Chapter 2. The Slaver As A Young Man
Earlier today my partner and I, together with staff, celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the William Steelforth Agency. A second cause for festivities was that 2136 was promising to be a banner year for the firm.
Our celebration caused me to reflect on just who I, William Steelforth, had been as a young man, what my values had been then and since, how I developed an early interest in slavery, and why I eventually founded a firm to earn my living doing something I not only believe in, but also enjoy!
I was never an egalitarian, even in my high school days, since I always believed that people were essentially unequal in every sense. The founders of the United States erred, in my judgment, in building a nation on the principles that all people should be equal before the law and equal in the voting booth.
But things were starting to change.
In 2089, three years before I was born, our nation, now called Capitallia, had been formed by 38 states seceding from the old United States. All this had happened because of a civil war over the issues of taxation, the voting franchise and slavery.
The new nation had started by adopting a constitution very much like that of the U.S. There were two very significant differences however.
The first was encoded as the Servitude Article of the new nation, and provided that Congress might pass slavery laws or indentured servitude laws which would be constitutional, not only as a punishment for crime, as in the United States, but also as a means for the satisfaction of debt. The article also provided that Congress might pass laws establishing voluntary servitude or slavery, i.e. a man or woman might sell himself or herself into bondage.
The second was encoded as the Citizenship Article. Its effect was to deny universal suffrage in favor of a restrictive definition of citizenship:
Section 1. Citizenship in Capitallia shall be a right that must be earned by demonstrating appropriate knowledge of basic principles of government, and by paying a citizenship tax that shall be apportioned equally among all citizens. No person who has not attained the age of twenty-five years may become a citizen.
Section 2. A person who is not a citizen shall not be entitled to vote, serve on a jury, own real estate, own a business, own or carry a firearm, or sue or be sued in the civil courts of the nation’s judiciary.
Section 3. A person who is not a citizen may be required to carry or wear an identification device that shall provide for positive ID, remote
tracking, and public display of his or her status. Such device must be presented to any officer of the law upon demand. Such person shall have only such rights of personal, financial, or medical privacy as Congress shall see fit to provide by statute.
Section 4. Administrative tribunals, with limited appeal rights, shall be established to resolve disputes by or against persons who are not citizens.
The Congress soon passed legislation to implement the Citizenship Article and within a few years after the founding of the new nation the number of citizens had been reduced to about half of the nation’s adult population. This was to set the stage for still further developments that would make the nation even less egalitarian.
Congress was also under pressure from the very beginning of the new nation to pass legislation implementing the Servitude Article. At first Congress passed laws that only allowed for ‘indentured servitude’ for a limited number of years. Indentures whether voluntary or for debt, could be bought and sold, but it was said that the person could not be bought or sold.
Only a few years after the Citizenship laws were passed Congress had enacted the “Community Labor and Debtor Restitution Act”. I would have been only a few years old at the time this was passed.
The purpose of this law was to provide some relief for creditors by indenturing the insolvent debtor for a term of up to eight years, or until he or she had worked off the debt, whichever came first. The law also allowed a man or woman to indenture himself or herself voluntarily for up to eight years in exchange for some valuable consideration, such as payment of medical expenses of a loved one.
The debtor’s indenture belonged to his creditor in the first instance, and could be sold to others. It was said that the indenture could be bought and sold, but not the person. Nevertheless many young women and men wound up having their indentures sold to brothels.
My own first experience with prostitution happened the year I started high school. Prostitution had been legal for some thirty years by then.
The laws, for some time, had permitted boys as young as 14 to enjoy the services of licensed houses of female prostitution if accompanied by their father or male guardian. My first two visits were with my dad. The minimum age for a girl wishing to enjoy a male prostitute was 16, and only if accompanied by her mother or a female guardian.
On my first visit I was 14 and accompanied by my father. This was some 11 years after the “Community Labor and Debtor Restitution Act” so that, while there may have been a few voluntary prostitutes, most of them, at that time, were serving the public on a strictly involuntary basis. Many a young woman, indentured for debt, or convicted of some crime, ended up being forced to serve the public sexually, in either a public or private brothel.
The supply of women available to brothel operators was plentiful and their cost was low, and accordingly the prices charged to the customers were quite reasonable compared to what prices had been for such services when all prostitution had been voluntary! . Perhaps best of all, or so I thought at the time, was the fact that these new involuntary prostitutes had no right of refusal. They must serve all customers, and in whatever way the customer desired!
It seemed just to me that young people should work off their debts in this way if that is where they were most needed, and just also that the most productive members of society should be able to enjoy themselves by patronizing such establishments.
While kinky services were probably available even then, my father thought it best, for my first visit, to sign me up for a very conventional intercourse experience. I never was informed, on that occasion, if the woman who serviced me was there on a voluntary or involuntary basis. Perhaps my father did not want me to dwell on that aspect of prostitution at the tender age of 14. What really mattered to me then was that I was going to enjoy my first fuck!
A year later I talked my father into taking me again. This time I was all keyed up on the idea of enjoying a woman on a non-consensual basis. I asked my dad if special arrangements could be made.
I wanted to be certain I would have the opportunity to fuck, not just any woman, but one who was paying her debt to society for, say some white collar crime! I wanted a chance to read her file first and learn something of her sexual history and what was the crime for which she had been sentenced. That would make fucking her much more of a thrill! It was!
I can remember a rather heated discussion I had, in my senior year of high school, about servitude ideas with Mr. Maxwell, my high school civics teacher. My teacher had given a rather impassioned lecture about the evils of our law that legalized a limited form of slavery. I went back to his classroom at the end of the school day.
“You wanted to see me about the homework, Bill?” My teacher glanced up at me from his desk expectantly.
“No sir,” I replied. “I really wanted to talk to you about what you said in class today.” I hesitated. “What I mean is, you said you had some serious objections to that law, you know, the one about indentured servitude.”
“Go ahead Bill.” He shifted in his chair and looked more interested already.
“I just don’t get it!” I blurted out. “I thought it was a pretty neat law! Our family gets its grass cut, its cars washed, and snow shoveled, all for next to nothing! We even have a maid to keep the house tidy. Dad says we couldn’t afford any of these things before the indenture laws! And all my friends think it is a cool law too!”
“Don’t you ever think of the rights of the people who are indentured?” My teacher responded, in his patient teacher voice.
“Well yeah, I guess I think of that sometimes. But these people need to pay their debt to society, or to their creditors, so they really gave up their rights when they committed a crime, mismanaged their money or sold themselves to pay for medical care!!”
“Some of us would argue,” he pointed out in a calm even tone, “that there are certain rights no person can give up or have taken away! Even if he or she is hopelessly in debt, or has committed a crime!” The prime examples would be the right of a person to life, to liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness.”
“Sir,” I replied with excitement, seeing the possibility of a rhetorical victory, “would that mean that a man who is too poor to feed his family or pay for his family’s medical care, for example, should not be able to sell himself into slavery, in exchange for financial support for his family?”
“That had always been one of the core beliefs of our forefathers! It is in the Declaration of Independence of the United States. It was the law we all lived under until radical revolutionaries brought about the secession of our state and 37 others from the U.S. just a few years before you were born. You realize not all of us agreed with the secession, but we lost out to the radicals.”
“But Mr. Maxwell, what if the man dearly loved his wife or his child and one of them needed an operation that cost well beyond the amount of money he could ever earn in wages as a free laborer? Should he have to watch his loved one die because he cannot raise money by selling or indenturing himself?”
“Bill, listen to what I am saying! The man should not be faced with such a choice in a civilized society. Medical care is a basic right, and society should pay for this man’s loved one to have the operation if he cannot pay himself.” My teacher was beginning to show signs of impatience with my argument.
“If medical care is a basic right,” I replied “doesn’t that mean that some of us must give up quite a bit of our ‘liberty’ and our ‘right to pursue our own happiness’ in order to pay for someone else’s medical care? Isn’t that a form of slavery in itself?” I felt I had him there.
“Sometimes we have to make sacrifices, Bill. If a woman, for example, has to indenture herself just to live, or to pay for her child’s operation, she can hardly be equal to other citizens in any sense, can she?” He seemed to feel he had me there.
“Why should we even care” I boldly questioned “if everyone is equal in political, social, or legal terms?”
He looked shocked at my statement.
“Sir, you seem to be saying we should go back to the egalitarian ideas of the old United States. Did that nation not, in effect, allow the slothful and the willfully uninformed to have a huge voice in determining who the national leaders would be and how the tax dollars would be spent? “ I was on a roll. How could he possibly counter my argument?
“Bill, when you create a class of people who don’t have all the same rights as the rest of us, you create the conditions for that group of people to be terribly exploited for their labor and even for sex! Surely you have heard about all the young women who are forced to serve the public sexually?”
“But why is any of that a problem sir? Maybe certain people deserve to work long hours for low wages or even make themselves useful in sexual ways! That may well be the best way, or the only way, that people with no special skills can earn their living or repay their debts!” I certainly wasn’t going to share with my teacher the fact that I had enjoyed non-consensual sex services myself at the age of 14 and again at age 15!
“Bill, I have papers to grade. Let us continue this discussion another time.”
He turned back to his work and when I left him I had the distinct impression that I had made the better argument. I did not try again to pursue these ideas further with my civics teacher, but continued to think about them for the next few years.
To be candid, my early interest in slavery was due to the very sexual possibilities it opened up!
During my high school years, I was pleased to see that laws were passed implementing Section 3 of the Citizenship Article, requiring all non-citizens to conspicuously wear electronic bracelets or necklaces. It was fun to be able to see at a glance who was a Citizen and who was not.
At that time I was not yet eligible for citizenship since I was only nineteen. Congress, however, had excused all persons under the age of twenty-five who had no brushes with the law from wearing the degrading bracelets.
It soon developed that non-citizens had little privacy. Any citizen who wished to do so could scan their electronic bracelet, learn that person’s identity, and even pull up quite a substantial file on that person. Congress had not, however, chosen to declare the medical and financial records of such persons to be publicly available.
When I was about 19 I had my first opportunity to visit a house of prostitution as an adult and to really choose what I wanted from the full menu of services. I found that one of the services available to me, as a paying customer, was that I might sexually dominate a young female prostitute during my time with her, if I wished. I could even have a rape like experience if I so desired. I did not choose to avail myself of this option.
I did have advance information that a certain Suzanne Metzker, a girl I once knew in high school had been for a year or more indentured in this particular brothel. And that she had had many customers during that year. I knew what shifts she worked and what fees her employer charged customers for her services.
This girl, when she was in high school, had gone out on several dates with me. I was just interested in her for sex. I tried to get her to go down on me but she thought that was a filthy practice. She was also pushing for a more serious relationship than I cared to have with her. So she had broken off our budding relationship. I had missed the sex for the rest of my senior year. I thought it would be rather pleasant to hire her services now! I knew that she had no legal right to refuse me now, but I would not force her. I would have enough pleasure just seeing her suffer the loss of face in my knowing that she was now a public whore! If she didn’t want to serve me now I would dismiss her and choose a different girl.
It was likely, of course, that Suzanne could ill afford to reject me now. She would need all the customers she could get to make satisfactory progress paying down her debt and thereby winning back her freedom. Also the brothel had a policy that if a customer was not satisfied by one of their girls and had to choose another, the first girl would lose one half of her total credits for that week. That made it very expensive indeed for a girl to send away a customer unsatisfied. I felt quite sure that Suzanne Metzger would now, finally, be taking my penis in her lovely mouth.
I had to wait some time for my appointment with her as she was entertaining another customer when I arrived. During this time I struck up a conversation with another customer, a young guy about my own age, in the waiting lounge. He introduced himself as Charles Witherspoon, and I responded, introducing myself simply as Bill.
“Are you waiting for a session, Mr. Witherspoon?” I asked, just to make conversation.
“Not at all. Call me Charlie please. I just had an incredible session! Right now I am just waiting for my traveling companion to finish his session so we can leave.” He seemed to fairly glow with satisfaction and pride.
“What was so wonderful about your experience Charlie?”
“Her name was Vicki Rogers, a hot number. To really explain, Bill, I need to go back a few years to when Vicki and I were both high school students. Say, if you have some time to kill, they have an exquisite Merlot here! Would you have a glass with me? I’ll buy!”
That seemed like an attractive offer, so I accepted. He signaled to a cute waitress who promptly came over and took our order. I could not help but admire her tanned and toned legs in the very short micro skirt she was wearing.
“I had one date with her then,” Charlie continued. “I never even got to first base. Two days later, when I called for a second date, she acted like I was some kind of creep! The next thing I knew Vicki was spreading lies about me, that I had exposed myself to her and tried to force myself on her after she said no!”
“Did you ever find out why she did all this?” I was genuinely curious now.
“Maybe someone in her clique got to her and she felt she had to redeem herself in their eyes,” Charlie replied. “Soon all the girls had heard her story and no one wanted to lose face with the other girls by dating a guy like that! She totally humiliated me and trashed my reputation.”
“Was that the end of the story?” Just then our leggy waitress brought our wine. We each took a glass, then Charlie continued his story.
“It was the end of our high school encounter and any chance I had for a social life back then. But just a few days ago, while surfing the net for prostitutes, I discovered her listing. There was her name and photo, and the name of the high school we had both attended, so there could be no mistake that this was the same girl. The notice said she had been indentured to this brothel only a week ago.”
“What was your reaction on learning this?” I leaned forward eager for his response.
“I thought that there could not be anything more delightful than indentured servitude! This fantastic new legal system was going to give me the opportunity to pay her back at last for the sexual injury she had caused me, and to pay her back in a sexual way!”
“Here, here!” I said, then “To Servitude!” as we clinked glasses.
“This girl had not only rejected me in the ordinary sense, but had crushed me with her supercilious disdain, ruined my name with her libelous stories. She had taken something precious from me. Now I wanted so much to take something precious from her. I wanted sexual justice! Could there be any better way to obtain that justice than by raping her?”
I was seeing his point all right, even though I doubted I could follow through with a scheme like his even if I had been injured as much by a girl as he had been.
“Could there be any better justice than to mount her slender nakedness, not by her consent, and penetrate her most private parts! I wanted the pleasure of violating her!”
“So what did you do?” My curiosity was overcoming me.
“I called the brothel and learned that she had not had any customers as yet, and was still a virgin. I hinted at the fact that I was eager to have a rape experience with this particular girl.”
I sat on the edge of my chair. He had certainly got my attention with this tale.
“The brothel manager indicated that newly indentured girls are nearly always reluctant to begin their work as prostitutes. He felt sure that this one, based on her known attitude and personality, would probably be completely unwilling to be fucked by her first customer! I told him that I would pay triple if I could be that first customer, and if I could have her restrained in advance for my pleasure. The manager agreed to my terms.”
I now saw that he probably had succeeded in carrying out his sexual vengeance here today. Doubtless this was what had caused that glow of satisfaction I had noted in him at the beginning of our conversation.
“When I entered the session room, Bill, I found they had secured her in a spread eagle position on a leather padded bench known as a ‘fucking bench’. Her legs were widely spread and secured to adjustable struts extending out to the sides. There were electric motors that could extend or retract these struts. There was a bolster to raise her pelvis and lock her hips from moving to either side. Also there was a belt around her waist to insure she could not lift her pelvis up from the bolster. Her arms were secured to the side of the table. She was naked, except for panties, and also blindfolded. All was exactly as I had requested of the manager. I had requested that her panties be left on so that I might have the pleasure of removing them.”
I was intrigued at his scenario. I even thought of doing something like that with my session and the girl I had known in high school. I could, of course, if I chose to do so. But I did not have that much anger in me. I rejected his scenario for my own use even while generally approving of it for him.
“I had specified the blindfold because I wanted to heighten her anxiety by keeping her in ignorance, at first, of who the person was that would now be taking liberties with her body. I resolved to say nothing at first so that she could not recognize me by my voice. I proceeded to examine her in a leisurely manner. Her body was toned and well defined from her years of gymnastics and dance training. I let my fingers trail over all the different parts of her.
I had the satisfaction of glancing at the graphical screen which was displaying results from her digital bio implant. It showed me clearly that she was experiencing both fear and anger at her violation! It showed me which parts of her brain were most active! So I continued to toy with her to see if I couldn’t raise these readings still higher. I experimented to see if I could shift the focus of her brain activity to different regions. She first demanded I desist. I did not. Then she demanded to know who was doing this. I said nothing.“
I realized that I could perhaps emulate this part of his scenario as a kinky way to begin my own session, even though I would give my girl a choice about the actual sex.
“After enjoying myself in this silent way for perhaps fifteen minutes, I spoke to her about how much pleasure I was having. I asked her if she recognized me from my voice. She could not, though she admitted the voice sounded very familiar. I took her blindfold off and inquired if she now recognized me. She was shocked and her previously demanding manner changed now to fear. She knew she had wronged me and that I might now take my reprisal. I began the delicious pleasure of unveiling her privates, lowering her panties an inch, then enjoying the view as her curly pubic hair became visible, then another inch, then more view to enjoy, and so on until I had them all the way down below her crotch. Then, using my pocket knife, I cut them and removed them altogether.”
It occurred to me that I could do this gradual unveiling of Suzanne Metzger’s genitals in much the same way Charlie had with his girl.
“By now, Bill, I am hard with my excitement. I tell her that her most private parts are about to be penetrated and enjoyed by a male she had wronged a few years back. I mount her and ease my dick into her warm soft feminine parts that would deny me entrance if they could. I feel the tightness of her vagina, the gentle pressure of her labia pressing against the sides of my penile shaft.”
I am getting hard myself just listening to him describe his sexual vengeance!
“I thought about touching the electro control that would bring her long firm slender muscular thighs together, so that I might also experience the tensing of those firm leg muscles against my own. But then I thought it would be more of a thrill to make her do it herself through the control of her brain I could exercise through her bio implant! I experienced the delicious pleasure of viewing and touching the long slender arms and delineated clavicles of this creature, as she bucks under me and tries so hard to dismount me from her privates. I am also mindful of the pleasure of the coitus itself as I piston in and out of her unwilling feminine sheath.”
This account of a delicious and sensual rape is getting me so hot that precum has moistened my briefs!
“I enjoy the ultimate pleasure of watching her face turn red with shame and humiliation as she realizes that she is lubricating copiously and that her bucking is no longer to dislodge me but to experience for herself the pleasure of the fuck. She is now giving me the gift of her own sexual response to being raped, a gift she would give anything to withhold from me, but cannot. She sees on my face that I am fully conscious of her unwiling response and that I am enjoying that gift immensely. This is the moment I reach my peak and shoot my seed into her womb. At last I pull out with delicious sensations in my head and in my loins. I had a rush of such a nature as I had never experienced before!”
I rose to my feet and high five’d him! Damn, I liked this man’s style! We exchanged business cards so that we might get together in the future and share experiences.
After some time I had to bid him adieu as I was informed that Suzanne Metzker was now ready to serve me. The manager informed me she would be in room 106 waiting for me and handed me a pair of keys.
“One is for the door to her room, sir. The other is for her handcuffs and ankle restraints. You see it is standard policy now, after the ‘Act’, that indentured prostitutes are restrained when they await their customers. You are free, of course, to dispense with those restraints during your session with her if that is your pleasure.”
As I walked down the corridor to her room I began to speculate what Suzanne’s reaction would be on seeing the guy whose advances she had rejected in high school now appearing here as her customer and master. The social inequality would be simply delicious. That would be the best part of the whole brothel experience!
I unlocked the door to her room and found her scantily clad and restrained hand and foot. She recognized me at once. I sensed some embarrassment in her having a fellow student from her high school see her under these circumstances. Indeed the readout from her digital biometric implant confirmed that she was then experiencing acute embarrassment.
I made no move to free her from her restraints. Instead I pulled up a chair so that I might converse with her for a while. I asked her to tell me how life was in the brothel and how she was getting along there with the other prostitutes.
I made it clear to her that I would not force her. And as I predicted, she was not too proud to service me. She said she hoped I would let bygones be bygones and that she needed my business. I explained to her exactly what sexual services I desired, and that I would require her to provide these services while remaining handcuffed. She consented to this as well as the sex.
After I had enjoyed her sexually for about an hour, I was inclined to relax and socialize with her – further enjoying the social inequality of the situation. I had a couple of beers sent in and we both sat down. I had dressed by that time but she was still naked as I had not given her permission to put any clothes on. She still had her hands cuffed in front but was still able to hold and drink her beer. At my request, she began to tell me the story of her life after high school and how she came to be indentured for debt. I was fascinated! I began to suspect that she had, in fact, been wrongfully imbonded based on trumped up debts! Indeed the graphic display of data coming from her biometric implant told me that she was telling me the truth! At that point I felt justice required I restore her to some dignity, so I unlocked her handcuffs and bid her put her clothes on to continue the tale.
We talked for another half hour and then I took my leave of her and the brothel.
Despite my own rather pleasurable experiences with her, I was beginning to question the injustices that often seemed to take place. She had clearly fallen, perhaps through no fault of her own, to a social class much lower than my own.
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