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A 'Routine' Enslavement Author: Falcon
(Added on Sep 13, 2008) (This month 290177 readers) (Total 371138 readers)
This is a fantasy of a future society featuring indentured servitude and legalized slavery. It is a story of two individuals – a man who has devoted his life to the business of enslaving insolvent female debtors, and a young professional woman who struggles to avoid becoming his next victim.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 15
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
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Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: phaetalistic (Edit) Rating: Feb 14, 2012
Hands down one of the best stories on here. Everyone should read it even if you aren't into some of the kinks, its worth it! Would be interested in seeing some more work by this author. (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Feb 15, 2012)

Reviewer: drayman (Edit) Rating: Sep 26, 2011
Much enjoyed so far. I like the future context being used as one can imagine the experiences of the characters really taking place.
I commented on this excellent story as above but now, having read the end Chapters I felt that I needed to again compliment the author on his ability to produce such a significant contribution to this site. The conclusion of the story makes me wish that he would continue with his efforts so that we can again enjoy his expertise. (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Sep 28, 2011)
Thank you drayman! Comments like yours help to spur me on! I am working on another slavery story set in the Capitallia universe involving different characters. Hope to release it soon!

Reviewer: ksst (Edit) Rating: Sep 2, 2011
I really enjoyed the realism and the whole world created in this story. I'm still in the middle of it, and will definitely read to the end. The most arousing part for me was the symposium where the young slaver gets sucked off during the lectures.
The only thing I would add for more realism is in the auction scene with Stephanie being introduced to it all, was I was sure there would be some men as well as women bidding on the male slaves. (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Sep 3, 2011)
Point taken about males as well as females bidding on the male slaves at the auction. And thank you very much for your compliments on the story, and for telling me which scene you found most arousing!
Replied by: ksst (Edit) (Sep 12, 2011)
Ha, ha, ha, I loved the humiliation of Mr. Jenkins, that rat.

Reviewer: Silversea (Edit) Rating: Aug 24, 2011
This is one of the best stories on the site. It felt very real because it so perfectly frames the world of legal slavery, and all the legal and social details.
The descriptions of the emotional and mental torments of the slaves make it very visceral.
Also I find the "youth are not pampered" section the most arousing. Just the concept of playing a boy a girl sentenced into servitude.
Though, and forgive me if I missed it in the chapters, I was disappointed there wasnt more on the subject. It would be interesting to explore that element in the society. (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Aug 26, 2011)
It is very gratifying to me as an author to hear that someone really "got" my story. Thank you! I had fun writing the "youth are not pampered" chapter and perhaps I shall write much more about the youth apprenticeships in a future story. I think teenagers today are spoiled by too few responsibilities and too little guidance in their sexual development. There is something to be said for teenagers being mentored both work wise and sexually by responsible adults. The final 6 chapters of this story should be up in the next week or two.

Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: Apr 27, 2011
This is a wonderful story, which i have read all 38 chapters (plus epilogue) on another site. i agree with Major Littermann that it could easily rank with the Story of O.
In the course of a few emails it became very clear to me that Falcon has spent a great deal of thought about the society he has created. What particularly intriegued me was that under the American Constitution slavery as punishment for crime is actually allowed (signed by someone called Abraham Lincoln). So in theory a judge could be passing a sentence of slavery as i write this review ......... scarey thought?
Falcon i know i have thanked you before for this story, but thank you again. i hope you will write more in this vein soon.
j.l. (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Apr 27, 2011)
Thanks for the high praise! You are right about the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution explicitly authorizing slavery as a punishment for crime. In fact there is defacto sexual slavery in many American prisons where guards prey on female inmates and organized gangs buy, sell and trade male inmates. Many courts who have been asked to stop these practices have declined to do so on grounds that slavery, even where not made an explicit part of a sentence, is nonetheless permitted under the 13th Amendment. Other courts have held there can be no slavery in prisons unless it is made an explicit part of a convict's punishment at sentencing time. Slavery outside prison walls (even organized slave markets) would have far greater potential to combine punishment with public service but is rare - I think mainly because of resistance by labor unions.

Reviewer: Major Littmann (Edit) Rating: Feb 13, 2011
Undoubtedly the best story on this site, it could very definitely sit alongside the Story of O on a bookstore shelf. but it's strength, it's length, is its weakness, probably best read serialized chapter by chapter the way it was originally published (I read it elsewhere) or in a hard copy paperback book format
Excellent (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Feb 14, 2011)
Thank you Major Littman for your very generous praise! Comments like yours make all the effort seem well worthwhile!

Reviewer: johnlw77 (Edit) Rating: Jan 1, 2011
I love the creation of a new political context in which the destiny of individuals is shaped and even those who are at the top can fall helplessly to the bottom. Less sure about the mind-bending stuff but I am eager to read more and then make a judgement. Can I have ch. 12 please - to Thanks (9/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Jan 11, 2011)
Thank you for your kind review. Chapters 12 and 13 are now up and many more chapters will follow over the next few months. Stay tuned.

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 9, 2009
nicely written (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Jan 10, 2009)
Thank you mkemse! Sorry there was a problem with Chapter 12 not being accessible. The website has been experiencing technical problems this week. Anyone wanting Chapter 12 may send me an email and I will send.

Reviewer: littleone_ (Edit) Rating: Nov 30, 2008
Flacon has done a marvelous job and this story. He has artfully constructed an entire society. His story line is creative and original. Flacon’s story has a great plot, lots of twists and unexpected turns, suspense and drama. As to the discussion of the nudity in the trails I agree that as it is it is out of place. However I was thinking that is a potential slave’s value as a sex worker was disputed in court then wouldn’t the jury have the right to examine the disputed item of evidence (The slave’s body) for themselves? I’d also like to see a bit more detail and for Flacon to use his amazing ability as wordsmith and his fantastic creativity in some of the sex scenes. I do find a bit too much focus on the genitals of the females with little attention paid to the rest of their body. Girls are almost as sensitive about their breasts, buttocks and thighs as we are to having our genital exposed or fondled you know. At the end of the day “A Routine Enslavement” is a great story and I can see it becoming a class work of adult literature. (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Nov 30, 2008)
Thank you very much, Littleone! You have no idea how much I enjoyed your comments. I had revised my original trial scene to eliminate all nudity in response to some earlier feedback from readers. Hopefully you read the revised version of the trial currently on this site.
Although I do describe Stephanie's body in one or two of the early chapters, I do agree your point is well taken about my almost exclusive focus on her genitals in, for example, the creditor examination scene and the branding scene. Probably we males tend to be focused that way more than females are. There could be more attention payed to other areas of her body in these scenes and I may make revisions along your suggested lines. Again, Thanks!

Reviewer: sheilagirl (Edit) Rating: Oct 6, 2008
I loved it. I am so much like the Stephanie character you created I can't believe it. I think like her. I look like her and I'm even trained as an accountant! That's freakin' scary. I was going to say almost exactly what the last reviewer said about the nudity, but since they said it and you answered it, I won't bother. I understand and accept your rationale. (9/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Dec 1, 2008)
Thank you sheilagirl! In the interest of realism, I will have removed all nudity from the trial scene in a soon to be released version. There is plenty elsewhere I think. It pleases me very much to know that my maledom story is entertaining to female readers as well as males. It pleases me even more to know that you are so much like my character! That is so fantastic!

Reviewer: Satan_Klaus (Edit) Rating: Sep 24, 2008
I wouldn't say that your story is perfect; it is very good but there are a few minor flaws. But the one reason why it stands out from the crowd is because it is refreshingly new.
I see that you have put a lot of thought into world-building and I like what I see. Not many people bother to set up a proper frame for a story of this kind. The only thing that struck me as very odd or inconsistent was the 'stand naked for trial' idea. It didn't make that much sense to me.
Please write on. (9/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Sep 24, 2008)
I am very appreciative of your review! I thought having Stephanie 'naked at trial' would be good 'groin candy'. This sort of scene has been done by others but I tried to find a novel way to make it plausible. I recognize that it is problematic.
First there is the admittedly iffy question of whether jurors really would be more sympathetic to a naked defendant. Then there is the question whether the legal system would permit such an obvious appeal to the male juror's prurient interests!
I am working on a revised version of the story and will see what I can do with this scene. Thanks again!

Reviewer: groloteur (Edit) Rating: Sep 17, 2008
Perfect !!!
Give me more, please !!! (10/10)

Reviewer: blossom (Edit) Rating: Sep 16, 2008
i hope theres more, im so interested in the outcome (10/10)

Reviewer: Bellicosa (Edit) Rating: Sep 16, 2008
This story kept me reading all the way through. I can't wait for continued segments- the only disappointment was not being able to get to climax before the end. ;) But that's more my problem than the story' had me reaching for my toybox. (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Sep 16, 2008)
Many thanks for your encouraging words! I am planning to add more chapters when I can.

Reviewer: irishman112145 (Edit) Rating: Sep 15, 2008
I could not walk away from the computeronce I started to read the story. I hope that you will continue with it. (10/10)
Replied by: Falcon (Edit) (Sep 16, 2008)
Thank you for your kind review. I am a new author on bdsm library website. Your words encourage me to write more.

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