understand and respect that," he lied. He might respect her, but not that! And he damn sure didn't understand. But he wasn't going to risk losing her either.

She grabbed him and kissed him passionately, pressing her thinly clad breasts against his naked chest. His cock was about to burst his zipper and she ground against that too.

"Mike, I trust you, you know I do. If you can live with me not being willing to have sex, then I'd really like to spend the whole weekend together. I really mean it, I like you a lot, you know. And there are lots of ways we can have a great time together without going all the way!" She smiled so brightly that Mike thought he might die. No matter that he might not get laid, she just made it clear that things in his sex life were going to improve dramatically, or so he thought.

They watched the rest of the movie, Peggy letting him have his way with her bare breasts and continuing to torment his cock and balls through his clothes, but still not undoing his cutoffs.

As the movie ended, it was rather late. Peggy had started to smile and giggle and was clearly in a good mood. The movie had a happy ending. She turned to Mike and wrapped her arms around him and hugged and kissed him. She was a passionate, and outstanding kisser. Just that was enough to make him hard, but his cock felt like iron as she whispered, "Let's go to bed."

Since his brain had stopped working, and his cock was the only organ left 'thinking' he erroneously assumed she had already changed her mind. He almost dragged her to the bedroom. He got to the bed, which conveniently wasn't made, so he didn't have to even turn it down. He lay down and pulled her down on top of him. After a few minutes of more kissing she started to laugh gently, "Were you planning that we both sleep with all our clothes on?" As she finished the rhetorical question she sat up and pulled her shirt off over her head. Mike's eyes were transfixed as he tried to absorb the glorious view right in front of him. He just stared, slack jawed.

Finally, without laughing, but it was just under the surface, she said, "I normally sleep in just my panties when it's this warm. How about you?" As she finished that she started to remove her shorts. She revealed a very skimpy pair of frilly thong panties.

Mike could hardly move air in and out of his lungs. He was incapable of cogent speech at this point. Finally he croaked some incomprehensible 'uh's, a single 'er I' and a couple of 'well's. Now Peggy could not contain the laughter.

At last, his embarrassment showing, he allowed as how, "I normally sleep naked."

"Well, I think in the interest of safety, we'd better have you keep your Jockeys on, but come over here and I'll help with your shorts. I think your little problem may make it difficult to get them off alone!" She was still unable to fully stop laughing.

Once Mike was standing there in just his Jockey shorts, Peggy let out an "Oooo!" and started to trace his throbbing shaft with her fingers. His cock was nearly, but not quite peeking out the top of his shorts. She scratched his balls and placed her hand against the front of his cock and pressed while she moved it up and down very slowly. Mike was so close to cumming that when she stopped completely, he groaned out loud. If she had kept it up for just a few more seconds, Mike would have cum. They both knew that. He looked down at her face and she was already looking up at his, with a smile he'd never seen before. "Nice, very nice," was all she said, and that in a husky whisper.

"Get into bed, I'll get the lights," she said. He lay down and she bounced around the room, flaunting her beauty. There was no other word for it. When she finished the room had some dim light filtering in from another part of the house. Just enough to barely see, but that was all. As she approached the bed, Mike could see her slip off her panties. She was now totally naked as she slid under the sheets with him.

He still could not get the synapses to realize he wasn't about to get laid!

"Mike, I love it when you caress my breasts and touch me the way that you do. Would you do that for me now, please?"

What was he going to do, say, 'No, I don't think so. I'd like you to get my rocks off instead!' Hardly. He did his best to pleasure her, and he had actually become rather proficient at it he felt. Of course she had taught him a great deal, and now that he had unfettered access to her body, he was doing an admirable job.

He caressed her breasts for a while, finally paying a lot of attention to her nipples. Then while he transferred the attention of his hands to her sweet young pussy, he used his mouth rather skillfully on her mounds, much to her total pleasure. She was training him well.

During her lulls, she would pay some modest attention to his cock and balls, through his underwear of course, but she was extremely skillful at ensuring he never got too close to cumming. Before they were done, she had cum twice. As she relaxed and regained her composure, she held his cock lightly through his shorts. She could feel it pulse. It damn near made her cum again, even though Mike was totally unaware of that fact.

She rolled away from him after a few minutes, and asked him to snuggle up with her. As he did, she wiggled her way into position so that his cock was nestled in the crack of her firm ass and she pulled his hand around her and placed it over her breast. Then she took a deep breath and started off to sleep.

Mike was absolutely crazed. He didn't dare move, for he was essentially in heaven. But there was a Hell that went with it. He needed to cum worse than he ever had in his whole life, and his body wasn't used to this situation. He had just finished an evening with Peggy, where he'd had a great time; fallen a little bit more in love with her; had given her sexual pleasure, while receiving none himself; and developed a case of blue balls that would incapacitate a mule: BUT every other time this had happened, he'd go home and beat off, usually 2 or 3 times! Not tonight, there was no way.

DAMN IT! He did not know how to deal with this. He wanted to be with her more than anything else he could think of, but he couldn't stand the dull ache in his groin without end or relief, and there was still the rest of the weekend. What the Hell was he to do?

He slept little during the night, dozing off, only to awaken often with a raging hard-on still there. In the morning, once they were both fully awake Mike had devised a plan. He was going to take a shower and give himself some relief. Peggy, sensing exactly what he had in mind, had other plans. When Mike said he was going to take a quick shower she said, "I know, let's shower together!" Once again he couldn't say 'No'!

Naked, she walked sensuously to the shower and stepped in, turning to look back at him. She never took her eyes off his crotch as he undressed and stepped in too. The combination of events had Mike's cock rock hard. Peggy suggested they wash each other. Mike was glad to oblige and went first. He worked on her tits and ass and especially her pussy as she leaned against the wall and stood under the spray. She was glad to let him bring her to another climax. Finally, after she had recovered a bit, she said, "My turn."

Mike was positive she was going to get him off finally.

She washed him all over, totally avoiding his cock and balls until the end. Just before she went to work on his crotch she thoroughly washed his chest. She tweaked and lightly pinched his nipples which, given his state, were extremely sensitive. Finally she went to work on his cock and balls, lathering him up fully and spending much attention on his balls, only occasionally giving his cock a stroke or two and then going back to lightly rubbing his balls. Her touches were having the exact effect Peggy wanted; he was going nuts. After all, this was the first time she'd touched his naked cock.

Finally unable to take it any more Mike begged, "Peggy, please, keep doing that!"

Peggy looked into his eyes, but said nothing; she just started to stroke his soapy cock in a nice slow steady manner. She knew she could have him cumming in no time. Mike leaned back and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation and racing toward his orgasm. Just as his cock started to spasm Peggy stopped altogether.

"NO! Please don't stop, not NOW!" Mike almost screamed. She just smiled wider. "Please Peggy, I need to, well you know, please!"

"You need what Mike?" she grinned.

"I need you to finish, please," he went on desperately.

"Finish what, Mike? You have to tell me what you need," she insisted as she stroked his cock again, but just a little.

"I need you to make me cum, please!"

"Yes Mike, I know. I know you really need to cum, and I can tell that it aches." As she said that she took his balls in her hand and squeezed ever so gently. "These are very full and I'm sure they will ache until they are finally emptied, but we need to talk some more first. Let's get dried off and go back into the bedroom." And with that she shut off the water and stepped out, grabbing a towel.

Why the Hell did girls always want to 'talk'? Right now right now he wanted nothing less than to talk, he wanted to cum, but 'talk first' she had said, that means cum after Mike reasoned. Well, he could wait a little longer. Mike still didn't even begin to get it.
"Here sit next to me on the bed," Peggy indicated where by patting the bed. The fact that they were still both naked was not reducing the urge that Mike felt. As Mike sat, Peggy rested her hand high on his thigh. He had a hard time keeping his eyes on her face and not staring at her lovely tits. He was hornier than he'd ever been in his life.

"Mike, I've told you repeatedly that I really like you a lot. And our relationship has gone to a whole new level, obviously. But, if we are to continue, I need to know that I can trust you, I mean really trust you."

"Oh, you can, honest you can!" Mike said quickly.

"Wait, let me finish. First let me tell you why I'm so uptight about this. A couple of years ago I got really close to a guy who I trusted and . . . well, he let me down. I found out that even though we were supposedly together, he was sleeping with someone else. I was crushed, and that's when I decided I wasn't going to have sex as a part of a serious relationship with someone I really care about until I get married."

"Peggy, I told you I was okay with that, really, but that doesn't mean you couldn't make me cum, right?" Mike was trying to sound supportive and get his rocks off too. He wasn't exactly sure how to do that though!

"Oh no Mike, it doesn't mean that. I just couldn't stand to be betrayed again."

Mike almost jumped off the bed. He had just heard her say that getting him off wasn't the problem, just fucking. Well right now that would be great!

Mike thought seriously about pointing out how just being married didn't necessarily mean that people didn't cheat, but pointing that out seemed like a bad idea. He didn't want Peggy to think he was suggesting that he was like that. Damn, he wasn't going to get to fuck her unless some day he wanted to marry her, and as much as he felt in love, he wasn't ready for that. He wasn't so far gone that getting married to get laid made any sense.

"I can understand that," not really understanding at all, "and like I said, I will respect your feelings. So could we lie down here and you finish what you started in the shower?" He was beginning to show his desperation even more.

"Yes, I'm sure you'd like that. Actually, I'd like to do it, but that's the whole point I'm trying to make. I need to be sure I can trust you."

Mike was totally confused at this point. His face clearly showed it too.

"I see you don't get what I mean. Mike, I like playing with you, it really turns me on in fact. And you've been wonderful since we started dating about not pressuring me about sex in any way. It's part of why I like you so well. I know how much you need to cum and in fact you deserve it after all you've put up with from me. But I need you to spend the rest of this weekend with me without cumming." As she said this last, she reached over and stroked his cock gently a couple of times. It twitched violently.

"WHY?" he almost screamed. "I don't understand!"

"Because, if you can do that as horny as you are, you know with us both naked and petting all weekend and you'll still follow my rules, then I'll know I can completely trust you. And THEN, next weekend we'll take our relationship one step more!"

God this last part sounded good to Mike. But he really wasn't sure he could do as she was asking. He felt crazy already and it was only Saturday morning.

"I'm starved. How about taking me out to breakfast?" Peggy asked, quickly changing the subject as she got dressed in the same shorts that showed off her ass and legs to perfection and then pulled her tee shirt on over her bouncing breasts.

Mike was so caught off guard he just said, "Sure, let's go," figuring that getting out of the house would at least reduce the amount of torment Peggy could put him through. He was wrong.

Mike got dressed and grabbed his car keys and out the door they went. As he followed Peggy out to the car he could tell it was going to be a long weekend. The wiggle of her ass was making him semi-hard already.

As he started to drive, Peggy reached over and started to lightly tickle the soft hair on the inside of his thigh. They hadn't reached the end of the block before his cock was hard as a rock, and she had barely touched it since their shower.

Breakfast was not the mild event Mike had in mind. When the waitress wasn't delivering the orange juice and scrambled eggs with buttered toast, she touched and caressed him in every sexy way imaginable. He was rock hard the entire time. She wasn't going to let him relax for a minute. And he didn't!

This went on for the whole day. Peggy took him shopping, and to lunch and more shopping and finally to the grocery store to get more food. What they needed that for Mike wasn't sure, the house was full of food, but he wasn't going to argue. Finally they were back at the house. She had been finding subtle ways to tease him all day. Mike was so horny he was just about insane!

"WOW! I sure had fun today, how about you?" Peggy teased.

"I sure love hangin' out with you," Mike said honestly, trying to stay with the spirit and not lie all at once.

"Well, let's start dinner, okay?" Peggy went on.

Mike was trying to be a trooper. He helped in the kitchen the best he could. Peggy rubbed up against him way more than was necessary. She was driving him wild.

Once dinner was over and Peggy had supervised Mike cleaning up the kitchen, they went to the TV room to watch the movie they had rented. Peggy had picked it out. It was an old flic. "9 1/2 Weeks" with Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger. One sexy film.

"Let's take our clothes off and cover up with a blanket, and then watch the movie. Okay with you?" she asked.

Once again Mike had no choice, 'uh, no thanks, let's keep our clothes on' just wasn't an option. And no matter how much he wanted to have access to her naked body, he knew how much worse that was going to make his situation.

Peggy stripped very sexily right in front of him and then bounced off to get the blanket. She was back in a flash. Mike was still undressing. As he was about to remove his briefs, Peggy said, "Oh, Mike. Please leave those on. I don't want this to be too tempting for you, you know!" she giggled.

This was different than before. Peggy let Mike have his way with her body. She even directed his hand to slide over her clit just the way she liked, a couple of times, so as to make him bring her to a more intense orgasm. She had three during the course of the movie, but she never directly touched his cock at all.

As Mike slid his finger out of her sopping wet cunt Peggy said, "Taste it."

Mike looked at her with a rather puzzled expression.

"Lick your fingers," she went on, studying his face. Then it dawned on her, Mike had never tasted a girl before. "You've never gone down on a girl, have you?" she asked gently.

"Well, uh, no, I haven't," he admitted rather sheepishly.

Peggy didn't say a word. She just got up off the couch, took Mike by the hand and led him into the bedroom.

When they reached the bed she lay back and spread her legs, "Come here, I'm going to teach you. Just start licking my pussy and I'll guide and coach you." And so Mike did as she directed. She was very demanding and bossy, telling him exactly what to do with his tongue, where to lick, how to lick. She got him to take long licks the length of her slit with his tongue spread wide. She showed him just how she likes to have a tongue probe deep in her hole, 'tongue fucking' she called it. She especially taught him how to suck and lick her clit; how to tease it out of its hood and then lick its length as though it was a miniature cock. She guided his head rather firmly, positioning his mouth and tongue exactly where she wished.

To give Mike his due, he was a fast learner. In a matter of just a few minutes she no longer was telling him what to do, rather the noises coming from her mouth were the sounds of pleasure. Oh, she was still guiding his head with her hands and pulling him deep into her crotch, but she was now moaning loudly and soon was fucking his face with her thrusts.

Over the next thirty minutes Peggy came three more times. When she was finally sated, she just lay on her back and held his head tightly to her pussy, telling him just to lick deep but gently and to leave her clit alone. She made him keep this up for at least another ten minutes.

Finally she pulled him up to her and kissed him deeply, "Mmm, you taste just like pussy!" she giggled. And with that she told him to snuggle up behind her and cuddle again. She was soon drifting off to sleep.

Mike was as horny as he had ever been in his entire life, much worse even than the night before. Here he was again, with Peggy having cum enough times that he had lost count; his cock encased in his cotton briefs, and resting against her naked, gorgeous, round, firm ass; and still he had no relief in sight!

He started to hump against her fine young ass. He didn't care about anything except that a few strokes of his cock between her wondrous ass cheeks and he would cum like a racehorse. Another stroke or two would do it.

"Mike, stop that right now!" Peggy said sharply, "Or something is going to happen that we will both regret!"

Somehow Mike managed to stop, but it wasn't easy. And now he was totally crazed. He was ecstatic that Peggy and he were together, but the frustration of his unfulfilled need to cum was mind-boggling. Just as she had the night before Peggy snuggled right up to him and placed his hand on her breast, then she fell asleep. Frequently during the night she would shift or move her ass in such a way as to keep Mike very close to cumming, but without sending him over the edge.

When morning rolled around Mike was a total was a wreck, physically and mentally. He had slept little and was completely beside himself with lust and frustration. He had a case of blue balls the likes of which he couldn't even have imagined before.

Peggy slowly awoke with a bright smile on her face. It melted Mike's heart instantly. She rolled over and kissed him passionately. Her tongue pushed his lips open, slid into his mouth, and intertwined with his tongue. She sucked his tongue as if it were a cock. "Mmm, you taste good," she cooed.

Mike's cock instantly went from half-hard, which was pretty much as soft as it at been all night, to fully erect the second Peggy clamped her lip lock on him. She couldn't help but notice it growing between them. She made enough room to slip her hand between them and hold his cock. "Mmm, that feels good too. Mike you've got a really nice cock and like I told you, I really like to play with it!"

That Peggy knew a 'nice cock' from any other cock wasn't lost on Mike. She was obviously far more experienced than she let on, and way more than he was.

Peggy bounded from the bed and pulled Mike by the hand, "Let's shower together again, I really liked that!"

The shower routine was just like the day before. He soaped her all over. She let him have his way with her tits and pussy, and in the end she guided him to make her cum yet again. When she was clean, satisfied and finally recovered, she did him again too. Only just as every time before, the difference was she would bring him right to the edge and then stop exactly one instant before the point of no return, when any more stimulation at all would have pushed him over.

As they climbed out of the shower, Peggy was in very high sprits, obviously pleased with herself. Mike was in a bit of a daze. He could hardly believe his good fortune. He was amazed that this beautiful, sexy, young woman found him so attractive, and that their sexcapades were about to go one more step, but he was really ready for that next step. And his cock stuck out like a flagpole. Peggy couldn't help herself, she reached over and stroked it a couple of times. Mike groaned loudly.

"It really turns me on that I have this effect on you Mike. It's making me horny all over again, even though I just came," she giggled. She took Mike by the hand again and led him back to the bed. She was far more aggressive now than before and lay down on her back with her legs spread. "Do me again like last night, please." But it wasn't really a request.

She studied Mike closely. If he did what she suspected he would, she knew she had him completely hooked. And he did; he bent over and started to put on his briefs. Peggy almost came just from watching him pick them up.

"Oh, I think you've proved you can resist temptation, why don't you leave those off?" she directed.

So for the first time ever (except the shower of course) they were holding each other close and both were naked. Mike was about to die!

Peggy pushed and directed him so they were in a 69 position on their sides. Once she got Mike started and had guided his tongue where she wanted it (he was getting quite good at licking her pussy, she noted happily) she started to trace the veins in his cock with her fingertip. She could see that they were standing out very nicely. She could feel his moaning in her pussy every time she touched him, but he didn't slow down or miss a beat, rather the opposite. Peggy was cumming again in a matter of minutes. She urged Mike on until she came twice more, which didn't take long. All the while, she just toyed with his cock and balls, keeping him very close to cumming, but definitely not!

Peggy gazed at his cock and balls, so swollen and hard, the skin of his shaft stretched tight, the head so dark it looked like a plum, and his balls definitely bloated with cum. It turned her on so much she could hardly believe it. Mike was a definite prize, she thought.

Finally she stopped him. She was just too sensitive for any more right then.

"Oh Mike, you don't know what a great deal it means to me that you are willing to show me how much willpower you have. I really feel very special and lucky. I'm looking forward to spending much more time together."

Mike was lying on his back with Peggy's love juice all over his face, and his cock throbbing. Peggy had just lain there for a few minutes catching her breath, but now a big grin spread over her face. She sat up and then crawled between Mike's legs facing him. She spread his legs so when she sat back on her feet she had perfect access to his equipment. Mike was staring at those tits, but also looking a bit puzzled.

She took his balls gently in one hand and held them and rubbed the underside of his cock with the flat palm of her other hand. He groaned loudly.

"Oh Mike, I can tell how badly you need to cum. My God your balls are full and your cock feels like it's on fire." His cock was twitching and he was going slowly insane. He thought that finally she was giving in and going to let him cum. In fact just as that thought occurred to him, she convinced him he was right. She started to slowly pump his cock and scratch his balls at the same time.

Her telling him she knew how bad he needed to cum, only made it worse.

"Oh God Peggy, that feels so good! I really need this," Mike moaned.

"You can just imagine how good it's going to feel to cum, can't you Mike? You be sure and tell me when you get real close okay? If you don't, then I'm going to think maybe I can't trust you after all!"

Mike just moaned and nodded his head, he couldn't even speak coherently.

Peggy just kept softly squeezing his balls and slowly, very slowly stroking his cock, being sure to run her thumb over that very sensitive spot at the cleft in his glans, and making certain that on each stroke her hand slid onto and then back off the corona. Mike was almost delirious. He was moaning and squirming. He was getting very close now.

"Be sure you let me know when you get close!" Peggy reminded.

"I'm just about there, I'm gonna' cum!" he croaked.

"Hold back just a little longer, try real hard, hold back!" Peggy urged. If Mike hadn't had his eyes screwed shut, he would have seen the wild look in her eyes, like a lioness or other big cat which had just seized its prey.

"Be sure now, hold back, but tell me when you can't take any more. I don't know your cock that well yet, so it's hard for me to tell for sure," she lied. This young cocktease absolutely knew her way around any man's cock. She knew exactly how far she could push him and still have him not cum.

She held his balls very loosely now, knowing they would give him away.

"Now, I can't hold it any more, OH GOD I'm cumming!" Mike screamed.

A split second before he started to yell, Peggy had seen that he was there. She instantly released his cock and gently, but firmly squeezed his whole sac and pulled his balls away from his body, choking off his orgasm just as it started.

"AHHGGGGG! Shit! Oh Peggy, why?" Mike yelled as his eyes flew open and he looked at her!

"Mike, I told you I have to be positive I can trust you completely, and that means showing me that you are willing to wait until next weekend to cum!" She paused and then went on, "You've never had a girl push you that close and stop before, have you?" she asked seriously, but the laughter was barely contained. She knew that of course he hadn't.

"NO! I haven't. Why did you do that? I thought by what you said you meant you'd changed your mind and were going to make me cum!" Mike was trying not to let his anger show, but was pretty miffed.

"Mike, doing that a few times before you actually do cum will make your orgasm much more intense. I'll show you next weekend."

"All it does is make my balls ache and make my need to cum severe!" he protested.

"Trust me Mike, it will be the most mind blowing experience you've ever had. You can already tell how good it's going to feel when I do make you cum, can't you?"

The fact was he knew that in his condition right now, cumming would be explosive, but his head was spinning. He realized that she was planning on doing this little routine more than once next weekend before he would get to cum. He was starting to think about her going home so that he could at least masturbate and get some relief! Peggy had other plans.

"Wow, I'm hungry. Let's grab something to eat before we continue," she said, pulling on her shorts and short tee and heading to the kitchen. Slowly Mike found a baggy pair of sweats and followed her. The sweats, while reasonably comfortable due to their loose fit, were tenting quite severely.

By the time he got to the kitchen Peggy had dragged sandwich makings out and was well into fixing them a big lunch. It was creeping up on noon already. They ate in near silence, but as they were finishing Peggy finally spoke.

"You know Mike, I haven't felt this way about a guy in a long time. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you are willing to put up with all that I've asked of you to prove I can trust you. But I PROMISE you won't regret it. I feel closer to you than I think I ever have to any guy before!" And as she finished talking, she leaned across the table and kissed him deeply.

The sweats were no longer loose, but Mike was on cloud nine. He could hardly believe his good fortune. Everything he had endured for the last several months was going to be worth it after all. But God did his balls ache to cum.

"Peggy, that we're going to be together from now on definitely makes it worth it. I actually feel pretty fortunate. You are really special to me."

"Oh Mike, that's really sweet! I now know I can completely trust you. I can, can't I?" she said with such innocence that Mike blurted his reply.

"Yes! Of course you can!"

"Well, I'd better go soon. I don't want to be here when your roommates get home. In fact I want to talk to you about that, but let's go back in the bedroom for a few more minutes before I leave." And again she got up and went that way without waiting for Mike to move or reply.

By this time it was afternoon, and the break and the food had allowed Mike to calm down to the point where his cock was nearly soft, the 'killer kiss' notwithstanding.

By the time Mike reached the bedroom, Peggy had stripped off her clothes again and with that angelic smile of hers was looking at Mike. "Slip those off and come lie on the bed". It was more of an order than a request.

Mike did as he was told and Peggy crawled up on the bed and kneeled between his legs again. Before she even touched him he was almost fully erect. Even though this time he knew what was coming, certainly not him, he couldn't control his excitement. Peggy knew she had a gem in Mike. She again started to give him a torturously slow hand job and simultaneous ball massage. It was only a few minutes before Mike was on the verge of exploding again, but Peggy managed to keep him there without going over the edge for a good long time.

Mike was squirming and moaning and finally couldn't control himself any more. "Please, Peggy, please. I'm going nuts, please make me cum this time. You can trust me, honest you can, but I just have to cum! Please don't do this any more."

"Oh baby, I know how much it aches. You are being soooo good about this. I know you probably want to cum more than ever in your whole life. Just a little bit more and then next weekend will make it all worthwhile. Just a few more strokes and I'll stop, okay?" she giggled.

"NO, that's not what I mean, please don't stop, MAKE ME CUM, PLEASE!" Mike begged.

And just as Mike's balls tightened and his cock was ready to erupt again, and he thought maybe she would make him cum this time - she stopped again.

Mike groaned loudly, "Oh Peggy, why do we have to wait until next weekend, please make me cum."

"Mike, I understand how desperate you are, and I don't blame you for begging like this, but in order for me to be positive I can trust you, we have to finish this. Or else I won't be sure! Don't you see?"

Well, Hell no he didn't see, but he muttered, "I guess." On the inside Peggy was turning handsprings. She could scarcely believe how far she was pushing Mike and he was still going along with it. WOW, was this going to be a tremendous turn on for her. In fact, she was so excited she lay down next to him and said, "Mike, please, do me with your mouth one more time."

Mike gave a deep sigh, but positioned himself to use his tongue on Peggy's sweet twat yet again. In a matter of minutes she had cum twice more and her juices were all over his face. His hard-on hadn't subsided at all.

"Mike you are so good to me, I'm really going to make this up to you next weekend, I promise. You won't regret a minute of this! Now I'm going to make you almost cum one more time, and then I need to go."

"Peggy, no more, please. I really can't stand any more. You've made me need to cum so bad, lets just wait until next weekend, okay?" he said, realizing there was no way she was going to make him cum before then.

Peggy knew she had pushed Mike as far as she could, but figured there was one thing she could do to convince him to go through yet another cycle of teasing.

"Not even if I do it by sucking your cock?" she asked with that same smile.

Mike was speechless. He'd never had a blow job in his life. The thought of his cock inside Peggy's mouth was making him delirious. He didn't respond at all.

Peggy didn't wait for an answer, she knew he wouldn't stop her. She slid around and took his cock in her mouth very slowly, just letting the head sit inside her mouth. Mike moaned loudly. She licked the underside of his cock just below the head a few times. Mike was groaning loudly already. Peggy finally closed her mouth over the head and started to slide his cock in and out of her wet mouth, taking nearly its full length on each stroke, but going very slowly.
Mike couldn't help it, he was trying to thrust. He wanted to feel his cock fucking her mouth. He had never experienced anything that felt like this. He knew he would cum in a few more strokes. So did Peggy. Her hands were on the top of his thighs, and she was pushing down on him to minimize his movement. She knew that she couldn't keep it up much longer. Finally she had to stop.

"Nooo!! Oh God, please don't stop, PLEASE!" Mike begged.

"Okay," Peggy giggled, as she slowly and lightly licked his cock from base to tip four more times. His cock throbbed and twitched, but she stopped totally. She turned around so she was lying next to him and gave him a deep kiss. As she did so, she took his ball sack gently in one hand and squeezed ever so lightly.

"Oh my God baby, these are so full. You must need to cum very badly!" she said with a chuckle. "Now can you imagine how good it will feel when I let you cum in my mouth? I will next weekend, I promise . . . if you promise to do two things for me. Will you?"

Mike almost said yes without even knowing what the two things were, but managed to maintain enough sense to ask first.

"Well, first I want you to promise to make it clear to anyone who asks, that you and I aren't having sex together. That goes double for your roommates. They'll see that I've been here all weekend and assume you got laid. I want you to promise that you'll tell them you didn't even get to cum, even if they don't ask. Okay, do you promise to that one?"

"Uh, well, sure" Mike didn't understand exactly, but what the Hell, that wasn't such a big deal and no way did he want to blow this now.

"And the second one might be a little harder for you to agree to, but it's the only way we're going to spend next weekend together." Peggy was quite insistent on this. She paused and squeezed Mike's balls a little harder a couple of times for emphasis.

Mike groaned again and Peggy laughed softly.

"I want you to promise not to cum between now and then, no way! Clear?" she asked.

Mike was surprised at her directness, and embarrassed about the fact she was in essence telling him not to masturbate. Like most guys his age, he preferred to pretend that women didn't know about guys beating off, even though they know better.

Mike was speechless.

"Mike, do you promise?" she prompted.

"Uh, well . . ." Mike knew how hard this would be to keep, and he didn't like to break a promise, but Fuck It! He intended to give himself some relief the minute she was out the door, and she'd never be the wiser. So not meaning it, he said "Yeah sure. I promise."

"Mike, I know how hard that will be for you to keep this promise, but if you don't, we are finished! I mean it. And I guarantee you, I'll be able to tell if you cheat!" she said very emphatically.

Somehow he knew it was true. She wasn't really giving him a choice. He figured he'd be able to think much clearer once he was alone. He simply said, "Okay, I understand."

"Be sure you do. I'll be so disappointed if you let me down," she said with a sort of sadness in her voice that made Mike believe she really would be.

"I won't let you down Peggy, really!" he said meaning it for the moment at least.

"Okay, I really need to go now," she said as she got up, picked up her stuff and got dressed, giving him quite a show as she did.

Mike got up too and pulled on some sweats, which tented quite a bit since his cock had softened not one bit, but rather was throbbing still.

She moved toward him, and gave him a huge kiss! He loved it, and stiffened some more. She stroked his cock through his sweats, and smiled broadly at him.

With that she turned and bounced out the door without looking back.

Mike just stood there for several minutes trying to figure out what in the Hell had happened to him and what to do about it. He was also unconsciously waiting for his hard-on to subside. The ache from the blue balls he had would last a good, long time.

His first taste of this 'new situation' happened shortly after his roommates returned from their camping outing. It was obvious, as she'd said it would be, that Peggy had been around for more than a little while. They teased him about it as college guys would. As he promised, it came out, though in limited detail, that no, Mike hadn't gotten laid, in fact he hadn't even gotten his rocks off!

The teasing was merciless, but this one comment from one roommate summarizes the whole conversation, "Christ Mike, you spend the entire weekend with one of the best looking cheerleaders on campus and get nothing but blue balls out of it? What kinda putz are you? Sure she's one of the biggest cockteasers on Earth, but Hell, she's fucked half the jocks on campus and usually on the first date. What in the world is the matter with you?"

Of course Mike was mortified, and almost got in a fight with his roommate about the fact that the rumors about how loose she was with other guys were just that, rumors. But he pretty much knew that his roommate was right. Further, what the Hell WAS he doing? Or more to the point what was Peggy doing? He knew he really was in love with her, but he was questioning if it was worth what he was going through. DAMN, he was confused.

The week was dragging by. Peggy had made it clear she had a huge project due on Friday and they would have no time together before then. There was a concert on Friday night that she really wanted to attend, and Mike had promised to try and get tickets, which he did.

They barely even talked on the phone, and then just very short conversations in which Peggy would remind Mike of his two promises and ask if he was still keeping them. The calls almost all ended with the same routine. Peggy giggling, "Good, it will be worth it I promise!" in response to Mike's assurances that he was indeed keeping the promises. This hint of things to come made Mike's cock stir every time. He was keeping his promise only because he truly believed that Peggy would somehow know if he didn't, but the constant ache in his groin made it increasingly difficult to do so.

By Thursday Mike couldn't think straight. He was walking across campus, completely distracted thinking about the coming weekend. He was in a world of his own, not really paying attention to anything around him.

She had to practically yell at him the second time before he heard her.

"HEY MIKE!" It was Mary, Peggy's best friend and without a doubt the best built of all the cheerleaders.

"Oh, Hi Mary. I'm sorry, I was thinking about something else."

"Duh! Wouldn't have been my blond friend would it?" she teased.

"Well, actually, yeah it was," he admitted awkwardly.

"Buy me a cup of coffee?" she asked rather more seriously than she usually did anything.

"Sure, I've got a while until my next class." Mike actually liked Mary. She had a reputation for being wild, and dressed and acted to promote it, but Mike suspected that on the inside she was actually pretty nice and far less flamboyant than she liked to act. And since she and Peggy were best friends, there was really no pressure on Mike when he was around Mary, which virtually no other guy on campus could say. At least there hadn't been until now.

The seriousness was quickly gone. As they headed to the student union Mary started in, "So you been gettin' any lately?" she giggled.

"I suspect you know the answer to that quite well, but for the record, no, I haven't." Mike was keeping his promise to Peggy, quite sure that any conversation with Mary would be reported in detail.

"Oh yeah, she actually likes you, so you're running around with blue balls, right?" Mary laughed rather heartily. She was in her sluttish role.

Mike felt himself blush. He assumed that Peggy had told Mary much, if not all about their weekend, but they were up to the order counter, so he said nothing as they got their coffee and moved to a table that was rather isolated.

Once they were sitting Mike worked up the courage to ask what he was thinking, "What did you mean about Peggy actually liking me?" Mike was afraid that Mary would just be flippant as usual, or worse make fun of him. Instead she became serious again like she had when they first met earlier.

"Mike, I've known Peggy since high school, before actually, and I'll never figure her out when it comes to guys. I think she got weird back in our freshman year here, when that guy she really fell for screwed her over. Ever since then she hasn't let herself get serious about anybody. Oh the stories you hear about her being easy are bullshit. Sure, she has laid a lot of guys, but she never cares about them and they're history after a couple of romps. And she is the one who is always in control, she isn't easy, she just likes to fuck." Mary said all this so conversationally that Mike had no doubt it was completely accurate, and it felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach by a mule.

Mary could see the pain in Mike's face. "You know I wasn't talking about you, right? I mean you know she really is serious about you, don't you? But there will be a Hell of a price!"

The relief in Mike's face was quickly as obvious as the pain had been. "I guess I'm not sure what I know after what you've said."

"Mike, Peggy is an incurable cock teaser. She always has been and always will be. You will spend most of your time with an aching set of nuts if you keep going with her. Sure she loves to fuck, as much as any girl I know, but she is going to save that for guys she doesn't really care about. Don't ask me to explain it, I can't, but it's true. You will never get in her pants. Somehow she takes that as a sign you really care and are being loyal. The only way you're ever going to have sex with her is to get married to her, and believe me you don't want that!"

Then a change came over Mary, she stopped being so serious and her wild side began to show again. "You know Mike, I've always been disappointed that you've never asked me out. I think you're pretty cute."

This caused Mike to blush, even though he was sure she was putting him on, "Yeah, right!"

"No I mean it. And Mike," she went on with a huge grin, "you wouldn't have blue balls if you were going out with me! I like to fuck just as much as Peggy, but I like to do it with the guys I DO care about. There is more too. When Peggy does let a guy cum in her mouth, she spits it out. I swallow!" She was laughing as she said this, more at Mike's reaction than anything else.

Mike had never had a conversation with a girl that went anything like this, and in his current state it was making his cock start to harden. He was at a complete loss. Like many guys, he figured girls didn't think like this and damn sure didn't talk like this. He had a great deal to learn.

She leaned in real close to him, he could smell her perfume and in his state it set his hormones into high gear. In a sexy whisper she said, "Mike, we could go to your place and spend the rest of the day in bed. I promise you won't have blue balls when we're done," and she leaned even closer as she finished and stuck her tongue in his ear.

Mike had a full hard-on by now, "Oh go on!"

Mary looked Mike straight in the eyes and with a sincerity he couldn't doubt said, "Mike, I'm dead serious. I'd love to spend the rest of the day making love to you. I think Peggy is crazy to pass that up!"

Mike was speechless. It was clear she meant it. Mike would never have dreamed of asking Mary out for the expectation of total rejection and here she was coming on to him in a major way.

"But, Peggy?" he mumbled, already about to cave in to this sexpot.

"Oh she'd have to know, and I'm sure she'd hate you, probably me too, but then you and I would be together. And like I said, it would be the end of your blue balls for good!"

Mike was a complete and total wreck. He had no idea what to do. He still felt a love for Peggy, but had no doubt about anything Mary was saying. Here was a chance to go from total frustration to mind boggling sex with one of the prettiest, and absolutely the sexiest girl on campus, and yet he was still hesitating. You could call him old fashioned, or maybe just not capable of the betrayal this would mean. And probably actually in love with Peggy. So somehow, in a way that most of us would never be able to duplicate Mike said, "Mary, you are sexy and pretty, and any guy would die to be with you, but . . ." he paused.

Mary continued for him, clearly disappointed, "but . . . since it means you have to choose between Peggy and me, you choose her. I don't know what it is about her, but that's always the way it goes."

She got up and started to leave, but paused and added, "Don't say I didn't warn you." And with that she left.

Mike called to her after a few steps, "Mary! Mary!" but she never turned.

Mike muttered to himself, "Michael, you are a total fucking idiot!" Then chuckling quietly added, "Well fucking isn't the right adjective."

It had seemed like it took forever, but Friday afternoon finally arrived. The plan was for Mike to pick Peggy up at six, they'd go have pizza and a beer and be at the concert hall well before the eight o'clock opening act.

At six sharp, Mike walked into the waiting room at the sorority. A few minutes later Peggy came in to meet him. To Mike's great shock, she was wearing a big fluffy bathrobe and slippers. Her nose was all red and her eyes were bloodshot. At first Mike thought something was terribly wrong and that she'd been crying. Then he noticed the wad of Kleenex she was clinging to, and she sneezed about five times.

In a very raspy, congested voice she croaked, "Mike, I'm so sorry, but I have the worst cold of my life. I can hardly breath. I'm really sorry, but there is no way I can go tonight."

She leaned close and whispered, at least as well as she could, "I'm really sorry Mike, I know how disappointed you must be. We were going to have such a fun weekend. I know this must be adding terribly to your frustration." She glanced at his crotch as she said this, with a wistful smile.

It was obvious she was really sick, and at least she had convinced Mike that she was genuinely sorry. That was little solace to a guy who had spent a solid week looking forward to just one thing.

"I know how much trouble you went to for the tickets, and I don't want tonight to be a complete bust, so I asked Mary to go with you in my place. That's okay isn't it?"

'Shit!' Mike thought, this wasn't a good thing. Not only was he not going to get his rocks off with Peggy, he knew spending the evening with Mary would only exacerbate his problem. Wisely however, he managed to smile and say, "No, that'd be just fine. I like Mary, I'm sure we'll have fun."

Before either of them could say anything else Mary came bouncing in, looking a bit sluttish as usual, but very, very sexy Mike noticed immediately. She was wearing a very tight short skirt and a snug top that showed plenty of cleavage and left her midriff bare.

"So, looks like you're stuck with second best tonight. That okay with you?" This last part she said as if she really wasn't sure how he would react.

Trying to walk the tightrope he sensed, Mike replied, "Hey Mary, no one would consider you second best. You look great by the way." Of course he meant every word, but was trying not to be too enthusiastic in front of Peggy.

She was so sick, she really didn't pay much attention, "You two have a good time," then with a weak smile added, "just not too good a time. Both of you behave, especially you Mary!"

The girls giggled at that, then without another word Peggy headed off to bed.

"So, let's go have some fun!" said Mary very eagerly now that Peggy had left.

With equal excitement Mike replied, "You bet! We'll have a great time!"

And so Mary took Mike's arm and out the door they went.

Somewhat to Mike's surprise, Mary was a great deal of fun to be with and wasn't at all outrageous. They ate pizza and drank beer rather quickly, and then went off to the concert. During the show Mary would hug and touch him, and rub against him, but really nothing blatant. Mostly she was driving him crazy because she just looked and especially smelled so damn good!

It was after midnight by the time the concert broke up. Mike realized how much fun he'd had just being with Mary, although she had done nothing to ease his sexually charged state. He really didn't think she'd done anything intentionally, Hell, she hadn't done anything at all. It was just that she was so damn sexy, and in his state being with a girl a lot less sexy than Mary would have had a similar effect, but probably not quite as much. He'd been semi-hard most of the night.

Now they were driving back to campus. He intended to drop her at the sorority and go back to his room. The second he got there he intended to whack off as many times as it took to relieve the ache. After all, he'd kept his one-week promise to Peggy and it sure wasn't his fault she got sick. Naturally he would have preferred that it was her getting him off, but at this point he really didn't care all that much to be honest!

Mary was leaning against him with her head resting on his shoulder and her hand resting on his thigh. She was just softly resting there, unusually quiet for her. Just as they reached the edge of campus she spoke for the first time in quite a while. "Mike, would you turn right at the next intersection." She was indicating a service road that led to the science buildings.

She felt Mike stiffen (his whole body!) and she softly added, "Please."

Mike said nothing, but did as she asked. In another minute they reached a very small parking lot at the end of the road. It was nestled amongst the science quad. There were no lights anywhere and it was deserted and secluded, but not so far off the beaten path that they were likely to be mugged or even hassled.

Mary sat up and looked at Mike. He could barely see her, but well enough to see that smile of hers.

"I have a surprise for you!"

"What would that be?" Mike asked cautiously, showing his deep suspicion.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not going to bite!" she giggled.

More seriously she went on, "I know how horny you must be, Peggy told me most of last weekend, and the promise she extorted from you!"

Mike thought Mary's choice of phrase a little much, but he said nothing. He was not terribly surprised that Mary knew all.

"And she told me to tell you how bad she feels that she can't be with you tonight to give you some relief. I don't really believe her, and I can't imagine why you would put up with what she does to you, but hey, that's not my business!"

Going on, with a clear smile in her voice, "She did ask me to give you a hand job, to ya' know, help. If you want, that is! I promised not to kiss you or let you feel me up, but I'll give you some relief if you let me." Mary sounded hopeful that he would.


Mary laughed hard, "What's a matter big boy, 'fraid?"

Mike was thinking hard. It sounded so much like Peggy. Definitely manipulative.

Somehow trying to avoid being a complete jerk, he replied, "That sounds kinda' one sided, doesn't it?"

"Well, if you just want to take me home and be done with it, it's up to you," she said, but at the same time she reached over and stroked his rock hard cock through his pants, "but your friend here seems to like the idea!" She was laughing softly as she spoke.

Mike could only groan now.

"Mike, really, I'd like to do this for you. You must be in a pretty bad way by now. I really should just leave you to suffer because of that bitch, but I like you too much. Here, let me help you decide."

And with that she stuck her tongue in his ear and increased the tempo over his fly. This elicited an even larger groan from Mike. Receiving no resistance, she undid the button on his pants and started to work the zipper down, gently rubbing the underside of his cock as she did so.

Mike had said nothing, but just kept groaning since he'd made his half-hearted attempt to be a 'gentleman'.

Once she had his pants complete undone, Mary slid her fingers under the waistband of his briefs and with three fingertips she gently caressed the head of his cock. That was it, Mike could remain silent no longer, "Oh God Mary, shit that feels so good. Oh God don't stop! Please!"

"Don't worry lover, I'm not going to stop," but she did momentarily. "Lift your hips and help me for a sec."

He quickly complied and between the two of them they had his pants and briefs pushed down off his thighs and below his knees in no time.

"Now lay your seat back as far as you can."

Again he quickly did as she instructed. It was a little awkward, but he was now mostly reclined with his pants below his knees and she was lying with her head on his chest and could get at his equipment with both hands, which she promptly started to do.

At first she just 'played' with him. Touching him, touching his cock, feeling his balls, tracing a finger up and down the shaft, gently squeezing the head. Mike was squirming and moaning constantly.

"Relax Mike, Mary's gonna make it all better," she cooed.

"I know you aren't going to last very long, but I'm going to go a little bit slow so it feels as good as possible, okay?" she said with genuine tenderness.

"Mmm, um," was all that came out of Mike in return.

She finally started to stroke him slow and gentle, with a loose grip using one hand, while the other constantly caressed his balls. She kept up a nice steady rhythm, pushing him progressively toward a massively explosive orgasm they both knew he would have soon.

"Feel good, little boy?" she said in a teasing voice.

"Oh God Mary, Oh God!" Mike gasped. He couldn't be truly coherent.

She picked up the pace a bit, escalating the already extremely intense pleasure Mike was experiencing. He was very, very close. She increased the pace some more. He felt his whole body start to tense, his balls got rock hard and started to contract and she felt his cock seem to expand in her hand.

She stopped completely and released him! "I can't, I just can't. I'm so sorry Mike!" she burst out.

"AHGGGGGG! Shit! Oh NO! GOD MARY, WHAT? WHAT?" regaining a small measure of control he went on, "Mary, what's wrong?"

Mike felt like he was having a heart attack his chest was pounding so hard, at least he felt like what he thought one would feel like. Actually he couldn't think at all. What had just happened to him was not only the most extraordinarily frustrating experience of his life, he had no idea what the Hell was going on.

When he turned to look at Mary, she had turned her head away.

"Mary, what's wrong?" he asked a bit more gently, actually a bit concerned.

When she turned back, he could make out in the very muted light that she was weeping.

He took her in his arms tenderly and asked very soothingly this time, "Mary, what's wrong?"

She let out a sob or two and then with a sniffle that seems to help her regain some composure, in an incredibly soft voice she simply said, "I lied."

Mike was completely lost. His balls felt the size of grapefruits and they really, really ached, his cock was still rock hard and actually throbbing and pulsing, and he had no idea what had just happened or what in the world Mary was talking about.

He hesitated for a little while then said the only thing that came to mind, "About what?"

Mary sighed deeply and seemed to steel herself a bit more, "About Peggy."

Now he really was lost, "I don't understand, what about Peggy?"

One more deep breath and Mary had regained her control. She started to spill it all out, "Mike just listen until I finish, please." She went on without waiting for an answer, "Peggy never said anything about giving you a hand job, I made it up. She'd kill me if she knew I did this and she'd dump you if I'd finished, even though you hadn't done anything wrong. That's just how she is!"

"But why, Mary, why did you do it?" He was more confused than angry, but some of that too.

"Mike" she said turning and looking him square in the eye, "I like you, I mean I REALLY like you, a lot! I knew if this happened we would probably both tell Peggy and I also knew she'd dump you and probably not speak to me for a while, but then you and Peggy would be through and I thought you and I would end up together."

Gently she went on, "I really want that."

Mike tightened his hold on her and just continued for a minute without saying anything.

Finally, "Mary, I'm stunned, and totally flattered, I, uh, I really don't know what to say."

Mike was totally perplexed, he had no idea what to do. He had no idea what he even wanted to do.

"Mike, I'd love to finish what I started," she reached down and gave his still rock hard cock a couple of light squeezes, "and then we could go to your place and I'd suck you and fuck you the entire rest of the night! But, I couldn't go through with what I started without you knowing the truth. Besides, I was afraid if I did you'd hate me." And with that she started to sob softly again.
Oh Mary, it's okay, honest," he said still holding her tight.

"Mike, it's just that I can't stand to see that bitch use and torment you like this. You deserve better!"

Mike was surprised to hear Mary keep calling Peggy a bitch, and she said it with such venom that Mike knew she was serious. "I thought you and Peggy were best friends?"

With a laugh she replied, "We are! That doesn't mean I don't know what a bitch she is!"

That did not clear it up for Mike, but he let it go.

However, since Mike had brought it up Mary went on, "Mike, she is going to tease and frustrate the shit out of you, leaving you walking around with the worst blue balls you can imagine all the time, while she is out fucking and sucking all the stud jocks on campus! I repeat, you deserve better. I've told you, and it's true, if you and I were together you'd get fucked and sucked silly every time we're together! And we'd both have a great time! If you let me, I'll prove it to you starting right now." And with that she reached down and started to gently stroke his cock again.

Mike groaned deeply, but somehow reached down and tenderly, but firmly grasped her wrist and removed her hand from his prick. "Mary, I just can't. I'm the one that should be sorry, but I can't."

"Oh you will be. Mike, please take me home while I still have a little pride left."

Mike pulled up his pants and put himself back together. Mary never said another word until Mike pulled up in front of the sorority. He started to get out of the car to go around and open her door, but she grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"I'd rather you didn't walk me to the door Mike. I just have one last thing to say to you. Every time, and it will be often, believe me, you end a night with Peggy and you end up sporting a terrible case of blue balls, you remember that you could have spent that evening with your big hard cock in my nice wet pussy, cumming until you couldn't get it up again!"

And with that she got out of the car and ran inside.

Mike just sat there with his head hanging down and his grip on the steering wheel so tight that his fists were white. He'd never been so morose in his whole life. He knew he loved Peggy and this sacrifice was what he wanted. Wasn't it? Too late now. SHIT! he thought.

Finally he headed home. By the time he got there, he'd managed to put all thoughts of the evening out of his mind for the moment. Everything else notwithstanding, his greatest need right that moment was physical. He'd kept his promise to Peggy and now he was going to go straight to his room to give himself some relief. Maybe then he would be able to think straight.

Mike was glad to see that there was no sign of his roomies. He went straight to his room, threw his jacket on the chair and was about to undress when he noticed the flashing light on his answering machine. He froze. He was tempted to ignore it. He wanted to ignore it. It might be Mary. It might be Peggy. He both wanted and didn't want either one of those to be the case.

"Shit!" he muttered to himself as he picked up the phone. He input the code and the tinny digital voice said, "You have one new message, first message."

It was immediately obvious it was the quite ill Peggy. Mike hit the time stamp key before she got past, "Hi Mike . . . "

It had been received at 6:18. He and Mary had barely been out the door at the sorority by then; so it couldn't have anything to do with what had happened tonight. At least that was a relief. The message continued.

" . . . by the time you get this I'll long be sound asleep. I hope you and Mary had fun and that the concert was good. Mike, there was something I didn't get to say to you before Mary showed up. I really, really want you to do something for me. It's real important to me. I want you to continue to keep your promise until next weekend, you know, the one about not cumming. Please Mike! If you do, then I'll really, really, really know I can trust you, and then I PROMISE it will be worthwhile next weekend. You will be so glad if you do this, really! But Mike, if you don't wait, them I'm going to think that cumming is more important than being with me, and that would make me real sad, 'cause then we won't be together any more. And one last thing Mike, I'll be able to tell, you know I well." CLICK

"What the FUCK!" he yelled out loud, "that fucking bitch, who the Hell does she think she is!"

He threw the phone down and screamed, "God Damn it!"

He raved on for a few more minutes before he could get control of himself. As he started to calm down just a little, he realized that Mary's prophecy was coming true already. And he couldn't shake the words gnawing at the back of his mind: "terrible case of blue balls . . . your big hard cock in my nice wet pussy . . ."

'Oh fuck, what have I done' he thought. Right now he really wished he had decided to forget about Peggy for good and hook up with Mary. Sure Peggy was the most sought after chick on campus, and she was prettier than Mary, but Mary had the far more voluptuous body and she had made in perfectly clear she loved sex and wouldn't pull the bullshit that Peggy was. What's more, Mary had made it real clear that she wanted to be with Mike in the worst way. Mike had just about convinced himself that Mary was the better choice.

His thoughts were interrupted by that siren noise that the phone makes when it's off the hook. He picked it up off the floor and set it on the table in its cradle. He nearly jumped as it rang the second he set it down.

"Christ, now what?" he mumbled, "Hello!"

"Mike, it's Mary."

"Hi Ma . . ."

"Just listen!" she cut him off "I give you my solemn promise, I'm not going to tell Peggy anything about tonight. I'll tell her we had a lot of fun and that's all, period! Now unless you are even dumber than I think, you'll do exactly the same thing. You have nothing to confess, I tricked you."

"Wait, Mary, about you and me, I was . . ."

She cut him off again, "Way too late Mike, way!" CLICK

Mike really had no idea what to do now; so lacking a better idea, he decided to go to bed, without giving himself relief. He figured he'd better keep his options open until his head cleared a bit, and he knew that breaking Peggy's rules would be the end of their relationship, such as it was. He knew she would know if he did. He didn't know how he knew that, nor how she would know, he just knew it was true.
Sunday he just sat around, mostly in his room by himself, and sulked. He still couldn't make any sense out of his tumultuous life right now.

On Monday he went to class and then football. Spring practices had started. The distraction helped take his mind of Mary and Peggy, but not much. His balls had recovered slightly, but the constant dull ache served to remind him that it had been over ten very trying days since he'd cum last.

Tuesday was much the same, but it was one of the days that the cheerleaders worked out next to the practice field. No Peggy, no Mary.

That night he called Peggy. She hadn't been at practice because she still wasn't feeling too great, but she assured him she was on the mend and would be fine by the weekend. This last lifted his spirits a bit. Neither of them mentioned Mary.

Wednesday was pretty normal. The cheerleaders only practiced on Tuesday and Thursday and Mike didn't see either girl that day. He was starting to feel a little more normal.

On Thursday he saw both girls at practice, but they were on the other side of the field the whole time and he didn't speak to either one. Peggy smiled at him a couple of times. Mary never looked his way. That night he called Peggy to arrange their weekend.

"Oh Mike, I'm sorry, I thought I told you. I'm tied up Friday night, but we can get together Saturday night."

"Uh, tied up? What's going on?"

"Mike, I'm busy!" she stated rather directly.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I just, uh, okay I'll pick you up at 6:00 on Saturday?"


And that was the end of the conversation.

Mike's mind was a whirl again, busy Friday night, what the Hell was that? Well, he'd just have to wait until Saturday. And it came around more slowly than any day he could remember.

Six sharp he was at the sorority. In an uncharacteristic display of promptness, Peggy kept him waiting only a couple of minutes and when she walked in the waiting room she looked like a million bucks!

She was wearing a micro-mini that barely covered her pussy and showed about a mile of leg. Her top was a loose silk tee that showed plenty of cleavage and she had what could only be described as 'fuck me' heels on her petite feet.

As soon as they got in the car Peggy leaned over and kissed Mike on the cheek, and then whispered in his ear, "Did you keep your promise all week?"

He blushed and nodded, "Yes."

"Good, we're both going to be real glad!" she whispered as she dropped her hand in his crotch and started to rub. They both felt his cock grow to a full erection in a matter of seconds. Peggy let out a giggle, Mike a moan.

Other than that the evening was 'normal' Mike thought. They went to a club, had a few drinks, danced and had a good time. Mike was dying to get back to his place, hoping that Peggy had been serious about him being glad, but he didn't want to seem over anxious. To his amazement and great joy, Peggy suggested heading to the house about ten o'clock.

On the way she teased him, "You've been waiting a long time for this weekend, I know. Mike, I know it's been difficult, but I promise to make you cum before I leave your house, okay?"

That was the sweetest music Mike had heard in a long time, "I'd really like to count on that Peggy," he said with great honesty.

"Oh, you can," was her only reply.

It wasn't long before they were at Mike's place. He noticed that the lights were on. At least one of his roommates must be home. He was worried about how Peggy would react to that. As they walked through the door he saw that John was there watching TV.

"Hey." College guy grunt from Mike.

"Hey, hi Peggy," was John's reply.

"Hi John, how are you?" she asked in a much huskier voice than normal.

"Oh, I'm good. Tired, so I thought I'd lie low tonight." Then with an impish grin he went on, "Was that Todd Peterson I saw you with last night at the Cineplex?"

Peggy didn't hesitate nor seem in any way to care about his question, "Oh yeah. We saw 'Phantom of the Opera', what'd you see?"


"Any good?"

The two of them bantered back and forth about the movies for a little while, both seeming to have left Todd Peterson, starting quarterback behind. Not Mike. What in Hell was she doing with Todd at a movie last night! When she said she'd been busy Mike didn't want to believe it was another guy. Deep inside he knew it probably was, but now his defense mechanism of not knowing for sure was gone.

John and Peggy were winding down as Mike's thoughts came back to the present.

"Okay, well, see ya," Peggy ended. Then shocking Mike, she took his hand and headed toward his bedroom.

"Uh, are you cool with this. I mean you and me in here when John's home?" Clearly Mike had lost the ability to think before speaking!

Peggy laughed, "Of course silly, why wouldn't I be. You have made it clear to both him and Ryan that you aren't getting laid, right?"

Mike blushed and just nodded, "Uh huh"

Mike hesitated, then decided to plunge ahead, "Peggy, can I ask you something?"

"Well sure, what?"

"Uh, . . . how come you were at the movies with Todd last night?" he asked pretty sheepishly.

For a minute Peggy looked irritated, then she just smiled and replied, "Mike, I told you I'd had those plans for a while. Todd is just a friend. A couple of weeks ago we were sitting around having a coke. We got to discussing the movie 'Phantom'. I said that Minnie Driver's character was one role, and he insisted it was something else. So we made a bet to go see it together and the loser had to buy dinner some time. Now Todd owes me a dinner."

Peggy could see the gloom settle over Mike's face, and wanting him in the right mood for the rest of the weekend, she emphatically said, "Mike, Todd is ONLY a friend!"

Mike couldn't help but think of Mary. 'Does that mean he's one of the guys you fuck silly while I run around with severe blue balls?' he thought to himself. And if Todd owed her a dinner, that meant they'd be going out again. Damn Mary! It was her fault he was having these thoughts.

Wanting to regain full control, as usual, Peggy moved to Mike and threw her arms around his neck and started to kiss him in her hottest possible manner. She pressed her firm breasts against his chest and ground her pussy against his crotch.

Naturally it worked, within seconds Mike was rock hard and completely putty in her hands. Soon she started to undress him. Mike needed no more invitation; he was removing Peggy's clothes with equal haste. In no time at all they were both stark naked. Peggy kept kissing Mike, and rubbing against him, but now his stone hard cock was trapped between their tummies and she was working it up and down so that he was racing toward an orgasm that of course would be stopped short.

As Mike reached the edge, Peggy maneuvered them to the bed and quickly managed to get Mike positioned between her legs using his talented mouth and tongue on her wet snatch. His cock was now nowhere near Peggy's body. She had removed any pressure that would have made him cum.

Peggy was soon in the throes of her first of four orgasms that she'd enjoy before she finally had Mike stop. She lay without moving, except for her heaving chest, for quite a long while before showing signs of recovery. Finally she indicated she wanted Mike to hold her. She started to kiss him again, and fondle his cock, which obviously was still raging hard.

Finally, "Wow, that was amazing Mike! I'm drained after that. Is it okay if I stay here tonight?" she asked in a sleepy tone.

"God, I'd love for you to spend the night!" Mike said, not yet understanding the implication.

"Good, thanks," in an even more sleepy voice, and then she rolled over on her side facing away from him, "Cuddle me, please."

Mike still didn't get it! "But Peggy, what about me? You promised to make me cum tonight, remember!" Mike's desperation showed in his voice.

"No Mike, I promised to make you cum before I leave your house, remember?" She had to stifle a giggle, "and now it looks like that won't be until some time tomorrow afternoon. Don't worry; I'll keep my promise. Now let's go to sleep, I'm exhausted."

And that was that, she was soundly breathing in the steady rhythm of sleep.

"Terrible case of blue balls . . . your big hard cock in my nice wet pussy . . ." the words haunted him again. God Damn that Mary!

In the morning Peggy was awake first. Of course Mike had tossed and turned and been awake half the night and was now finally sleeping soundly. Peggy turned back the covers and started to stroke his cock. It was totally hard and pulsing before he even woke up. His moans finally told Peggy he was awake; so she kept stroking steadily and firmly until he was just about to explode once again. "I really have to pee," she announced.

And with that she jumped into her clothes because of Mike's roommates, and was out the door before Mike realized what was going on.

John and Ryan were sitting in the living room reading the Sunday paper when she passed through. "Take it easy on Mike this morning, he might be walking a little funny. It's been quite some time since he got any relief," she chuckled as she passed.

Mike came out while Peggy was still in the bathroom. Her comment had the exact result she expected.

"Hey guy, how they hanging?" laughed John.

"A little full and heavy we hear," joined Ryan.

Mike turned bright red. It was quickly obvious that Peggy had said something to them. "Fuck both of you!"

"But not you it appears," they said simultaneously, and then burst out laughing. Mike felt like killing them both, but he knew it was Peggy he was actually pissed at.

They spent the morning lounging around the house half watching some game on the tube and grazing through whatever was in the kitchen.

About 1:00 Peggy said, "Mike, I need to take off soon. Can we go to your room and talk for a while first?"

"Sure," said Mike, praying this was when she was finally going to get him off.

Under his voice John said, "Just talk Mike!"

Mike glared at him but just headed to his room behind Peggy.

As the door swung shut behind him, Peggy turned and with one of the most mischievous smiles and a devilish twinkle in her eye she just looked at Mike. After a moment she said, "I think it's time to finally fix that problem of yours, don't you?"

Those words were almost enough to make Mike cum in his pants!

They were soon undressed and Peggy was between Mike's legs, "Just like I promised, I'm going to bring you right to the edge a few times so that when you do finally cum it will be really intense!"

"Oh God Peggy, it will already be so intense, you don't need to do that, trust me!" he almost begged.

"Shhh, besides, I want to. You know how much it turns me on!"

And she pushed him to the edge three times before stopping and demanding he service her.

Mike did his 'duty' as he saw it. At this point he would have done anything to ensure that he was going to get to cum. Today she stopped him after she'd had three orgasms.

"Just a couple of more cycles and then it's time, okay." It wasn't a question.

She ramped him up once quickly, and then soon thereafter started a second time. This time was different, slower, more methodical. With one hand she gently cupped his balls, and with her other hand she gave long, slow strokes up and down the whole length of his cock. Mike thought he was going to go crazy. She slowly, very slowly, kept pushing him closer and closer. He couldn't help squirming. He was shaking, he needed to cum so bad. He couldn't even speak coherently, he just moaned.

Peggy was paying extremely close attention. She could tell he was almost to the point of no return and yet she kept going, but very slowly. Suddenly she saw the head of his cock swell, his balls tighten and his cock start to spasm. She stroked twice more. During the second stroke a huge jet of cum shot out of Mike and reached his shoulder.

Peggy completely released him, but it was too late. A second rope of jizz shot out. There was no stopping this now, but without any stimulation his cock just spasmed and his balls sucked up nearly inside him and cum kept flowing out of the tip in surges, but it wasn't a mind shattering orgasm, rather just a venting of sperm.

"ARRRGGGGGGHHHH! NOOO!" Mike screamed.

Peggy watched fascinated as his cock twitched and jerked and sperm oozed out the end. She nearly came herself watching the total frustration on his face and the way he was thrusting his hips as if fucking the air. GAWD this made her hot. The second time he screamed in agonizing frustration she actually felt a little tremor of orgasm flow through her cunt.

It was over quickly and Peggy proved to be an accomplished actress, "Oh God Mike, I'm so sorry! I thought I stopped in time so we could do one more cycle. I misjudged it. Was it terribly frustrating to just have the cum run out like that?"

"Oh Peggy, shit, what happened?" he hadn't really even heard her.

'I can NOT believe what a total bitch I can be!' Peggy thought to herself. 'That was one of the hottest things I've ever seen!'

"Oh Mike, I'm really sorry, I don't know what happened!"

Mike just groaned for a minute or two.

"Geeze Mike that must have been real disappointing, how can I make it up to you?"

Mike was reaching his limit. She'd strung him along for over two weeks now, not letting him cum, promising how 'worth it' the whole thing would turn out, and now this!

"Look Peggy, for one thing, you promised you were going to make me cum in your mouth last weekend, I figured since my promise carried over, yours would too! I think that's how you can make it up to me, give me a real good blow job!"

Peggy was rather surprised that Mike had the gumption to stand up for himself that much, but she didn't let it show.

"Mike, that's not fair, it wasn't my fault last weekend. You know I was really sick. But I do understand how you feel. Tell you what, you promise not to cum until next weekend and I'll think about the blow job, no promises, but maybe. And one more thing, if you keep from cumming in between times we're together, I'll for sure give you a real blow job some time soon. And that is a promise, okay?"

Mike's dick continued to do all his thinking, as it had been doing for some time now. He really did not see through this little bitch. The promise of a blow job to come was all it took to calm him down and wrap him back around her finger.

"Okay Peggy, I'm sorry I got upset, it's just, well you know. I'm real disappointed about today."

"It's okay, but I gotta run now. Call me, okay!" And with that she threw on her clothes and ran out the door, leaving Mike lying there covered in cum, but just as horny as he'd been on Friday. Granted the ache in his balls was gone, for the moment, but that was all. In fact he felt more frustrated than before.

"Terrible case of blue balls . . . your big hard cock in my nice wet pussy . . ." the words haunted him yet again. 'God Damn it Mary, get out of my head!' he thought.

And so began the next phase of the relationship. After months of 'going together', and more orgasms for Peggy than Mike could count, he finally had his first orgasm at her hands, well, so to speak. The most frustrating, unsatisfying orgasm of his life. And now, somehow, she had gotten him to agree that for all practical purposes, she was in full control of when and how he would cum from now on. How the Hell did he end up here, he wondered. At least there was the promise of a blow job to come, and for now that was all it took to keep Mike going.

In the following weeks things evolved slowly. Mike and Peggy were getting together every weekend, and always she would tease him mercilessly and he would make her cum as much as she wanted. Sometimes they would get together during the week, but that always included serious cock teasing but never Mike cumming. Most weekends, usually not until Sunday, she'd get him off with a hand job. Occasionally she would find some excuse to make him wait until the following weekend so it would be two weeks worth of blue balls before he got any relief and there was the intermittent 'mistake' where she stopped stroking him just as he'd start to cum, leaving him extremely frustrated and unsatisfied. He was 'required' to keep from cumming during the week. She kept promising that there would be a blow job in the near future, but that never seemed to materialize. And, she would still be 'busy' at least one night per weekend every two or three weeks.

Mike was seriously starting to ask himself if this was really worth it, but for some reason he didn't really begin to understand, he just couldn't let go. It was as if the worse Peggy treated him, the more hooked he got.

As time went on the situation just got worse. Now nearly every weekend Peggy would be busy at least one night. Mike was getting to see her less and less often. As a result he had started spending more time with Mary. It had taken a while but Mary had gotten over being mad at him. They had established what was at first a shaky peace, but Mary had come to grips with 'just being friends' or so she had convinced Mike. Their platonic relationship was something Mike really enjoyed. It took his mind off Peggy when they couldn't be together. One of the ground rules had become that they never mentioned Peggy. They went to movies or out to eat and since Mary had dropped the slutty act, Mike found she was very intelligent and fun to be with and talk to. He was growing very fond of her, like a sister almost. She had even stopped dressing so provocatively when they were together and so she didn't exacerbate his nearly constant blue balls, but being so damn good looking and well built she sure didn't help them any either.

A typical week was going by in late spring and Mike called Peggy to arrange the coming weekend. She told him she had something going both nights, and she could tell that Mike was getting very angry.

"Mike, how about this? I should be done around midnight on Saturday and I could come over then. We'd spend the rest of the weekend together, okay?" She had never suggested anything quite this outrageous before, but she had a plan.

As angry as Mike was, he actually started to stand up for himself, something he rarely did with Peggy. This was just about enough for Mike. Not only was he on the verge of not seeing her the coming weekend, but the prior weekend had been one where Peggy managed to find a reason for not getting him off. It had been almost two weeks since his last orgasm and he was horny as Hell and sporting serious blue balls as usual.

"Look if you're too damn busy to spend any time with me in the evening, let's just forget the whole fucking thing! I've about had it with this shit anyway!" Mike was really getting worked up.

Peggy was surprised at his reaction since he was usually such a milquetoast. But she was ready.

"Mike, look, I'm sorry I've been so busy. I understand why you're so upset. You have every right to be. Look, I'll make it up to you if you let me come over after midnight on Saturday, and I promise I'll always keep one evening for us each weekend from now on."

Mike was still angry, but he was such a sucker for her promises of good things to come. He was not stupid (well, not IQ wise at least!) though and he wanted to have assurance of what 'make it up' meant this time.

"How are you going to make it up to me this time, huh?" he was still pretty angry as well.

"Mike, you know how I've been promising you a blow job for a long time now?"

"Yes," he said hesitantly, but his heart was starting to pound.

"Well, if you let me come over Saturday night, after well after, I'll give you that blow job. I promise." Knowing what would hook Mike for sure, she went on before he could say anything. "And I won't make you wait until Sunday, I'll do it as soon as I get there. Mike, when you cum in my mouth you'll be so glad you said 'yes'. The answer is yes, isn't it?" she said in her sweetest voice.

Mike had a raging hard on just listening to her. He hesitated before answering, but only because his heart was pounding so hard he could barely speak.

In a halting voice he said, "Well, okay. You PROMISE, right?"

"Yes sweetie, I promise. You won't be sorry!"

That ended the conversation and Mike could hardly sleep that night. It was Wednesday. Three days to go!

By Saturday night Mike was like a caged animal. He spent most of the evening pacing around, not able to sit still for more than a few minutes at a time. He'd had a couple of beers but just a couple. First, he didn't want to end up drunk and second, Peggy frowned on him drinking very much.

It was almost midnight, the approximate time Peggy was due . . . 12:00 . . . 12:10 . . . 12:20. Still no sign of Peggy. At 12:30 Mike was getting frantic. Peggy was always late, but he wasn't thinking clearly at all. What if she didn't show! Finally at 12:35 she waltzed through the door as if she was right on time. Mike let out such a sigh of relief it would have been hysterically funny if anyone had noticed. Peggy certainly didn't, preoccupied as she was with her own thoughts.

She looked fabulous, dressed to kill, showing lots of cleavage and thigh; it was a much sexier outfit than she usually wore when she went out with Mike. And the look in her eyes had a wildness Mike had never seen in her before. She also looked flushed, with a rosy glow on her cheeks.

She didn't hesitate. She grabbed Mike by the hand and all but dragged him into his room, closing the door behind them. She spun and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deep and hard and long. To Mike's great surprise he could taste booze on her. Mike had never seen Peggy drink anything other than an occasional glass of wine, but she didn't seem drunk.

She released him just long enough to whisper in a very husky voice, "God Mike, I am so horny!" and then she laid another lip lock on him while she started to undo his shirt.

Mike was totally taken aback. Peggy had NEVER acted like this before. Not so aback as to hesitate however. He was quickly removing her clothes too.

Peggy released his mouth again to whisper in his ear, "Mike, I can't wait to wrap my lips around your big hard cock!"

Mike nearly came in his pants, which were half way off by now. His cock was as hard as it had ever been and his breathing ragged. Peggy could tell he wouldn't last long if she wasn't careful.

In less than a minute they were both fully undressed and the instant they were, Peggy almost threw Mike onto the bed. She was like a wild animal.

Before Mike even could react, she had his cock in her hand and was sliding her lips over the head. Mike groaned loudly. He was already in ecstasy!

Peggy had his cock covered in her saliva in a matter of seconds and was pumping up and down slow and steady. She kept at this for only a few strokes however, before stopping and saying to Mike, "Oh God baby, I'm so horny, do me too, okay." As usual it wasn't a question, but Mike couldn't have cared less. He would do anything if she kept sucking his cock.

Mike swung around so they were in the classic 69 position, each on their side. Peggy spread her legs very wide so Mike had unimpeded access to her pussy. As soon as Mike started to lick, Peggy slid his cock back in her mouth. That was all the encouragement Mike needed to attack her slit with gusto.

Mike immediately notice noticed how sopping wet she already was. Normally it took a while for Peggy's juices to really start flowing, but that night she was already wetter than he'd ever seen her. She did say she was extremely horny, and evidently it was true. He also noticed that she tasted different, more bitter and salty than usual. With the attention she was giving his cock, he barely gave any thought to these differences, however. He was getting the best blow job of his life; well the first actually, but nothing could be any better.

Peggy was going slow and light, to be sure he didn't cum before she was ready for him, but that was okay with Mike. It felt absolutely wonderful. His cock was in cock heaven. A couple of times she stopped just for a second or two to speak, each time encouraging him to stick his tongue deep inside her and taste her juices. As long as she kept sucking his cock Mike would have done anything, but this was not something she'd ever asked of him before. Nevertheless he complied like a man possessed.

The first time he stuck his tongue really deep in her hole was all it took for Peggy. She came and came hard. Mike was nearly drowning in her love juice. She paused and just held his cock in her mouth while she shook. As soon as her climax had passed she urged Mike to do it again.

With the expertise of many months, Peggy knew exactly how much Mike could stand. She pushed him right to the edge of cumming and was able to hold him there for a long time without much difficulty. Mike was so wild to cum he would do whatever she directed.

It had probably been about 20 minutes and Peggy had just cum for the third time. Mike felt like he'd swallowed a quart of her jizz. She had just never been this wet before. "Mike stop," she gasped, "I can't take any more right now."

Mike's jaw and tongue ached and he was glad to comply.

Peggy started to firmly but very pleasurably caress his balls and do firm, long, wet strokes of her mouth up and down his cock shaft, sucking the head at the end of each stroke before starting back down.

Mike was going crazy, moaning and yelling.

"Oh God yes, oh shit. Peggy!"

She knew he couldn't last any longer and kept sucking as he erupted into her mouth.

Mike screamed as he came. It was by far the most intense orgasm of his life.

In the morning Peggy had Mike lick her to a couple of orgasms before they got out of bed. Peggy then slipped on Mike's bathrobe and went to the toilet. On her way back she ran into John and Ryan on their way to the kitchen.

"Jesus Peggy, did you finally let him join the large club of 'I fucked Peggy'!" Ryan barked. Neither John nor Ryan liked Peggy because of the way she treated Mike, although they saw it as his problem for putting up with it. Either way the result was they treated her with little respect.

"It sounded like you nearly killed him!" he continued laughing.

The feeling was mutual, "No, asshole, he didn't get laid. It was simply an intense moment!"

And off she went.

She and Mike spent most of the day with her teasing his cock and balls by pushing him to the edge of orgasm and then while he 'rested' he licked her until she came. There was no cumming for Mike that day, of course. And by night he had another serious case of blue balls but, amazingly, he didn't care. He thought the night before had been worth it.

And so yet another segment of this most strange relationship began. Every two or three weeks Peggy would be 'busy' but she'd talk Mike into letting her come over after being 'busy'. She was easily able to convince Mike the first few times with a promise of a repeat blow job. After a while though, she stopped promising the BJ, but always agreed to make him come that same night. The blow jobs still happened about half the time though, and Mike came to almost like the nights they got together 'after' better than the regular nights. Another thing that amazed Mike about these occasions was how incredibly horny Peggy was. He could tell this because she was so much wetter than usual and always insisted that he eat her first thing on her arrival. Her climaxes were much stronger during these instances and it was at those times that she craved his tongue deep inside her. Naturally by the end of a weekend of this type, Mike was back suffering from a tremendous case of blue balls with no hope of relief for at least another week.

Spring turned into summer and campus was much quieter. Peggy was doing a special summer program on the arts, Mike was behind in credits because of football and was taking a light load to catch up, and also working part time and Mary, whose family didn't have much money, found a job on campus that was just too good to pass up. Besides, she was getting paid and getting class credits too. John and Ryan had gone home for the summer; so Mike had the place to himself since they had to all pay rent anyway to keep the house the following year. So life went on about the same, Peggy treating Mike like shit, Mike having a hate/love relationship with himself, but still feeling madly in love with Peggy, and Mike and Mary maintaining their close platonic friendship.

Summer hadn't progressed very far when Peggy added yet a new kink to the long list of cock teasing tortures that gave her such a rush to inflict on Mike. She started insisting that he let her tie him up and tease his cock.

She'd get him tied to his bed, spread eagled on his back, and then play her games. She'd stroke his cock slowly, bringing him right to the edge of orgasm, and hold him there as long as she could before stopping just shy of his release. Mike would squirm and moan and beg her to get him off, which just turned Peggy on all the more. She would verbally tease him about how hard his cock was, how bloated and purple the head would get, how full his balls were and mostly about how badly he must need to cum, but wouldn't be doing that for a long, long time! She would subject him to sessions that were hours long. And when she would just have to give him a break if he wasn't to explode, she would lower her soaking pussy down on his face and have him lick her until she came, encouraging him by suggesting if he did a really good job she might just finish him off. Surprise, surprise, he never did perform quite well enough. Many times she'd end these sessions without letting him cum at all.

Mike knew that Peggy had an unhealthy hold on him, but he just couldn't do anything about it. He was madly in love; at least he thought he was. He knew he was enormously pussy whipped, but he just couldn't help it.

Mike was thinking about Mary more and more lately and how it might be if he had chosen her over Peggy. But it was too late now. After much struggle he had at least retained a friendship with Mary, but it was clear to him that his chance with her had passed and he kept holding out hope that things would get better with Peggy. Instead they kept getting worse.

It was a Saturday afternoon and Peggy had him tied to the bed, as was her recent favorite torment, teasing the shit out of him. It had been two weeks since he came last and that was a fizzle rather than a pop. She had been especially unrelenting today, and had him as frantic as ever.

"I bet you'd do just about anything to cum now wouldn't you?" she teased.

"Oh God yes Peggy, please! Please make me cum!" he begged.

"Nope, not today!" she almost sneered, "I have a special surprise for you in a little while, but first I'm going to really fill these balls of yours!"

And she proceeded to perform some of her most frustrating tricks. She was especially concentrating on direct stimulation of his nuts, which tended to make them swell and ache.

She went on more gently, "Mike, you know, in about a month or so it will be one year since we first went out?"

"Uh huh" Mike groaned without really responding.

"And you know Mike, I told you that we wouldn't have sex, you know, so I could trust that it was me and not sex you are interested in." It wasn't a question.

But it did have Mike's sudden attention. In spite of his condition he thought there might be something up here.

"Yeah?" he responded a little more coherent, though suspicious.

"Well, I've been re-thinking that. Since you've been so 'good' all this time, and put up with my teasing you, I'm pretty sure you must really like me and not just be hanging around hoping to get laid, right?" she asked teasingly.

"RIGHT, right, definitely," was Mike's too urgent reply.

Peggy chuckled, but continued, "Well Mike, I've decided that on our one year anniversary I'm going to fuck you silly!"

Mike's head was spinning. Had he even heard correctly? Was Peggy up to more of her mind-fucking tricks?

"Do you really mean it?" Mike asked, now fully focused even though Peggy had been playing with his balls during this whole conversation.

"I do really mean it, BUT, today is a critical day if it is to turn out that way," Peggy said with a kind of seriousness she rarely displayed. Not mean, but clearly intense.

"I don't understand?" questioned Mike, clearly confused.

"Well remember a little while ago I said no cumming today, well that's the catch. You have to make it through the rest of today without cumming. If you do, you're in for the fuck of your life on our anniversary!" Peggy laughed. Then added, "I really hope you can do it Mike. You may not know it, but I've wanted to feel your big, hard cock explode deep inside me for a long time!"

Mike groaned. It had been two weeks since he came last, and he knew that without a doubt, if Peggy wanted to make him cum today there was no way he could hold out.

Much to Mike's surprise though Peggy gave him hope. "Mike, I know what you're thinking, but I meant it when I said I really do want you to make it through today. So, to make it possible for you, I'm only going to tease you for five more minutes and then I'm not going to touch you for the rest of the day. Think you can make it five more minutes?"

Mike had learned from the past. He knew Peggy was up to something, but had no idea what. However what choice did he have, the potential was too great, "Yeah, I think I can."

"Good, I really hope so, though even when I stop touching you it might be harder to keep from cumming than you expect!"

The way she emphasized "I" scared Mike.

Peggy attacked Mike's cock with a vengeance, pushing him right to the edge almost immediately and making it nearly impossible for him to hold back. Mike strained to keep from cumming, sweat pouring off his body. Peggy knew she could push him over the edge easily, but held back just enough so that if Mike really tried he could control himself.

Finally Peggy stopped. Mike opened his eyes and it took a minute to focus. Peggy was smiling at him.

"Time's up, you made it!" she beamed. She bent over and kissed him.

"Really, you mean it?" said Mike, stunned. He never dreamed she'd let him survive her onslaught.

"Yup, I do. Just remember, no cumming the rest of the day or else the deal is off, okay?"

"Okay," Mike replied cautiously, still disbelieving, "as long as you're done teasing me for today how about untying me?"

"Not just yet, remember I said I had a surprise?"

And as if on cue there was a quiet knock on the door and without hesitating, it started to open.

"What? . . . Oh God . . . Peggy, the door!" Mike stammered very excitedly.

"Oh! And here is your surprise now!" Peggy laughed.

As the door opened and closed Mike was totally shocked to see Mary walk in!

Mike couldn't speak as she approached the bed. God she looked hot! She was wearing a tank top that was just long enough to cover her breasts (obviously no bra) and a pair of Daisy Duke cutoff jeans.

Finally Mike sputtered, "What the Hell is going on?"

Neither Peggy nor Mary said a word. Mary strolled right up to the bed and looked Mike in the eyes with a big smile; then unabashedly shifted her gaze to his crotch, which she studied for a long minute.

"My God Peggy, does he always look like this?" referring to his swollen balls and throbbing cock with its angry looking, almost purple head. (Mary was keeping her promise to keep Peggy from finding out what had transpired the night of her "date" with Mike.)

Peggy laughed, "No, only when I've teased his cock and balls almost non-stop for two weeks without letting him cum!"

"God you are such a Bitch. This isn't quite fair either, he's going to pop at the slightest touch!" Mary said with a somewhat irritated tone.

This time Mike nearly screamed, "What the Hell is going on!"

Both girls looked at him and finally Peggy spoke.

"Mike, Mary and I have a little bet going."

When neither girl continued Mike spoke again, "What! What about?"

Peggy spoke again, "Well, it goes like this. Mary is going to have 30 minutes to try and get you to ask her to make you cum. If she does, she wins, but if you don't ask within 30 minutes then she loses. There is a little kicker, almost like double or nothing. If she makes you cum without you asking she loses double." Then after a pause, Peggy looked at Mike with a very serious expression, "And that would mean you lose too, Mike!"

Mary looked confused by this last comment, but Mike understood perfectly. He just groaned.

"Why Mary, why would you do this? I thought we were friends!"

Mary looked away, unable to look Mike in the eyes.

Peggy answered before Mary had a chance. "Mary didn't exactly have much of a choice. You see I have this little 'packet', the contents of which Mary would do almost anything to get!"

"I still don't get it, why this?" Mike implored.

Peggy continued, "Mike, you naive little dork. Don't you understand that Mary has the hots for you, always has and always well? I'm tired of it; I want this put behind us. She pretends to be just friends so she can still see you, hoping one day she can steal you away from me. I figure after this little bet either you'll give in and be with her, though I doubt it," Peggy said very smugly, "or once it's all over, she'll be too mortified to ever look you in the eye, and you'll find her too disgusting to even talk to."

Mike looked at Mary, but she still wouldn't look at him. He looked back at Peggy, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"I still don't understand. What happens if Mary loses?" Mike was clearly bewildered.

Peggy's devious mind had been in overdrive on this one.

"Well if she loses she has to fuck four guys from the football team. Four guys I line up. And I have four in mind who have HUGE cocks. I think our little Miss Big Tits will be mighty sore after that. AND the double or nothing I mentioned will be something to really behold. Once these four guys are done pounding her pussy, they get to fuck her up the rear. I think that cute, tight ass might just get ripped to shreds! After you watch that little spectacle Mike, I think you'll find her too disgusting to have anything to do with her."

"Well, whatever happens, I'm not going to watch! NO WAY!" Mike was having a hard time believing this was actually happening. Amazingly, his cock was still rock hard and throbbing, a fact that was lost on neither of the two cheerleaders.

"I figured you might not want to partake, so I made it part of the bet. If you don't watch, Mary loses no matter what. And her little packet of stuff gets spread all over campus," Peggy gloated.

Mike spoke to Mary again, "Mary, why. I still don't get it, why would you agree to this?"

"Mike, it's like Peggy said, I CAN'T let that information get out! Besides, Peggy is right, I really want to be with you. I figure this is my last chance to free you, both of us really, from this Bitch. Anyway, she isn't really giving me a choice," Mary said softly, still not looking at Mike.

"Okay, enough! Let's get this over with. Mary you have two minutes to get ready and then I'm starting this timer," Peggy said in that demanding way she has.

Mary finally looked up at Mike, and put on a dazzling smile. She slowly undressed as she spoke.

"Mike, I'm going to do everything I can to make you need to cum even more than you already do! And all you have to do to end it is say 'Mary, please make me cum' understand?"

Mike shook his head in acknowledgement. He also couldn't take his eyes off her body. It is easy to tell what a great body Mary has, especially the way she often dresses, but to see her naked for the first time was marvelous. She had big round, firm breasts that defied gravity. They were capped with silver dollar sized dark pink nipples with hard nubs that stuck out rigidly. Her pussy was clean-shaven and Mike could see the glistening of moisture on her puffy inner lips. Mary was clearly excited.

In spite of the surreal nature of this event, Mike was extremely turned on too. Surprisingly his cock had remained rock hard throughout this entire introduction.

"Mike, if you ask me to make you cum, it will be the best you've ever had. It will mean you are out from under the torment this Bitch puts you through. But most of all it will mean you and I are together and I can fuck and suck you constantly, which I will love doing!"

"Ah shit Mary, don't do this!" Mike pleaded.

"Too late," snapped Peggy.

"Okay, 30 minutes starts now!" Peggy said, reaching over and starting the timer.

Mary wasted no time crawling between Mike's legs and lightly grasping his cock in one hand and cradling his balls in the other.

"My God, I can feel the heat!" she said truly amazed and not really talking to anyone.

She started to slowly stroke, very slowly and gently.

Mike groaned.

"Remember, if he cums without asking, you'll both regret it!" Peggy said spitefully.

Mary was proving to Mike that she was just as talented as Peggy when it came to getting response out of his cock. He was soon very close to cumming, but Mary masterfully kept him just a ways away without having to stop completely.

Mike was moaning and groaning. He needed desperately to cum. He wanted nothing more than to scream, 'Mary, please make me cum', yet he couldn't stop fixating on Peggy's promise about fucking her on their anniversary!

Mary could see it was going to take more than this for Mike to give in. She bent forward and took the head of his cock in her mouth and sucked it. Mike jumped, at least as much as his restraints allowed. She barely licked and nibbled just the most sensitive glans of his cock. It felt like electrical shocks shooting through his cock to Mike.

Mary raised the ante, taking Mike's cock deep in her throat until her nose was touching his pubic hair, and then she swallowed a couple of times. God could she deep throat. She pulled all the way off.

"Mike all you have to do is ask and I'll make you cum so hard, deep in my mouth and swallow every drop. You'll like it I promise!"

And without waiting for a reply she repeated the routine.

Mike was going insane. He had NEVER felt anything like that before. Even Peggy's wildest oral on him was nothing like this. He bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut. Mary alternated the gentle sucking and licking of just the glans with her deep throat action, knowing that he couldn't handle that much deep-throat without cumming.

In spite of her best efforts, it seemed Mike was going to be able to hold out after all. Mary was getting a little frantic. She didn't know exactly how long was left, but it couldn't be more than a few minutes.

"Okay big boy, if you can tolerate this and still not beg me to cum, then she can have you. If I can't get to you this way, then I've lost for sure!"

And with that Mary rose up and with her hand aimed Mike's throbbing member at her dripping cunt. In one slow motion she impaled herself on his shaft and before he realized what she was doing, Mike was balls deep in Mary's love box. It felt like a warm, slippery, velvet glove had swallowed his shaft. It had been a very long time since Mike's cock had felt the inside of a pussy, and he absolutely had never felt anything like this.

Mike nearly came from the feeling, even though she hadn't moved a muscle, just feeling her surround him was practically enough. And then after a minute or so, she started to slowly slide up and down on his pole.

"Mary! Mary!" Mike screamed.

Mary knew she had him. She could tell he couldn't hold back any more and just knew he was about to scream for her to make him cum!

"Mary, STOP!" he screamed again.

By the time Mary understood, it was too late! She saw the bulge in his eyes and jerked off him as quickly as she could. She looked down at his crotch and could see his balls pulling up. She grabbed the base of his cock and squeezed hard, but one small squirt of cum dribbled out the end anyway, oozing over her fingers.

Mike screamed, "NO!"

At that exact instant the timer chimed.

Peggy clapped and laughed uncontrollably! "Oh my God, that's perfect. He held out and didn't ask to cum and at the last possible second he did anyway. Mary, you lost double and Mike, you came! You know what that means on our anniversary. NOTHING!"

Peggy couldn't stop laughing.

"No!" yelled Mike again, "I didn't cum!"

"Oh yes you did, look at Mary's fingers, that's your cum dripping off them. Just because she choked it off and you still have swollen balls doesn't change the fact for either one of you, you came!" Peggy said gleefully.

Mary and Mike looked at each other with a deep sadness that both could feel in the other.

"Mary, I'm so sorry!"

"Yeah, me too!" Mary replied softly.

Dejectedly and without saying another word, Mary got up, dressed quickly and headed for the door.

"See you next week Mary," called Peggy. "You know the time and place."

Mike felt like crying.

Peggy started to untie him.

"Mike, I know you tried your best, it really wasn't your fault. I'm going to think about our anniversary some more. I really do want to feel your big cock inside me; maybe we'll still celebrate that way. But no promises. Now I think you'd better go."

More possibilities, but no promises. Same old shit. Mike knew something had changed inside him, but he just wasn't sure exactly what, or how.

He didn't see or talk to Peggy until Wednesday, when she called him. She called to tell him where and what time Mary was going to have to pay off her bet. She reminded him that if he didn't show and watch the whole thing, Mary didn't get her packet back.

He didn't see or talk to Peggy again that week. He hadn't seen nor heard from Mary either and didn't really want to. He was very conflicted. Friday night he had a very hard time sleeping.

Saturday, just before noon, the appointed hour, he showed up at the old farmhouse outside of town, where a couple of guys on the team were staying for the summer. Peggy's car was already in the yard.

When Mike knocked on the door it was Tons who opened it. Tons was the center on the football team. His real name was Jeremy, but everyone called him Tons, not because that's what he weighed, but because he was so big. Not an ounce of fat, but he was really huge.

"Hey Mike, come to watch the action?" Tons asked with a great deal of enthusiasm.

Mike didn't reply, he just walked inside. There he saw Todd Peterson, the quarterback, Harold Johnson, the middle linebacker and last but not least, Willie Cunningham. Willie was the tight end, he was a cinch to make all conference and had a shot at honorable mention as an All-American. Willie was big! 6' 5", 260 big. Fast. And black. Mike had naturally seen Willie in the showers, and all the guys joked, but in a very friendly, even complimentary manner about Willie (complimentary because Willie would kick any other four guys' asses all at once if he felt like it). You see, Willie really was the stereotypical big, black athlete. His cock was of monster proportions. Mike could only imagine what it would be like hard.

All four of these guys were somewhat disdainful of Mike, especially Todd. They were all the studs of the team, could get all the women, and were especially puzzled as to what Peggy saw in a guy they considered more or less a wimp.

Mary was standing off to the side, dressed in a baggy cutoff sweatshirt and a loose fitting pair of shorts. Long shorts. She had no makeup and her hair was combed straight back in a ponytail. Mike had never seen her look so plain, nor dressed so frumpy.

They were in what looked like the living room, except conspicuously out of place was a large mattress on the floor, surrounded by chairs.

Peggy took charge immediately. "Okay, let's get this show on the road. These boys are anxious to get started! Mary, get undressed and get your ass over here!"

Mary looked resigned to her fate. She quietly but quickly stripped naked and walked over to the mattress. The guys were all sitting in the chairs around it drinking in her beauty with leering expressions.

"Come on you little slut, on your back and spread 'em, we don't have all day!" Peggy spat with a sneer that could only be described as evil.

Mary lay down on the mattress, not trying to cover herself, but looking pretty scared, as Mike could easily observe from his position against the wall. He was as far away as he could get without leaving the room. Peggy glanced at him a couple of times. He knew he had to watch or she'd be on him and declare that Mary hadn't lived up to the bet, but he didn't have to get any closer.

"Okay Todd, you first," directed Peggy.

Todd stood up with a big smirk, his ego telling him he was going first because he was special. That is until Peggy continued.

"Some one has to loosen her up for the big boys!" she laughed.

Todd quickly was undressed as the others started to cheer him on.

"Come on, drill this piece of ass Todd!"

"Yeah give it to her!"

Todd was already hard. Mary's naked form would have that effect on any guy. His cock was somewhat bigger than average, but not much. Maybe 7 inches, and thicker than normal.

Mike was repulsed by this, he wanted to stop it somehow but couldn't. He realized that in spite of Mary lying there naked, he was totally turned off.

Todd climbed on Mary and was quickly pounding away. Mike could see that Mary was definitely not enjoying this and looked like she was even in some pain. Happily for Mary and to Mike's relief, Todd was a bit of a rabbit and shot his load after just a couple of minutes. This generated guffaws and derisive comments from the other three.

"Shit man, is that all the longer you want to fuck a looker like this. You hardly got started boy!" they laughed.

Peggy decided that Harold would go next. As he stripped off his clothes Mike saw Mary shudder. She seemed resolute, but looked miserable.

Harold was more well-endowed than Todd. Probably 8 or 9 inches and pretty big around. As he rammed his cock in Mary she grimaced in some obvious pain. Harold was oblivious and just pounded away. He lasted quite a bit longer than Todd before he finally grunted and slammed deep in Mary cumming hard.

"That is one nice piece of ass!" he swaggered as he started to dress.

"Okay Tons, you're next big boy!" Peggy exclaimed with obvious delight at Mary's misery.

As Tons undressed it became obvious to Mike that Peggy was selecting them in order of cock size. It wasn't lost on Mike that she obviously knew how big each guy was. Tons was an honest 10 inches and thicker than either of the first two.

He had to work a bit to get his whole cock in Mary, but it wasn't long before he too was pounding away at her. She was clearly in a lot of discomfort. She was biting her lip and groaning. Again like the first two, Tons didn't care; he just kept pounding away at her. He lasted much longer than the first two as well. It took a good 10 minutes before he finally came.

"Okay Willie, I got her nice and loosened up for you. I hope you can still feel the sides and she ain't too stretched out!" Tons laughed.

"Ain't no need you worry about that pencil dick!" scoffed Willie.

When he pulled down his pants it was obvious he wasn't kidding. His cock was a solid foot long and looked as big around as a beer can!

When Mary saw how big he was she gasped, "Oh shit!"

"Don't worry Mary, you and me gonna' have some fun now! 'Cause I'm a considerate kinda' guy, and to make sure this lasts a good long time I 'relieved' myself just 'afor coming here!" Willie said with a big shit-eating grin.

"Oh God," whispered Mary.

Mike couldn't watch. He pretended to be looking, but he just let his vision blur.

"Please, I can't take all of that!" Mary moaned.

"A bet is a bet sweetie, unless you want me to do you know what with this!" Peggy insisted, waving a manila envelope.

"It'll be okay Mary, I'll go easy," Willie said with a smile showing more compassion than any of the other three had.

With that he got down between her legs and guided his monster cock toward her abused pussy. Probably because he'd had to learn to go slow with his huge member in order for women to handle it, Willie was surprisingly gentle. He slowly worked his giant cock in and out, feeding Mary a little more on each stroke.

The problem was, Mary wasn't even a little stimulated and so wasn't lubricating very much. Still Willie went slowly enough that pretty soon he had the whole thing in her and was pumping more vigorously.

Peggy realized she'd actually done Mary a favor by having the guys go in increasing cock size. Mary never could have handled Willie's massive prick if he had been first. Peggy was determined to fix that!

Evidently Willie's earlier masturbation had the effect he'd desired. He was still steadily fucking Mary after more than 15 minutes and didn't appear to be close to cumming. Mary was clearly in some pain, but Willie's gentleness had made it possible for her to tolerate it.

Peggy got impatient.

"Okay Willie, since you have such great stamina, flip that bitch over and stretch out her nice tight ass for these other boys!" Peggy demanded.

Willie seemed to hesitate. The others noticed and jumped all over him.

"What's a matter Willie, you don't know how to ass fuck a white girl?" one shouted.

That was all it took. Willie pulled his gigantic cock out and flipped Mary over with one arm.

"NO!" Mary screamed, "You'll tear me in half with that thing. You almost split my cunt apart, I can't possibly take that thing up the ass. MIKE! Do something!"

Mike could stand it no longer, "Peggy, stop this. This has already gone too far!"

"Mike, she doesn't get the envelope until these four guys get to fuck her ass, that's the deal!" Peggy gloated.

"NO Peggy, this is enough, stop this NOW!" Mike said firmly. He was barely containing his fury.

"I'll tell you what Mike," Peggy said with a soft snicker. "You] get down there and lick Mary clean and I'll call the rest of this off!"

"WHAT!" Mike shouted, "That's disgusting, I'm not doing that. Now stop this!"

"Nope, that's the only way I give up this envelope without these guys getting off in her nice tight butt! Besides Mike, it wouldn't be the first time you licked one of these guys' cum out of a pussy!" Mary exclaimed.

"What the Hell are you talking about?" Mike demanded, clearly about to explode in anger.

"Mike, you dope, why do you think I was so 'juicy' on those Saturday nights when I'd go out before coming over to see you?" Mary said with an air of triumph.

Later Mike would admit to himself that this wasn't really a revelation, that he'd been in denial, but at this point he was forced to acknowledge Peggy's depravity and cruelty.

Mike snapped. "You lousy fucking cunt!" he screamed, "I ought knock the crap out of you right here. You fucking bitch! I'll show you!"

And with that, displaying strength he didn't normal posses, he tossed Willie aside and gently laid Mary back on the mattress. For the next few minutes he lapped at her sore pussy and mostly cleaned her up.

The other four guys had gone silent and just stood watching.

When he got up, he helped Mary to her feet and softly told her to go get dressed. He walked over to Peggy and got right in her face.

"Give me that!" he snarled as he snatched the envelope from her hand.

"Peggy, I hope you rot in Hell!" he barked as he moved toward Mary.

It was Willie who spoke next, "Hey, wait a damn minute here. We was promised we'd get to ass fuck a cheerleader. Hell, I didn't even get to cum! What 'bout dat!"

"Willie, as bad as this was, Mary was a willing participant until now. You go any further and I'm a witness to something I don't think you want to be a part of. This is over!" Mike said forcefully.

Then before anyone else could speak Mike had a thought, "Of course when Mary and I leave, there'd still be one way for you guys to get to ass fuck a cheerleader!"

"No fucking way!" Peggy roared "I'll see you all die in jail!"

"Yeah, man, how's that any different than Mary?" Willie asked Mike.

"Well, once Mary and I are gone, it's just the four of you and Peggy. Only thing I could say is I know Peggy promised you four guys were going get to fuck a cheerleader in the ass, and I guess she went through with it. That's what it looked like was going down when I left."

Willie smiled broadly, Peggy turned white!

With that Mike and Mary went out the door, "See 'ya guys. You have fun Peggy!"

Mike was just opening the car door for Mary when they heard a blood-curdling scream come from inside the house. Neither of them looked up, they just got in the car and started to drive off.

They drove quite a way in silence before Mary finally spoke, "Mike . . . you . . . well you saved . . ."

He cut her off, "It is mostly my fault for being so damn stupid in the first place that this ever went this far. I'm sorry I didn't take better care of you a long time ago. I'm really sorry Mary!"

Mary leaned her head on his shoulder and started to cry softly.

"Do you want to know what's in the envelope Mike?" Mary asked once he had regained some composure.

"Only if you want me to, but I think it would be best just to destroy it, what do you think?" he replied.

"Yeah, that would be best, but I'll show you if you want."


After a few more miles she whispered, "Mike, do you hate me after this?"

"God no Mary! I finally realize that I've been in love with you for a long time!" he said passionately.

That was the last thing Mary expected to hear. She looked up at him and asked, "Really, do you really mean it?"

"Of course I do!"

"Do you . . . well, uh . . . do you want us to be together?" she replied.

"Very much. Do you?" he asked rather tentatively.

She threw her arms around his neck and nearly choked him.

"Easy or you're gonna' get us killed. I can't drive with you breaking my neck!" he said with a mile wide grin on his face.

She released her stranglehold and snuggled up next to him as he drove.

After a minute she spoke softly again, with her deep sexy voice, "Mike, have you cum since last Saturday, when, well you know?"

Sheepishly he replied, "Un, well no I haven't."

She dropped her hand in his lap and started to massage his cock through his pants. He quickly began to harden.

"Mmm, you must be in pretty serious shape then," she teased.

"I think maybe we'd better go to your place and fix that!" she continued.

He just moaned as she kept teasing his cock.

"I'm afraid I'm pretty sore, so I think you'll have to settle for a plain old blow job today, okay?" she chuckled as she kept up her tantalizing strokes.

"Oh, God Mary, yes please!" he groaned.

"I wasn't kidding about swallowing," she whispered seductively.

"But Mike," she continued, "there is something we need to talk about."

"What's that?" he asked a bit nervously.

"Well, your relationship with Peggy proves something about you that we both know you need! You are basically submissive, and I don't think you'll be happy in a relationship without that."

"Mary, I don't really think . . ."

She cut him off, "And you don't have to, I'll do that for us, okay. So let's go to your house so I can solve this problem of yours . . . after a few more hours of this," she said, still teasing his cock.

Mike groaned, but his smile widened, his cock swelled even more and his foot pushed down on the accelerator

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